#( she's that immature she's close to singing K-I-S-S-I-N-G at him okay )
stargazedmoony · 3 years
“His arms were her safety and his eyes were her home.”
“Oi, Evans!”
In her first year of Hogwarts, Lily Evans had no idea what it meant to be in love. Sure, she used to watch romance movies with her sister and she liked reading romantic fiction, but all the boys she read about were charming and kind, and they certainly weren’t annoying — like James Fleamont Potter, who seemed to find it necessary to call out her name every time he saw her.
Lily sighed and chose to ignore the boy who was waving and smiling sheepishly at her from a distance. Marlene frowned next to her. “Looks like someone’s got a thing for you,” she remarked.
Lily shrugged. “I’m not interested.”
“Good,” Dorcas said. “Because boys are sheep.”
Lily laughed at this and couldn’t really disagree. She’d known from the first day of school that this black-haired boy was trouble. Potter and his three friends were always fooling around and causing mischief. Well, maybe not all three of his friends. Remus was OK.
In second year, all Lily wanted to do was read and study and not argue with her best friend, Severus. James “Oi, Evans!” Potter thought differently of this. At twelve, he looked lanky and skinny and rather out of proportion, but she assumed that was normal for boys going through puberty. She had been there too.
When he called her name, Lily turned her head away and grunted. “Leave me alone, Potter,” she said. She could not possibly tell what he wanted from her except to annoy her.
Remus, who she’d been studying with, smiled at her apologetically. At least he was a sweet boy.
In third year, James Potter called her name again. “Oi, Evans!”
Lily was in the library. For some strange reason, Potter and his friends were too. Lily was pretty sure this had everything to do with Remus forcing them to study several hours a week.
Potter was staring at her, maybe waiting for a response. When he realised he wasn’t going to get one, he opened his mouth again. “You look pretty,” he said. “As you always do.”
“Try-hard,” Sirius coughed. Lily laughed at this.
And maybe, just maybe, she felt flattered as well. She’d been so insecure about herself lately — something she knew was part of hitting puberty. Lily turned her head away, thinking to herself that it was okay to smile. Compliments were nice. But was Potter nice, really? He was always so mean to Sev.
Oh, what did it matter? Homework.
In fourth year, Lily realised she couldn’t help her eyes from following Potter around the common room. He looked so different in the light of being fourteen years old. All of his friends did.
Remus was tall, but still as pale as he’d been the day Lily met him. He was fidgeting with one of Sirius’ wristbands as they were whispering to each other under their breaths, sitting close together on the sofa. Sirius looked captivated, content and handsome as always. Even puberty acne looked good on him — talk about unfair.
Peter looked the same as last year. He didn’t seem to have grown at all and his face was still sweet, plump and reddish. James had to be the second tallest of the group and he looked more muscular than he’d done last year — Quidditch practise maybe?
Unlucky for her, the black-haired boy noticed her staring. “Oi, Evans!” he called. “D’you like what you see?”
Lily rolled her eyes, but her lips curled upwards. “Get over yourself, Potter.”
“What’s that?” Mary asked next to her. “What’s that on your face? Is that a smile? Is this ship finally happening?”  
“Lily and James!” Sirius started singing. “Sitting in a tree—!”
“K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Peter added.
“Shut up, both of you.”
But in fifth year, Lily could hardly ignore how charming Potter looked. His hair had grown longer over the summer and was now curling graciously around his tanned face. Not only was he handsome, but as it turned out, he wasn’t such a bad person to talk to. He was actually very sweet and caring. Still, he was stupid and immature.
“Oi, Evans!” he called out for about the thousandth time in both their lives. “Fancy a date?”
“Sure,” Lily said. The girls in her dormitory were calling her a fool for not wanting to go out with him, but Lily just shrugged it off. “Meet me at eight? In your dreams.”
James shook his head, clearly amused and not at all disappointed. Lily laughed.
She loved teasing him. She loved him smiling at her teasing, his ears turning hot and his eyes sparkling with happiness — and maybe hope. He just looked so sweet and innocent, and so in love.
In sixth year, Lily could no longer be bothered by James’ “Oi, Evans!” whenever he saw her. Or so she thought.
One evening, they were on Prefect duty for patrolling the halls and when Lily heard him call out those familiar two words, her heartbeat sped up, out of control, and her stomach filled with a tingling strange sensation that was unfamiliar to her — and that was when she knew. This feeling was what the romance writers wrote about.
“All right, Potter?” she said.
James had a big smile on his face as he often did when she talked to him, even if it was to tell him off. He was sixteen now, yet he still looked so young and boyish. “All right,” he answered cheerfully.
“All right,” Lily repeated. She kindly bumped her shoulder against his as they began to walk. She could tell he was trying to hide his smile, which gave her the courage to continue. “I’ve been wondering about something.”
“For the fourteenth time, Evans, I’m not taking a bath with you in the Prefects’ bathroom until we’ve gone on a proper first date.”
Lily laughed out loud. “Yeah, that’s what I wanted to talk about,” she said. “Do you still fancy the idea of a date?”
James’ mouth fell open and his cheeks turned almost as red as her hair. “You’re joking. Are you joking? Tell me you’re NOT joking!”
Lily chuckled softly. “I’m not joking,” she said. James looked as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Lily smiled and felt a brave victory roaring in her chest.
In seventh year, James finally kissed her. They were seventeen now, hiding in the semi-dark of a broom cupboard, red-faced and shy and in love. James fumbled with the material of her jumper until Lily reached for his hands and placed them on the bare skin of her back. His hands were cold and shaking nervously.
Sometimes you don’t realise what you’ve been missing all your life until you find it. Lily thought of this as she held James’ hands and moved them from her back to her hips and down to her stomach. The world as she’d known it, she realised, had been so black and white until she’d let James in; until she’d let him hold her so sweetly. Now, everything seemed flushed again with colours.
And for every moment that Lily was with him, the things that happened in the world and the war beyond the hills of Scotland didn’t scare her as much. His arms were her safety and his eyes were her home.
“Oi, Evans,” Lily heard in her ear. She smiled at this and thought to herself that perhaps she had come to love him years earlier than she had realised. She hummed in response and James’ eyes were happy.
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Roommates (Steve Rogers x Female!Reader) Part 3
A/N: The final part of my Steve Rogers fluffy fic. Thanks to a very special and amazing person, who was my beta for this fic, @tatortot2701
Summary: Clint and Tony get hurt. Steve and I finally talk about our feeling. We get teased.
Warning: Mild Swearing
Word Count: 1,367
Steve and I have been living together for a few weeks. I keep out of his way and go to work. Sometimes after a mission he just needs someone to be there for him. When that happens, we watch movies. I haven’t found the Star Wars movies yet, but lately we’ve been watching a variety of horror shows, action, comedy, and Disney. Coraline was one creepy movie.
It seems that today is another bad day at work. It’s 5 and I just got back from the bookstore I work at, The Book Nook. Wearing a white t-shirt, Steve was sitting. Shit, he’s hurt. “Hey, you alright?” That’s a dumb question, he’s bleeding, he looks that he’s about to collapse, and I can’t practically feel the sad bad at work feeling.
“No.” Steve answered, the word slurred slightly, sniffing a bit. Yep, on the drunk side. It must of been bad, especially because he admitted it. The other times, Tasha told me that something had happen, not him.
“Hey, you can tell what happened. I won’t judge.”
“Uh… Stark and Barton got hurt…. Because of me.. I’m supposed to lead them decently at least… I sent them into a trap… I thought it was the right call… Stark was going disable the bomb… Barton watching his back…. They were inside and the b-b-bu-i-il-l-ding b-bl-l-ew.” Steve started sob, sitting beside him, I pulled him into a hug. “T-t-the o-n-nly reason they’re a-a-alive is because of Tony and the suit. I gave the orders to send them in it’s my fault! ALL MY FAULT!”
“It’s not your fault. You didn’t know this would happen. Sometimes these things happen and you can’t do anything about it.”
“B-b-but they might not make it and Clint’s your friend.” Steve’s shaking were shaking fiercely.
“One, both Tony and Clint are my friends, but they know the risks of the job and accepted. Two, the only thing we can do is wait and hope that they make. So, stop beating yourself up about it.”
��What w-w-would I d-do w-w-with-hic-out you, Y/N. Y-you’re soooo a-a-amazing and you are sooo g-good at everything.” Steve’s eyes previously glazed over, cleared up a bit, they were flicking between my eyes and lips.
Steve surged forward placing his lips on mine. Holy shit, he’s a good kisser, but he’s drunk. Pushing him back, “Not right now, Steve. You’re drunk.”
“Sorry, I shouldn’t’ve taken advan-”
“You’re drunk. I said not right now. I didn’t mean never. We can talk about these when you’re sober.”
“Alright.” Was his response, his shoulders slouching.
“Come on. Let’s get you to bed. You’ve had a long day.”
“‘Kay.” Steve let me manhandle him up and pull him along to his room. Getting him under the covers, I turned to leave, but was stopped by his hand on my wrist, I heard him whisper, “Don’t go-yawn- stay, please.”
“Okay, good night, Stevie,” I said, crawling under the blankets and closing my eyes letting sleep overtake. “I might hog the covers though, kitten.”
It is pleasant to wake up beside a hot person that you’re in love especially when you greatly dislike waking up in the morning. Thank God I don’t have work today. Jesus, Kitten is frigging warm….Why am I awake? Just as the thoughts pass through my head, my phone started singing We Will Rock You by Queen, again. Ugh, why is someone calling this early. Answering my phone.
“Who dares awaken the overlord at such time?”
“It’s 10 am, Y/N. You should already be awake.”
“What do you want evil-overlord, Natasha?”
“To let you know that Clint and Tony are going to be fine. They pulled through. Also, Tony’s awake. If you want to see him.”
“Good. If they didn’t, I would’ve had to bring them back and kill them myself, and after all that is a lot of work to go through just to kill them again.”
Steve shifts beside me. “Who you talkin’ to?”
“It’s Nat. She’s just letting us know that Clint and Tony pulled through alright.”
“Are you in bed with Steve?”
“God, evil-overlord, we didn’t do anything. He got drunk and asked me to stay. So I did. Get. Over. It”
“Touchy. Touchy. Tony’s going to love this.”
“Than Tony’ll love it. Whatever. Goodbye. I’m going back to sleep.” With that I hung up on her. Wow, it fun to hang up on people.
“Sorry about last night. I didn’t mean-”
“So, you don’t feel that way.” I shouldn’t be surprised. Why’d he want to be with me anyways?
“I did mean it. I’m in love with you. I have been ever since I met you.”
That turned my head fast enough to whiplash. “You’re in love with me?”
“Yeah, I know you don’t feel the-”
“Shut up.”
“Why? I was just stating that I knew-”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, dumbass.” Shaking my head, incredulously. “I’ve been in love with you for weeks if not more. Coulson and I both looked up to you. You’re amazing, kind, loyal, smart, and handsome and considerate. I could go on. You are the most amazing person I have met.” Tying with Coulson, Tony, Clint, and Nat. My favorite people are lovable assholes. Apparently I have a type.
“Really?!” Steve rolling onto his side facing me.
“Yes, kitten. I’m in love with you and want to be your date mate. For as long as you have me.”
“Can I kiss-” I may have cut him off with a kiss.
His hand came up to cup my cheek, as he deepened the kiss. Pulling back he asked, “You mentioned Natasha called.”
“Wow, way to ruin the moment, but yeah.” Sitting myself up, “Clint and Tony are fine. Apparently Tony’s already awake. Do you want to go visit them?
“We’re dating now, right?”
“Yeah, if you want to?”
“Are you guys finally together, now?”
“You could that.”
“Oohhh.. Y/N and Steve sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes marriage-”
“Enough Tony. Stop singing that stupid song. Steve’s still partially hung over.”
“Alright spoil sport.” Tony stuck out his tongue. In retaliation I did the same. Hehe, we are such immature dorks. What a pair of Jokers we are?
“It took you guys long enough to get together. Like everyone else knew you liked each other.”
“I have three cheeseburgers, fries, and Root Beer and Coke.” The newcomer - who happened to be Natasha - said.
“God, Natasha. I love you in a platonic sort of way. You are amazing. My perfect platonic soulmate. I swear.” I stated. Seriously you brought me food and set me up with Steve. You’re amazing.
“Better not let Clint hear you. He might get jealous, now that you chose a favorite.”
“Hey! I didn’t say you were my favorite of my favorites. That’s rude to my other favorites. I just love you, gummy-bear.”
“Who’s gummy bear?” It was Rhodey this time. Rhodey is a good bro to Tony.
“Romanov is, my honey-bear,” Tony said.
“Would you guys stop talking so loud,” Steve whined. The rest of us snickered slightly.
“Who called Natasha a gummy-bear?” Rhodey asked raising his eyebrow, smirking slightly.
“Moi. And I don’t suggest you calling her that. Since I’m special, only I get to call her that.” I answered, smirking.
“Platypus. You’d never guess, but those two are going on a date tonight.” Tony said, his grin just about breaking his face.
“Finally. Who confessed their feeling first?”
“Steve. You gotta pay up, gum drop.”
“Dammit! Guys, you aren’t supposed to let us know until after the first date.” I said quite dramatically.
“Alright. Alright.” Tony consented. “You can get your money after we leave. It’s 4 now. We’ve been here since 1. Our date is at 5, so we got to go.”
“‘Kay. Bye love birds.” Tony chuckled.
Giving him the Bird, Steve and I left the room, calling back, “Ciao.”
Pausing at the door to kiss Steve. That earned a few groans and a-”Gross. Go get a room.”
That got a laugh. I don’t think I’ve been happier.
This is good.
This is my family.
It’s small and broken,
But I found on my own.
It’s still good.
Yeah, still good.
@tatortot2701 @iwillbeinmynest
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superfandomqueen · 7 years
Roommates (Steve Rogers x Reader) Part 3
A/N: The final part of my Steve Rogers fluffy fic. Thanks to a very special and amazing person, who was my beta for this fic, @tatortot2701
Summary: Clint and Tony get hurt. Steve and I finally talk about our feeling. We get teased.
Warning: Mild Swearing
Word Count: 1,367
Steve and I have been living together for a few weeks. I keep out of his way and go to work. Sometimes after a mission he just needs someone to be there for him. When that happens, we watch movies. I haven’t found the Star Wars movies yet, but lately we’ve been watching a variety of horror shows, action, comedy, and Disney. Coraline was one creepy movie.
It seems that today is another bad day at work. It’s 5 and I just got back from the bookstore I work at, The Book Nook. Wearing a white t-shirt, Steve was sitting. Shit, he’s hurt. “Hey, you alright?” That’s a dumb question, he’s bleeding, he looks that he’s about to collapse, and I can’t practically feel the sad bad at work feeling.
“No.” Steve answered, the word slurred slightly, sniffing a bit. Yep, on the drunk side. It must of been bad, especially because he admitted it. The other times, Tasha told me that something had happen, not him.
“Hey, you can tell what happened. I won’t judge.”
“Uh… Stark and Barton got hurt…. Because of me.. I’m supposed to lead them decently at least… I sent them into a trap… I thought it was the right call… Stark was going disable the bomb… Barton watching his back…. They were inside and the b-b-bu-i-il-l-ding b-bl-l-ew.” Steve started sob, sitting beside him, I pulled him into a hug. “T-t-the o-n-nly reason they’re a-a-alive is because of Tony and the suit. I gave the orders to send them in it’s my fault! ALL MY FAULT!”
“It’s not your fault. You didn’t know this would happen. Sometimes these things happen and you can’t do anything about it.”
“B-b-but they might not make it and Clint’s your friend.” Steve’s shaking were shaking fiercely.
“One, both Tony and Clint are my friends, but they know the risks of the job and accepted. Two, the only thing we can do is wait and hope that they make. So, stop beating yourself up about it.”
“What w-w-would I d-do w-w-with-hic-out you, Y/N. Y-you’re soooo a-a-amazing and you are sooo g-good at everything.” Steve’s eyes previously glazed over, cleared up a bit, they were flicking between my eyes and lips.
Steve surged forward placing his lips on mine. Holy shit, he’s a good kisser, but he’s drunk. Pushing he back, “Not right now, Steve. You’re drunk.”
“Sorry, I shouldn’t’ve taken advan-”
“You’re drunk. I said not right now. I didn’t mean never. We can talk about these when you’re sober.”
“Alright.” Was his response, his shoulders sloughing.
“Come on. Let’s get you to bed. You’ve had a long day.”
“‘Kay.” Steve let me manhandle him up and pull him along to his room. Getting him under the covers, I turned to leave, but was stopped by his hand on my wrist, I heard him whisper, “Don’t go-yawn- stay, please.”
“Okay, good night, Stevie,” I said, crawling under the blankets and closing my eyes letting sleep overtake. “I might hog the covers though, kitten.”
It is pleasant to wake up beside a hot person that you’re in love especially when you greatly dislike waking up in the morning. Thank God I don’t have work today. Jesus, Kitten is frigging warm....Why am I awake? Just as the thoughts pass through my head, my phone started singing We Will Rock You by Queen, again. Ugh, why is someone calling this early. Answering my phone.
“Who dares awaken the overlord at such time?”
“It’s 10 am, Y/N. You should already be awake.”
“What do you want evil-overlord, Natasha?”
“To let you know that Clint and Tony are going to be fine. They pulled through. Also, Tony’s awake. If you want to see him.”
“Good. If they didn’t, I would’ve had to bring them back and kill them myself, and after all that is a lot of work to go through just to kill them again.”
Steve shifts beside me. “Who you talkin’ to?”
“It’s Nat. She’s just letting us know that Clint and Tony pulled through alright.”
“Are you in bed with Steve?”
“God, evil-overlord, we didn’t do anything. He got drunk and asked me to stay. So I did. Get. Over. It”
“Touchy. Touchy. Tony’s going to love this.”
“Than Tony’ll love it. Whatever. Goodbye. I’m going back to sleep.” With that I hung up on her. Wow, it fun to hang up on people.
“Sorry about last night. I didn’t mean-”
“So, you don’t feel that way.” I shouldn’t be surprised. Why’d he want to be with me anyways?
“I did mean it. I’m in love with you. I have been ever since I met you.”
That turned my head fast enough to whiplash. “You’re in love with me?”
“Yeah, I know you don’t feel the-”
“Shut up.”
“Why? I was just stating that I knew-”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, dumbass.” Shaking my head, incredulously. “I’ve been in love with you for weeks if not more. Coulson and I both looked up to you. You’re amazing, kind, loyal, smart, and handsome and considerate. I could go on. You are the most amazing person I have met.” Tying with Coulson, Tony, Clint, and Nat. My favorite people are lovable assholes. Apparently I have a type.
“Really?!” Steve rolling onto his side facing me.
“Yes, kitten. I’m in love with you and want to be your date mate. For as long as you have me.”
“Can I kiss-” I may have cut him off with a kiss.
His hand came up to cup my cheek, as he deepened the kiss. Pulling back he asked, “You mentioned Natasha called.”
“Wow, way to ruin the moment, but yeah.” Sitting myself up, “Clint and Tony are fine. Apparently Tony’s already awake. Do you want to go visit them?
“We’re dating now, right?”
“Yeah, if you want to?”
“Are you guys finally together, now?”
“You could that.”
“Oohhh.. Y/N and Steve sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes marriage-”
“Enough Tony. Stop singing that stupid song. Steve’s still partially hung over.”
“Alright spoil sport.” Tony stuck out his tongue. In retaliation I did the same. Hehe, we are such immature dorks. What a pair of Jokers we are?
“It took you guys long enough to get together. Like everyone else knew you liked each other.”
“I have three cheeseburgers, fries, and Root Beer and Coke.” The newcomer - who happened to be Natasha - said.
“God, Natasha. I love you in a platonic sort of way. You are amazing. My perfect platonic soulmate. I swear.” I stated. Seriously you brought me food and set me up with Steve. You’re amazing.
“Better not let Clint hear you. He might get jealous, now that you chose a favorite.”
“Hey! I didn’t say you were my favorite of my favorites. That’s rude to my other favorites. I just love you, gummy-bear.”
“Who’s gummy bear?” It was Rhodey this time. Rhodey is a good bro to Tony.
“Romanov is, my honey-bear,” Tony said.
“Would you guys stop talking so loud,” Steve whined. The rest of us snickered slightly.
“Who called Natasha a gummy-bear?” Rhodey asked raising his eyebrow, smirking slightly.
“Moi. And I don’t suggest you calling her that. Since I’m special, only I get to call her that.” I answered, smirking.
“Platypus. You’d never guess, but those two are going on a date tonight.” Tony said, his grin just about breaking his face.
“Finally. Who confessed their feeling first?”
“Steve. You gotta pay up, gum drop.”
“Dammit! Guys, you aren’t supposed to let us know until after the first date.” I said quite dramatically.
“Alright. Alright.” Tony consented. “You can get your money after we leave. It’s 4 now. We’ve been here since 1. Are date is at 5, so we got to go.”
“‘Kay. Bye love birds.” Tony chuckled.
Giving him the Bird, Steve and I left the room, calling back, “Caoi.”
Pausing at the door to kiss Steve. That earned a few groans and a-”Gross. Go get a room.”
That got a laugh. I don’t think I’ve been happier.
This is good.
This is my family.
It’s small and broken,
But I found on my own.
It’s still good.
Yeah, still good.
@tatortot2701 @iwillbeinmynest
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superfandomqueen · 7 years
Roommates (Steve Rogers x Reader) Part 3
A/N: The final part of my Steve Rogers fluffy fic. Thanks to a very special and amazing person, who was my beta for this fic, @tatortot2701
Summary: Clint and Tony get hurt. Steve and I finally talk about our feeling. We get teased.
Warning: Mild Swearing
Word Count: 1,367
Steve and I have been living together for a few weeks. I keep out of his way and go to work. Sometimes after a mission he just needs someone to be there for him. When that happens, we watch movies. I haven’t found the Star Wars movies yet, but lately we’ve been watching a variety of horror shows, action, comedy, and Disney. Coraline was one creepy movie.
It seems that today is another bad day at work. It’s 5 and I just got back from the bookstore I work at, The Book Nook. Wearing a white t-shirt, Steve was sitting. Shit, he’s hurt. “Hey, you alright?” That’s a dumb question, he’s bleeding, he looks that he’s about to collapse, and I can’t practically feel the sad bad at work feeling.
“No.” Steve answered, the word slurred slightly, sniffing a bit. Yep, on the drunk side. It must of been bad, especially because he admitted it. The other times, Tasha told me that something had happen, not him.
“Hey, you can tell what happened. I won’t judge.”
“Uh… Stark and Barton got hurt…. Because of me.. I’m supposed to lead them decently at least… I sent them into a trap… I thought it was the right call… Stark was going disable the bomb… Barton watching his back…. They were inside and the b-b-bu-i-il-l-ding b-bl-l-ew.” Steve started sob, sitting beside him, I pulled him into a hug. “T-t-the o-n-nly reason they’re a-a-alive is because of Tony and the suit. I gave the orders to send them in it’s my fault! ALL MY FAULT!”
“It’s not your fault. You didn’t know this would happen. Sometimes these things happen and you can’t do anything about it.”
“B-b-but they might not make it and Clint’s your friend.” Steve’s shaking were shaking fiercely.
“One, both Tony and Clint are my friends, but they know the risks of the job and accepted. Two, the only thing we can do is wait and hope that they make. So, stop beating yourself up about it.”
“What w-w-would I d-do w-w-with-hic-out you, Y/N. Y-you’re soooo a-a-amazing and you are sooo g-good at everything.” Steve’s eyes previously glazed over, cleared up a bit, they were flicking between my eyes and lips.
Steve surged forward placing his lips on mine. Holy shit, he’s a good kisser, but he’s drunk. Pushing he back, “Not right now, Steve. You’re drunk.”
“Sorry, I shouldn’t’ve taken advan-”
“You’re drunk. I said not right now. I didn’t mean never. We can talk about these when you’re sober.”
“Alright.” Was his response, his shoulders sloughing.
“Come on. Let’s get you to bed. You’ve had a long day.”
“‘Kay.” Steve let me manhandle him up and pull him along to his room. Getting him under the covers, I turned to leave, but was stopped by his hand on my wrist, I heard him whisper, “Don’t go-yawn- stay, please.”
“Okay, good night, Stevie,” I said, crawling under the blankets and closing my eyes letting sleep overtake. “I might hog the covers though, kitten.”
It is pleasant to wake up beside a hot person that you’re in love especially when you greatly dislike waking up in the morning. Thank God I don’t have work today. Jesus, Kitten is frigging warm….Why am I awake? Just as the thoughts pass through my head, my phone started singing We Will Rock You by Queen, again. Ugh, why is someone calling this early. Answering my phone.
“Who dares awaken the overlord at such time?”
“It’s 10 am, Y/N. You should already be awake.”
“What do you want evil-overlord, Natasha?”
“To let you know that Clint and Tony are going to be fine. They pulled through. Also, Tony’s awake. If you want to see him.”
“Good. If they didn’t, I would’ve had to bring them back and kill them myself, and after all that is a lot of work to go through just to kill them again.”
Steve shifts beside me. “Who you talkin’ to?”
“It’s Nat. She’s just letting us know that Clint and Tony pulled through alright.”
“Are you in bed with Steve?”
“God, evil-overlord, we didn’t do anything. He got drunk and asked me to stay. So I did. Get. Over. It”
“Touchy. Touchy. Tony’s going to love this.”
“Than Tony’ll love it. Whatever. Goodbye. I’m going back to sleep.” With that I hung up on her. Wow, it fun to hang up on people.
“Sorry about last night. I didn’t mean-”
“So, you don’t feel that way.” I shouldn’t be surprised. Why’d he want to be with me anyways?
“I did mean it. I’m in love with you. I have been ever since I met you.”
That turned my head fast enough to whiplash. “You’re in love with me?”
“Yeah, I know you don’t feel the-”
“Shut up.”
“Why? I was just stating that I knew-”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, dumbass.” Shaking my head, incredulously. “I’ve been in love with you for weeks if not more. Coulson and I both looked up to you. You’re amazing, kind, loyal, smart, and handsome and considerate. I could go on. You are the most amazing person I have met.” Tying with Coulson, Tony, Clint, and Nat. My favorite people are lovable assholes. Apparently I have a type.
“Really?!” Steve rolling onto his side facing me.
“Yes, kitten. I’m in love with you and want to be your date mate. For as long as you have me.”
“Can I kiss-” I may have cut him off with a kiss.
His hand came up to cup my cheek, as he deepened the kiss. Pulling back he asked, “You mentioned Natasha called.”
“Wow, way to ruin the moment, but yeah.” Sitting myself up, “Clint and Tony are fine. Apparently Tony’s already awake. Do you want to go visit them?
“We’re dating now, right?”
“Yeah, if you want to?”
“Are you guys finally together, now?”
“You could that.”
“Oohhh.. Y/N and Steve sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes marriage-”
“Enough Tony. Stop singing that stupid song. Steve’s still partially hung over.”
“Alright spoil sport.” Tony stuck out his tongue. In retaliation I did the same. Hehe, we are such immature dorks. What a pair of Jokers we are?
“It took you guys long enough to get together. Like everyone else knew you liked each other.”
“I have three cheeseburgers, fries, and Root Beer and Coke.” The newcomer - who happened to be Natasha - said.
“God, Natasha. I love you in a platonic sort of way. You are amazing. My perfect platonic soulmate. I swear.” I stated. Seriously you brought me food and set me up with Steve. You’re amazing.
“Better not let Clint hear you. He might get jealous, now that you chose a favorite.”
“Hey! I didn’t say you were my favorite of my favorites. That’s rude to my other favorites. I just love you, gummy-bear.”
“Who’s gummy bear?” It was Rhodey this time. Rhodey is a good bro to Tony.
“Romanov is, my honey-bear,” Tony said.
“Would you guys stop talking so loud,” Steve whined. The rest of us snickered slightly.
“Who called Natasha a gummy-bear?” Rhodey asked raising his eyebrow, smirking slightly.
“Moi. And I don’t suggest you calling her that. Since I’m special, only I get to call her that.” I answered, smirking.
“Platypus. You’d never guess, but those two are going on a date tonight.” Tony said, his grin just about breaking his face.
“Finally. Who confessed their feeling first?”
“Steve. You gotta pay up, gum drop.”
“Dammit! Guys, you aren’t supposed to let us know until after the first date.” I said quite dramatically.
“Alright. Alright.” Tony consented. “You can get your money after we leave. It’s 4 now. We’ve been here since 1. Are date is at 5, so we got to go.”
“‘Kay. Bye love birds.” Tony chuckled.
Giving him the Bird, Steve and I left the room, calling back, “Caoi.”
Pausing at the door to kiss Steve. That earned a few groans and a-”Gross. Go get a room.”
That got a laugh. I don’t think I’ve been happier.
This is good.
This is my family.
It’s small and broken,
But I found on my own.
It’s still good.
Yeah, still good.
@tatortot2701 @iwillbeinmynest
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