#( sawyer005. )
remicastillo · 3 years
WHERE: A cute lil country bar a few towns over WITH: @sawyergraves​
Remi couldn’t help but smile as she stepped through the doors to the bar, because it was as if she had gone back in time. The last time she had been there was when she was 19, or was it 20? She couldn’t remember exactly, but she had been feeling utterly miserable at a Primordial party. Her ex-boyfriend had been there drooling all over the sirens and Remi was having quite possibly the worst time until Sawyer showed up, and told her to trust him. He had taken her to this exact same bar, they spent the night dancing, and drinking, and laughing. And sure enough, Remi had forgotten all about her idiot ex-boyfriend. 
As she looked around, she noticed that near enough all the furniture was exactly the same. The jukebox, the colour of the walls, even some of the bar staff looked familiar. Remi sat down at an empty table as she waited for Sawyer to return from the bar with their drinks, and she found herself chuckling lightly as she shook her head. If someone told her she would find herself back in the same bar again in 13 years time, with the same guy, she would tell them they were being stupid. “I actually can’t believe you’ve brought me back here.” Remi chuckled, her smile stretching from ear to ear once Sawyer had found his way to their table.
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kitaylcr · 3 years
WHERE: Kit’s apartment WITH: @sawyergraves​
The whole night had been so dumb. Kit had realised that the moment he had started mouthing off at the officer, the moment the cuffs were tightened around his wrists and he was forced into the back of the police car. He had fucked up. And he realised that when Sawyer came to bail him out, when they were sat in complete silence during the whole car ride home. Kit had just been caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, with an obscene amount of narcotics in his system. It was a new cop, one that Kit hadn’t seen before. Because otherwise they would’ve known not to touch a member of the MC, or someone tied closely to Otto Steel. Fucking idiot, Kit had reminded the cop over and over again.
Once they were back inside Kit’s apartment, he slumped down on his couch, his eyes wincing at the stark sunlight bursting through the windows. He had spent the night in a cell, forced to sober up and go cold turkey. But it had only put him on edge, feeling twitchy and nervous. Despite the warm sun beams from the window, Kit had a shiver, causing him to lean forwards as his arms hugged himself. “Say whatever you wanna fuckin’ say.” he didn’t even turn to look at Sawyer because he knew his best friend was entirely disappointed in him, and Kit couldn’t bear letting another person down.
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