#( v;jarilo vi. )
dastodia · 30 days
❛  i knew you could do it.  ❜
Barbie Fairytopia Starters | Accepting.
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Lad is not surprised he is h a r d l y winded by the end of the day's tournament matches- he is the guard of t h e Astral Express after all, would be a shame if Dan Heng was t i r e d after some simple "rough housing" and boxing fights. The archivist only participated in the S u p e r L e a g u e at the pestering of the club's owner, one mister Scott, and the a n n o u n c e r , Mr. Dig, to join in the Underground's Festivities. Mostly as not wanting to come off as r u d e ( they had even given him the nickname of C o l d - D r a g o n - Y o u n g -- which was way too close to the t r u t h than he would ever feel comfortable admitting ), the raven had a g r e e d , managing to make it through a few rounds with a handful of other participants before his companions had arrived.
Of course, e s p e c i a l l y with the aide of March and the Trailblazer against a rather unfair matchup ( who makes one s o l o fighter take on some ten people at once? Not that he c ouldn't handle it, he simply did not see the point of overexerting himself for some s i l l y fight club ), they came out victorious. After exiting the metal cage, the Express Members had a l l been approached, some onlookers offering their c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s , others boasting about their fighting prowess, others in a w e or "fangirling" ( as March put it ). Though Dan Heng never expected o n e of said individuals to be the shifty Sampo Koski- even offering a vocalization of s u p p o r t . Interesting. Blue locks at least sounded genuine in the praise provided, but some n a g g i n g feeling stayed buried in raven's chest, one telling him to still not fully t r u s t this man-- but could you blame Dan Heng? He was cautious by n a t u r e , and was part of his job to be.
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❛ Thank you for the k i n d words. I h o p e the matches were entertaining, at the very least. ❜
A pause, eyeing the other with subtle scrutiny for a few beats, arms c r o s s e d over his chest. Again, Dan Heng isn't trying to come off as ill-mannered, but something about S a m p o just drives his draconic instincts wild.
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❛ ....Was there s o m e t h i n g you needed, or were you truly just stopping by to express your s u p p o r t ? ❜
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taraxacum-vulpes · 5 months
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ofmusicandmagic · 1 year
((Tempera in Star Rail would be Imaginary element on the path of Harmony. His attacks manifest in the form of music scores, and his skill and ult buff attack and attack speed. He currently lives in Belobog as a Silvermane guard.))
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kurogane2512 · 1 year
hi, I saw you were back in the request game!! would it be possible to get a request for a smutty HSR Himeko x f!reader with naked cuddling/comforting/pampering? (sorry if that's too vague) I just know she's really nice to curl up with... thanks so much!!! love your work!
Of course, anon! Himeko will always have a special place in my heart no matter the game <3 *cue Dr Strange 2's I have loved you in every universe meme*
Type: Smut and Fluff (boob play, fingering, kissing, praising, very slight angst, established relationship, comfort sex)
Character: HSR Himeko X Fem!reader
The Astral Express soared through the starry space after departing from Jarilo-VI, the planet of Eternal Freeze. Everyone was sound asleep in their rooms after an eventful journey at Belobog while you decided to meet the navigator, Himeko— who was also your lover but the rest of the crew hadn't been told yet.
You found out she was still awake, drinking her coffee as usual and reading a book beside the window. She happily allowed you in to sit beside her and offered you some coffee which you refused, making her curious since she knew you liked the coffee she made.
"Um, Himeko....I wanted to talk to you."
Himeko smiled and put her cup down then held your hand and guided you towards her bed, you both sitting down beside each other as she patiently waited for you to speak. She slowly extended her hand towards your face and cupped it, making you look at her and she was taken by surprise by the look on your face.
"I sensed it earlier but I didn't think it was so serious....What's making you so upset, sweetheart?"
A tear rolled down your cheek which she tenderly wiped away with her thumb then wrapped her arms around your head and pulled you towards her chest, hugging you lightly. More tears flowed down your eyes as you held onto her, silently weeping, her hand continuously caressing your head.
"I feel....v-very sad about what happened at Belobog, with Cocolia...She didn't deserve that, I wanted to save her but...."
Your breath hitched as you struggled to form words, telling your true feelings to your beloved.
"I understand why you feel that way, my dear. But you have to know some things can't be helped...."
You nodded and held her tighter, your face buried in her neck.
"Also, I miss everyone...the people at Belobog. And....I don't want to do the mission by Kafka, I have a bad feeling about her...."
Himeko's eyes widened for a moment, she wanted to ask some questions but held back and instead cupped your face to pull up and gaze at you lovingly before leaning in and connecting your lips together in a gentle kiss. You quickly melted into the kiss as if you were craving for it, without any hesitation.
Before long, your clothes were discarded as you laid on the bed together holding each other closely. Your face was nestled between her boobs, fondling with one hand while sucking the other. She caressed your head and softly moaned, her angelic voice was music to your ears and gave you comfort.
"Mhm~ Y-Y/n....aahn~ You are being...q-quite intense!~"
"Sorry, I was just feeling....a bit down."
Himeko chuckled and kissed your forehead, "I know, I'm not going to deny you. In fact, let me care for you instead~"
"It's okay, I can ju—"
"Sshh~ Leave it all to me, my darling~"
You nodded with a blush and followed her as she pulled you closer, your face burying in her boobs while she slid her hand towards your abdomen. You immediately flinched feeling her fingers tease your clit and tightened your hold around her. Her rosy scent clouded your senses, making you feel at ease as she slowly rubbed her fingers over your folds.
"Just relax, Y/n. You worked very hard back there and your insecurities are natural but I want you to know that you don't have to force yourself through them alone...."
Himeko's angelic voice rang in your ears now and soon enough, her fingers parted your folds. All of your body was wrapped in her and all your senses were engulfed by her, you felt heavenly at this moment. You gently kneaded her boobs while her digits fingered you, your voice moaning out at the sensations. She was everything you needed at this moment, all your worries were washed away and replaced by her.
"H-Himeko......mhm~ I-I'm close...."
Her fingers slowly thrusted in and out of you, hitting your most sensitive spots while her lips planted several kisses on your face.
"Let it out, my love. Entrust yourself to me~"
You had completely given up at this point, you suddenly hugged her even more and your walls clenched onto her fingers. She thrusted and scissored a few more times before you finally released, moaning into her neck as you held her. She smiled and held your face to place kisses all over— your cheeks, eyelids, nose, forehead— every place she adored.
"I'm always here for you, my sweetheart. Don't think you are ever alone on this journey, share your burdens with me, alright?"
Tears welled up in your eyes at her deep words then you nodded with a smile, "Thank you, Himeko. I love you..."
"Hehe, I love you too~"
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omnipicureans · 19 days
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# OMNIPURICEANS ━━━ private, roleplay blog for APONIA of HONKAI IMPACT 3RD; interpreted & loved by BARELY ( any pronouns & eighteen ); affiliated with GNOSTIC HYMNS.
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i. lawbook ━━━ includes mun information, blog rules, shipping availability, art credit, writing specifics, & more! ii. portrait ━━━ includes muse information, lore, support system, headcanons, & more! iii. abilities ━━━ necessary talents / stats page, as of the affiliated group's rule. iv. interview ━━━ the interview of the muse, better read on desktop instead of mobile. v. pinned post ━━━ notes on both the character's portrayal and interaction information, found below the cut of this post with the explained tags.
within the crux of the elysian realm's chapters, APONIA is said to have committed suicide by sacrificing herself wholly to merge with the realm; hence, her later death when the elysian realm is destroyed in the final battle. since her simulation, too, has been deleted by the herrscher of corruption, aponia is hardly more than a remnant of what she once was. now, the issue of context.
in the theory of her giving the whole of herself to augment the elysian realm, i am taking the liberty of implying that being brought back by elysia to fight in the final battle with the other flamechasers allowed a fragment of her real body to exist outside the augmentation. thus, this aponia is ONLY HER SIMULATION, boosted by the quarter fragment of her real body; hence, the recreation of a more fragile, unstable elysian realm ( as she cannot exist without or outside of it, because of how wholly she sacrificed herself into its being ) .
to bind the flexibility of this, in the hopes of benefiting her place in gnostic hymns, meager lines of aponia’s code have been scattered across worlds to supplement a larger foundation of the elysian realm’s stability. with this, DIVISIONS OF APONIA'S SIMULATION ARE ALLOWED TO APPEAR OUTSIDE OF THE REALM, though they are weaker than the original and are bound to only remember the memories they make within that specific world, not including whatever memories they may already hold. ( for example, if your muse makes friends with the aponia in teyvat and travels to jarilo - vi, the aponia of that world will not recognize them, nor remember being their friend. )
in a similar light, aponia's DISCIPLINE and HEAVEN'S EYE are very significant to her character and thus, are usually difficult to avoid the usage or discussions of, even if done subtly. here's two quick(?) explanations of each;
aponia cannot control her HEAVEN'S EYE, as the threads of fate are always visible to her from where they sprout on people's foreheads. she describes these threads as silk, which break off once out of her peripheral; a limit she doesn't have when seeing the future in glimpses. of course, i will not assume anything of your muse in these cases, since i'd like to play around with that power narratively in more introspective threads. otherwise, it will be up to us whether or not it's fair to imply that she'll become somewhat aware of both your muses' past and distant future upon their first or second meeting.
however, with her DISCIPLINE, that power is more interactive. by default, even without it, aponia is a convincing soul, usually hardly refused; paired with discipline, she is never refuted nor refused, even if the person is aware of what's being done to them. as you can tell, this is beyond godmoding at its core. so, this boundary will only be crossed to make a thread or interaction crazier. to utilize discipline, all aponia must say is please, though i will italicize and adorn the word with brackets so it's clear when she does and doesn't compel it. similarly, discipline isn't simply mind control; it's the process of introducing an order unto another, the manner in which they abide by it depends on their wish. don't worry, it's complicated and can be further discussed later.
CONTENT WARNINGS for this blog, as introduced in the interview, are discussions, mentions, and examples of, but not limited to, child death, mass murder, canon - typical violence, suicide, misunderstood & heavy survivor’s guilt, dehumanization of self, heavy existential - questioning concepts, abstract & concrete religious themes, and morally skewed ideations & thoughts of a religious "prophet".
: ̗̀ ʚїɞ :: ❝ 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐇 ・ / in character . ( all posts that are "in character", hence the tag )
: ̗̀ ʚїɞ :: ❝ 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘 - 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 . 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐃 ・ / out of character . ( all posts that are "out of character", ex. shitposts, maintenance, meta, etc )
: ̗̀ ʚїɞ :: ❝ 𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍'𝐒 𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 ・ / gallery . ( reblogged art, including possible art by the mun, of the muse )
: ̗̀ ʚїɞ :: ❝ 𝐓𝐎 𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐓 ; 𝐓𝐎 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐈𝐍 ・ / headcanons . ( posts centered around a muse's headcanons, meta, etc )
: ̗̀ ʚїɞ :: ❝ 𝐆𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐆𝐎𝐃'𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 ・ / prompts . ( all reblogged posts with prompts, ask memes, sentence starters and the likes )
: ̗̀ ʚїɞ :: ❝ 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐇𝐔𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐋𝐔𝐗𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐑𝐀 ・ / inbox . ( all posts that are replies to an ask, excluding threads made from certain asks )
: ̗̀ ʚїɞ :: ❝ 𝐀 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 ・ / thread name . ( the threads tag )
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astrummorte · 1 month
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some edits to v.03 (hsr) for aryin ashland
aryin and their family knows they're all adopted. though they also know about their original family, they do not like to talk about their parents. (they were not good to the kids.)
the ashland-ashwind family unit STARTED their life in belobog / on jarilo-vi under direction of the supreme guardian cocolia. their father was a scientist underneath her, and did Everything she Asked... so when their father asked for something in return, she had no reason to disagree or disregard.
they're all natural halovians, and have never been to penacony. they're too scared to go - and as of the end of the recent ish updates, they're glad they never went.
"tobias" aka toby... was the only one who sought to prove that belobog was WORTH FIGHTING FOR. he stood the line with his weapon of a threaded cane charged with wind type, standing the path of erudition.
as before, aryin knows my boothill ( kasmir ) personally. as in, grew up alongside him & his daughter before things went to batshit hell.
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pinkprimrose05 · 8 months
Got to the part of the dash where it already got asked lmaoooooooo. Alright, second batch of choices. Genesis, Emptiness, Finality or Iter Exitium: On Dreams and Deception
Both is good methinks :)
Genesis, Emptiness, Finality: This is the working title for what's quite possibly the furthest fic down my backlog. Simply put, it's a very, veeeery early look into the server side of Zarc's Duel Links debut.
(Canon holds up a hammer to strike me for my hubris. I smile and shoot its head with crossover bullshit, again.)
Wordcount is impossibe to predict when the outline itself is still in progress, but vibes say it's 2k at most. There isn't much of a snippet here, but there is a placeholder summary until I decide to take this out of the freezer sometime in the (probably not near) future:
Once, there was a soul, folorn in solitude. Now, there is nothing... and then there is light. --- Once, there was a soul, fractured and torn apart. Now, color begins to trickle over the light; a kaleidoscope of shards and images... Memories. ___ Once, there was a soul, and then there was nothing. Now, he recognizes the feelings within each memory that flits by; be it joy, fear, fury, or melancholy... And yet there remains a question. Who exactly is "he"?
Iter Exitium: On Dreams and Deception: Wee woo, series piece alert 2!
This is one of several oneshots that belong to an ARC-V crossover AU with Honkai: Star Rail, where we throw chronological order out the window because who even needs that lol.
During the Express crew's journey to planet Jarilo-VI, our newest Trailblazer discovers some... strange images while asleep. Cue lots of questions, introspection, and a sleepover! Yay!
This could be 2k or it could be like, 6k, depending on how much fluff I can stuff into the sleepover part. Sky's the limit I guess. Now here's your prescribed dose of snippet:
"Okay okay wait, back up-" You say, holding up a hand as the other runs through your hair. "So you're telling me that every living being that sleeps has, what, a movie player that goes off in their head at night?" Yuuto must be mentally cursing you for scientific concept sacrilege or some crime along those lines, but being the patient saint that he is, he ignores all of that and just nods. You truly don't deserve him. "...In a heavily simplified sense, yes." "Wait, so Yuzu has dreams too?" "She does." "And Mister Sakaki?" "Yes." "What about Navigator Youko?" "Her too." "Even Classikuriboh?" "If they decide to sleep, probably." "Do you have dreams, Yuuto?" A pause, and suddenly the ground seems to be of great interest to the silver-eyed archivist. Okay, that... may have been the wrong thing to say. Crap. "Alright, moving on-" you begin at the same time Yuuto hastily blurts out, "sometimes I get nightmares." Something fizzles. Probably your brain short-circuiting at the new word, if you had to take a guess. "....uh, what's a nightmare again?"
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asceticlife · 11 months
☕ for gepard!
hot beverage.
jarilo-vi is a cold, cold place. it is a world covered in snow and ice, in sleet and frost. belobog is warmer than it naturally should be, warm enough for some people to decide not to wear coats. things that would keep people protected from the elements. it's very curious, honestly. aponia can appreciate the technological advances. vill-v would've loved to look at the mechanisms these people have come up with. perhaps she would even be able to improve them. pyrotechnics was something she dabbled in more often than not. the warmth would be appreciated, she imagines.
speaking of warmth... gepard. gepard offers aponia warmth. to be able to get close with another human ( ah, it feels strange to even consider herself such a thing... with all her sins, she feels more honkai, more beast, than person ) after all this time. companionship is a rarity, even nowadays. it is her own fault, but that just makes this connection she's formed something she shall cherish even more. despite their bond aponia is still... distant, she will admit. a bit too stiff, not letting her posture fall for even a second. her words are still chosen carefully. fear. there is still fear within her. ah, how it hinders her. how it hinders them.
gepard makes her feel warm, and aponia wants to return the feeling. jarlio-vi is a cold, cold place. gepard is a silvermane guard, and that seems like it would put him closer to the sheer cold. keeping the people safe is his duty, and while the people of belobog likely offer him warmth... their warmth is not aponia's. their favors are not her own.
and thus, she works hard.
this isn't something aponia's done in a while. she feels uncharacteristically nervous. fear. there is still fear. she stands there, tall frame as straight as ever. her hands, however, are not clasped together as they usually would be. gentle smile ever-present, she waits. and when the man of the hour finally arrives, aponia's posture relaxes ever so slightly.
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" gepard, " she speaks fondly, " for you. i... hope you enjoy. "
mulled wine and moussaka. a hot drink and an even hotter meal. the transfer of warmth from one being to another. indeed, she truly hopes he enjoys.
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kyokiiro · 3 months
Character list
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☆Honkai Star Rail:
Astral express - Himeko, Welt(platonic only) March 7th, Dan Heng, Stelle, Caelus
Herta space station - Asta, Herta, Arlan(platonic only), Ruan Mei
Jarilo-VI - Bronya, Cocolia, Gepard, Serval, Lynx(platonic only), Pela(platonic only), Seele, Natasha, Sampo, Hook(platonic only), Clara(platonic only)
The Xianzhou Loufu - Fu Xuan, Jing Yuan, Imbibitor Lunae, Jingliu, Yukong, Tingyun, Hanya, Xueyi, Guinaifen, Sushang, Bailu(platonic only), Huohuo(platonic only), Yanqing(only platonic)
Penacony - Black Swan, Robin, Sunday, Acheron, Gallagher, Misha(platonic only), Boothill
Stellaron hunters - Kafka, Silver Wolf, Blade, Firefly
IPC - Topaz, Aventurine, Dr.Ratio, Jade
The Annihilation Gang - Caterina, Constance
Aeons - Nanook, Lan, Yaoshi, Xipe
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★Genshin impact:
Mondstadt - Jean, Lisa, Venti, Kaeya, Diluc, Eula, Amber, Mona, Rosaria, Sucrose, Klee(platonic only), Bennett(platonic only), Razor(platonic only), Fischl(platonic only), Noelle
Liyue - Hu tao, Xiao(platonic only), Yelan, Shenhe, Beidou, Ningguang, Ganyu, Keqing, Xianyun, Yun Jin, Xinyan, Yanfei, Zhongli, Gaming, Yaoyao(platonic only), Qiqi(platonic only), Chongyun, Xiangling
Inazuma - Ei, Yae Miko, Kujou Sara, Kuki Shinobu, Kazuha, Heizou, Chiori, Itto, Kirara, Kokomi, Ayato, Ayaka, Yoimiya, Thoma, Sayu(platonic only)
Sumeru - Faruzan, Cyno, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Tighnari, Collei(platonic only), Nilou, Candace, Dehya, Layla, Nahida(platonic only), Wanderer(platonic only), Sethos
Fontaine - Navia, Clorinde, Chevreuse, Lyney, Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Furina, Lynette, Charlotte, Freminet
Natlan - coming soon
Snezhnaya/Fatui Harbingers - Capitano, Columbina, Arlecchino, Sandrone, La Signora, Pantalone, The Tsaritsa, Tartaglia(platonic only)
Different world - Lumine, Aether, Aloy(fem or gn reader only), Dainsleif
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☆Honkai Impact 3rd:
Flame-Chasers - Elysia, Eden, Su, Aponia, Sakura, Mobius, Vill-V, Griseo(platonic only), Fu Hua
Rest - Kiana(fem or gn reader only), Raiden Mei(fem or gn reader only), Murata Himeko, Durandal, Rita, Seele(fem or gn reader only), Bronya Zaychik(fem or gn reader only), Veliona
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★Wuthering Waves:
Huanglong/Jinzhou - Baizhi, Chixia, Jianxin, Sanhua, Yangyang, Yinlin, Jinhsi, Rover(both genders), Jiyan, Lingyang(platonic only), Verina(platonic only), Calcharo(platonic only for now)
Black Shores - Camellya, Aalto(platonic only), Encore(platonic only)
The Fractsidus - Phrolova, Scar(platonic only)
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dastodia · 1 month
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tag dump
☾ ┆ 【 ic. 】
♔ ┆ 【 ooc. 】
♪ ┆ 【 audio. 】
© ┆ 【 credit. 】
☬ ┆ 【 dash commentary. 】
♜ ┆ 【 x. 】
♙ ┆ 【 x. 】
☆ ┆ 【 v; herta space station. 】
♞ ┆ 【 x. 】
✎ ┆ 【 answered ask. 】
✉ ┆ 【 prompt. 】
☄ ┆ 【 promo. 】
♡ ┆ 【 desires. 】
✧ ┆ 【 musings. 】
♖ ┆ 【 x. 】
⚜ ┆ 【 x. 】
✿ ┆ 【 visuals. 】
△ ┆ 【 x. 】
✔ ┆ 【 save. 】
✘ ┆ 【 delete. 】
⏰┆ 【 x. 】
☼┆ 【 x. 】
☯ ┆ 【 headcanon. 】
⟳ ┆ 【 queue. 】
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mikolovesazul · 1 year
[none yet]
Identity V:
[none yet]
Honkai star rail:
Herta space station: [none yet] Jarilo VI natasha: "you're so pretty tonight"
Xianzhou [none yet]
Twisted wonderland:
[none yet]
[none yet]
[none yet]
[none yet]
Pomefiore [none yet] Ignihyde
[none yet]
Diasomnia malleus: one sided love angst
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miraiq · 7 months
[ KISS ]:     sender pins receiver against the wall and kisses them passionately. ( don't look at me ,,,,, @ serval )
Pinned Against A Wall Prompts | Accepting!
Was it the pleasant atmosphere? Was it the jovial mood set by the back and forth playful banter? Was is lingering unresolved feelings resurfacing at the second chance she gave Sampo that lead to this..? That's all that made sense in the blonde's mind as to how the situation ended up this way not that Serval is complaining.
They had shared several amused but warm looks throughout the last hour. Blue locks had snuck into her shop while she was occupied behind the counter and gave her a friendly scare. The lass threated him with a good tickling but wasn't really committed to the threat, mostly too tired to do so. Serval had called him, affectionately, a 'scamp' at some point though, as she picked up a few things here and there. She was moving from the back of the shop towards the front, intending to put something on the desk near the entrance, but was stopped half way through her journey.
It wasn't an aggressive shove, no, but it was intentional and firm- resulting in her dropping the item in her hand. It ended up forgotten on the floor mere seconds later. Sampo had gotten close enough to then press her against the shop's side door, it creaking quietly at the action. He had his hands at her hips, and she was about to plead for mercy, thinking he might taken her idea of tickles as a threat and use it on her instead- but the hands only held still, keeping her firmly in place. Hands laid atop his, grasping them in case she was correct in her initial thought, ready to pull them away to save her sides.
A few beats of silence passed between them before she felt as if she was being caged as the lad had leaned in closer. Then she felt it. Lips pressed warmly against her own. Eyes widen in shock, her own grip immediately becoming slack. This.. this was happening. Sampo had kissed her-- was still kissing her. His hands had even given her hips a squeeze for good measure. If Serval hadn't been working all day, she would have thought this a dream, one she would have had a long time ago closer to when the first met. Yet every time she slowly blinked, it registered in phrases that this, in fact, was reality.
Perhaps the lad had taken her frozen state as a good thing, cause it took several more movements of slotting mouths together for Serval to seemingly snap out of her internal shock. Now, she embarrassingly hadn't had an overly large amount of experience in.. these types of things, but she had enough that she had a vague idea of how to reciprocate- although she ended up just following Sampo's example and lead. Why not let him lead when she's the one with the least amount of familiarity in the intimate gesture.
Shakey hands ghosted up the lad's arms, one stopping just above his elbow and the other making it to his shoulder. It was not even a minute later and the blonde felt light headed, nerves blazing under her skin- leading her to swiftly slide the hand that was once gripping a shoulder to slip between the two of their faces, palm then covering Sampo's mouth. Serval knew she probably looked as flustered as she felt, so she looked away, staring off at the floor to the side, absolutely not even going to attempt to make eye contact. She'd rather not make a fool out of herself, especially not right now, thank you very much.
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" Okay----- tim-me out-- time out! "
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miraiq · 7 months
dance ( @ serval )
actions speak louder than words prompts | Accepting! [dance, sender sticks a hand out to receiver and invites them to dance]
Blonde eyebrows raise is confusion, scrunch in disbelief, then settle in amusement. Truly, Sampo was an enigma, but hey- that's what makes him interesting, no? Serval's in a good mood, so she's more than willing to humor the man. Meeting extended hand with her own, she submits herself to being swung around in a graceful fashion, content to let the blue haired man take lead and do as he pleases (for the moment). She nearly trips over her own foot but she could care less, laughter bubbling out uncontrollably at the ridiculousness of it all.
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" What's gotten into you, Koski? What game you tying to play at? "
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miraiq · 7 months
👉 ( we all knew it was coming, serval )
[Send 👉 to tickle my muse] LOVE LANGUAGE: PHYSICAL TOUCH STARTERS | Accepting!
She knew something was wrong.. very wrong. Nothing good comes when a blue haired idiot man gives her a peculiar look. Especially when it's accompanied by a vague hand gesture that poses as mildly threatening concerning.. Each step he takes closer to her, she takes one back, wanting as much space in-between them in case she needs to kick him and book it.
" Sampo..? What are you doing? "
At her question the peculiar look turns almost menacing and it genuinely makes her consider tossing her leg. There may be a smile on Serval's face, but she is beyond nervous. The unknown tends to do that.
Now, the mechanic knows she has a great sense of style. Of course she does! Took her years to refine it to her own special flare, and she's proud of it. Oh.. but now, she learns that it has a very glaring downside.
It's a blink-and-you-miss-it moment. Sampo makes a leap at the lass, closing the distance, and immediately begins the assault. Playful fingers push into her sides and brush against her skin, the open planes on the sides of her shirt proving no sort of barrier of protection. The initial fear becomes replaced fairly quickly, a laugh bursting out uncontrolled as hands fly to grasp at his own- likely scratching them on accident in the process. Serval is in a fit of giggles and the lad clearly has no intention of ceasing his bullying ways.
" H-Hey! Ahahha-- s-stop i-it! Buaaahahhah! No-ot fair, not fa-air! "
Serval does manage to get both a solid and harsh enough a grip after a minute, yanking his hands away from her aching torso. The man seems content enough with his game, no longer fighting her hold on his wrists. You know, Sampo has a very similar problem in regards to his choice of clothing... It would be a shame to not use his own shirt having similar holes at the hip against him.
Perfect time to return the favor.
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miraiq · 7 months
❛  it was an accident ... simply an accident.  ❜
Phantom of the Opera Starters | Accepting!
" An accident... an accident?! "
Her voice raises only briefly, hands curled into fists only a moment, before Serval settles. In the man's defense, she had left quite a bit laying about, so can one really blame Sampo for falling over something on the floor, and ended up taking a few shelves down with him in the lad's attempt to save himself? The blonde offers the lad her hand, pulling him up onto his feet, before she herself crouches to her knees and begins grabbing what she can to straighten up the mess that had occurred in the aftermath.
"No, no. You're right, I should really have been more on top of cleaning up. I'm sorry, Sampo. But hey, if you help me clean this up, I won't even charge you for the damages~ "
Serval is absolutely just teasing him, she would never-- especially in the case it was her lack of attention that made the disaster zone in the first place- but she does still feel bad.
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miraiq · 7 months
❛  wow, you almost convinced me you really meant what you were saying.  ❜ ( serval )
Fake Dating Starters | Accepting!
A grin stays plastered to her lips as she gazes at Sampo, almost lovingly(gag), a light hearted giggle escaping as she crowds his space while watching the retreating form of a lass from the corner of her vision. Once the girl is out of sight Serval sighs, visible deflating and immediately stepping several steps away from the blue haired man. If she were a dog she would definitely do a full body shake to rid her body of the icky feeling.
" Guess you could say working on a stage has it's benefits, yeah? You're welcome, by the way.
You looked.. unnerved, which isn't something I usually see from you."
Serval pauses, waiting and watching to see if Sampo would relax at least a little. Not likely, but one can hope. She then looks back to the lad, concern taking over her features. She might not have the most positive feelings towards him, but she didn't hate the guy. Maybe that's what caused her to step in, pretending to be his lover, worried about what was taking him so long to get back to her arms, speaking nothing but longing and desire to never be separated from him. Don't know exactly why that was what she went with, but it seemed to work to deter the mystery lass away with her, quite frankly, obnoxious display of affection.
" What exactly happened? "
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