askthejash · 2 years
([{ Information. }])
This is a RP/Askblog for the characters of the musician Chonny Jash!
• No Suggestive/NSFW stuff at all, please.
• Send any asks targeted to Mod Axon at @theloisthatlikes.
• No sort of hate will be tolerated here, do not be queerphobic/ablelist/racist etc.
([{ Character Info. }])
This blog is the collective of Heart, Mind, Soul, and Whole!
The former three are usually who they are, though they can become the latter as well.
(Heart 💜)
my text is purple, my brackets are () and i usually speak in small caps.
he/they/it pronouns, please!
[Mind 🧠]
I usually speak with a blue text. My brackets are [], and I prefer speaking formally, sometimes in ALL CAPS, and with the font Monospace, in bold.
He/It/Tech Pronouns.
{Soul 🔱}
I like speaking with red text, and my brackets are {}. Bolded, casual.
It/He/They preferably.
Whole 👤
I dont really speak with any effects, honestly.
I like he/they.
As Jekyll, I prefer speaking in green writing. I speak with a more formal tone, and my parentheses are 🧪 phials! I may have fancier writing if I am following after Hyde.
As Hyde, my writing is more larger, and nicer looking! I quite like it. Mostly the same formality and parentheses as Jekyll, obviously. Sometimes I may speak without my more prettier writing, especially if I must be quieter or I am following a sentence after Jekyll.
My pronouns are He/They/It, or It/He/They.
Do remember that I am the exact same person, not seperate like the others.
+Mod Axon⚡-
i speak in pink . lots of spaces and i misspell things alot too but ill try to keep that to a minimum , my brackets are +- and i smile alot :}
it/he/zap/tech/they pronouns 👍 . my main blog is @theloisthatlikes .
([{ Tags. }])
In character: #(thescourgetopurge) #[theautomatonfreak] #{thetridentialhost} #thecomplacencysettled
In character commentary: #([{jashspeaks}])
Answering asks: #([{lotsofquestionsanswered}])
Roleplaying: #([{youplayjekyllandiplayhyde}])
Singing lyrics: #([{songsweliketosing}])
Polls: #([{atallyinthehalls}])
Shitposting: #([{aahjesus}])
Other characters: #🧪hereistandhalfaman🧪 #🧪thebackendofmorality🧪
Out of character: #+thejashisamask-
ty for reading 👍
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