#( v.001 / i just wanted a bigger storyline. )
Do you think you'd look good with a goatee?
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“ T-that’s... oddly specific. ”  Why does he feel he has heard this question somewhere else before?
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“ Geez man, I don’t know? It’d probably look a little ridiculous on a 12-year-old, don’t you think? ” then again so did his ‘villain’ voice  ——  but best not to talk about that whole other mess. 
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“ Wait...can I even grow a goatee? ”
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bring back the doctor wrecker costume for halloween
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“ I actually considered it, if there was nothing else for me to wear at least. But I mean -- I wouldn’t wanna make it my first choice. “
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“ Have you ever tried walking around with a cardboard suit on? It’s way more uncomfortable than it looks, honestly. “
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AH SHIT, it’s the ice bitch!  (PERSONALS DO NOT RB. )
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“ I can have a little bit of murder ”
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“ As a treat! ”
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“  —  And THAT is why shoplifting and dine and dashing are LOSER crimes! “
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“ You’re not stealing from some BIG COMPANY, you’re just getting some poor random employee in trouble! “
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This is probably a bad moment to bring up the fact he died twice.
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@blue-cat-blues​ said:
“No, of course, I didn’t go to Area 51, I’m not stupid! The alien crashed their UFO in the backyard, see?" ((Ok but this absolutely would happen to him.))
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Area 51 Starters
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“ Let me see if I’m getting this correctly, so you say that an alien ship just happened to conveniently crash in your backyard, like, really? “
‘ I didn’t go to Area 51, I’m not stupid! ‘ ...the worst part is that both scenarios seemed equally likely to happen. This is Gumball Watterson we’re talking about.
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“ You know what? Forget what I said. How long has it been there? “
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@aceattorneynotquiteanon​ said:
What are some traits of yours that you got from your dad?
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For Father’s Day, feel free to ask my muse anything you’d like about their father.
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“ Well for starters, we’re both pretty tall...”
There’s a chuckle, though a rather forced one. While reminiscing about his dad was always a grim reminder of his current situation, a part of him still looked at those memories fondly. He could recall they had their differences, they were actually very different personality-wise, but even then he always made an effort to connect with Rob. No matter how different they may be...
It was nice, really nice.
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“ I mean, me and dad we’re actually pretty different. He’s actually kind of a dork. “  But then again as they say, the apple doesn’t fall too far away from the tree. “ No, but, I guess we were both always pretty independent, he worked really hard too. I remember he always said that you shouldn't give on your goals, no matter how hard you have to try...”
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“ But then again, he was also really stubborn and didn’t have the best luck, like me. So the results always varied, but you get the point. “
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@calliemultimuse​ said: 
“If we Naruto run we can run faster than their bullets.” - calliemultimuse | Gumball
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Area 51 Starters
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“...Is that how it works? “
He’s pretty sure it doesn’t. But then again he doesn’t know, and he’s pretty sure Gumball doesn’t either. Also, he just couldn’t see how running with your arms up like some anime character from the 2000′s is going to suddenly make you be able to outrun bullets but...
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“ I know I’m your nemesis and all, but I’m seriously begging you to consider a plan B. Just in case “.
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@aceattorneynotquiteanon​ said:
👄 + Molly?
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send a ‘👄 + character name’ and my muse will talk about that character
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“ We hung out sometimes, I mean, we were never super close but...”  his memories of her at times would still be kind of hazy  “ Uh, we’d chat at school sometimes, she always had stories to tell! I mean, sure, they weren’t always the most exciting but, you know? She always tried to make them sound interesting. One can at least appreciate the effort.”
“ Most of the others...didn't. I mean I kind of get why. But it’s a shame, she ‘s always been nothing but nice and yet- “
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“ ...Yeah, she was really nice. “
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send “💌” and i will post a letter my muse never got to send to yours.
I don’t know if this can be considered a breakup letter or not. Is that even how it works? This whole nemesis stuff is kinda confusing. But things have been complicated with you lately, and I don’t even hate you anymore I’m not sure how to feel about it at the moment. I really wish I could tell you why I feel this way, but I know you don’t even remember what is what caused it. You literally saved my life and I have to pretend it didn’t happen because of some stupid remote.
And sometimes I wonder if things would’ve been any different if it was the other way around, or if we were both able to remember what happened that day. Would we still be enemies? Would we both still have to act it out for the sake of the audience? I don’t know. Maybe a part of me hoped that things would’ve turned out differently than they did, rather than having to push some sort of status quo between us and keeping everything else the same. Or maybe I’m just overthinking things and going into conspiracy mode again but —
It also makes me wonder how would you feel about all of this. If you knew, of course. I know I exploded a little bit back there after what happened with Joe last night. But it also made me remember that you knew nothing of this and that this whole ‘revenge’ stuff meant just as much for you as much as it did to me. For a whole different reason than mine but hey, who am I to judge? Maybe I should’ve let you know about it sooner, maybe I should’ve been more straight forward over how I felt. To be fair, you were also making it all about yourself AGAIN and I was having already a hard enough day trying to get Joe to fall into any of my plans and the last thing I needed was having y, but we all have days like those so shut up.
So I’m going off a tangent but unfortunately, I can’t be your nemesis anymore. Who knows, maybe you can find someone else who can hate you even more than I do. Maybe someone who is actually a better planner villain and is extremely good at holding petty grudges. But I have bigger things to focus on (stuff that’d probably warrant a longer letter but it’s 3 am and I’m feeling lazy) regarding Elmore that I’ll explain to you later. That doesn’t mean that we can’t later still talk to each other, maybe get to know each other outside of the whole “nemesis” thing? Who knows, maybe we’d actually get along pretty well outside of it. Or maybe not because no offense, but you're kind of annoying but I think it might be worth the try.
Yours fatally,
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@luckudus​ said: 
“ this is stranger than i thought ”
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80s radio starters
“ Yeah —  Yeah, we get that pretty often. “  It’s not like Elmore wasn’t quite known for it’s strangeness. But then again, Rob was aware things may be different for some, especially for a newcomer. 
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“ You new here, by the way? ” it didn’t hurt to ask, right? “ I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before...”
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Anonymous said:
I mean, Gumball remembered Molly but he didn't remember you, maybe it worked the same way with Mr. Small? Maybe Janice was the only thing he could remember.
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“ Oh, sure! It’s not his students the ones worth remembering, you know, the ones he probably SHOULD be worrying about as our school counselor! “
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“ No, dude  — It’s ALL about the stupid van! Good to know, I’m glad he has his priorities straight! “
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「 *. @firewoofury /  cont. *  」  
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“  I mean, I guess so? “ Truth to be told, he had NO idea. But then again, don’t people usually collect weird items all of the time? Like stamps, comic books, or who knows what else really. Surely collecting  KNIVES must not be all that different, right? 
...Eh, maybe not. Then again, this stranger seemed interested enough, he may as well just answer the question.  “ Uuuuuh, some on knife stores...or the internet, I think? I was honestly just buying them for traps, mortal devices, you know that sort of thing. “
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“ I mean, not like I’m into THAT stuff anymore, but I still kept collecting them. Who knows when you might need them, you know?  “
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How did Gumball know that you hate I Vow by Homemadesoul? And why hate it? It's a sweet song
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“ Sure, maybe it was 'sweet’ for you. “ the cyclops wasn’t even making an effort to mask the tone of annoyance laced in his voice. “ Not so much when Gumball kept blasting the damn song on loop for hours on end until I had to intervene. “
What started out as an innocent song playing in the background while the boys worked on Rob’s villain costume, resulted in a heated fight that ended with heartbreak, angst, and a boombox being stomped to pieces.
Not that Rob is going to include that last part, of course.
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“ But to be fair, it is really catchy... “
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