#( slate 005. )
tewwor · 1 month
3-5  things  that  your  character  can  be  identified  by.
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001.  calm when deep in thought
002.  constantly sleepy
003.  concerned with the health & wellbeing of others
001.  sage green
002.  terracota
003.  saffron yellow
004.  umber
005.  slate
001.  wintergreen & cedar 
002.  sweet orange & ginger
003.  patchouli & bergamot 
004.  bibliosmia & varnish
001.  fisherman & cable sweaters
002.  turtlenecks & overcoats
003.  slacks & loose fitting jeans
004.  sneakers & matching belt
005.  sparse jewlery ( bracelet & ring ) & suspenders
001.  dented thermos
002.  leather bound journal with worn corners
003.  packets of any flavored gum
004.  well used satchel with ??? items
001.  fingers brushed through the hair front to back, back to front
002.  brows arched in momentary surprise
003.  curled lips just shy of prominent dimples
004.  crane of neck to better hear and see
005.  hands idly massaging points of tension ( neck, shoulders, back )
001.  the first gentle rays of a cresting sun
002.  overworked exhaustion swaddled beneath quilts
003.  organized focus when cooking & contentment of a homecooked meal
004.  spry joy whenever meeting someone new
tagged by: stolt from my old blog :3c
tagging: YOU!!!!! but also @huntershowl @xinxiins ( chengxin ) @miidnighters ( flynn! ) @chth0nia @gollldrush @bloodykneestm ( addae... )
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randomvarious · 2 months
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Today's compilation:
Points in Time 005 1999 Drum n Bass
Excellent slate of mid-to-late 90s drum n bass and jungle bangers here that was put out by the LTJ Bukem-run Good Looking Records, the long-time premier label for all of that soul-soothingly atmospheric and 'intelligent' stuff. Here we have the fifth installment in their Points in Time series, something that appeared to have been launched in order to regularly remind folks about all the serious heat from GL's past that should *never* be forgotten.
But It looks like this release in particular was issued in two different formats. One is a double-disc that includes a DJ mix by Tayla—who himself is a producer and DJ that got his start on Good Looking back in 1993—and the other is a triple-12-inch that includes six of the nine songs that are also on the CD version's first disc. And the one that I happened to listen to for today's post is the triple-12-inch.
So, ultimately, I seriously dig almost all of these tracks, but I think the two most essential listens here are undoubtedly London duo Blu Mar Ten's "Futureproof" and early drum n bass pioneer The Invisible Man's lengthy "Stormfields."
"Futureproof," originally off of Blu Mar Ten's first release on Good Looking in 1997, is legitimately one of the greatest pieces of jungle that I think I've ever heard in my life, and is probably peak material for this whole atmospheric style writ large. There's just something that's so extra special about a certain type of song that can paradoxically transmit both a feeling of calm and chaos at the same time, and this is a track that manages to pull it off wonderfully, with its "Amen" breaks furiously chugging along within a meticulously crafted framework of vast outer-space ambience and saucy touches of smooth jazz sax. Just such an unbelievably breathtaking and satisfying all-time stunner as far as I'm concerned 😌.
And then "Stormfields" is this near-11-minute, cinematically chill journey of sorts that's also on an outer-spacey tip from 1997. It encases its increasingly complex drum and bass parts in cheery pecks and splotches of bloopy acid, as light guitar synths pluck from behind on top of thin and squealy string pads. A really wondrous pupil-dilator to repeatedly zone out to and lose yourself within 👍.
So some pretty incredible feats of drum n bass and jungle magic on this one. Really wouldn't expect anything less from Good Looking, though, because they seriously do tend to be that consistently amazing 🤩.
Blu Mar Ten - "Futureproof" LTJ Bukem - "Music" The Invisible Man - "Stormfields" Q Project - "The Instrumental" Axis - "Dusted"
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wolfpants · 2 years
10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags
Thank you for the tag, @maziktheli! <3
001. Captive Prince - Laurent, Crown Prince of Vere and Acquitart
You see? He has forgiven me for the small matter of the whip. I have forgiven him for the small matter of killing my brother. All praise the alliance.
002. Call Me By Your Name - Elio Perlman
Every time I go back to Rome, I go back to that one spot. It is still alive for me, still resounds with something totally present, as though a heart stolen from a tale by Poe still throbbed under the ancient slate pavement to remind me that, here, I had finally encountered the life that was right for me but had failed to have.
003. The Song of Achilles - Patroclus
We reached for each other, and I thought of how many nights I had lain awake loving him in silence.
004. Christopher Marlowe's Edward II - King Edward II of England
What Gaveston, welcome: kis not my hand, Embrace me Gaveston as I do thee: Why shouldst thou kneele, knowest thou not who I am? Thy friend, thy selfe, another Gaveston. Not Hilas was more mourned of Hercules, Then thou hast beene of me since thy exile.
005. Interview with the Vampire (2022) - Louis de Pointe du Lac
I was being hunted. And I was completely unaware it was happening.
006. Portrait of a Lady on Fire - Héloïse
Imagine me happy or unhappy if that reassures you. But do not imagine me guilty.
007. House of the Dragon - Aemond Targaryen
Do not mourn me, Mother. It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon.
008. The Binding - Emmett Farmer
We kissed as if we could stop the earth turning, as if we were enemies as well as lovers, as if we'd never see each other again.
009. Hereditary - Annie Graham
Don't you swear at me, you little shit! Don't you ever raise your voice at me, I am your mother. You understand? All I do is worry and slave and defend you, and all I get back is that fucking face on your face!
010. freely, as men strive for right - Harry Potter*
... he is the love of my whole disasterous fucking life, I am stupid in love with him, would murder and die in love with him, if he asked me to blind myself so I'd never see another tall, blond man again, I'd probably fucking do that too in love with him...
*okay so this is technically a fandom within a fandom - it's @bixgirl1's wonderful fic, which is so good and SO UP THERE for me that is might as well be canon to be honest. Read it if you haven't. It destroyed me.
No pressure tagging @academicdisasterfic @oknowkiss @emmalovesdilemmas @skeptiquewrites @sorrybutblog @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm @moony-saraneth @maesterchill @getawayfox @thebooktopus
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halechief · 2 years
005.a private jet miles high in the sky .
setting prompts : @waredsin.
"you know, it's difficult to make decisions with only half the information. or less than half." he isn't going to respond to that, she thinks. first, because it's an observation, not a question. ( she often fishes, he often declines the lure. ) second, because despite every reason he has to know otherwise, and has been made painfully aware of through her stubbornness over the years, she imagines there is still some part of him that ruefully ( and perhaps spitefully ) wishes that she would simply do as she's told, at times. still. whatever is vexing him most, it doesn't seem to bother her, even when the unspoken irritation twinges in his jaw -- she merely cuts her gaze from him to glance out the window, at the city below. as they climb in elevation, the silence likewise swells in length, and when she finally looks back to him there is something almost mournful in his expression, the slate grey of it directed downward into the depths of the glass in his hand, like she's somehow put him off his enjoyment of it. it nearly makes her smile, despite the circumstance.
as for her own glass, she'd been careful not to drain it with the expedience that she'd wanted to, though she's undoubtedly in the mood for something that might calm the nerves. the image doesn't seem so appealing, in such close confinement. the pressurized space leaves too much room for scrutiny -- the daunting kind he's especially versed in, that rarely fails to make her feel carved open. instead, she's nursed it slowly, and it now rests perspiring on the flat of her thigh. the downward tilt of her head brings her posture to a mirror of his, until her other hand comes to embrace the crystal as well, the pads of her thumbs smoothing along the pattern. "it's also difficult to have a conversation, if only one of us is inclined to participate."
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thelouvrefm · 2 years
— 𝐣𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨 . . .
♕ ( muse l / 42 / cis woman / she/her/hers ) — did you see JOSEPHINE REYES wandering around the island today? they kind of look like NATALIE PORTMAN from certain angles? i heard around town that the OWNER OF CLEAN SLATE is INNOVATIVE, and SPIRITED, but also RETICENT, and SELF-DESTRUCTIVE. people say that they remind them of A TIMER CLOSE TO HITTING ZERO, DRINKING COGNAC IN A BUBBLE BATH, and THE POUNDING OF RUNNING SHOES AGAINST COLD CONCRETE, and ALL THESE THINGS THAT I’VE DONE by THE KILLERS is definitely their theme song. they seem like a nice enough person, but we all know how hard it is to keep a pristine reputation in a small town. ( lauryn / 22 / cst / she/her/hers )
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b a c k g r o u n d —
 001. a doted on only child born in kings haven in 1980. josephine’s childhood was normal and about as far from traumatizing as it gets. her parents were loving and had sufficiently prepared for the arrival of their baby girl. they were well off and had plenty of help from josephine’s grandparents. josephine was given every resource imaginable growing up and all the support her parents could muster up.
 002. josephine’s parents were jewish, and she was raised accordingly. while her parents were raised in orthodox judaism, they grew to practice reform judaism. though they seemed committed to raising josephine in judaism at first, their efforts dwindled as time went on until they were the family who just observed the “important” holidays.
 003. josephine was a fairly average child, but the influx of resources gave her more opportunities and strengthened her strong attributes. she was probably a little bit smarter than the average kid, nothing near gifted, but her at home studies paired with her school teachings helped build her intellect. from a young age, josephine also exhibited an interest in art. so, of course, her parents would sit down with her and an art teacher every other day to hone her craft. her interest was mostly in watercolor paintings, though she dabbled in varying art and pottery mediums as a way to figure out what amused her.
 004. a happy and well adjusted child, josephine had many friends and was involved in a couple after school programs like girl scouts and soccer. she was vibrant and described as a ray of sunshine. and who would expect anything different with a life like hers? only, as she grew older, while nothing around her changed, what was inside of her did.
 005. there was an introspection and discipline that came naturally to josephine from her years of gentle parenting. josephine was well aware of her privilege and security as she aged, and there was an ever-growing need inside of her to self destruct. looking at it from an outside perspective was funny, a girl with a perfect life looking for reasons to be sad. but the thought behind it was really quite simple: there was a monotony in her routine that left her with the absence of excitement.
 006. josephine made a real effort in fending off that need to self destruct, but life sought to equal the balance. her parents announced their separation when josephine was 12 years old. it came as a shock to the young girl. perhaps there were warning signs, hushed arguments heard from down the hall, the slow disintegration of their religious practices, more silence at the dinner table than usual… but divorce? josephine hardly even understood the concept.
 007. those resources that were once available to josephine slowly began to dwindle as the logistics of the separation took up much of her parents’ time. josephine began to recede within her own mind, lacking the usual outside presence that she was accustomed to. as it turns out, her thoughts were very loud. social isolation became somewhat of a new norm for josephine. she would sit at the lunch table with her friends still, but sleepovers and trips for ice cream were no longer existent.
 008. anger and fear plagued josephine’s mind. she experienced anger toward her parents, the changes being made in her life, the world in general. she was with her mother most of the time, during the week but no weekends, but it wasn’t the same. her once lively, dedicated mother was now relatively hollow, at least compared to her old disposition. josephine could tell she was trying to pick herself back up, but the struggle was apparent.
 009. flash forward to age 15, josephine had mostly adjusted to the changes in her life. was there some subtle lasting damage? probably. but she had much more going for her now than she did at age 12. high school was kind to josephine; she was well liked, popular even. she was starting varsity for soccer in her sophomore year. though her dedication to her schoolwork wasn’t strong, she managed to keep her grades up. it wasn’t that josephine was lacking in intellect, she was simply unmotivated. that peppy demeanor that she kept up around her friends wasn’t always present at home.
 010. see, josephine did well when other people were around. her thoughts and anxieties did not scream in her head like they did when she was alone. that same little need to destruct that was growing as a kid had grown quite large now; it was becoming hard to ignore. this led josephine to start stealing things whenever she would go to the store. it was little at first, some chapstick or a twix, until she moved onto big ticket items.
 011. she would put things in her cart and “forget” to scan them. it was a destructive habit at first, causing her to feel shame, until it turned into something else. josephine grew to look forward to these trips of hers. she would often try to outdo herself, until she was eventually caught. she had stolen a trashcan; had there not been items stashed inside, perhaps she could’ve claimed that she forgot to scan it. she ended up doing diversion to get the charge wiped from her record.
 012. kings haven being such a small town, word certainly got around. josephine was embarrassed as her friends exiled her, though the vast majority of kids couldn’t care less. it might’ve even earned her a little street cred. regardless, josephine had momentarily ruined her life enough to quiet that need of hers. when she felt it building back up, however, she found an appropriate outlet for her feelings: painting. her love of art had been rediscovered. after the divorce, josephine had grown out of painting regularly. it had produced some bad associations for her, but she felt ready to try again.
 013. soccer was switched for art clubs and local art competitions. josephine found new friends within the art community, feeling as though they were a much better fit for her. now, when she was alone, all she had to do to quiet her brain was throw herself into a project. it was easy for josephine to get lost in things, a good book or a new project. she wouldn’t be part of this world anymore, she was apart of something much greater, something beautiful.
 014. after high school, josephine went off to college to acquire a bachelor’s degree in business administration. art seemed far more tempting, but her father’s pressure to yield financial success was etched into her brain. and soon enough, josephine was married! it was a whirlwind romance for her, the fairy tale of her dreams. diego had truly charmed her, and josephine was ready to take on the world with him. they settled down, got a house, and focused on building a life together.
 015. following graduation, josephine took a job in market research. it was unfulfilling in many ways, but she convinced herself that it would get better eventually. with diego’s support and her escape via art, it was manageable. her twenties were fairly standard; she matured and had time for self exploration. the prime of her life was lived well; she had friends, family, love, beauty, and enough money to scrape by. it wasn’t until her thirties that things began to fall apart.
 016. things with diego had changed; there was an unspoken disconnect. they were meant to be open with each other, but it seemed neither one of them wanted to admit that something was different. josephine had always felt as though maybe she loved diego more than he had loved her, but it seemed like things had began deteriorating more and more. she could see his dissatisfaction growing with his life, but she had no words to help or talk it through. eventually, they were more like roommates than spouses.
 017. with this, josephine felt as though she was going crazy. there was a desperation in her to fix things, but she felt as though she would be overreacting or pushing him away further if she were to bring it up. so, she stayed quiet and suffered internally. she tried to be a positive presence around him and hoped that was enough, until eventually their time together became less frequent. josephine was spending more time alone; without much distraction outside of work, she was led her to pursue other things in her career. this led to her buying an empty gallery space.
 018. clean slate, a rather fitting name for her new business. the building was advertised as a space to be rented out for exhibits or events, funded in part by her parents. it was something to do, something to fill in the spaces of silence when she and diego ran out of things to talk about. somewhere to sit in the emptiness when it was lacking an exhibit. there was a small building connected to the space that housed a permanent rotation of local art and photography, offering prints at a price. it was a way for josephine to shine some light on local artists; it brightened her days enough to make them bearable. clean slate didn’t pull in the big bucks, but it was sufficient enough, and it was hers.
 019. unfortunately, that wasn’t built to last. not long after she turned 40, her father died of a heart attack. it was an unexpected and devastating blow that turned her world upside down for quite some time. it seemed like no one around her knew how to console her, what to say. it killed much of her spirit and motivation in ways that she hasn’t yet recovered.
 020. flash forward to now… josephine is going through somewhat of a midlife crisis, if you couldn’t tell from the convertible parked outside of her house that she just traded her old car in for. often times, diego doesn’t even sleep in their home. she has silently wondered where he goes all the time, but she wouldn’t dare to ask. there is perhaps a small part of her that doesn’t want to seem like the nagging wife, even if there is some growing resent that’s getting harder to ignore. josephine doesn’t want to admit that perhaps their marriage is over. that would mean admitting that she had wasted nearly half of her life, that she was going down the same path as her parents. no, she couldn’t do that… but that little need to self destruct is growing again, and she’s not quite sure how to stop it.
[ ! ] TLDR : was super loved and well cared for as a kid until her parents got divorced. has this need to self destruct that is ever-present, though art helps. got in trouble for stealing in her adolescence, ended up getting a bachelor’s degree in business administration. eventually opened up clean slate (an exhibition space) and is now in a failing marriage
p e r s o n a l i t y —
 001. josephine presents herself in a certain way to the outside world. while she is generally polite and sometimes soft spoken in public, she is incredibly spirited and has a raging fire inside of her. josephine sometimes needs some help breaking out of her shell, but when she does, she is a sight to behold. she is fun, wild, compassionate. this was mostly how she presented herself in her 20s, but as time went on, she began to feel buried and that nature of hers is now harder to access.
 002. her creativity and vivid imagination benefit her art in a variety of ways. josephine isn’t exactly known for being entirely rooted in reality; she is a bit out of touch and a bit out of it in general. she seeks more than this life could offer her, which is why she tries to escape through her art. there is a feeling that she possess that grows with time and encourages her to self destruct. when she listens to that feeling and takes action, it seems to quiet for a while. josephine is typically a patient person; the only time this isn’t the case is when she’s already very frustrated.
 003. it could be the multiple cups of coffee she consumes on the daily, but josephine is a pretty jittery person. she can appear on edge to people who don’t know her very well. josephine is generally very career oriented, especially when there’s a lack in her relationships, or in her life in general. her communication could certainly use some work, but josephine’s sympathetic and compassionate nature has made it so that building relationships with people aren’t too difficult for her. josephine has a hard time verbalizing her thoughts and emotions, so she is more likely to hide them.
about. statistics. headcanons. connections.
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qblester · 29 days
🎤 - An audio transcript from a recording
[AWOL:SK-006 Continued Monitoring, In Home Auditory Recording.]
SK-006: -I just don't understand your, or the Fucking issue thats being had here. The only thing that needs. If I could do that Sort of thing do you Think I would or its Not Ohio. Unknown, likely SK-005 seems to speak for several minutes uninterrupted. Her side could not be recorded at this time, Speak to her handler regarding bugging all devices with recording ability, this is the second time.
SK-006: Y-you are a literal or your At you Keep fucking being a Drug addict of course Noone cares. When did Or you dont even Show up. Remember when I or Me needing to wear Both keycards So you can have Hours? can you First or At all times before you Need something from me ask Mom.
It's clear from the noises herein that 006 enters the kitchen and opens a can. From an examination of residential trash it has been made clear that there is a mixture of alcohol brands. Mostly sweet seltzers. It is unclear what was being ingested at this moment, video monitoring is slated for next month.
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cress-meadowforge · 6 months
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While Cress considers herself brave, she's not a risk-taker solely for the sake of a rush. Her moves are calculated. Her plans are carefully laid. She operates with a cutting sense of strategy, preferring to leap only when she knows what's waiting on the other side. She enjoys the thrill of an intense spar, or the temptation of District Zero, but Cress doesn't play fast and loose with her life or the lives of those she cares about (even if sometimes she appears to bluff). With Kya on the way and Slate fresh out of the arena, this is truer than ever. They simply can't afford the risk.
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slate-skylar · 7 months
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For Slate, thrill has always come with danger. The thrill of stealing something; of getting caught or not getting caught; of being chased, either by some rival street kid who wanted what he'd gotten or by the Peacekeepers. It's fun to run, fun to wonder what will happen, how soon your body will break down, what will happen then. This is probably a survival mechanism: finding fun in fear because fear is omnipresent. He even felt some of that in the Arena, to his horror. The joy of fighting the skeletons, of winning that fight, of taking down Mars -- he can't argue that there wasn't joy, that it wasn't fun, that he wasn't good at it. It's what he's been doing his whole life -- heart pounding, smile on his face, feet running as fast as he can.
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masonxxbrick · 10 months
Task 005 - Training
Give your tribute advice for the games - Ezra
Try to form an alliance on your tribute's behalf - Slate
Discuss strategy with another mentor - Everett
Talk with a tribute from a district other than your own - Helios
Talk about the dwindling food supplies - Enna
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nano-cache · 11 months
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Speculate on who around you might be a rebel (Montgomery)
Speculate on training scores (Holland)
Talk with a tribute from a district other than your own (Slate)
Talk about the Vox (Cyrene)
Discuss strategy with another mentor (Link)
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mack-montresor · 11 months
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Work with another tribute to learn a new skill (Helios)
Form an alliance your character intends to keep (Slate)
Interact with a stylist from a district other than your own (Enna)
Discuss the Vox Populi with another tribute (Mars)
Cry (Nettle)
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mmacleanfilm · 1 year
Film Form: Shoot Days
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Here are my sound reports from the day of shooting:
Sound report:
001 - 4.3 s1 t1 - G - might have peaked in the shouting - lavs fine. Could take levels down slightly - but was nice. 002 - 4.3 s1 t2 - G truck in background 003 - 4.3 - G 3 armed now not before 004 - X 005 - 4.2 s1 t5 - G probably best 006 - 4.5 s1 t1 - G but pillow stepping sound 007 - 4.5 s1 t2 - G - might need to get the shouting again. 008 - 4.5 s1 t3 - G 009 - 4.5 s1 t4 - G 010 - 4.4a s1 t1 - G 011 - 4.4a s1 t2 - G 012 - 4.4a s1 t3 - G - peaking on shout for all. 013 - 4.4b s1 t1 - G (nice gulp picked up) 014 - 4.4b s1 t2 - G 015 - 4.2 s1 t1 - G 016 - 4.2 s1 t2 - G crisp dialogue 🤌 017 - 4.2 s1 t3 - G G G 018 - 4.2 s2 t1 - VNice - big space before action - setting focus - 4 minute take 019 - 4.2 s2 t2 - Noice 020 - 4.1 s1 t1 - X 021 - 4.1 s1 t2 - X 022 - 4.1 s1 t3 - X 023 - 4.1 s1 t4 - G 024 - 4.1 s1 t5 - G 025 - 4.1 s1 t6 - G 026 - 4.1 s1 t7 - G 027 - room tone - living room 028 - s1.3 s1 t1 - too loud 029 1.3 - t2 better 030 - 1.3 s1 t3- G 031 - 1.3 s1 t4 - best for levels - toned down shouting - use lav 2 or boom not Alan’s lav. 032 - 1.5 s1 t1 - G 033 - 1.5 s1 t2 - G 034 1.5 s1 t3 - G 035 - 1.5 s1 t4 - G maybe a slight but loud - gonna take boom gain down to 35/30 036 - 1.5 s1 t5 - G 037 - 1.5 s1 t6 - Very nice 038 - 1.5 s1 t7 - two takes but slate the same. 039 - 1.4 s1 t1 - G but loud 040 - 1.4 s1 t2 - G but loud shout 041 - 1.4 s1 t3 - G 042 - 6.1 s1 t1 - G 043/42 ? 044 - 6.1 s1 t2 -G 045 - 6.1 s1 t3 - lot of background noise 046 - 6.1 s1 t4 - G 047 - 6.1 s1 t5 - behind the door not in room - different perspective. For flooding in sound. 048 -? 049 - ? 050 - 1.6 s1 t1 - G no lav on Alan 051 - 1.6 s1 t2 - G 052 - 1.6 s1 t3 - G 053 - 1.2 s1 t1 - G 054 - 1.2 s1 t2 - quiet 055 - 1.2 s1 t3 - G 056 - 3.2 s1 t1 - G levels slightly low 057 - 3.2 s1 t2 - G 058 - 3.2 s1 t3 - G 059 - 3.2 s1 t4 - G 060 - close up of alarm ringing 061 - 3.2 s1 t5 - G siren :) 062 - 3.1 s1 t1 - Good but light starting to tick 063 - 3.1 s1 t2 - G 064 - 1.1 s1 t1 - G 065 - 1.1 s1 t2 - G ball sounds 066 - X 067 - 5.1 s1 t1 - G 068 - 5.1 s1 t2 - G 069 - 5.1 s1 t3 - G 070 - 5.1 s1 t4 - G 071 - 5.1 s1 t5 - G 072 - room tone Lucas bedroom
Second day:
001 - 2.2 s1 t1 - G bring William up 002 - 2.2 s2 t2 - Better maybe bring Oscar down (to 30 - lav 3) 003 - 2.2 s3 t3 - G 004 - 2.2 s4 t4 - G 005 - 2.6 s5 t1 - G maybe take Williams up again? 006 - 2.3 s6 t1 - G 007 - 2.3 s7 t2 - G 008 - 2.3 s8 t3 - G 009 - 2.4 s9 t1 - G 010 - 2.4 s10 t2 - G 011 - 2.4 s11 t3 - G 012 - 2.4 s12 t4 - G 014 - 2.5 s13 t1 - G 015 - 2.5 s14 t2 - G 016 - 2.5 s15 t3 - X card changed 017 - 2.5 s15 t3 - G maybe take Oscar’s lav down 018 - 2.5 s16 t4 - X 019 - 2.5 s17 t5 - VG - peaked at the end - big shout 020 - 2.7 s18 t1 - G 021 - 2.7 s19 t2 - G but stomach rumble 022 - 2.7 s20 t4? - G nice pigeon flying 023 - 2.8 s21 t1 - noice 024 - 2.8 s22 t2 - X bus 025 - 2.8 s23 t3 - X 026 - 2.8 s24 t4 - X 027 - 2.8 s26 t6 - G 028 - 2.9 s27 t1 - G 029 - 2.9 s28 t2 - VG 030 - 2.1 s29 t1 - G but giggling 031 - 2.1 s30 t2 - G 032 - 2.1 s31 t3 - G but didn’t record skate being read - clap in though 033 - master s31 t1 - G 034 - master s32 t2 - G 035 - 14 s33 t1 - headphones off 036 - 85 master s34 t1 - X 037 - 85 master s35 t2 - G 038 - 85 master s36 t3 - G 039 - 85 master s37 t4 - G 040 - room tone
Here are some BTS photographs from on set:
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It was a great shoot!
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silverostro · 3 years
afternoon before tribute interviews, two’s suite ( @hcrdcreeks​. )
It’s a familiar feeling, one that they hate to be sitting in again, the sort of near overwhelming sensation of it all being a bit hopeless. Any confidence they had had that the Capitol was bluffing after their own interview had been nearly obliterated after the three back to back confirmations that the Capitol has been taking note of every little thing. The ever-present fear of that, and having confirmation of it are two different things, especially considering the conversation they had shared with Griffin at the tea party. But they are determined to fight, even if it feels as if all the odds are against them now. There sort of vague unhinged feeling that had settled on their mind during their interviews was still there, only now clouded by static and distortion, phantom shocks of electricity running through them, making it something entirely its own.
Thankfully, there are plenty of distractions, a logical set of things and people they need to check on, very, very carefully before the Games begin. They seem to be in silent agreement with Griffin that they can’t risk being seen with one another, but they want to make sure their other allies haven’t fallen too far into the Capitol’s trap, even if that might be ignoring their own panic a bit, not knowing how the hell they can help, really, if their plans are compromised, besides making certain Zero is prepared if the Games don’t go as they hope.
A large concern is Slate. With everything that’s happened, the way the Capitol has tried to break him, the way it nearly worked, and the turn around, with the knowledge that they have different things to offer now, Silver thinks they have a good understanding of what he’s attempting, but they want to be certain. And so they head down to Two at the first moment they can to find the man. An Avox lets them in, but they step in tentatively, not certain of the sort of welcome they’ll receive. 
“Slate, it’s Silver. I wanted to see how you are...after last night.”
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ascendance-bookworm · 3 years
Ascendance of a Bookworm - Complete Chapter List [ENG]
Ascendance of a Bookworm
Light Novel Series +  Extra Chapters from the Mangas and Fanbooks
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[Count] ◈ [Web Novel Chapters] ◈ Light Novel Numbering ◈ Chapter Title
Light Novel Numbering [Part.Volume.Chapter]
[LN01] Part 1: Daughter of a Soldier - Volume 1
◈ [001] [001] Part 1.1.00 ◈ Prologue (Urano) ◈ [002] [002] Part 1.1.01 ◈ A New Life ◈ [003] [003] Part 1.1.02 ◈ Exploring My Home ◈ [004] [004] Part 1.1.03 ◈ Exploring the City ◈ [005] [005] Part 1.1.04 ◈ Books, Unobtainable ◈ [006] [006] Part 1.1.05 ◈ Lifestyle Overhaul ◈ [007] [007] Part 1.1.06 ◈ Neighborhood Boys ◈ [008] [008] Part 1.1.07 ◈ Paper, Unobtainable ◈ [009] [009] Part 1.1.08 ◈ Learning to Respect Egyptian Culture ◈ [010] [010] Part 1.1.09 ◈ Winter Preparations ◈ [011] [011] Part 1.1.10 ◈ Stone Slate Get! ◈ [012] [012] Part 1.1.11 ◈ Beaten by Ancient Egyptians ◈ [013] [013] Part 1.1.12 ◈ The Sweet Taste of Winter ◈ [014] [014] Part 1.1.13 ◈ Helping Out Otto ◈ [015] [015] Part 1.1.14 ◈ Tuuli's Hair Ornament ◈ [016] [016] Part 1.1.15 ◈ Bring Me to the Forest ◈ [017] [017] Part 1.1.16 ◈ Long Live Mesopotamian Culture ◈ [018] [019] Part 1.1.17 ◈ Clay Tablets Won't Work ◈ [019] [020] Part 1.1.18 ◈ Tuuli's Baptism ◈ [020] [021] Part 1.1.19 ◈ I Love You, Yellow River Culture ◈ [021] [022] Part 1.1.20 ◈ I Want Ink ◈ [022] [023] Part 1.1.21 ◈ Intense Battle with Food ◈ [023] [024] Part 1.1.22 ◈ Mokkan and a Mysterious Fever ◈ [024] [024] Part 1.1.23 ◈ The Road to a Meeting ◈ [025] [025] Part 1.1.24 ◈ Meeting with the Merchant ◈ [026] [026] Part 1.1.25 ◈ Epilogue (Otto) ◈ [027] [013] Part 1.1.26 ◈ Extra Story - A Day without Myne (Lutz) ◈ [028] [NEW] Part 1.1.27 ◈ Extra Story - Unchanging Daily Life (Shuu)
[018] ◈ Fanbook 01 Extra: My Daughter’s About to Be a Criminal!
Fanbook 02: One Winter’s Day (Myne)
MANGA Part 1.1 NEW Extra: Myne’s Gotten Weird
MANGA Part 1.2 NEW Extra: Lutz and the Parue Tree
MANGA Part 1.3 NEW Bonus Story: The Baptism Ceremony and the Hairpin (Frieda POV)
[LN02] Part 1: Daughter of a Soldier - Volume 2
◈ [029] [NEW] Part 1.2.00 ◈ Prologue (Tuuli) ◈ [030] [027] Part 1.2.01 ◈ The Road to Washi ◈ [031] [028] Part 1.2.02 ◈ Invitation to the Otto Residence ◈ [032] [029] Part 1.2.03 ◈ Summons from Benno ◈ [033] [030] Part 1.2.04 ◈ Contract Magic ◈ [034] [031] Part 1.2.05 ◈ Lutz’s Most Important Job ◈ [035] [032] Part 1.2.06 ◈ Ordering Tools and Materials ◈ [036] [033] Part 1.2.07 ◈ Starting to Make Paper ◈ [037] [034] Part 1.2.08 ◈ Painful Mistakes ◈ [038] [035] Part 1.2.09 ◈ Lutz’s Myne ◈ [039] [036] Part 1.2.10 ◈ Completed Paper ◈ [040] [037] Part 1.2.11 ◈ The Merchant's Guild ◈ [041] [038] Part 1.2.12 ◈ The Guildmaster and the Hair Ornament ◈ [042] [039] Part 1.2.13 ◈ The Guildmaster’s Granddaughter ◈ [043] [040] Part 1.2.14 ◈ Freida’s Hair Ornaments ◈ [044] [041] Part 1.2.15 ◈ Delivering the Hair Ornaments ◈ [045] [042] Part 1.2.16 ◈ Winter Handiwork ◈ [046] [043] Part 1.2.17 ◈ Lutz’s Training Curriculum ◈ [047] [044] Part 1.2.18 ◈ Why It Failed and How to Fix It ◈ [048] [045] Part 1.2.19 ◈ A Trombe Appears ◈ [049] [046] Part 1.2.20 ◈ We Went Ahead and Made Some ◈ [050] ]048] Part 1.2.21 ◈ Myne Collapses ◈ [051] [047] Part 1.2.22 ◈ Epilogue (Lutz) ◈ [052] [NEW] Part 1.2.23 ◈ Extra Story - Corinna’s Married Life (Corinna) ◈ [053] [NEW] Part 1.2.24 ◈ Extra Story - Gossiping by the Well (Effa)
MANGA Part 1.4 NEW Bonus Story: Zeg the Apprentice Craftsman
MANGA Part 1.5 NEW Bonus Story: Hairpins and the Meeting of Stores
[LN03] Part 1: Daughter of a Soldier - Volume 3
◈ [054] [049] Part 1.3.00 ◈ Prologue (Freida) ◈ [055] [049] Part 1.3.01 ◈ Discussing the Devouring with Freida ◈ [056] [050] Part 1.3.02 ◈ Making Cake with Freida ◈ [057] [051] Part 1.3.03 ◈ Taking a Bath with Freida ◈ [058] [052] Part 1.3.04 ◈ Freida’s Baptism ◈ [059] [053] Part 1.3.05 ◈ Winter Begins ◈ [060] [054] Part 1.3.06 ◈ Completion of My Outfit and Hairpin ◈ [061] [055] Part 1.3.07 ◈ Lutz’s Tutor ◈ [062] [056] Part 1.3.08 ◈ Otto’s Counseling Room ◈ [063] [057] Part 1.3.09 ◈ Family Meeting ◈ [064] [058] Part 1.3.10 ◈ Report to Lutz ◈ [065] [059] Part 1.3.11 ◈ Back to Paper-Making ◈ [066] [060] Part 1.3.12 ◈ Vested Interests ◈ [067] [061] Part 1.3.13 ◈ Result of the Meeting with the Vested Interests ◈ [068] [062] Part 1.3.14 ◈ Tools and Selecting a Workshop ◈ [069] [063] Part 1.3.15 ◈ Preparing for Lutz’s Apprenticeship ◈ [070] [064] Part 1.3.16 ◈ Contract with Freida ◈ [071] [065] Part 1.3.17 ◈ To the Baptism Ceremony ◈ [072] [066] Part 1.3.18 ◈ A Quiet Commotion ��� [073] [067] Part 1.3.19 ◈ Gated Paradise ◈ [074] [068] Part 1.3.20 ◈ Rejection and Persuasion ◈ [075] [069] Part 1.3.21 ◈ Benno’s Lecture ◈ [076] [070] Part 1.3.22 ◈ Contract Magic and Registering the Workshop ◈ [077] [071] Part 1.3.23 ◈ Strategy Meeting and the Temple ◈ [078] [072] Part 1.3.24 ◈ Confrontation ◈ [079] [077] Part 1.3.25 ◈ Epilogue (Gunther) ◈ [080] [073] Part 1.3.26 ◈ Extra - Visiting Corinna (Tuuli) ◈ [081] [074] Part 1.3.27 ◈ Extra - Confectionery Recipe (Leise) ◈ [082] [075] Part 1.3.28 ◈ Extra - Pound Cake Sampling (Benno) ◈ [083] [076] Part 1.3.29 ◈ Extra - The Master and I (Mark) ◈ [084] [NEW] ◈ Part 1.3.30 ◈ Extra - The Life of an Apprentice Merchant (Lutz) ◈ [085] [NEW] ◈ Part 1.3.31 ◈ Extra - The Roots of the Guildmaster’s Worries (Gustav)
MANGA Part 1.6 NEW Bonus Story: A Long-Awaited Reunion (Frieda)
MANGA Part 1.7 NEW Bonus Story: As the Gilberta Company’s Successor (Corrina)
[LN04] Part 2: Apprentice Shrine Maiden - Volume 1
◈ [086] [078] Part 2.1.00 - Prologue (Ferdinand) ◈ [087] [079] Part 2.1.01 - Attendants and the Fealty Ceremony ◈ [088] [080] Part 2.1.02 - A Shrine Maiden’s Job ◈ [089] [081] Part 2.1.03 - Not Like the Other Blue Robes ◈ [090] [082] Part 2.1.04 - Benno’s Meeting With the High Priest ◈ [091] [083-084] Part 2.1.05 - The Meeting Begins ◈ [092] [085] Part 2.1.06 - Buying Secondhand Clothes ◈ [093] [086] Part 2.1.07 - The Animosity of Lutz and Gil ◈ [094] [087] Part 2.1.08 - What They Deserve ◈ [095] [088] Part 2.1.09 - First Time Outside ◈ [096] [089] Part 2.1.10 - Training the Chefs ◈ [097] [090] Part 2.1.11 - Delia’s Job ◈ [098] [091] Part 2.1.12 - The Reality of the Orphanage ◈ [099] [092] Part 2.1.13 - Discussion With the High Priest and My Resolve ◈ [100] [093] Part 2.1.14 - Secret Talk With the High Priest ◈ [101] [094] Part 2.1.15 - Cleaning Up the Orphanage ◈ [102] [095] Part 2.1.16 - Ideas for New Products ◈ [103] [096] Part 2.1.17 - Diptychs and Cards ◈ [104] [097] Part 2.1.18 - Preparing for the Star Festival ◈ [105] [098] Part 2.1.19 - The Star Festival ◈ [106] [099] Part 2.1.20 - After the Festival ◈ [107] [100] Part 2.1.21 - Lutz’s Path Through Life ◈ [108] [101] Part 2.1.22 - Lutz Running Away from Home ◈ [109] [102] Part 2.1.23 - The High Priest’s Letter of Invitation ◈ [110] [103] Part 2.1.24 - Family Meeting at the Temple ◈ [111] [NEW] Part 2.1.25 - Epilogue (Deid) ◈ [112] [NEW] Part 2.1.26 - Extra - A Place Still Far From Here (Tuuli) ◈ [113] [NEW] Part 2.1.27 - Extra - An Attendant’s Self-Awareness (Gil)
MANGA Part 2.1 Extra: How to Handle the Myne Workshop
MANGA Part 2.1 NEW Bonus Story: Fran and the Commoner Apprentice Blue Shrine Maiden (Zahm)
MANGA Part 2.2 Extra: Sister Myne and Me (Fran)
MANGA Part 2.2 NEW Bonus Story: The Other Side of the Orphanage Incident (Ferdinand)
MANGA Part 2.3 Extra: Ordering Ceremonial Robes
MANGA Part 2.3 NEW Bonus Story: Gathering Taues (Rico)
Fanbook 02: I’m Not Givin’ Up My Daughter (Gunther)
[LN05] Part 2: Apprentice Shrine Maiden - Volume 2
◈ [114] [NEW] Part 2.2.00 - Prologue (Effa) ◈ [115] [104-105] Part 2.2.01 - One Wilma, Please ◈ [116] [106] Part 2.2.02 - Rosina and Harspiels ◈ [117] [107] Part 2.2.03 - An Attendant’s Job ◈ [118] [109] Part 2.2.04 - The Italian Restaurant’s Interior Decoration ◈ [119] [110] Part 2.2.05 - How to Run a Restaurant ◈ [120] [111] Part 2.2.06 - The Significance of Going Outside ◈ [121] [112] Part 2.2.07 - Preparing to Make Ink ◈ [122] [113] Part 2.2.08 - Black Oil Paint ◈ [123] [114] Part 2.2.09 - Making Picture Books with Woodblock Printing ◈ [124] [115] Part 2.2.10 - Black-and-White Picture Books ◈ [125] [116] Part 2.2.11 - Preparing for the Children’s Bible ◈ [126] [117] Part 2.2.12 - Binding Children’s Bibles ◈ [127] [118] Part 2.2.13 - Missing the Harvest Festival ◈ [128] [119] Part 2.2.14 - The Myne Decimal System ◈ [129] [120] Part 2.2.15 - A Book for Benno and First Fitting ◈ [130] [121] Part 2.2.16 - Cinderella and a Book for the High Priest ◈ [131] [122] Part 2.2.17 - A Discussion About Winter Preparations ◈ [132] [123] Part 2.2.18 - Off to Buy Winter Clothes ◈ [133] [124] Part 2.2.19 - Butchering and Absence ◈ [134] [125] Part 2.2.20 - The End of Winter Preparations ◈ [135] [126] Part 2.2.21 - Summons from the Knight’s Order ◈ [136] [127] Part 2.2.22 - Trombe Extermination ◈ [137] [128] Part 2.2.23 - Rescue and Reprimand ◈ [138] [129] Part 2.2.24 - The Healing Ritual ◈ [139] [132-133] Part 2.2.25 - Epilogue (Ferdinand) (Dream Japan) ◈ [140] [108] Part 2.2.26 - Extra - The Attendant of an Apprentice Blue Shrine Maiden (Rosina) ◈ [141] [NEW] Part 2.2.27 - Extra - Apprentice Chef in the Temple (Ella)
Fanbook 02: My Handful of a Little Sister (Tuuli)
[LN06] Part 2: Apprentice Shrine Maiden - Volume 3
◈ [142] [NEW] Part 2.3.00 - Prologue (Karstedt) ◈ [143] [130] Part 2.3.01 - Printing Guild ◈ [144] [131] Part 2.3.02 - Johann’s Task ◈ [145] [134] Part 2.3.03 - The Ink Guild and the Beginning of Winter ◈ [146] [135] Part 2.3.04 - Winter Hibernation and Handiwork ◈ [147] [136] Part 2.3.05 - Meeting of the Minds ◈ [148] [137] Part 2.3.06 - Punishment for the Knight’s Order and My Future ◈ [149] [138] Part 2.3.07 - Daily Winter Life ◈ [150] [139] Part 2.3.08 - The Dedication Ritual ◈ [151] [140] Part 2.3.09 - Rosina’s Coming of Age Ceremony ◈ [152] [141] Part 2.3.10 - Rumtopf and Shoes ◈ [153] [142] Part 2.3.11 - Completion of the Metal Letter Types ◈ [154] [144 Part 2.3.12 - Temple Stay Extended ◈ [155] [145] Part 2.3.13 - Preparing for the Spring Prayer ◈ [156] [146] Part 2.3.14 - Spring Prayer ◈ [157] [147] Part 2.3.15 - An After-Meal Invitation ◈ [158] [148] Part 2.3.16 - Ambush ◈ [159] [149] Part 2.3.17 - The Wild and Uncontrollable Blue Priest ◈ [160] [150] Part 2.3.18 - Visit to the Orphanage and Workshop ◈ [161] [151] Part 2.3.19 - Talking with the High Priest and Returning Home ◈ [162] [152] Part 2.3.20 - A New Member of the Family ◈ [163] [NEW] Part 2.3.21 - Epilogue (Delia) ◈ [164] [NEW] Part 2.3.22 - Extra - Lunchtime in the Temple (Damuel) ◈ [165] [143] Part 2.3.23 - Extra - The Title of “Gutenberg” (Johann)
Fanbook 02: Studying Literature and Picture Books (Tuuli)
[LN07] Part 2: Apprentice Shrine Maiden - Volume 4
◈ [166] [NEW] Part 2.4.00 - Prologue (Bezewanst) ◈ [167] [153] Part 2.4.01 - Caring for Kamil ◈ [168] [154] Part 2.4.02 - The Abandoned Child ◈ [169] [155] Part 2.4.03 - What To Do About Dirk ◈ [170] [156] Part 2.4.04 - The Ink Guild and Succession ◈ [171] [157] Part 2.4.05 - Researching Color-Making ◈ [172] [158] Part 2.4.06 - Challenging Wax Stencils ◈ [173] [159] Part 2.4.07 - Delia’s Progress ◈ [174] [160] Part 2.4.08 - Both Sides of the Story ◈ [175] [161] Part 2.4.09 - The Two Who Left ◈ [176] [162] Part 2.4.10 - The Shadow Falls ◈ [177] [163] Part 2.4.11 - The Noble from Another Duchy ◈ [178] [164] Part 2.4.12 - The Black Charm ◈ [179] [165] Part 2.4.13 - The Source of Strife ◈ [180] [166] Part 2.4.14 - The New Me ◈ [181] [167] Part 2.4.15 - Ripped Apart ◈ [182] [168] Part 2.4.16 - Epilogue (Lutz) ◈ [183] [169] Part 2.4.17 - Extra - A Visit to the Noble’s Quarter (Freida) ◈ [184] [170] Part 2.4.18 - Extra - Cleaning up the Mess (Sylvester) ◈ [185] [171] Part 2.4.19 - Extra - Fran and I (Arno) ◈ [186] [172] Part 2.4.20 - Extra - Maybe Lessen the Workload (Benno) ◈ [187] [NEW] Part 2.4.21 - Extra - To Serve as the High Bishop’s Attendant (Fran) ◈ [188] [NEW] Part 2.4.22 - Extra - Facing the Future (Effa) ◈ [189] [NEW] Part 2.4.23 - Extra - Beruf Certification (Josef) ◈ [190] [NEW] Part 2.4.24 - Extra - Sylvester Undercover (Leon)
Fanbook 01: NEW Bonus Story: Temple Tour
[LN08] Part 3: Adopted Daughter of an Archduke - Volume 1
◈ [191] [173] Part 3.1.00 - Prologue (Karstedt) ◈ [192] [174] Part 3.1.01 - Examination Results and the Noble’s Quarter ◈ [193] [175] Part 3.1.02 - Preparing for the Baptism Ceremony ◈ [194] [176] Part 3.1.03 - A Noble’s Baptism Ceremony ◈ [195] [177] Part 3.1.04 - Adoption ◈ [196] [178] Part 3.1.05 - Inauguration Ceremony ◈ [197] [179] Part 3.1.06 - Reunited at Last ◈ [198] [180] Part 3.1.07 - How to Make Fluffy Bread ◈ [199] [181] Part 3.1.08 - Starbind Ceremony in the Lower City ◈ [200] [182] Part 3.1.09 - The Archduke’s Castle ◈ [201] [183] Part 3.1.10 - Starbind Ceremony in the Noble’s Quarter ◈ [202] [184-185] Part 3.1.11 - The Archduke and the Italian Restaurant ◈ [203] [186] Part 3.1.12 - Making a Monastery ◈ [204] [188] Part 3.1.13 - How to Gather Donations ◈ [205] [189] Part 3.1.14 - My First Magic Training Regimen ◈ [206] [190] Part 3.1.15 - Working Toward Wax Stencils ◈ [207] [191] Part 3.1.16 - An Illustration of Ferdinand ◈ [208] [192] Part 3.1.17 - Johann and Zack ◈ [209] [193] Part 3.1.18 - Elvira and Lamprecht Attack ◈ [210] [194] Part 3.1.19 - Finishing My Highbeast and the Wax Stencils ◈ [211] [195] Part 3.1.20 - The Harspiel Concert ◈ [212] [196] Part 3.1.21 - Epilogue (Lutz) ◈ [213] [NEW] Part 3.1.22 - Extra - Being My Little Sister’s Knight (Cornelius) ◈ [214] [187] Part 3.1.23 - Extra - One Stressed-Out Chef (Hugo)
Fanbook 02: A Tea Party with My Older Sister (Christel)
[LN09] Part 3: Adopted Daughter of an Archduke - Volume 2
◈ [215] [NEW] Part 3.2.00 - Prologue (Effa) ◈ [216] [197] Part 3.2.01 - Discussing the Harvest Festival ◈ [217] [198] Part 3.2.02 - Hasse’s Monastery ◈ [218] [199] Part 3.2.03 - The New Orphans ◈ [219] [200] Part 3.2.04 - The Orphan’s Treatment and Investigating the City ◈ [220] [201] Part 3.2.05 - The Monastery’s Barrier ◈ [221] [202] Part 3.2.06 - A New Task and Winter Preparations ◈ [222] [203] Part 3.2.07 - Opening the Italian Restaurant ◈ [223] [204] Part 3.2.08 - Discussing How to Improve Hasse ◈ [224] [207-208] Part 3.2.09 - Switching Places ◈ [225] [209] Part 3.2.10 - Preparing for the Harvest Festival ◈ [226] [210] Part 3.2.11 - Hasse’s Contract ◈ [227] [211] Part 3.2.12 - Starting Merchant Activities ◈ [228] [212] Part 3.2.13 - Hasse’s Harvest Festival ◈ [229] [213] Part 3.2.14 - The Harvest Festival ◈ [230] [214] Part 3.2.15 - The Night of Schutzaria ◈ [231] [215] Part 3.2.16 - Aftermath ◈ [232] [216] Part 3.2.17 - My Winter Preparations ◈ [233] [NEW] Part 3.2.18 - Epilogue (Brigitte) ◈ [234] [205-206] Part 3.2.19 - Extra - Wilfried’s Day as the High Bishop (Wilfried) ◈ [235] [NEW] Part 3.2.20 - Extra - Hasse’s Orphans (Thore) ◈ [236] [NEW] Part 3.2.21 - Extra - Justus’s Grand Lower City Infiltration (Justus)
[LN10] Part 3: Adopted Daughter of an Archduke - Volume 3
◈ [237] [NEW] Part 3.3.00 - Prologue (Fran) ◈ [238] [217] Part 3.3.01 - Ingo and Improving the Printing Press ◈ [239] [218] Part 3.3.02 - The Gathering of the Gutenbergs ◈ [240] [219] Part 3.3.03 - The Start of Winter Socializing ◈ [241] [220] Part 3.3.04 - The Baptism Ceremony and Our Winter Debut ◈ [242] [221] Part 3.3.05 - A Class for Kids ◈ [243] [222] Part 3.3.06 - A Tea Party ◈ [244] [223] Part 3.3.07 - The Dedication Ritual (Take Two) ◈ [245] [224] Part 3.3.08 - Gathering the Winter Ingredient ◈ [246] [225] Part 3.3.09 - Fighting the Schnesturm ◈ [247] [226] Part 3.3.10 - To the End of Winter ◈ [248] [227] Part 3.3.11 - Selling the Materials ◈ [249] [228] Part 3.3.12 - Angelica and the Coming of Spring ◈ [250] [229] Part 3.3.13 - Upcoming Spring Prayer ◈ [251] [230] Part 3.3.14 - Hasse’s Punishment ◈ [252] [231] Part 3.3.15 - The Door of Judgment ◈ [253] [232] Part 3.3.16 - The Execution ◈ [254] [233] Part 3.3.17 - The Spring Ingredient and Discussing Spring Prayer ◈ [255] [234] Part 3.3.18 - The Goddesses’ Bath ◈ [256] [235] Part 3.3.19 - The Night of Flutrane ◈ [257] [236] Part 3.3.20 - The End of Spring Prayer ◈ [258] [NEW] Part 3.3.21 - Epilogue (Eckhart) ◈ [259] [NEW] Part 3.3.22 - Extra - Winter Debut and the Playroom (Oswald) ◈ [260] [NEW] Part 3.3.23 - Extra - The High Bishop’s Exclusive Business (Ingo)
[LN11] Part 3: Adopted Daughter of an Archduke - Volume 4
◈ [261] [NEW] Part 3.4.00 - Prologue (Tuuli) ◈ [262] [237] Part 3.4.01 - A New Dress ◈ [263] [238] Part 3.4.02 - The New Printing Press’s Trial Run ◈ [264] [239] Part 3.4.03 - Benno’s Request ◈ [265] [240] Part 3.4.04 - Staying Home During the Archduke Conference ◈ [266] [241] Part 3.4.05 - Payment and Unveiling the Dress ◈ [267] [242] Part 3.4.06 - Angelica’s Manablade ◈ [268] [243] Part 3.4.07 - Let's Print More Stuff ◈ [269] [244] Part 3.4.08 - Meeting with the Plantin Company ◈ [270] [245] Part 3.4.09 - The Archducal Couple Returns ◈ [271] [246] Part 3.4.10 - The Dress Debut and Ferdinand’s Return ◈ [272] [247] Part 3.4.11 - Lunch Meeting and Business Day ◈ [273] [248] Part 3.4.12 - Heading to Illgner ◈ [274] [249] Part 3.4.13 - Illgner’s Brigitte ◈ [275] [250] Part 3.4.14 - Mount Lohenberg ◈ [276] [251] Part 3.4.15 - The Riesefalke Egg ◈ [277] [256] Part 3.4.16 - Hand Pumps ◈ [278] [252] Part 3.4.17 - Georgine’s Visit ◈ [279] [255] Part 3.4.18 - Dirk’s Mana and Submission Contract ◈ [280] [254] Part 3.4.19 - Georgine Departs ◈ [281] [NEW] Part 3.4.20 - Epilogue (Gloria) ◈ [282] [253] Part 3.4.21 - Extra - Tea Party (Florencia) ◈ [283] [NEW] Part 3.4.22 - Extra - Damuel's Proposal (Brigitte) ◈ [284] [NEW] Part 3.4.23 - Extra - Staying in Illgner (Gil)
Fanbook 02: Feelings of Panic (Tuuli)
[LN12] Part 3: Adopted Daughter of an Archduke - Volume 5
◈ [285] [NEW] Part 3.5.00 - Prologue (Benno) ◈ [286] [257] Part 3.5.01 - The New Orphans and Operation Grimm ◈ [287] [258] Part 3.5.02 - Hasse and the Gray Priests ◈ [288] [259] Part 3.5.03 - Ruelle Gathering (Take Two) ◈ [289] [260] Part 3.5.04 - Damuel’s Growth ◈ [290] [261] Part 3.5.05 - Conditions for Compressing Mana ◈ [291] [262] Part 3.5.06 - Illgner’s Harvest Festival ◈ [292] [263] Part 3.5.07 - My First-Ever Little Sister ◈ [293] [264] Part 3.5.08 - Wilfried’s Actions ◈ [294] [265] Part 3.5.09 - Wilfried’s Punishment ◈ [295] [266] Part 3.5.10 - The Jureve and Mana Compression ◈ [296] [267] Part 3.5.11 - Charlotte’s Baptism Ceremony ◈ [297] [268] Part 3.5.12 - Kidnapped Daughter ◈ [298] [269] Part 3.5.13 - Rescue ◈ [299] [270] Part 3.5.14 - And So, the Future ◈ [300] [NEW] Part 3.5.15 - Epilogue (Ferdinand) ◈ [301] [271-272] Part 3.5.16 - Extra - Grandfather on the Day of the Baptism (Bonifatius) ◈ [302] [273] Part 3.5.17 - Extra - In Place of My Older Sister (Charlotte) ◈ [303] [274] Part 3.5.18 - Extra - Two Marriages (Viscount Illgner) ◈ [304] [275] Part 3.5.19 - Extra - No Rest for Us (Lutz) ◈ [305] [276-277] Part 3.5.20 - Extra - Meanwhile at the Temple (Fran) ◈ [306] [NEW] Part 3.5.21 - Extra - The Laynoble Guard Knight (Damuel) ◈ [307] [NEW] Part 3.5.22 - Extra - One Handful of a Chef (Ella)
[LN13] Part 4: Founder of the Royal Academy's So Called Library Committee - Volume 1
◈ [308] [278] Part 4.1.00 - Prologue (Ferdinand) ◈ [309] [279] Part 4.1.01 - Just Call Me Urashima Taro ◈ [310] [280] Part 4.1.02 - Moving to the Castle ◈ [311] [281] Part 4.1.03 - Dinnertime ◈ [312] [282] Part 4.1.04 - Cramming and Preparations ◈ [313] [282] Part 4.1.05 - The Gifting Ceremony ◈ [314] [283] Part 4.1.06 - Winter Playroom and Our Departure ◈ [315] [284] Part 4.1.07 - My Retainers and Entering the Dormitory ◈ [316] [285] Part 4.1.08 - The Better Grades Committee ◈ [317] [286] Part 4.1.09 - The Advancement Ceremony and Fellowship Gatherings ◈ [318] [287] Part 4.1.10 - Royalty and Nobles from Other Duchies ◈ [319] [288] Part 4.1.11 - Math, Theology, and Controlling Mana ◈ [320] [289] Part 4.1.12 - History, Geography, and Music ◈ [321] [290] Part 4.1.13 - Mana Compression and Creating a Highbeast ◈ [322] [291] Part 4.1.14 - The Fourth Step of Mana Compression ◈ [323] [292] Part 4.1.15 - Registering at the Library ◈ [324] [293] Part 4.1.16 - Schwartz and Weiss ◈ [325] [294] Part 4.1.17 - Court Etiquette and Hirschur’s Visit ◈ [326] [295] Part 4.1.18 - Schtappe Acquisition ◈ [327] [296] Part 4.1.19 - My First Earthday ◈ [328] [297] Part 4.1.20 - Dedication Whirl ◈ [319] [298] Part 4.1.21 - Passing Highbeast Creation ◈ [330] [299] Part 4.1.22 - Schtappe Fundamentals ◈ [331] [316] Part 4.1.23 - Epilogue (Sylvester) ◈ [332] [NEW] Part 4.1.24 - Extra - A Productive Earthday (Lieseleta) ◈ [333] [NEW] Part 4.1.25 - Extra - Myne Awakes (Effa)
Fanbook 02: Starting Life as a Retainer (Brunhilde)
[LN14] Part 4: Founder of the Royal Academy's So Called Library Committee - Volume 2
◈ [334] [NEW] Part 4.2.00 - Prologue (Solange) ◈ [335] [300] Part 4.2.01 - Meeting for the Tea Party ◈ [336] [301] Part 4.2.02 - Onward to the Library ◈ [337] [302] Part 4.2.03 - I Want to Found the Library Committee ◈ [338] [303] Part 4.2.04 - Preparing a Tea Party for Solange ◈ [339] [304] Part 4.2.05 - My First Tea Party at the Royal Academy ◈ [340] [305] Part 4.2.06 - Tea Party with the Music Professors ◈ [341] [306] Part 4.2.07 - Measuring Schwartz and Weiss ◈ [342] [307] Part 4.2.08 - The Battle for Schwartz and Weiss ◈ [343] [308-309] Part 4.2.09 - Treasure-Stealing Ditter ◈ [344] [310] Part 4.2.10 - The Prince’s Summons ◈ [345] [311] Part 4.2.11 - Rihyarda’s Wrath ◈ [346] [312] Part 4.2.12 - Traugott’s Thoughts ◈ [347] [313] Part 4.2.13 - A Tea Party with Eglantine ◈ [348] [314] Part 4.2.14 - Reporting to the Prince ◈ [349] [315] Part 4.2.15 - An Order to Return to Ehrenfest ◈ [350] [317] Part 4.2.16 - Interrogation ◈ [351] [318] Part 4.2.17 - Returning to the Temple ◈ [352] [320] Part 4.2.18 - Ferdinand and Hirschur’s Gifts ◈ [353] [319] Part 4.2.19 - The Summoned Merchants ◈ [354] [NEW] Part 4.2.20 - Epilogue (Benno) ◈ [355] [NEW] Part 4.2.21 - Extra - Honest Courting (Anastasius) ◈ [356] [NEW] Part 4.2.22 - Extra - Life Without One's Lady (Leonore)
[LN15] Part 4: Founder of the Royal Academy's So Called Library Committee - Volume 3
◈ [357] [NEW] Part 4.3.00 - Prologue (Gil) ◈ [358] [321] Part 4.3.01 - The Dedication Ritual and Returning to the Castle ◈ [359] [322] Part 4.3.02 - Mother and Printing in Haldenzel ◈ [360] [323] Part 4.3.03 - Winter Socializing ◈ [361] [324] Part 4.3.04 - The End of Winter and the Summoned Merchants ◈ [362] [325] Part 4.3.05 - A Place to Call Home ◈ [363] [326] Part 4.3.06 - The Meeting with Giebe Haldenzel ◈ [364] [327] Part 4.3.07 - Returning to the Royal Academy ◈ [365] [328] Part 4.3.08 - A Week of Socializing ◈ [366] [329] Part 4.3.09 - Justus and Preparing for the Interduchy Tournament ◈ [367] [330] Part 4.3.10 - Meeting with the Prince ◈ [368] [331-332] Part 4.3.11 - The Tea Party for All Duchies ◈ [369] [333] Part 4.3.12 - Interduchy Tournament ◈ [370] [334] Part 4.3.13 - Angelica’s Graduation Ceremony ◈ [371] [335] Part 4.3.14 - Year One: Complete ◈ [372] [336] Part 4.3.15 - Buying Information and the Mana Compression Lecture ◈ [373] [337] Part 4.3.16 - Philine’s Family Circumstances ◈ [374] [338] Part 4.3.17 - Taking Konrad to the Temple ◈ [375] [339] Part 4.3.18 - The Book Fair and the Follow-Up Meeting ◈ [376] [340] Part 4.3.19 - A Promise ◈ [377] [341] Part 4.3.20 - Ferdinand and I ◈ [378] [NEW] Part 4.3.21 - Epilogue (Justus) ◈ [379] [NEW] Part 4.3.22 - Extra - The Passage of Time and a New Promise (Lutz) ◈ [380] [NEW] Part 4.3.23 - Extra - The Blessing at the Graduation Ceremony (Eglantine)
[LN16] Part 4: Founder of the Royal Academy's So Called Library Committee - Volume 4
◈ [381] [NEW] Part 4.4.00 - Prologue (Wilfried) ◈ [382] [342] Part 4.4.01 - The Feast Celebrating Spring ◈ [383] [343] Part 4.4.02 - Meeting the Scholars ◈ [384] [344] Part 4.4.03 - Life in the Temple ◈ [385] [345] Part 4.4.04 - Schwartz’s and Weiss’s Outfits ◈ [386] [346] Part 4.4.05 - Magic Ink ◈ [387] [347] Part 4.4.06 - Request for the Gilberta Company ◈ [388] [348] Part 4.4.07 - Another Gathering of the Gutenbergs ◈ [389] [349] Part 4.4.08 - Disappearing Ink and Returning to the Castle ◈ [390] [350] Part 4.4.09 - The Archduke Conference Approaches ◈ [391] [351] Part 4.4.10 - Spring Prayer in the Central District ◈ [392] [352-353] Part 4.4.11 - Haldenzel’s Craftspeople ◈ [393] [354] Part 4.4.12 - Haldenzel’s Spring Prayer ◈ [394] [355] Part 4.4.13 - Entwickeln ◈ [395] [356-357] Part 4.4.14 - Left at Home ◈ [396] [258] Part 4.4.15 - Report on the Archduke Conference ◈ [397] [359] Part 4.4.16 - A More Private Meeting ◈ [398] [NEW] Part 4.4.17 - Epilogue (Aub Ahrensbach, Lord Gieselfried) ◈ [399] [NEW] Part 4.4.18 - Extra - The Miracle of Haldenzel (Giebe Haldenzel) ◈ [400] [NEW] Part 4.4.19 - Extra - Preventing Destructive Reconstruction (Gunther)
[LN17] Part 4: Founder of the Royal Academy's So Called Library Committee Volume 5
◈ [401] [NEW] Part 4.5.00 - Prologue (Matthias) ◈ [402] [360] Part 4.5.01 - Apprentices and the Temple ◈ [403] [361] Part 4.5.02 - A Discussion with the Lower City ◈ [404] [362] Part 4.5.03 - Going to the Italian Restaurant ◈ [405] [363] Part 4.5.04 - Evolved Cooking ◈ [406] [364] Part 4.5.05 - Visiting Groschel and the Starbind Ceremony ◈ [407] [365] Part 4.5.06 - My Brother Lamprecht’s Wedding ◈ [408] [366] Part 4.5.07 - The Wedding on the Border ◈ [409] [368] Part 4.5.08 - Pre-Meeting for the Dyeing Competition ◈ [410] [369] Part 4.5.09 - The Dyeing Competition ◈ [411] [370] Part 4.5.10 - Post-Competition and the Harvest Festival ◈ [412] [371] Part 4.5.11 - Groschel and the Harvest Festival ◈ [413] [372] Part 4.5.12 - Groschel Nobles and the Printing Industry ◈ [414] [373] Part 4.5.13 - The Library Plan and Completed Outfits ◈ [415] [374] Part 4.5.14 - The Start of Winter Socializing (Second Year) ◈ [416] [375] Part 4.5.15 - Leaving for the Royal Academy ◈ [417] [376] Part 4.5.16 - Fealty and the Dormitory ◈ [418] [377] Part 4.5.17 - Hirschur's Visit and the Advancement Ceremony ◈ [419] [378] Part 4.5.18 - The Second-Year Fellowship Gathering ◈ [420] [NEW] Part 4.5.19 - Epilogue (Hildebrand) ◈ [421] [367] Part 4.5.20 - Extra - Staying Home at the Castle (Philine) ◈ [422] [NEW] Part 4.5.21 - Extra - Reaching a Crossroads (Aurelia) ◈ [423] [NEW] Part 4.5.22 - Extra - The Road to Exclusive Business (Effa)
[LN18] Part 4: Founder of the Royal Academy's So Called Library Committee - Volume 6
◈ [424] [NEW] Part 4.6.00 - Prologue (Charlotte) ◈ [425] [379] Part 4.6.01 - The Beginning of Classes ◈ [426] [380] Part 4.6.02 - Library Committee Member Get! ◈ [427] [381] Part 4.6.03 - Registering for the Library and Supplying Mana ◈ [428] [382] Part 4.6.04 - Schtappe Transformation ◈ [429] [383] Part 4.6.05 - Strengthening the Weapon ◈ [430] [384] Part 4.6.06 - Everyone Passing on the First Day ◈ [431] [385] Part 4.6.07 - Brewing and Recovery Potions ◈ [432] [386] Part 4.6.08 - Roderick’s Wish ◈ [433] [387] Part 4.6.09 - Dedication Whirling and Ordonnanz Brewing ◈ [434] [388] Part 4.6.10 - The Music Tea Party and the End of Classes ◈ [435] [389] Part 4.6.11 - I Want to Do Library Committee Work ◈ [436] [390] Part 4.6.12 - Professor Hirchur's Labortor ◈ [437] [391] Part 4.6.13 - Professor Hirchur's Disciple ◈ [438] [392] Part 4.6.14 - Changing Schwartz and Weiss ◈ [439] [393] Part 4.6.15 - Gathering Feystones ◈ [440] [394-395] Part 4.6.16 - Hunting a Ternisbefallen ◈ [441] [396] Part 4.6.17 - Healing and Reinforcements ◈ [442] [397-398] Part 4.6.18 - A Tea Party of Bookworms ◈ [443] [399] Part 4.6.19 - Going Home ◈ [444] [400-401] Part 4.6.20 - Epilogue (Sylvester) ◈ [445] [NEW] Part 4.6.21 - Extra - Unshakeable Resolve (Roderick) ◈ [446] [NEW] Part 4.6.22 - Extra - Investigating the Former Werkestock Dormitory (Professor Rauffen)
[LN19] Part 4: Founder of the Royal Academy's So Called Library Committee - Volume 7
◈ [447] [NEW] Part 4.7.00 - Prologue (Hannelore) ◈ [448] [402] Part 4.7.01 - Post-Return Discussion ◈ [449] [403] Part 4.7.02 - Dinner and a Tea Party ◈ [450] [404] Part 4.7.03 - Sylvester’s Order ◈ [451] [405-406] Part 4.7.04 - Investigating the Bible ◈ [452] [407] Part 4.7.05 - Winter Life in the Temple ◈ [453] [408] Part 4.7.06 - This and That in the Castle ◈ [454] [409-410] Part 4.7.07 - The Ternisbefallen Inquiry ◈ [455] [411] Part 4.7.08 - The Bible Inspection Meeting ◈ [456] [412] Part 4.7.09 - Planning for the Tea Party ◈ [457] [413] Part 4.7.10 - The Tea Party with Drewanchel ◈ [458] [414] Part 4.7.11 - Roderick’s Name-Swearing ◈ [459] [415] Part 4.7.12 - Interduchy Tournament (Second Year) ◈ [460] [416-417] Part 4.7.13 - The Ditter Match ◈ [461] [418] Part 4.7.14 - Ditter at the Interduchy Tournament ◈ [462] [419] Part 4.7.15 - Hartmut’s Marriage Partner ◈ [463] [420] Part 4.7.16 - Unforeseen Consequences ◈ [464] [421] Part 4.7.17 - The Graduation Ceremony ◈ [465] [422] Part 4.7.18 - The Library and Going Home ◈ [466] [NEW] Part 4.7.19 - Epilogue (Eglantine) ◈ [467] [NEW] Part 4.7.20 - Extra - Speaking at the Gazebo (Clarissa) ◈ [468] [NEW] Part 4.7.21 - Extra - Rendezvous at the Gazebo (Leonore)
[LN20] Part 4: Founder of the Royal Academy's So Called Library Committee - Volume 8
◈ [469] [NEW] Part 4.8.00 - Prologue (Melchior) ◈ [470] [423] Part 4.8.01 - The Return and a Dinner Meeting ◈ [471] [424] Part 4.8.02 - The Winter Playroom and Judithe’s Younger Brother ◈ [472] [424] Part 4.8.03 - Discussion with the Plantin Company ◈ [473] [425] Part 4.8.04 - Melchoir’s Baptism ◈ [474] [426] Part 4.8.05 - Ahrensbach’s Fish Cuisine ◈ [475] [427] Part 4.8.06 - Returning to the Temple and the Meeting with the Gutenbergs ◈ [476] [428] Part 4.8.07 - Dissecting Fish ◈ [477] [429] Part 4.8.08 - Spring Prayer and Leaving for Leisegang ◈ [478] [430] Part 4.8.09 - Giebe Leisegang ◈ [479] [431] Part 4.8.10 - Visiting Great-Grandfather ◈ [480] [432-433] Part 4.8.11 - Sitting Out the Archduke Conference ◈ [481] [434] Part 4.8.12 - Report on the Archduke Conference (Second Year) ◈ [482] [435] Part 4.8.13 - A More Private Meeting (Second Year) ◈ [483] [436] Part 4.8.14 - Decisions ◈ [484] [437] Part 4.8.15 - Successors ◈ [485] [438] Part 4.8.16 - Another Discussion and Making Rejuvenation Potions ◈ [486] [439] Part 4.8.17 - Hartmut’s First Ceremony and Another Jureve ◈ [487] [440] Part 4.8.18 - A Visitor and Counterstrategies ◈ [488] [441] Part 4.8.19 - The Welcoming Feast ◈ [489] [442] Part 4.8.20 - Ferdinand’s Estate ◈ [490] [NEW] Part 4.8.21 - Epilogue (Detlinde) ◈ [491] [NEW] Part 4.8.22 - Extra - Clearing Regrets from Ten Years Ago (Heisshitze) ◈ [492] [NEW] Part 4.8.23 - Extra - Ten Years of Change (Eckhart)
[LN21] Part 4: Founder of the Royal Academy's So Called Library Committee - Volume 9
◈ [493] [443] Part 4.9.00 - Prologue (Florencia) ◈ [494] [NEW] Part 4.9.01 - Rewarding Hartmut’s Hard Work ◈ [495] [443] Part 4.9.02 - The Harvest Festival and a Meeting ◈ [496] [444] Part 4.9.03 - A Farewell Supper ◈ [497] [445] Part 4.9.04 - Farewell Gifts ◈ [498] [446] Part 4.9.05 - A Stolen Book ◈ [499] [447] Part 4.9.06 - Commoner Testimonies ◈ [500] [448] Part 4.9.07 - Rescue ◈ [501] [449] Part 4.9.08 - Evidence ◈ [502] [450] Part 4.9.09 - New Perspectives ◈ [503] [451] Part 4.9.10 - Viscount Dahldolf’s Estate ◈ [504] [452] Part 4.9.11 - Finding the Book ◈ [505] [453] Part 4.9.12 - A Change of Plans ◈ [506] [454] Part 4.9.13 - Preparing to Leave ◈ [507] [454] Part 4.9.14 - Separation ◈ [508] [459] Part 4.9.15 - Epilogue (Ferdinand) The Beginning of a Winter Apart ◈ [509] [NEW] Part 4.9.16 - Extra - Irreplaceable (Sylvester) ◈ [510] [460] Part 4.9.17 - Extra - Starting Life in Ahrensbach (Justus) ◈ [511] [455] Part 4.9.18 - Extra - The Start of a Busy Winter (Cornelius) ◈ [512] [456] Part 4.9.19 - Extra - Out of Time (Matthias) ◈ [513] [457] Part 4.9.20 - Extra - The New Children (Wilma) ◈ [514] [458] Part 4.9.21 - Extra - Winter Resolution (Kamil) ◈ [515] [NEW] Part 4.9.22 - Extra - My Son’s Departure (Rihyarda) ◈ [516] [NEW] Part 4.9.23 - Extra - Memories and Farewells (Fran)
[LN22] Part 5: Avatar of a Goddess - Volume 1
◈ [517] [461] Part 5.1.00 - Prologue (Hildebrand) ◈ [518] [462] Part 5.1.01 - The Children of the Former Veronica Faction ◈ [519] [463] Part 5.1.02 - The Fellowship Gatherings (Third Year) ◈ [520] [464] Part 5.1.03 - Passing Classes ◈ [521] [465] Part 5.1.04 - The New Librarian ◈ [522] [466] Part 5.1.05 - Practical: Divine Protections of the Gods ◈ [523] [467] Part 5.1.06 - Music and Everyone’s Rituals ◈ [524] [468] Part 5.1.07 - Discussing Divine Protections with Hirschur ◈ [525] [469] Part 5.1.08 - Beginning the Archduke Candidate Course ◈ [526] [470] Part 5.1.09 - Dedication Whirling (Third Year) ◈ [527] [471] Part 5.1.10 - Hirschur’s Meeting with the Aub ◈ [528] [472] Part 5.1.11 - Researching Rituals and an Update on the Purge ◈ [529] [473] Part 5.1.12 - Finishing the Archduke Candidate Lessons ◈ [530] [474] Part 5.1.13 - Passing Professor Gundolf’s Classes ◈ [531] [475] Part 5.1.14 - Gretia’s Circumstances and Gathering Ingredients ◈ [532] [476] Part 5.1.15 - Professor Fraularm’s Class ◈ [533] [477] Part 5.1.16 - Hirchur's Personal Librarian ◈ [534] [478] Part 5.1.17 - A Request from Royalty ◈ [535] [149] Part 5.1.18 - Tea Party for Bookworms ◈ [536] [480-481] Part 5.1.19 - Tea Party with Dunkelfelger ◈ [537] [-482-483] Part 5.1.20 - Replies ◈ [538] [NEW] Part 5.1.21 - Epilogue (Lestilaut) ◈ [539] [NEW] Part 5.1.22 - Extra - Fantasy versus Reality (Lady Muriella) ◈ [540] [NEW] Part 5.1.23 - Extra - Finding Purpose and the Guardians of Knowledge (Hortensia) ◈ [541] [NEW] Part 5.1.24 - Extra - The 3rd Ascendance of a Bookworm Character Poll
[LN23] Part 5: Avatar of a Goddess - Volume 2
◈ [542] [NEW] Part 5.2.00 - Prologue (Ferdinand) ◈ [543] [484-485] Part 5.2.01 - The Royal Family and the Library ◈ [544] [486-487] Part 5.2.02 - Dunkelfelger’s Ritual ◈ [545] [488] Part 5.2.03 - Talking and Tallying ◈ [546] [489-490] Part 5.2.04 - Frustrating Tea Parties ◈ [547] [491] Part 5.2.05 - Doing a Little Scheming ◈ [548] [492] Part 5.2.06 - Preparing for the Ritual ◈ [549] [493-494] Part 5.2.07 - The Royal Academy's Dedication Ritual ◈ [550] [495-496] Part 5.2.08 - Using the Rest of the Mana ◈ [551] [497] Part 5.2.09 - Tea Parties and Negotiations ◈ [552] [498] Part 5.2.10 - Confrontation ◈ [553] [499] Part 5.2.11 - Preparing for Ditter ◈ [554] [500-502] Part 5.2.12 - Bride-Taking Ditter ◈ [555] [503] Part 5.2.13 - Intruders ◈ [556] [NEW] Part 5.2.14 - Epilogue (Hannelore) ◈ [557] [493-494] Part 5.2.15 - Extra - The Saint's Ritual (Lueuradi) ◈ [558] [NEW] Part 5.2.16 - Extra - Someone Worthy of Caution (Sigiswald) ◈ [559] [NEW] Part 5.2.17 - Extra - Headache-Inducing Reports (Silvester)
[LN24] Part 5: Avatar of a Goddess - Volume 3
◈ [560] [NEW] Part 5.3.00 - Prologue (Mathias) ◈ [561] [503] Part 5.3.01 - Awakening and Reports ◈ [562] [504] Part 5.3.02 - Preparing for the Interduchy Tournament ◈ [563] [505] Part 5.3.03 - Raymond’s Research and Hirschur’s Warning ◈ [564] [506] Part 5.3.04 - The Interduchy Tournament (Third Year) ◈ [565] [507-508] Part 5.3.05 - Socializing with Dunkelfelger ◈ [566] [509] Part 5.3.06 - Socializing with Ahrensbach ◈ [567] [510] Part 5.3.07 - Socializing with Royalty ◈ [568] [511] Part 5.3.08 - Socializing with Other Territories ◈ [569] [512] Part 5.3.09 - Socializng with Frenbeltag ◈ [570] [513] Part 5.3.10 - Ditter and the Dunkelfelger's Demonstration ◈ [571] [514] Part 5.3.11 - My First Award Ceremony ◈ [572] [515-516] Part 5.3.12 - Dinner with Ferdinand ◈ [573] [517] Part 5.3.13 - Farewell and the Coming-of-Age Ceremony ◈ [574] [518] Part 5.3.14 - Dietlinde's Dedication Whirl ◈ [575] [519] Part 5.3.15 - A Discussion with Eglantine ◈ [576] [520] Part 5.3.16 - Lending Books and a Place for One's Heart ◈ [577] [521] Part 5.3.17 - Epilogue (Martina) ◈ [578] [NEW] Part 5.3.18 - Extra - Resolve at the Interduchy Tournament (Lueuradi) ◈ [579] [NEW] Part 5.3.19 - Extra - My Daughter's Perspective and Resolve (Sieglinde - First Wife of Dunkelfelger) ◈ [580] [NEW] Part 5.3.20 - Extra - Suspicions and Gewinnen (Wilfried)
[LN25] Part 5: Avatar of a Goddess - Volume 4
◈ [581] [NEW] Part 5.4.00 - Prologue (Lamprecht) ◈ [582] [522] Part 5.4.01 - Returning Home and Everyone's Situation ◈ [583] [523] Part 5.4.02 - Lamprecht and Nikolaus ◈ [584] [524] Part 5.4.03 - Archducal Family Meeting ◈ [585] [525] Part 5.4.04 - Melchoir and Preparing for the Temple ◈ [586] [526] Part 5.4.05 - The Will of the Leisegangs ◈ [587] [527] Part 5.4.06 - Speaking with the Aub ◈ [588] [528] Part 5.4.07 - Brünnhilde's Suggestion ◈ [589] [529] Part 5.4.08 - Changes Surroundings and the Feast Celebrating Spring ◈ [590] [530-531] Part 5.4.09 - Touring the Temple ◈ [591] [532] Part 5.4.10 - Preparing the Ritual ◈ [592] [533-534] Part 5.4.11 - Reobtaining Divine Protections ◈ [593] [535] Part 5.4.12 - Clarrisa’s Invasion ◈ [594] [536] Part 5.4.13 - She Arrived Immediately ◈ [595] [537] Part 5.4.14 - Melchior and Spring Prayer ◈ [596] [538] Part 5.4.15 - The Disciples of the Gutenbergs ◈ [597] [539] Part 5.4.16 - Kirnberger’s Country Gate ◈ [598] [NEW] Part 5.4.17 - Epilogue (Alexis) ◈ [599] [NEW] Part 5.4.18 - Extra - Reflection and Envy (Charlotte) ◈ [600] [NEW] Part 5.4.19 - Extra - Defense of the West Gate (Gunther)
[LN26] Part 5: Avatar of a Goddess - Volume 5
◈ [601] [NEW] Part 5.5.00 - Prologue (Bonifatius) ◈ [602] [540] Part 5.5.01 - Apprentice Blues and the Orphanage Children ◈ [603] [541-542] Part 5.5.02 - Divine Protection All Around ◈ [604] [543-544] Part 5.5.03 - The Archduke Conference’s Starbinding ◈ [605] [545] Part 5.5.04 - Work in the Underground Archive ◈ [606] [546] Part 5.5.05 - Zent Candidates ◈ [607] [547] Part 5.5.06 - The Locations of the Shrines ◈ [608] [548] Part 5.5.07 - Consultation ◈ [609] [549] Part 5.5.08 - Circling the Shrines ◈ [610] [550] Part 5.5.09 - Deeper into the Underground Archive ◈ [611] [551-552] Part 5.5.10 - Letters and a Discussion ◈ [612] [553] Part 5.5.11 - The Merchant Saint ◈ [613] [554] Part 5.5.12 - Conditions for Begin Adopted ◈ [614] [555] Part 5.5.13 - Secured Conditions ◈ [615] [556] Part 5.5.14 - The Archduke Conference’s Dedication Ritual ◈ [616] [NEW] Part 5.5.15 - Epilogue (Hildebrand) ◈ [617] [NEW] Part 5.5.16 - Extra - An Unwanted Marriage (Adolphine) ◈ [618] [NEW] Part 5.5.17 - Extra - Schlaftraum's Flowers (Hortensia)
[LN27] Part 5: Avatar of a Goddess - Volume 6
◈ [619] [] Part 5.6.00 - ◈ [620] [] Part 5.6.01 - ◈ [621] [] Part 5.6.02 - ◈ [622] [] Part 5.6.03 -
- - - 
[FB01] Fanbook 01
[FB01-01] ◈ Temple Tour (Nicola) [FB01-02] ◈ My Daughter’s about to Be a Criminal?! (Gunther) (comic)
[FB02] Fanbook 02
[FB02-01] ◈ One Winter’s Day (Myne) [FB02-02] ◈ I’m Not Givin’ Ya My Daughter! (Gunther) [FB02-03] ◈ My Handful of a Little Sister (Tuuli) [FB02-04] ◈ Studying Literature and Picture Books (Tuuli) [FB02-05] ◈ A Tea Party with My Older Sister (Christel - a Ehrenfest noble) [FB02-06] ◈ Feelings of Panic (Tuuli) [FB02-07] ◈ The Start of Life as a Retainer (Brunhilde) [FB02-08] ◈ Let’s Make Pound Cake! (Myne, Freida, and Leise) (comic)
[FB03] Fanbook 03
[FB03-01] ◈ A Secret Tour of the Library (Philine)
[RAS1] Royal Academy Stories - First Year
◈ [RAS1-01] [] ◈ Extra 01 - Prologue (Solange) ◈ [RAS1-02] [] ◈ Extra 02 - Cornelius - As a Guard Knight and a Brother ◈ [RAS1-03] [] ◈ Extra 03 - Roderick - One Day in the Royal Academy ◈ [RAS1-04] [SS05] ◈ Extra 04 - Hannelore - Careless Mumbles Lead to Ditter ◈ [RAS1-05] [] ◈ Extra 05 - Rauffen - Wonderous Ditter ◈ [RAS1-06] [SS04] ◈ Extra 06 - Wilfried - An Inelegant Time at the Royal Academy ◈ [RAS1-07] [] ◈ Extra 07 - Hannelore - Cursed with Such Bad Timing ◈ [RAS1-08] [] ◈ Extra 08 - Wilfried - Tea Party for Girls ◈ [RAS1-09] [] ◈ Extra 09 - Angelica - A Guard Knight at the Temple ◈ [RAS1-10] [] ◈ Extra 10 - Judith -  A Guard Knight Always Left Behind ◈ [RAS1-11] [] ◈ Extra 11 - Hartmut - Dunkelfelger Woman ◈ [RAS1-12] [] ◈ Extra 12 - Wilfried - Male Socializing ◈ [RAS1-13] [] ◈ Extra 13 - Traugott - A Worse Punishment than Expected ◈ [RAS1-14] [] ◈ Extra 14 - Wilfried - Uncle’s Retainer ◈ [RAS1-15] [] ◈ Extra 15 - Hannelore - Ehrenfest’s Tea Party ◈ [RAS1-16] [] ◈ Extra 16 - Ortwin - The Drewanchel Siblings ◈ [RAS1-17] [] ◈ Extra 17 - Hannelore - Ehrenfest’s Books ◈ [RAS1-18] [] ◈ Extra 18 - Solange - Closed-Stack Archives and the Old Diaries
[SS01] Short Story Collection Volume 1
◈ [SS01-01] [] ◈ Tuuli - My Little sister’s Gotten Weird (P1, V1) ◈ [SS01-02] [] ◈ Lutz - My Savior (P1, V1) ◈ [SS01-03] [] ◈ Gunther - My Daughter’s About to Be a Criminal?! (P1, V1) ◈ [SS01-04] [] ◈ Wilma - Servants of Sister Christine (P2, V1) ◈ [SS01-05] [] ◈ Gunther - I’m Not Givin’ Up My Daughter (P1, V1) ◈ [SS01-06] [] ◈ Tuuli - Studying Literature and Picture Books (P2, V2) ◈ [SS01-07] [] ◈ Rihyarda - My New Lady (between P2, V4 and P3, V1) ◈ [SS01-08] [] ◈ Hartmut - That Fateful Ceremony (P3, V1) ◈ [SS01-09] [] ◈ Christel - A Tea Party with My Older Sister (P3, V1) ◈ [SS01-10] [] ◈ Lamprecht - Where My Path Leads (P3, V3) ◈ [SS01-11] [] ◈ Eckhart - Travel Tales for Justus (P3, V3) ◈ [SS01-12] [] ◈ Wilfried - Time with My Siblings (P3, V4) ◈ [SS01-13] [] ◈ Cornelius - A Miserable Morning Full of Regret (P3, V5) ◈ [SS01-14] [] ◈ Cornelius - To Protect My Little Sister (P3, V5) ◈ [SS01-15] [] ◈ Hirschur - Special Accommodations (P3, V5 and P4, V1) ◈ [SS01-16] [] ◈ Roderick - She Who Saved My Heart (P4, V2) ◈ [SS01-17] [] ◈ Philine - Coming Home from the Royal Academy (P4, V3) ◈ [SS01-18] [] ◈ Philine - My Knight in Shining Armor (P4, V3) ◈ [SS01-19] [] ◈ Charlotte - A New Step Forward (P4, V4) ◈ [SS01-20] [] ◈ Charlotte - My Task (P4, V4) ◈ [SS01-20] [] ◈ Philine - I Serve Lady Rozemyne (P4, V4)
* * updated July 01, 2023 * *
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evilendures · 3 years
Character study.
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Layer 001: The outside.
Name: Ichirō Shigaraki
Eye color: Red (in appearance); blue (actual)
Hair style / color: White and fluffy. It’s always a tad messy, given its tendency to do what it wants. Best not to comment on that.
Height: 193 cm ( 6′4 ).
Clothing style: He is almost always wearing a dark suit over a white dress shirt, along with dark dress shoes. He is fully intent on projecting an image of someone with wealth and power.
Best physical feature: He’s personally a fan of the intimidation factor that the red of his eyes provides though he wasn’t always a fan of that in his younger years.
Layer 002: The inside.
Fears: Losing all the power that he’s built up, going back to being weak.  Nothing. What would a man such as him ever have to fear?
Guilty pleasure: He greatly enjoys reading comics and manga, though he has a horrid habit of stopping at the point where the so-called villain has the upper hand.
Biggest pet peeve: He’s misophonic, meaning that he has a very strong (negative) reaction to particular sounds made by human beings. These include chewing, lip smacking, and breathing, amongst others.
Ambitions for the future: Retrieving One For All and finally being unopposed and unquestioned as the leader of the criminal underworld. He’s come so far in his quest, and lost so much along the way. He can’t and won’t stop now.
Layer 003: Thoughts.
First thoughts waking up: Why can’t they leave me alone?
What they think about most: Who the current One For All holder is, what they’re doing, what his next move (or the next dozen moves, as it tends to be) is going to be.
What they think about before bed: Who’s going to haunt me tonight?
What they think their best quality is: His intelligence. He nearly always manages to stay very far ahead of his opponents and keeps plans in place for every contingency.
Layer 004: What’s better?
Single or group dates: He is not known for dating, but if he ever were to . . . then single dates, for sure. Why should he have to share his significant other’s attention with anyone else?
To be loved or respected: Respected, of course.
Beauty or brains: Beauty, and only because no one else will live up to his standards in brains. If anyone ever did manage to meet that impossible standard, however, he would theoretically be quite interested.
Dogs or cats: He’s not much of an animal person, but if he had to choose, then likely dogs for their loyalty.
Layer 005: Do they…
Lie: It’s often harder to find him telling the truth, which is only made worse by the fact that he has little to no tells. He is a master at appearing genuine, even when he is being anything but.
Believe in themselves: Too much.
Believe in love: Romantic? He believes himself to be far too above most people for such a thing, though he is . . . supposedly open to the possibility. But he does feel a familial love for his brother (or at least his own twisted version of it). He also does, on some level, care for Tomura as well.
Want someone: There’s no way to make this not sound creepy, but: Yoichi. He really will do anything to keep his brother at his side.
Layer 006: Have they ever…
Been on stage: He greatly enjoys being the center of attention and delivering speeches or monologues to followers and opponents alike.
Done drugs: This may come as a shock to some, but no. He prefers to keep a clear mind.
Changed who they were to fit in: He’d rather change everyone else to fit him.
Layer 007: Favorites.
Favorite color: White. It’s pure and untouched, the ideal blank slate that can be molded to whatever it need be. Just as he will wipe clean all the flaws of society and bend it to his will. And just as Yoichi would have been able to do as well, had he been able to see the truth.
Favorite animal: He really is not a fan of animals and does not keep them.
Favorite book: Similar to his brother, he will read just about any superhero comic or manga. His favorite remains their childhood classic, Captain Hero. He still won’t read it to the end, though.
Favorite game: 
Layer 008: Age.
Day their next birthday will be: November 2nd, he’ll be 132.
Layer 010: Finish the sentence.
I love: The power that I’ve been been given, and all the more that I am allowed to take
I feel: Restless
I hide: Who I used to be
I miss: When it was still the two of us
I wish: It didn’t have to be this way
Tagged by: @0first0holder0​​
Tagging: @handofsmite​​
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hackereaped · 3 years
Seeing as I’m still dashboard only for the time being, I decided to make a post to place my rules for the time being. Please look these over if you plan on interacting with me and understand that most of these are in place for my own personal comfort and well being to write on this blog. I’m fairly chill and love making new friends, so these are never meant to cause any form of intimidation. If you have any questions or concerns, you are more than welcome to contact me and we can work things out.
001. Let's get this out of the way that first and foremost, do not interact if you support any of the isms ( racism, sexism, ableism, etc. ) Don't interact if you're homophobic, transphobic, etc. I don't have time to deal with intolerance on this site, we're not doing it. 2020's been rough enough. 002. Literacy is something that I come to expect with us being writers. It doesn't have to be perfect by any means, I make plenty of mistakes myself, I'm aware. So long as I can understand what's going on in the response, I'm fairly chill. English is rough man, I get it. Do your best, it's all I ask. 003. I'm not extremely active on any of my blogs. This is something that's extremely important for me to point out. I'm always around to share things, make posts, etc. What I mean by saying this is that writing is difficult for me sometimes, so there are days where even if I want to, I can't really get anything out. So, I vibe and focus on plotting instead. Please come to expect that I might not always be around to respond to something, my attention span makes it difficult to focus sometimes and write every single day; I'm primarily around when the urge to write is strong but do much better with plotting and THRIVE off of it! If you feel that I might have forgotten about a thread of ours, you may ask me about it and remind me! Chances are that I did just forget to respond and will try to get it out when I can! There are times where I'm active for days, there are times where I may be away for weeks. Just know I don't abandon my blogs unless the muse completely dies out, this hardly happens. You're more than welcome to softblock if this is something that doesn't blend well with what you're after. It's understandable, do what you gotta! 004. Drama is something I’m absolutely tired of. There are people who make me uncomfortable and if you find yourself blocked, chances are it’s due to the fact you interact with these people. I’m not going to name drop here, like I said, I’m too tired and those who need to know are in the know. Don’t drag me into your drama, you can vent to me just fine but the moment you try to make me be involved is the moment I’m over it. My rule of thumb when it comes to callouts and other issues is if the drama is more than a year old, you get a clean slate. Unless something presents itself to prove otherwise, that’s how I’m gonna stand. 005. This blog is multi-ship friendly. I'm always a sucker for different dynamics to explore. Romance, Rivals, Friends, Family, whatever type of dynamic you’d like to work out -- chances are I’m going to be down for! Unless my verse is specially made with your muse, I’ll more than likely be dabbling with multiple ships for each verse. Please do not try and force a ship on me. Sometimes muses and writing styles don’t blend well and that’s fine! But I will in no way tolerate force shipping and will more than likely only be shipping with close friends who I trust to begin with. Please understand that it’s nothing personal, I’m just doing this for my own comfort and well being. 006. My blog does practice mains and exclusives, depending on the muse. These people take priority with replies. Exclusives will be the only version of that character I'll write with for that muse ( but we can talk about other muse dynamics or connections and vibe! ) and mains will take priority, but the muse will interact with others of that same character. 007. This blog is NOT SPOILER FRIENDLY and will have spoilers posted throughout but will be tagged accordingly for the new TWEWY game as ntwewy spoilers*. The original game will NOT be tagged. If you do not wish to be spoiled for certain storylines and plot points, please proceed with caution and blacklist accordingly. 008. Mature themes are to be expected on this blog. Expect them on here and properly tagged as trigger tw*, if you need a specific trigger tagged; let me know and I'll make sure to do such for your safety! Twewy deals with some triggering content so please proceed at your own risk. I will ensure to do my part and tag any primary triggers that I can think of but if there’s something you need tagged, do feel free to let me know and I’ll fix that! It should be noted that Rhyme is a minor, NO SMUT SCENARIOS WILL TAKE PLACE WITH THEM. 009. Credit will always be given where credit is due!
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