#( this dumbass )
theorionbunny · 3 months
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rearmingstrafbomber · 29 days
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My fav outlast trials screenshots because I've been playing with @lihamoottori EVERY. DAMN. DAY. And it hasn't gotten boring yet!!
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yippee-boi09 · 1 month
Another big alarm wee woo
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Guess who came back? Them! (This is the same person who had the "chokeanddiebitch" blog which was deactivated) I usually wouldn't post about someone I've blocked and reported but this person is pathetic... and annoying... in full honesty I was on the toilet, taking the fattest shit of my life when I got this???
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I was planning on answering it but I saw the username and the gears clicked when I checked their page... "HOLY SHIT I GOTTA SHOW EVERYONE THIS IS SO FUCKING STUPID LMAO" is what I thought and I laughed as the turds fell from my butthole... like the turds they're spewing out of their mouth and into my asks and everyone else's life lmao. Anyways, they're still being hateful, rude, spiteful, and... made their blog lbgt friendly??? Yeah they're trying this thing where they try and separate trans people with neopronouns and affiliate agere and petre with a fetish???? Even though just a week ago they were spewing homophonic nonsense??? Yeah lmao it wasn't working so I reported and blocked them... if you see this blog, DO NOT INTERACT, YOU'RE FANNING THE FLAME THAT WILL NOT BE PUT OUT BY OTHER'S WILL. Simply block and report them like I did... also since they seemed to see my blog post about them being reported, Imma dedicate this next part for when/if they come back...
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Haaaiiii!!! Hello! How are you? Shitty? Great! What's your problem? Don't wanna hear it lmao, you don't hear out psychologists and professionals and every other person with their brain still attached who tell you neopronouns and furries and age regression is fine... you think I'm therian now cuz I'm a furry, right? No, I'm not a therian, I'm a human being with surprisingly thick skin but zero tolerance for your behavior. Think I'm a neopronoun user? Sorta, I mainly use He/Him (but am fine with anything but she/her) and I'm transmasc! I'm a trans guy... just a guy... you said you like trans people, right? I'm one of them! I'm also aroace! So no fetishy content here! I'm strictly sfw except for gore art! And horror stuff! I don't see why you'd hate me... hmm? Oh? What's that? You- you think I'm fat? Okay??? And??? What's your point with that? You simply put yourself under the spotlight once again and can have you taken down AGAIN. It's gonna happen again and again as long as you keep trying to platform yourself on my blog... you're really bad at this hate thing... I hadn't thought about you at all until you sent me the strange ask... thanks for the heads up! See you on your next blog... or never!
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Okay that's over, to anyone who's harassed by this asshole, my condolences, don't worry about this person... Block and report them! They are not mentally stable and need to get off of social media! Stay alert!
Edit: I should mention that this is the last time I'm calling out this guy, they don't deserve more attention then they're getting and I don't want to dedicate my blog to this stuff...
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theoreticallybread · 2 months
i have no idea if this has already been said but-
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glbtrx · 1 year
Roran "this giant hammer is actually used to give the effect of cracks and veins on the vases, Mr. guard. I am a craftsperson" Stronghammer
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oathfcrged · 8 months
@oathwilled : ❛  i can only think of one thing right now and it’s you naked on my bed.  ❜
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he's not in the habit of letting someone linger in his mind for too long if he can help it, the same goes for his own bed. once is enough. it's easier that way, it was better, not for him but for the them. he knew his own mind and knew better and knew how easily he could fall if he allowed it. one thing led to the next then he would find himself in the same position as he had with her. but he also knows he's thinking about it too much - it's just a little fun between the two of them and he's not about to give that up. not a chance.
the noise of the rowdy tavern sounds a little quieter now he's focused in on paerin's words. " then... why are we still here? " cup raised so he could finish whats left of his ale, a smirk graces his lips when they touch the edge. they'd shared many a drink together, but arguably not enough time alone. cup placed down onto the table, aksel reached for a few coins in his pocket and set them onto the table to leave a tip before he stood. " take me home. "
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dark-tigress · 9 months
The trolls brain rot got to me, especially this dumbass. He's got a hold of me 😭😭
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wholegrainporkndbeans · 9 months
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Me when I'm a non-binary 1920s New York investigator whose gf died
(merry christmas also hohoho 🎅🎄⛄)
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fuzzysocksstuff · 2 years
@mutantninjamidlifecrisis I had to 😂👌
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Go check out their fic!
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samsammysamson · 16 days
Yo, Sammy, while you're lounging about-
Thoughts on your coworker Shane?
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I'm worried about him, dude. He seems miserable.
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I don't get it. Isn't drinking supposed to be, like, a fun celebratory thing? Hanging out with friends, being happy?
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angietherose · 6 months
Who has a dental cleaning during an eclipse?
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bitch how do I add a picture here 💀💀☹
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Step by step tutorial
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gatorgrumbles · 2 years
He already exists
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vixx-ari · 2 years
This is like a super simple question, but who's your favorite sing character?
*sigh* As much as I love all of the Sing (2016 / 2021) and as great as they all are equally, this DOOFUS takes up 5% extra of my heart
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'cause, my GOSH I love him too much you don't even know- Like at first glance you just think "this is a broke guy who's too stubborn for his own good" and that,,,true(atleast for the first movie). But he's so much more than that?? Atleast to me?? Like there's a reason behind how he acts and I relate to it so much. Especially the pretty much unwavering positivity he has while everything seems to be falling apart around him, he just keeps his head up and keeps moving forward. Sure, that does lead to some negative outcomes in both movies but it's also so admirable too, how he's able to keep up a smile with his charisma, silliness and overal personailty is so cool to me and idk why.
Also his personality is just so, good? Like how he acts just never fails to make me smile like an absolute idiot(which is ironic since it's him acting like an idiot that makes me smile like an idiot). And it's not just the "comic relief" character trope either, he is actually genuienly very funny and charming that is never too overbearing or forced. He's just a really silly little guy. He's just such a ball of posivity, charm, energy and happiness that just reflects of you, y'know?? You can't help but feel happy when he's happy in a way.
Also, his overal character arc is so nice to me?? As in, the concept of him chasing his dream in the first movie, despite almost everyone and seeming everything seems to be against him is so relatable. Like i've had dreams that i've eventually given up on bc everyone kept saying "it'll never happen" and discouraging me so much I believed it and gave up. But this buster on the other hand never knows when tf to quit! And yeah, that unwavering ambition is not shown in a fully good light but to me it is?? Seeing him so passionate and ambitious in his goals made me want him to get to his dreams. It actually makes me regret ever giving up on all the stuff I wanted to do when in the past and gave up on bc enough people said "you're not good enough" or "you'll never do it". Actually seeing him eventually acheive the things he's worked for kinda made me think "Even if I did quit, maybe I cant still do it??". I'm still not too sure how that's gonna work but this guy kinda rips all the negativity off when he's onscreen, idk how but it just feels I can do anything I set my mind to, as corny as it sounds. And the fact he (almost) gave up at one point (2016 movie) makes me even more hopeful. Maybe I love him cause I kin him too??
Also he's voiced by Matthew McConaughey so there's that-
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Anywho TL;DR: I love this goofy, silly, dramatic, pathetic, lovely koala man thing for his goofy, silly, dramatic, pathtic, lovely ways. Did I mention his chaotic tendencies?? Add that to the list too. Actually the list is endless and I'll make in someday (read:never). Anyways love this dumb tiny showman with many talents. I also want his gender like, like Moon, your gender, gimme. I found out I kin him a bit too so that's fun.
Also he's voiced by Matthew McConaughey so there's that
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kysudere · 1 year
Welcome to the Ask blog superstars…
Kysudere (or just Kysu) is working on the other member’s reference sheets but I don’t care I’m A.C Mother f-cking void I do what I want…. Things should be done soon but there is a list of
Peas- I mean people you can ask
Ask list
-Ac Void (sona inspired)
-A C V (sona inspired)
-Sunny (idiot sibling…)
-kysu (creator)
-Fish (legit boyfriend but in my way)
-Hank (sona inspired)
-Deimos or Dei (sona inspired)
-2beloved (sona inspired)
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shegetsburned · 1 year
If this isn’t a perfect representation of how Braise acts, idk what is;
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