#($$My cool new friend Mythylin$$)
r-rated-spiderman · 4 years
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“It’s been fun chatting with you, Deadpool... But now it is time for me to go now... May we meet again next time...”
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“Aww, I’m gonna miss you! You weren’t so bad at all, Mythylin...! S-See ya later...” Deadpool waves goodbye, as Mythylin would then blow up. There would be no waves however since he didn’t do anything to Deadpool’s universe at all.
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“Ah!~ I know what to do now! I’ll just go gather up the dragon testicles to restore ‘em back to life!~” And so, Deadpool would go out to do that to bring Mythylin to his universe.
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r-rated-spiderman · 4 years
“Multiverse War... Yeah yeah you know the rest...”
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“Oh hello everyone! It’s been a while since we’ve last seen each other, eh? Oh by the way, spoiler alert! But some hypergod Mary Sue named Mythylin is gonna come over here to take over my blog! I know right?! Sounds crazy!” A red portal opens up as an evil hypergod would come out of it named Mythylin. “And here he is right now!~ BRING ON THE CHAOS!”
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“Hmm... Nah, on second thought. I like you, Deadpool. Wanna go out and order some lunch together?”
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“Oh wow, that’s a surprise! I was honestly expecting you to destroy everything I love and would bring me into this universe with tons of people in it just so it could be the new Infinity War/Endgame... Sure! Taco’s on me, blue brudda!” And so, Deadpool and Mythylin would begin to have lunch together.
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