call-me-copycat · 2 days
I have an MHA community if anyone would like to join! I don't personally know enough people to invite so if you'd like to join just let me know!
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Open and welcoming anyone and everyone! No requirements or anything, please just have fun!
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ii2xj · 8 months
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killy--chan · 1 year
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insurged · 12 days
if your muse wears shoes in the house, mine will judge you so hard. and no, there are no exceptions aka romantic partners. (¬_¬)
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couriersgraveyard · 3 months
Courier posting twice in a day? Wow <('o'<)
This is the scrapped version of an Avery and my PC ("Marina") piece that I was trying to write. I ended up getting sidetracked from the original point of the writing ( ˘•̥ _•̥ ˘ ) (Which was bitter hag date shenanigans).
So I wanted to post it to try to stop myself from attempting to "fix it" (I can't :( ) and instead just start a new one
Writing below (-^▽^-)👇:
You dread the days you're forced to go on a date with that pompous, bitter old hag. What started as manageable, dare you say enjoyable, outings only became increasingly unbearable as her suave facade began to slip, revealing a woman whose jealousy and feelings of superiority (the only kind she seems to have) knows no bonds.
A woman who constantly strives to have everyone's eyes on her, craving any form of affirmation that proves how perfect she is; Maybe even proving to herself that she deserves to be there just as much as the other upper-class bastards she tries to associate herself with.
Emphasis on "tries"
She reminds you of a dog begging for a few measly scraps of attention.
It's pathetic.
It's saddening.
You can't help but feel bad for her as you lay beside her in an unfamiliar room. The only sense of familiarity you can hold onto being the feeling of Avery's arms gently, as gentle as she can be, wrapped around your figure. It's moments like this that you feel like there is more to her than what meets the eye.
You begin to imagine her mask falling off further, instead of revealing a bitter hag, you see a lonely, deeply insecure woman.
You know you can't fix that, you don't even want to try to fix her many issues, but you feel as though you owe her the company she clearly needs.
It's hard to tell if the weight on your chest grew lighter, or if you have grown used to the pressure, either way you feel some relief.
You can handle a few more dates on her behalf.
Afterall she's not that bad of a person, she can be quite sweet you tell yourself; And you almost managed to convince yourself that before the familiar feeling of her nails digging into your tender breasts drags you back to reality.
You hate this hag.
You prefer being hit by her car again to this.
But she holds onto you tightly. Waiting to drag you back into her suffocating embrace when you try to stray too far from her.
You know you could leave her, afterall you don't care about the damage she could do to you.
It's Robin you're concerned about.
The threats Avery has made still ring clearly in your head.
So, your only choice is welcoming her cruel embrace.
For Robin's sake and her sake alone you continue to repeat in your head, trying to ignore the searing pain in your chest.
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robin-5-technically · 22 days
Ah I’m truly hurt… have I ever lied to you?
Always so suspicious of my actions and gifts…
Always jumping to the worst conclusions…
Ah well…I suppose that ignorance is bliss after all…
Why face the music when you can live in a deluded reality of your own making?
Oh…how trust is so easily obtained yet forsaken…
I would be less suspicious of you if you gave me less reason to be suspicious. There is nothing ignorant or deluded about being cautious of you.
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maiiiiie · 6 months
وأخرجني يا الله من ضيق تفكيري إلى سعة تدبيرك..🍃
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cairosyndrome · 1 year
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naturalist-doctor · 1 year
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ You find a fine old man writing in a notebook of sorts. He is observing a growing sunflower with wilted leaves. ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
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rp blog run by @glitchedlad .・゜-: ✧ :- ❝It is one thing to mortify curiosity, another to conquer it.❞
DNI;nazis, terf/radfem, trollers, ableist, pro-life/anti-choice, ai art users/supporters you are not welcome in my office.
BYF;this blog has themes of amnesia, scientific themes, all caps, swear words, bright colors, etc. (often untagged.) please take caution! i love you! please wear protective gear at all times.
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❝I am done with those who enact suffering, and I am done with the sons of bitches who stand back and let it happen.❞
WINSTON WRITES;original posts
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please private message to inquire about private rps
post last updated 9/15/2024
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reidxxxx-blog · 1 year
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Yes, I got my hair cut by myself
And I think I must be a handsome guy if I'm a boy.
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ii2xj · 1 year
bring me back my 2018
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ghozydes · 1 year
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" ٥ رمضان..."💭💭
- @ghozydes
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0lady0 · 6 months
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٥ رمضان ١٤٤٥هـ
اللهُم إنا نسألك حسن الصيام وحسن الختام
ولا تجعلنا من الخاسرين في رمضان
اللهم اجعلنا ممن تدركهم الرحمة ثم المغفرة ثم العتق من النار
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emptydays365 · 1 year
01:28 pm
المكان تقييييييييييييييييييل..
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cairosyndrome · 1 year
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من مكان بعيد
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isalama · 6 months
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