#( uriah )
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rottingkorpse · 15 hours ago
"All perpetrators/planners are bad people!"
Uriah was a mentally ill 14-year-old who couldn't get the help he desperately needed which could've stopped the entire thing
he's a rlly kind person and his thoughts and feelings shouldn't cloud your perception of him
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avesdraws · 2 months ago
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you have to be nice to my grandpa or else ok!!
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bluejay-makes · 2 months ago
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Wip of my farmer and science wife
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art-of-bygost · 8 days ago
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Half life has a lot of cool buddies so i decided to draw some :)
Part 2 coming tomorrow bc i want to draw gordon, barney and adrian with their buddies but it's too late atm sorry :(
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hawfstuff · 8 months ago
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Quick Uriah drawin as a warmup. He stole a pair of dress pants.
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dcs-fkin-mystics · 6 months ago
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Kids from Limbo Town: Uriah, Salem, and Klarion.
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discodisorder · 3 months ago
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don't tell mama
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stuurman · 11 months ago
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something something vortessence. grandpas arguing in my head rent free
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charlotteking23 · 1 year ago
Hi, can I have a request where cold! Reader with Eric Coulter. Where Eric fell for Reader, but she is cold to everyone and keeps them at arm distance, including him.
Until readers' childhood friend come to visit, and she shows another childish/playful side of herself to him.
Eric sees and get jealous
Fluffy ending pls.
Thank You!!
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Y/N was known as the ice queen because of her attitude and her physical and mental strength. Y/N was first overall in her class, excelling in fighting, and was outstanding in her knives and gun performance. She also only had 5 fears coming in second with the least amount of fear.
Y/N only liked a handful of people and even then sometimes she didn't like them. She was originally from Candor so sometimes she could be really blunt on those who annoy her.
Y/N sat in the Dauntless cafeteria eating peacefully alone, which she liked for being an introvert. Hey Y/N said Uriah in his usual happy tone, Yes Uriah, what do you need? I was just wondering if I could have your chocolate cake, Uriah said begging with hands clasped together. She couldn't say no and offered him half the cake, she knew people called her Ice Queen because of her cold attitude but that doesn't mean she was heartless.
After Uriah left she decided to leave the mess hall and get some training done. She left not noticing a certain blue-eye leader watching her.
She punched the bag as hard as possible she knew her hands were probably bruised but she didn't care. Sweat highlighted her face and her back where her cropped clothes were. Eric watched how precise she hit the bag, her hair sticking to her forehead because of the sweat and her leggings hugging and showing off all her curves.
He decided to make his presence known instead of watching her like a stalker. Hey, he said in his deep cold tone, mentally slapping himself with what he said. What? Y/N questioned why Eric was there. I need a sparing partner and lucky for you, I choose you. But seeing her reaction she didn't seem thrilled and asked why couldn't I train with four? What your kidding right I rather stick a catus in my ass than be in the same room as him.
reluctantly she said yes because she knew Eric fought hard and would help her be better. They fought long and hard neither one of them wanting to back down for their reputation and dignity were on the line. Y/N decided to hit him in the dick hoping he would back down but he didn't. They continued for so long that they lost track of time, and they both decided to call it a day seeing it was already 4 in the afternoon. This wasn't the end, Y/N was determined to win against the fierce leader. They decided to go their separate ways saying goodnight to each other both sour they didn't win.
Y/N woke up early in the morning like every day doing the same routine. wake up, take a shower, put on some clothes, eat some breakfast, and go to the gym for her morning workout. But today was different considering she saw a person wearing white and black clothes, she knew this person had to be from Candor. Who the person was shocked her, Alex is that you? Y/N said but didn't wait for his response and hugged him really tight. Everyone and their mama was shocked to see the cold and introverted girl hugging someone and smiling for the first time. This scene baffled Eric, this girl whom he had never seen smile, smiling at some guy. Fine, he would admit it he was definitely jealous of the guy.
Eric walks down the stairs into the pit able to see Y/N and that guy more clearly. He went up towards Y/N, his presence was dominating like fire you could get burned. Eric was not here to be nice and knew his dark aura scared the kid. Alex was 5'11 but compared to Eric who was 6'1, was short. Alex introduced himself as Y/N's childhood friend even though Eric couldn't care less who the Hell this guy was. I'm Eric a Dauntless leader here but the first thing Alex said was that he looked too young to be a leader, he wouldn't be saying that if he knew how dangerous he was. Y/N answered seeing how uncomfortable Alex had seemed, and said age doesn't matter here but your strength.
Y/N had left Eric not before saying goodbye and took Alex on a tour through Dauntless. It was lunchtime and Eric was not happy and everyone knew that from the scorn on his face. He walked through the mess hall catching the eye of Y/N laughing at something that Alex guy said. That made his mood even more sour, he sat at the leader's table trying to listen to the conversation. Instead, Max noticed how in thought Eric looked, Eric was like a son to Max. What's wrong Eric? Max knew about the crush Eric had on Y/N. It's Y/N and that guy, Eric said but just mentioning the guy gave him the ick. Max suggested talking to Y/N at the party tonight would help.
Eric had dressed in a black T-shirt and Black pants, showing off his muscles. Eric was standing off to the side not wanting to dance or talk to people, he looked around for Y/N with a beer in his hand occasionally taking sips. He was astonished when he saw Y/N she looked absolutely beautiful in a black corset top and black jeans with black boots, she wore light makeup, and her long hair was curled. But his mood instantly changed when he saw Alex walk in beside her heading to the bar.
I was enjoying the party and felt hot, Alex was next to me ordering us both drinks. Alex had convinced me to go to the party because He didn't want to go alone and had heard how lit Dauntless parties were and he was hoping to get laid tonight. Alex was already drunk and now was making out with a random girl, I felt extremely uncomfortable and looked around trying to occupy myself but instead catching the attention of a certain blue-eyed leader.
I saw him leaving the party and decided to follow him, he had turned down this dark hallway, and it was empty. Suddenly I was pushed to the wall with a hand near my head and another on my waste keeping me steady. I felt someone's breathing on my neck, I looked up and saw Eric, his blue eyes had turned dark, and his chest was pushed up to mine preventing me from leaving not like I wanted to anyway. Where's your boy toy princess? Eric whispered in my ear, I felt butterflies in my stomach. What are you talking about? I whispered nervously, the sexual tension was so thick you could cut with a knife. He looked at me up and down, and I immediately blushed under his gaze. He had a smirk on his face but it went away, he had asked me where's Alex was? I told him the truth he was at the party making out with some girl. He looked at me and said he expected me to be sad, and that was when I realized Eric thought I was dating Alex.
Eric did you think I was dating Alex because I'm not, Eric just pushed harder into the wall giving him and me no space between each other. Instead, I told him I like someone else, who is it? Eric grunted looking into my eyes, Well he is strong, handsome, has this dominating personality, and these beautiful blue eyes- Not a second later Eric was kissing me, It was amazing, I never believed people when they say when you kiss someone you feel sparks. But when Eric kissed me it felt like a wave of energy came, I eagerly kissed him back. Eric put his hands on my waste where I could feel his hands rubbing my hips, it caused me to slightly open my mouth and Eric to kiss me harder. We pulled away and smiled at each other, You don't know how long I was waiting to do that princess. Well maybe you should do it again and that's was exactly what he did.
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xviruserrorx · 11 days ago
It's imperative how small the Limbo kids are
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witch-supermarket · 1 month ago
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Sorry for the lack of Klarion related content. Anyways, here’s my crackship.
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rottingkorpse · 17 hours ago
can u drop the link to uriahs manifesto pretty please
Since @fagetarian-and-dyke asked this too
No link, but here are the screenshots!!
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avesdraws · 10 months ago
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@scarletfire03 made a very interesting rant about headcrabs and walking on bare claws and how thats uh. probably not very good. so i present...retractable headcrab claws...kinda. the claw doesnt move the flesh does
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gordon-furman · 2 years ago
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more warrior cats au while I make other art
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ketamachine · 9 months ago
The thing about Uriah is that all the characters are truly morally gray ( except for the cops they're just dicks) like it's not that they're sympathetic villains. It's not like they're just heroes who kicked a puppy once. Every character is a deeply complex, multilayered, hypocritical being. Anita abused her children, but she loved them. Kristen didn't protect her children from her husband, but she suffered his abuse as well. Thumbless killed and hurt many people, but he was a child, and he was just trying to survive. Camilla killed and hurt people, trying to make the world a better place. Liam killed trying to protect the only family he has on the godforsaken island. Vincent had a similar motive to Camilla, just more personal. They're all deeply messed up people, both victims and perpetrators, and their complexity makes them feel so much realer. These characters are so raw, you could put them in any situation and know exactly how they'd react because it feels like you know them. They feel human.
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uselessyote · 2 months ago
Ways no one can convince me otherwise that Alonzo and Uriah have found Sherlock sleeping
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Classic face down on the couch (happened one too many times&created the no sleeping on the couch rule hehe)
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Personal favorite, face down but in front of the front door, Alonzo did accidentally hit them with the door :3
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