#( thread • baskuiat )
cesagi-blog · 7 years
@baskuiat​ ♛ is in the presence of a queen!!
♛    there were some things that kendra believed to be true: a warm bath fixes everything, you h a v e to have marshmallows in hot chocolate, and mother knows best. what she didn’t believe in, however, was the foolish notion that if you love someone you set them free and if it’s meant to be they’ll come back to you. life didn’t work that way. nothing was ever so simple to solve. so, if someone had told her that tommy would be showing back up in the picture after so long without so much as a “i’m doing okay” text, she would have scoffed. but, the difference with this situation was that, he hadn’t come back to her. not really. and she hadn’t-- didn’t.. .couldn’t? love him. none of that mattered anyway, she had buried all unresolved feelings for him the moment she learned of his engagement through the grape vine. she was happy for him, right? wrong. well, not entirely. but that was neither here nor there, honestly. at least not while she sat here waiting for him to show up. an address had been texted to him earlier in the day accompanied by a message that simply read “happy birthday” and a time for him to meet her. was he late? she didn’t care to check, she didn’t want to be potentially disappointed by what could be the simple facts of life. she and tommy had grown apart a long time ago, what if she was doing herself no favours by even going this far as a small gesture. yes, she knew birthdays weren’t his thing and just wanted to ease that. but was it her place?
questioning thoughts and her menu glance over were interrupted by the familiar sound of a throat clearing and she flicked at an eyelash. “long time no see.” what a comment to make coming from someone who wasn’t even looking up at him. also, one would think that being the ceo of her company it hadn’t been so long seeing that he had just joined with crown. however-- his had been one particular contract signing that she had happened to miss. no, it wasn’t a coincidence and she was sure that he knew that. but even now, she wasn’t exactly sure of what she’d get when looking him in the eye. and she wasn’t sure she wanted to see. so instead, her eyes remained fixated on her menu.
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harlsqn-blog · 7 years
@baskuiat​ ♡ might need icing ‘cause i got that cake!!
♡     the smell of pork belly and chijeu buldak cooking mixed in well with the soft smell of rainfall and was almost enough to have harley drooling over her plate. thankfully, she had ginger salad to smooth her appetite for the time being. the company also helped to keep her mind away from her stomach and that was definitely no easy feat. the rain, however, had her sitting with her hood pulled tightly over her head in the off chance that wind blew the rain in their direction. opening an app on her phone with one hand, harley went about poking at tommy’s cheek gently with the other. “oppa, look over here. smile!” the declaration was made once she had officially started to film on her phone. one that lasted the allotted ten seconds she was allowed. a genuine laugh escaped her at the sight of tommy with his usually grumpy face wearing a flower crown filter. it was probably the soju to blame, but the blonde was definitely amused. “i might not want to show this one off too much. you’re too pretty for the world to see.” she laughed again, holding her phone out towards him so he could get a look.
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jkbaws · 7 years
What are 5 of your favorite rp tumblrs, whether it be for their writing or the mun's personality?
honestly when i saw everyone getting this ask, i was nervous about getting it too because i’ve gone through krp for so many years and it’s impossible to simply pick a top 5. plus i know i’m gonna ramble like mad. seeing who others are putting is influencing my choices quite a bit as well, since some are also mutuals of mine and have been wonderful writing partners. but oh well. no one’s going to report me for cheating, right?
@dalchu - we’ve been at this for years and they’ve been the person who has gone through the most changes and growth with me. it’s been tradition for us to make muses in pairs. they’re practically my ride or die. i always come to them for any kind of advice in terms of both krp and outside of it, and their opinions have a lot of clarity. i can count on them to set me straight. it’s kind of rare to keep close bonds here that lasts for years so i’m really grateful for having a solid one with such a reliable person. not just that, they’re a great writer, too. their blog doesn’t have much yet since they’ve only made a comeback recently but you’ll see what i mean just from the few threads that they have. they’re an rper who really cares about character study, and someone really thorough about creating muses whether they’re gen, oc, or au. for that, i always enjoy writing with them (even if it may take time) and discussing headcanons. in general, i just genuinely relish in their company. i can say for sure they really, really know me best and i’d like to continue what friendship we have. a krp experience isn’t complete without them.
@yeolkeot - i bug them a lot about rping with me and they tolerate me either way. i’ve made many muses in pairs with them too and i’ll make plenty more if they so wish. since meeting them, i’ve been able to fulfill a lot of aus that i wasn’t too motivated to do back then. they’re even the brilliant mind behind the new sub-verse au i’m about to make for this muse. i throw any kind of plot at them and they’ll integrate it. they’re just always down for anything. to me, one of the really important things in krp is having someone be as enthusiastic as me when plotting and writing in general and they do exactly that. and i’ll always hype up their writing because? yes. i know i mock them in front of their face but it’s all out of love. they can break any writing rule and still pull it off. their delivery always has so much emotion and it fits any character that they write for. i wanna show off all their muses so bad because seriously!! you could see better for yourself. but i��m not trying to violate them. i do strongly recommend writing with them. they’re really awesome. funny, insightful, and very kind as well.
@seoulvibin - i don’t think they get enough credit for their efforts here in krp. they have more info on their muse’s profile than wikipedia does of the idol. i admire this mun and their overwhelming love for g-dragon. big bang isn’t exactly a ‘trend’ anymore in this community. they would probably benefit more rping some new face and dropping this muse altogether. i know even i did at some point since i started out with my own big bang muse as well. but they’ve pulled through. they really did that. i wasn’t the biggest fan of g-dragon outside of big bang and i don’t have the most positive opinion on his character. but this mun has helped me see through the surface of the idol, which is another important aspect of rping a general muse, imo. it’s what i’m personally striving for with my own muse. they do a good job with that and i’m thankful for being able to experience their muse. this is getting so repetitive but this is another buddy making paired muses with me. we’ve had a couple of muses whose plots coincide with each other. they’re fun to plot with and they give off a lot of positive energy. i think i’ve been a happier person since having them around.
@baudellare - ehu… this list wouldn’t be right at all without them in it. they’re probably my favorite person to brainstorm with. i could come up with some idea that’s just baloney but they’ll be able to make sense out of it. seeing their thought process in our chats is just incredible. they’re very creative which makes it so fun piecing ideas together with them. it’s not often that we get to talk but when we do it’s always so fruitful. there’s bound to be some new headcanon or new future plot for any of our muses. i’ve been able to write some of the cutest and funniest things with them, and we’ve written some pretty serious threads too that i equally enjoyed. it’s mostly been on two of my muses, two of which has a stark contrast between each other and yet they can match the atmosphere flawlessly. they’re a versatile writer. they share a lot of wisdom to me. talking and writing with them always makes me learn new things and more things about myself as a person and as a writer.
@jaeneral - this one, i haven’t known for very long but, we vibe really well. just the fact that it hasn’t been long but we’ve already done some crazy threads is amazing on its own. they’re so eager to write and it’s so endearing, especially when they express how much motivation they have over our threads. i’m touched. i don’t hear about people getting excited to write with me very much huhu. and it helps with my motivation, really. i’m enthusiastic about our wild plots too, i just wish i could show it more by responding faster. i really do wish i can keep up with them because they have a lot of great ideas. they always tell me it can be unbecoming for a general muse but honestly whatever. they’re just like any other human being and we’re here to write out those human sides of them. this mun has a lot to offer. go ahead and follow, you won’t regret it.
aaaand i just wanna give a quick shoutout to @baskuiat (yeah, you) because they’re responsible for the improvement in my writing. it used to be so shitty (shittier) back then but we just wrote and wrote and wrote nonstop. simpler days when we would actually be able to finish a thread. i’ll always look back to them fondly. also to @1konic because they’ve helped me adjust through the changes in krp. i was gone for quite a while and jumped into chaos but they were there looking out for me, making sure i was comfortable in what content i was writing and what platform i’m using. last but not least, @consilian. i was set on writing a lengthy message on why they’re brilliant but i cheated enough. this isn’t even just one extra person from what was asked. i just have to point out, they’re getting so much love for a reason. they broke the multi-muse stereotype for me and i’ve learned to better understand how difficult it is for people like them. they’re a great writer, friend, and person in general. everyone should give them and multi-muses a chance.
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