#( yes it's all females and idgaf.
venuscnjunctpluto · 2 years
My first astrology observation
Credit: @venuscnjunctpluto
(Pls excuse the book at the end y’all I’m just sick of straight men)
*Black men w virgo rising either have dreads that they let hang in front of their eyes or they want dreads that they let hang in front of their eyes😭
*actors with mars-pluto aspects or Scorpio mars can play convincing psychopaths and villians (dacre Montgomery, drew starkey, ethan cutkosky)
*Saweetie and Mariah the scientist are Unconfirmed Taurus risings idgaf
*I have Pisces and Neptune in my 11th and when I tell you pisces can be so manipulative. I’ve been friends w all types of Pisces placements. Esp when Aries in is in mix they know exactly how to act like children and therefore literally be seen as children (zero accountability). For example chrisean rock whose a Pisces w an Aries mars.
* the biggest players are Scorpio/libra placement men by FARRR. They’ll flirt with anybody and they’ll befriend people who they know for a fact are interested in them romantically. You’ll know that they like when you they never “leave” you in any way, when they try to help you anyway they can, and when they change themselves for you (as terrible as that is that’s the truth). Lemme say after a break-up or any situation they feel wronged their hoe phase is terrible. They don’t gaf at ALL and my friend even got caught up (he spent the whole summer flirting w her after his gf dumped him and then ignored her once we got back to campus) she still doesn’t want to believe he was playing her.
*Im sorry but any prominent sag + Scorpio placements scare tf out of me. I had a stalker with a sag rising Scorpio Venus and mars and my cousin had an obsessive fwb w a sag rising Scorpio moon. Ted Bundy had hella sag and Scorpio on his chart. They have the humor and impulsiveness of a Sagittarius mixed with the intensity and passion of a Scorpio. I think it’s hard for people to realize how insane they are because they’re too busy cracking jokes😫
* 8h stellium natives we see the REAL in people like they come around us and act a mf fool
*women w Lilith inspecting ascendant🤝 Venus-Lilith aspects
*Me w an Aries rising 🤝 men w mars ruled venuses (Aries and Scorpio)
*Can we talk about why a lot of gemini Venuses have race fetishes😭 they’ll literally seek out certain races usually a group they’re not apart of
*8th house synastry is very strange to me. From my experience staring is very real, manipulative, and a lot of push-pull dynamics no thank you😮‍💨
*One really weird thing is I notice men who date younger women always have a cap mars like wtf. They seem to really like the power dynamics involved.
*Ok so me and my friend whose a female both have Venus conjunct pluto at like 2 degrees. I met a guy born a day after me and so did she (so they had Venus Pluto as well) We were intrigued because I’ve had my share of strange relationships but i noticed how light his energy was (the guys whose birthday was near mine). He didn’t really give off the same energy. i truly think it represents a guy’s relationship with women not necessarily him. I have seen women obsess over them but the women always had Scorpio energy in their natal chart already. also have a Madonna whore complex real mf bad so watch out. The WOMEN around them have Plutonian energy already and that’s why 8/10 they’re involved w Scorpio women. I’ve seen the same thing with women w mars-pluto (my mom has this conjunction and my step-dad is a Scorpio). Venus-Pluto men are not magnetic but with the way women (usually Scorpio influenced) act around them makes them think they are and they can become addicted to this attention. Yes other men can be jealous of how women act around them but sometimes they see the Venus-pluto man’s thirsty ways. I’ve seen men w this placement cross their friends for attention from girls. I met this guy w Venus square pluto and he seemed funny at first but he was so sleazy and childish when it came to talking to women I didn’t even wanna be around him. They also have a “type” usually. I’ve seen two men with this placements date girls who look like they could be sisters it’s very weird. I also believe Venus-Pluto men usually end up w women who have money *coughs* city boys or come from better financial situations than them while Venus-pluto women usually have the money they had before a relationship (even if through family). Ex: Beyoncé, Nicola Peltz, Ryan Destiny. You wanna see some real magnetism (and transformative chaos) find a woman w Venus Pluto and a man w mars Pluto🫦
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lewisrises · 6 months
I'm still very new to f1 (Lewis fan) (first season was 2022 🥲) why do we hate vettel I thought he was one of the few rather chill drivers ? Besides whatever happened in, was it Malaysia ? Cant remember. Anyway I'm confused 😅😅
i’m not going to tell you how to feel about certain drivers so if you like him i love that for you ! but
personally i find him very off. sebastian’s entire persona and humour was based on sexist jokes up until his early ferrari years so the fact that ppl try to say we hated rbr seb only bc he was winning with that silly finger is just a straight up lie. there are endless instances where he said the nastiest things unprovoked, to the point that female journos themselves describe the old him as particularly vile in interviews. and sure he was younger then, but his age at that time is still older than i am now, and i don’t think that’s a good enough excuse for a man with a whole media team. just not a good enough excuse at all !
and then he starts flopping and suddenly makes feminism and human rights and the bees his entire personality. it’s like, you couldn’t excel in driving anymore, so you try to win people over personality-wise. and yes, this might’ve been a genuine shift in his interests and causes, some people really do grow and learn from their mistakes. but with sebastian it just always comes off a tad wishy washy to me. he stands against war in ukraine but doesn’t say anything about palestine, he literally said war in the middle east is normal, but europe?! oh no! he supports women in motorsport but says it’s a shame all the stuff with horner is happening bc it’s making people forget about max’s dominance or whatever. which, huh? yes he’ll throw words about like transparency and being equal and he kneeled with lewis. ok. daniel kneeled with lewis. daniel also sang the n word and said he doesn’t watch the news bc it ruins his vibes.
i also do Not care about sewis. sebastian does not like lewis. sebastian likes being messy and funny and having a bit of a laugh bc that’s what his personality has always been like, laddish & v tongue in cheek. but he does Not like lewis! idgaf. he literally spent the entire 2021 season rooting for max, as if max winning would somehow redeem him for not beating lewis himself, he’s always talked about rbr in a way like he’s keeping the door open there, which, for a man who pretends to have morals, shouldn’t want to be associated with a team like them? he crashed into lewis in baku and somehow ppl have spun that into how dad met dad. no, that’s how sebastian crashed into lewis and accused him of brake testing and had to put his tail between his legs and apologise in private when he realised he was wrong. he tries endlessly to live through michael and max and whoever is lewis’ rival or named competition in the goat department bc he knew at one point it was 4x wdc seb vs 4x wdc lewis fighting for the 5th wdc (the literal iconic fight for five!) and lewis beat him. and lewis beat him again. and again. and then charles beat him. and then he got fired from his dream team. how embarrassing.
to Me, sebastian is a bum. both as a driver and as a person. his politics are very whitewashed and everything he has to say always manages to sound white savioury. he can’t drive and is also bald. very bald. but again, if u like him i love him
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oh-sweet-mama · 5 months
I don’t think anyone understands how much Francisco Morales plagues my MIND. Idgaf if he’s a drug dealer with PTSD.
(CW: mentions of being a swiftie… sorry, and possibly either being female or liking feminine things)
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I don’t care because, in my mind he’s the most perfect man that would call me “baby” and pet names in Spanish.
Francisco Morales would beg for kisses and slap my ass even when I pretended to be annoyed.
Cause he’s a handy man, when he’s fixing something around the house, and I ask him if he needs help with anything, he’d say yes, but then he’d make me “stand there and look pretty”
Frankie Morales would let me make my ethnic food for him and fucking love it because he loves me. (Even when I accidentally add too much of a certain sauce and it’s strong; because that’s how I was taught).
Frisco Morales would hold me so hard while we slept that I wouldn’t be able get up for a midnight piss and he’d cling to me just as hard during heat waves when his body heat is unbearable.
He wouldn’t care that I’m too fiercely independent for my own good. He’d just smile and shake his head as I tried to do something wildly out of my bounds of rationality.
He’d make fun of me for liking my coffee overly sweet, but steal sips of whatever overpriced iced latte sits in the cup holder.
He’d let me play whatever Taylor Swift song I wanted in his truck… because he loves me. And overtime he’d find himself humming along or drumming his fingers on his steering wheel to the overplayed albums that I force him to listen to.
In fact, after all those days in the truck with his passenger princess, he would give me his spare set of aviators when it’s too sunny out, because I forgot mine.
We spend so much time together in that truck because in the warming months of spring and into the hot months of summer, he likes to frequent farmers markets to buy me fresh flowers and locally made jewelry.
Francisco Morales would love my body at any season of life, because he’s Francisco Morales
Fuck I could go on and on
Someone help me. HELP ME!
Also note: sorry if this wayyy to specific. It was supposed to be a short post but then I couldn’t stop. Also I’ve been obsessed with Francisco Morales for over a year, so these little head canons have been brewing. 🥰❤️
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dukeofdelirium · 23 days
You're so real for this...2024 and I still see people said, "Aw how cute it is between Light and Misa or (any female characters)...."
See, even for someone who don't really like shipping, since the first I watch Death Note anime, then read the manga, I can't get it if people don't ship Light with L...
When I found your blog : Lawlight & Kataang shipper, yes? Kindred spirit...See, when I tell people I ship Kataang, most people will be 😁😆🥰🤩 but then I said I'm Lawlight shipper, people be like 😑😭🙁☹
Like, why people can't love 2 very different ships, right?
So, in ATLA, are you Zuko/Mai or Zuko/Sokka shipper or neither? Why?
Right?? I don’t get it fr. Shipping Light with Misa specifically is like.. LMFAO I CANTTTT he literally hates her so much but it isn’t even that he hates her, he actively avoids all sorts of intimacy with her and when he Does do something, he only does so to continue using her as a pawn. I mean, the only reason he even kept her alive was bc he didn’t have a choice in the first place bc of Rem. And like, his avoidance and internal rejection of her and other women isn’t even a “Kira” thing, bc he still did so when he was memoryless and we also know he avoided dating girls pre death note/Kira persona bc he said he was “waiting until college” etc. So there’s a clear canonical pattern of Light avoiding romantic relationships with women. Which on its own would be like ok whatever, but at the same time there is a clear pattern of an active interest in male characters even when they are equal to the female characters such as Takada vs Mikami. There’s also the fact he shows no discomfort whenever L touches him specifically during Yotsuba arc, and also the fact that in the manga he asked one of his friends to send him a holiday card to which his friend replied “I only send them to girls” which is essentially stating this is a romantic gesture and Light did just ask for it.
I mean, I could go on and on but there is quite a lot of gay coding going on in the manga and then of course in the anime and subsequent DN adaptations (minus the Netflix movie that we shall pretend doesn’t exist)
I don’t rlly get the hatred toward Lawlight tbh? It’s pretty weird, because their relationship is like… 90% of the appeal of Death Note imo. But to each their own I suppose. Personally, I just think there is a lot of canonical justification and intentional gay coding/subtext to warrant it.
If Ohba didn’t want us to ship lawlight then perhaps they shouldn’t have written them to be some sort of fucked up soulmate pair who complete each other and perhaps they shouldn’t have make jokes hinting at L and Light having a homosexual undertone to their relationship and PERHAPS they shouldn’t have had an entire story arc where L literally handcuffs himself to Light for 100 days straight and where they share an UNMONITORED room…. LMFAOOO that right there was 100000% ship tease idc what anyone says. Ohba knew what they were doing idgaf
And yeah I know about the kataang stuff. It’s weird for me too. See Lawlight is my OTP hands down. Kataang is a strong second contender. I love both pairings about the same but in very different ways. It’s funny because they’re very drastically different pairings of course, but that also is the stories themselves and the narratives.
Kataang is about the most wholesome ship you could ship meanwhile Lawlight is inherently fucked up butttttttttt Death Note itself is a fairly mature story dealing with inherently fucked up subject matter and characters so there’s rlly no avoiding that.
I don’t rlly care what someone thinks of my ship preferences, the only thing that annoys me is antis who misrepresent canon like with Kataang or antis with Lawlight who basically say we’re bad ppl for shipping it. Like as if Lawlight isn’t a huge ship in anime/manga lol. Truly one of the forefathers of toxic yaoi 🤣
As for who I ship Zuko with: I do ship Maiko though I’ll say I’m not hugely invested in the pairing. I don’t have much to say on it other than I enjoy their scenes in the show and I think they are a nice couple. I don’t care for Zuko and Sokka, I think it’s kind of in that same category as zvtara and I don’t care for that ship at all.
I actually ship Zuko with Aang lol. Like Zuko and Aang when they’re older, I can get behind zukaang 100% in part because they are like that kindred spirit thing similar to lawlight to me. I really enjoy that aspect of their relationship and I again think canonically, zukaang would be plausible if it weren’t for maiko and kataang.
Anyway, thanks for the message! Hope this answered your question :)
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atopvisenyashill · 7 months
If Rhaenys was the Queen, do you think Laenor and Rhaenyra would still be matched and, more importantly, would Rhaenyra have had children with Harwin Strong? Because that feels so much more dangerous.
okay so @riana-one said in a reply that i can't fucking find now that most likely, in the case that one of Viserys & Aemma’s kids still lived, that Laenor would marry Rhaenyra and Laena would marry the boy, and imo I think that’s likely in the case that Rhaenys ascends and becomes Queen Regnant. TBH the fact that Rhaenys and Viserys didn’t marry was kinda stupid (i mean, these people don’t need to be MORE inbred but like, what’s the point of all the incest marrying if you’re not using that to combine the claims of competing lines? but then again, we all know the reason is misogyny and purposefully cutting rhaenys' competing claim out of the family tree to ~put her in her place~). I think Rhaenys & Corlys are perfectly astute enough to realize their best option is to combine their line with Viserys.
HOWEVER. There’s a few important factors in Laenor being Prince of Dragonstone and marrying Rhaenyra that change the plot as well as their characters-
LAENOR is the Crown Prince, not Rhaenyra as Crown Princess which means there’s more pressure on Laenor himself to actually, ya kno, attempt to consummate the marriage than there is in the og canon where it’s very vague as to whether Laenor attempted to have legitimate children with Rhaenyra or whether she was so mad about the match she simply refused to bed him and Laenor went “cool idgaf” (bc….like all of his behavior in canon points to Laenor simply not giving a shit about how Rhaenyra got pregnant, and perhaps they even mutually disliked each other!)
Rhaenyra is so cavalier about having bastards specifically because her father is King and will protect her from the pushback (or so she hopes). If it’s Laenor’s mother that’s ruling Queen, that’s a much different scenario where Rhaenyra knows she’s not going to have backup.
Is Harwin even still at KL? He’s there in canon because Lyonel is on the small council and he needs to Be Useful In The City but if it’s RHAENYS who is Queen that means SHES picking her Small Council (or, I suppose, Corlys is picking her small council). How she got her crown is going to factor into what her Small Council looks like - if Aemon never died and passed the crown to his daughter he spent years acclaiming as his heir and fighting to protect her rights, that Council will look different than if the GC 101 chose her over Viserys (and how is Jae taking that), and THAT TOO looks different than if like, Viserys and Daemon both die and now the crown MUST pass to a female line. For all we know, she makes Boremund her Master of Laws because he’s been her number one supporter her whole life & he’s her dear uncle!
Rhaenyra’s life looks infinitely different if she’s raised as a daughter of a man with no seat. She might not even grow up in KL; again, depending on how Rhaenys comes to her throne, it’s possible Viserys & his family aren’t even welcome there the way Rhaenys & Jocelyn are effectively banned from KL after Jaehaerys usurps them, or that Viserys would feel awkward in KL the way both Rhaena's did. Would Rhaenys work something out with Viserys so he can live at Court or be the castellan of Dragonstone? Does Viserys decide to take Rhaenyra & Aemma and fuck off to the Vale (and does that bring Daemon to the Vale and are they welcome there??). The point there is, Rhaenyra’s childhood looking so different is going to affect the way she approaches sex, marriage, and children. I mean, if Viserys never remarries Alicent, or Aemma doesn’t die, that negates a lot of the hang ups Rhaenyra has later in life!
SO! Yes, I think it’s likely Laenor and Rhaenyra still marry. Does Rhaenyra have children with Harwin? It’s very hard to say! Because she’s not the crown princess, she doesn't have her father to cover for her, and it is legitimately treason if she's caught fucking someone else (as opposed to her fucking Harwin as Crown Princess, that's a gray area because she is the one the line descends from, not Laenor). At the same time, Rhaenyra grows up in circumstances where a woman is allowed to inherit the Iron Throne due to ~something~ and grows up as the daughter of a man without his own seat which will inevitably change Rhaenyra's outlook on her own life. Plus, if Corlys and Rhaenys are breathing down Laenor's neck and going "you need to actually attempt to fuck your wife Laenor and stop ignoring her to fuck stable boys" that may prompt more action from Laenor, not to mention that with Rhaenys and Corlys as rulers, they have a lot more say over whatever the fuck is going on in that marriage because it's happening right under their noses.
Corlys, meanwhile, does not have the motivation to simply pretend the boys are legitimate. He has the throne. He has the power. D While I don't think he would push for Rhaenyra to be straight up executed for cheating on Laenor (that is going to piss her father, uncle, and maybe mother OFF), he is not going to help her cover for it the way he does in the series.
So....IF Laenor still finds himself incapable of having children, the ting is that Rhaenys and Corlys are going to push more aggressively on Rhaenyra. Maybe this means they are stricter with Laenor (not allowing him the freedom to have male lovers at court perhaps?) OR it means Rhaenyra becomes desperate enough that she attempts to fuck someone else. The thing here is - if Rhaenyra knows its her head if she's found out, will she try to be discreet and fuck someone who is blond? Or even fuck Daemon?? Is Harwin even at court? It's hard to say! Certainly, I can see Rhaenyra feeling desperate enough to try to get pregnant through other means besides Laenor but I'm not sure she would go straight to Harwin in this scenario!
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richtofens-hips · 2 years
Team 141 x F! Reader part 2
If you haven't read part one of my story, I suggest you read it to get the gist of what is happening
If not, you do you
Call sign: Casanova
Reader is female
<story begins nowwww>
You walk alongside the captain until he pauses at a wall with a rope dangling down. He turns to you and says, "This where most of the soldiers go to get their adrenaline pumping, a quick practice mission. Objective: Exterminate all targets as fast as you can. Understood?"
You nod with a quick, "Aye aye!"
"Your weapons will be on top waiting for you. Good luck."
Right as the word "luck" fell from his lips, you grabbed the rope and began scaling the wall upward. It didn't take you very long, and you got to gaze upon the wonderful rifles laid out in front of you. You decide to go with the FAMAS, a weapon of comfort and check to see if it's reloaded.
"Remember: Once you touch the ground, the timer starts!" Price hollers from below. "Your time will be announced after you complete the objective!"
You glance down and give another nod. You roll your shoulders and sling your gun on your back. You grip the rope with leather gloves to assure you of no burns. You inhale one time, and drop.
Like Price said, instantly a buzzer sounds off. You sprint into the first room and targets pop out of nowhere. You quickly aim and fire and they all get knocked down. The announcer directs you to the next room and you don't hesitate. You shoot the targets perfectly and run down the stairs, where another target waits to surprise you. You expected it and shot it down. You stop behind a wall, and as the announcer directed, threw a flashbang. You raise your gun up and fire.
You slide into the next room and continue your merciless barrage of bullets. You see a big sign reading "END" and slide your a** across the red line. The buzzer sounds and you stand straight, no haggard breathing heard.
"2 minutes and twenty eight seconds."
Your new team mates were waiting for you with awed expressions. Well, except the Skull Boy. You really couldn't see his.
"No way!" Gaz exclaims. He stares at you with wide eyes. "That's insane!"
"Si, muy loca," Rudy agrees, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Ay, the chica knows how to handle a gun and herself," Alejandro says with a wink. You arch a brow and smirk.
"That's not the only thing I can handle."
Soap coughs into his fist and both Price and Ghost blink at you in unison.
Alejandro barks a laugh at your clever response and gives his own smirk. "I bet you can."
"Alright," Price says with a clear of his throat. "You're second place. And the entire base here participated in it."
"Who's first?" you ask, knowing damn well who it was.
You look at the man in question and he looks back at you. It appears to be more of a glare, but hey, perhaps he's playing hard to get. Two can play at that game.
"Soooo, what now? Am I done?" you question, turning your attention back to the captain.
"Not at all," he says, brows up. "We need to see how good you are at close combat."
You arrive in a room full of mats to make sure no one actually gets injured (f***ing babies). Soldiers are already engaged in hand-to-hand combat, flipping each other on their backs, sweeping them off their feet, blocked punches. You rub your hands together, idly wondering which of the soldiers you were going to attack brutally like an animal-
"Soap, enter the sparring ring with Casanova."
A member of your team? You mean, that made sense.
You kick off your shoes and step on the mats, Soap following suit. He smiles sheepishly at you, scratching his neck.
"Ye know I can't go easy in ya, right?"
"I don't expect you to," you reply breezily, lifting your fists up. "Just become I'm a woman, you shouldn't underestimate me."
"Aye." And he seems to geniunely mean it.
You release a soft "tch" and enter your stance. This will end swiftly.
And it did.
He had waited for you to come closer, waiting to trap you. You went along with it, inching closer and closer. Soap watched you with wary eyes, muscles tensed. You grinned darkly, because you knew you were going to win.
Suddenly, he lashed his arm forward, reaching to grab your arm. You danced away from him, only to snatch his arm and yank him into you, his momentum to fast to get him to stop. You swung yourself around his body while one of your legs bended his knee and you both crashed onto the floor. Your arm wrapped itself around his neck and you pinned one arm to his back. Soap breathed harshly from his nose.
"Fight's over. It's clear who's the winner."
You release Soap from your clutches and he exhales loudly. He turns on his back and you stand up above him. He puts his arms behind his head and has the f***ing audacity to smirk at you.
"Looks like you win this time, Cupcake."
You chuckle and bend down to his face, only an inch apart. You don't miss the way his eyes widened and you smirk right back.
"And don't you forget it, cutie," you purr before standing back up and turning your vision to the captain. He was watching you closely.
"Ghost, enter the ring."
<end of story!>
Oh boy, you get to fight ghost now! Wonder how that's gonna turn out...
I know I said it was supposed to be longer, but I lied 🤷‍♀️ I had to stop it here for the suspense aaaahahaaha
Hate me, idc 😌
Part three is here !!
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proxythe · 5 months
Whats your favourite thing about every sees member !!
ermagerd let me think… ummmmm. i’ve posted long ass posts before but this one feels especially long for some reason so i’m gonna crop it but. it’s hard to pick just one favorite thing about everyone but i tried my best 😭😭😭 press on ahead if u dare to read some of my sees yapping…
minato - this technically could go for kotone in the social links they share, but i’ll count it for him in the sense that he’s the original protagonist. the small ways minato shows he cares for others even when the game has just begun and his care for life can be seen as indifferent, he still goes out of his way to do such nice things for others. i’m mainly thinking about the old couple, where minato gets them something from the persimmon tree when he definitely, from character perspective not game perspective, didn’t have to
kotone - HER AGGRESSION !!!!!! her violent tendencies. her protectiveness over her female friends. i’ll bring this up everyday idgaf ..!!!!! i’ve gone on abt this too many times now so i won’t bore yall but … Violent kotone… if i had to pick something else then i’d say how joyous she is, or how joyous she fronts being
yukari - her selflessness … i’m not sure if this is so obvious that that’s why people don’t often point it out, but i love how in every instance of someone being injured in game, yukari is consistently immediately at their side. i would call it subtle in the way that you’d likely be so wrapped up in the plot u wouldn’t immediately notice, but when u notice it it’s like … god.. yukari… i love u..
junpei - when he’s vulnerable with the protag… i am inclined to goofy junpei 99.9% of the time, but i very much enjoy his serious moments. i like when he is open with the protagonists, mainly kotone, and puts his silly down … tbh i also love when he snaps at them in december(?) and is just completely raw n emotional for once…
fuuka - i think what first comes to mind is just how nice fuuka is to others. like natsuki, despite being unforgivably bullied by her (imo ts was unforgivable… but no shade natsuki). yet she’s very forgiving … and she’s very silly. i love fuukas determination to keep trying something even when she’s horrifically bad at it 😭
aigis - holyyyyyyyy i could go on forever abt aigis oh my word. i suppose ill shorten it to i love how much aigis values life … not even just her own, but every living thing she comes across. i could fkn cry thinking about the cat in her social link rn… not even just the cat either, but the old woman as well. aigis … GAHHH
mitsuru - when she speaks french. her attempt to look like a super genius despite already being one through speaking french is so funny to me. love when a typically serious character like her has quirks like that. especially ones like randomly speaking french sometimes
akihiko - i want to say both how smart he is (bc too many ppl think he’s dumb) & also how silly he is (bc i enjoy when he gets a little dumb) 😭 he’s my favorite character im tweaking out trying to pick just one thing LMFAOO ummm. his autism is my favorite thing… ummm
shinjiro - hrmmmmm i quite like how much he enjoys cooking as a hobby and the very obvious subversion it is to the kind of character he presents as under a first impression… & i love how he uses cooking/food as his own way to show he cares about everyone bc he’s too grumpy all the time to actually say anything
ken - him training alone in his room w a broom lmfaoo it’s a cute little thing... i know ken’s whole thing is that he wants to be seen as mature and an “adult”, so i just love when he gets to be a kid/does childish things. like yes plz act your age you deserve to be a child god damn ur just a baby. SMILE!! BE HAPPY!!
koromaru - hard to say with a guy who’s just a little dog. but i enjoy when he’s fighting that shadow by himself around the time he joins the team and it proves how determined n courageous he is … what a good little guy…
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Yooo you know what would be nice, lovely Finnie?
Something about either Arkham!Two-Face or Arkham!Penguin with their respective sugar babies.
(I'm a sucker for a big, bad guy being soft and smoochy with his s/o, makes me all warm and fuzzy 🥰) (yeah odds are that's ooc, but idgaf, we've never seen them with s/o's, they might melt for them a little, yeah?)
Please and thank you! You're awesome, ily
Unless you've done this idea already, in which case, please direct me, I will greatly appreciate and reblog off anon
Surprise Visit
Arkham!Two Face x Female!Reader, word count: 650 eep ok so i have something kind similar for arkham!penguin so i'm about to indulge myself here, so i did a female reader, sorry if that's not ok! please feel free to send in another for male or gn! 💙 also going to take this opportunity to tell you all that my writing isn't like... great, and i don't take myself too seriously! we're in this for the fun and the comfort, so don't ever feel too bad about sending me ooc requests because chances are i can work with it and we can make the bugs do whatever we want 💙 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: flirting, explicit language, kissing, some good titty grabbing!
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Hearing the sound of the main door opening, you sat up straight on the edge of the desk, making sure your shirt was sufficiently unbuttoned, breasts pushed out your skirt hiked up enough that there was a glimpse of your suspenders on display. The muffled voices of the hired thugs on the other side let you know that Harvey was indeed on his way in to his office, where you were waiting for him.
“Someone’s waitin’ for ya in there, boss.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? We can’t get a minute to ourselves at all around here. God damn. You idiots shouldn’t have let them in.”
You could feel your seductive smile fading, your body slumping as you realised this might not have been a good idea. Sure, he liked leaving things to chance, the toss of a coin making all of his decisions, but he was still a business man. Maybe you should have asked before you just showed up.
But it was too late, the door was open, and the surprise on his face was evident, though less aggressive than you thought it would be.
“Oh! Hey, baby! What are you doing here?”
He moved quickly over to you, gliding across the floor in excitement, his arms wrapped around you, holding your arms as he leaned back to take you in.
“And looking so good too. What is this?”
“I just thought I’d come and surprise you with a visit. I’m glad you’re not too annoyed, I thought… the way you were talking out there, I was worried you might be mad.”
Harvey’s hand stroked at your cheek, thumb moving back and forth as he looked into your eyes, a warm smile on his face, the one he reserved just for you,
“Are you kidding me? I love this.”
He leaned in again, his mouth finding your neck, peppering kisses from your collarbone up to your jawline.
“Are you sure you’re not mad?”
There was a rumbling growl against your cheek as he bit into your skin, letting his teeth drag along it, drawing a squeal and a giggle from you as you grabbed at the hair on the back of his head, holding him to you.
“Listen, doll. Even I couldn’t be mad at you.”
Two Face sunk his teeth into your neck, his fingers, gripping at the buttons on your shirt, the quick alternating bites and sweet, soft kisses as Harvey pushed through, both of them desperate in equal measures to have you their way.
As his fingers slipped under the fabric, one hand softly cupping your breast, the other squeezing your nipple hard, there was a knock at the door that interrupted him, and the creaking of it opening which sent him into a violent fury, as he whipped around, standing in front of you to cover you from anyone’s wandering eyes.
“Get out you stupid asshole, who the fuck told you to come in?”
“Yes, boss. Sorry, boss.”
Harvey turned back to you, kissing you, his lips soft against yours as he stroked your hair.
“Sorry baby, I hope I didn’t scare you.”
“Not at all, Harvey.”
You let your fingernails drag down the front of his shirt, settling on his belt, tugging at it to bring him closer to you, the tent in his pants rubbing against your cunt as your legs were spread to accommodate him.
His fingers hooked into the sides of your panties, moving them out of the way as Two Face groaned against your neck, his voice rough and cruel, entirely tantalising.
“Want me to fire him while I’m inside of you? A little treat for being such a good girl for daddy?”
Before you could answer, his fingers were parting your lips, his other hand reaching for the intercom. As it dialled through, he silenced you, as your moans began to fill the room.
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lunar-years · 4 months
One thing I live in fear of for a hypothetical s4 is if they did go with a women's team/ other sport team then they'd just make the same story all over again with new characters which would feel like such a cop out (plus I'm picturing people reacting like they did to 2016 Ghostbusters which was to be venomously mad about the story having women now). I just want our existing team in Situations. Oh wait, 2nd fear, they decide to tone down or ignore Roy and Jamie's relationship or the OT3 in favour of only slamming Roy and Keeley back together because the fans were so damn loud about it, and they both ignore Jamie. Big fear that one.
I'm with you on this! I mean, ultimately I don't want a spinoff focused around another team because the characters I already love and am attached to are on THIS team, and if the show is coming back in any capacity, those are the characters I want more time and resolution for. But I do agree with you that i'm not sure there's much of a story to tell with a whole new team, anyway. I mean, the whole premise of Ted Lasso was Ted coming in as a clueless entity and transforming the team. You can't just create a new Ted-like coach character for the women's team, that would be goofy. And it also wouldn't make any sense. At this point, why would Rebecca hire someone inexperienced to run the women's team? So then I guess it becomes just a regular sports-flick story of boosting this team up from non-existent/low tier back to the top. But again... that's the same story we saw in Ted Lasso, but in Ted Lasso it had the added twisted of Ted, which is what made it interesting (to me, anyway). Idk, what's so good about Ted Lasso is that the football element is actually fairly background, and the focus is on the characters. And again, I want more time with the TL characters I know and love in my helping of more TL.
I think the women's team storyline would be more interesting and effective as part of Keeley & Rebecca's subplot in another season with our same main cast than as whole separate show with all new characters. Maybe they bring in a couple new side characters that run into our himbos at Nelson Road, or have an episode about all the lads going out to cheer on the Lady Greyhounds, etc., but ultimately the focus is more on Rebecca's decisions as owner and Keeley coming into more of her own as a businesswoman rather than the women's team's training and coaches and matches (That said, idgaf about baselessly negative fan reaction to a female centered show or more female characters though...those losers can perish!) And we do need more female characters, I'd just prefer they be added in alongside our existing cast instead of existing in the separate sphere of an entirely different show (For instance, I would love another plotline for Dr. Sharon that's less about her as a therapist to our other characters and more about her, and they should elevate Barbara to a larger supporting character!)
Also yeah, Jamie being relegated back to a side character and the exploration of what's happening between him and his father at the end of s3 being dropped entirely as a storyline or else told very badly (almost worse than being dropped) is my biggest fear. throwing roykeeley back together in a stupid way and sidelining Jamie's importance to both of them as a result is another big personal fear, yes. I'm not sure I trust the writers with my babies.
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sevicia · 7 months
give me the movie recs instead! scary is ok
LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Under a read more cause I looove talking, and the sections are ordered by like, priority of recommendation if that makes sense ... I also tried 2 actually rank them but I am not very good @ that LOL
Personal Enjoyment ONLY!!!:
No theme besides personal enjoyment "just for fun"/not relatable edition:
The Batman - I love it I just love it. I watched it bc my sister put it on and my pen's battery had run out. I was CLUELESS
Spree - That's my attention whore wife that would kill me for views !!!!!!
Jacob's Ladder - The best fever dream anyone could ever ask for !!! Everything about this movie is perfect. And this doesn't really matter TOO much ....... BUT …….. !!!! Tim Robbins in short shorts towards the end .......... save meeeee .................
Antiviral - I rewatched this one just before writing this LOL. It made me crazy when I first saw it back in 2022 and it makes me crazy now too!! The entire movie feels cold & sterilized but it's still Completely Sexual. Syd March I know what you are. OH also I like to think Mr. Cronenberg Sir is proud of his son bc this ruuuuules
Martyrs - This is like the ultimate "can't rec it as-is" movie bc of the amount of people that are genuinely disturbed by it & don't get me wrong I am one of them!! But there's just something here that has me thinking about it so often. The violence is amazing and the feeling in my stomach is horrible every time !!
No theme besides personal enjoyment mental illness edition:
Pulse (AKA Kairo) - Extremely close to my heart, the way loneliness relates to the internet & technology in general is such an interesting topic it would be enough to make this movie stand out for anyone, but I have such a personal fondness for it because of how much I felt it understood me. In a few ways.
Pearl - IDGAF how many people have gone "just like me fr" cause I am also one of them. I don't get the whole "female rage" thing that gets mentioned a ton (on account of me being some guy), but the theme of never being able to escape a life you hate ??? Absolutely fucking terrifying & hits super hard for me specifically
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? - The RESENTMENT, the ANGER, the DESPAIR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It resonated w/ me a lot more in the past but not so much anymore, which is good LOL
Horror SERIOUS edition:
The Thing - certified classic I legit think everyone should watch this one at least once in their lives. The practical effects r amazing, the story is GRIPPING & many of the actors r hot. Literally what else could u ask for…..
Hellraiser - Huge DUH ….. The short story is so good too Mr. Clive Barker I owe you my life !!!!!
The House That Jack Built - Pretentious, yes! But also really fun/satisfying to watch. I've seen some people comment on this kinda movie being typical for the director? But IDK who that man is & I don't care either. Like at all.
Ringu - Just a classic. So creepy I have to hype myself up to watch it LOL
Persona - INSAAAAANE INSANE INSANE. I saw someone say it's toxic yuri which like. Yeah I think. But also it left me confused in a rly good way
Noroi: The Curse - honestly should be self-explanatory @ this point. GENUINELY scared the shit outta me
Repulsion - Also a drama (besides a horror), the way the main character's paranoia escalates is just .... haunting, I think is the word. There's some degree of irony in here, because of who the director is, that I can't really articulate.
Gorefest / not too serious:
Creep - INSANE found footage about a guy making decisions that seem questionable if not stupid to most people, but not to me. I understand him. (disclaimer that this one could also go in the prev. category ..... I don't knowwww)
Intruder - I was on a slasher kick a few years back and this was one of the better ones. The convenience store setting is so much fun & something I'd never seen before! Or since.
Rec - SOOOO anxiety inducing, there's a lot of moments where people r talking/yelling over each other & the part towards the end that explains the whole thing is just. 0_0. to me. Bc it's among the top 3 things I do NOT fuck with !!! (same disclaimer as w/ Creep).
Hostel - I actually really like this one & don't understand most of the criticisms besides the obvious misogyny. It irks me a lot that it gets called "torture porn" so often when it's just … not that bad ? As edgy as that sounds !!
Cube - go there. in the cube? go in the cube.
The Poughkeepsie Tapes - Zero excuses for this one, you just gotta embrace your shit taste sometimes
Terrifier - Separate from the 2nd one cause that one is different in more than a few ways ..... but this one is just like charming to me in a weird way. It 's fucking filthy like, visually tho cause of the abandoned building & other such things ....
Terrifier 2 - This one I also enjoyed a lot though it IS really really long, I found it fun! The whole family aspect of it I liked a lot bc fictional siblings my beloved :3 though Art's backstory is still rly muddy (4 me at least) I do think it's like, a fun silly slasher if you've got 2 hrs and a lot of patience LOL
Just fun overall!!:
ROBOTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Oh my GOD I love this movie. I love this movie so much it's probably my favorite childhood movie. It's funny as fuck, really pretty AND has a good story. IK it may sound like nostalgia's involved but I just truly believe it's an amazing movie<3
Birds of Prey - This one is just a serotonin machine for me I love Harley so so muchh
Wendell & Wild - Visually insane I looove the look of this movie. It's also just rly enjoyable, I watched it multiple times at one point since it's on Netflix I think ? My mom got sick of it LOL
Bottoms - Absolutely bonkers it's such a fun movie. Gay and untalented and ugly and yet one of the most lovable movies I've ever seen ?? They need to print more of these
A Trip to Infinity - This one's actually a documentary on um. Infinity. Which is lovely because watching scientists be enthusiastic about their work and gush about it is just so good for my brain + it made me cry
The nostalgia I have 4 these ones is craaazy:
The Butterfly Effect - this was on TV SO OFTEN it was insane. I watched it so many times as a kid I always insisted on not changing the channel
The Voices - SO fun & silly I think of it so fondly .....
Paranorman - I love this movie so so much forever it's just so beautiful & funny
Zombieland - It's just fun man IDK what else to tell u
Sucker Punch - Another one that was often on TV, it's just embedded in my memory forever. I learned what a lobotomy was bc of this movie!!
These are dramas !!:
Parasite - Just watch it if u haven't. Everyone says you should watch it and they're RIGHT !!!
The Devils - I love horny church stuff so much
Let the Right One In - fucking loved this one. Freezing cold, very pretty AND probably the best vamp movie I've ever seen. Though I haven't seen a lot
Girl, Interrupted - insane behavior from the girls here but they're literally in a psych ward so who cares
These r good but I don't remember them much SOB:
The Eyes Of My Mother - this one gets called slow/boring a lot but I really don't gaf I still liked it
Wolf Creek 1 + 2
The Descent
Phenomena - The 1st game of the Clock Tower series was based on/inspired by this movie! Nothing else 2 say I just think it's cool lol
American Mary
A Clockwork Orange - I watched this nearly an entire decade ago but it goes here because of the fact that sometimes I still hear that dumb cunt Alex DeLarge go "I've suffered, and I've suffered, and I've suffered!" inside my head a lot. Also I have to mention that he did look good beaten up despite everything going on w/ him.
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gregoftom · 1 year
ALSO one of my FAVOURITE parts of that whole bit that kind of gets understated is tom's "I'm enjoying very much thinking about myself and my own various skills and abilities" while stepping into greg and practically fluffing his feathers and bouncing and rocking in place it's SOOOOOOO.
he's 1000% being like why are you thinking about these silly girls I'm right here I'm amazing greg aren't you thinking about me think about me I'm better than all of them give me your attention see what I'm good at what I offer you how much you like me. not to mention saying his "skills and abilities" after having told greg how big his dick is and how good he fucks, while stepping into greg's space like that, is soooooo pointed. like he's begging greg to tell him to "prove it" again and this time actually take him up on that. he was taken aback before but he soooo wants to say "I will prove it, greg" and hate fuck him now. fucking claim him and enjoy him all to himself because he deserves it dammit, that'd show him.
godddd I just lament how happy and giggly their night could have been if greg didn't have his crush. (and yet!!! greg still paid attention to tom being upset and trying to care for him!! goddammit greg!!!!!! you're so close)
but yeah this moment with tom is basically like when female big cats rub their pussy in the males face begging for attention vhjfnkjf
ALSO greg: "I have met the most wonderful girl in the world" complimenter: "you're just fantatsic!" tom: "yes i am. amazing." like!!!!! I, tom wambsgams, am the most wonderful girl in the world greg can't you see that? not your little girl crush. it's me I'm amazing.
the angst is exquisite the jealousy is 👌🔝 but tom's right greg did ruin it
NO OK BUT LITERALLY - i pointed this out in my live-blogging when i posted that part, but they or at least tom moves his hips towards greg at this point too. they’re both insanely attracted to each other like i don’t even care at this point, idgaf, there was so much sexual tension and energy between them at that party like so fucking much. and i think bc tom was quite high, he kinda was even more obvious than normal. if that’s possible LOL. lost his inhibitions a little. he wants to fuck greg so bad it makes him look stupid, basically [greg is this but in s4].
OUGGHHH THAT READING IS!!! OOF. ty for angsting it up more and yes god the jealousy is Delicious and yeah greg god!!! stop comphetting bitch i’ll kill you
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malka-lisitsa · 10 months
respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag nine others that you would like to get to know a little bit better.
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`➠⠀:⠀⠀ ROLEPLAYER NAME :⠀⠀ ησνємвєя ( Novi )
`➠⠀:⠀⠀ ROLEPLAYER PRONOUNS :⠀⠀ She / her
`➠⠀:⠀⠀ MUSE NAME :⠀⠀ Katherine Pierce
`➠⠀:⠀⠀ PREFERRED COMMUNICATIONS / discord or tumblr messages for out of character chat? :⠀Discord I HATE tumblr DM's with a passion.
`➠⠀:⠀⠀ EXPERIENCE / how long you’ve roleplayed:⠀⠀For a very long time, but on the internet? On and off since 2k5? Tumblr on and off since 2k12.
`➠⠀:⠀⠀ PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE / fluff, smut, or angst? :⠀⠀I am an angst queen, I will write angst all day everyday. I actually do not like fluff most of the time I think it's boring. F
⠀poor characterization is my number one. I just can not stand.... I've never been shy about this I HATE shitty characterizations. Like care, a little please- or just write an OC and use the FC.
I am not a fan of changed FC's but its not a deal breaker just hate them- its a personal preference idgaf why ppl do it youre allowed- it just irritates me PERSONALLY but isn't a deal breaker.
purity culture in the RPC being more bigoted than the bible and trying to run ppl off the net for writing villain characters as villains. Touch grass.
Anon hate its almost 2024 find something to do with your time that is productive. You are not accomplishing anything you are not a hero touch grass.
REPLIES THAT DONT MOVE THE SCENE OR PLOT FORWARD. I do not care if you match length but you gotta move the scene forward. If I have to carry the whole RP on my back Im gonna drop it and it's gonna be harder for you to get a new one going with me.
People that act like your worth is only in your replies. You can follow someone to support them and bc you like seeing their stuff, it does not have to be a write or die community. You can be friends, it's possible.
The sexism towards female OC's and how they get judged twice as hard and over looked twice as hard as Male oc's.
`➠⠀:⠀⠀ PLOTS OR MEMES? :⠀⠀Yes.
`➠⠀:⠀⠀ LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES? :⠀⠀ I don't really do a lot of one liners anymore unless I know they're just for quick banter or will turn into longer replies. I prefer the ability to really dive into Katherine's mindset in the moment.
`➠⠀:⠀⠀ BEST TIME TO WRITE? :⠀I do not sleep and there for any time I am able to focus on they keyboard.
`➠⠀:⠀⠀ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE? :⠀⠀God here come the anons. But Yes. I am a lot like Katherine, we've been through a lot of similar things and learned similar behaviors to survive. We both can come off charismatic or distant at the flip of a switch, we both have a rage temper, we both have confidence, and we're both constantly rolling our eyes at whoever has a problem with us today <3 I however am not violent like she is so that's good. I'm actually surprisingly a pacifist, and I try to be there for people no matter what they've put me through. So. There's our differences too.
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Tagged by: @prodijedi
Tagging: @hargrove @havvkinsqueen @klaeus @saralans @achillesbled @ataviisms @ruinedmyself and you. take this tag me go.
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tarantul4s · 2 months
About me(⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡
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Call me chi, I'm an age that is younger than 18 (ya ik k wrote smut and stuff back then and ik that's like a trigger for writers😔 but idgaf because nobody stopped me)
She/her, int-j maybe, FEMALE!?! metalhead, Introverted & perverted (but it's real and not just an elita reference)
Idk what else to say so here's a list of artist/bands I like alphabetized:
G-idle, 3l3d3p,
Adema, Agust D, Arctic Monkeys, Ariana Grande, Ayesha Erotica
Black Sabbath, Blur, Bôa
Cabaret, Chappell Roan, Chevelle, Coal Chamber
Dazey and the scouts, Dehumanizing itatrain worship, Deijuvhs, Dixon Dallas💀💀, Djo, Dr giggletouch..Drowning Pool, Död mark
Elita, Enjoy (VV) Freddie dredd
Generation, Gorillaz, Ghost, Gonna get got
Hellhammer, Ho99o9
Jhope, Jazmin Bean, Joey Valence & Brae ❗🗣️
Kali uchis, Kendrick Lamar, Kilo kish, Kittie, Korn
Lana del rey, lil boodang ig, Limp bizkit
Machine Girl, Maggie lindermann, Marina, Mayhem, Melanie Martinez, MF doom, milk. , Mindless Self Indulgence, Mudvayne
Newjeans, Penalty Kill, Petridish, PIXY, Powerman 5k, Primer 55 🗣️🗣️, Psyclo
Roe kapara, Salem creeps🗣️🗣️ Skindred, Slaves on dope, Slipknot, Snot, So Violento🗣️🗣️, Static X, Steve Lacy, System of a down, Sub urban😭
Tame impala, Tanukichan, The adicts, The Delphines, The Garden, The mainliners, The nymphs, The weekend, Thundercat, Triumph of death, Turkey, Tuv, Twice, Tyler the creator
Vundabar, Waitress, Wallows, Willow, Yung gravy, Zheani
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Facts stuff I like and otherz:
Watched/read (anime): Junji ito, death note, aot, jjk, csm (ogfan😜), saiki k, high rise invasion, killing stalking (read a good amount), shoujo tsubaki (idk if that's how you spell), I honestly forgot everything ive ever watched what😭, spirited away, uhh idk
I was gonna do watched non anime stuff but I can't think of enough so here's a list of main fandoms I'm in
Ahs/ahss, fear street, mtv downtown, gorillaz, fnaf, batim, little nightmares, a clockwork orange (yes there is a fandom😭) erm tmc, twf, twd, hhllc, life of luxury, I ominously can't think of anymore, Skullgirls, Reality Shifting..lords of chaos?(Idk if thats a fandom)
Ok I play bass, I'm an artist (all 3 ways), I make clothes occasionally, I heavily dislike deftones, I like to play Roblox user is Stuv1xx, I'm currently hiding several accounts from my sister including this one, i edit user is stuvixx, ik all the gorillaz lore, fnaf lore, I used to be a gacha kid still get the urge to be one, I love canadians, I love men, I love Canadian men, I love Canadian men who play guitar and drums, I love ahs5, i collect vinylz, and CDs, and magazines, I have a turtle and a cat, i could be the most insane person you'll meet (non emo way) i got a thing for druggies in movies btw 🙏
Stuvixx, for edits
stuvixxdraws, for art
ndutr1p, secret account for edits im too scared to post regular account
v4rints, for vinyl mockups
Stuv1xx, for Roblox
For discord ask
For Spotify ask
For SoundCloud ask (my music is shit btw)
Discogs ask??
Anyways someone talk to me bc I'm bored PLS
stay sigma y'all's
rock n roll
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badxbabyyy · 8 months
Playing human is boring as fuck. What's worse is being an actual disgusting rapist human. Alhamdullilat to myself for never being able to be a human. Yes male or female, I'm lookin' at you Hailie Kaye White aka Hailie niggerfucker Banks on Instagram. You threatened Fadi Malkosh's job in secret to the men then made the faggots suggest Fadi Malkosh goes to the club where you were fucking men in the ripped open by a nigger baby vagina you have for $75 (real shit Fadi😂). Then you had his "crew" as the loser puts it suggest the nightclub and then you stood there with your ugly face and saggy implants, with your in-person photoshop technology ("LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO" -Fadi Malkosh) seeing if he'll make a move or he ends up homeless with no job. You didn't even want jobless, you planned homelessness with the women for him if he looked at you and thought anything ugly and didn't hit on you. Yet he STILL thought you were a butter face with a BIG FUCKIN HUGE NOSE. Yes it's rape and you tried to make my baby homeless, that's why I gave you the breast cancer I said I would when I telepathed you in jail. That's why you look sickly skinny right now, and can't get your mini Brazilian Butt Lifts and Liposuction for that wide-assss waist of yours. I will skin you alive with different knives and electricity once there's no laws and it's anarchy. And you'll keep getting cancer right now, and that plastic surgery melting off your face is Fadi Malkosh. Keep melting ugly plastic faced Jewish cuntess raggedy ann naturally fat and ugly Mongolian Turkish Jewish dark bitch. Keep bleaching your skin then spray tanning it, with your hammerhead toe shark toes. You too, CIA agent cuntess cop whore Nicolette Anne Huffman aka Nikki that made herself a playlist then did witchcraft and had your demon/soul float to Fadi Malkosh and create it with his physical body. I gave you bone cancer for starving yourself through anorexia, I know your biggest fear, being huge. Because you want small bones like mine. And to be naturally thin like me. Before the meds and fluoride dawg. So enjoy your growing giant bones and your feet are even uglier than Hailie's which I never thought could be possible once I saw hers in a photo with Fadi Malkosh on a boat. Why don't you take ME on a boat or yacht you fucking FAG Fadi Malkosh bitch??? You took me to fuckin ihop then posted about it on Facebook, lolllllll fuckin loser. Yes I deleted a couple of whores I got jealous of you talking to or potentially talking to, then some guys to make it seem less obvious it was me. I didn't know you had cameras all around your Tallahassee apartment. Even in the bathroom you creep. Then make fun of me with your cousin Omar Malkosh, who is the ugliest male I've ever seen in my entire life. He looks like a literal monkey walking around, or he got stuck between evolving into a human from a monkey. Anyway, take me somewhere romantic in Paris once so I can have the memory you bitch. Or I'll take you. I'm not marriage material. Marry your ugly fake lying about their virginity whores overseas. I'm straight on marriage. BUT I want to fuck u & make out still, you're scary when I let my gangster shield down but we're making out idgaf, u at least could give me that but if you're gonna talk like you're acting like you're human I need you to STFU because its a huge turn off. God being lame and boring is SAD and grOss, but I cant help you if you won't REMEMBER you're literal God of the universe & humans and that I'm your Goddess. Try harder to remember the beginning babe. I have visions from the past too, but I never told you because I know what it sounds like to a brainwashed by religion fucktard. Religion is comedic really.
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girl i want you to know that this is one of the best replies ive ever seen. it perfectly sums up just how much people are mad about nothing
They're so annoying fr like I will not lie I do think it's GOOD that we use this word to deshumanizes men. There's an empathy issue with men and women where women are giving too much humanity to men (giving them the benefit of the doubt when accused, caring about their emotions a lot, always always putting them first) that is actually really hurting women rn. We can't do anything about the other side of the issue where men keep dehumanising us but we CAN try and make man hating more popular lmao. And using words to deshumanizes men is part of that.
So now what word to use ? I don't even think using moid is in any way misogynistic, like yes femoid (from female humanoid) was created by incels but moid (male humanoid) does not say anything about women at all, it's just created on the same template. It's like saying "she has big clit energy" is male defaulting like "big dick energy" is because it's clearly based on it, but that's a nonsense the point is that it ain't.
It IS terminally online speak it IS maybe off putting to some women and I understand not wanting to use it but what it isn't is misogynistic.
I also saw the OP saying in replies that men don't particularly care at all and I agree, I also think idgaf about men's feelings, this word is used among women as a way to unlearn our need to respect men.
None of this matters very much, as I said it's a terminally online problem, but I am just so fucking TIRED of the constant monitoring and policing of women's speak like you're annoying as all hell. Lemme live.
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ko-neko-san · 4 years
When I tell you I was genuinely furious at Thorin the first time I watched this one, when he yells at Bilbo after the eagles catch them...
And then the fuckin whiplash five seconds later?! Mans out here trying to kill people, I tell you
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