#( this got really long rip but a;sdlkfj word vomit
misquigleya ยท 1 year
going to put under a read more as it got long and there are spoilers pertaining to the newest episode. so don't click the read more if you're not caught up!
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"Eight of diamonds meaning is unpredictable. On a rainy day this card announces obstacles and efforts without success. On a sunny day โ€“ on the contrary โ€“ it means good prospects for business. The deeper message of the Eight of spades is that of prudence. Even if it is sunny outside, take an umbrella."
Find it interesting that Misty drew the eight of diamonds and is someone that is unpredictable and always has been. She's shown that side of herself out in the wilderness a lot so the fact that she drew that card, it makes sense. One minute she's the one making the rules for the game and making sure each party involves understands them as well as the surrounding spectators to being the first one to break them.
"In a Tarot reading, the Eight of Diamonds can indicate that you are feeling stressed about making decisions. You may be overloaded and feel like your responsibilities have taken over your life. It might also mean that there is an issue with indecision or difficulties in reaching conclusions."
Misty does struggle with making decisions and she showed it in episode eight "It Chooses". We see her being the one to take on that role of leadership with being the one to go from person to person as they decide their own fates. And throughout all of them, she hardly reacts until Natalie. When the queen card is drawn, we see that Misty shows just as much shock as the others have but there's something else to be noted. And that is the fact that if followed closely, you can see that she looks to Travis as she looks to her left in the general location of where he was standing with Javi. So that could have easily been a "we need to save her somehow" or simply she was looking in that direction trying to process what this meant for someone she cares about.
Though if we fast forward to the chase scene, Misty does go after her and does participate in the hunt as everyone else does. But this is where the stressing about making decisions comes into play; will she actually take part in bringing the prey [Natalie] down or will she stand by and observe while the others do it? We know that none of them do get a hold of Nat or Javi for that matter. That the Wilderness chose with the ice breaking and him falling into the frigid waters. And as Natalie calls for the others to help her, Misty is the only one who does come forward and though it's not the way that Natalie wanted help, Misty did help her by saving her.
"If you save him, the OTHERS will kill you" this line stuck out and has been sticking out to me since watching the episode. It's the way Misty chooses to use the word "others" instead of "we" or "we'll" or any kind of variation that includes herself in killing Natalie. So this decision making can be deduced to Misty reaching a pivotal and greatly important conclusion with saving Natalie from the others as well as going into the lake ( either being dragged down with Javi or going in after him as she had already shown a clear sign of taking that step if need be as we saw with her reaction to them losing the moose in previous episode. ) It is both a personal and logical decision as she knows that Natalie has provided for them since the first deer kill in season one. She [Misty] knows that if Natalie is taken out, that their own demise will follow suit as she has put most of her faith in the other girl in keeping them alive; this faith is divided between Lottie and Natalie as she believes in both of them and knows that without either of them, they're fucked. And overall, we've seen that Misty will always choose Natalie over anyone else as it's been shown in present time many times; snorting the cocaine to keep her from relapsing, spying on her despite knowing it's morally wrong, destroying her car so that she could go with to find Travis, etc. Everything she has done, whether morally correct or incorrect, has been done with Natalie's best interest at heart and it has been that way since the wilderness.
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