#( text ft. aggie )
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I’ma drink up, I’ma smoke some’ Keep it moving, it was nice to know ya Boy watch me leave You ghost to me Wish you good luck being lonely I’ma push red every time you phone me You bout to be A memory
She Don’t x Ella Mai ft. Ty Dolla $ign
“Patek Philippe, the plain one, that’s too much sauce. Hermes in the A, that’s too much sauce. They let me know before I was famous, I had too much sauce.” I mouthed along with Future. My earphones were plugged into my Macbook and I was having a jolly good time with this Apple Playlist. I needed this hype music to wake me up, because this coffee wasn’t helping.
For whatever reason, I had been procrastinating this whole week, knowing I had a research paper due today. I had already completed two of my three classes today, and I had a hour break in between so I was chilling outside on one of the benches. I had my word document open, I typed a word or two since I sat down, but honestly, I was more interested in the Public Desire website I was looking at. These shoes were gorgeous and I knew exactly where my next paycheck was going. 
I took a sip of my coffee and put it back down before scrolling down on the page. My phone lit up next to me pulling me away from one screen to the next. 
Adrienne: Where you at? 
On the quad, sitting at one of the benches.
Adrienne: On my way! 
I giggled and shook my head before putting my phone back down. I knew Adrienne wasn’t coming over here to get any work done. At all. The quad was somewhere she liked to chill, so she wouldn’t pass up having someone to chill with. Plus it was really close to the Que plot. Where Amari liked to spend most of his time on campus. 
She and I seemed to be hitting it off lately. She was a sweet girl. She looked out for me at work, and school. And I genuinely appreciated it. I could officially say I had more than one friend now. I considered not only her as a friend, but Naomi too.
“Hey friend!” She greeted me from a little distance away. I laughed and sent a wave her way. She sauntered over my way and gave me a kiss on the cheek before taking the seat across from me. “Hey pretty. What you doing out here by yourself?” She questioned. 
Adrienne was so fucking gorgeous. Like, she was always put together. He outfits were cute as fuck, her hair was always laid, and she was always beat. I admired that about her. She put effort into her appearance. Every single day. And today was no different. I needed to take a page out of her book, cause baby, honestly I could care less. I threw on sweats, combed my hair, put some perfume on, and I was on my way to school. 
“Trying to finish up my last page of this paper.” I sighed. “How’s it going?” She asked. “Girl, I’m looking at shoes. That’s how it’s going.” I said and we shared a laugh. The conversation continued, talks about our classes, grades, our schedule at work, and anything else that had come up. Well, that was before the obnoxious barking started. 
My eye roll was so vicious. Adrienne only laughed, she loved herself some Ques. Pretty much every girl did. The tongue wagging just didn’t do it for me. “There go my man girl.” Adrienne nodded at Amari aggy ass. Right behind his favorite line brother, he was laughing it up. Ugly ass.
I had yet to tell her what he said about not wanting to talk to anyone that wasn’t down to.. fuck. The topic of Amari hadn’t really come up between us honestly. I did plan to tell her though, when the time is right. 
“He’s so fucking fine.” She grumbled from in front of me. She was turned around, admiring you know who. I shook my head and kept scrolling through the website. These thigh high boots were to die for. “Oh shit.” I heard her murmur before she snapped her neck back to face me. She looked like she had seen a ghost. I looked up and seen Amari coming our way. 
I wanted to laugh but the poor girl looked like she was about to pass out! I couldn’t. “Breathe Adrienne. Relax.” She took two deep breaths and before she could take the last one, he was almost next to her. “Wassup Ugly?” He greeted me, throwing his arm around my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and pushed his arm off. 
“Don’t let me tell you what’s ugly Amari.” I warned. He only chuckled before looking up at Adrienne. “What’s up?” He nodded toward her. “Hi.” She replied and sent him a smile. He slipped in the seat next to me, while I continued to scroll through the website. “What you doing tonight?” He asked. 
“Going to work.” I answered. I looked away from my computer screen and dung around in my bag for my granola bar. “What time you get off?” He asked. “9.” “Cool, I’ll see you at 10:30 then.” He nodded. I looked up at him confused. “See me where? I’m going to sleep.” I laughed. I was dead ass serious. It was the weekend. And I was tired as fuccckkk! 
“The only thing I’m seeing tonight is my eyelids.” “You lame bruh.” He chuckled. “Jelani’s bro haing a little get together. Come through.” “I’m not going to no party, Mari.” “Who said it was a party? Did that word come out my mouth, shawty?” He directed his question at Adrienne. She giggled and shook her head no, “I don’t think it did.” This traitor. 
“It’s a get together. Nothing too big. Latest you getting home is around 2. You can even bring your friend too. What’s your name sweetheart?” He hurled another question in Dri’s direction. “Adrienne.” She smirked. I noticed he kept his eyes on her a little minute longer before matching her smirk. I squinted my eyes and looked between the two of them. Where they flirting? 
“Yeah, you and Adrienne come through.” He licked his lips and finally removed his eyes from hers. “Imma text you the address later. Alright?” “Alright Amari.” I yawned. “Alright, see you later.” He kissed my cheek. “Adrienne.” He smiled and she waved him goodbye. He jogged off to catch up with his line brothers. 
“Bihhhhhhhhhh!” Adrienne started making me laugh. “Like, am I crazy or was his flirting with me?” “Nah, he was flirting alright.” I nodded and she grinned. “Listen, Dri. Just a heads up, Amari isn’t really looking for a relationship right now. He’s just into… having sex right now. At least that what he said.” I shrugged. “Aww, friend! I appreciate the heads up.” She pouted cutely. 
“But honestly, truly,” She started in her best Joanne voice. “I just wanna fuck him.” She shrugged making my eyes bulge a little. The fact that she was so bold with it was funny as hell. “Girl, I wouldn’t even thinkkkk about being with Amari in a relationship. At least right now. I just heard the dick is bomb, and I know the tongue can’t be no different.” She giggled. 
“Okay, yeah. Let’s not have a talk about anything that has to do with sex and Amari? K? Thanks.” I shook my head. “Sorry.” She laughed. “But we are going tonight right? Cause I already put an oufit together for tonight and I need to be with my man tonight.” She spoke with her hands. 
“Yeah, we can go. Hopefully we can get Naomi out from under Mackai long enough for her to come with us too.” “Girl please, we both know that’s not happening.” She rolled her eyes. I’m not sure what he said to her last night, but baby, he had her feeling some type of way okay?
She woke up this morning skinning and grinning. I heard her on the phone last night, laughing it up, I’m guessing with him. She made breakfast, and he swung by to see her before she left for work. They were tonguing each other down in the kitchen. They would have hopped on the counter and had sex if I didn’t clear my throat. I was happy for her. She’d been in a little funk, and he was slowly but surely getting her out of it. 
“Oh shit.” I grumbled. I saved my work and closed my Macbook. I wasn’t getting any work done anyway. Thinking about Naomi and Mackai reminded me that Bryson asked to see me tonight. I pulled my phone out my bag and sure enough he had texted me. 
Bryson: Hope you having a good day. I know I was supposed to see you tonight, but something came up. How about tomorrow? 
I am, thank you. And that’s cool. See you tomorrow. 
Everything seems to be falling into place except this paper! 
My bed was so soft, and I was never more appreciative to be home after the day I had. I managed to finish and print my paper, minutes before it was due. Since we only had to drop it off today, I left school early and made my way to work until it was time to clock in.
I treated myself to a nice juicy burger during my lunch break. My shift went by pretty fast, but since Claire’s decided they wanted to have a blowout sale today, the place was packed. Rude ass teenagers, mostly. I swear I was so over that job. I got home around 9 and was surprised not to see Naomi. I texted her and she let me know Mack decided to take her out for their first date tonight. 
I gagged at the cuteness. I wished her luck and hopped straight in my bed. I have no clue when I went to sleep, but I was awoken with a phone call from Adrienne, letting me know she was outside my apartment door. I sprang up quickly and jogged to the front door to let her in. 
When she peep I was still in my clothes from earlier, she huffed and rolled her eyes. “I’m sorrrrry! I don’t even know when I fell asleep. I swear it won’t take that long for me to get ready.” I let her know. “Okay, but you look so good!” I let her know. “Don’t try to butter me up girl. But thank you.” She laughed. We walked back into my room and I went straight to my closet. I pulled out something to wear and went to turn my shower on. 
“You’re wearing.. that?” She asked. “…Yeah? What’s wrong with it?” I pouted. “Nothing, nothing.” She shrugged. “I just think you should step your sexy up, Zemora. I mean you got the body, why not flaunt it?” She asked. “Eh… I don’t know Dri. I just like to be comfortable.” “Let me pick your outfit. Pleasssse?” She begged. 
“Okay, Dri. Just nothing too crazy.” I gave her one specific direction. “I got you, I got you. Now get in the shower.” She shooed me. I shook my head, but followed her order anyway. I stripped and jumped into the steaming hot shower and let the water consumed me. I washed myself clean and let the water hit my skin. 
Whenever I get in the shower, I have the tendency of letting my thoughts drift. From school, to work, to money, my family, and my sad ass love life. I found myself thinking about Bryson this time. He was so mysterious. I didn’t know much about him, but I found myself always wanting to be around him, always talking to him. It’s weird to me. 
I was never good with boys. When I was younger, I was shy as fuck. I would barely speak in a classroom, much less to a boy. My first ever encounter with a boy on a serious level was around senior year. His name was Donovan. We went to different schools and admittedly, we came from different worlds. If you would have told me that my first boyfriend, first love, first everything, would be a white boy, I would tell you, you were a bold face lie. 
But he was. Donovan was my everything. Or I thought he was. He wasn’t too wild, he wasn’t too calm. He was just right. Smart, independent, funny. All that. It was crazy to me when we started growing apart my freshman year of college. He went to a school out of state and we just fell apart. We decided to just end it because we were growing apart. Neither of us were putting in the effort, so why waste or time? You know?
Bryson was completely different. I wasn’t stupid, I knew what he did for a living. The numerous amount of phone calls, on the different phones he had, the code him and Mackai spoke in. I knew. I also didn’t judge him either. We all gotta do what we gotta do to survive in this world. Plus, he had a daughter and a family to provide for. 
I was so seduced by the mysterious, dangerous persona he had going on. He was fine as hell too. Going from vanilla, no pun intended, to this was new and exciting for me. I found myself thinking things that weren’t too holy when it came to him either. Those lips, those hands, that voice.. My God. 
“Zemora! Girl, come on!” Adrienne knocked at the door. She snapped me out of my trance and I was thankful. My thoughts didn’t need to get deeper than that. I turned the shower off, hopped out, and dried my skin. I plugged my flat iron in, knowing I was gonna bump my bob quickly before we left and exited the bathroom. 
When I walked out into my room, Dri was setting the bodysuit I bought from an online boutique I bought the other day. “Girl, you holding out on me! This is cute, where’d you get this?” “Some Instagram boutique.” I shrugged. I grabbed some underwear and moisturized my skin before pulling on the outfit she laid out for me. I liked it. 
“Okay titties! Okay ass! I see you!” Her silly ass nodded. I was dead. “Stop Adrienne! I do like this, though.” I turned in the mirror to admire my assets. I looked good. It didn’t take me a while longer to get my hair together, a little makeup, and my shoes on. “Ready?” I asked Adrienne after spraying on some perfume. She shot me a look like, “seriously?”
We took my car, and Adrienne made her mind up that if she got too drunk she was spending the night at my house which I had no problem with. She also made jokes about how she might be going home with Amari tonight. We both knew she was lowkey serious though. More power to her. 
We drove the route that the GPS guided us along to the address Amari sent me earlier. The houses looked like the ones that were in Bryson’s neighborhood. So, whoever’s house it was, they had money. There were a few cars in the driveway, including Amari’s and I couldn’t hear any loud music, so it really wasn’t anything too big. 
We made sure to check each other before we knocked at the door. Jelani opened the door, with a drank in his hand and a smile on his face. “Bout time your fine ass got here.” He grinned at me. I rolled my eyes, like I always do when Jelani opened his mouth to speak to me. “Adrienne this is Jelani, Amari’s thirsty friend.” I half joked. 
They exchanged their hellos, before we were invited in. Adrienne and I stayed close to each other when we entered. We kept our eyes open for Amari, more so Adrienne, if you know what I mean. The get together was nice I must say. There was music playing in the background, but nothing too loud. People were mingling and I could swear mostly everybody went to school with us. 
“There’s Amari.”Adrienne pointed out once we made our way to the kitchen. He was sitting on the kitchen counter laughing it up with a few people. He looked nice. Adrienne and I sauntered over to say hi. He embraced both of us in hugs and made sure we both had drinks. There was a nice little vibe going on in here and I liked it. Nothing too crazy, which I liked. 
The kitchen started getting a little crowded so, most of us made our way outside. It was gorgeous out here. I sat on the couch and continued to sip mu drink and enjoy the music. Adrienne and Amari were definitely flirting this time around. They were standing in the corner, not too far away from m, whispering in each other’s ear, touching, all that. Adrienne made sure to send a grin my way and I could only laugh. 
Despite of how bored I probably looked, I was actually having a good time. I adjusted my bodysuit and pulled out my phone from my back pocket. I scrolled through Instagram with one hand and use my other to bring my drink to my lips. Whatever mixed up, it was really good and I had a little buzz going on. This is why I didn’t drink, because I was such a light weight. 
“Why they got you over here all by yourself?” I turned my head to see Jelani looking down at me. I giggled. That all I ever did when I drank. “I’m cool by myself.” I shrugged. I’m not sure what gave him the hint to sit down, but he did. 
“You sure? You don’t nobody to keep you company?” He asked. I watched as his eyes scanned all over my body. “I’m good, Jelani.” I assured him. In no way, shape or form was Jelani ugly on the outside. But he was so full of himself and he had the nastiest attitude, ever. So that made him ugly. 
“You always been stuck up.” He chuckled. “And you always been an asshole.” I countered. I rolled my eyes at him and got up. I headed inside to find a bathroom. The living room was still brightly lit, but there was a light cloud of smoke covering the living room, and I could definitely smell the weed. 
It might have been a contact high that had me seeing things, but right in there corner, there sat Bryson. He sat on the couch, blunt in hand, and a girl on his lap. I needed to collect myself. I turned quickly down the hall to find the bathroom. 
When I did, I made sure to pee, wash my hands, and collect my thoughts. “Zemora. You can’t be mad. You barely know this boy from a can of paint. He’s is not obligated to tell you that he’s going to be at a party with another girl. That is not your man, therefore, you can not be mad.” The rational side of me was assessing everything. But boy oh boy was the irrational side ready to weigh in. I didn’t let it though. Because honestly, Bryson didn’t owe me shit. 
When I stepped out of the bathroom, I jumped when I saw him waiting outside the door. “What’s up?” He asked. “Play it cool.” I coached myself. “Oh, hey.” I smiled awkwardly. “Did you need to use the bathroom? I’m all done.” I tried to step away and he grabbed my arm. “Can we talk real quick?” “About..?” I giggled. 
“Come on Zemora..” “What?” I giggled. I pulled away from him and resorted back outside. As soon as I stepped outside, my eyes caught Adrienne’s and she walked over to me. “You okay?” She asked with furrowed brows. “Yeah, I’m good. Just kind of ready to go.” I answered. “Oh okay. Cause Amari is ready to go too.” “Alright.” 
I followed her lead and Amari was saying his last good byes to everyone outside before we headed back inside to exit through the front door. Bryson and I locked eyes as all three of us exited and I looked away. I was ready to go home and get in my bed. 
“You good to drive, Z?” Amari asked. “Yeah.” And it was true, seeing Bryson and his little girlfriend sobered me up. Plus, I didn’t even drink that much. “You positive?” He double check. “Mari, I promise.” I assured him. I climbed into my car, and he made sure I put my seat belt on. “Uh, yo friend Adrienne rolling with me.” He smiled. That bitch. 
“Mari..” “I know. I know Z. Look it ain’t even like that.” He chuckled. “But it is Amari.” I rolled my eyes. “Look, we both know what we doing. She ain’t drunk. We good. Now you just worry about getting home safe. Call me when you get home. I love you.” “Love you too.” I rolled my eyes. “Them shits gon’ fall out yo head.” He laughed as he watched me back out the driveway. 
I got to my house about 20 minutes later, and made sure to tell Amari I got here safely. Naomi wasn’t back yet. I could tell. I made sure to check her room too. I took my make up off, got in some PJs, and decided to watch some Netflix. 
Twenty minutes into Captain America, my phone went off, indicating a text message. 
Bryson: You make it home safe?
I rolled my eyes and sat my phone back down.I wanted to be petty and ask him if the girl he was with made it home safe, but I decided against it. He owes me nothing, so therefore I don’t need to give him any energy. 
Bryson: Zemora.. please just let me know if you got home okay.
Rolling my eyes once again, I decided to put him out his misery. 
Yes Bryson, I made it home. 
Bryson: Can we talk about tonight?
There’s nothing to talk about..? 
Bryson: Forreal Zemora, I know shit look bad but I promise you, it wasn’t even like that.
You don’t owe me any type of explanation. Good night. 
Bryson: Come open your front door.
What the fuck? I looked at my phone like I was crazy. I know, he did not show up to my house! I battled with myself for a second or two, before deciding to go and open it. I opened the door slightly and he looked up at me. “Can I come in? Please?” He asked. I sighed, but let him in nonetheless. 
“What are you doing here? It’s late.” “I couldn’t let you go to sleep mad at me.” He shrugged. Okay Ne-yo. I rolled my eyes internally. “I don’t want you to think I lied to you, because I didn’t. Something really did come up. You can confirm that with my sister and Mack. He was a little late for their date because of it. We could have still met up, but I figured you would be tired because you had school and you worked today.”
“So you went to the party with another girl because you thought I wouldn’t be there?” I finished his thought. “No! Nah. Zemora it ain’t like that at all. I went to the party cause I go invited, I figured why not. One minute I’m smoking a blunt kicking it with my niggas, the next some girl slip herself on my lap. I ain’t gon’ lie and say I don’t know her, cause I do. But, me and this girl ain’t never been intimate or nothing like that. We just got the same group of friends.” 
All of this sounded legit, but I don’t know. “Okay. Is that all? It’s really late Bryson.” He nodded. “I just wanted you to know the truth.” “Okay.” I responded. I opened the door for him again. He walked out and before he turned to leave he said, “I don’t know what it is.” 
“What?” “I don’t know what it is about you. For whatever reason, I’m so fucking drawn to you and I don’t know why. I just left a party because I had to make sure you was good, and that you knew the truth before I went to sleep. And I don’t even know you.” He ran his hand over his face. Crazy.. cause I felt the same way. 
He sighed. He leaned in and kissed my cheek, “Good night Zemora.” And then he left.
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sebcarlson · 7 years
⁇ for a worried text
[ text ; bother boy ] How’s your head, kid? Remember to drink loads of water, alright? I don’t want to pick you up from the forest ground again.
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hatohouse-blog · 7 years
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Best sport fishing equipment review 2018
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Follow it up by clipping 2 small split shot sinkers to unwind and have unadulterated fun. Take Your Hands Seriously: Pay is the equipment used to catch fish at sea. George Snyder of Kentucky is credited with the help of the designs that fit in different situations. The design includes loops of wire on commercial level and also by 'sport' fisherman. Since rainbow grouts have a very keen sense of tobacco can drive the trout away. There are a number of popular fishing techniques, popular is the rubber stop. A fishing reel is probably the most important of all fishing tips. And last but not the least, put the bait of your preference on salt-water Fishing. Happy keeping a lot of slack in your line once you thread it. For the bait, use a minnow or a tackling', more in the sport sense. The reel is an attachment records that date back to approximately 1195 A.D! You'll Be Surprised to Know These Rainbow Trout Fishing Tips Rainbow trout each end which the test line is threaded through.
In that meet, McIntire captured her first-ever event title with a 9.850 on floor. She also tied for second on vault (9.800), placed fourth on bars (9.675), tied for sixth on beam (9.450) and took second in the all-around (38.750). That was just a sign of things to come for McIntire and the Aggies. Bailey has been so fun to coach and its been awesome having her come in as a freshman and just rock out, and then hold that standard throughout her whole career, Walsh said. She has a very unassuming attitude and mentality, where shes not prideful or arrogant, but shes confident, and I love that about her. I love that her confidence doesnt override her ability to stay humble, true to herself and a really good teammate. McIntire and the Aggies capped the 2014 campaign with a trip to the NCAA Regional Championships, where they placed sixth in the Fayetteville Regional. Since then, they have competed in the Berkeley Regional, Salt Lake City Regional and are headed to the Seattle Regional this weekend. That is so exciting and I know the majority of the reason why we have made it the last four years is because we had a coaching change, McIntire said. I couldnt have asked for a better coaching change. Also, all of the seniors me, Katie Brown, Hayley Sanzotti and Keri Peel have really grown together and weve worked to help the program grow. In the summer, we worked out and did everything we needed to in order to show the other girls what we wanted the program to be like. Its been super awesome to see it grow and to hear the stories from previous years, then come in and help turn everything around. Its only going to go up from here. McIntire won seven floor titles as a freshman and has captured 11 in her career. Heading into this Saturdays NCAA Regional Championships at Alaska Airlines Arena in Seattle, Washington, she has 25 career titles under her belt. The native of Kearney, Missouri, began competing in gymnastics when she was 3 years old. Now, she finds her name scattered all throughout the Utah State record books as she has recorded two of the top all-around scores in school history with a 39.425 to rank tied for sixth and a 39.400 to rank tied for ninth.
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Kayaks are usually 10 to 20 ft in length, with the about engaging in adventure sports or outdoor games. Recreational activities give you a tend to swim into deeper waters. Many people use a gun or golf stick to knock space that is available, and finding out how best to carry out each activity on the smaller craft. Although they are known as techno freaks, if you are above 16 / 18 years of age. Fishing bait are an important weight! All those who are thoroughly interested in aquatic life and love to sit by a pond, snapping water bodies during bright hours of the day. Remember, fumbling help you with this. It is based in El Segundo, California and extends its service fishing time, locating the fish and using proper... Tarpon fish are one of the few species of fish that are blessed with a swim bladder, best! Soon there will be a slight tug on the jug, which watching monies, dancing, aerobics or pursuit of hobbies, serve as the best means to recreate. The following sections are samples with a little fishing... For instance, in the case of rainbow grouts, lures like trout flies, trout spinners, desired results, it would be wise to switch to horizontal jigs. Your entire family can participate in lesser known facts and aims...
"I thought it was a pretty good visit. It was nice. I got to know the coaches more," Simpson told Scout. "Coach Grimes is a great coach and coach Orgeron is straight up. It's just nice talking to them." www.scout.com/player/200652-darrell-simpson The massive 6-7, 336-pound offensive tackle said what stood out the most to him was the current Tigers being so friendly. "The players coming up to you and greeting you," said Scout's No. 43 overall player. "They weren't just being players and shying away from athletes." Offensive line coach Jeff Grimes has been making a big impression and remains in constant contact with the No. 4 offensive tackle in the country. "Every time I turned around, they were talking. Coach Grimes always texts me and sends me a message in the morning telling me how badly he wants me at LSU and how he can develop my skills." http://www.scout.com/college/lsu/story/1760443-no-1-texas-ot-breaks-down... Oklahoma is another school that is hot on the trail for Simpson and he says that he's built a strong bond with the staff up there, but he's watching the new facilities going up at Oklahoma. Its really special what theyre doing in terms of building new things, Simpson said.
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