#(``) alys turnberry . history
sigilsongs-a · 5 months
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𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞 " 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔍𝔢𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔢𝔯 "
House Turnberry  is a noble house from the  Westerlands. They blazon their arms with nine strawberries on a white saltire, on green and red vairy in point. Their lands are below Golden Tooth, the seat of House Lefford; whom they are sworn to. House Turnberry's seat is Sweet Ravine, so named for the hilly & fertile lands on which they grow their sweet berries. House Turnberry are particularly noted for their strawberries and elderberries, though they also grow blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and both red and black mulberries.
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goodqueenaly · 5 years
Hi! Love the blog! I just wanted to ask why Braxton Beesbury was given a harsher punishment than Roy Connington and Jonah Mooton. The text says he was the worst one, but he commuted the same crimes as the others in regards to Saera and her ladies. Was he just a convenient scapegoat?
I’ve said before and I’ll say again, I think once Jaehaerys learned about Saera’s sexual experience, he was determined to channel his wounded pride and fury at his “whore” daughter into violent, killing action. Jaehaerys fundamentally could not live with the idea that Saera had consensually had sex with multiple men, still less so that she had enjoyed the sex with them; after all, she was a royal princess and his (supposedly) dutiful daughter, doubly incapable of (and doubly forbidden from) casual sex with anyone, much less more than one man. It would not have been enough, in Jaehaerys’ mind, that Saera be married off to Beesbury, the way Perianne Moore would be married off to Jonah Mooton and Alys Turnberry offered in marriage to Roy Connington; that might in some way imply that Jaehaerys post facto approved of their conduct, or at least saw that there was an acceptable framework into which Saera’s sexual activity could be fit. Someone, instead, had to die, and die by Jaehaerys’ hand, so that Jaehaerys could express his fury in a way that made sense in his own (supremely fucked up) worldview. 
To that end, Braxton was the most obvious candidate of the three young lordlings. While Saera had confessed to sex with all three, Braxton seems to have stood out among Saera’s lovers for his explicit sexuality (at least so far as Gyldayn portrays it). For one, Alysanne mentioned before the scandal broke that she had heard Braxton had already fathered two bastards. Perianne and Alys’ confession in the wake of the Blue Pearl incident included the assertion that Stinger “made” Alys have sex with him, and that he “did the training for all” of the young women, casting him as the leader of sorts in the sexual education of the three young women; their words also confirmed that Stinger had fathered two bastards, and specifically one in the Reach, lest Jaehaerys (having heard of this from Alysanne) had any doubt that Beesbury was sexually experienced prior to his relationship with Saera. Too, while Saera had blithely dismissed Jonah and Roy, she had singled out Stinger as one who “[made her] laugh and sometimes [made her] scream”, a detailed suggestion of sexual activity between her and Beesbury.
So I think Jaehaerys settled on Braxton as the outlet of his fury toward Saera. In fighting and destroying Beesbury, he could rewrite history, in a manner that would fit within his own misogynistic worldview. Instead of seeing Beesbury as merely another man with whom Saera had had sex - and, even worse in Jaehaerys’ mind, apparently enjoyed it - Jaehaerys could pretend to himself that the whole affair was the case of a royal princess being “seduced and despoiled” by a vain and sexually corrupt knight. It was his duty (or so I think he might have seen it), as both the ultimate source of royal justice and the father of the “despoiled” maiden, to exact punishment on this knight who showed such little respect for both his vows of knighthood and Jaehaerys’ possession of his daughter’s virginity. 
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Hey thanks for making such a cool blog! I use your post that lists the lgbt characters in asoiaf for reference a lot and was wondering if any characters could be added with the release of Fire and Blood
Thanks so much, I’m glad you enjoy that list! So, cut for F&B spoilers…
First of all there’s Rhaena Targaryen (eldest daughter of Aenys) and her many girlfriends/favorites, including Elissa Farman and Larissa Velaryon. Rhaena and Larissa were both married to men and had children, but I’m not certain that means they’re bisexual rather than lesbian, just that they were in a very regimented culture where marriage and children are not something most highborn women can just opt out of. (Especially a princess like Rhaena.) And Rhaena’s first husband was her beloved brother, her second was a forced marriage, and the third was most definitely only a beard, so I personally think lesbian more likely (with societal comphet).
Princess Saera Targaryen (daughter of Jaehaerys I) taught her “favorites” Alys Turnberry and Perianne Moore how to kiss, and then one day they started kissing while naked (which was “scary but exciting” per Alys), and they “took turns pretending [they] were boys” before eventually inviting Saera’s male favorites (Braxton Beesbury, Roy Connington, Jonah Mooton) into their sexual games. When the scandal eventually broke out, it didn’t end well for anyone in particular alas. (Well, Saera at least was happy, on her own terms.)
Jeyne Arryn, the ruling lady of the Vale during the Dance of the Dragons, was called “the Maiden of the Vale” as she never married. She had a “dear companion”, Jessamyn Redfort, and when she died, it was “wrapped in her arms”.
Laenor Velaryon, and his companions Joffrey Lonmouth and Qarl Correy, are in F&B, but there’s nothing new about them that wasn’t in TWOIAF or the history novellas. Other characters from those stories include Essie and Sylvenna Sand, but nothing new about them besides their deaths, unfortunately. Oh, and there’s Sabitha Vypren, who does a lot more in F&B, but there’s not much new about her sexuality – just a rumor that Alysanne Blackwood was her lover, as they shared a tent while on the march, but Black Aly’s courtship with Cregan Stark does seem to show she preferred men. (And frankly if I were a woman commander of a male army I’d rather share a tent with another woman commander than trust in what might happen or be rumored if I were on my own.) Though I suppose it’s possible Aly was bisexual, we shouldn’t really rule that out.
Speaking of bisexuality, this isn’t new information (as it was in TRP), but I should reiterate that Rhaenyra Targaryen became “fond and more than fond” of her cousin/aunt-in-law Laena Velaryon when she and Daemon Targaryen lived nearby, and they frequently raced on their dragons between Driftmark and Dragonstone. Dragonriding has always been a metaphor for sex (see Dany’s first flight; see Rhaena taking her girlfriends on dragon rides but never her husband Androw), so it’s very probable there was some sort of polycule going on there.  (See also the fact that Syrax was producing multiple clutches of eggs during this time, and it might be that the “male” parent wasn’t just Caraxes, but also Vhagar.)
Rumors were spread about “the three Jeynes”, Jeyne Smallwood, Jeyne Mooton, and Jeyne Merryweather, young noblewomen in King’s Landing to attend the Maiden’s Day Ball of 133 AC (to be a potential bride for Aegon III Targaryen) – that they “liked to dress in squire’s garb and visit the brothels along the Street of Silk, to kiss and fondle the women there as if the three of them were boys.” Whether these rumors were true or not is unknown.
And last but not least, there’s the rogue Tyroshi pirate Racallio Ryndoon, King of the Stepstones… around whom swirled many rumors, not in the least that he sometimes dressed as a woman and “played the whore”. This may have been a fetish thing rather than transgender identity, though, as he also liked to be beaten by his wives. Still, his enemies often called him “Queen Racallio”, so… um, I think that’s the best we can expect from Gyldayn/GRRM.
Anyway, I think that’s it. Though if anyone notices I’ve missed anyone, please let me know!
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sigilsongs-a · 5 months
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How can I go home with nothing to say ... I know you're going to look at me that way.
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Lady Alys Turnberry and Lady Perianne Moore were each others' first loves, first lovers, and the two close female companions of Princess Saera Targaryen. One night, after being pulled out of bed and questioned by Queen Alysanne regarding rumours about a sexual incident that involved the princess, their male companions – Roy Connington, Jonah Mooton, and Braxton Beesbury – the two girls broke down in tears and confessed that they had engaged in kissing games with each other first, eventuating into an illicit affairs with the princess and their three male companions. When Alys broke down weeping, revealing that she was with child from one of these trysts, Perianne held her back as she tore at her clothes and begged the Queen's forgiveness. Later that evening, when they were finally returned to their rooms after the interrogation, Alys snuck into Perianne's chambers and the two wept, holding each other until they finally fell into a fitful sleep. Though Lord Connington would be the father of Alys' daughter, he refused to wed her as he claimed she was carrying Ser Beesbury's bastard, Alys was sent to Gulltown in the Vale and brought forth a daughter with Lord Connington's hair, then on to the Isle of Pebble in The Vale to wed Lord Dunstan Pryor. As for Perianne, she was subsequently married to their third companion, Lord Jonah Mooton, and sent to the seat of Maidenpool in The Riverlands.
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sigilsongs-a · 5 months
(``) muse tags. PERIANNE
(``) perianne moore . (tag)
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