#(;; trial)
nalyra-dreaming · 2 days
I am rather new to the fandom but there seems to be a subsection of it that is more worried about forcing their own narrative then actually appreciating the story the show is telling. They are trying so hard to push this Lestat is the evil villain and Armand is the better choice narrative even though the show has told us differently. I have seen these takes that Armand was “forced” to do things by the coven and he’s a victim when we’ve seen actual evidence that he has the power to dominate the coven which means at the very least he could have saved all three of them from that play but they are so focused on that one line of Louis blaming Lestat when it’s very obvious Louis was in the dark about almost everything surrounding the play
Yeah…. well. 😬
I know what you speak of, and all I can say is that these people should maybe watch the SDCC 2024 panel, either on AMC+ or maybe here:
Because Assad clearly says Armand killed Claudia and orchestrated “their“ deaths (Louis & Claudia). (at about 10mins)
Which, btw was also already proven by the trial script *shrugs*
The show kept to the book here, as was to be anticipated. Armand is (something like) the antagonist after all… for a while^^.
There are some who cling to that soft “beige pillow“ fanon version of his character though… which is their loss imho, because I find Armand with all his facets so much more fascinating. Same for Louis, Claudia and all of them really. I don’t want any of them without their faults or edges.
And luckily for us the show really doesn’t soften them. 😈
Which of course doesn’t mean one shouldn’t follow the narrative 😬 (or realize when truths are revealed for and to Louis)… but season 3 will clear some things up there, I‘m quite sure^^
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notrandtumblin · 6 months
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desktopdinosaur · 4 days
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Happy 9th anniversary!!
I was absolutely speedrunning to get this animation done- even if it’s just 13 secs haha
I’m gonna try and get some nice drawings done as well- and start planning what I wanna do for the 10th anniversary- I really wanna do something special. Not super sure of what tho
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kevinlucbert · 2 months
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The red path
21 x 29,7cm, ink on paper, Kevin Lucbert, 2024
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flyer9550 · 4 months
So in the United States a convicted felon is NOT allowed to vote, but IS allowed to run for President
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viejospellejos · 9 months
enga ya
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englishotomegames · 3 months
Plastic Trick by Nochi Studios is now on Kickstarter!
"Serena is a cheerful employee for a tech company and she keeps at it to fund her truest love: shopping. A shopaholic and mall shopper extraordinaire, she frequently combats her busy work days by spending time shopping and keeping track of the latest merch drops. 
After what she presumes was a routine shopping day, Serena is shocked to discover three mannequins coming to life before her very eyes, each inhabiting the soul of a either an interdimensional god integrated into the wrong form, a medieval sculptor who’s escaped her fate to be burned for witchcraft, and a nobody who insists he’s anything but the celebrity of the plastic figure he’s inhabiting.
And for some forsaken reason, all three mannequins want Serena to be the one to unleash them from their plastic bodies again."
You can try the demo or support the Kickstarter here!
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invertedfate · 3 months
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Now in development... again. (Button UI by Pearl.)
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tomicscomics · 4 months
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A suffocating childhood?!
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. The Source: This cartoon is based on a question St. Joan received during her trial. Before I explain it, here's the story from the original manuscript (translated by W. S. Scott): "Questioned concerning her father's dreams, she replied that when she was still with her father and mother, she was often told by her mother that her father had said that he dreamed his daughter Jeanne would go off with the soldiers; and that her mother and father took great care to keep her safely; that they were very strict with her; and that she was always obedient to them save in the incident at Toul, the action for [breach of promise of] marriage. She said further that she had heard her mother say that her father had said to her brothers: If I thought that such a thing could happen as I have dreamed, I should want you to drown her; and if you did not, I would drown her myself. And that she greatly feared that they would lose their minds when she left to go to Vaucouleurs. Asked if his thoughts and dreams had come to her father after she had her visions, she replied: Yes, more than two years after she first heard the voices." 2. Summary: In short, Joan's judges have heard that her father had prophetic dreams about her leaving home. She tells them what she knows based on what her mother told her, including that her father would prefer to have her drowned than let her go off with the army as he dreamed. 3. Location Change: For those wondering, after the 6th session of Joan's questioning, some of her assessors became too busy to consistently attend sessions, so Bishop Cauchon decreed they'd hold future sessions in her cell to make things easier. 4. The Name "Tart": First off, Jacques' last name was spelled a lot of different ways in old French (Darc, Dars, Dart, Darx, Tart, Day, and probably more). Joan didn't actually use his last name, because in her village, girls took their mother's last name, but we assign it to her nowadays anyway. In modern French, Jacques' surname is spelled d'Arc (the apostrophe is a late addition). However, when brought into English, translators assumed the d-[apostrophe] meant "of" like most names with that prefix, so Jeanne d'Arc became Joan of Arc, despite there not being a place called Arc for her to be of. In this cartoon, I used the spelling "Tart" for Jacques' surname, because W. S. Scott determined it to be the most authentic form of the patronymic, according to his sources. Also, it allowed me to make the joke in Panel 3, "I'm off to become a REAL tart!" Jacques is dreaming that Joan will run off to become a prostitute, and in addition to "Tart" being his surname, "tart" is also an old word for prostitute. 5. The Dream: Jacques shares a bit in common with St. Joseph, as both are hard-working men from simple towns, and both experience important dreams about their miracle children. However, while St. Joseph understands and responds to his dream with a generous yes, Jacques doesn't fully understand his dream and tries to prevent it from coming true. Back then, some women would follow armies around so they could prostitute themselves when the soldiers made camp. Many authors believe that Jacques' feared this would be Joan's fate, and that he never suspected that her true fate was to become a general of war. He told his sons he would prefer her to be drowned than for his dream to come true, probably meaning that he'd rather she die than lose her soul in the sinful life he thought he foresaw.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was part of a clown troupe whose gimmick was doing overblown court trials. We were called the Court Jesters.
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alcrego · 5 months
Doubt | Dialogue | Question | Trial | Inference
Gif series, August 2021.
Video version.
Music by Coio.
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
Be careful, it's one of a kind! - Or: the trial script.
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I took a few screenshots and put them through the editor, and there are a few interesting tidbits of information that can be gleaned from the few shots we got of the final trial script:
Supposedly the trial was written by the "Vampire Santiago", and the "Vampire Samuel Barclay". With... "additions made" by the "Vampire Lestat de Lioncourt".
Now the last part is particularly interesting, because as we see in the screenshots we get, that there are quite a few "additions" that Armand makes, but he is not listed there.
We now have (additional) confirmation by Assad (at the SDCC 2024 panel) that Armand was the one who orchestrated Claudia's / their deaths, so let's keep that in mind here. Especially since he is not listed.
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"Our red curtain. Our spotlight. Santiago acting as master of ceremonies. But this is the only part of the play that will mimic our normal fare. That and our finale."
There's several aspects to this.
We know that - at least in Armand's tale - Santiago "took over". "Master of ceremonies." But only acting, not actually being. The "mimic our normal fare" both hints at this being not what they normally do, and, given the mock aspect of the trial - it acknowledges the farce it is. It is not a play, not a trial, but something in between, framed as neither, while implementing both.
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Santiago's entry speech. With an interesting annotation by Armand: "You are standing half in and half out of your light."
Only, Santiago isn't actually standing in and out of the light. (At least in the version we got to see.)
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Now, those who know the books know that the force of Lestat's personality is often called a "light", and not always in a wholly positive manner.
For example there is this comment by Nicolas, which refers to it:
And for every aspect of our proposed damnation you found exuberance, and there was no end to your enthusiasm and the passion coming out of you-and the light, always the light. And in exact proportion to the light coming out of you, there was the darkness in me! Every exuberance piercing me and creating its exact proportion of darkness and despair!
The lights of the stage obviously put them all into focus, too, something that was forbidden before Lestat came and destroyed the old ways. The "walking in the places of light" was one of the things the Children of Darkness accused Lestat of when he encountered them.
I think the comment there is a kind-of-meta comment, of Armand being half in shadow hand half in light. There is a choice here, for light or darkness.
Here, he chooses darkness.
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Some things we haven't heard in the episode:
"If the prosecution's evidence convinces you to condemn those HERETICS for the heinous trampling of the vampire laws we will carry out our sentence before your very eyes as only we at the Théâtre des Vampires know how: slowly, inventively, gruesomely."
And then, this lovely stage direction 💀:
"Agency: If and when Claudia or Louis speak, (drive) them together, close their throats, (Santia)go will address it with the audience, as per the below:"
"I don't need to hear from you..."
That part we heard in the trial.
Apart from the stage directions and the part we didn't hear Armand's notes are also interesting once more: "Remember to comment...." and something starting with "Fi"... "Fine" - or "Find their thoughts" (could fit I think). Because this note, even largely unreadable proves once more that Armand was fully in on what they did to Louis and Claudia there. Made sure that the blows... would land.
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This one. This one we didn't get to hear! (The part after "Tik Tok")
Santiago reading from her diary: "He soaks in the light from everyone around him, making it all about Lestat. This is most definitely about you and your death."
Light reference again! (See the quote above.)
And (accompanied by Armand's notes to have Santiago hand the diary to the audience):
"I know she was your favorite. I know she was your baby lu. But she had us all fooled. She's the best actor of all of us. She lies so sweetly, doesn't she. But look closer. When the mask falls away, she's a monster."
Oof. When the mask falls away... Pot to kettle.
"I can't hear you." - say it louder.... Lestat.
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And then: Lestat's entrance. Being seated in an especially prepared "Bergere en cabriolet".
And here we have another "I can't hear you! Let me f...". It's the counterpart to the blend-over (below), another read from Claudia's diary there, after Lestat talks about loneliness and Louis "abandoning him". (Btw, I don't buy this shift to blame to Louis and Louis "hunting" Lestat for one second, for the record^^. I think that was all very much BS for the trial, in order to make Louis seem guilty to the audience.)
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Armand's comment (on Lestat's first lines) makes it seem as if Lestat was less than enthusiastic - or weak. Now, I said before, I think there's quite enough evidence to suggest that the "real trial" might have gone a bit more like in the book, with Lestat mostly out of his mind and his mind meddled with as well (see below).
But the counterpart to the blend-over is actually the most interesting one, imho:
(This is a hard one to see, it's only seen in blend-over and Louis' hand moves across it before the scene fades to Armand scribbling down the note!)
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"It This is too early for Lestat to acknowledg[e...]"
This is too early for Lestat to acknowledge. Louis and Claudia, would be my guess. This direction is proof that Armand made directions for Lestat especially as well. It's the only one (we have so far) where he actually writes the name.
Armand knew he could make this direction. And he made it.
Given Lestat and their history this, for me, is proof, that Lestat's mind has been meddled with as well, at times at least. Because there is no way that Lestat would have followed Armand's directions there, imho. Would not have done something, especially in that moment, where they set up the execution.
Yes, Sam is on record saying that Lestat played along with the play itself so he could get into the audience's heads, and therefore make it easier for him to make them shift Louis' sentence to "banishment" (that's where the "additions" come from, in all likelihood), but there, at the point of judgement and the execution being set up he does not look at Claudia (but he does look at her afterwards!), he's staring straight ahead, swaying on his feet.
Taken out of the equation, so to speak.
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(That's an extra shot btw, extra shots always carry meaning.)
Quite the script. -.-
Clear stage directions for Santiago, Lestat, and the other coven members should Louis and Claudia try to do something.
Now. I know there have been a lot of posts about Armand "master mind" or "villain" or victim, or what not. And I am glad that Assad has been so very clear on that just recently, though all of it is already given with what the show gave us, imho.
Armand did plan the trial. Did master-mind it. Did pretend. Did direct. Did lie.
He orchestrated their deaths.
And Lestat interfered with Louis' death. At the very least.
And.. Armand continued to betray Louis. For 77 years.
I said it before, I don't quite buy the tower scene, I expect it to get more context, at the very least.
It will be very interesting to see if they return to the trial next season, and in what capacity.
Because all the "hints" are, all the evidence is there already.
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morphona · 7 days
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Hades [FFXIV]
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paramasqueradeva · 4 months
Twin Runes Epi 58 [ Deltarune/Undertale Comic Dub ]
Comic By: @akanemnon
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memoryisthemonster · 3 months
This is gonna hurt 😭
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vasilinaorlova · 4 months
This is such a monumental event that Donald Trump was found guilty in a trial. A marvelous tradition of holding leaders accountable could begin with Trump. I think everyone who witnessed Jan 6 assumed that Donald Trump was harming his prospects as a politician of the U.S., but the appeal of dictatorship is, unfortunately, strong. We saw Trump surge in polls years after he appeared to have been over as a political project. Even though I always thought that Biden was going to be the next president of the U.S. (and wrote about it several times), I welcome the news that accountability began catching up with Trump. I don't anticipate his support to dwindle overnight, but everyone who is going to vote for him needs to be aware that they are voting for a guy who the jury found guilty in a hush money trial. They will be voting for a convicted felon.
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