#( walter x calcifer 01 )
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oceanicxeyes · 5 months ago
Time seems to stand still as Walter waits for the vampire’s decision. Not even he knows what the actual hell crossed his mind to want to dance. No… that was a LIE. He knew why he wanted to dance. Why he wanted to mimic those pathetic humans. Because he wanted to know how it felt to be FREE. How to move his body without a concern in the world, without letting the demons that existed in his mind to torment him for another moment. How did it felt to just let it all go and stop thinking? If humans could do it –why couldn’t they? Was it because they were older and had more trauma and issues in their little finger than humans did throughout their entire life? It should not matter. If creatures like humans could be FREE, why couldn’t them? Why couldn’t them for one damn night just forget about everything that consumed them from the inside out and let it go? Why couldn’t they do that??
As the vampire’s hand met with his own, Walter let out a faint sigh of relief. He wasn’t sure if Calcifer would agree to such a preposterous offer. Just dance like the humans around them did. He had no reason to accept –unless he wanted the answer to the very same question that tormented the siren. Why couldn’t they be FREE? What stopped them from doing the very same thing that those hairless apes did? There weren’t inferior to them. If anything, they were fucking superior to the meat bags moving and dancing around them. They were better than those pesky little creatures. So why couldn’t they dance? Why couldn’t they see what the fuss was about and feel FREE even if just temporarily? To just stop thinking about all the things he had seen and done. About the near extinction of his kind, about abandoning all hope because there was none anymore…
Why couldn’t they be FREE?
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Still holding onto Calcifer’s hand, Walter pulled the vampire to the middle of that sea of bodies. Everyone was dancing. Grinding against one another, seeking the friction and the pressure of someone’s body against their own. Walter worked there – he had seen these humans dance more than enough times to pick up how things were done. “You ready?” His question was probably drowned by the music blasting from the speakers but the bartender did not care. He spun toward Calcifer, guiding the vampire’s hands and arms to his waist as he slithered against his body like so many other humans did. His back against Calcifer’s chest, the curve of his ass against his bulge. It was not intended to be overly sexual – but that was how humans danced. “Don’t think about anything.” That was apparently the thing humans did. Cease their thoughts. “Just --- DANCE.”
Calcifer continues to watch the humans. they were interesting in the way they expressed a lack of caring for their environment, completely immersed in the sound of music blaring in their eardrums, captivated by the bodies next to them, pressed against them. Calcifer could get drunk on the smell alone- the heat that came off of them, it was almost too much for him to handle, his fangs begging to come out and play. he ran his tongue across his teeth, biding his time as he allowed his eyes to be pulled back towards Walter as the other man spoke, asking the same question Calcifer had asked himself many-a-time. why can't they do it ? why can't they be free, for even just a moment ? it was a question Calcifer felt in his very bones, deep to his core. because Walter was correct in asking that; why couldn't they be like that ? what was stopping them, really ?
he snorts when Walter asks him to dance, rolling his eyes as he assumes the siren is just fucking with him. "don't be ridiculous," he says, picking up his daiquiri and taking another drink. it's halfway gone by now. he can feel the thrill of the alcohol surge through his system, lighting him up from the inside, much like he'd done to the man in the back alleyway- only Calcifer wouldn't burst into flames.
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then he realizes that Walter is completely serious as the other stands up and offers his hand. he stares at him as he processes just what's going on. he hasn't danced in a very long time. in fact, he's not sure he even knows how. it would be silly to throw him on the dance floor with no experience. he'd make a fool of himself, he's certain, and then he'd become enraged as humans laughed at his failure, and thus would create a slaughter that he really didn't have the energy for. regardless of all that goes through his head, he heaves out a sigh, and tilts his head back as he chugs the remainder of his drink in one go. then, he's placing the empty glass on the table and stands up, taking Walter's hand with an overdramatic eye roll. "if i kill everyone in here, this is entirely your fault. but sure. let's dance."
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oceanicxeyes · 5 months ago
to be free must be a wonderful thing.
Walter’s eyes return to the crowd dancing without a care, surrendering themselves to the beat of the music and allowing their bodies to move freely – not giving a damn about anything else but the present. He had too much baggage to just toss it all over his shoulder and pretend that nothing was wrong. And the vampire by his side was the same. They both were naïve once. They both wanted to believe in the good in people until REALITY slapped them so hard across the face that they were still bearing the consequences of that until today. But how could they forget? Extinction. Betrayal. And humans doing what they do best. Be like a cancer and destroy everything they touched. Not all of them were monsters. There was the occasional rare individual that truly wanted to do good – but it was just a momentary insanity. Sooner or later they would become like everyone else.
The siren kept watching the humans dance as Calcifer continued to sip from his drink until he gently nudged the man beside him. “Why can’t we do it?” He wasn’t a big fan of dancing or showing off. But if even some hairless apes could do it –why couldn’t he and the vampire do the same? They were obviously superior to every single one of those sheep in there. “Why can’t we just forget about our sorrows for a moment and enjoy the present like they do?” Why were humans capable of doing that? Maybe they had yet to know true suffering and pain. Maybe that was why they were so carefree and unbothered by what was wrong with the world. Or maybe they were aware of such grief but chose to not let such negative thoughts and influences to dictate how they lived their life. And there was no way in all of the seven seas that Walter was going to allow a human to show him off.
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“Let’s dance.” The tray was forgotten on the seat as Walter stood and turned to the vampire, offering him his hand. “I hate dancing but I am not letting these amebas make me feel like shit.” Because deep down a part of him was jealous of how EASYit was for humans to just forsake their pain and live in the present. And if they could do it – so could they. Why shouldn’t they be able to do it and even better than those idiots? “Don’t leave me hanging now.” There was a very high chance that Calcifer was going to refuse but Walter wasn’t one to give up that easily. He knew all about fighting losing battles. “If they can live in the present, so can we. We dance a bit –you’ll get a better look at who’s around and maybe if you’re lucky…pick someone you feel like feeding on after. Shit – I’ll even deliver them to you with a bow around their neck. Come on, Calcifer… We aren’t going to allow HUMANS to show us off, are we…?”
Calcifer listens intently as he drinks his daquiri. it's been awhile since he's been out with someone - usually finding himself alone, he doesn't go out very often. he doesn't like the dramatic scene, especially not the loud music that echoes in his eardrums. his poor sensitive ears . . . he was going to have a migraine when he got home, that much was obvious to him. still, he tolerated it for the company, wanting to get to know Walter better. he was curious about him; he usually doesn't stumble across another wanting to kill, let alone another supernatural being. if he encountered anyone on his treks, it was a serial killer and he kept his distance from them - they weren't usually right in the head, something was clearly missing in their brain and he didn't want to get involved in that. but a supernatural creature that kills and in such a dramatic fashion ? that piqued his interest, for sure.
sipping on his drink, Calcifer listens to Walter speak about his job, and how he'd had hope for humanity at one point. it makes him snort in his drink, chuckling quietly as he lifts his lips to speak over the rim of the glass. "you were naive once. i think we all were at one point. i used to have a hope that people weren't all cruel . . . until my father betrayed my family and witches were burned to death. people will do anything when they're afraid; they're more terrifying than the fear they have, if you ask me. when a human is scared, it's amazing what they can do." he finds them intriguing in that retrospect, but not enough to stop what he's doing. what he does is beyond killing . . . it's justice being served. the humans he kills never give him the satisfaction he's looking for, they're never afraid enough, never put up enough fight. it's the survivors out there you have to look out for. those ones are terrifying - they can survive almost anything, they'll do anything to survive it, too.
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as Walter continues to speak, Calcifer allows his eyes to wonder the scene before them - the people dancing, drinking and having fun. he's never really done it himself, he never found the interest in it, but watching them be so careless and free, it makes him wonder what it must be like to enjoy life to the fullest. he shakes his head and chuckles again, taking another drink. "well, to them this is their whole world. why should anything else matter beyond what's in front of them ? it isn't so black and white, but they're young. they have their whole lives ahead of them. why worry?" he shrugs his shoulders. "to be free must be a wonderful feeling."
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oceanicxeyes · 5 months ago
There is one element that did not change despite the weight of loneliness that sat on his shoulders. KINDNESS. Once freely given and provided to all that needed a smile or comforting words – now something more selective when provided. The hope for a brighter world was all but gone yet, not everyone that walked that earth was an enemy. Not every creature that existed under the sun deserved the same fate as those that destroyed his home throughout the centuries. Calcifer had a past too. One with strife and conflict and pain. Things that the siren could relate – things that made him want to stretch an offering hand to someone who had their eyes open to the cruelty of the world. Maybe the daiquiri was just that – a mere drink – but it could become so much more.
“I like the chaos.” For a second, his expression becomes soft as he sits down next to the vampire, keeping the silver tray pressed against his chest. When he came to the surface to live like a human, he needed an occupation. It was the 1920’s. Parties every single night, lots of people for him to meet and plenty of opportunities to make connections. To seek a way to help his kind. “It started as a way to pay the bills way back when.” Walter shook his head as he remembered his first time behind the counter. The same youthful enthusiasm that he had back then still lingering on today. “But I began to truly enjoy it. Meeting new people, listening to their stories. You meet all sorts of fascinating individuals when they seek answers at the bottom of a bottle.” Strangers who would confine their secrets to someone they didn’t even know simply because all they needed was someone to LISTEN.
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“I used to genuinely care for others, you know? I wanted to brighten their day. I knew how it felt to wake up and see the sky dark and stormy – so I began to be friendly to everyone that came to the bar so that I could bring some light into their lives, even if mine had none.” But eventually became tiresome. The hope he had for his own happy ending vanishing like smoke as the decades passed. Nothing truly changed. Everything remained the same. “Now it’s just an opportunity to see how pedantic and pathetic humans are. How VAIN. Worrying about their boss screaming at them or that maybe their boyfriend might be cheating. Completely oblivious to things that truly MATTER.” Walter looked down at the silver tray in his hands, a thin layer of ice now fully covering the metallic surface. Ah – his temper was starting to get the better of him.”Apologies, Calcifer. I am not prone to lose my temper but…” His gaze turns to the dancing crowd. So free. So unbothered and unchained. “Sometimes all I want is to kill every single last one of them. No one would miss them – they are all too busy comparing the size of their dicks or the shape of their boobs to care about anything else.”
the Salem witch trials left a bad taste in Calcifer's mouth. it changed who he was - what he believed in. back then, he'd been reckless and let his father deceive him . . . he truly believed there was good in the world back then; even if he had struggled with that belief back then, Calcifer had still held onto the hope that some good could happen to him and his family, but the darkness overcast, the shadows all consuming. his father betrayed his family and thus all good was washed away with the rest of the daylight. the moment that match was struck, Calcifer's faith in humanity and the hope for good was gone as flames began to lick his skin. it changed everything.
he doesn't mention his father nor does he mention that he too was burned at the stake - there is too much to lose by telling someone he just met this truth, but he supposes if Walter were to probe deeper, he may have admitted to that. as it is, he kept those words to himself, eyes flashing gold momentarily as he thought of what happened that fateful moment, engraved in his heart and mind forever. he would never forget and he would never forgive, those that did him wrong were destined to face his wrath until the end of time.
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the club drowned out his thoughts, eyes flashing back to blue as he looks around, watching the people move against each other in sweaty embraces. it was intoxicating to watch, their smell wafting in his nostrils causing them to flare at the scent. he could hear their heartbeats, pounding against the music, in its own rhythm.
eyes move away from the people when Walter returns with his drink, a smile pressing to his lips as he takes the daiquiri from him. "what a fantastic coincidence," he purrs, throwing a wink in his direction before taking a careful sip of it, letting the sweetness take over his tastebuds. while it's not nearly as good as fresh blood, it sparks in his blood, coursing through him with each sip he takes. he looks at Walter with that same smile on his face as he pulls the glass away and speaks, "it's good. thank you. you're a bartender, then?"
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oceanicxeyes · 5 months ago
The Salem trials. Now, that was another dark stain in history from what he had heard and read once he moved to the surface. It happen way before he was even born yet, human cruelty was still very much present back in the day. He knew the basic of what happened. How people were accused of witchcraft for no reason, tied to a stake and burned to death simply because some moron had the inkling that they could be witches. And what if they were…? Did people deserve death simply because they were different? Or were those hairless apes so jealous of what others could accomplish that they viewed them as a threat? It had been a long time since he had tried to understand the actions behind humans. Maybe not all of humanity was doomed but the vast majority of it surely was walking towards their own self-destruction.
Was that what happened to his sister? He had wondered about that before. Maybe she was captured and killed. Or maybe humans learned what she was and experimented on her. Sirens weren’t immortal but their lifespan was longer than humans by two or three generations. Walter was little over two centuries and he could still be considered young compared to the elders. But rather than offering Calcifer some words of consolation – because what good would that do now that the damage had been done, Walter could provide him something else. A way to keep those dark thoughts at bay. Those painful memories that he was so familiar with. It was clear that they had both suffered at the hands of humans. That their paths had been shaped by the cruelty of others. There was no deity that would take pity on them. There would be no dashing hero coming to save them like those silly fairy tales.
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Knowing that Calcifer wanted something sweet, Walter chuckled and quickly made his way to behind the bar where he began to prepare one his own personal favorite cocktails. He had no clue if Calcifer was into the club scene – but access to the VIP table would keep the vast majority of the people dancing there away from him, unless he would personally invite someone to join him there. “You wanted something sweet.” In less than ten minutes the siren was back, carrying a tall glass on a silver tray with a red beverage filling the glass to the brim. Maybe it was a coincidence that Calcifer was a vampire but Walter couldn’t help but chuckle. “My personal favorite, a strawberry daiquiri. Any and all coincidences that the drink is also red… is just that. A coincidence. I hope you like it.” Just because he hated humans didn’t meant he had reason to be less than polite to others. “If you want another, I’ll gladly make it happen.”
much like Walter, Calcifer had his own sorrows. he's lost everything he ever held dear to him and while it didn't necessarily leave him bitter, it did leave a hole in his chest where his heart should be. it made his killing much more brutal, especially in most recent years, what with the loss of the two loves of his life . . . Calcifer wasn't romantic in nature, he picked up on things here and there, but when he loved, he loved with every fiber of his being. his love consumed him and for Brendon and Felicity, that love had been enraptured. while Felicity was still alive, somewhere out there . . . he couldn't share the same sentiment with Brendon. he'd watched his love die at the hands of a hunter that didn't live long enough to regret the death - and regret he would have, because Brendon had been such a bright light in the universe . . . for that light to be snuffed out, it had left Calcifer cold.
he listens to Walter talk about his people and looks at him as he speaks, feeling a brief rush of sympathy for the siren. it's rare for Calcifer to show any semblance of humanity, but Walter has pulled it from him, no matter how briefly it appears. he looks away as he schools his expression, fingers twitching in his pockets. "humans can be so cruel. they don't think about others; they only think about themselves." he lowers his voice. "i was around during the Salem witch trials. i watched innocent people get murdered over fear and paranoia - my family was one of them." he doesn't talk about it often and he certainly doesn't talk about it to someone he barely knows, but it's one wound he's willing to share after the siren had shared one of his own.
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the club is loud. even before he enters the building, the music pounds in his ears, leaving a drumming feeling in his head. he was going to have a migraine from the sound of music, but he doesn't display any discomfort as he shuffles after the siren into the building. he looks around, watching the sweating bodies thumping to the music and feels a frown press against his lips. he's not really a big fan of this kind of thing, but he'll tolerate it as he lets Walter lead him to the table in the back.
he exudes a sigh of relief when they reach the table and slips into the seat, hands moving from the sanctuary of his pockets to rest against the table. he looks at Walter briefly as he speaks, feeling a tug of his lips as he smiles. "i'm full, but thank you. i'll just take a drink. something sweet. i require dessert." maybe he'll take Walter up on that offer later . . . there are some tasty looking people around.
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oceanicxeyes · 5 months ago
It was quite flattering to be aware that a being like Calcifer had heard about sirens. Then again, who didn’t? Folklore was filled with stories of sailors being lulled to the high sea by a stunning voice. They would be enthralled by a gorgeous woman, half naked in the water. The fun part was… that they knew mermaids and sirens existed and yet – they were stupid enough to fall prey to their voice. There was no escaping once a specific tune was heard. Minds would go blank and the will of the singer would be imposed on the listener. How many poor, pathetic little meat sacks had been dragged to the depths? How many were torn apart by sirens like a pack of piranhas? Torn to shreds, their bones the only proof that they had ever existed laying at the sea bed of the ocean?
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“Near extinction is correct.” This is a topic that Walter isn’t too keen on sharing but the least he could do to a potential ally is to give him the run-down of what happened. Save him the time to hear all the dramatic aspects of it. On how rare it was for a male siren to be born and what was expected of them when they were indeed born. “Humans destroyed our home. The ocean became nothing more than an extension of their greed. A dumping ground for chemicals they seek to hide from the proper authorities. Their exploration methods destroy the ecosystem. My kind was very limited in numbers. They chose to hide deeper in the sea rather than do something about our ill fate. I did try but…” Cynthia was not around either. What would his sister make of him now? To see the man she once considered so kind-hearted and so willing to help others turn into the monster that he was today…?
Maybe if she was still around things would be different.
Shaking his head of any and all unpleasant thoughts, the siren refocused on the vampire who seemed to enjoy their little chat. Great minds think alike and all that and there was a chance that the two of them could work together considering their goals appeared to be similar. Humans were a complete and utter waste of space and oxygen. And there were far more corrupt and vile humans than there were kind and good ones. So many people to kill and so little time… “Please. Follow me.” Walter pulled his best smile as walked beside Calcifer to the bar where he worked. He didn’t NEEDto work at the club. His voice alone and ability to mind control others could give him whatever he wanted – but it was fun to interact with those mammals this way. He could always gather the most interesting bits of information every now and then.
The bar was obviously crowded. People dancing to the techno beat, too focused on their own thing to pay attention to anything or anyone. Walter pushed past them with the confidence of a shark stalking its prey. There was once a time where he would try to make himself smaller, ask politely for people to move as he tried to reach his station. Now? Others could very well fucking move out of the way. He was walking – so move or get stomped over. His left hand rested on Calcifer’s shoulder as the siren pointed to a table in the corner – the one closest to where the bar was and all the action seemed to be focused. One of the VIP tables reserved for someone else but – irrelevant at that stage.”Take a seat.” Speaking over the music was annoying but it was what it was.”What can I get you? My treat. And yes – humans are included on the menu. Just for you, though.”
Calcifer has been around a long time. maybe not as long as this siren has been, but long enough to know that humans are corrupt in their own way. he knew it first hand, the wrongness of humanity, how so easily paranoia and fear can control them. after all, they hung innocent people to death, they lit them on fire, burned at the stake, for simply being accused of witchcraft. they never even tried to determine if it was true or not. the human species doesn't care about the justice of it all, they only care about being right. that's just how Calcifer has learned to understand them. it's devastating really, that humans don't care the way they should, and that it takes a vampire to do the justice that they seemingly ignored. well, Calcifer would continue to see to it that justice was brought down.
Calcifer's lips pull into a smile, fangs protruding from his face, all of them, threateningly barring his teeth before the extended teeth return back to their natural state, retracted. he no longer looks the monster that he is. his tongue traces over where his teeth were, that grin a permanent fixture on his face. "you have no idea just how interesting i really am," he says, head cocked to the side. Walter would learn soon enough, he's sure.
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he blinks as the other introduces himself and looks away as he considers what he says, sucking in a deep breath and exhaling it in one easy swoop. "a siren, huh ? how interesting. i've heard about you before. they used to tell stories of sirens back in the day, but you don't really hear about them anymore. your kind is either really quiet or it's near extinction, i fear. am i correct?" he can understand Walter's desire to repair his species and even respect it, to try and save them, but it would seem like his saving methods hadn't quite worked the way he had wanted. pity. sirens are unique creatures, he's always wandered if they were real or not and it would seem as though the stories were, indeed, true.
Calcifer hums, bowing briefly. "i will consider it." he smiles with his teeth. despite hiding his true visage, the very sight of his smile is almost unnerving, like he was sizing up his competition. truthfully, Calcifer is as curious about Walter as the other is about him. he'd like to learn more about him as well. he follows him without incident, hands in his pockets. the thrill of killing has always kept Calcifer's interest. he'd never grow bored of it, but perhaps it would be exciting to have a partner in crime for once. the idea is appealing. he'd like to get to know Walter, too.
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oceanicxeyes · 5 months ago
The conversation is casual. The sort of exchange that can be comparable to discussing the weather or football results, completely dismissing and ignoring the two deaths that had occurred in the previous seconds. The siren cannot be bothered by the weight of morality. He had endured it for too long already – nights without proper sleep and aching for someone who was no longer there – emotions that had brought him nothing but heartache and disappointment. The vampire clearly feels the same. The deaths were needed, culprits had been punished and someone had to play the role of Judge, Jury and Executioner. Humans were too fucking pathetic to do anything themselves. Even more so when every last one of them was as corrupt as the next.
The small tidbit of information – a witch with pyrokinetic and telekinetic powers turned vampire –sparked Walter’s interest even more. He had no idea such a thing could happen. He was aware of the existence of vampires and wolves but he had never the chance to actually speak with one. To learn more about them, to discover what sort of being they were. “You truly are a very, very interesting creature, Calcifer.” Lips curl into a smile and Walter has to admit that he RESPECTS the man before him. Not just his power, obviously… but the way he murdered his prey? The complete disregard for that particular human life? Who knew he would find someone who had similar concepts to him?
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“Well – my name is Walter. Unlike you, I was born what I am. A siren.” Which humans had the most interesting tales about. “And before any confusions arise, sirens are not the same as mermaids. They are our… more friendly and Disney approachable cousins.” Mermaids had been part of the human folklore for ages. And some people were still clueless about their differences. “They can sing too and mind control people but not like we do. Sirens are the predatory species. We were the ones singing to sailors and devouring them in the depths.” Again – so casual that one would think he was talking about his favorite wallpaper. “I came to land a century ago to attempt to stop the massacre of my kind and…” What did that brought him? NOTHING. Just loneliness and sorrow. Not that he would share that with the vampire within five minutes of getting to know him.
“I know the perfect bar… and I might even get you an open tab if you ever plan on returning.” Working as a bartender had its perks. And no one could really stop him from offering people a drink. He would either pay for them later or just make his boss believe that he had already done that and get the rest of the show on the road. “Something tells me that this might very well be the start of a very enjoyable friendship, Calcifer.” Because killing solo was fun and all but it was starting to lose its appeal. No one would ever admire the gorgeous works of art he did with the people he killed –whether they would be found floating on the ocean or completely frozen somewhere else. No one would understand the artistry of it. Who knows…? Maybe Calcifer would?
Calcifer looks at the corpse, a bored expression on his face as he moves to stand up. he only briefly turns towards the siren as he approaches him, an eyebrow arched towards his hairline as he comments on what just happened. he turns back towards the body, watching as the other touches the burnt corpse with his toe, pulling a snort out of the vampire. it's been a while since he's been around another that doesn't turn away when violence becomes deadly; his lovers of time past would never understand, though he loved them still the same, they could never truly understand what it felt like to take a life and to enjoy it. the mere thought of them has him twirling the ring on his finger for brief moment, a connection to something long gone.
"most vampires can't," he says finally, turning blue eyes back to the siren, flashing gold as a grin pulls at the corner of his lips. "but i'm no ordinary vampire." once upon a time he was a witch with pyrokinetic and telekinetic abilities - among other things, of course - and those powers would pass on long after he'd changed, nature blessing him after he'd died a wrongful death and all because his father had decided to out him as a witch. hmph. he doesn't dwell on it, blinking the thoughts away as his eyes turn back to their natural state.
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he gestures for the other to continue, his smile still pressed to his lips. "by all means, lead the way." now that he had his fill, he could go for a drink. while he doesn't necessarily need to drink or eat human food, some habits die hard. besides, alcohol has a soothing effect about it that the vampire could use - it would put him to sleep eventually, a restful night home alone with his cat for company. a drink would do just fine.
"what is your name?" he asks after a moment, looking at the other with a curious tilt to the head. his tongue grazes his bottom lip, lapping up any remaining blood. "you may call me Calcifer. once upon a time, i was a witch and my power had been granted to me after my untimely death. while i may have cheated it to become a vampire, i believe i was given my gift as an apology."
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oceanicxeyes · 5 months ago
Maybe he would feel sorry for them… in a different decade. Maybe he wouldn’t even attack the robbers or kill one of them. There was once a time where he would probably try to talk his way out of conflict. How? He had no idea, but he would have found a way. But that person – the one who had once seen the good in everything, no matter how dark the sky was – that person was no longer there. Blind optimism only gets one so far and he had lost decades chasing a dream that was just that. A DREAM. The reality was harsher. His ideals of change, of making a difference, of saving his kind… were pathetic. He had tried. He really did. But there was only so much a single person could take before they snapped.
Arms folded over his chest as the siren leaned against a wall, making himself comfortable while watching the scene play out. He had never seen a vampire feed so that was new to him. To see how he gobbled it all up – his very own sustenance and reason why he would perpetually hunt down others. Sirens and vampires weren’t all that different. There had been a time where his own kind was nothing short of barbaric. The tales of old? The ones where a pretty lady sang to make the sailors lost at sea? All truth. She would appear beautiful before the humans before mind controlling them with her voice and drag them to the depths where her real form would then be revealed. And the humans would be eaten. DEVOURED. Piece by piece, limb by limb. It was actually a ritual of passage amidst the sirens. When they came of age, they needed to lure a human to the depths and feast of them. Devour them until their white, pale bones would join so many others in the depths.
One eyebrow arched with mild interest when the vampire mentioned light the human on fire. Walter’s eyes narrowed for a moment – no expression other than mild curiosity and perhaps a little sprinkle of amusement running through his face as he saw the robber die. And not just die like his mate – who had only suffered for an agonizing second. He was burning inside out – the loud screams echoing and vibrating against the walls until there his nothing more than a corpse that would not be identified. One frozen. One burnt. “I never knew vampires could do that.” The siren approached both the vampire and the corpse and poked the charred body with the tip of his boot. Extra crispy. Well – maybe in their next, pathetic and wasteful incarnation they would know better. Crime did not pay, kids!
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“You fascinate me.” The bartender’s attention finally turned to the vampire. Meting him in the eye, his lips curling into one of those very, very welcoming smiles that he had mastered since a young age. “Join me for a drink. I had never met a vampire before and you…” Attention turns to the charred corpse. Anyone else would be vomiting their guts out with the stench of burned flesh but the siren truly could not be bothered. “I’m intrigued. I wasn’t expecting an audience today but for once… I really don’t mind the company.” After all – it was so rare to find a kindred spirit that viewed humans as what they were: mere fucking SHEEP.
Calcifer is too busy feeding to pay any attention to the siren, though if he had, perhaps he would have seen what he'd done to the robber. instead, his attention was focused solely on feeding, fueling himself to his highest ability. he deserved to feed, deserved to feel the rush of blood coursing through his veins. it was so good, it ignited him in ways he could hardly begin to explain to someone who wasn't a blood drinker. they simply wouldn't understand and that's disappointing, because man, if he could explain to them how it feels, the euphoria he gets from drinking blood, then maybe they wouldn't peg him as a monster so easily. of course, he is a monster, there's no changing that, but perhaps they wouldn't be so quick to call him that if they simply understood.
he hears the sound of shattering and his eyes flicker backwards as he looks, curious, and watches in amazement as the siren shatters what was left of the man in one easy swoop. how cool, he thought, but his interest is lacking so he turns back to the man who was slowly starting to pass out from blood loss. he was getting full, it wouldn't be long now before he was done with him and that . . . that would be even more dangerous for this man.
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"good job on staying awake," he says, patting the man on the face briefly as his tongue darts out to lick away any remaining blood. "but now, it's time for you to die." he leans in and finishes drinking his fill, insistent on keeping the man awake before he finally pulls away and turns to the siren. "you turned yours into ice. i'm impressed. but now, you may watch as i light him on fire from the inside out." then, he's pressing both hands to the side of the man's face and closes his eyes. a few seconds later, the man is screaming in agony as fire ignites from the inside before lighting him up on the outside as well. his screams die out quickly as death greets him at the door, leaving nothing but charred remains.
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oceanicxeyes · 5 months ago
Gaze remains on the robber, lips curling into the nicest, most welcoming and charming smile that Walter has the ability to master. He knows how to smile. How to captivate, charm and woo people. He’s a bartender – of course he is fully aware of what tricks to use to maintain the crowd’s attention. To keep them coming for more, to have them all wrapped around their little finger. In this particular instance, the smile does nothing more than to TERRIFY that waste of flesh and oxygen in front of him. Walter can hear the vampire nearby. He can hear that final yelp coming from the other robber before what he imagines to be the vampire’s fangs sinking into his neck in order to feed. One down. One to go. Tilting his head to the side, the siren appears to contemplate something before pressing one hand over the robber’s chest. His heart is beating increasingly fast but it begins to slow down. The breaths he exhales comes out as puffs – skin once sweating and hot begins to cool down, turning into a much paler constitution. Lips turn blue. The robber tries to move but his fingers begin to freeze, every muscle on his body freezing in whatever position they were in. There is fear in his eyes before they turn opaque and frozen. PURE fear. Within seconds, the man is fully frozen. Cracks begin to appear on his face, one arm breaks, falls to the ground and shatters.
Two down. None to go.
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“I hope your meal was worth the effort.” Walter runs his fingers over his hair to place a lock behind his ear as he places one foot on top of the frozen statue’s chest before shattering it into a million pieces. Yes – people were without a doubt find body pieces scattered around. Maybe fingers, maybe some internal organs – not his concern now. The police would be investigating this and eventually turn it into a cold case because they wouldn’t be able to figure out how someone was frozen to that degree. Humans and their inherit stupidity. “I’m Walter.” The siren makes the introductions first. He no longer pays the scattered remnants any attention. He dusts his own hands together and approaches the other killer, checking to see with some interest how the vampire now disposes of the empty corpse before him. He considers providing assistance for a second – but no. He wants to see what will come of it. Maybe he’ll just leave the body there too for the cops to find. To make them run around in circles, trying to find some logic in the unexplainable. “I always heard vampires are messy eaters. No idea whether or not that is true.”
"mmm, you would be correct," Calcifer says, taking a step closer to the siren and the robber in question. these petty criminals had been on Calcifer's radar for a while - after he'd seen one of them beat a woman, he'd cast his eyes on them. the other wasn't much better, of course; just standing there and watching was nearly just as bad. there are few things in life that Calcifer does not put up with and domestic violence is one of them. it's almost ironic considering he's a killer, a monster, but even he has morals. it's the same as if he were a prisoner and found out they were housing a pedophile - he wouldn't hesitate to kill him and extend his life sentence. his morals may be corrupt, but at least he has them.
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his tongue darts out to wet his lips as his eyes move from the siren to the other man pressed against the wall. their eyes locked and he could hear his heart beat accelerate, fear induced. he smiles and holds up his index finger. "i'll be with you in just a moment," he says before turning back to the siren and the other man. he listens to what he says and chuckles lowly. "as someone who has done both, i wouldn't recommend dying that way. it's not a fun experience. toodles." he gives a small wave. "have fun with that. i'll enjoy my meal." then, he's turning towards the other man who was valiantly trying to get away but was clearly in too much pain. Calcifer approaches him easily, taking only a few long strides to reach him. he leans down, pressing his hand to the side of the man's face. "hello, my dear. i've been watching you for a while now and don't worry, this'll only hurt a little bit." then, he's crouching down and sinking his teeth into his throat.
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oceanicxeyes · 6 months ago
His head barely turns to the voice that comes from out of nowhere – materializing from shadows like the person was one of them. The siren finds it INTERESTING but he makes no attempts to engage. Instead, his attention remains on the poor, pathetic soul that he has in front of him. There were plenty of creatures roaming amidst the land dwellers. Things like vampires, werewolves, witches and ghouls. All the more reason for humans to stop being so conceived and believe that the world belonged to them. If anything – if the other man’s words were any indication – they were food. Cattle ready to be slaughtered without a second thought. The siren keeps his attention in one of the robbers. The other is still grunting against a wall, probably with a couple of broken ribs so moving was not in his immediate future.
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“Neither are you.” Neither of them were human. Which was intriguing from a certain perspective. What were the odds that two non-human beings would cross paths because of pesky little, no-talented gangbangers? Walter looks over his shoulder. It is the actual first time that he acknowledges that there is someone else there beside him. “It would be rather cruel of me to deny you the chance to feed.” A VAMPIRE. Those were more common than the siren had expected but the end result was the same: those fools would die. “You can have one if you let me have the other.” He doesn’t care. All he wants is to see them both dead and gone. By whose hands was irrelevant. Feeding from them would be… a waste. At least for the siren. But killing them? “Did you know that drowning is probably the worst way to go other than being burned alive?” His smile grows. He can see the terror on the man’s face, sickly, weakly whimpering barely being registered. “It burns your lungs despite being water. Interesting, right? And did you know an adult is composed by 60% water? Can you imagine drown in yourself? Freaky!”
Calcifer had been watching the men from a distance. he'd been following them for a while now; days, even, before this event occurred. typically, Calcifer stakes out his prey for days at a time before he takes them down and this was hardly an exception. he likes to play games with his food and these men were nothing more than that to him. their petty crimes was typical and it did nothing to inspire him to pursue someone else. he wanted to feed and he wanted to feed on them. however, while he's been watching them, never intervening, though letting them know they weren't alone, he wasn't expecting for someone else to take them out. they were clearly trying to rob the man, but hadn't expected for it to turn against them. it caught Calcifer's interest very quickly.
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once the men were down, Calcifer finally decided to let his presence be known and came slinking out of the shadows with his hands in his pockets. "don't stop on my account, but i was looking forward to killing them, you know," he says, head cocked to the side as he watches the other curiously. a beat and then - "you're not human." it wasn't a question. "interesting. are you going to kill them then or what ? i'm starving and they were my breakfast."
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