#( v | academy ) ♔
crownlesslord · 2 years
royal recipe of disaster
Mission Task Board: It’s your turn on cooking duty, and you know exactly what you want to make: delicious pizzas! The kitchens are well stocked today; too well-stocked, in fact, because there are way too many choices for toppings, with everything you can imagine from meat to veggies to more unorthodox choices like chocolate or mapo tofu. Will you and your cooking partner come up with a brilliant new recipe, or spend the entire time arguing over whether or not that pineapple belongs on the pizza? [Grants Authority +1] // Open
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     If one's glower could scorch, Berkut would have set the bulletin board aflame. Cooking duty, it said. With someone else’s name and his beside it— written in a nervous scrawl. Ridiculous, he thought in immense displeasure. How dare they burden him with this duty? It was blatant that the Prince of Rigel has never spent a single day of his life in a kitchen. After all, he belonged in the battlefields, commanding battalions and protecting borders from vile creatures! But now, he's expected to feed more than fifty ravenous mouths waiting in the dining hall? Absolutely unacceptable.
    Perhaps someone from the Academy was trying to set him up for failure and humiliation before his peers? His teeth gritted and his hands tightened into fists at that thought. No one is going to hear the end of this. With a sharp turn of his heels, Berkut stormed towards the monastery's kitchen. But as the doors swung open, his inconvenient circumstance became clear: They were short-staffed. 
    It was so bad that Berkut’s normally commanding presence could barely overpower the weighted stress that haunted the remaining faculty members as they scramble about to complete tonight’s full course meals. 
    Damn it all, he cursed under his breath.
    According to the staff, the course meal was missing something savory to go along with the main dish. They had hoped the noble prince and his cooking partner would be able to fill the gap there. “So be it,” he said with a click of his tongue. If even peasants were able to pull this off every day, it shouldn’t be too hard for him. 
    After a few loud exchanges, Berkut stood behind a lone kitchen counter in a flimsy apron that was painfully too small for him. (He swore an untimely death upon anyone who’d tell.) Grumbling, he leafed through the recipe book they provided— searching for something that would be practical and easy to cook. In a matter of pages, he found the winning dish: A flat thin layer of bread dough topped with spiced sauce, cheese, and simple garnish. 
    At that moment, Berkut heard footsteps approaching his way. He looked up to meet the other’s eyes. 
    “Hmpf. Are you under cooking duty as well? What took you?” Berkut asked out of sheer annoyance. But acutely aware of the time they had left to prepare, the prince impatiently turned the book to the other’s line of view. 
    “Everyone shall feast this tonight,” The Rigelian noble tapped on the recipe. “It’s a peasant dish, but we shall make it worthy to feed even the gods.” His dark determined eyes glinted at that which made his confident smile look devious. 
    It was a masterful plan after all. They already have the highest quality of ingredients (as he expected) and the most detailed written steps at their disposal. What could possibly go wrong? As long as they strictly followed the recipe, they could easily conquer the kitchen and everyone will have a taste of their lives! 
    “Now, what are you still standing around for? Be more useful and fetch the ingredients.” He pointed to the storage room with a thumb over his shoulders.
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cpirits · 5 years
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎… ⋙
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AU Zero Kiryuu ( formerly @impetuousknight & @bornvampirehunter-blog )
| 24 years old | Blind | Vampire | Former Vampire Hunter |
Drabbles for story — { ♔ | ♔ }
♔ — After his days at Cross Academy, from being part of the Humans, to living in the Moon Dorm with the creatures he despised, Zero left the area, to wander around, almost aimless, while trying to keep himself sane and get away from the harrowing things that plagued him. 
Kaname ultimately blinded him when they got into a struggle before that happened. (see drabbles) He vindictively resents Kaname for doing it, but has come to live with his ailment, as well as the scars.
♔ — Over time, though he had drank Kaname’s blood– his blood lust grew little by little, and though he found carrying Blood Tablets was a stop to his ever pounding heart– they still didn’t help at all. Often when even consuming just one, Zero would violently wretch, and toss it up, along with whatever was sitting in his stomach. Still, they settled his aching heart, so he keeps some on hand.
♔ — The fact that he was halted from becoming a Level E, after drinking Kaname’s blood by force, he hates what he is. Zero dislikes people, so he stays away from populated areas.
♔ —   Though he no longer feels the thirst as before, he often still acts somewhat as an estranged Hunter, confronting lower Vampires and ones hiding out. Despite his lack of sight, Zero can sense other Vampires, and tracks them. The ones he does have to fight, he usually ends up torturing them and then drinking their blood. His days are filled with the subtle aching of his body due to undernourishment. And his nights are disastrously wracked with pain of former injuries.
v; Ending up Forsaken — Present Verse
— Blind, and cursing himself for giving in to his Vampire blood flowing within, Zero has found himself in a severe state of disrepair. He has wandered for ages, trying to find some way to sate his thirst without resorting to the unthinkable: Drinking from Humans.
v; Bred with The Enemy — Night Class Verse
— After his powers became active, Zero gave in to the Headmaster’s request to transfer Zero to The Night Class. Kaname wickedly accepted, drawing the silver haired Vampire into his Inner Circle, which made the other students upset, though they could do nothing about it. Soon getting accustomed to life at the Moon Dorm, he rarely ever saw, or talked to Yuuki.
v; Struggling for Sanity — Day Class Verse
— A student at Cross Academy, Zero dealt with slowly succumbing to a Vampire’s bite, while also juggling the task of being a member of the Disciplinary Committee, with Yuuki Cross, which helped to protect the Night Class’ terrifying secret from the Day Class.
v; Before He knew Life — Pre!Academy Verse
— Zero, as a young boy got caught in the midst of a slaughter, with his parents the victims. He had gotten bitten by the Vampire, a Pureblood. Headmaster Cross found him, and took him in, thus it was where he first met Yuuki.
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crownlesslord · 2 years
tag dump
dumping tags!
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