#(+)*though Help:3ng lus:3:3 f:3nd Someth:3ng they’re Pass:3onate for Has to be one of my favor:3tes .w.*(+)
theroidalacrity · 6 months
hey d°g, y°u w°rk at a like lusus shelter th'ng righ'? s°meth'n like that? man wh't th' hell this ask b°x 's killin my quirk can't even f'ckn press ent'r.
(+)*yep!! you got :3t!! we may do Some other th:3ngs,, but we ma:3nly work w:3th lus:3:3 that do Not Have a charge for whatever reason,, as well as lus:3:3 that are ag:3ng,, Hurt,, or d:3sabled :3n Some capac:3ty!! though there are always except:3ons!! for Some,, th:3s means Stay:3ng Near,, or at,, our fac:3l:3ty and rece:3v:3ng care as Needed,, wh:3le for others,, th:3s can mean Help:3ng them f:3nd another charge or Purpose :3n l:3fe!! and even then,, that’s not all,, but :3 won’t talk too much!! ^w^*(+)
(+)*and yea— the ask box can certa:3nly be a Horrorterror to deal with at t:3mes— Sorry!! *(+)
Ooc translation: Yep! You got it! We may do some other things, but we mainly work with lusii that do not have a charge for whatever reason, as well as lusii that are aging, hurt, or disabled in some capacity! Though there are always exceptions! For some, this means staying near, or at, our facility and receiving care as needed, while for others, this can mean helping them find another charge or purpose in life! And even then, that’s not all, but I won’t talk too much!
And yea- the ask box can certainly be a horrorterror to deal with at times- sorry!
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