#( steve main )
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lazylittledragon · 1 year ago
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if i had a nickel for every au spawned from twitter that i SWORE i was going to be normal about
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year ago
To me it’s the fact that Steve assumed Robin had a license but still woke up 3 hours before his work shift to drive her to school everyday.
That is not a plot hole everybody, that is just the kind of person Steve Harrington is.
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morganbritton132 · 3 months ago
Eddie posts a TikTok that was filmed in almost complete darkness late at night. You can just barely make out the angles of his face in the moonlight when he’s like, “Run that question back by me, Stevie.”
Steve: Do you think our pets have low self-esteem?
Eddie: Right, that’s the question.
Eddie: And the answer is no. They got high self-esteem like their dad.
Steve: But I’m insecure!
Eddie: I was talking about me.
Eddie: I preform on stage and am married to one of the hottest guys I know.
Steve: Who’s the other hot guy you know?
Eddie: You, ten years ago.
Steve, heavy consideration: That’s a good answer.
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libraryofgage · 3 months ago
Been having Secretly Smart Steve thoughts except it's less that his intellect is a secret and more that nobody ever noticed lmao
The initial thought for this is based on my mom's stories about acting like a ditzy airhead in high school but then graduating with honors
Within five minutes of walking into high school Steve definitely clocked that being cool was more important than being smart right? So he didn't really let on that he was good at class stuff and just let people think he was a simple jock
And Steve graduating isn't a huge thing cuz it happens during UD stuff which means they all miss graduation ceremony and just get their degrees later, so it's not like anyone saw the honors tassels that steve was given to wear with his grad gown
And the first real hint is Lucas trying to make a basket and getting frustrated. And Steve is like "here I'll show you" and proceeds to make every throw he makes from anywhere on the court and when Lucas asks how the fuck he does that Steve shrugs and is like "well, i mean, its all angles man"
Later Mike and Will are working on an egg drop project (you know the ones) and getting worked up cuz the eggs keep cracking. Steve has been watching TV or something the whole time and outta nowhere is like "yall are missing shock absorption and proper wind resistance, duh"
Nancy is trying to decode some number based cipher for fun but it's becoming rapidly Not Fun and Steve looks over her shoulder for like two seconds and goes "group the numbers into twos, subtract 18 from each, and then it's the alphabet letter based on the number" and then just walks off
Dustin is taking an engineering class and is having trouble building a bridge cuz it keeps collapsing when he sends a hot wheels car over it. Steve tells him he needs more load-bearing beams and to distribute the weight evenly and Dustin is surprised when it works
And, of course, Eddie sees all of this so one day when Max or Erica ask for help with some geometry homework he takes the worksheet they give him and immediately passes it along to Steve, waves off their disbelief, and sits all smug while Steve explains concepts they'd been missing entirely
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ask-spiderpool · 1 year ago
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cossiemoss · 1 month ago
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Bruce and Logan explaining to the team how throwing Wolverine at the enemy team is the best and only plan, and they don't need another healer.
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amarriageoftrueminds · 2 months ago
cannot stop thinking about an AU where Bucky gets the same treatment as Steve (ie. serumed and vitarayed.)
So he shoots up to 6' 8" or something ridiculous and is built like a brick shithouse. To everyone else he's almost Too Big, but to Steve it's just like being small again while Bucky is ...Large, and Steve is permanently flustered about it. 😳🥺
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kingdomvel · 18 hours ago
Steve and Eddie, who are both in a city for some music awards the next day, who both decide to go out for a couple of drinks the night before, who entirely thanks to destiny sit next to each other at the bar, who hit it off quickly and start talking and go on and on and on and on...
Steve knows that he recognizes Eddie from somewhere, but he is not entirely sure where from until a guy approaches them asking for a picture with him, that Steve takes very amused, and he realises he's the metal guy Dustin had asked him to take a picture with if he saw him at the awards.
Eddie, on the other hand, doesn't recognise Steve at all, even though he is objectively way more famous than him. It's just that Steve always wears a wig and sunglasses, a moustache that is sometimes fake. It's not like his identity is a secret, he does some interviews without the costume. It's what robin has called his 'drag persona' and not his hannah montana. Gives him some peace in the way that only dedicated fans recognise him when he's out.
The night is coming to an end and Eddie gets a brilliant idea to see Steve again. He asks him to be his date to the award show, like a full date, stand at his side at the red carpet and pose with him and everything, he thinks it will be fun and a very amused Steve agrees.
Eddie is very confused and surprised when the photographers ask to take pictures of his date alone at the red carpet, when some interviewers call out to him and he goes to them easily, but he is too caught up on his own interviews with his band to really pay attention to whatever shenanigans his very hot "anonymous" date has decided to pull.
Eddie is absolutely shocked when his hot "anonymous" date wins artist of the year and kisses him before going on the stage.
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wild0moon · 9 months ago
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highly amused by the responses to my tankdad post all being either feral excitement over tankdad (same) or thirsting for john's body with very little in-between
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deviousfatestudio · 2 months ago
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"Little did she know I'm a
if you recognize this from my steve/jeves doodles from my "end of the year last doodle" yes I find it funny. I was looking at this screeen shot and for the first time i was like wAIT A MINUTE
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Lmao Show canon but with Book Jim's canon crush on Steve.
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bee-ina-boat · 4 months ago
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I have a vision
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dinkeydina · 2 days ago
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Steve studies for the au cuz I wasn’t happy with how much I struggled to draw him in the comic 🙃
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steddiealltheway · 2 years ago
Steve cradles Eddie's face gently as he kisses him with a smile. "I missed you," he whispers between kisses.
"I missed you, too," Eddie says as he kisses a path across Steve's jaw.
Steve groans and thuds his head back against the wall of the Hawkins High School theater room. "Tell me again why we can't tell people yet."
Eddie laughs as he pulls away to look at him with a softness in his gaze. "You've already asked me this twice in the past five minutes."
"Because I want everyone to know about my amazing boyfriend. Robin's going to kill me when she finds out that I've been lying about my series of bad dates. And Dustin will kill both of us for keeping this a secret from him. You know how much he's been begging for us to hang out together."
Eddie sighs and hides his face in the crook of Steve's neck. "It's just not the right time yet." He lifts his head to meet Steves's gaze as he continues, "I just... I'm afraid Dustin or one of the guys will say something at school and accidentally out us. Plus, I want to tell everyone together. Not just you and not just me. Together, okay?"
Steve nods. He would do anything for Eddie. "Not even Robin? he asks.
"Not even Robin."
Steve sighs and nods. "Okay. I promise we'll tell everyone together."
Eddie smiles and leans in. "Seal it with a kiss?"
Steve laughs and wraps his arms around his shoulders. "One more then I have to drive Dustin home before he kills me."
One more kiss turns into two which turns into three until Steve finally breaks away with a big smile and says, "Okay, okay! I have to go!"
Eddie clings onto his hand as Steve tries to leave, and Steve can't help but linger a little longer. "When's your final campaign thing again?"
Eddie smiles. "Two weeks. Think you can make it that long without me?"
"No," Steve replies honestly and moves in closer to hug Eddie tightly. His heart thuds in his chest, and for some reason, he feels like this may be one of the last moments the two of them will get. He tries to shake away the feeling but Eddie must notice.
"You okay?" Eddie asks, concern heavy in his tone as he pulls Steve in closer.
Steve only squeezes him tighter.
"We'll tell them together eventually, okay? Not apart."
Steve nods and breaks the hug, kissing Eddie deeply before he steps back, fingers trailing down Eddie's arms to his hands until they slip away. "Together and not apart. Got it. And hey, two weeks."
"Two weeks," Eddie says with a big smile. "But you better call."
Steve scoffs, "You act like I wouldn't."
Eddie pulls his hair in front of his face, failing to hide the blush on his face. Steve finds it entirely adorable. He walks away and pushes the door slightly open, trying to ignore the sense of impending doom he feels. He pauses in the doorway and turns around. "You know I love you, right?"
Eddie freezes momentarily in confusion, only having heard the phrase a few times. He nods. "I love you, too," he replies a bit breathlessly.
Steve nods before walking out the door, waggling his fingers at Eddie in the way that always makes him laugh. "I'll call you later."
And he does call him later. In fact, Steve can't go a single night without hearing Eddie's voice before he goes to bed, which makes it worse when he doesn't hear from him two weeks later after Lucas's game and their brief fight about how Eddie should've changed the date of the final D&D session.
Only, Steve didn't realize there was more to Eddie missing his call other than their fight.
Things only continue to go downhill after that as the impending doom finally comes.
With the world coming to an end, Steve doesn't really get the chance to talk things through with Eddie, and they both know now is not the time to reveal their secret relationship.
Steve reluctantly agrees to the plan to face Vecna, separating him and Eddie temporarily, but it seems like the best choice to ensure Eddie will stay safe.
But when he hears Dustin's screams as they leave the Creel house, Steve knows that he thought wrong.
And as he drags Eddie's lifeless body out of the Upside Down, he tries as hard as he can to hold his tears back. Because his reaction wouldn't make sense to anyone. And he promised him. They would tell everyone about their relationship together, not apart.
So, Steve waits until everyone leaves him alone, none of them knowing that he's lost the love of his life, and he lets himself finally break. "Together and not apart," Steve sobs, "We were supposed to be together and never apart."
And Steve will never know that Eddie, with his dying breath, tried as hard as he could to tell Dustin that Steve could tell everyone, but he never got the words out.
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darling-winnie · 2 years ago
If my ship isn't endgame in the fic I. DON'T. WANT IT. What's the point?!
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qprstobin · 2 years ago
The fact there aren't more single dad Steve fics is surprising to me. And I don't mean like, those Steddie fics where Steve is a parent to one of the Party or st. I mean like, Steve is proudly a bit of a slut and sometimes condoms break. Why are there not more fics of like 20-22yo Steve getting suddenly saddled with a child that he didn't know existed, while everyone freaks out around him about it.
Steve wanted kids yes, but in some nebulous future and now there is a tiny person with his hair and his moles that is chewing on the collar of his shirt. He is very much not ready for this responsibility but also like, he's pretty sure that specific weird clean baby smell is curing his depression. He barely sleeps anyway this is fine, this is fine.
Robin is torn between freaking out, giving him shit, making fun of him, and spoiling the shit out of this baby because this baby is part Steve!! This baby is made from her very favorite person!!! Obviously this is going to be her favorite baby! She is extremely entranced by how tiny every baby item is too. Tiny socks, tiny hats, tiny shoes! Robin is Steve's rock and also is the one most excited to help him with said baby.
Several members of the Party literally have younger siblings and yet not a single one of them know what to do with a baby. They are staring at this tiny creature that is part??? Steve??? Like it is an alien from another planet. They are getting close to being adults and have fought monsters but the first time the baby cries while they are supposed to be watching it at least one of them nearly cries too. Dustin does the 80s equivalent of overdiagnosing via WebMB instead with medical and parenting books from the library. He always think there is something wrong every time the baby coughs. Steve appreciates how enthusiastic he is about making sure the baby is okay, but does not appreciate the extra stress.
I just think we're missing out on prime fic fodder material which is that accidents happens and I want everyone to be losing their minds because somehow trying to keep an infant alive is scarier to them than fighting monsters.
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asexualasshat · 1 month ago
One day I’m gonna write the oneshot where Steve and Robin are working at a country bar and corroded coffin is there and they’re doing the bars line dance lesson for shots and gigs. But after they learn the basic steps, the instructor reveals it’s a partner dance. And one of the corroded guys brings his girlfriend so Eddie is the only one without a partner. And the instructor won’t let him back out and Steve volunteers
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