#(<- actual spoilers are mild so far but the ao3 version IS fully TBOB-compatible!)
ckret2 · 2 months
we're officially on Ao3 y'all
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Bill escapes his postmortem imprisonment via an unauthorized reincarnation—but half his powers are sealed off and the Pines family immediately captures him. But even Bill doesn't know whether killing his human body will unleash a feeble human ghost or a powerful energy being. That's not a risk the Pines are willing to take. He has until the Pines can obtain a god-executing weapon to escape the Mystery Shack, his body, or death row. No prob! He can befriend his captors; but THEY'LL never befriend HIM— —enter Mabel Pines, with Ford watching closely. And by the end of summer, all of Gravity Falls is befriending Bill Cipher. A story about a soul trapped in a body it doesn't fit; the psychic scars left on children whose parents ask them to be adults; giving a monster a second chance he doesn't deserve but needs; and Bill getting cursed to forget how doorknobs work.
Fingers crossed I hope to update every other day for the first couple weeks. Then we'll switch to weekly updates.
If you've been enjoying the fic here on tumblr, it would mean a lot to me if you'd give it a kudos & maybe a comment over on Ao3! Thank you!
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