#( with dongeun )
ueberdemnebelmeer · 8 months
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THE GLORY episode 06
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1liv · 9 months
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THE GLORY season 1 episode 3
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luxora · 4 months
The Glory -> {Highschool AU} -> Getting Jealous
Requested: No
Kdrama: The Glory
Genre: Angst. Fluff?
Warnings: Mentions of bullying. No remorse. Swearing. Violence. Possessive behavior. Some blood
A/N: I absolutely do not condone anything that was presented in the kdrama. No one should ever bully others. This is all purely fiction.
Moon Dongeun
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Dongeun is no stranger of misery, especially given her role in the school courtesy of the actions of Yeonjin and her gang.
But this kind of misery was of a whole new different kinds, something that you were completely unaware of, which in her opinion, made it so much worse.
You would not describe yourself as an extrovert, but you were most certainly a lot more outgoing that Dongeun. Dongeun would say that she bordered more on the introverted side, but also she simply did not have the time to truly reach out to befriend any other of her classmates because of all her time constantly being taken up by Yeonjin.
It was still impressive itself that she managed to befriend you, although no one really knows of the friendship between the two of you aside from yourselves.
It is not like you didn't try approach her in school, but for a matter of your preservation and her own irrecoverable habit of self-isolation, she tended to avoid you like the plague until it was absolutely necessary to interact with you in a public setting.
She did not want Yeonjin or any of the others to realize that she had someone who made her experience at school more durable, because then they will use that against her.
You didn't deserve to go through with what she is going through. The thought of you possibly being hurt by Yeonjin or Sara, or even Jaejun, it literally made Dongeun sick to the stomach; hence why she proceeded to avoid contact as much as possible.
Ignorance was bliss in this case; however, in her current predicament, it was anything but bliss for Dongeun.
She silently stewed in her seat as she waited for you to join her for the project the two of you were to work on together. Group assignments were rather rare, but this time the teacher decided it would be most suitable to have a partner with the assignment, and so you took the opportunity to work with Dongeun, something which made her both happy and scared at the same time.
Deciding to work on the foundation of your shared assignment, the two of you agreed to meet in the school library to start your research, but while you were heading towards her at the decided working table, you got caught in a conversation with one of your other classmates, and the way the two of you were talking, Dongeun couldn't help but feel...frustrated by the interaction.
She barely gets to spend as much time with you as she would prefer, the two of you only meeting outside of school at odd times when Dongeun was in working order to go to your home, or when she was permitted to some kind of freedom where she would be unsuspected from others.
So in her mind, this project just gave her an opportunity to simply be with you without any suspicion - so the fact that her time with you was getting interrupted was bothering her, especially when she sees you laughing at something that the classmate said which she is not privy to.
Her hands tightened into a fists, a miserable ball lodging itself in Dongeun's throat as the passing seconds felt like hours, especially since you were not getting closer to her anytime sooner as you continued conversing with the classmate, continuously laughing at their words despite the library being a place of silence.
She had no reason to become so uneasy at all of this, as you were a talkative person naturally, but - the fact her time with you was being encroached by a bystander - it was bothering her and she did not like the fact that she was being left here to wait for you while you were only so far away from her.
Dongeun swallowed down the misery in her throat, attempting to get a control over her emotions, released her hand from its violent self-grip to try reapply herself before you eventually arrived to the table, not realizing that you had in fact finished up your conversation and was heading over to her in that very moment. Hence why she jumped when you voice was suddenly right next to her.
"Hey Dongeun!"
She snapped her head to look at you with a bewildered expression, prompting you to cock your head from the sudden reaction.
"Are you okay? Why are you so jumpy?"
"I-I.." Dongeun flustered on the spot before shook her head, averting her gaze from yours. "Sorry, its nothing."
"Are you sure?" You inquired, taking a seat next to her, placing your books on the table. She nodded. "Well, if you're certain."
Dongeun didn't say anything further as you began to open your books and started talking about the project, completely oblivious to the effect that you had concurrently had on her from both the interaction with your classmate and you being right beside her in a public setting which was to have no proper negative repercussions.
That feeling - not appreciate it - and now she was trying consider of what it truly meant to her own psych over the fact that she became affected from something so menial as a conversation with a classmate.
She must be going crazy - that was the only solution that she could really come up with.
While she is no stranger of pain, she did not revel in it. And she most certainly did not want to revel in that type of misery again. Only something tells her that it won't e first or the last time she will feel such a thing again.
And that is was scares her.
Park Yeon-jin
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Ever since she was a child, Yeonjin has never been someone who likes to share her things. Perhaps it stemmed from being the only child, not having siblings to fight over the attention of her parents nor to negotiate and compromise over ownership of any material thing.
Therefore, going forward in her teenage years, Yeonjin still maintained the idea that whatever belonged to her was hers, and that was non-negotiable. Not even Sara was given the courtesy to have a taste of her own divinely pleasures because Yeonjin was the primary owner of items, first and foremost, and she didn't share.
And this segment particularly applied to you.
The scene before her was just pissing her off. Yeonjin tapped her fingers irately against her forearm as she watched you interact with with the older students, a shy smile on their face as they offered you a rose, courtesy of the Valentine event of which the younger years had to offer flowers to seniors they admired.
Yeonjin never found an interest in such a thing as she had much better things to do instead of chasing after some stupid male seniors. None of them had her interest and all the other older grades just got worse in terms of appearance, filling her with much disgust.
But nothing disgusted her more than the fact that you were blushing all because of the reversal roles between you and the older male senior.
Yeonjin didn't know why, but her blood was boiling over the fact that there was a blush on your cheeks, your own lips quirked in a nervous smile as you accepted the rose, head ducked down while the senior spoke to you, rubbing his neck nervously as you stood in place, head ducked down bashfully.
"Wow, he must be desperate." Hyejeong's voice cracked into Yeonjin's ears like nails on the chalkboard, her voice making Yeonjin's air stand up as she giggled mockingly. "To think he would go after Y/N of people. He must have lost a bet."
That better be the reason of why he would be approaching you in the first place. While Hyejeong continued to talk, Yeonjin kept her eyes locked on the two of you, her nails this time digging into her forearm as she watched with aflame eyes as the male senior reached for your hand, lowering his head so that he was on par with your height. He whispered something and Yeonjin could not help but fucking curse when you giggled again, nodding your head to something before lifting your head to give him a full blown smile.
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
"-must be putting out or something. Otherwise why else would he-"
Hyejeong has literally trodden on the last thread of her patience. Without hesitation, Yeonjin swung around and all but slapped the pathetic bitch across the face, prompting a loud cry out of her lips as she literally crumbled to the floor, the strength behind the slap knocking her entirely off balance.
The air in her chest was tight, a volcanic eruption threatening to burst as she heaved shakily on the spot, eyes narrowed dangerous at Hyejeong as she stared up fearfully at her.
"For once in your life, will you shut the fuck up?!"
"Miss Park, that type of behavior and language is completely unacceptable!"
Yeonjin didn't even spare a glance at the bitch teacher that had hurried towards the two of them scoldings and threats leaving her lips as she addressed Yeonjin. She instead glanced back in your direction, only to be found in the center of your attention as you stared wide-eyed at her, the rose in your hand being clenched tightly while your lips stood ajar. She noticed that your hand was no longer being held captive by the stupid buffoon beside you, instead it clenched to your side, clutching some the material of your school skirt as your continued to stare at Yeonjin.
Despite the circumstances of it, she couldn't help but inwardly preen over the fact that your attention was now on her. But then she remembered why it was not on her in the first place, which reinforced the fury which was already boiling in her chest. Instead of saying a word, she just flashed you a glare of promise, resulting in a feared expression crossing of your face.
She was going to get you back for this. Sometime today, she was going to find you and make you suffer the consequences for making her feel so fucking stupid and angry over a fucking flower.
You have fucking forgotten your place, and it is about time she reminded you just who you fucking belonged to.
You were hers. And no fucking Valentine flower must make you think that anything changes that. If she must kill that damn asshole, then so be it. You're hers - and she is going to make sure that you remember that.
Jeon Jae-jun
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Jaejun didn't realize that he was bashing the bastard's head in until he was doing it.
There was a buzz in his ears while he kept slamming the idiots head into the desk, uncaring of the screams and shouts that erupted in the class as Jaejun gripped the guy's head tightly by the hair and kept slamming his head full-force into the wooden surface.
Even though he tried fighting back, it was of no use. Jaejun had him, and he was going to make sure that he received the full treatment.
He warned him. He fucking warned him that he was going to kill him if he kept flirting with you, and now he was going to fucking do it.
A sick pleasure erupted in Jaejun's chest as he saw the blood beginning to splatter on the wooden surface, but then the pleasure was halted when he felt hands on his shoulders as they tried to pull him away. He heard Myeong-o's sick snickers while he wrapped his arms around Jaejun from behind as he lifted him off his feet.
"Cut it out will ya? Ya are going to get detention!"
Detention was the last hing on his mind. Hell, even going to prison was the last thing on his mind. He knows that it isn't going to happen cause his parents will just pay them out, but that was not the focus at the moment. He needed to punish the fucker who thought it would be a good idea to try steal his girl - to try steal you.
"Let me go!" He roared, immediately wrestling in Myeong-o's grip as he attempt to lunge at the pathetic loser as he laid crumbled on the floor, clutching at his bleeding hear. "I'm going to fucking kill him!"
"Dude, just-"
"Fuck off!"
Jaejun slammed his head back and he connected with Myeong-o's nose with a sickening crack, a wave of pain washing over him as both boys stumbled on the spot, Myeong-o clutching at his nose while Jaejun clutched at the back of his head.
Dammit, that actually hurt.
But then Jaejun reconnected his gaze with the fallen student and then decided to forego his momentary pain to continued to job. He grabbed the student by the collar and lifted him up from the floor, staring at his blood smeared face with a snarl.
"I told you that she is mine! You don't fucking touch what is mine!"
Jaejun lifted his fist and slammed it into the student's face, causing an immediate splatter to erupt from the student's nose. They hastily tried to defend themselves but it was of no use, Jaejun just punched and punched and punched until his own knuckles were beginning to ache and burn, almost as if he split the skin or something.
Prompted by the thought, Jaejun lifted his hand to gaze at it. Blood was smothering it, but upon closer inspection, he realised that his knuckles were in fact split. He cursed.
How annoying.
The buzz in his eyes subsiding, but his anger still simmering, Jaejun stood up from the mess of the boy and then finally turned to you, your body frozen in your desk as you stared at him with horrified eyes. He blinked slowly before he walked towards you, no one else in the classroom daring to utter a word as he approached the front of your desk, his face expressionless.
You only stared up at him as he paused, looking at you with an eerily calm look before he reached out and grabbed your wrist, eyebrows furrowing when you flinched at the sudden touch. But then he realized that he had grabbed you with his bloody hand, making him curse.
"Damn, sorry Y/N." He released you briefly before grabbing you with his uninjured hand, pulling you up from your desk. "I need to go to the nurse. Come with me."
It wasn't really a request, and you didn't disagree with his statement when he all but tugged you away from the desk and the ordeal which had occurred. His grip on you tightened as he noticed the horrified stares.
He doesn't get what their problems were. He is just getting his hand fixed up and you were going to help him.
If they think that he was just going to ignore the fact of another guy trying to take what was his, then they were all idiots. You were his and he was not going to let someone take you away from him. He will beat every person's face in if that is what it takes.
You were his.
And he was going to protect what was his.
And you most importantly must not forget that, because he will go through hell for you. So you better be grateful, cause not every guy will be as protective as him. So you must realize that you have hit the jackpot. He is sure you'll thank him later, even show him some gratitude.
Lee Sa-ra
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You trembled against her body but it did not prompt Sara to move away from you. In fact, it only made her press herself closer against you. Despite your lack of success, you still tried to resist against Sara's hold on your wrists but it was of no use.
You were trapped. Sara has no intentions of letting you go, especially not after rectifying what she had been forced to bare witness to.
"...Did you like it?" She whispered carefully, her lips brushing against your jaw as she spoke against your skin. "Did you like him kissing you like that?"
You were not stupid, that was one of the reasons that Sara liked you in the first place. You had a bright mind and fitted well into the group because none of you were idiots. Well, with the exception of Hyejeong, but aside from her, the rest of them were exceptional in their own areas of expertise. Hers being art, of course.
So therefore, she knows that you getting into the situation cannot be fully your fault because you would know better than to make Sara jealous on purpose.
It was pulled off as some kind of stupid elaborate prank pulled by the boys. The stupid fools believed it would be a good idea to pull a water gun fight in the middle of PE, soaking all of the girls with water. Sara was annoyed in the first place, but nothing prepared her for the sight which occurred in the middle of the stupid prank.
A boy stealing a kiss from you.
You were just as soaked as the others, being separated from Sara during the whole scuffle, and yet you were the only one to get kissed by one of the boys, which resulted in a whole class reaction, girls cooing at the act and the boys guffawing and slapping the boy on the back for having the guts to do such a thing.
But your reaction was what had Sara hyper focused, because she knew immediately where your mind went because you immediately snapped your gaze to Sara, looking for her in the crowd before locking eyes with her, terror in your own.
You were scared of Sara's reaction, and its a good thing, because she is about ready to tear someone's head off, the first one being the bastard who stole a kiss from you.
But first - she needed to stake her claim on those very lips which were tainted by another.
"S-Sara, please." You quivered, voice soft and terrified as you froze stiff against Sara as she trailed her lips down the column of your neck. "I didn't mean to-"
"What?" Sara questioned, resting her lips against the point where your shoulder and neck met. "What didn't you mean to do? Did you kiss him first?"
The thoughts itself was barbarous because you were loyal to Sara. You were hers and you know how she is whenever someone gets too close to you for her liking. And you were a smart girl, so you wouldn't do such a stupid thing to get a rise out of her.
But still - she needed to make sure you were aware of your situation.
"N-No, I swear I didn't. I just, I-"
"Did you want my attention? Is that why you didn't push him away?"
"N-No, I-"
"Oh, so you don't want my attention?" Sara's voice dropped as she pulled away from your neck to look at you, her eyes swirling dangerous. You immediately panicked at the sight and began to resist against her hold on your wrists again.
"No! I don't mean that! I-I-I'm just sorry! I swear I didn't want it to happen Sara, You've got to believe me! Please."
You were sounding so desperate, your actions and expressions showing it so clearly that it made her heart flutter as she continued to stare. Her fingers tightened around your wrists, making you wince before she shifted both hands up until you were entirely stretched to your full length, trapped and unable to defend yourself as Sara all but leapt for your neck, biting down hard on the skin, making you cry out in the pain.
The taste of iron reached her tongue but Sara did not react to it as she remained frozen in her position, teeth in your neck like some wild animal. Your body quivered tremendously against her, little sobs beginning to leave your lips as you began to bleed, which eventually prompted Sara to pull away from you neck to gaze at you again.
Once your eyes eventually met hers again, she smiled, displaying a row of blood stained teeth - your blood - and a maniacal glint in her eyes.
"Before anything else, you are mine. Do you understand me?" Sara questioned, eyes not leaving yours as her free hand moved to trail a thumb against the bite wound on your neck, smearing the blood across the uninjured skin. "If I must do this all over your body, then so be it. If you ever let someone else kiss you again, I will lose my shit. You got that?"
You simply stood frozen before her, eyes gawking at her in horror, which irritated to no end. She pressed her thumb against the bite, making you wince immediately at the applied pressure.
"Do. You. Get. It?"
"Y-Yes." You whimpered out, tears forming in your eyes as you shivered in place, making Sara smile as she believed that you finally understood her whole intention.
"Good. Now don't move."
Sara closed the distance between you and kissed you, her tongue immediately meeting yours in a silent tango as she removed the taint with her own lips, your body supple under her own as she reaffirmed her possession over you.
Choi Hye-jeong
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"What the hell is wrong with you!"
Hyejeong stormed into the bathroom with guns blazing, anger boiling all over as she stared at you frightened form, your hand to your chest as you attempted to calm it after jumping at Hyejeong's sudden entrance in the bathroom.
Fortunately there was no one else in the bathroom, but Hyejeong didn't care because all she wanted from you were answers.
"How can you be so stupid!"
She hasn't given you much context to understand the reason behind her anger, as hinted through your confused look, but then realization dawned on you, prompting an apologetic expression forming on your face.
"I didn't know what I could say-"
"You could have said no! Why the hell are you going on a date with that idiot!"
Never, ever did Hyejeong think that she was going to be in the situation that she would be jealous over someone asking you out on a date because she never thought it would happen. You did not talk much with the others; therefore, nobody had any reason to have a crush on you, much less ask you out on a date.
And yet she had to hear from a group of underclassmen that one of the boys in their class had asked you out on a date, to which you agreed.
She couldn't fucking believe it.
Hyejeong stormed towards you and grabbed you by the shoulders, giving you a firm shake before she cupped your cheeks in her hands, forcing you to keep your gaze on her.
"Why the hell did you agree to it!"
"I-I didn't know what else to say. I didn't expect it."
"It doesn't matter if you didn't expect it. The matter is that you should have never agreed in the first place! Why do you want to hurt me so much? Did you think I was going to be happy about this!"
Hyejeong could not exactly ask Yeonjin or the others for any advice on how to proceed about this. Yeonjin and Sara are two bitches who will easily laugh and humiliate both you and Hyejeong for being in such a relationship in the first place, while Myeong-o and Jaejun would be complete assholes about it.
The two of you were alone in this world together, being the only ones to understand the others struggle. So the fact that you agreed to go on the stupid date upsets her and hurts her - serving the same impact as a knife getting driven into her chest.
You looked at her mournfully, shaking your head as you reached out to touch her cheek.
"No Hyejeong, I would never want to hurt you-"
"Well you are by agreeing to go with him!"
Hyejeong pushed you away from her as if your touch burned her, angry tears escaping from her eyes as she roughly wiped at them ,glaring heatedly through the liquid wall.
"I can't believe that you would be so pathetic that you wouldn't be able to even say the word 'No' to some stupid underclassman!"
Hurt immediately bloomed from her words, your eyes reflecting it as you stared at her, making a pang of guilt shoot through Hyejeong but not enough to stop her venomous words.
"But I guess I shouldn't be surprised! You're a damn people pleaser who wouldn't know the difference between her mommy issues and daddy issues!"
Low blow.
An extremely low blow.
But in her moment of hurt, Hyejeong didn't care. She wanted you to hurt and she succeeded, tears forming as you took a step back from her, almost as if the words itself had slapped you across the face.
But instead of saying anything else, Hyejeong sneered before storming out of the bathroom, needing to build the distance between the two of you if she wanted to get an inch of semblance back to herself.
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urheartsamess · 2 years
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“Do you have proof? Proof. Do you have it?” — “You have no idea.”
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astarlightmonbebe · 2 years
the appeal of yeojeong as a normal guy who’s just a little bit off. not enough that you would notice when talking to him, of course, but it’s just there, under the surface. a disturbance. and i think it’s interesting because typically you have two types of guys somewhat adjacent to this: guy who seems totally normal but is secretly sadistic/a psychopath, and then guy haunted by a traumatic/troubled past, who has that secret layer of torment running beneath the surface of their image. but yeojeong breaks through these archetypes, and i think part of it is because he’s just so...calm. it’s not that he’s living a double life (kind doctor by day, killer by night) or hiding part of his past (everyone he worked with knew about what happened to his father, and watched his downward spiral during his college days). he’s not the typical male character who is, at every attempt, trying to outrun his tragic past (even though he does run once or twice); he’s not haunted by flashbacks, or suffer from PTSD in the way that is usually portrayed in dramas. and i think part of that is because the glory is a story about victims. it’s dongeun’s story, first and foremost, even though it is also yeojeong’s story, and hyeonnam’s story, and sohee’s story. but it’s a story about dongeun’s pain, and when it’s not about her pain, it’s just about the pain of victimhood - unlike other dramas, this isn’t a show where male pain outweighs the rest.
so yeojeong is just a normal guy. he’s handsome. he has a good career. he’s a plastic surgeon, an interesting choice when both his parents were/are hospital directors, and his father seemed to have worked in the er or something of the sort prior to his death (or at the very least wasn’t a plastic surgeon). something could be said here of yeojeong choosing the ‘safe’ path as a doctor, a path where he cures pain and makes people happy without the added risk of being attacked by one of his patients. there’s no proof of that in the show - why he chose to be a plastic surgeon - but it’s an interesting thought path to travel. 
dongeun says he must have lived a good life. that he’s never had to worry about the path that he’s on. and that’s true, to a certain extent. to everyone, including her in the beginning, yeojeong is perfectly friendly. he’s perfect, but not the perfect that people perceive as too perfect (i.e. the guy who’s hiding things); he has his moments where he spazzes out, gets into fights, goes crazy over dongeun texting him back, teases his mom. he’s perfectly well adjusted (a perfect contrast to dongeun’s ‘maladjustment’). he wears flip flops to work and gets the same coffee order daily. he plays go with old men in the park.
he likes to listen to the fizzing of vitamin tablets in water because it calms him down. is this a strange thing? only because he thinks it’s important enough to mention to his therapist. he does it at work too - drops the tablet in, closes his eyes, rests his head. he does it at home - drops the tablet in, opens the drawer, draws a knife. it’s about the noise. bubbles rising to the surface, like bubbles rising from underwater. he stays underwater until the last possible moment, when he has to break the surface in order to breath. dongeun makes him feel like he’s at the eye of a storm - a deceptively calm center, while everything else rages outside. and i think it’s kind of important that he makes that comparison, when he’s someone always seeking that calm. the soothing noise, that makes him feel lonely.
so he’s just a normal guy. a normal guy who receives letters on a regular basis from the prisoner who brutally murdered his father. he doesn’t like letters, he tells dongeun. who knows what he does with the letters - does he keep them? does he throw them away as soon as he sees them? he must have read some of them; maybe you only need to read one to know what is in the rest. maybe he’s still reading them; maybe he keeps them without reading, an invisible torment. it’s not what he does with the letters that matters, but that he receives letters at all. 
can you still call it a haunting if you’ve almost made your peace with it? if you’re living with it? 
he’s just a normal guy, who looks his therapist right in the eyes and tells her that she couldn’t fix him. he diligently attends therapy for years on a regular basis, even though it doesn’t work. he finally abandons it when he moves to semyeong, because he chooses to embrace dongeun’s revenge. he chooses his own revenge, too, in a way. the dark part of him that he can’t escape. the one that makes him pick up the knife, who asks dongeun who to kill before she even tells him she wants any of them dead, even when he’s a doctor from a family of doctors, and doctors don’t kill - they save lives instead. 
you couldn’t fix me, he tells his therapist calmly. so calmly. as if there’s not a bloodied man sitting next to him, a man he dreams of killing. the man is just life to him, just like the letters are life to him to. a dulled numbness. an acceptance of it. 
is your son going through hell? can you even tell it’s hell, if it’s what you’ve become used to? is it hell when you’re a doctor dreaming of murder? is it hell to no longer be tormented by dead men and living murderers who send you letters? is it?
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royaltysuite · 5 months
Just imagine.....
All throughout high school, you managed to avoid being the center of a bully's attention. However, their victims could always come to you to avoid anymore beatings and harassment.
You were just a normal student like them, just trying to graduate and start your future. It's the connections you have that keep them coming to you. And said connections could range from public humiliation and ostracization or straight up disappearances.
It just depended on how badly they wanted it. Those connections you had put you on her radar. You were now a key piece in the revenge plot of MOON DONG-EUN.
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papiermachete · 8 months
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It’s a shittily made meme but I couldn’t get it out of my head
Edit: okay i posted this before i watched the last episode…
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lessersaints · 2 years
Yeojeong with his doe eyes killer mind (murderous maladaptive daydreams and questionable morals) meeting the love of his life Dongeun with her cold demeanor hidden scars (murderous manipulative machinations and questionable morals) are literally couple of the year.
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ruzy · 2 years
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this is why he couldn't be the main love interest bffr 😪
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lovelovesto · 2 years
Song Hyekyo as Moon Dong-eun
in <The Glory> Ep.01
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jungwonscover · 1 year
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๑ Kill
☼ pedido pessoal ─ soIaria
⚘ se inspirou? credite-me!
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heesulovebot · 2 years
idgy so many weirdos don’t want dongeun to get her love like she can have revenge AND her man this woman deserves it all 😭😭😭
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shatygrey · 5 months
thinking about ha doyeong being ceo of a construction business and moon dongeun wanting to be an architect 🥺
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luxora · 2 years
The Glory -> You visit them in prison
Requested: No
Kdrama: The Glory
Genre: Angst. Fluff?
Warnings: Mentions of murder. Mentions of bullying. Mentions of death. No remorse. Swearing. 
A/N: I absolutely do not condone anything that was presented in the kdrama. No one should ever bully others. This is all purely fiction.
Moon Dong-eun
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Dongeun had never been one to truly care about fashion, mainly because she only purchased items of clothing that could conceal the horrid burn scars that were inflicted on her during high school. However, it did not mean that she approved of the prison uniform that was currently fitted to her body. While the colour itself did not bother her, nor that it was a prison uniform, but it was rather the short sleeves of the uniform that bothered her.
Since the day Dongeun had received the burn marks from Yeonjin and the others, she has always covered them with long clothing. Ranging from long-sleeve dressed to oversized jackets and sweaters, Dongeun always made sure to hide her scars from the public eye, hating the looks of horror that were immediately scorned her way, constantly bringing a wave of humiliation to her.
She never should have been forced into the position where she feels that she has to constantly hide herself. She shouldn’t be fearful over the fact that someone could possibly catch a glimpse of her bare forearms in case they notice the first burn scar which had marked her collection. She should not living her life for the sole purpose of revenge, and yet it was the only thing which had kept her alive so far.
Dongeun stared blankly at you from the other side of the plastic screen in the visitation ward, your own face filled with obvious sadness with tears streaming down your face while you stared at her from your side of the screen. While her heart pinched at the sight of your tears, she did not allow herself to show any concern. Between the two of you, she had to be the strongest. You were already the more emotionally one between the two of you, so that meant that she had to be the controlled one.
“Dongeun...” You uttered, your bottom lip trembling after her name left your mouth, the anguish obvious to even the prisoner guard who was monitoring Dongeun’s visit with you. “I’m so sorry.”
“I have already said that it is not your fault Y/N. This was a possible risk.”
Dongeun had expected for Yeonjin to try use her means of wealth and resources in an attempt to stop her journey of revenge; however, she didn’t quite anticipate that she would manage to spin a made up story which incriminated Dongeun for supposedly blackmailing students at her workplace for some benefits. While there was hardly any evidence to the story, there was apparently some constructed proof, no doubt courtesy to Mr Chu who had some sort of vindictive grudge towards Dongeun for some whatever reason. 
And so Dongeun was serving time for a crime that she did not commit, although she did not plan to stay for long.
“Still, so much has happened to you and yet-”
“One thing to know about revenge Y/N is that you should expect the unexpected. I had expected this, but did not anticipate in it actually happening.”
“Why are you so calm?!” You suddenly screeched, slamming your hand hard on the table that it echoed in the room.
Dongeun felt the gaze of the prisoner guard behind her, no doubt attempting to diagnose the cause of your temper flare, but Dongeun did not react. She instead continued to gaze at you with a blank gaze.
“I see no point in losing my temper over something that is inevitable. Becoming lost in a rage is not going to change the fact that I am in here.”
“But you didn’t do it!” You exclaimed, staring at her desperately as tears continued to escape. “You don’t deserve to be in here! Out of all people, it is Yeonjin and her whole group of asshole friends!”
You were not someone who habitually cursed, although it became a different story when you lost your temper. Even though it was hardly appropriate, a small smile found itself gracing Dongeun’s lips, her eyes lighting up slightly as she gazed at your frazzled appearance. You immediately furrowed your eyebrows when you noticed the small.
“Why are you smiling?”
“...I don’t know.”
It was true.
She didn’t know why she was smiling, but she had found that since meeting you, smiles have become a more frequent in her life. After her high school experiences with Yeonjin and the others, Dongeun could hardly feel any sort of happiness during her years into adulthood. Dongeun had to work to survive and survival hardly had any room for emotions such as happiness. Possibly the only form of happiness she felt was when she marked the start of her revenge plot against Yeonjin. Her laborious thoughts of revenge slowly started to become true, and the pieces slipping into place brought a sense of twisted glee to Dongeun, who has been a victim for Yeonjin far beyond their high school days.
And yet somehow and somewhat, she has found herself feeling a different sort of glee when she was with you. Although perhaps the correct word to use was contentment. She became somewhat content in your presence. Something she was not used to.
“There has to be something that we can do.” You said, ducking your head as you sniffled as your tears began to blur your eyesight, making you miss the tilt of Dongeun’s head as she looked at you. Dongeun reached out and tapped the transparent screen, the sound prompting you to lift your head again. She leaned in so that she could talk to you in a lower tone.
“There is nothing that we can do but wait. You must remain home and continue with your everyday life. You do not need to worry about me.”
You looked at her in slight confusion for a few moments before your expression suddenly hardened, your eyes becoming sharp despite the moisture in them.
“If you think that I am going to just leave you like this-”
“You are not because I will not be here for much longer.” Dongeun interrupted, a small gleeful smile gracing her lips again as her eyes lit up with small determination. “I already have a plan for my release, but it will take some time so I need you to continue living normally without me. You will hear more about it from me soon.”
“Dongeun...what are you-”
“I can’t tell you now but I promise that I will soon. Trust me Y/N...I have a plan for something like this.”
While Dongeun did not anticipate for herself to be put into this situation, it did not mean that she did not plan for the possibility. She had already started the process of her eventual release, courtesy of a certain doctor who was determined to be her executioner. Although while he did play an important part, he could not compare to you, her warden.
Her warden who did whatever they could to protect her, as expected of a warden. You guarded and protected, be it Dongeun or her proof for revenge. She trusted you and she knew that you trusted her to keep to her word and eventually tell you her plan. Although not for the moment. It was not the right time. She will tell you when the time is right, when there is no possibility of derailment.
Joo Yeo-jeong
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Despite the dark grey uniform that was clothing his body and the plastic screen that was separating him from you, Yeojeong couldn’t help but smile thoughtfully while you looked at him from the opposite seat, eyebrows furrowed at his expression.
“Why are you smiling?” You asked, your hand raised half in the air as you leaned back in your chair, fingers lazily moving against one another. His eyes brightened at your question.
“I’m happy.” He said, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.
Although to Yeojeong, it was the most obvious answer in the world. He had finally done it. He had finally ended the life of his own tormentor. It took over two years but he eventually managed to see the light fade away from that animal that had ruined his entire life. He had so meticulous with his revenge. He at first started with the weekly medication that prisoners were entitled to have until eventually progressing to the food that he would eat. He maintained his professional facade the entire time, no one suspecting his true intentions.
He internally found delight in the wariness of the animal, cautiously stepping towards the counter to receive his medication, all while Yeojeong maintained his friendly demeanor. While he had smiled at tormentor, appearing friendly from the public eye, only he could recognize the iciness of the smile. Yeonjeong had promised him that he had to be careful when the two of them met again because then Yeojeong was going to mark the start of his revenge. He had promised that he was going to kill him and that nobody was going to suspect foul play because Yeojeong was a doctor.
It had worked for the whole two years. Yeojeong had made sure that the process was slow. He wanted to draw it out as much as he could because the animal did not deserve a quick death. He made sure that his father had choked on his blood, suffocating him and making his death panicked and painful with himself being the last thing that his father would ever see until he finally succumbed to his injuries. That was something that Yeojeong could never forgive. He could never forgive the monster who had created his father’s death, nor could he forgive that the betrayal he demonstrated by killing the doctor who had saved his life.
Yeojeong drew out his death deliciously, and when he finally stared down at the dying monster, he couldn’t help but smile. He had leaned down so that they were practically face-to-face, a calm smile on his face as he took in his moment of victory.
“Do you need me to give you something for the pain?”
The terror in his eyes were wonderful and nothing brought Yeojeong more delight than seeing the moment of death. He had finally completed his revenge. He avenged his father and his family. He managed to make the monster pay for all the pain he had caused Yeojeong and his family. He could finally move on with his life, with you and with his mother.
...Only he was eventually suspected of being the cause of the death.
It took some digging to eventually track down the proof that would give them the right to imprison Yeojeong. He did not even put up a fight when they had arrived with handcuffs. He did not feel any fear or sadness; however, he did feel a sense of guilt when he turned around to see you standing in the entryway of his home, having rushed from the table where the two of you were having dinner. He did make sure to utter an ‘I love you’ to you before he was hauled away, the officer reading out his rights as he was escorted out his home and towards the police vehicle which was waiting for him.
“...You are happy that you are in prison?” You asked, snapping him out of his thoughts as he began to recall his memory of his object of revenge finally becoming lost in the next realm, most likely to a fiery inferno. He smiled serenely at you.
“Not exactly.”
“...Then why are you happy?”
“I feel achieved.”
“I achieved?”
“Yes. I finally did it Y/N, I finally killed that monster. He’s dead and its all because of me. He feared for it. He feared for his death. He feared me. It was glorious.”
It was truly glorious. It was possibly the best entertainment that Yeojeong could ever have in his life. While it was expected for him to find a new means to entertain himself, nothing could ever compare to the two year game he had to play. It was wonderful.
Yejeong suddenly jumped at the sound of your fist hitting the table, your facial features twisted harshly as you glared from your end of the screen, your jaw clenching tightly.
“Right. It was so glorious that you didn’t think of the possibility of getting caught, or even think about how this would affect me.” He furrowed his eyebrows at you, slightly confused. You scoffed at his expression. “Were you so obsessed with your idea of revenge that it didn’t even occur to you to even mention the fact that you were going on a whole revenge trip to kill a man?!”
Yeojeong felt his body tense defensively, his facial features hardening as he stared at you.
“It wasn’t just any man, he was the man that-”
“Yes I know that now Yeojeong, after I had to hear it from a detective! Don’t you think I had to right to know about your whole plan? Don’t you think that I had the right to know that you were trying to kill someone?!”
Yeojenong couldn’t help but stare at you with furrowed eyebrows, the suddenly posed question making him ponder to himself. Why hadn’t he told you about it? The two of you had steadily progressed in your relationship. You found him after Dongeun had suddenly vanished, and he found himself finding comfort and contentment in your presence, slowly but surely falling in love with you.
...But it did not occur to him to inform you of his plans.
He was unable to say anything because he didn’t know what he could say to placate you. It simply never did cross his mind, and you had been by his side for the past two years. Why didn’t he tell you?
His lack of an answer angered you and he couldn’t help but whip his head up at you as you stood up from your seat, shaking your head before sparing him with a final glance.
“Forget it Yeojeong.”
And then you left. Your shoes leaving an echoing sound in the room as you exited the through the door and slammed it shut, leaving Yeojeong behind in stunned silence.
Ha Do-yeong
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Doyeong could not stand the look that you were giving him from your side of the screen, your eyes glossed over with pity and fear for him; although he did not blame you since neither of you knew when he would eventually be let out. He let out a sigh and threaded his fingers through his hair, it becoming longer than usual due to the past time in the prison. While he could have it done, he has chosen not to. He decided that it was going to be one of the first things he was going to do once he released.
“How is Yesol?” He asked, looking at you with tense eyes as he waited for an answer. You sighed and leaned back in your seat.
“She is sad but she is doing okay, much better than I had expected. But she missed you. She misses her daddy. She doesn’t understand why you are in here...and I don’t know what to tell her.”
“Did you tell her what we had agreed on?” He asked, anxiety shooting through him at the thought of his daughter finding out the truth. You nodded.
“Yes. As far as she knows, you were put in here by mistake. That you were put in here by some bad people. But Doyeong, she is a lot smarter than you think. She has started asking me questions that I don’t know how to answer. She is going to eventually figure out the truth.”
“Yes but lets prolong it for just a bit longer. She already has a mother who is a bully and a murderer...me being a crook is not something that she needs to deal with. I know better than anyone that at times ignorance is simply bliss.”
“But Doyeong...it wasn’t even your fault.”
“But it is in the eyes of the law.”
Doyeong has always prided himself on his natural instincts towards certain topics because they had never failed him. From his business school years to the strong, effective progression of his company, Doyeong had always managed to trust his instincts to guide him along the correct path.
And yet that had incorrectly guided him into the arms of a black widow, better known as Yeonjin, childhood bully and adult terror. Doyeong could not believe that he was so blind to her true nature, even though he had fallen for her during their whole courtship. She was beautiful, it was obvious, and perhaps that was why he was so attracted to her in the first place. He liked them pretty. She had a charm about her which could not be easily replicated, and like a moth to a flame, he was drawn in, not realizing that he was going to be burnt nearly a decade later.
His instincts had started working again when Moon Dongeun had entered Yeonjin’s life again, which inevitably caused the woman to enter his own. He could not believe the cruel capabilities of his wife, inflicting such cruel harm onto somebody simply because she could. While Doyeong would hardly say he was an innocent student during his high school years, he would have never done anything that Yeonjin and her friends had done to Moon Dongeun.
What they had done to the woman...it was inhuman.
Doyeong was disgusted that he had married a monster. He wouldn’t even be able to call her a human because no human would be cruel enough to inflict such pain onto another. Yeonjin could not be classified as a human. She was an animal. A monster. Anything but a human. The only way Yeonjin preserved any form of her humanity was through the birth and upbringing of Yesol.
Despite her not being his biological daughter, she was the purest thing in the world. While she had her mother’s beauty, she did not possess her twisted personality. She was innocent, sweet, and naturally curious. She was such a sweet girl who loved dolls and soccer. She enjoys making food for him and you, the two of you often bonding in the kitchen and sharing smiles and laughter which couldn’t stop a smile crawling along his own face.
The last bit of innocence that Yeonjin had before it died in school was reincarnated in Yesol, and Doyeong was going to do his best to protect it. He was not going to allow her to become like either of her biological parents. It was a vow that he had made to himself.
“I’m sure your lawyers will find something. You were not the reason for the whole scheme. You didn’t even know that it was a scheme in the first place.”
“But I am the one who had signed the papers Y/N. In the eyes of everyone and the law, I knew exactly what was happening. My signature on the documents says it all.”
His instincts had failed him for the first time with his marriage to Yeonjin, and they failed him for the second time for his entrapment in a money laundering scheme that had been discovered.”
He should have known better than to sign. He should have had his people investigate the company even more, but the business people had done their homework carefully and meticulously. Doyeong would almost be impressed if he was not the one who was had become the drop man, taking all the blame and burden once the scheme was discovered. Even though his hands were clean, they were not in the eyes of the law, hence why he was locked up in prison in a visiting ward with you.
“Don’t lose hope Doyeong. The truth will come out. I’m sure of it.” You said hopefully, a resolute look in your eyes.
Doyeong gazed at you for a few moments, almost thoughtful because he could not understand why you were so hopeful in a time which seemed hopeless to him. His lawyers would have found something by now to prove his innocence, but they have found nothing. As far as he knew, he was stuck here and there was a possibility that he was never going to get out.
“...Let us hope so.” Doyeong said, forcing a small smile on his face as he gazed at you, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table. “Please keep looking after Yesol for me.”
You flashed a small smile at him, shaking your head before leaning forward in return to be closer to him as best that you could.
“You don’t even need to ask me that Doyeong. Of course I will.”
Doyeong smiled in return, a more genuine one this time as he nodded gratefully to you, thankful to have someone like you in his life to man the ship outside the prison until he hopefully returns.
Park Yeon-jin
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The silence was eating away at Yeonjin, burrowing her out from the inside while she trembled in her seat, her fingers incessantly picking at her cuticles as she waited for you to speak. You have already been here for twenty minutes and had yet to answer a single question that Yeonjin had asked. She had assumed that it was because it was still a shock to you to see her in such a horrible dressing clothes. Yeonjin was still in a state of disbelief herself that she was wearing the prison uniform, the garment doing nothing for her but torment her for all the things that have happened to her ever since the arrival of that bitch Moon Dongeun.
She should have just killed her years ago...just as she did with Sohee.
But there was hardly any time for her to think about those two pathetic beings. You were here in front of her, the only person who would visit her. Sara she knows is locked up somewhere for her stupid drug addiction, as well as stabbing that backstabber Hyejeong in the neck. Yeonjin sincerely hopes that she bled out or swallowed the whole pencil whole. And Jaejun hadn’t even bothered to show his face. But he was literally the last person she wanted to see her like this. It was humiliating enough for that damned Moon Dongeun to see her like this...that pathetic bitch deserved to die for everything that she has done to her.
Her perfect life was shattered the second that bitch had stepped foot back into that school hall.
Her nerves were already on the edge with being in this prison, the vilest of women residing in here that one could mistake them as the slugs on the garden wall that has been residing there for generations. They disgusted her and sharing her living quarters with them horrified her. There was no sense of elegance or luxury. She had no reason for being here. She did not deserve to be here. It was all because of that damned scarred bitch. She should be the one in this damn prison for ruining her life.
The only thing that could give her some sense of reprieve was you, but your silence was making her hell even more torturous. She hasn’t spoken to anyone since her arrival. They were not people who she could converse with, or even want to converse with. Tossing backwater in the dryers with Hyejeong would have been more enjoyable that interacting with those disgusting slug women. You were the only one in the prison who was worth her time and sanity, and yet you are not speaking to her.
She has sent you letters and yet you have not answered them. Yeonjin felt like she was going mad here. You were the only form of sanity that she had left in this hell. You were the only reminder of her previous utopia before she ended up in here. You were her past life. She wanted it back. She wanted you.
“Y/N...speak to me already.” She said, letting out a nervous laugh as she looked at you, expression tightened seriously as you stared at her. “Do you have news for me? Have my lawyers said anything? How is Yesol, is she-”
“You don’t have to worry about Yesol. Doyeong is taking care of her.” You suddenly interrupted, finally speaking your voice after the last twenty minutes. Yeonjin flinched at your hard voice, but she immediately fixed her attention on you.
“T-That’s good. Y/N I am telling you that this place is my living hell. You have to talk to my lawyers and get them to-”
“What lawyers Yeonjin? In case you had forgotten, the lawyers that were helping you out were hired by Doyeong. You don’t have a single cent to spend on a lawyer, not even a public one.” You snapped, your voice sharp as a knife as you glared at her from your side. Just the sound of your hard voice and glare immediately made Yeonjin tighten up defensively.
“What do you think you are saying to me? Y/N I swear-”
“What can you do Yeonjin? You are in there and I am out here. There is literally nothing that you can do to me. Nothing.”
Your sudden hiss took Yeonjin aback completely, her eyes widening at the harsh way that you were talking to her. You have never spoken to her in this manner before. You have always been more soft spoken , submissive to Yeonjin in a sense, but it was the way Yeonjin liked you because you always made her feel more powerful and worshiped. Your eyes were always filled with awe and adoration when you saw her...and yet the only thing she could see in them were ice.
“I don’t have time for this. So I’m just going to give it to you straight. I’m leaving.” You announced, checking your watch for good measure before glancing at Yeonjin again, showing no reaction to her stunned expression.
“...What? What do you mean?” Yeonjin questioned, her eyebrows furrowing as she sat frozen in her seat, a wave of anxiety slowly building up with her the longer she continued to stare at you. You sighed again.
“I got a job offering overseas. I’m going to take it.”
“You can’t.”  Yeonjin immediately snapped, shaking her head as she stared at you with hard eyes, the wave getting bigger within her. “You can’t go anywhere.”
“Newsflash Yeonjin, it is not up to you. And even if it was, there is literally nothing you can do to stop me from leaving.” You snapped, leaning down to grab your bag. The sight of you gathering your belonging immediately made a snap of panic through Yeonjin’s body, making her leap out of her chair and completely pressed against the screen, her action making you startle as she pressed her palms against the plastic and dug her nails against the surface.
“What the hell do you think you are saying? You can’t leave! What about me? Did you fucking think about me?!” She screeched against the screen, her entire body trembling as she stood before you in a deranged state, the sight making your eyes widen for a second before hardening the next. You stood up from your seat.
“All this time I have thought about you and it led me to accepting the job. What did you expect Yeonjin? Did you expect me to come here everyday to see you when it is a known fact that you are never going to get out?”
“I am going to get out! I am going to-”
“Wake the fuck up Yeonjin! You are never getting out! You fucking killed people! You literally bullied people so badly that they much preferred death than spending another second living in the same world as you! And whats worse is that you don’t even feel remotely sorry for what you have done! It’s disgusting, and I can’t believe that I fell for you in the first place!”
Yeonjin could see it. Your lack for love for her. The previous affection and adoration you had for her before was completely vanquished from your body. All she was staring at was an ice cold individual who looked disgusted at the very sight of Yeonjin. She hated it. She detested it. It fucking terrified her. And it terrified her even more when you turned around and started to walk away from her.
“Yah! Where are you going?! Where the fuck are you going?! You can’t leave me here! You bitch, you can’t fucking leave me!”
Even when Yeonjin heard the shout of the prison guard behind her, she did not stop punching the plastic screen separating you and her from one another. You didn’t even turn back to look at her as she cursed and screeched at you. The sound of the door slamming as you exited the room was almost as lethal as a bullet to her heart. A bullet would have been less painful than the fact that you had presented her.
You were leaving.
And she had just been left behind.
Jeon Jae-jun
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Prison did not suit him.
Jaejun has gone through literal hell being here, especially when it was discovered that he was a part of the higher society than the fucking animals that resided in these walls. The stunts that have pulled on him day and night, it was enough to make him to want to smash his fucking head against the concrete walls.
He was pissed over the fact he was in here in the first place. He paid a shit ton to his lawyer and men to make sure that all of his finances were clean, but its seemed like that asshole Myeong-oh purposefully left some documents laying around which allowed Jaejun to get arrested for tax evasion. He had been so fucking careful but the mess up by one asshole had brought him to a literal downfall.
If that asshole Myeong-oh wasn’t already dead, he would have fucking killed him.
You have tried your best to help him get through this, visiting him nearly five times a week to keep him some sort of company, although it hardly did shit because in the end you were able to leave this hellhole while he had to stay behind and deal with the down dogs that he was sharing his living quarters with. It also didn’t fucking help that you brought along his lawyer, attempting to keep him updated with his bail process but it kept coming to a damn dead end.
“If you want me to be realistic...you have about a 20% chance on being granted bail.” His lawyer said, his matter-of-fact tone making Jaejun tighten his fists in anger as he stared across from you and him from his side of the visitation table. He noticed you flash his lawyer a disheartened look before it brightened into a hopeful expression as you turned to look at Jaejun.
“But that is still better than nothing. I’m sure a miracle can happen and-”
“I don’t believe in fucking miracles Y/N. You fucking know that.” Jaejun snapped, shifting his gaze at you with a sharp edge. You immediately flinched at his tone and look, making him sigh and shaking his head to try get a hold of himself. ‘Forget it.”
“Jaejun, I-”
“Get out.” Jaejun suddenly ordered, snapping his head up at attention.
He noticed your eyes widened at his sudden order, shock and fear evident in them before they eventually settled away when you realized that he was not talking to you but to his lawyer. His lawyer was startled by Jaejun’s sudden harsh look on him, making him shift uncomfortably in his chair.
“Listen Jaejun, I know it is tough, but I-”
“Are you fucking deaf? I said get out!” Jaejun screeched, kicking his legs out for good measure as he shared at his lawyer, who immediately shot from his seat and scurried out of the room, leaving you and Jaejun alone. Once he disappeared from sight, Jaejun slumped into his seat, exhaustion suddenly washing over him.
“...Jaejun?” You meekly called out, causing him to lift his head in question as he took in your small frame. He sighed again before repositioning himself and staring at you with a solemn expression.
“How is Yesol?” He asked, anticipating and anxiety building up in his stomach as he looked at you for answers.
That was probably the worst part about him being in prison. He was missing out on his time with being with Yesol. The little girl was nearly the spitting image of Yeonjin when they were kids, but she no doubt had his adorable looks. He was a cute kid back in the day, and it was a no brainer for his kid to be adorable, which Yesol has evidently proven because she is the cutest thing that he has ever seen in his life. He was making a plan for her to finally become his, for the two of them to finally become a family. He wasn’t going to be an uncle to her anymore, he was going to be his father.
And Meyong-oh fucked up his plans perfectly with this fucking stunt.
You seemed almost hesitant to answer, glancing around nervously before you cleared your throat and slowly grabbed your bag and dug through its contents before pulling out your phone. He watched you unlock it and slide your finger across the screen multiple times before finally turning it around to show him a picture of Yesol in her soccer uniform, a smile on her face as she kicked a ball. A smile immediately crawled along Jaejun’s face as he looked at the photo, a light feeling filling his chest the longer he looked at it.
“She is adorable.” He uttered, genuine happiness evident in his face as he continued to look at the photo. “You got any more?”
“I...no.” You confessed, tugging your phone back and clutching it to your chest. “I...I got caught by the security guard and he tossed me off the grounds.”
“...Why the fuck did he do that? What right does he have?!” Jaejun suddenly yelled, picturing a large, beefy man forcefully pulling you away from the soccer field and Yesol.  You looked at him meekly.
“I...because I wasn’t a parent, and...it also doesn’t help that I...I...”
“...You what?” Jaejun said, narrowing his eyes at your sudden nervous stammer. You gulped at his glare and didn’t say anything for a few moments before finally speaking again.
“I...got a restraining order against me for Yesol.”
This time Jaejun leapt up from his seat as he screamed, making the prisoner guards immediately rush at him to force him back but he shook them off, snapping that he was fine before taking a seat again. His breathing was suddenly very uneven due to the progressive boiling of his blood.
“Why the fuck is there a restraining order against you?!”
“I...people started noticing me take photos of Yesol...and...and they found it suspicious and told Doyeong. He is the one that issued it against me.”
“That fucking asshole!” Jaejun screeching, earning himself another scolding yell from the prisoner guards which made him turn around to glare at all of them before turning back to you. “Can you reverse it?”
“I asked if you can fucking reverse it. Can you?”
“I...I don’t know.”
“Then you better fucking find out! I need you to keep an eye on Yesol for me while I’m in this fucking hellhole. You need to get it reversed!”
“...I just told you that I got a restraining order against me...and you are concerned about Yesol?”
The look you gave him was a mixture of shock and disbelief, something which did not stir right with Jaejun. He cursed and rubbed his face before looking back at you.
“Listen, I know its bad but I need you to keep watching Yesol for me. Talk to my lawyer and he can start the process with reversing it. Out of all of this, Yesol is the most important person here.”
“...Jaejun, I can’t just break a restraining order. I...I’ll get into real trouble if I do.”
“So what! It’s for Yesol!” Jaejun suddenly screamed, making you jumping in your seat. “She’s my fucking daughter. Why the fuck wouldn’t you break a stupid piece a paper for her?!”
“Because she is not mine!”
Jaejun froze when the words left your lips. You also froze the moment you realized what you had said, staring wide-eyed at Jaejun before scurrying out of your seat, bag and phone gripped tightly in your hands. You shook your head at him as you slowly began to back away.
“I’m sorry Jaejun...but I can’t do it.”
You flashed him a remorseful look before scurrying away, leaving him in stunned silence until his mind finally clicked with your words, causing him to lash out and deliver several sharp punches against the plastic screen until he was forcefully restrained by the prisoner guards, your name leaving his mouth as he shouted blue murder as he was dragged away from the visitation room.
Lee Sa-ra
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Sara could not stop shivering. It was not because it was cold but because her body was yearning for the sustenance she has been relying on for nearly eighteen years. She couldn’t help but dig her fingers into her hair, tugging at the strands harshly, feeling her scalp burn from the intense amount of force she was using. It was not much but it was a small sense of relief, but it did not do the job like the real thing did.
The tremors wouldn’t stop and Sara felt like she was losing her grip on her sanity the longer she stayed cooped up in this hellhole with no form of entertainment, inspiration, or pleasure.
...There was perhaps only one form of pleasure that she found in this hellhole and that was when you decided to visit her.
Sara raised her head from its hiding place on the table surface, her arms creating a tent over her head to protect her from the daylight while her hair hung loose around her face, curtaining her from the offensive sunlight. Although even though her hair was in her eyes, it did not properly conceal her vision of you, your beautiful face staring at her with worried eyes as you sat from side of the screen. A crooked smile crawled along her face along with an empty cackle as she released her hair and sat up more straightly in her seat.
“You are so pretty.” She uttered, cackling afterwards before leaning her cheek against her palm as she gazed at you lovingly.
But you did not flush like you usually did when Sara commentated on your beauty, you instead look even more worried. You scanned her shivering body from what you could see from the barrier between the two of you before looking back at her, your hand gliding along the table surface towards the plastic screen.
“Sara...” You said softly, your eyes intensifying in their worry as your fingertips reached the plastic, tapping rhythmically against them as you continued to gaze at her. “Are you okay?”
“...Do I look okay?”
Instead of saying the words with a harsh bite, Sara instead lowered her arm and face to the table, resting her chin against her flat forearm with her eyes drifting towards your tapping arms.
tap. tap. tap. tap.
tap. tap. tap. tap.
She started tapping her own fingers in time with yours, matching their beat. The action made you sigh before you looked at her sadly.
“...No, you do not look okay.”
Sara didn’t say anything. She instead kept her focus on the tapping beat between your and her fingers.
tap. tap. tap. tap.
tap. tap. tap. tap.
“Is there not anything that the doctors can give you? A pill, a sedative, or something?” You asked, genuine concern in your voice.
...Laughter broke out of Sara’s mouth before she could say or do anything else. She simply couldn’t control it. She turned her head into the table and continued to laugh into it for a good few minutes before finally turning her head back to face you, your eyes wide in horror as Sara continued to cackle over your suggestion.
“Sorry baby...but who in the hell is going to give someone like me a drug for my nerves? They are the reason I am here in the first place.”
Sara had to admit that Moon Dongeun really did play her into her tricky little web despite their best efforts to not be caught by the damn black widow. When she had said that she had come for revenge, she was not joking and Sara was paying her apparent price for the stupid things they had done to her when they were in high school. The thought of the woman immediately made Sara’s smile disappear, the action not going unnoticed by you as you moved your hand to instead press it fully against the plastic screen, your palm pressed against it.
“Sara, I’m worried about you.”
“Aww...that’s sweet.” Sara teased, cackling again as she pressed her cheek against her forearm to gaze at you horizontally, her own hand moving to press against the plastic screen to cover yours.
So close and yet so far.
“Sara I’m serious.”
“So am I.”
“I can’t stand seeing you like this.” You finally confessed, moving your hand from the screen to instead press your fingers into the speaker wholes that were provided in the screen. Sara didn’t hesitate to move her own hand until her fingertips were finally touching yours.
Her tremors stopped for a small moment. Her body responding to the small hint of warmth that you provided to her, the only kind of relief that she could find in this prison.
“...If you hate seeing me like this, why do you come?”
“Because I miss you.” You said immediately, your finger tips tightening over the edges of the plastic holes in the screen.
Sara gazed at you intensely, her previous lighthearted staring evaporated as she critically analyzed you from where you sat until finally softening her feature. Her tremors were subsided for the first time in weeks since she had been in here. For one moment, her mind finally felt at peace, and her body warmed at the single touch that your fingertips gave hers.
“I miss you too.”
“You will get out soon Sara, I know it.”
“...I hope so.”
Choi Hye-jeong
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The cut on her lip still stung when she spike, and her left eye was almost completely swollen shut, making it difficult for her to even see you as you sat in the visitors seat while she sat on the opposite end. You didn’t even try to mask the gasp that had left your lips the second you saw her enter the room, the sound of it already breaking what was left of her already broken heart, which has been stomped on, cut, and bruised during her whole situation her.
Hyejeong felt like she was going to die. Death was quite possibly the only way that she would be able to save herself from this hell.
That damn Moon Dongeun...she completely ruined her life. She should be married by now, she should be on her honeymoon, being lavished in money and luxury while she would eagerly be awaiting to return to the city to be able to spend the rest of her time with you. She had it perfectly planned in her head, it was almost achieved too, but then she found herself suddenly being handcuffed by the police and led to a police vehicle and taken to the station for intense police questioning.
Hyejeong literally thought that her whole word was grinding to the edge of the universe when the words ‘accessory to murder’ had left the detective’s lips, along with the name of Sohee, who has been dead for practically eighteen years. Hyejeong immediately denied everything, refusing to accept any responsibility that Yeonjin had created when she decided to end the life of the high school student. But apparently there was proof for Hyejeong’s participation in the murder...even though there was no possible way for her to be involved with it because she was not there.
It had then dawned on Hyejeong that she was being framed by none other Moon Dongeun, the promise of revenge by the woman immediately ringing true as Hyejeong found herself being transported to a cell for the night until she was eventually transported to the prison. By the time she was eventually given the opportunity to call you, she had already been shipped off to the prison had been exposed to the multiple initiations of the women's prison.
“Hyejeong...” You uttered her name in such an anguished voice, the sound of it sending a wave of hurt and humiliation over her body as she ducked her head to avoid looking at you. “W-Why...”
“Because the people here are sick.” Hyejeong answered, not bothering to look up at you as she did not want to see the full damage to her face so up close.
“Hyejeong...” She heard a tremor in your voice and she glanced up to see tears forming in your eyes, your bottom lip trembling as you stared at her with a heartbroken expression. You lifted your hand and pressed it against the screen, your palm face her, almost as if you were trying to reach out to her. “Hyejeong...I am so sorry.”
“Don’t look at me with those eyes.” Hyejeong snapped, not reacting to your reaching hand as she ducked her head even further, her own hands tightened into fists in her lap as humiliation and pain continued to wash over her despite her attempts to stop it. “I can’t stand it.”
“Stop pitying me.” Hyejeong ordered, lifting her head to glare at you but then quickly returning it to its previous position in order to continue hiding it from you. She heard you tap against the screen.
“I’m not pitying you.”
“Yes you are.”
“No I’m not Hyejeong. I’m heartbroken for you.”
“That isn’t any better.”
“Dammit Hyejeong, you don’t deserve this!”
Your raised voice made Hyejeong raise her head to gaze at you in surprise, not expecting you to raise your voice so suddenly. You were breathing heavily on your end, tears running down your cheeks with your bottom lip still trembling. With her eyes on you, you swallowed thickly before adjusting your hand on the plastic screen so it was not directly between the two of you. It was instead resting on the lower part of the screen where it met the table, your arm laying flat against its surface.
“Out of all five of you, you are not the one who deserves to be in bars. It is all four of the others who deserve to be here. Not you.”
Hyejeong knew that she did not deserve to be here. While she was a part of Yeonjin’s gang when they were in high school, she was not the one who had done all the stuff to Sohee, Dongeun and all the others. She was just watching. That is what she did best. She was not actually the one who had participated in all the stupid things they did when they were kids. She was not the one who killed someone, it was Yeonjin.So it was complete injustice to her to be locked up like some kind of animal, beaten down constantly while the rest of the others were outside living their lives.
None of them even bothered to see her, which clearly told her that she was no longer obligated to save them from the wrath of Dongeun anymore.
“...I hate them.” Hyejeong confessed, finally moving her hand to cover yours against the screen. Your expression grew dark as you nodded.
“I hate them too.”
“I hope Dongeun will bring hell on all four of them. In fact, she can take them to hell with her.”
“And I will get you out of here Hyejeong. If it is the last thing I’ll do, I will get you out of here.”
Hyejeong tensed her fingers as they pressed against yours against the screen, her own hand aching from her defensive attempts during her time here, her knuckles covered in bruises which you had not yet noticed.
“...Please take care of me.”
“I will Hyejeong, I will.” You promised, it being the only form of comfort that Hyejeong could take while she was trapped in this hellhole.
She hoped that Yeonjin and the others burned in hell for this...and from what she has learnt so far, Moon Dongeun was effective in her revenge so she could only imagine what she had in store for those other assholes. Guess she did have a small comfort to think of during her time here. Hopefully it was be as good in person as it is in her head. Guess she will have to wait to find out.
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bbqhooligan · 1 year
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I know I'm being so annoying posting about every single scene but it's MY sleepover and I get to choose the obsession.
So Dongeun just got out of one of the worst confrontations in the show, it seems while everything else healed over her mother is still an open wound in her soul, and at her most vulnerable, in the middle of the night with no one around, the worst possible one of the gang shows up. Now to make it clear, her hatred might be focused on Yeonjin as the leader and culprit of everything that was done to her, Jaejoon and Myeong-o dealt her wounds the girls did not. How much of it was unclear but her reaction to his touch and proximity and So-Hee being pregnant when she died, says enough.
So there she is, shaken and not prepared for this confrontation and he is all in with his jealousy and anger flaring because of Yesol and Doyeong. He seems to hold all the power in the scene, this is the first time in their adult lives Dongeun is being bullied again but she won't give up and get out of her car, she revs up, a bluff both of them are painfully aware of it. He isn't even slightly fazed, he has no doubt in his mind she can't do it, and he seems sure he'll be able to get her out of her car to put his hands on her as he wants.
THEN, as if the roaring of her cars engine was a call for her executioner, his car swerves in between them, putting Jaejoon in the mud. A perfect demonstration of him completing her 1%, what she won't or can't do, he will. He buys her time and room to get out of this situation, asking Jaejoon "Be careful. You don't want to die, right?" and then "If you keep standing there I'll hit you this time" which are perfectly in line with his banter but Jaejoon feels gaslit by their interaction, no way feels threats from the speech of some drunk kid who can't drive. Right?
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astarlightmonbebe · 2 years
“when you play go, you pursue your desires in silence. you seduce, and you fall. you strip each other bare. and if your partner doesn't reciprocate, then it's just a game of go.”
go as an overarching symbol throughout the glory, both figuratively as a representation of dongeun’s revenge, and also as a metaphor for class and relations (between her and the men in her life, i.e. yeojeong and doyeong).
on a relational level, go is a game of seduction. it’s a mental sword dance, so to speak. dongeun learns it with revenge in mind - she plans to catch the interest of doyeong, the husband of the girl who destroyed her life. she uses go to approach him - she seduces him the very first time he sees her play, so much that he can’t get her out of his head. she uses go to entice him; she wins before he even knows that he’s playing.
dongeun learns go for the purposes of ensnaring doyeong, but it’s yeojeong who first teaches her go at all. and it’s go that becomes a cornerstone of their burgeoning relationship as well. throughout the seasons, go helps both of them, as something that centers them, tethers them to current life. for yeojeong, his sessions mentoring dongeun in go were the only thing that created a schedule for him in his most turbulent time (after his father died, etc.). it becomes their mode of communication - he asks her to make a play so that he can know she came by. a silent way of saying i’m alive.
and then there’s dongeun approaching doyeong to play go, then them meeting again at the park he designed. yeojeong also approaches doyeong to play go, also purposefully - the man who taught dongeun vs the man she learned to play for. 
but for dongeun, go is never about the men so much as it is about herself. go becomes something she loves for what it is, a game that builds territories, a game where the enemy can be slowly and methodically destroyed as you take all their territories, like how she plans to take everything from yeonjin. it reminds her of the dreams of being an architect she had before she had to drop out of school from the bullying/assault.
doyeong says that one of his go teachers tells him that he was born holding the black stones. when dongeun plays with yeojeong for the first time, she says she has to start with the white stones, since she’s the beginner. that’s how they play, for months. when doyeong meets dongeun after finding out the beginnings of the truth, he says that this game is more difficult than the ones he’s played in the past (and she beats him, the first time they play prior to that meeting). 
the black stones represent the upper hand, the wealthy. it’s a class metaphor, especially when related to doyeong. yeojeong also starts out with the black stones, maybe because of wealth, maybe because he’s learned it for far longer. maybe because life was kinder to him. dongeun starts at the bottom, with the white stones, because she has nothing and knows nothing.
but when she places her first stones on the go board, she plays with the black.
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