#( she's only 5'2 and six months pregnant philip be gentle )
anastcsie-archived · 7 years
@coronatusregno​ didn’t ask for a starter but is getting one anyway
Finally. Finally, after five months, five painful months away on a tour that she had, at the time, been feeling too miserable to go on, Philip was home. She had felt terrible that the people of the world wouldn’t have been able to see both the newly minted king and queen of Greece on their first tour as rulers together, but she’d been terribly sick and didn’t want to risk it getting worse. 
     ( The memories of Alexei being sick when they travelled were still fresh in her mind, and so those had only been another factor in her deciding to stay behind ). 
      But Philip would find when he got home that a few things had changed. For one, Anastasia was much more angry than she had been when he had left. No, angry was not the right word for this situation. Frustrated was more of the proper word. She had heard rumours, dozens of them from both the press and the servants alike about what was happening on this tour and how some of the men on that boat wrote to their friends about the beauties they were seeing, both of the natural world and of the human world, specifically the female variety. There were also rumours amongst those of infidelity, especially from the new King, who could have been seen flirting with many different women on different occasions. 
       If she had been there, would that not have happened? If she had been there, would she be his sole focus as always? Whatever the matter, it was done and overwith now, but the rumours still stung especially given the second thing that had changed while Philip had been away -- she was pregnant. For her first few months, dresses could be let out without much being given away, but as her stomach had begun to swell with the promise of a new life, she had taken to missing more and more social events and sending a representative of the family instead. She had wanted to announce the pregnancy with her husband, but was now unsure if she could even still call him that.
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       As soon as Philip steps inside their private quarters, Anastasia is on her feet and storming toward him despite encouragement not to given her condition from the butler in the room at the time. But she did not listen and, instead, began to scold her dear husband rather loudly... in Russian. 
      “Kak ty smeyesh'? Kak ty smeyesh' smotret' na druguyu zhenshchinu i ne vspominayesh' obo mne, zhenshchine, kotoraya otkazalas' ot vsego dlya tebya i tvoikh lyudey? Zhenshchina, kotoraya ostavila yeye yedinstvennuyu sem'yu, kotoraya teper' MERTVA, i byla vynuzhdena upravlyat' lyud'mi, kotorykh ona vse yeshche yedva znayet i ne byla obuchena pravit' v pervuyu ochered'? YA byla samoy molodoy iz chetyrekh devushek, moy mladshiy brat zanyal boleye vysokiye pozitsii na linii prestolonaslediya, YA NIKOGDA NE SKAZAL PRAVIL'NO! I vse zhe vy uyezzhayete na pyat' mesyatsev, a ne na korolevskiy tur, a na rasshirennuyu kholostyatskuyu vecherinku, dazhe ne morgnuv resnitsey pri mysli o tom, chto u menya mozhet byt' tol'ko nebol'shaya problema, kasayushchayasya vsego ponyatiya o koroleve! I davayte ne budem zabyvat' tot samyy prostoy fakt, chto ya uznal, chto byl beremenen vashim rebenkom - nashim rebenkom! - poka ty ushel, i ya yedva uspel shagnut' peshkom za etot dvorets za neskol'ko mesyatsev, potomu chto ya khotel ob"yavit' yego s toboy, moy muzh, kotorogo ya bol'she vsego lyublyu v etom mire, i kotoryy ya dolzhen uslyshat' cherez spekulyatsii SMI, vozmozhno, dazhe ne zabotyatsya o tom, chto mnogoye dlya menya bol'she, a ne kogda u nego yest' blestyashchiye novyye zhenshchiny, ne zatronutyye institutom braka, chtoby oglyanut'sya i polyubovat'sya, i mogut zastavit' yego zabyt', chto, vozmozhno, na mgnoveniye yego zhena vozvrashchayetsya domoy ne znaya, kakogo cherta ona delayet! Kak ty smeyesh'?!” 
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