#( threads: celeste diggory.)
giqqlewater-blog · 7 years
The journey had be long and treacherous but it seemed that this safe castle ( she couldn’t really call it a house, now could she? ) held a lot more than she had hoped for. Sure there was plenty of food, a warm bed, hot water but there was just something that made her feel uneasy about it all. Nevertheless her determination won out and though she stood there freezing with clothes and injuries that mirrored how hard the past year of survival was, Celeste approached the nearest person. “Have you seen a guy...around my age about-- this tall and looks like the grumpy cat?”
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whoisleft-rp · 6 years
It’s a New Year for us, writers, even if it’s still December ‘77 in the game! Interested in starting up some new plots to shout about 2019? Not entirely sure where to start? 
Based on the canon information we have available, and what we know about certain characters’ futures, here are a few examples of common ground between our currently taken group of characters that can be helpful to keep in mind... ***
*** Note: Admin Amanda is whipping this up based mostly on memory and bios, so please let us know (and don’t be offended!) if anything here is inaccurate or has omissions! It can be fixed up right away and was not intentional.
Antonin Dolohov
Sebastian Nott
Bellatrix Black
Rodolphus Lestrange
Harper Baddock
Marya Warrington - not a death eater, but married to a very influential one
Anastazie Dolohov - not a death eater, but the younger sister of one
Narcissa Black - not a death eater, but the future wife of one
Gretchen Ollivander - with an ex who is a current death eater o0o0o0oooo
Vince Sinclair
Alice Fortescue
Geraldine Ollivander - not an Order member, but related to one
Alecto Carrow
Amycus Carrow
Rabastan Lestrange
Regulus Black - future defector
Evan Rosier
Benjy Fenwick
Dorcas Meadowes
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Emmeline Vance
Mary Macdonald - not a future Order member, but is offered involvement and declines
Davey Gudgeon - not a future Order member, but will live and be romantically involved with one, which is delicious and complicated 
Antonin Dolohov - current
Amelia Bones - future
Emma Vanity - future
Gretchen Ollivander - she has many jobs, including one as Antonin’s secretary
Alice Fortescue - current, auror in training
Ava Avery - current
Rodolphus Lestrange - current
Ava Avery
Celeste Greengrass
Alecto Carrow
Amycus Carrow
Anastazie Dolohov
Andromeda Black - later defects from society/ her family for Ted
Antonin Dolohov
Bellatrix Black
Narcissa Black
Evan Rosier
Rodolphus Lestrange
Sebastian Nott
Regulus Black
Emma Vanity
Marya Warrington
Lucinda Talkalot
Rabastan Lestrange
Vince Sinclair - Daily Prophet
Geraldine Ollivander - Wandmaking apprentice
Harper Baddock - Hotel chain CEO
Charity Burbage - future professor (distant)
Remus Lupin - future professor (distant)
Alecto Carrow AND Emma Vanity AND Lucinda Talkalot AND Andromeda Black
Lily Evans AND Mary Macdonald
Amos Diggory AND Davey Gudgeon AND Ted Tonks
Amycus Carrow AND Evan Rosier AND Rabastan Lestrange
Dorcas Meadowes AND Emmeline Vance
James Potter AND Sirius Black AND Remus Lupin
Charity Burbage AND Gladys Gudgeon
Celeste Greengrass AND Narcissa Black
What is your dream plot? Where do you want your character to go? Having an end goal in mind can help set up the necessary mini-plots, threads and connections that play into a full arc. No good plot comes out of thin air, so what can you do now to work toward a satisfying plot movement later?
Are you bringing ideas to other writers, based on what plots you want for your character or ideas that their character and current plots have inspired? Waiting for other writers to come to you often leads to no plot movement at all – we all know one another well here, and making sure that you’re pulling your plotting weight is a HUGE part of collaborative writing.
Admittance to the Death Eaters is extremely difficult and extremely secret. Even initiated members – who have earned the trust of the others in the ranks and of the Dark Lord, and have committed acts of Dark Magic to prove themselves – aren’t guaranteed a Dark Mark unless they’re in the inner circle. Nobody goes out for a night of drinking and wakes up with a Dark Mark branded into them like a regrettable tattoo, so...
How is your character going to be recruited? Who recruits them, and what do they have to do to prove themselves?
What is your character’s opinion on the war? On blood purity?
Why are they (or will they be) interested in serving? Why is it worth the risk, to them? Is it worth the risk to them? 
How will they keep their involvement secret from friends and family when the time comes?
What isn’t worth it for them – what will they have to give up once involved? What are their fears and anxieties? 
How do they feel about Lord Voldemort himself, outside of the cause?
How will their involvement affect them outside of their actual missions – the use of Dark Magic, the suspicion by the authorities, being surrounded by death all the time, etc.
Admittance to the Death Eaters is extremely difficult and extremely secret. Even initiated members – who have earned the trust of the others in the ranks and of the Dark Lord, and have committed acts of Dark Magic to prove themselves – aren’t guaranteed a Dark Mark unless they’re in the inner circle. Nobody goes out for a night of drinking and wakes up with a Dark Mark branded into them like a regrettable tattoo, so...
How is your character going to be recruited? Who recruits them, and what do they have to do to prove themselves? Gretchen, Vince and others are keeping their eyes wide open to try and bring promising people into the fold. Nobody joins the ranks without an invitation - who is inviting them, and what will they do to warrant that invitation?
What is your character’s opinion on the war? On blood purity?
What can your character contribute to the Order? What branches of magic are they best at, or what other skills do they bring to the table?
Why are they (or will they be) interested in serving? Why is it worth the risk, to them? Is it worth the risk to them?
How will they keep their involvement secret from friends and family when the time comes?
What isn’t worth it for them – what will they have to give up once involved? What are their fears and anxieties?
Who will mentor them within the Order, and how will their service affect other areas of their life?
OWLs and NEWTS are this year for many of the students. What subjects are they taking?
What are their career goals? Are those goals attainable or will they have to readjust?
How are they feeling about life outside of the castle – are they anxious, or are they ready to stand on their own two feet? How will the current seventh years adjust from being the Big Kids on campus to the youngest and least experienced members of the graduated magical community? 
Programs such as cursebreaking, becoming an auror, etc. aren’t jobs you just walk into. They take preparation, application and a training program. What groundwork can be laid now?
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giqqlewater-blog · 7 years
Her instinct was to run. Her legs pumped quickly and though the air seared at her throat and chest, she wouldn’t stop until she physically couldn’t anymore. With the little she and Sebastian slept or ate, this would unfortunately be sooner or later. They were right on her heels and she was getting tired-- and then she fell. Celeste crashed to the snow, rocks and stumps alike breaking her fall. The fastest of the inferi had caught up to her, throwing itself down with snapping jaws and it was all that she could do to keep it off of her. No matter how much she scrambled, kicked or pushed it was much stronger than her. A cry left her, tears trickling down her frozen cheeks as she fought to keep from being bitten but she was exhausted and her muscles were giving way. Celeste thought about giving up-- just submitting to her ultimate fate. She was tired of running, tired of scraping by, just tired in general. Though it seemed that she didn’t have much of a choice in the matter now, all she could hope for was Sebastian’s survival.
Snow and blood soaked through the thick layers that kept finger nails from digging into her skin as she struggled, using up each and every last ounce of energy until she had no more. Just when her arms gave out-- Whap! 
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