#(…I should’ve just used an ant analogy)
seven-thewanderer · 3 months
yknow… I’m just gonna say this.
You never know what’s gonna happen. One moment, things are going one way, and the next, everything could change.
You never know what will happen, when something will happen, or how it could happen.
We’re kind of just… a bunch of little specks in this large universe.
but here’s the thing.
We may be specks, but we each do have a purpose.
A meaning.
A role.
So while something could happen, and you never know what, whether it’s good, or really bad, remember that you’re still special.
you may be a speck, but aren’t we all?
and we’re all important. Nobody’s useless.
So please, don’t give up because you feel useless. Because you’re not useless.
You may not know it yet, but you have a strong meaning here. You’re important here.
So please, never forget your important, and please, please don’t give up.
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