#( sawyer006. )
kitaylcr · 3 years
Images of how Kit had found himself lying in a hospital bed flashed before his eyes, and if he forced himself awake long enough, he could just about piece it all together. Andy had somehow been there and helped Kit get to the hospital, where he was hurriedly swept away in a flurry of medical staff. Kit had woken up only a handful of times since then, all of them sporadic and drastically short before his heavy eyelids clamped shut again. All he could remember was the excruciating pain which had now thankfully dulled from all the meds the machines were pumping through him.
Each time his eyes briefly fluttered open, Kit caught sight of a figure sat beside him but he couldn’t quite make out who it was. This time though, he forced his eyes to peak open to confirm his suspicions before they fell shut again from exhaustion. “They must’ve given me some real crazy meds,” Kit’s voice was tired and raspy, it almost didn’t even sound like his own. “’Cause I can hear you frownin’.”
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remicastillo · 3 years
WHERE: Disco Night at Skateland WITH: @sawyergraves​
Admittedly, Remi was surprised that half the town had showed up in full 70′s costumes and were taking full advantage of the adults only evening. Although it was a refreshing reprise from the usual day-to-day life of Olympus, which was probably why they had all found themselves jumping in with both feet with little care. As soon as Remi had heard of the event, there was no doubt in her mind that she would be going. But most of all, she was entirely surprised that she had managed to drag Sawyer along too. 
Despite their recent mini getaway to the old bar they had gone to when they were younger, living different lives, Remi still felt as if she were in her own little bubble. Things were good between the two of them, it seemed as if they were finally heading in the right direction - only five years later. But the voice inside her head still left Remi wondering when or if the bubble was going to burst, and reality would fall in her once she’d taken off her rose coloured glasses. She swallowed hard, trying to push those thoughts away as she peered around the bar for Sawyer. He had stepped out for a smoke and Remi had agreed to meet him back at the bar, she only hoped a dumbass siren hadn’t tried to lure him away.
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