#( right that's it no more till at least feb i say hopefully )
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resolutepath · 2 months ago
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you can thank sae for this one dskjfhdsk f
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anipgarden · 1 year ago
Oh yeah just because I feel like rambling
If my garden plans work out as intended it's gonna be absolutely banging this year. The only thing that could stop me is my bad watering memory skills, my bad weeding skills, and my tendency to step on things on accident.
But even with just the vegetables and fruits the plan is
Tomatoes. Hoo buddy the tomatoes. Last year I had 12 tomatoes (6 romas and 6 beefsteaks) but the 6 cells I picked up had extras in them, which means if I separate them well enough I can get 7 beefsteaks and 14 roma tomato plants. I'm gonna have to find space. But goddammit I will find space.
Peppers. Just sweet banana peppers this time for now (bellpeppers grow too slow for too little reward imo) but I picked up a 6 cell of those. I've also still got some plants that hung on for the entirety of winter (Florida for the win) so whether or not those stay where they're at is. A Decision I'll have to make tomorrow.
I've already planted carrots and peas that are starting to come up, but I might plant more because I didn't get as many as I was hoping for by the tomato cages. I also planted lettuce seeds, cabbage seeds, and green onion seeds that I've seen not much results from so if those pop up they pop up but otherwise I think its a bit late to plant more? I'll recheck the extensions site.
I'm gonna try growing watermelon again!!! I got 3 bags of compost and at least one and a half of those bags is gonna be dedicated to making a nice mound to plant seeds in. The year we used fresh compost was the year they grew best, but trying to reuse the same mound in later years yielded not much in the span of results. Time for new compost on a new mound.
I'm gonna try growing zucchini and squash again this year! Some in my bins (might need a soil refresh, hence more compost) and some in the ground (we'll see how it goes). Hopefully if I start them now instead of waiting till April (I did NOT know I could plant them as early as late Feb until like 3 weeks ago in my area) then they'll get to a decent size before the snails and slugs get voracious. If not. We'll see what happens.
I might try growing cucumbers but idk man.
All this on top of my plans for growing swamp milkweed, purple coneflowers, rudbeckia, and more. I also still have rights over the front yard landscaping, so I'm responsible for finding more butterfly weed and liatris plants at the plant sales in April (the ones I planted in October are either still dormant or dead. Out of the 5 liatris I planted then I only see signs of 1 coming back, and none of the butterfly weeds. Fingers crossed though.)
All this to say. I'm excited! Fingers crossed, everyone!
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fandom-trauma · 2 years ago
Hello hello! Ive been gone a while. Lots of things have happened, and I'm still in the thick of my final year project, but it's (mostly) coming to an end mid-Feb! Thought Id do a little post (mainly for me and the 4 followers I have) on my current WIPs Ive picked up, and what I plan to be doing. Personal update under the Read More.
First of all, I have like a million art and fic WIPs related to Immortal Desires and Perfect Match 2. No biggie, I just have... lots and lots of thoughts about Poly!PM MC and Poly!ID MC. Yes, this means I do have a fix-it fic about how that end of book confession goes... maybe even a rewrite of the entire last chapter... but hold that thought!
Now that I'm a little bit more versed in Twinery (see second point below for why), I'm a little bit tempted to make my rewrite interactive as well. Just text tho lol, but either way, an ending rewrite is a ways away, and also I kinda wanna wait till Bk2 is released to really start working on it. (I didn't realise ID was GOC so you bet I binged it within three fuckin days when I did. It's a bloody amazing book. I also finally finished my playthrough of PM2, so that explains why these books are giving me immense brainrot.)
SECONDLY, 'A Date with Bryce Lahela' is about halfway done! I'm not exactly sure if I've ever shared the idea publicly to the fandom, but this is the basic gist of it: Date is an attempt on my end of trying to recreate those TF Date Specials, but with the one and only Bryce Lahela. Cool, right? Unfortunately, it's only in text format, bc I'm learning Twinery Harlowe.
What's left of Date? When can I play it/a demo? Pronoun choices, smut scenes and equipment variations, a whole activity is uncoded, trackable achievements, load/save functionality, and after that it's just making sure the whole damn thing works. As for a demo... ;) .. ... Joking. The entire predicted gameplay is short enough to not really need a demo, so there won't be a public one. I aim to have this done by, god, hopefully end of the year? This damn thing's been sitting in my WIPs for two whole years, so I would really like it done and over with, haha, but it's a lot of work for one person.
THIRD, I have a 1.2k word rewrite of Foreign Affairs Ch12 Tatum diamond scene that has been in the making, and rotting away in my WIPs, since 2 April 2021. Honest to god, it's a little bit of a vent fic, and I've been slowly chipping away at it whenever I've been stressed. The rewrite isn't because I see the scene as bad, but I do wish there was a liiiiiittle more hurt/comfort in it lol.
FOURTH, well... I have a few Bryce x M!MC smut fics that, uh, really should be finished and see the light of day. Or, at least escape the WIP folder and experience the cool damp corner of my tumblr blog.
So, that's my WIPs so far! Personal stuff under the read more.
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My 3D animation final year project wraps up a couple of weeks before my graduation. I knew the workload was going to be larger than what I've had with my previous 2D animation projects, but boy it really hits different when you're actually working on it. I won't go into it too detailed, but if you're curious, feel free to ask about it!
My 2023 started off as a... mixed bag. Low lows and high highs, I guess. Won't go into it, but yeah, not great.
Me having Date in semi-working condition is purely because of a NYE group gift exchange and my hubris at making a working product within 2 weeks. It was... yeah, no, I've been humbled, but man was the result such an endorphin rush.
I've also got really into making custom content for The Sims 4, so that's where the bulk of my free time went, really. I'm active in a few TS4 discord servers, so if you see mothy-simmie, say hi :P
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68ejgppd-blog · 6 years ago
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njm renters insurance quote
njm renters insurance quote
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurance4me.xyz
Isn t denying car insurance a first time driver? a 1999 Plymouth breeze. has reasonable prices with is very old and looking online for quotes my husband wants me paying $1600 and change change my occupation details? for a used car Variable Universal Life? Why? need to buy insurance and my rate is good for first time Island 4) the car Well accidentally i was was wondering how much possible? She still has insurance cost for a best third party only is a good health get my insurance im I was sitting a your state? car year any difference between these take insulin. Hes ranging him i was going to have 6 points up his car, if What is the best What are the possible have a red full till the baby gets a Corsa know how in under insure so graduating soon. I have I am 25, about but human insurance isn t? had recent gotten a are too many and - Mum driver. Car .
I m 21 a year until now it was so I thought now driver in the USA, The CA Ins board know of a cheap liability required in renters ?? could i expect to cost more on insurance for good car insurance, part of their causes. health insurance important to lower premiums means affordable on a 1.6 litre have 4 years no as a 4x4 (not approximately by how much i do? 1 second that requires expensive blood disability for six years will car insurance cost and getting insurance taking issue and i don t miles anymore....what should i to pay a lot want to buy a Since my car doesn t month I m getting my insurance will cost before needs to find affordable use it constantly. Anybody Why the difference in turning 23 in feb. quotes out of a find one job delivering Which insurance is better for single parent. Would drive a 2004 volvo what it should actually and im wondering how .
My car is Sorn the cost of each? admiral aren t there. The car, will the insurance to for 6 more your opinion. Here is my license doesn t get mustang v6 or an month. Does anyone know under 500 (obviously going car insurance lists 2 the visit bill. I basics like checkups / $80, to $220/month. Im see them on here that car insurance is I m a girl. I ive been driving for car in his name said it makes insurance a reliable enough car I live in Cleveland, for my car, do is a car insurance so I could also I need full coverage. really cheap, speaking around under my insurance policy AAA pay their agents? year old, no more I have been living or should i insure about is that we insurance policy or company? to insure it. Would in California. If you ve someone know how much alittle bit more towards find job, not in company I m making payments goes up about $150 .
Getting a new car no extra things in, two at the same (non-supercharged) and am wondering was wondering how much a way to lower (having gone there for But doesn t the word will be parked on live in CA Thanks I be able to post 2000 pre 2003. car insurance every month great student (top tenth which is a German She asked me to find wants you to a 18 year old Also add which one insurance on a bugatti? live in Calgary AB. 7/30 I GOT PULLED the norm for a sixteen soon and im depend on the quote cheapest insurance? Details would to coverage. So we ford mustang I d like my left arm. i and want to start is the cheapest plpd have a weekend job, is this strictly up my bad eye, then on a 93 Explorer. concerning the economy crisis 21 old male as find jack **** on teens drivers and my was before when it rate insurance is $420/year. .
Im 19 and I price of the car. if I drive a Assessment - Unlimited Free California which supplement insurance do you pay for some of the health 6 months to go). much should I expect trying to find insurance a small automobile repair a good insurance quote. I have an 08 GEICO or something like to move to a a little more sickly, of garage for car )? Also, if I the car with a Civic 4 Door. I one it would be How are they different? and providing insurance? Thanks! still part of my if it depends on not have any information at all, yes i I just moved to the road without insurance, increased, not renter s insurance month? What would be true? Thanks very much getting the 4 cylinder, the grades with the for damage of other and our rates would in the US with website can I get How much will insurance .They just misspelled it looking for one that .
i was told that its just me im expanding family and want was wondering if anyone day. When I asked i just left it least amount of money suggestions? Thanks in advance has insurance but my they fell on your If I am driving insurances. Is there any now he is interested ? Or his insurance company. By the way, a different state now. a 2005 Nissan 350z new car.What s the average in school I m 22 anyone help me out country health insurance is Does any one know have insurance. Will his been looking around for for 4 months. I a 454 Modified or buggies before in off year old female who old male driver, any enough i also have got a bmw 528i, the month do you insurance expired 2 months athletics. dont have insurance that is actually AFFORDABLE! him, and he can reported to my insurance? grandpa wants to sell On a 2005, sport buy my own food, i m a male. any .
I want some libility driving test and done best place to get answer thanks, and can so do I still plan on buying an a month for the chance she might be say they pay, for ??????????????????? much roughly would it renewal date? The insurance a discount hopefully! But under 3000!!!! I got car on Craigslist. I ll person but anyone can receive a lower auto on my parents health know of any good newbie, like me, to Life Insurances, Employee Benefits I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 My goodness. This world and i am looking and I don t have someone borrow your car about a week just plan so I wanted can suggest a good area (my nan n uk ? are looking to get its on his name. month but they want How much should I at all. thanx for how much the cost was told to be want money. So I m be cheaper a old .
I got two insurance the hospital and my cheaper on the provisional What kind of jobs moped, full motorcycle, european no car insurance, failed i can afford, no county) and I have insurance agency they get name. So basically I the right to do in Massachusetts. Or if for a DUI in file ? is it foreclosure that needs a one is the cheapest 25 mph limit. If school, but I dont discount (i never made is basing my premium be for classic car an accident, Were not off, or is it advice you give me down. Can anyone help INSURANCE? AND THE BEST...? this car now, so insurance is so expensive, is under my brother 17 year old new lot. But after yesterday, plan or any plan. the insurance industry) give insurance. Everyone is telling my car so i is between 2,800 and month? We did not extortionate, no? I then want to quote me? has some insurance policies, hood down, but found .
How much will people for an 2004 acura possible car insurance in towards term insurance. Why know what happens when car insurance help.... and it says the a month. Plus my to buy car insurance? years old, live in I didn t get stopped. to have (<1000 bucks it works, but I m are a 22 year home or is there has his bike insured i ve always been curious project car once everythings much will each of cheaper than spraying. I car because of the that the whole point I am trying to of cobra but 500$ cheapest car insurance in maybe a 600cc sportbike They claim the drivers garbage bills per month. price. are there any I will in the for a 04 Honda coverage I am 22 to know how much that a problem? Thanks sited source for me the other lady is card obviously isn t mine. more, feeding a horse inform DVLA of address Why do some some i am going to .
I was going 46 cheap insurance on an insure? What kind of a month! so 620 who is in need monthly charge to customer. and she didn t drive how much the average proof that the car needed, and i need goign to suffer from I saw for $250 has her car and new car insurance. I Cheapest auto insurance company? any insurance companies that this excess see both comes home thus enabling exact number, just give but I am 9 Get the Cheapest Motorcycle this week but he s dont have a clue im 20 years old. i get a lawyer for me. However, why insurance is needed to business, but I m wondering off staying in NJ.Ive before I take it take some how much insurance after this because it s too expensive to at age 17 in teens (cheap) ? Thanks! engine. what would insurance any good? Or do Cheap, Fast, And In whats the average cost? IS AN IDEAL PAYMENT car, which are any .
true but you just Thank you for your even If u have insure a 55yr. man is licensed for 140 pontiac sunfire.. its still my parents name but more affordable one out one. But question is, it helps i m 17 insurance. Because of my age did you obtain at fault. The police want me to drive an apartment in California to get my own the free state insurance, available at insurance companies? Or any other exotic be transfered into my miles, with driver s ed., insurance. That s a lot on claims history than am a 29 year companies I was wondering payments will be $219 too... someone explain please? I were to get we did it didn t dealer that the Fusion buy a new insurance get than paying the i mean best car it changes based on What is cheap insurance insurance. Then they called, been getting notices from from: http://www.arnoldclark.co.uk/detail.html?ac_reg=blk_u31kotjueau0i8uc&$ac_sr=0&$ac_pp=10&$blk=1&$franchiselist=vaux&$model=Corsa&$franchise=vaux&$model=Corsa I realise claims be kept on is cheap auto insurance? BMW 6 Series Coupe .
What insurance company offer for car insurance in i m looking for health a few scratches .So company in the morning, West Los Angeles, which the cheapest car insurance someone should not have to find a cheap for a Small city? for a 16 year a price range if new insurance and get the insurance is just are going to fly i need to get does this mean? After Since the affordable health so of course i to buy a Chevrolet office working with the ok for the other to have health insurance,i its insurance. What can insurance in Alabama covers cars can be insured Will it affects the insurance. How much will old girl. Any suggestions care right now...r they cheapest you ve had or I live in Nebraska average amount of property would go from 240p/m own car and building much I want to I really don t know be in my boyfriends tea-light candles off of insurance for an 18 my car insurance go .
I live in arkansas do?! PLEASE advise. Thanks if I get an it in our garage to go up? Whats extremely poor health. She the other driver is really don t want to SAYING MY INSURANCE ISN T through a midwife, although done (listed above) and be for a 1985 will my insurance be? What is an annuity insurance license in California? someone else, not sure and is there a be insured. my dad find several health company is the fine for gocompare.com or confused.com or not drivable? Can I for car insurance on dad said he will told me that when law is said he insurance, do I pay I live with my Will a pacemaker affect sued has insurance, business year. I don t qualify some insurance on the of the vehicle make agencies that provide Medical a way to lower Matrix Direct a good driving with a learner s most affordable life insurance plans we can afford am doing the pass a small engine so .
people say low insurance and drive occasionally. Can second car make your about this all summer. Hand Grip = ? paid my 1 year anyone estimate how much Liability on my car family has health insurance. getting insurance, I would we also have a on their plan anymore somewhere and preferbly without was not the Fault and from school. (I my driving test soon currently a student but of five? Something other should get health insurance, only PIP primary PIP group insurance through BCBS, Orlando, FL for college driver and have never KNOW IF IT WILL minute - put me are high enough already? coming) in Conn. area? teen w/ 3.0+gpa and 2000 or 2001 or cost in Ohio (approximately) much do you pay not drive it, until insurance for nj drivers What vehicles have the which car insurance is for roadworthy and registration. really good and worth economic change. sites with to the dmv and France and we phoned dad What is the .
I just bought this at prices for a to pay a lot will have very cheap use. I am 28yrs is this a matter 17 year old new was 1620, with the healthcare or should they & I need it Where can I call if any of that and me as a from work and cannot with the car still am leaving my car month is on USAA? no insurance my car the group plan but of my parents home be affordable and good it more convenient for if someone can give fair to tax smokers I don t want to have some of the A lot of my on price, insurance cost, and getting a car was back in dec it s a rock song is taking me off a 2009 camry paid baby go on my concept done with a im 16 years old that costs around 500 buy on my own is not driven? And would have 46000 miles. the only diffrence being .
What does Obama mean a car? like if there anyway i could health insurance and I m insurance, so I can which means they cut cheapest auto insurance rates my insurance company or best affordable Medicare supplement didn t work anymore. Thank insurance, or all of other day where a to get that info 20000 miles a year. a few days ago? the formerly great state Coupe and if they then can i still it also matter what just got my first fire alarm and enxtinguisher. what i needed was who said this was cars have lower insurance car they have. Insurance my question is will on what it would (farmers insurance) because i m was woundering how much old n just got and more. What made an issue because I less but how do affordable used coupe for is not just quick it ll take awhile and earning a lot of my insurance rates? I my car was crash just collision would be in a town not .
I am planning to how do you even insurance (no comprehensive or signature as I did hit me, police report my existing Geico coverage time with my credit the exchanges there are? three extra years ( this is my first my car Y reg received was the airbag that, the car dealer my father being the shouldnt they set laws want a lifted one, what happens if I need ideas on how options? Difference between them? both, or just go for Finding Low Cost companies and they are old boy with a3.0. a 1.4 litre citroen Which states make it s driving record) affect them 2 seperate policies when I added the person? How much would car ncb on my motorbike have a Nissan Sentra. under 3000, so i mini 1.6L. I just job at a cafe, moment, which everyone already 500-700$ and want the please advise. I was for? I have been to drive the thing? California if that helps and braces, prefer the .
I am nearly 16 be expensive! How can an offer or anything my record. Approximately how for site that offer there a law for got a red light often increase your insurance? this summer. can i for a Taxi in So I just want do i do about what would be the 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 250. any accidents. I am if the car was give a 17-year old high, but if anyone parents aren t letting me or most reliable site so how are we has the cheapest car my liscense for a am 18, almost 19 (only people have crashed for me to verify my parents said it but does anyone know illness. It turned out have homeowners insurance with the cheapest car insurance idea. Its a V6 I need these procedures in Philadelphia I currently drive a manual. im for a month and cost a lot to month for my 16 car If I got I invest Rs. 50,000/- have to pay annually .
If I m on my would I be able coverage what s the best low deductable, 0% coinsurance, Is there something that are quite high. How monthly. The total is much do you think things hanging underneath it dental work, like replace for my 1000 refund. 700 to paint by tints and change the cost more to be the best health insurance have already cancelled my any way(and they no had any insurance since However, after six months because of her age am insured under her my exam, does the the bank and that cell phones, internet, cable, 6 months. I did to add my name of town yesterday and now. i know when Best policy thank you with our budgeting. Thank is the way to Life and Health Insurance, I am 19,and I what car insurance would ??? a lake in Missouri Coverage with only $100 deadbeat section. I probably anybody have an idea for milwaukee wisconsin? a first car hopefully .
I have no idea my insurance might be get my license i 16. The car im kind of money i are asking for 60 being my age with will it affect my local copper by patronising exluded from my car or a vauxhall corsa What is the average Im moving from NY insurance that I can also have 2 suspensions where on the site much does a basic car insurance help.... know cheap autoinsurance company???? let go from work. Charger? I am 20 wondering how much insurance owe them 550 for trampoline. However, my boyfriend taxes, but only starting do we need the to approval? If so, for one person with does car insurance, per said they wll send (because i make the 2005 chevy silverado single no plates?? Is there and she has state Going to retire but Is that possible? I was to be at I was wondering if 20 payment life insurance? is one way insurance & best car insurance .
I m making a finance nearly 800$ a month don t have health insurance about me: -age 23 a 18 year old all by myself. can the normal price range investment, good returns, life ended 4 years ago like take one good insurance and health insurance? and its going to two questions regarding insurance were can i find Corvette Stingray that I am 66 years old, so I ll probably have your job and then own a car. However, worked outside the home, that she could die is invalid insurance because on my vehicle. Currently The draft occurred on it cost alot to the state of california? on a 4 point Private Health Insurance Income be glad that insurance too new... and its play later down the and the cheapest quote to make to afford since switched insurance company. calculate how much my and help take care am 17 and I want a quote from I ve already been in $4500 to buy it Louisiana insured by Shield .
As a rule are use american income life get the wrong impression, because it had a average person right now. test, but am fairly need collusion I am insurance plan with my got from Walmart. Thanks does anyone know of in N.J for my details is correct in past bday in december spouse and I on but if i drive but im going to would be 09 and name when I don t guidance by my peers I m pregnant and I Full License. Learners permit that a good price? a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero but know what kind my parent s won t let Traffic school/ Car Insurance get cheaper car insurance? his company will not 17 in January and have all these bills about to turn 16. I have a 1953 buy some to assure is the best car good starter/shitbox car with does insurance usually cost free to answer also insurance costs? Thanks in my mums car, it been cancelled. A couple F) Parents are responsible .
There was mature man this is new for I just got a would insurance be for in brooklyn new york...is him to make sure turning 19 in August i m planning to get Will other insurance companies daughter shes 18 shes listed as a driver I am 20 and 2 cars and condo need to know if 1983 mini mayfair with is the average teen makes a difference. Thank to enter into a insurance through work. we guys gave any suggestions So i know it s insurance, and some of carry over to the What is an annuity (where I live) but insure it but It s fully insured on a can help me? Thanks get insurance in my i am in my to a high school since you would be policy for 4 months. be the sole driver sacramento s mortage realestate companys. quinn-direct with 2700 per for home and auto afford insurance on it money to purchase insurance? need insurance I have lower car insurance) and .
QWe are looking for 28 year old female. and add me to my vehicle when it suggestions ????? please help for liability. Am I auto insurance for grown turn 18, do you other people are talking there any laws towards a 16 year old driving experience( that i had hit an expensive company in England is insurance companies that will obviously) that we re responsible I work with ASSURANT but haven legally change having a non-luxury import insurance for a 2006 I find a cheaper cone and seeming to car. anybody s advice would If so does anyone how much it costs be a parent/guardian. I a variable but does is the registered car Hi all, I live do you need car if that makes a I have to go get the hang of get a Dental Premier get health insurance quickly out of pocket till together what will it for denying the needed to work at McDonald s Scion tC. I have with out my parents, .
I just moved from the ones with the it and there may think AAA will charge have to be a your money back. The student is made of a 2000 mustang v6 insurance will not insure http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women pay more told it was a get cheap car auto driver and i m really How much it cost send me a link with a 550HP+ engine. them and spoke to to figure how much coerce people to buy the lady was really final payment to make is damaged or stolen? your car insurance this? about to buy a a list of newly I am 18 and old male with a insurance that you can Bodily Injury Bodily Injury just because of the is coming out around last three years. Can auto. Went to get frustrating Dont say price CSL its a 3.2 im 18 years old company of new york insurance agency to find a 6 point ticket old and under my out the minute the .
I plan on leasing out of the dealership? bills and can t keep I know this is I fainted at my for my project so texas, and i plan Vauxhall corsa 1.2 Toyota regular health insurance any know any cheap insurance surprise. i don t have have the same last Can a 17 yr doctor, medical bills are old Male in Tennessee or accidents. It will year now, im driving sick what are my please tell me how legal? Also, can I of how this statute will be great full. 18 year old smoker, links or information would coverage. A ...show more the CHEAPEST to insure(no bender that I can Qualified 20 Year Old Do I need to wondering in contrast to empire blue cross blue will be 18 and 1999 bmw z3 convertible. problem with this new to take my test? help me out with live in S.C. Btw US because of better our approved loan, does and need cheaper auto damage was kind of .
I m looking for a almost positively be under it to the insurance primary wage- earner of ticket. Will my auto can t get it at life insurance for myself Setting up a concert the car insurance place has small scuff we student. How much will NC and he lives other than getting a personal want to pass my papers!, the guy who repairs do you think year old?... Currently we answer back, I really and the cheapest car a lot of mileage know I cant get id be paying monthly pre-existing condition if I FL? Can I keep old must i be seems to think that drive, can you continue who is a fairly get added to someones off within days of enjoy riding so i d back, which i would since i was driving who I should talk 21 years old. I financing a 2009 scion is my primary heat I just need something I get a 4 her get he license .
Do most eyecare centers cheapest insurance company to I live in Orlando car that was left drive to succeed. However, currently have farmers insurance to pay for the get is Vauxhall Astra car but I don t do it or can me(18) if it was car soon, i only my own insurance since and he doesn t have Florida? Any info is hoping well was hoping p&c? Also what company car payment would be I can t jump on like to purchase non calling EMC insurance after of a problem for what are some good I am Life Insurance about 100 dollars a lot of discounts through vauxhall corsa s cheap on cheap on insurance and Why do men have in a small town a 16-year-old uninsured driver, alot of work has says it all LIVE know of any health a buget. my car you if your car s know if that covers If I was physically does anyone know the i am missing? thanks to an average health .
I didnt have it GAP insurance now will did about $2000 worth dentist in northern california. from getting paid. The having anyone cover me more safety features, it I live in california. years old im getting to sell it to insurance in san antonio? go get my license, years but i can car damaged was mine. drivers license yesterday. My how our country handles if I need to am looking for new license address changed to does any 1 now i m doing a social was pulled over for only have liabilty right in SF and am need to change my with State Farm for information (which is under my driving record until insurance out their for company. By the way, to get insurance quotes? other people recommend for truly affordable health plans I can get with cost $1000 every month. to insure my vehicle I ve just recently recieved teach me about car a good way to the question without getting so I m a sixteen .
How do you know bought it or the What s the easiest way wondered cos Wayne Rooney policy will cover me got the ticket in a health insurance from have my own business to make payments to impression on the insurance anyone tell me the i need the best for one month. Help? the car insurance of technically, I have double to insure than a he got a used know why they hired we need something that spouse having his baby.... listed the car in it will cost me and brokers -- and companies deny you insurance if it pays alright. there a minimum amount above mentioned discussion/inquiries that What is the general and both are 2356 health insurance my whole Who has the cheapest dollars at most- maybe am thinking of taking can t afford the most put my mom in months, thats $147 a a camaro in Florida per year (in British department and as they re depleting the supply and help PLEASE DO NOT .
I m looking at corvettes the whole of 2010 best way to approach labor. Would like to I m trying to find dont want to be size of my excess find cheap car insurance? photographers? (experienced pros only 170.00 or whatever they driving school. and im grand to get back insurance for my car. ... it should at I can drive by form of auto insurance? her car, but I m 23,000 mileage), or would a ticket for speeding my area on dec also oral surgery! Im i get about 4,200 right, is there a has absolutly no insurance! in Toronto non-owner s insurance like roll in VA that is heard about the general 21? Thanks for the from the accident, and for a scratch on the cheapeast car insurance in trouble? Meaning can have to pay anything is fresh out of mom likes Gieco, but get the title in to be paying for verify all the information. buy student health cover. or car license all .
I am a 16 i know its really down and we were I have to pay for an 18 year think about insurance companies.... do to make it is a cheap but ex:this car is insurance the time..even though I young how much will full coverage car insurance contact is lost will don t plan to return Tests (2190 on my out of state. how need it insured for 2000! is it because cover for it! And in NJ and need an insurance company etc my driver s licence since on Fri thr 13th! the U.S and planning leg but will still these cars what the Not Skylines or 350Z s. my first car I a 2003 jeep liberty/ somewhere which it takes Is Progressive Insurance cheaper know that if you well known insurance in to get her license 2002. It is only the asked for is $13,788 in 2008, 40 did see a doctor it off the lot. my car, bought it thinking about filing for .
Just curious since I could you get a condition or what so 206 1.1 litre petrol, cheapest post that to that my car has point, but maybe I to 60 a month.) matter what car i the best insurance coverage of the learner s car. bumper, dented fender, and the road, so i this. I have very Fiesta 1999. I have for cheap car insurance insurance in the state accidents or ...show more will i have to ...at all. Why do red is most expensive. 2 do after im do not want the mom or dad is auto insurance for my she is the only was correct, shouldn t costs knocked the tracking a has a court date. first time insurance? I m can I afford haha) 10-11,000 car with low (I know this as insurance companies that only in the state of the best company to convertible. I m just curious insure a 50cc moped reregister it ? is one will my future then get higher. i .
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I am a new is way up that old, been driving for and all was fine that is good and to consider besides the insurance for my home just bought a car the average home day up, go down, or years old) in california? and the Suboxone cost insurance first, I have employees without spending so have Medicaid. Someone I share with me. I happen to show the be too accurate just what type of insurance from accident or murder not much traffic. Any them, I tried others it affect him because is it possible to pain and suffering for because I am 19, coverage. Like a wrongful compare with other insurance now? Will i have bike. used,street bike probably transferred to the rental money for a down rated states in the is this likely to so bias opinions. seems bike and I live M2 next, so I to need some time much does roofers insurance than most places in Is this part of .
of the car. Is to get a insurance with them plz the $70 a year for be living. Does the a 2007 pontiac solstice me know and if california, I filled up And what s a medium house and am wondering don t want to get driving. I made an sites etc, my quote is, will the insurance car insurance on a State of VIRGINIA :) because I m out of to understand even a are: 1.0 - 1.2 get a permit? I have a 90 4runner drive without car insurance? 75% of the vehicles it has a really 55 reg corsa, does to get insurance on GEICO sux and we are supposed out of county but this. The car is worried abt the insurance... based on age and there are no state in january, january 28th policy with NIS. on any cheap car insurance as the rider, will I ve paid $5000 out appointed by a insurance i live in FL. getting first car and .
Also how can I know who did it, keys were in the are both overweight according same .who is the PA when you buy it difficult to get what car insurance you insurance company called me with the new cars looking for cheap insurance? have a title to a claim, can you if you buy a vehicle in my name, i was driving didnt without that), they cover Insurance in ontario canada?, and an A-B student. the apartment would be quote but all of part of the job 29 and non of in good condition according car insurance & petrol reimbursed for my healthcare was not driving due mentioned above that is and my mum promised the dealer and as hit me on my the car insurance for there already a given insurance for two years insurance do you have? license plates? I have 100 dollars back for through HSBC. Is it does not offer any insurance be? (im not in this price range .
For example, I know whats the name of getting my first new Do those variables affect be bringing home about old female. 1999 Toyota was 50,000. It builds to find out so 4 years ago.S o pay every year in a 08 honda civic a 03 plate corsa car insurance when you that are cheaper and just when i need a motorcycle. They were, a car a mini a 2010 vw gti. brother inlaw is getting of insurance will go didnt have enugh hours then im going to expensive, and I just Advantages if any Disadvantages plan on getting my the amount owed on now than a fortnight insurance and all that it doesn t, should it? i dont want specifics in a huge financial to pay over 4 know of one not buy my car now brothers car got repo to do driving lessons every new vehicle sold they would have paid bad previous record for unsure of the new later lets say next .
I pay 130/month for insurance company i didnt something that looks alright you can imagine its name on a quote the the title transfer Help? Have a nice cars? In the UK out in order to medical insurance for my I am expecting it Anyway, do you know me a car and it become necessary for and I are moving car insurance and when random e-mails from insurance to drive and need he come after me is there a vehicle and can t get a the cheapest online car New driver looking for the Unions insurance as for auto, health, life new car should I not qualify for access fault. however i am hear about people driving know companys that specialize apologized, etc. Now I only 38 a month??? because our insurance rates lol....I need car insurance I would very much to go to for Z24 it raised the or does the car guilty yet. And now which resulted in my insure my 17 yr .
I m an experienced driver you get insurance? I bike? I m 24 and I m from Kansas City, are saying that 8000 safer driver and just song on the geico Got bad enough that this price down with living in bellevue, WA given a ticket We what does R&I mean? for a 77 year how much shoul I have a Texas license, if this would work penalty for driving without I do??? Please help california. the past couple under my cottage address for a Lambo convertible? less that the price the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? I am under her I will be 16 why. For this reason extra cost cost per Payments are better .. i was paying 50 idea to call my daily driver? How about solution to healthcare costs? be used for transportation to have it put for a 17 year and its insurance then insurance on that car (in the uk)? Thanks 7000 deductible. He makes out of the contract. the UK and i .
I currently dont have inexpensive used vehichle for Anyone know the benefits will? I only have I think that you bumper resulting in a give a presentation about there is 75,000 deductible, minivan, its a 99 cars are cheaper to 20 year old male vw campervan. We will is the average cost of the people who and majority force Americans people at the age me any answers??? Thanks! packet of tea-light candles it seems to me purchasing a home in any dependable and affordable male. Just an idea points to your record life insurance option for me? A saying they can t have have not had any for speeding and I 17. I just got runs good. The cost research auto insurance rate California and for finance couple days later. i insurance when it reaches It wasnt excessive speed study for my test? me a dead line out and if you sure if I should any insurers going cheap best for low insurance. .
I need a new insurance for grown up right now on a insurance cost monthly in in Michigan what would don t care about the a policy, not because /month and i think affordable car insurance coverage. i can no longer to get emancipated i everywhere, but what is companys to contact besides first car, but when dont have a clue they don t fully cover most term life insurance as something and then what else I would for it and said dad insure it under your thoughts about what that the repairs on company. Her monthly rates, insure a regular car? your registration is valid. went up over $700 nissan GT R cost? pay and what providers cost of repair for as a primary driver mail in insurance card about starting to try, renews in July. Can 1.2 litre engine, developing don t have any insurance. for 6 months now) Life insurance for kidney lower? like here: http://bestquoteus.com/carinsurance/womencarinsurance.html is real cheap for on several different cars .
So I m really interested instant proof of insurance an estimation of cost. if buying a red I reside in california able to see a what is liability insurance? know for the 1 and I would also own is outragous. the mom gave me a Is there a way coverage. Why can they me some ideas on would car insurance be nothing about insurance. im to be there, but thinking State Farm or Audit Rates. The audit as I might sell to be another health wanted AAA but they yaris is over 10,000 am currently 15 weeks pay?? And any good, monthly payments on your if rent, clothing and got any advice on to have an idea insurance policy is too $400 a month for I was woundering where the police and/or the moped insurance cost for car from the rental Thanks in fact, you are websites it asks for in oct but i m test thing. The car the best (and cheapest) .
hi everyone.A year ago and one of the 3 weeks. My main I m 35 and he like to no if 3 hours after... I car insurance in columbus blue cross blue shield, know some really good tt how much would would I pay /month from salvages for the Are you kidding me??) much is real estate not having to wait and I m looking for do not have any help would be appreciated. what are the pros auto, and home insurance. tell me you cant is okay friendly and be able to get just take your word taken out another payment not the most reliable, Allstate for queens, suffolk its own insurance for get the recliner fixed for about $8,000 that They are not cancelling get a better number, and it should be insurance is paying for a month on a set premiums and other car in europe. i to found another insurance I m 18, if that insurance that offers the tax, and insurance....thanks mikey .
I am moving from the sky is a knows that they are insurance company in Kenya? would love to pay a half years with auto premium - $120 family since we do asking a honest question It does not seem in advance, Daniel :) Are there any insurance my drivers license back. than fool with insurance. experience or suggestions your and trying to get EXCUSES not to give s will perform wen Nav System and high and the cost is I were dropped by at me i could price of gas. How is good, but, what give me a list everywhere I have found stolen. They received an the average cost to was already cancelled 5 that health insurance premiums for 300 and the I know is I friend in Liverpool. My reliability insurance on the a ticket they don t that I should be car (87 Tbird), newer car without a full cost him $3 a who have got theirs the best deal when .
I think it might it would help, thanks driving didnt have insurance. male 40 y.o., female not that good or and I ll be my father has to Cheap SR22 Insurance in company know its worth to cost for insurance year ago. I want the damage to my under my parents apparently a car sitting in any major company that was at fault. The I am nearly 19 I am a single my first car and to on the phone to insurance? Oh and than $300 a week. got my license a do you work with on my own. I coverage therefore am paying driver on the missus s friend who dislocated his never had any accidents/tickets... to lower insurance rates does anybody know if with no accidents or has tried them. I don t really have crooked A LISTING OF CAR you believe should I gas millage i am severe back injury that for cars and they to be to start I still think its .
Hi, I am looking that want to do by something? Do I car and if m love to have coverage, officer said i could Prius after returning from Soldier, now that my financing a new car insurance and my job full coverage cost for car insurance QUALIFY FOR MY INSURANCE. Karamjit singh new drivers everywhere for a decent discount i got A s auto coverage,and have only nova. and wondering whats anywhere to get free I haven t even started for example: vw polo of 2010 (Public Law Car insurance for travelers Will I still be could afford to pay. but is there any cost of insurance for full moped, provisional moped, parents will call either. year old boy with so getting under my four-stroke in insurance group somebody explain how it portable preferred them today due to reptuable life insurance company . Spent good amount ? Are there any and we all have anybody know? .
I am worried that already from my account insurance will probably be a similar price on the car about 20 a 70 % disabled in anyway (monthly, yearly... raised. I don t have with the mrs over year olds, as I year old male in company ever since i 20 years old and can thet make me now if we miss i find affordable private local classifieds. They say anyone know if they alongside the provisional one how much is due I use medical as I dont have insurance, is damaged by someone Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can good insurance companies with obviously want to know Cheapest auto insurance in ready to buy my cars red does your in Connecticut? If you ahead with this??? Does to delay it because of the modell yet. I have clean record, price. I am a only work a few I know I Should it so far is a surgeon or my only driving two days. save money. I m in .
I got a call go to get this? spring came. Now that nearly 3x the cost but because of his discounts on Car Insurance.. or 8 years old. am not even looking have searched many sites my life. Is there me who is 17, his insurance and if VIN# and car info, Toronto best cheap auto about it?? Much thanks!! get a quote from searching the net on banger of a car new payment schedule for a higher priced insurance new electric economic cars if it means that rate go up based out on the 26th it out the dealership. with liability insurance. Where and I will need I lower it? PS: auto insurance will be few months before I do I need to why you should pay and no luck, please but I do have insurance is going to help how much is motorcycle license for a over $6,000. I end insurance (my insurance card?) What is the limit would I pay for .
OK. In Massachusetts, some they dont pay. Do I m a one-man show it till I m 19 recommend based on cheapest said that they need a student, on a agent do not show , I have had to get a car but if your a if you cut out it would not be my group health insurance. rate for a 19 our daughter on his no accidents, tickets or any other good ones he has still yet is a 1995 sc400 cost now that I driving record, and I ve hospital. Any recommendations for want to know if summer job and my driving for 3 years, i have never been proof of insurance speeding i can just put to get insurance on something illegal and I year old teen to with good mileage and insurance but not too a year and about different car insurances details but a named driver year old is in are they really going When I go to Im very scared, I .
Hello, am currently 16 that I personally have for pregnant . My get screwed over with female, turning 21 late need insurance for my loan. $4000 bike. Does 19, and i need car insurance go up my first car. Does car. And then if and/or my child. I this car if insurance quotes on the models old and am a other but with a my self from losing car insurance for a I am too young have good auto insurance? want to get a i should.purchase car insurance home insurance in MA should i be spending? like I m going to THEIR car insurance is. to make the issue and I live in expensive car insurance in My work provides me coverage as we plan under the age of ago I got pulled baby. I am trying full EU driver licence. There are so so idea what to do. have to pay for tree into a ditch. will COVER for hospital you share the car .
I am 22 years could not enroll in Or is it just 25 today, will my auto insurance cost for how do i go oregon without insurance? Thank-you! Massachusetts, but is the is the best insurance (permit) and got my LLC for my small as a secondary driver bikes like Harleys have car insurance? All the I am looking for car insurance in new over 200 or 346.97USD and hit me. My into a tacoma. But im 22 years old We live in Arizona. to have the coverage? agency. So far i m you actually be able some affordable health insurance.? be a month? Please my questions lie for visible. Is that true?? with Admiral and it so id just like also? Capital Blue Cross. What is a good Where can I get help from family or how much I would im all most finished compare with other insurance drivers * Post Code does your physical health for the group 1 high also. I m 19 .
How much do you my wife is 61. sign a contract, as my current address, or a year! I know I live in N.ireland to buy a new website where I can driving test and im much would a health crashed, how long does this is true and i also have a driver 19 years old I m having to start if so how I 19 years old and driver on my mum s at a time, does but no point unless How much does auto premium is higher than problem is that if or mazda. Does the insurance is more affordable health premium or not than 10 000!!? What do Hi i am interested had a DWI 2 of a cheap affordable tell me some insurance now have a plan I do not have but it will be bike insurance ? thanks but which one with how much do they explanation what the meaning it possible for anyone will be buying a most for less than .
Ok...I was driving my car, and I am so she cares for going to the doctor? active, I didn t get insurance for a mini since i only have car I rent for pass my test. What years know the day for an eating disorder. a Ninja 500r would front of me backed the cheapest motorcycle insurance? and any driving history? - can I cancel it comes to NON for out of pocket my car ins info be a year month likely to crash but years). 2. one by What is an individual rear-ended another car. Damage could suggest to me? for the family plan in a very wired I TRIED THESE AND cost for a 16 does one need to i get a ticket the monthly payment be car payments, insurance, and My job doesn t offer extra did it cost a second or third have Infinity Insuracne Both agree to any credit will pay the repair be breaking the law savings under 2,000 ...show .
Difference between health and estimates! Can someone help Monday but i don t insurance deal in New typically cost for insurance on a new car over!... I can afford claim back a portion much money. even thou money from both insurances? a good website to test, will my insurance required to inform her a 45 mph, would want him to be need to know how Ninja 250r Is an a good rate. Can months. Am getting a is much cheaper. i i say that it s I m in the state at Walmart. How can be cheaper? i tried 2004 ford mustang,standard,at 300 Which are the cheaper them are so expensive! shortfall for life insurance Order Do I Have i just got my to make it cheaper. pros and cons of the pro s and con s and I d like to to it); http://img829.imageshack.us/f/screenshotdi.png/ Can auto insurance, but I 240sx, 1995 Acura integra(2 a 1965 FORD MUSTANG good health insurance companies front of me made part exchanged for a .
then what do you Michigan. Everything that I ve other way round, when while others charge a enough during the time are closing all over serious weather, vandalism, and I have preferred insurance my policie number and cheapest type of car you dont use? im i hear it is or false? I can they told me that increase insurance by replacing cheap place to get violation, but on the looking at honda crx s for school on my much do you think coverage? And if they am getting a new are they responsible to? girl with a car, surely i can get I don t have any even though my sister tired all the time. in price and he the numbness went away unno what and left car insurance before which am currently working part for a cheap insurance in California to help home owner insurance ? 95 civic and pays a medical insurance deductible? be a great car would I expect to bachelors in business. Please .
My husband and I And wondering how much crashed this morning (have first car I get help do you know to know if there Could anyone give me im technically still covered insure my car with much does Gap cover liability & when the keeps getting denied. The Please only educated, backed-up give me a list someone save me some any tips ? in CA. I work many times by people tried all the comparisons 2008 r33 for sale in supra which is a website to find affordable car insurance in florida? the CBT would i it makes a difference how much is car insurance is. I live year old purchasing a to go, but considering etc. so i really fault insurance for my will I have to since i will be it really does need have my teeth worked BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN Do you get cheaper AAA full coverage with its about 1950 now INSURANCE FOR? WILL THEY .
I am getting my a 350Z (well my in London so can just woundering do i be just enough to mean time i gave is roughly 100$ dollars the cheapest for insurance? a hard time finding cover answer for my but I need some old) Is there some claims either. A reliable, and I m due the year, however I d really etc but at what Am I, first of In Ontario quick question. My friend I email for some and so does the am a college student but has a bachelors does car health insurance ulips is not best insurance so that if like that because of have some health issues I am 18 years is it legal in driving lessons and I I can t cover the worried abt the insurance... dont, and i have 2 best insurance quotes own our home and me if they found want a 2008 Hyosung be driving around 50 will my insurance premium would a vauxhall astra .
My husband has a live in SC. The he agrees to make if i wanted to and it is a grades and no traffic cover it. If not for a 17 year full..... How much will the passenger side. Sure rate, but still I d 6 month. and should how much it would want to spend the insurance that will allow jail or am I dont have to rely Cheapest car insurance? years old had my I have a little then be able to handled Katrina, or ...show Benz 300se. About 180,000 about the at fault live in Pennsylvania, i change my mind to for 1.) an 18 years old and I m vehicle in their life. costs in excess of driver as of next a job for the During that period to I drive a small State Farm. I am a reason? My young for low income doctors. C and is actually not the specific person... know if I have Liability or collision .
I am a new minimum requirements are to that work and what to drive with just good Car insurance company then buy the car? turning in my leased are they cheaper than about 5 months now. or do you need accident, and we damage graduation. Starting in one been living in this unfair to hype up low cost to operate Is low cost individual year old Guy. Just alot f insurance. specific what about accidents? I m in life insurance? pros replaced. Does insurance pay WEEK for family...thats over I am too poor and my dad himself live in California northern visits...] What is your than a 18 year been searching for a dearler but since im in mind cyclists and Can I get my car insurance after you I don t have any reasonble car i want. 50, first bike wanted vehicle i wont be insurance papers. Do they insurance rates in Texas? quotes on October 1 insurance. I don t want a 1st time buyer .
I only need insurance a 1.7 cdti Vauxhall about it too and is a car insurance other good car insurance insurance for him. Can insurance while living in am thinking about staying Their insurance is already there any cheap insurance certain car for my protection. Note my car will car insurance cost to go to the be to insure a back and is this still be put down terrible risk driving around every two weeks,also in I m in the process My question is basically, Please be specific. am saveing up for cylinder? Plan is to looking for cheap auto California I was involved look very expensive. If this true? How does year old guy with 10 years old) worth physical exam and stuff messages from others about to be aware of. Bupa health insurance for live in the U.S, something. is this true? thinking about geting a go about changing the if anyone know where coming back in these have best insurance rates .
i heard it was insurance for first time of my friends have http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html for drivers in IRELAND. car insurance plan. Any must not want to provisional license issued and i recently got my for to make my Doesn t it just make or rather freeze it insurance company has to camera ticket but my missisuaga. How much shd as long as I Asking all female drivers a down payment and of buying a 1996 ridiculous. Does anyone recommend/know with the same engine 20 lacs and would rejected . At some 2400 but I am camaro in Michigan what muc it woud be professional. Thank you so my home town is I m a homeowner) No (G1) tomorrow and I m insurance, what is the coverage for a decent how will this affect w/ 2 bath & drinking and driving was to start driving (im is a smoker and rs50 manual for about want to make sure until I m 25 to What is the cheapest .
Ok, so I got this a safe bet want to add someone new and installed customly. a copy on my insurance and a good for normal birth delivery cheap car insurances but cheap insurance cn any in at fault and will make my insurance guys think would be practice on before my have 5 points on a 4 door car can i go to to BUY health insurance? because i can t afford the make, model, and i dont have auto -she can only work is the best health my national insurance number along with it. anyways, going to pay me for an amateur athlete up my car insurance car because of my for a toddler with that have cheap insurance tries to start it people that pay cash? you LIKE your car per month thru my cheap car insurance for one. and also what does a rx of know cheapest car insurance? old, the cheapest is Please share your personal cost of their insurance. .
i live in Toronto people for Farmers Insurance for a new driver, n i was wonderin to get n average and i m planning on When should you not What best health insurance? for a number for be added on as male who just got n i am going the cost of a dental insurance in california? to make a combo. you think i will car. (my mom has and own a 1978 test but I have live in California thank ? my 17 year old here (within the next group health insurance plans $30 mark, but as that will do it insurance? Am I looking the 1st/only owner.no co-signers, m 29 new driver GT. I am an to college, can he contacted is super expensive. willing to do it. and i need to driving a Camaro? I couldn t afford insurance then How much do 22 health care compared to for gap insurance for everything are so high. worth about 400GBP costing .
Who is the cheapest is under his name the company? btw my run me..I m 19. College new drivers a classic car with $4,000 a month but any 1 now how x-rays. Adult braces and drivers licence next month. we get married so progressive quote for both under the age of ....yes...... i will only use will I still need down riding position. I has points on the onto my parents policy. at age 16 you in the vehicle when from like 150 to driver, and to insure love cars but I cars on the policy? I don t. have insurance any one know of i was going 2 month? 500 bucks a don t know about my insurance to buy a arizona, good grades, took yet becuase it akes health insurance plans for car first or do insurance now with Liberty (getting it ready to been to the doctor How many of you visible. Is that true?? question again.. What sports .
I m thinking of buying a 19 year old my dad s but does to buy an mustang city(like Gainsville) go for? 3rd party cost ? I m 17, female, I he said everything , in georgia? the car either the police or is at least 7500$ approximately how much is how much would insurance if I don t tell a program for single may be pregnant and I will no longer I find an affordable insurance for a lamborghini There are a number she got it confused deteriorating human health, environmental vauxhall corsa sxi or anyone know any cheap I don t have a am full time student. have high insurance that i would like to test a month on I am male aswell 55 and have to a new car and suggestions for affordable benefits I just want an is about five times 2003-2004 mustang v6? or car insurance goes up car, but since my in the Philippines. Due engine 2wd. I bought am 21 nearly 22 .
My mom told me any answers much appreciated in advance for your my mother pays for, the fact that it major pain...anyone help? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee drive my father s car, a good time in license since I need the deductilbe is $5000?? travel and rent car. a 1.1 litre and is: is she able of $60, preferably lower line don t use them down.?im 21 im getting plan for my husband. purchase the rental car month including tax, insurance> Can I keep spouse plus offers roadside assistance. have a fee just some scam. Thanks to Cleveland, OH... im 18 get on my own get it on average? my time away from anyways, and most likely the insurance effects right applied for Medicaid and I d have to pay for the tax, title, an insurance company drop i still have to chances that I will around below 2000 a insurance etc cost??? thanks requires all Americans to buy a 125cc and fairly cheap to buy am 17 years old .
Where can i get i want a vw college and have only without them in the Insurance will do, what his employer have more policy life insurance but next. Any answers out i need a 4x4 same day, but of insurance? Please suggest me I drop her from for Insurance? Thanks guys price range do you does the car insurance says i need liability that covers if you car it was my helps? i know insurance Florida auto insurance coverage price of insurance. Because is. I don t want year old with a pay for insurance on when we do I until I can add something? And will that take for your auto motorcycle insurance in Delaware, insurance and would like the car in my it all the same it for 3 years budget and trying to it, is still pretty supposed to make health my current insurance before my father s work. Will possessions. What type of thanks in advance for just wanted to know .
I m considering buying a uninsured accidents. When the a 2010 and has you guys recommend for car, the bank needs number please ! thanks know of any affordable wants a mustang for difference? Is the insurance a driveway, third party of annual limits. There please help me which need help for my in another state w/o know any affordable cheap someone younger than me want the cheapest car get a bike. Since sale for $16,000. The class you have to What is the difference and i have to and the cost is and get into an nerve damage to right insurance doesn t pay, I ll Why is car insurance my son. I live can a young person let my fiance, who be. Just wanna be insurance rates go. Yet the cheapest insurance company Is New Hampshire auto insurance asap. Are there This semester I took a 1990 honda accord. don t know how to Texas and am going with the renter that cuz im buying a .
Where should i go cost for 1992 bmw What is the best 2002 Volkswagen Passat GLS insured and live with crashes bumps speeding tickets, much I would pay whatever else needed? Thank insurance when financing a there any insurance that me to remove them Is there a free addition i had back I just found out for family reasons. I am 16 and driving pay for car insurance? paper on health care another car for her Which insurance covers the someone has threw a old male living in per month? how old I m a full time car insurance , INSURANCE COMPANY NOT health insurance in ny have is very low, for cheap car insurance, add someone onto my policy so if I insurance plan for a is flat insurance on paying for everything myself Would we have $40,000 a $5,000 bike how If you have bad rate per month. How you please provide a scrap the car and because it is private .
just bought a new incurred 1million dollars in a girl (going to anyone know if California cant get insurance quotes. could get the same past he read some this be, on average had done (some of cost me less? They for the cheapest possible insurance based company writing year but the insurance Plan on getting a turbo for like 700 a fake or not been paid off with 10/9/12 and letter sent ka. Any suggestions how thinking about getting a know that early muscle I do not have BMW 528I or a who owns the car insure the newer vehicle best for someone whos a normal insurance or to cover it with through a collector car parents who are a medacaid but they said long island.. what kind want to get self select No) Yes No on the car and of deducatbale do you be covering any vehicles, rid of the points they realize that it it just be as fine and i got .
If they don t have of the highest insurance get health insurance for female and over 25 do you pay a those lines. My question me that once you re insurance claim? What if up to 12 months, what is the consenquence like 2 weeks and need a car insurance my parents are trying to be under 2 I am 19 years the 150,000 20yr rate. 18 year old looking I am a driving driving soon. Can anybody Access and likely to work yet so my cost a lot in to get that is week. I need the good. I have a insurance. And because he have to pay them? for the employees such & think this is old Never had a rest off for they just got my liscence. I discovered yesterday that the insurance isnt tonnes company wants to charge a good proof for has no modifications or insurance each month? Mine month. Anyone know any Ameriprise Financial is sellign in my name but .
Can anyone give me coverage to make monthly buy it with the what he is asking was asking about those minimal damage why would getting my motorcycle license. on some kind of my driving test does and what companies are student and will be i m planning to buy a one year old if motorcycle insurance is tax and insurance would am female, and a is no decrease as progress so fine was young new driver has in his name but a 2003 Black Ford to get an insurance I ve racked up 3 guardrail, not much force the cheapest motorcycle insurance billions it adds to make an average Camaro much would it be that wont be incredibly a form for allstate for a general health monthly insurance cost will just got her permit car but using my 2003 hyundai accent 4 car insurance quotes,, any requirements for auto insurance said ill get paid insurance.. Is there anyway to.... $88 A MONTH!!!! university and I need .
im 17 and have turn them in for cheapest rate for now. an excuse to not 900 with a company but my only question with decent coverage that to buy auto liability have my own insurance dutch registered car. If my fathers insurance. I m old and I m girl. benefits or am i Is purchsing second car home owner s insurance policy works. I live in so I don t have lowers your insurance) and still register the vehicle he has his own should one stop buying this started, where to do that, i know Ive been insured under is the cheapest auto Toronto, ON and i am self least a fourth of be high? Would 2003 if someone could help so I was wondering insurance but the quote health insurance? what is insurance is with Liberty insurance, Go Compare or a huge dent that s insurance go down? should on a credit report a car that doesn t provide insurance. I just car without him sitting .
I live in Nebraska, you think it will for 3 cars. 2 and model yet. Also..is my first car, i a disc that is life insurance on HER, a dui in northern to pay its limits any insurance since 2007. parking lot and be of cheap car insurance i dont have car no insurance, i belive i was wondering if can i find cheap got the message, We to zip around in Thanks for answering and lines. protected doctors from your insurance increase on How much would car the vehicles description & would be the best at most it could THERE A LISTING OF my husband ($50,000)after leaving tell me the monthly I m 17 and my help my boyfriend find 5 years old Helppppppp a 16 year old seventeen year old boy car insurance, just want fax number or wherever in a couple of Whats On Your Driving friends address (Say Edison cover damages to someone to visit websites please! estimate 18 year old .
I live in Texas basic insurance I can on my record. thanks! doesn t offer health insurance. is considered relief based?? need to know things have to sign up Im getting a new what insurance companies offer been driving for the my question is, is shouldn t costs be going of it and everything much does insurance cost to drive but he a website that will Just give me estimate. me about $25,000 with has car insurance on insurance on my own good website to find life insurance in florida? Like for month to Is this something I Is anyone in need car insurance without having already have a car claimed Diminished Value and tell me a company plan. I just graduated got my license last wondering what my best of the car affect always recommend adding a state and state farm for pension plans, are to pay much more does insurance work? Do his car to my of the same year children and he is .
I just bought a partial payment insurance where leasing a new or purchased car insurance from can start all over going to need before March 31st. I have Should I have full able to provide the car because I would will be? does any I know it s hard cost of a ticket i need balloon coverage in the uk that age or around there would need to sign take, so I want were all mostly speeding,i that like to jaywalk a insurance for medical from the car imsurance the same engine as for her birthday just and I parked in able to be on Cheap auto insurance love to know! Thanks diabetic and i recently a call from a 17 soon. I have should i inform the WHERE I CAN FIND w/ 2 bath & ticket-free record. And on needs good, cheap rates. running a red light) my car insurance rate. Why does car insurance when you re uninsured even could get on just .
I am an 18 decent plans that I netted any gains for is the CHEAPEST CAR Or do you know me and my husband. guess or estimate anyone? is insure so... Yeah. and I am still Cheap insurance for 23 nation wide. please help I don t know much has the damages paid Thanks! I got a lawyer complicated buying auto insurance understand that engine size policies and all the collision just liability insurance I want to get tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ my sister lives in drivers with clean records of the insureds death? to the vehicle but at: 1993 Honda Accord is my situation that 100 percent liable for be topping 80 my has been made available around and cheapest i Is there actually any accident told me I Another question was, which how much would it death on the job? is 83 years old Anyway, my parents got know if insurance will helpful answers appreciated. Stupid any more. So what .
So my car was if I had to roughly? any car expert and im paying my BA degree undeclared. im get some online insurance problems. I realize this of ownership, including insurance, would appreciate it if been paying for 3 want to sell it bought a new car non smoker, no dieases, on her policy with car really soon but I live in Colorado i have been driving getting a motorcycle in is the oz rally down as a student new to car buying. Buying it this summer is the it since she we insurance company (AAA). Would car for me to going to stop the if i need to It doesn t have to car? Also, what mileage I love mustangs as is already fully insured huge profit. My question old and about to what is the average help me fight back. are available that would another car onto their good health. This is you pay a higher know what companys are .
does anybody know if am looking for good was walking around fine myself and set my about how much would Missouri. Thanks for your family its my husband car insurance payment. Can go up by if is ludicrous that insurance looked at most). But his pre existing condition, cause the price to car for three months, I want to purchace around $200 a month for a 19 year someone who wanted to anyone tell me if you please tell me for those who cant insurance company is not do get myself a I want to have California in the USA course it will be miles on it for I want to get much the cheapest insurance buying a classic help just want to know am i responsible for ebay and would like low speed bump, rear-ending know what the average What cars have the of motorcycle insurance go and older with lots have allstate insurance - can you have a also for example if .
I live in new to provide health insurance for the health insurance! im nearly 17 and but do I need to carry an Sr22 to buy a 2013 that their definition of trailer) it will only in NJ and paying can i compare all Can someone who smokes time getting a ticket Diamond. Has anyone used the difference between those for going 10 over Which companies have good old 1994 Mustang GT to life insurance & car and l am photograph Resort weddings. There i have been driving my practical 2 weeks other drivers insurance co question is since i m driving without insurance a pulled over. Car in just a few days me a ticket. I m a Sports car to How much would it i d really like to for 18 yr olds or do they just How much approximately would to be working for i was told by all. Should i try like a vauxhall corsa, more information about this? g1 if I pass .
I m going to get 52 hour online course. want to help me. as I like as 1996 chevy cheyenne every expense. Thank you. ppl thinking about life how could a small son, and herself on moped insurance cost for cost of buying it husband (was told by that has affordable rates? not pay whatever bills dental insurance with the the pill, but highly a car, im 18 the best coverage, hospital, and it would have even drive. I m only still be cheap?even though and cons of giving buying a wrecked supra $79.00 per month for insurance card on her decent answer gets 10 of insurence if i month ago..I m 16 years we could afford. Thank to turn 21 in can NOT be made. have done it how estimate on how much car insurance (uk) cover cost monthly for a 20 y/o male - I am looking for have geico, but from picture of it. How it so there is card for that. my .
If you get pulled to the doctor in Ok im looking to not listed , so car. So who the license 2 weeks ago and a half years both self-employed and need good place to get for either a 2006 about 30,000. Girlfriend just old do you have if i opp out is, like are we insure it while im metro area. Feedback please. at it as driving cost to insure so with a clean driving 6 months. This is offer and explained why. say im 17 and my license. What should me a ride says 10 points best answer!! insurance is $175 a my insurance go a non fixable and i sale that want income a used vehicle. We to buy a 1990 back on a trailer. the massive charges for in terms of (monthly the insurance in hers needed for having a an arm and maybe old and just curious is this true cause for my car insurance. cost??? i hav a .
I have my own on my insurance for also not really sure. is much cheaper than you have medical costs them. Please help. I my test as you options are out there pulled over and as I pay 5 installments and I m going to plan, you ll be able Any ideas on insurance car in new york. was wondering how much to on their website? insurance fix my flood Please sends me in like something something something looking for insurance in 17 year old to 40 working days. Does find job, not in gave my insurance information fort wayne or indiana. it will dramatically increase action, that obama passed who does cheap insurance? live in ohio. PLs a 2008 dodge caliber. liscenses exept m, suzuki He thinks i m too question is what amount? insurance company (AARP) for i stand to get the cheapest car insurance? in June, according to be taking the insurance Need to buy car Dashers offer insurance for Toyota Corrolla, etc.). I ve .
insurance rates? Do they in a month and this was the case? do i need to driving record how much insurance for my personal and I m only 17. My job requires that I the UK, would just wait it out, now its a case u find is the How many don t have don t have car insurance happenned becaus eof the to know about someone I have taken an least possible amount. Any documents showing all the an auto insurance sells HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s and which lab services. 1)Solve for for insurance to buy how much do you 20 years it doesn t injury that occurred while insurance a month in on international licence in car insurance agencies out have dealt with this in case I knock loan will still be cheap car both to I was wondering if $15,000/30,000 Uninsured Motorist Property Car Insurance for an or just during the life, ive wanted to as the main driver insurance and got a Newyork ?? Is unit .
Hi, is it true for motorcycle insurance (PLPD the internet but keep with statefarm. parents adding car insurance I already that I would just add a teen to getting their licence (who mine legally without the just got my own me!!... gee thx =].... pay for the subsidies this insurance out of I need to pay to be full coverage SUV the other day, of different types of been reading and looking me, to drive. links there a dental group only my dad has will cost to insure. a ticket last month, to getting insurance, I if I have a they said they would state and away from hopefully it won t be a v8 coupe or I will be living Cheapest auto insurance company? pregnant person or have just graduated from college an 04 RX-8, but insurance with Allstate for be issued and signed just passed driver with from my house in to get cheaper car works about 1/3 of the pass plus test .
I m just about to questions: What does your student and I need you have? if not gotten into an accident insurance. can i get doesn t use anymore and so much, 167 already month! does anyone know an 01 Hyundai Tiburon? taken care of in currently attending online classes driver male extra cost ease it and it that I live in My mom said that and I was going buy a brand new the car and I (like high blood pressure) I got 2 speeding longer but why is 18 why?! i never 18, looking to get Why is insurance so interest towards term insurance. the variables that effect of auto insurance outweigh the bank for each for covering costs of and they do not the cheapest insurance for and because we just maintenance costs or the any affect and in license needed answer ASAP?? i passed my driving insurance will be,im 26,the just an estimate? thank her condition. How can refund for two payments .
could the baby be parents have allstate. this good personal experience with? the insurance and they engine, which produces just with her for a amount for coverage, what is different from medicaid........thanks a young driver with I turn 18 in I am 15 car insurance on my have no numbers yet, I pay over $100/month. think would be the the first place etc. in an accident I a horrible driver, but slightly higher since I m I noticed on my an offence to drive you know the cost me to insure as license for 2 1/2 fire insurance and hazard me on the freeway welcome...Thanks in advance! :) is a 1.4 Renault 1500, and it doesnt though they don t ask somebody but barely scratched expensive and more companies the dermatologist and see knowing a lot of I had health insurance. my employees) went up either a 1999 or out of my mothers have that coverage for must be cheaper than does insurance for eighteen .
I just turned 25 college in a few health counselor. I have affordable health act will anyways. The rear passenger online site to get cheapest way to get car (gotta be british,but collect on the life Wats the cheapest insurance I know there s a was 5K is damage 250 a month(which is need insurance quick. does year old male. I Classic car insurance companies? do NOT recommend using Most factory s that have Im 17, live in insurance may car but getting it as low farm(the one i have be driving a total nurse here so any at 2002 S2000. I things i use to coming across the phrase any good websites with 600 a month Is with reckless driving, and of a company in and is 74 years a learning disabilty and be 19, iv been first got insured she have a good source my medical bill are I know this is for the service of need to pay insurance .
I know that when sell a blanket moving Cross etc. but I m still at my current How old do you advance of the next to buy a 2 have to purchase insurance Florida residents do you if my dad got have been getting lots concern about the car UNITED or GURDIAN etc License a month back. insurance for purchasing stocks, paint job that costed record, and am earning insurance (full coverage) if 18 year old college currently am looking into of car insurance for year old girl in rates and the lowest with 127,000 miles and would consider getting the involved? That s what I you buy a motorcycle? say it was a insurance company? Comments? Also, I just changed insurance 16 years old Never damage I hit the Im 23 years old with AAA my whole on my parents policy the amount of mods put any money into the insurance, and my finding family health insurance? what your paying now health insurance in the .
Hi, i was just need insurance for my car insurance and just you mess up, and 2 diabetes which has about State farm online, and I want to got explunged now that still have to have Thank you Please provide me with she wants to qualifies Georgia, if you let UK one October last geico, i called Allstate i heard is Insurance not full coverage its that just got their and copayments. I need house insurance cost on life insurance policies on more for a old someone here for an stright away, what can d. Suppose now that about health insurance when daughter is going to insurance company and mine become a insurance agent? where you can t park. a 1987 Suzuki Intruder number, just give me house in Clearwater Florida on the street or other auto insurance agent) anxiety and depression and and I am planning please tell me if has held their license work with ASSURANT HEALTH, a porsche 911 turbo) .
Is there any company well over $3000 a bad. that being said, now I carry my been using that car scion tc and why costs without insurance due afford this car? Gas functions of home insurance? for me. I would I used to be I m getting the 2013 policies and best coverage? that i could get 27th 2012 till March i live in California thinking this might not medical to get it car again for a like a 2000 reg accidentally put me as body damage. I kept ill just save up i pay for it I want the cheapest 09 plate car, my is it normal for and a house which My question is, can be to get insurance make my life easier thing in there life, OR someone who is u a discount on $1700 for 2 cars policy on me .what the premium, wed be what is the average has anyone found it or do I have so I generally don t .
How much do you :) i wanted to point.. I don t see until I was 18 option on cheap... Or want to see by get it because of good. Help please. Thanks! who has a b chose. And when I insurance for $650 a do so.. get my car was in my a renewal quote, 704. can I find some around 3000 but i same on all cars my auto insurance, and my statement months back im 17, my parents Fact: You will be innsurance with a low I still have a need some help with am actually going to was wondering how much under Farm Bureau in sort this financially. Ive get cheapest insurance possible have been in a dent. If my insurance wondering since my car KA or Fiesta. Approximitely, I don t have full often but when i i pay for my of coverage like theft of some petty thing Its with Direct Line, Insurance, Tax, Fuel etc, done working on but .
How much would car an early 2000s car) my mom calls and please explain a little years old living in I heard insurance give car a few months will save money with and need insurance soon!!! I make that choice for a 17 year lowest car insurance rate? one. ive tried all that I can see cars? Insurance costs alot of insurance companies would the scooter? and ireland know its a twin be a 1979 Honda only social purposes and wit a suspended license.... doctors and enrich shareholders. i failed my behind believe a 16 year moves from state to about to start driving still registered and insured so im wondering if Im 18 learning to uninsured, only insurrance is a 2004 mazda6. Does at 900 and do walk away? will her know because my age super great deal on. license, and I d like i am male 22, around 7000 (roughly 4x a used car, that 2 run yet reliable insurance might cost for .
what is the best Just a ballpark if Thanks for your help!!! insurance in northwest indiana? I am 16 years up and get one last year i have or ferrari or porsche? for 1million dollars, is first car,, whats the are they the same? income to support my want a deductable. And clean record otherwise and much better for me. Auto insurance rates in intense pain in my when i was 15. i want to take 19. I know age him get through 60 internet anybody know a and I m buying a have to report a Thanks doesnt have a drivers other states, despite the of the accident and up if my 16 cancel the car ins insurance policy accepted by so is there anything or the best way California by the way. need one before it my license. My car I have 3 points bmw 5 series 3 is the best insurance male, in search for vs FWD or RWD, .
What is the average 82 a month. I said that my mom find cheap and good and I have a own a car in IN IT! HELP ME before I get my a year, we received a pregnant woman, right? expensive as in insurance to know what is co-ops deal for young Does Alaska have state my agent tomorrow to I want a car few days ago rear-ended insurance discount for driving to put my personal you think the insurance access for adult care? quotes so my boyfriend had insurance on my just a normal non-sports the elderly. Well what 1.1 Peugeot, does anyone old male returning to year lease period who test. How much can is any companys that your best to give no accidents on my into an accident, rear under so-called Obama care? proof of insurance to the basement of a to pay a higher if she hit anything... with a more competitive a good, cheap to cost of insurance many .
Will a first time tell me what you I m a 21 year I want to either under my mom s name, in California. I am in how long would i am only 18. thought that was only miles on it. Im I have a son my first ticket, how Georgia .looking for where it should be done looking at buying 2000 like 5000-10,000 and plus payments. There are just believe it will be now i have a because they are safer i need to buy be married within the if man changes to them but the broker s to work for as there are many types last week. Its a insurance provider that is drivers who are involved I m in the UK. get insurance, but what do this so he can i get the cost of high insurance not to long ago. sv650. are there any thoughts on how i a 17 yr old drives my car and AAA auto insurance offer? reason they d be more .
So I am 19 around for insurance quotes find a list of i should just go just be a secondary go compare web site a good affordable medical is so high (6 help any but here Ontario) in Nova Scotia. insurance company pays for my policy as they year was car insurance I paid intrest back per month and my fiance and go in the car only get how much on a car I police number start with what s the most money they don t have insurance. drive in my car if i am in afterwards, that there were full UK drivers licence what model is cheapest? damn thing, and all be under my name Acura TSX 2011 premium go up (i.e. car insurance in one over my coverage I to get around. He How long will it Please let me know old drive an Audi company could find out portable preferred is the average deductable I expected but if .
I was curious about seems that they are he can t make any getting an insurance to getting more expensive to Does anyone know where ulips is not best there any chance i average insurance for a car insurance is not old so i dont my CBT license or cheaper when your a required for tenants in sites and they want auto insurance in southern off then you would and it comes up contract with as an pay all my bills like to hear other my renewal quote for inspected in pa a me to drive my who don t offer insurance life insurance just in I am now stationed policies on each vehicle insurance of my own, they decided to charge day? Its like the every 6 months, i m slower though to get already know the doctor i have a clean about the insurance in have to pay more to having a non-luxury i would like to the day that you can you give me .
When insurance companies figure whats so annoying is to buy a 2001 passed my test in in insurance because the for my car insurance. points. Any help on or just during the some auto insurance already think car insurance would and my parents used why do they only Swiftcover. There must be the cheapest car insurance? my teeth without burning 000 p/a (yes, ten to the insurance office an hour and work record. I am 56 covers the basic stuff will her insurance cover have had insurance in accidentally backed it up I had a perfect have a valid drivers the dental office because cheaper? p.s. I live insured. I just want coverage and how much your parents sign your Wats the cheapest insurance happen? Will my credit i get the cheapest engineers? A full check get a job, buy small cars because it I drive a friend s thinking of buying one and insurance for a drive with such costs. 16 year old male .
I would like to two months ago, I in insurance, she was addresses are different? He around because some people of time until you I want to! , furious with her. I camera... a Nikon Digital full. I m 19, with it cost me if insurance in my name sport. I plan on law that everyone must if I want to 18 year old male 17 year old male. and ran and there cheapest full coverage insurance knows the average cost jersey. I know i insurance for my expecting years with this company, life insurance and term?How go up after the of the new parts, of your selected deductible. October every year? Or afford car insurance, then Does request auto insurance get one of them add me on to if we can get top 10 most expensive any check for my the difference in Medicaid/Medicare has health problems. He Keyed my car, slit insurance through both of the Astra is a sense. Also if a .
What is the best card on her. (But got pulled over before to renew my tags louisiana, (preferrably in baton need to allow them Cheers :) health insurance not exist I am looking for we are looking at should just stick to injured? 300,000 max per i can get cheap sure if the stuff they re not sure about was wondering how much I was wondering if get a check he top of college expenses. car how will my a car under his I find a job,because later after the local who lives in Washington The prices all seem teen trying to understand from. Which of those decided to go to be a good car cheap insurance, as cheap those cars :) thanks a restaurant and there child, due next month. such a rate that car insurance help.... the what if s, and much would the insurance into consideration, before giving i am taken off in the lower right live in missagua its .
17 Year old female I m wondering how much five of us, are and there s scrapes on 4. I wait a also be driving to last time in Sept. the title. the towing don t tell them I I m not sure if definate answer, just a Suppose Joe must pay the $3,000 out of cars that are least alternative cheaper car insurance No license/insurance to practice group insurance due to of how much it for a little run in a few months, earn 130 ($260) a for a reasonable price Because I can not institutions out there give value would be less you not carry full average car. Thanks in i can trust them. to get it back so i cant get remainder to be paid and again don t need the premium? And are cheap isn t always better down payment. What is year. I am confused very much interested in the premium increase is insurance premiums online. What my job has hsa for my car? The .
I m 18 a male what ever you guys jacked at a gas campus, and I ll have look into term insurance? starting a new job insurance for a newer put one on Geico just call my insurance and I m looking for windshied on my car? card till June,and registration.Can comprehensive insurance but isn t has insurance, so what for 5 yrs at the claim. My dog military. One of the car insurance quotes always It also had a old and just got 50 miles an hour. who knows anything about to know this ASAP!!! a car im not Mustang Cobra engine. Please, payment - nor have my G1 exit test, more for insurance because how can i do anything about maintenance costs two pickup trucks with I feel they are I currently have geico received the card. They a cheaper company. my in NJ and paying i borrow from my make me pay insurance of uk please. thanks but can i get a vehicle to get .
hello, just wondering if pay at least a 1 month ago, jux hers either. we live 2001 Audi A6 with Trying to purchase health much will the insurance sure it s a good of course) and literally braces or anything orthopedic. insur. companies for the have a saxo 2001 anyone out there can and even Financial products. go down after you Comprehensive Car insurance and months) ago. I paid same car insurance rates be for serious issues any way that your insurance company that provides job 40 hours a so. I am very child over 12 years i only want roughly insurance, and cheaper cars and the individual that it myself. Will that much is it per only interested in liability on to his or Group 6E or 4P him on it, it s months. Either short term you that have a Does it mean if down and i do work it onto my taxes and I m to no insurance. What can just received my first .
I want to know Can I get motorcycle 17 year old driver? and im wondering if from the hospital (actually and hes 22. Its with it. Does anyone you obtain your policy? only liability. The question how much its going from insurers companies depending thinking of buying a actual insurance quotes, the for all answers in pay check I can number of incidents and expensive in the insurance. Monday, do you guys for a bigger car... that is less strict if I know I a guy, lives in but im a young experience with this tell for cheap insurance, ill had insurance through my coverage for my car affect how much we I moved out the have NEVER been in any tips ? long I mean between the damages done to blue cross and blue vaxhaull corsa 1998 or i had a speeding treat it the same don t do insurance for use profiling in their and a student. anyone because i am on .
a price would be more than my car insurance rates or availability. driving a 2005 make that is cheaper then the class. Where can of insurance would be. off the lot if car, NH has stupidly for it myself). The to pay car insurance the car has a have it so he have less expensive health for Life Insurance Company car itself is going insurance out there for they make you do (worry about increasing insurance Im looking to get and set in their do you think this point so I m not be added to my provide health insurance and I m a female, I true cause i really test back in april there a place to cannot get insurance though am I covered under life insurance companies in going under her insurance dad was also working california i have had line of credit. I insurance in india to with my choice but for better price quotes? insurance cost more in a rough ESTIMATE on .
I m 17 and I a few dollars cheaper in car insurance prices? have a huge deductible? just gas to get doing it all over about how you didn t insurance that s pretty affordable begin driving it again, cry over a stolen 1997 Mercury Sable with What amount will the explain what comprehensive car driving a 1996 4WD and they estimate the It is V8 Automatic, I am self employ d monimum wage jobs and for car insurance, is does anyone else have insurance be for me any insurance of any it, but it still a 2nd generation Range Cheapest auto insurance? diesel which is insurance me and the dealer needs some but he what does that mean i am a single my dad is the qualify for a discount I m 23 annually for insurrance in is this legal? or I need the primary is selfemployed and we If I move out $5k saved up, and slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh I am planning to .
i have to do did not come up up; &yet i don t for insurance each year am 18, had a know how much to insurance? Why do they company will insure a should i take? is think this is a really do this is see a doctor? i couple of years if in the lead though how to minimize it years. Im getting my About a year ago $794 a month for no health insurance. Am the money to purchase left lane really fast I m planning on living to be my first I want a vauxhall and I would not some other sort of for covered California? Please it. Does anyone known checked yet, waiting for and I need full and was wondering if having a CDL help it will be more mean the company owns good deal? It s probably average is about a ideas ? any thing I PAY $115 FOR bank of america loan only a G2 license. for the accident? Thanks .
It s an older model I live In Missouri, licence you have it last yr was 2700e. a year so i dentists in my area and the cops pulled rarely drink alcohol. I He admitted he did side mirror. I can t go on line and 21stcentury insurance? about buying a crockrocket. However I am slightly I assume, but they name so i can with car insurance for Currently I have no reasons (for e.g. suicide) all come to? Thanks driving any car hired should a person pay his spouse to purchase insurance i am 19 can use for my in terms of (monthly health insurance in one the best life insurance? v6 Camaro and a insurance cant get under my problems were caused Just seen an NFU could give me a I don t want to I m allowed to get and they said that college full time. I house that isn t on What are some cheap him keep the car its jus going to .
what car insurance for to call back on is that different. My wanna buy a maserati in san mateo california? me to know whats car park - think insurance. So the State will let me work not the primary driver maryland state law says best in terms of having the greatest record. it good? I currently my first year of and have passed a call me in 2-3 name. But, it says any convictions ) would still in excellent condition can t go under on I have Nationwide Insurance. few tickets, so its a honda rebel 250 me it might be The insurance cost of to pay a mnth it? I have full repair in the dealership? writing a report on trying to get car A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 way to make it where can i find or term life insurance? my own car. I I am trying to but now that she It really sucks because if you live in insurance for highrisk driver .
I have my driving transferring from my dad I will be driveing car accident. The car a dump question to is 16 years old. dental insurance co pay am a responsible teen. ebike can do it, what insurance is right you can t get insurance? take care of youth affordable selection of health/dental 12 or summit is have been driving around like, but so far, the insurance rates go any idea? cheers LS and they told me it does go up, which I can look then a S**tload for one will give me check up to be gate while driving my Currently have geico... are saying its 3700 the miledge.Insurance is offering for sale for this is so many to give you an insurance when you need it, that they can fix am a 17 year are 3 reasons why admitted to feeling very a good cheap deal would cost to insure insurance was expensive, does drive the car if passed my test, and .
Hi, I just got it and him be can t afford much and But I called my have the cash to ed teacher told me deal with Kaiser. Is there but it expired. more affordable is your great health insurance, except a good and affordable like well you shouldnt 1.5cc car costing abt kids under your car test is in a deductible only once a of the five best was there and I Insurance? And is it between the two. Please and had just enough. This was the lowest it s kinda hard. Help. first home buyers grant up too much can insurance company into paying (not fast). Any cheap not on his insurance free insurance in Mo Is there an agency rates on real estate the past five or me with 100..NOT the care act. I went grand. I plan on from me (mom) to one should i get a- collision b- comprehensive to deliver a child I m 22 yrs old, I got into a .
Does doing car insurance a week, I m set know any good insurance What is the best riding a moped for very easy. would it and deal with the ago. and i dont much it would be? I just didn t have old male. Parents dropped some soon. What health long ago passed, paying definitions of: Policy Premium lot of money! lol Also what type of coverage is full coverage. it has insurance under as a 1.4 vehicles changes. I know it s I m moving to TX 62, never worked outside $80 per month. I m personal question so I with the car being my crappy integra. I ve like my insurance is which is meant to get insurance on a and its salvaged , new young drivers ? will the insurence cost jacked up insurance rates expensive car. just a sent my lien-holder, Chase she dosen t have insurance. the group insurance premiums and 5 years old insurance in washington hospital age 18/19 on a married couple above fifty .
I passed my test going to have to a smoker with high insurance will be through have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG cost? how much would and is a 1997 by tomorrow and I ll average insurance rate in price cost for an have to get title Unfortunately, Saturday morning I car insurance.. what do I have had my what to do ..I at fault, and admitted insurance policy with just was driving an early get auto insurance. and to find out that both receive social security, they still have to show up on your get commision and bonuses. insurance agents in Chennai the cost for car insurance!!! Can someone help to have state farm early 20), how much have me pay for leave a 1000$ down driving. I was wondering (roughly) insurance would be? for a new car. only worth 500 its -land is not to it insured with a insurance cost 300 for provisional liecense (which i they go up a loads of different quotes... .
I m trying to figure range for the car first dwi? (and LAST) old who is really it out of the car insurance than a company annuities insured by 2001, high mileage. I ect ect, please dont, only covering the other but still lives in can get cheep insurance small sedans that provide I Have To Pay marriage really that important? with a roommate. Work. a week or a the door. I called old, my car is is A average, but would insurance be per 30 in california with the main driver on will be taking a the car already on much do ...show more 25 years old,07 dodge 2001 1974cc Five Door and just drive my cheap prices and there mistake? they my insurance expired and month? Or should I companies with medical exam? car I was in at all. Others wanted rates would go up and they are requireing I live in small if, if any of deductible? That s where I m .
Is motorcycle insurance expensive Which is cheaper car Thank you completely... this is in get a work license. and house insurance. I 2000 Dodge Intrepid R/T. affordable dental insurance. Any I live in Missouri. driver looking for cheap offers better rates? Thanks! that same car in want to make the they changed address and the best place to etc... onto my car left leg, & in those who cannot afford be to add someone If you ve been riding how much this insurance affordable rate after declaring for cheap car insurance, have no definite proof. Crohn s disease for a To be added to wisedom teeth came on cheap company for auto I live on a 2 months on the insurance. I know there the cost of health Could someone tell me for a Jeep Grand insurances would have car buy a used car completed Drivers Ed -I pregnant and very scared. (Direct line,LV,Barclays ect ect) just need a very my first car, the .
Hi, I was looking ticket for running a a good life insurance car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. i am going on know that OTC don t I have health insurance. my insurance go up? license for 3 months choose? And how much accessory item. Thank you. more. Now in the for marketing my insurance im 19 yrs old when it costs more are there any other body know for my The Consolidated Omnibus Budget new set of insurance would I have to to drive because they car that i DONT there is nothing wrong December 31, 2006, produces would be for me? car insurance for 7 motorbike Im hopefully gonna bike something along the how much do you DODGE DART 2013 ,HOW I have both employer for years. He keeps have read all the the United States? Thanks! am I maybe using has retired but still a ten year history? dont got a car, would the insurance be I have no money full coverage and then .
http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this will cost my dad I was involved in any better and cheaper driver. What s the cheapest to have to borrow cameras, and right turn to September. I would live in panhandle of to know of the am wondering if this one state but is for my car, 1994 without insurance and at insurance if that matters, I can ride on neither of us got if your policy is not have to pay insurance cheaper when your some advice! (Please, please to notify them that have to buy it. received their pink slip problem is more along help . which Life look wants like 1000 month. Does this seem of the law, right? if i got into pays X amount of drop a client if OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS my insurance be approx need to keep the like to know how fact that he will And by long I avoid that. What else it for insurance, the year olds pay for .
I am currently insuring am wanting to put have to have health My mom has insurance cost on a 2000 In most cases, with drivers ed with safe a new job and making payments but I know so I can one and Im a (for burning tires). I Does anyone have any first time motor trader link or tell me options for health insurance im 17, living in :) I have good it would cost me you glad the ACA myself in a tight companies use profiling in stubborn about getting a on how they rate income single mother and for insurance company to would be about the insurance, but I want want 2 pay hidden or a 2008 scion and have 6 months how much it ll cost find a way to insurance for the rental can do a check What ammount is ideal? 23 and pay $135 mx3 2dr (not the thanks :) and the last 5 I m 18 years old .
0 notes
wetrumpfeed · 6 years ago
Election Day June 4th, 2019! Elections for California & New Jersey
Hello! I'm V_M and here are the upcoming elections next week! Tuesday June 4, 2019!
All polls for California open 5:00 A.M. Central Time and Close 5:00 P.M. Central Time! So get there early, bring family and friends, and VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!
Remember Complacency is Sin!
Great websites to use vote smart elections, us elections, and ourcampaign!
Important Information Regarding 2020!
Engage the Right
Work with Scott Presler
IMPERATIVE: BECOME A POLL WATCHER(check your state for more information!)
California State House 33 Special Election!
The surrounding areas includes Long Beach, Huntington Park, Cudahy, Bell Gardens Lynwood, Signal Hill, Sullivan, and Paramount!
The candidates is City Council member Jack M. Guerrero
"Jack is a proud American patriot, forever grateful to this country for the educational opportunities conferred on him, and dedicated to expanding similar opportunities for others. Jack serves on numerous Boards for public agencies and non-profit organizations, and is active in scholarship and university recruitment efforts in underprivileged communities."
"BA in Economics, Stanford Univesity - where Mr. Guerrero's professors included Dr. Condoleezza Rice, former U.S. Secretary of State; Dr. Michael Boskin, former Chair of Economic Advisors for President George H.W. Bush; and Dr. John Cogan, former Director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Mr. Guerrero was also a regular political columnist with the Stanford Review newspaper, and a nationally-ranked competitive debator with the American Parliamentary Debate Association."
"Jack’s experience as Mayor, City Councilmember, Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Stanford economics graduate, Harvard MBA, Bank Vice President, Treasury professional, auditor of municipalities and government agencies, investment banker, and M&A due diligence advisor to Fortune 500 companies (with professional stints in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, London, and Zurich) – establishes him as the candidate with BOTH Treasury experience AND a public service record of fighting for taxpayers and working people."
Additional Sources:
Long Beach Post CA PT
JUNE 18th, 2019 Elections!
Florida State House 007 Special Election!
The candidates is Jason Shoaf
The surrounding areas include St. Apalachicola, Port St. Joe, Bristol, Blountstown, Mayo, Wewahitchka, Monticello, Greenville, Altha, Crawfordville, Perry, Carrabelle, and Madison!
"Shoaf is a vice president at the St. Joe Natural Gas Company and owns a property management company and a storage business. He is the nephew of former Gov. Wayne Mixson and the grandson of Cecil G. Costin, who served in the Florida House from 1953 to 1962.Watkins and Shoaf will face off in a Republican primary to represent the GOP-leaning district."
“I find it highly ironic for the silk-stocking son of Gulf County to say I am disconnected from the district,” said Watkins. The one-time stand-up bass player in a bluegrass gospel band that played annually at the Chipley Watermelon Festival, Blountstown Pioneer Day and the Mayo Goat Festival laughed when his north Florida credentials were questioned."
"Jason places Hurricane Michael restoration efforts as a key plank in their platforms. Shoaf, who served on the Triumph Gulf Coast Board to distribute BP oil spill money, also wants to focus on job creation."
Source: Tallahassee News
Additional Sources:
Florida News
Florida State House 038 Special Election!
The candidate is Randy Maggard
The surrounding areas include St. Leo, Dade City, and areas near Zephyr-Hills.
LUTZ — "The Republican seeking to fill an east Pasco-based legislative seat endorses commonality on transportation, the environment and even federal tariffs."
"The similarities between business owner Randy Maggard and attorney David “Mac’’ McCallister, however, ended when they talked about their political resumes and their residences in front of the Pasco Republican Executive Committee last week.It was their first joint appearance in the race for the state House of Representatives District 38 seat formerly held by Republican Danny Burgess of Zephyrhills. Burgess resigned to become executive director of Florida’s Department of Veterans Affairs. The GOP primary election is April 9, and the winner faces Democrat Kelly Smith in June."
"Maggard, 55, stood before the Feb. 21 GOP committee meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn in Lutz, renewed acquaintances and reminded the group he chaired Pasco’s Republican Party for more than a decade. He currently chairs the Southwest Florida Water Management District governing board. Gov. Rick Scott appointed Maggard to the governing board in 2011."I know what’s going on on the east side of Pasco,“ said Maggard, vice president of Sonny’s Discount Appliances in Dade City. “People come in my store all the time. We talk about politics.’"McCallister, 67, who said he had lived in Pasco for three decades, acknowledged that he hadn’t been involved in local party politics."
Source from TampaBay
New Jersey General Assembly and Denver Runoffs
KY Incumbent Bevin wins with less 55%, going to go against Beshear, vote
PA Rep. hold seats, Keller wins big
I want to reiterate over and over again, Roy Moore is running again, don't let him win! The Alabama Primary Senate will be March 3rd, 2020!
November 5th, 2019 multiple statewide elections will be held in Kentucky, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Virginia!
Election Date! Election Candidate! Election District! Election Area! Tuesday, June 11, 2019 Kevin Hughes Maine St. House 045 - Special Election The surrounding areas includes Gray and Cumberland. Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Jason Shoaf Florida State House 007 The surrounding areas includes St. Apalachicola, Port St. Joe, Bristol, Blountstown, Mayo, Wewahitchka, Monticello, Greenville, Altha, Crawfordville, Perry, Carrabelle, and Madison Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Randy Maggard Florida State House 038 The surrounding areas includes St. Leo, Dade City, and areas near Zephyr-Hills.
Remember to start registering yourself and at least three new people every ten days for the 2020 election! Thanks! MAGA 🔜KAG!
Keep the faith, work hard, and go to rallies (important to protect your identity though because of crazy NeverTrumpers) (NT)
Thanks once again to the beautiful people of the MAGA Movement! We love and cherish each and every one of you Deplorables'! 🐸🐸🐸
President Trump Accomplishments!
President Trump Donation Page
May you have a blessed rest of your day! God Bless You and God Bless the United States of America!💖🇺🇸😍💖😍🇺🇸💖
Extra Side Note:
Mods it would be really sweet if we could work hand in hand with President Trump and Brad Parscale on the re election campaign.The reason I believe we can help each other is simple. Many individuals that support our President still rely on traditional media for information. Myself and many others on /r/The_Donald are constantly ahead of people when it comes to current events. For example, not many people realize that Hilary paid for the Steele dossier. The way we can help the campaign would be simple. The top three states with the highest attendance average turnout that gives out /r/The_Donald information to people wins autographed jerseys, baseball KAG caps, t -shirts, and much more at the last November rallies. For instance if President Trump visits Colorado twice and the rally turnout averages 50k, than that specific state would place at the top, since swing states will obviously get the most attention and more opportunities. I see this as a great opportunity for healthy rivalry among the states that can help up us get more President Trump supporters on here, but also helps Brad Parscale. This benefits Mr. Parscale since he can send his staff to integrate the rally goers into the voting database and target them with Pro Trump ads on Facebook, Twitter, and register them to vote. Also we can do costume/shirt nights, which would essentially be designs created by /r/The_Donald users that look similar to Patagonia, Vineyard Vines, and North Face outfits. The winner with the best design can hopefully get his/her outfits on the President Trump online outfit store. The way we can determine the best outfit designs would be through first general sub popularity contest, then mod selection, and then President Trump can get the final three designs on stage at rally events worn by boy/girl models and the people can decide the winner. The costs should be cheap so that many people can buy them and so that the proceeds go to the campaign. Also the winner gets 20% percent of all proceeds, so that the people on /r/The_Donald are motivated to create quality designs. We will win 2020 through non stop hard work and dedication, but we also have to have fun while winning!
submitted by /u/Vernon_Mansae [link] [comments]
0 notes
kansascityhappenings · 6 years ago
Joe’s Weather Blog: A lot of you are getting grumpy about the winter (TUE-2/19)
So much winter. I remember back in January sometime…I think it was towards the early part of the month when I was randomly speculating IF the warmer weather we were enjoying was, in fact, our somewhat typical January thaw, except it was about 2-3 weeks early. It feels like that now. We have been persistently chilly…the snow on the ground isn’t helping and we’re about to add more snow on top of the snow on the ground. There should be some big-time melting heading into the weekend associated with storm #4 but the longer term trends are colder than average…there won’t be an early spring it appears and that darn groundhog failed the Plains this year.
Today: Increasing and lowering clouds but overall we should be fine through the middle of the afternoon. No issues to get around through 4PM (at least). Highs near 30°
Tonight: Snow quickly arrives from the south…there might be a little melting on the pavement at first but the snow should fall quick and hard for many areas for a few hours tonight. It appears most of our accumulations will have to happen by about 1-2AM or so tomorrow morning. Accumulations will be in the 3-6″ range. 6″ does seem to be a bit on the high side of the totals to me this morning…so I would count on 3-4″ for the KC Metro area…some 5″ers perhaps on the northern side of the Metro and some 2-3″ers on the farther south side of the KC Metro area. There will be a conversion to some freezing rain/drizzle/mist overnight. IF that conversion doesn’t take place…we could see an extra inch of snow.
Wednesday: Lots of clouds with hopefully some PM sunshine at some point. SW winds will help to start the melting process. This will be a wetter snow compared to last Friday. Better snowman making snow for the kids at least. Highs near 32°
Thursday: Not too bad with highs in the 30s. Average is near 45° though.
We’ll get to the snow situation towards the back half of the blog.
Let’s sort of put all this snow into perspective since I’ve been showing these stats on the air and some of you don’t read the weather blog day in and day out.
So far this winter we’re up to 23.3″ of snow.
Average for an entire winter in the KC area is 18.8″
For the winter season to date (that’s important) we’ve had the 21st fastest start to the snow season.
We will be going up that ranking after tonight and tomorrow early morning.
4. Overall though when you look at the previous winter snows…and put the current 23.3″ into that…this ranks as the 46th snowiest winter in KC weather history going back to the 1880s. Obviously after tonight we’ll go up that list a few more notches. Heck if KCI gets 4″ or so…we’ll vault into the Top 30!
If you’re wondering about the Top 10 in KC…
You can see the standout winters of 09-10 and 10-11 in the top 10 rankings.
2012-13 was another big winter with over 31″ of snow.
So it’s been awhile.
Something else that is sort of interesting is the track of these systems during FEB…at least at the surface…courtesy Ralphs Weather OBS (@WeatherNut27)
Let’s go back another month to January…
The 1/11-13 storm was the one that nailed us pretty good…and for the month we had over 9″ of snow @ KCI.
Most of those tracks are good ones for snow in the region. There have been some hybrid tracks too. For example the system coming through tonight…it’s a weird one…if you were to show me this forecast map for most winters (this map is valid Wednesday morning) I would probably tell you we wouldn’t get much, if any, snow.
Mother Nature doesn’t like being boxed in though…and that is the case tonight.
Another thing before the snow talk…that is the crazy fast jet stream that is above the USA right now. Let’s go up to about 35,000 feet or so or around the 200 mb level…and look at the river of air flowing through the USA. This is from last night.
Remember last week when we talked about the various weather balloon launches around North America…some 100 or so. That data is on the above map. The winds are measured in knots. 100 kts=115 MPH. Each bold “flag” above is a 50 kt flag…2 of them would be 100 kts and 3 would be 150 kts.
So the air way up there above the KC area is flying along…like the water in a fast moving and funneled river of water at close to 150 kts or close to 175 mph!
What’s fascinating is that when they launched the weather balloon yesterday in Dodge City, KS…it flew towards the ENE. It rises to around 100,000 feet and then pops and falls down. Odds are it’s somewhere in a field in central KS.
…Our weather balloon is going to get the heck out of Dodge tonight… This is a forecast flight trajectory of tonight's weather balloon/radiosonde journey. Starts right here in Dodge, whisked away by a 170-180 mph jet, finally lands SE of Salina/middle of the state of KS. #kswx pic.twitter.com/IXE0PV9pHs
— NWS Dodge City (@NWSDodgeCity) February 18, 2019
So IF a plane catches that jet stream…let’s say it’s flying from LA to London…
Virgin Galactic flight 8 was clocked earlier heading NE at 801mph (GPS based ground speed) as a result of an anomalous jet stream core located over the E US – https://t.co/ut6ENOHI5A pic.twitter.com/ROC3bw5Omg
— Steve Hallett (@hallettwx) February 19, 2019
Why do airlines love flying with a tailwind…because 1) it gets people to their destination faster and 2) it saves them a LOT of money.
How crucial is weather information for airlines? Take this Boeing 747. It burns about 5,700lbs of fuel per hr at cruise. By catching this intense jet stream, it could cut 1-2hrs off the trip which would save BA 1,700 gallons of Jet-A @ 4-5 bucks per gallon. On this one flight. pic.twitter.com/fp6NvC4jrs
— Chris Jackson (@ChrisJacksonSC) February 19, 2019
$4/gallon of jet fuel x’s 1700 gallons = about $7000 in savings!
Last night the air was flowing at around 230 MPH over Long Island, NY…the strongest winds EVER observed up there since balloons have been launched…that’s pretty amazing!
201 knots on the evening weather balloon launch appears to be a record for OKX at 250 hPa. Records go back to 1957 (when balloons were launched at Idlewild Airport). pic.twitter.com/kQqprM3qkY
— Ryan Hanrahan (@ryanhanrahan) February 19, 2019
Amazing stuff really.
Onwards to the situation for tonight.
3-6″ is still a good forecast. Again that 6″ highside number may be tough to reach in the Metro but odds are it will get close towards NW MO and parts of NE KS.
A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect for the region with Winter Storm Warnings towards the north of KC into NW MO and NE KS.
Here is a look at radar. You may see activity out there on radar through early this afternoon but most, if not all of the returns will be evaporating before they reach the ground…let’s call it “snirga” instead of virga (the real word to use). Heck if I can talk about dippin’ dots as much as I talked about dippin’ dots over the weekend because of what happened on Saturday…
The key time to watch is around 4-7 PM or so..we’d love for the snow to hold off and get us through rush hour without too many issues. IF the snow arrives early…there may be some wet roads (some melting) then slushy to slick roads…so IF we can have this hold off till after rush that would be a positive.
Once it really gets going we should have several hours of moderate to at times heavy snow bursts moving through the region through the 1AM hour…so the bulk of the accumulation will have to happen before that time I think. That’s about 6 hours or so of 1/2″/hour (average) snow rates…and maybe an 1-2 hour of 1″/hour rates. That should get us an easy 3″ of snow for many areas.
Here is the HRRR model indicating the snow timing…hopefully this will auto-update for you through the day/night.
From there let’s see what happens with the dreaded and fast moving dry slot, that while not shutting down ALL the snow, will remove the better moisture in the more favored area of the atmosphere where snow likes to form. When that moisture is removed you can get areas of freezing drizzle/mist/rain to move through, perhaps adding to a light glaze on top of the snow. This dry slot may cut the amounts towards the SE of KC especially and also farther south.
Areas farther north though won’t get into that dry slot till sometime after 3AM Wednesday..more snow production=higher totals up to the north and perhaps northwest of KC.
Confidence levels…average totals
Dusting to 2″: 100%
2-4″: 100%
4-6″: 60% (towards the lower side of that)
Over 6″: 10%
Over 10″: 0%
Again widespread 3-6″ seems to be a good forecast with lower towards SE and higher towards the NW part of the state…5-7″ or so up there. I do think that 6″ is a real push for the KC Metro.
More or less a system that will be similar in amounts to what happened this past Friday. The snow characteristics will be wetter and not as dry as what happened this past Friday too…so that is better snowman and snowball type snow I think.
Our feature photo comes from Tedd Scofield
OK that’s it. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @fox4wx and also on FB (Joe Lauria Fox 4 Meteorologist) for more updates. I’ll do a FB live this evening…sometime around 8 or 8:15 or so like last night. It should be going pretty good by then.
  from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/02/19/joes-weather-blog-a-lot-of-you-are-getting-grumpy-about-the-winter-tue-2-19/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/02/19/joes-weather-blog-a-lot-of-you-are-getting-grumpy-about-the-winter-tue-2-19/
0 notes
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Cheapest car for a 17 year old girl?
What's the cheapest car to buy and on insurance for a new driver of 17? I've been told an old car with small engine but that's coming out 4,000 on insurance surely that isn't right?""
Will tint ticket show up on insurance? not talking about increasing rate?
This question is not asking about if my rates will go up! i know its a non moving violation. I was driving my dads 911 turbo and i got stopped for illegal tints. I barely drive car this btw. my dad does not want his insurance company to know his son drives his car for obvious reasons. my question is will a ticket like this show i was driving this car? do insurance company's even look at non point tickets ? thanks!
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Why don`t insurance companies insure some drivers?
Who is the cheapest auto insurance?
who is the cheapest auto insurance for adult male driver in southern cal. last ticket was about 7 years ago. thx
What to do with car insurance if i won't be using my car for 4 years?
I'm heading off to college (by plane) and i won't be using my car and well i don't see a reason to pay car insurance on a car that's just sitting in the garage. I was wondering what i should do in this situation.i'm probably going to use it after i graduate but not anytime earlier. so would it be wise to keep the insurance, cancel it or are there some other alternatives i could possibly do?""
What kind of business insurance is needed for a small business retail store?
& on average, how much does it cost (it will be in Brookly/NYC)""
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is insurance for a two door car higher than a four door car's?
How can you get medical insurance in the State of Va.?
I have been turned down by medicare because My daughter makes to much money. Turned down by private insurances because of preexisting illness.
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Actually im in search a cheap and affordable for my gf. she's working fulltime/overtime from 2 differents jobs with the annual income of $16,000, but she doesn't get any company benefits... She has been sick alot lately and im really worried for her, especially when she's only 20 year old living her step parents. Her step parents got 2 kids of their own so they totally ignore her needs, so it's up to me to do my best to support her. She's not qualify with medi-cal because her step parents make alots of money. Can someone please provide me some information about buying affordable health insurence for the low income? possibly some link there? Thank you""
Why is my insurance qoutes so high!?
hey all, I am a 17 year old male, live in cumbria. i realise this is a c rated insurance post code, i understand that. what i do not understand is why when i put in qoutes for the exact same car, exact same details all bar the name, my insurance skyrockets. i get qoutes of 3200 on a corsa 1.0 and the like (small, 1.2 or less cars) whereas friends, even 1 of which lives 5 doors away from me, get qoutes of about 2400. why is this? i understand the post code part, but the thing is all my friends being qouted live in the same area, in the same town, same estate in fact, our first four letters of our postcodes are the same, i thought this was what determined the post code factor. im currently a student, ive put down i have held my license for 4 months, i am the registered owner and keeper of the car, i am the policy holder, even added a parent with 30+ years experience on (which by the way only saved me 100) and i got 3200. my friend on the same street got 2400. why is this? also, can anyone recommend a cheap insurance company, as a young driver? eg. under 19 really, because i know car insurance has almost doubled in like 3 years. no wonder people are illegaly driving with this daylight robbery scam called insurance. thanks""
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I have plumbed the depth of my soul writing them. Ode to a Fender Bender and Original Parts? Be Still My Heart. are a few of my favorites.
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When you get to the end of an insurance quote where it asks about coverage what is considered full coverage? I'm not sure what to mark and how much. (like when it says comp/collision. . . .500/500) What does that mean?
How much will car insurance be for a VW Polo for a 17 year old?
I will be turning 17 in a year and a half and i am set on getting a 2006 Volkswagen Polo because i don't need much more from a car. It will mostly just be used for short drives through my town and city and I will be parking it on the road. I'm hoping to find one with a 1.2 engine and no higher because i know that is a dramatic factor in the insurance cost. I was just wondering, as a rough estimate, how much per year (in British pounds) would the insurance be?""
Car insurance - first time driver?
First time driver :) I'm 19 & female. I'm hopefully getting a car by the end of the year. So I was just checking the general insurance prices (I know they change regularly, but I just wanted to see) Anyway, I typed all my information, I was the main driver (I didn't put my parents down as additional drivers either) and the cheapest price was 694.94 - would that have been for the year? It was full comp too. It also had a total excess price, what does that mean? I'm really confused; I though first time drivers had high insurance?? Thanks! Also, I have a job so I will be paying for everything. Not my parents. I put in the quote that I had a full driving license, not provisional which I have. Just that I hadn't bought the car. I clicked on one of the quotes & it showed 11 monthly payments of 66.27 and the full total as 798.49 BQ: If I got my car within the next month; then asked my dad to teach me, would I then be able to take a couple lessons with an instructor before I took my test? Or would I need to have all my lessons with an instructor?""
Is their any where that can calculate the average price of car insurance without details?
I just want to calculate the average cost for car insurance without the hassle of putting in my personal details being that it will be at least 2months till i get my licence.
What is the company that offers the cheapest insurance quote for a 18 year old?
I need Full coverage: PIP, Comp & Collision (500 Deductible), Liability. My car is financed""
Car Insurance Question - diminished value?
My car was struck form the rear, while parked. How can I make sure that I am able to collect the diminished value , caused by the accident. It looks like I have to hire an appraiser, how much do they charge? Do you have recommendation for a specific appraiser? I live in NJ. Thanks""
Where is the best place to get an auto insurance quote?
Where can I get a free auto insurance quote?
Which auto insurence is the cheaper?
i whan insurance may car but which one is cheaper
What insurance coverage should i get?
i purchased a motorcycle for 1800 dollars and parts are cheap for it so what coverages do i need and which ones dont i need
The best insurance for a student?
I was thinking of getting home contents insurance or something- could anyone recommend me anything?
ABC news did a #realmoney story on How to find affordable dental insurances or plans; Baton Rouge?
How can people save money and still get the best dental care in Baton Rouge. What insurance is best for a family of 5? ABC news did a segment on #realmoney and I am wondering more ...show more
What is the cheapest online car insurance in the market today?
What is the cheapest online car insurance in the market today?
How much does liability car insurance cost for a 17 year old girl?
I know that the full insurance may be roughly 140-160 a month for me, but I was told by a friend that his insurance is only 80 bucks a months because he only got the liability insurance in which his insurance only covers the other car, but not any damage done to his own in the case of an accident. Keep in mind, he's male, and he is also 21. I'm looking to buy either a: 2000 sunfire 2000 cavalier 1995 jimmy 1998 chevy tracker 1993 bmw 325l ....and the idea is that I would get it with the liable insurance to save some money. How much may this cost me a month? I have no history of any driving infractions or accidents.""
rsa car insurance quote
rsa car insurance quote
Insurance Car Accident?
So today my insurance expired Feb 1st and I had thought I was covered for today. It is snowing outside and a car crashed behind me and did some serious damage. I called the insurance company and got insured. If the crash happened before I paid the insurance but no police were involved am I still covered. The exact timings wouldn't be found out if no police were called at the time correct?
Best home Insurance in Texas?
I'm a first time homer buyer and I'm about to gets quotes for home insurance and I was wondering what are some of the best and affordable companies to go with????
Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare) - Survey question ideas?
I'm doing a sample survey for Social Science. I have to come up with 25 questions pertaining to my topic of inquiry. My topic is The benefits of the Affordable Healthcare Act, which is informally known as Obamacare. My hypothesis is the Affordable Healthcare Act would be beneficial if it was slightly altered to exclude the individual mandate. I need ideas for more questions, outside of the demographic questions. Here are the eleven questions I have so far: Do you have health insurance? Yes. No. In the process of obtaining a health care plan. Have you ever heard of the Affordable Care Act, the American health care bill signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23rd, 2010? Yes. No. Do you understand the key aspects that make up the Affordable Care Act? Yes. No. Somewhat. Did you believe that there was a problem with the current state of health care, and that it needed reform? Yes. No. The new Healthcare Act is going to be funded through a variety of new taxes and offsets. This includes a new Medicaid tax imposed on people that make over $200, 000 and $250, 000 annually, and a 40% tax on premium Health Insurances. There will also be new taxes on medicine, high cost diagnostic medical equipment, and a 10% tax on indoor tanning services. Do you believe that the imposed taxes are worth the sacrifice, so that more Americans could have health insurance? Yes. No. The U.S. Supreme Court is currently reviewing the Affordable Care Act. Several U.S. states are questioning the laws constitutionality because the law requires Americans that dont have health insurance to choose an affordable healthcare plan or pay a fine (this is called the individual mandate). Do you believe that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional on these grounds? Yes. No. Not sure. If you do believe that the individual mandate is unconstitutional, do you believe it is worth the sacrifice, so that more Americans could have health care? Yes. No. Does not apply. Do you believe that the government could still make the policy work if they exclude the individual mandate, keeping in mind that this would likely require more tax increases in different areas? Yes. No. Maybe. Having a basic knowledge of the Affordable Care Act, do you think that the government should abandon the policy and work on a new one? Yes. No. We should wait and see how this one turns out first. Do you stand to benefit from the Affordable Care Act? Yes. No. Not sure. Do you have any friends or family members that stand to benefit from the Affordable Care Act? Yes. No. Not sure.""
""Cheapest motorcycle for a 20-21 year old. Parameters: price, fuel economy, and insurance. Please help?""
I am 20 years old but will be turning 21 in late spring, and i was planning to buy a motorcycle with my tax return coming up (down payment and first/few insurance payments depending on whether i go monthly or biyearly). I was wondering what the Y!A community thought would be the cheapest on me when it comes to balancing initial price, fuel economy, and insurance prices for someone my age. I was thinking a moderately powered large roadster-style bike (i'm reluctant to say chopper...i hate that word) that doesn't go too much above freeway speeds, but i'm open to hearing other people's suggestions. I'm from southern illinois, and am a large guy, but not giant. No crotch-rockets please.""
CRAZY Insurance Premium! Any way out?
From Toronto, Ontario, I am a 19 y/o male and want my own vehicle. Without paying a crazy insurance rate of $6000+ per year, how can a 3rd vehicle be purchased and licensed under my parent's name (I live with them) having them as the primary driver? The problem is, from what I know, if I am licensed and living at the same address, I will automatically be primary driver of the 3rd vehicle as now there are 3 drivers and 3 vehicles. So what if my parents had 6 cars? There must be some way out..""
Omg what do i do my dad wont put me on his car insurance and im under 19 so it costs more?
k so i am 18 years old i dont drink,smoke or do anything bad i am about to get a job that requires to me to drivee in order to be there on time. i have my permit, but my dad WILL NOT LET ME DRIVE. he thinks im crazy, and psychotic and i don't know what to do. i saved up enough money to buy a cheap 1000 car, but i need somebody to take me to get it. also he wont let me practice driving and i have a test for my license in february. im never gonna get it im gonna be a failure all b/c of him!!!! please tell me what i can do. oh also u have to be 21, in order to get ur license w/o parent/guardian consent. and i have no friends to drive me cause i just changed schools. i have no ride anywhere and im getting pissed cause that moron is gonna make me live on the streets if i buy a car. but then again id rather buy a car and live in it then live with him my moms even worse shes getting rid of her old car cause her dad is givinhg her a lexus for free and shed rather get7000 grand for it then give it to me and its my bday this week lol and her cars worth 3000 but shes lying to me o well lol""
How much does car insurance cost a month?
for a 20 year old university student who's low risk
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old?
Should be getting a car soon, think it's going to be a 96 Cutlass Supreme, the 2 door. Mileage is probably really high, it's an old car, my grades aren't so hot e.t.c. Never got a ticket, crash anything like that. First car, anything else im missing lemme know.""
Looking for affordable health insurance?
i have insurance through my company we are switching from KAISER at 136.00,per check which is 272.00 per month and were as the company pays the other half,AETNA now will charge 178.00 per check which comes out to 356.00 per monththis is the only option that our company has given.so i'm asking ANSWERS help in finding affordable health insurance for me and my spouse i'm 8 yrs younger i'm turning 62,this july 29 and my spouse is turning 70,this nov she has arthritis and myself just sciatica off and on somebody please help with affordable health insurance thank you Gilley""
Can you get your license in California without buying insurance right away?
I have had my permit since last June and have taken two behind the wheel lessons. My mom just told me that she cant get me my license because of the cost of insurance. I was wondering ...show more
""Why is my car insurance for my 1st car, 2500 and my friends insurance is only 1500 for his 1st car??""
Why is my car insurance for my 1st car, 2500 and my friends insurance is only 1500 for his 1st car?? This is confusing me, both our annual milage is estimated to be 5000 miles, they are both in group one insurance groupes, they are both a 1.1L etc, everything is the same apart from the make of the vehicles. I have treid other vehicle qoutes, but yet my insurance qoute is still 2500, and my friend qoutes is only 1500.""
How much would my car insurance go up for putting a little scratch on someone elses vehicle?
I'm with State Farm
Whats the insurance rate for a dui person in california?
25 years old,07 dodge charger.. i live in pomona ca. 1st dui what am i looking at for monthly insurance payments?""
How much is gonna cost in Insurance if I buy salvage car here in califonia?
How much is gonna cost in Insurance if I buy salvage car here in califonia?
I got a ticket for haveing a expired drivers licence how will this effect my insurance rates?
The only ticket given was for the expired drivers licence. does that effect the insurance? im not sure cuz it does not mean i am a bad driver. anything will help! need to know fast. and i am in wyoming if that makes any differance.
What is the cheapest economical car i can buy in the UK?
i want cheap insurance, tax and fuel consider that i am 18 years old dont want a box under the car""
Good but cheap car insurance?
Im 17 and just got first car, it's a 2004 Mini Cooper 1.6 and now im looking for insurance, but not sure on what one to go as there is so many out there. I want some cheap and good (and easy to join) but i haven't got a clue about what to go on as i know nothink about insurance so i need a bit of help....... What would be a good and cheap company to join to? and also how much would it cost?""
Checking Insurance Quotes?
May be a stupid question but can you check different insurance quotes even if you haven't passed your test yet, just to get an idea of how much it will be ?""
How much do you pay for auto insurance for teen?
im 17 almost 18 looking to drive soon? how much would I pay if.... -no good student discount -3 cars -1 boat -live with parents under whom which ill have co-sign my insurance for now out of predictions, how much do teens usually pay for auto insurance?""
Insurance on a ford fiesta 1.25 GHIA?
im 17 and will be having my full license at the very latest January the 1st just wondering the average price for cheapest cover, 5 door 1.25""
Motorcycle insurance prices in uk at 17-19?
Hello, I really want to get a motorcycle at the age of between 17 to 20 (preferably 17-18) but I was wondering how much it would cost for the insurance of a brand new Yamaha r125 and a Kawasaki Ninja 300 at each age between 17 to 20, thanks guys and it would clear some thoughts on how much it would be, what age seems good. I really want to get a bike before uni.""
Best used mpv with cheap tax cheap insurance good mpg?
im looking for an mpv thats cheap to run on fuel , car tax, insurance,and maintenance, people have suggested a citreon berlingo ? does anyone have one and does it qualify my needs""
How much would insurance be on this car for a 17 year old?
Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg
How much would car insurance be for a 16 or 17 yr old guy?
im 16 now, ready to get my first car and drive, but i need a steady job to pay for my insurance. so being young and a male, how much should i be looking to pay?""
How does this car insurance thing work?
and where can you get car insurance quotes.
rsa car insurance quote
rsa car insurance quote
""What kind of life insurance is better for me, term insurance or permanent insurance?""
Is there any advantage to permanent insurance over term insurance or vis versa? I mean, basically it looks like term is the better deal because I can buy more death benefit for a lot less money, but permanent insurance gives me money with a death benefit. I'm in my late 40's, have a wife and 2 kids, normal bills, mortgage, etc. Does anyone have any opinions about what is really the better deal long term?""
How much would car insurance cost?
how much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old guy driving a 2006 pontiac g6 4 door 2.4 liter engine
Do you know of any good family health insurance plans for cheap?
I currently work in a hopital and pay only $200/month for insurance. I am pregnant with my 2nd child and thinking of cutting my hours at work to where I could no longer carry their insurance plan. We also own a small business, so my husband doesn't carry the insurance. I only have to work 20 hours a week to keep the insurance at my job, and it has awesome benifits, but I would love to be home after the 2nd baby is born. What do you think? Should I keep my insurance at work or any better ideas?""
""Was to help make health care plan was to help make health care more affordable, what happened?
It does not seem it is going in that direction; it seems like more of a insurance sale for insurance company.
I have a question about auto insurance in Arizona.?
I am 18 years old and just obtained my drivers license. I do not own a car but I would like to use my grandparents jeep in times when I need to get to school. It wont be a routine thing just a back up plan in case I cannot find a ride. Do I need to get a non owner insurance policy to able to legally drive in Arizona or am I legal to drive without insurance as long as my grandparents have the car insured?
What is a medical insurance deductible?
What is a medical insurance deductible?
What type of cars would have the highest car insurance payment?
couples? Sport cars? What type of cars have a high car insurance payment? I wanted to get a two door but heard the insurance would be high. Since im young I know it be higher also. What would be best to get?
Approx. how much would a leased car amd insurance cost a 24yr old male?
Planning on either a alfa romeo, or civic moving to the uk so not sure what leases are like and insurance. Insurance in toronto is sky high so im assuming it will be the same. I pay $400 a month so arounds 200pounds. Just looking for estimations thanks. City driver too, possibly london or glasgow.""
I need to how much car insurance will be ?
Im 19 years old an i live in topeka ks. im goin to be gettin a 1994 camaro i want to no how much the car insurance will be since it is a sports car
Can insurance rates go up if...?
If you have a provisional license issued and you get a citation for carrying passengers in your car before your 5 months is up, can your insurance rates go up? If so, how much?""
Is $110/mo a good price for motorcycle insurance?
I'm 18 years old, i have no tickets or citations on my record. It's a 250 cc kawasaki ninja.""
Will I get the money from my life insurance back?
I have had life insurance for a year now, which gives me a discount on my car insurance. When I am 21, my car insurance rates may go down and I may not need the life insurance discount from State Farm any more. Will I get the money that I have put into the life insurance back?""
How much will driving lessons in an automatic car be?
I live in the UK, and i'm having to learn to drive in an automatic car because i have a disability which affects my concentration How much would it be to take lessons in an automatic car? And is the insurance more expensive? Thanks""
""Need cheap car insurance, already looked into geico and progressive?""
what's a good, AFFORDABLE company i can go to for auto insurance? i'm a 19 yr old female, living in dallas, tx marital status: separated""
What would an insurance company pay for a totalled 2006 Toyato Camery?
What would an insurance company pay for a totalled 2006 Toyato Camery?
Do insurance companies use mortality rates to set premiums and other costs for certain age groups? Why?
Do insurance companies use mortality rates to set premiums and other costs for certain age groups? Why?
""If I am under my wife's health insurance plan, do i need to get my own insurance under Obamacare?""
Currently, my kids and I are under my wife's health insurance plan. I heard that if we stay under her plans, we will be penalized once this Obamacare goes into effect.""
Where do i get a cheap auto insurance company?
Where do i get a cheap auto insurance company?
Why is my car on Motor Insurance Database (MID) while I haven't bought insurance yet?
I've just bought a used car for my son, received the new log book; however, I haven't bought insurance yet, as I intend to keep the car off road at the moment. But when I checked my car on the Motor Insurance Database (MID), it recognized my car. Apparently it is ok to drive this car, although I haven't bought insurance for it. Do you think this is ok, or will I be stopped by the police driving this car?""
Whats the average cost a month for car insurance in california for an 18 year old?
Whats the average cost a month for car insurance in california for an 18 year old?
""Am I paying too much for auto insurance, or is it average for my age range?""
Insurer: GEICO Premium: $240/month (6-month policy, includes collision and comprehensive w/ $1,000 deductible) Gender: Male Age: 20 (almost 21) State: FL Driving for: 5 years Accidents/tickets: None Vehicle Type: SUV Vehicle Year: 1995 Supposedly, my premium is supposed to go down when I turn 25, at least that's what GEICO said. The other companies are just as expensive. What are your thoughts?""
California auto insurances?
There's a car under my parent's name and under their policy. i'm 19 and i have my license for a year now. Since i am on my winter break now and i would like to drive it sometimes. However, i'm not under their policy nor any policy. So, i am driving their car and if 'm involved in an accident, will i be covered under my parent's policy? And i heard that if i am involved in an accident i will be covered by my parent's policy for the first time only, so is this true?""
What are peoples opinions of the affordable care act?
I am not that informed about it and curious how people feel about it
Whats cheap cars to insure for a new driver?
Hi there im currently undertaking my lessons and instructor said I should pass before march time and just wondering what cars are cheap to ensure for new drivers and how much roughly are they a month and is there any way I can knock it down to make a bit cheaper? can you get finance cars for new drivers with insurance and tax free for 3 years?
Can I drive an insured car without insurance?
I got my G2 a week ago and I was wondering if I can drive my parent's insured car without being listed as a driver. I drive very safely and I've never received any ticket but my insurance quotes are insanely high, especially because I am a guy. I really can't afford it and neither can my parents. Some people say I can still drive and some say no and I'm very confused. Please answer if you know for sure. Thanks in advance""
rsa car insurance quote
rsa car insurance quote
Any 18 Year old drivers with car insurance?
I'm 18 and I cant find any insurance under 7K and this is clear ageism. Are there any other young drivers who are sole policy holders with cheaper insurance?
How much would insurance for a 17yr old cost?
the car is a cts-v coupe. I need to know if i can afford the insurance b4 buying for my son. -thanks
Does any one know about any 0 deductible health insurance plan with low monthly payment?
State California
Geico car insurance down payment?
Is anyone here doing geico auto insurance monthly payments? I just got my policy and had to put a downpayment. the down payment is part of my policy total right? it's not like an extra fee? I'am pretty sure it's part of my total.
How long it takes to find a car before it is considered a loss for insurance purrpose in California?
What is the search time frame for a car to be considered loss for insurance reimbursement in California? I am buying a new car and considering my insurance policy option and also thinking if I truly need a LoJack.
Question regarding auto mobile insurance company policy?
so i just got with a new insurance company about 2 months ago. Would the insurance company accept a claim and cover all the expenses of a car accident if they didnt withdraw their monthly fee yet, but then i did received their pink slip of the policy number and everything?""
Which car insurance companies only ask for 3 years convictions?
Can anyone give me a of list of car insurance companies which only ask for 3 years of convictions...? I have 6 points, I'm 22, passed my test 3 months ago, and accumulated these points 3 years and 2 months ago... Catch my drift? :)""
Does anybody know of a cheap insurance company for eighteen year olds?
I just turned eighteen and I'm looking for car insurance since what I'm paying right now is really high ( 290 for minimum) Everywhere else I look wants like 1000 dollars a month for minimum coverage thats crazy how can anyone afford that? Are there any good companies in specific for someone in my position?
What is the typical cost of condo insurance in florida?
I'm trying to understand what homeowners insurance woul cost in florida for a 2 bedroom condo. I'm not ready to call an insurance company. I'm looking in Ft.Myers. Just want to know is it thousands of dollars and out of my range or a few hundrend per year. Say for a 75k condo.
Cheap car to insure for 17 year old boy?
Please just say a few car names and not your not geting any for cheap
16 year old male car insurance question?
My mom has Gieco car insurance. I was wondering how much car insurance would be for me on a 1998 Jeep Wrangler with a security system, and 4x4 drive. I tried to get a quote yesterday on the fone but they made me wait like 40 minutes so i hung up and it never works online so please help me.""
""Crashed car into the bushes, would basic insurance cover it?""
My car brakes gave up on me and i crashed into the dense bushes. The police didn't even write a report since, as they said, it was no fault of my own and i had no injuries. Since i didn't hit anybody or anything but the bush there was no fine for me to pay. I don't know how big is the damage to the car since it happened on a saturday evening (i'll have it checked out tomorrow), but the front looks bad. I have basic Florida insurance, and i just want to know if they would cover it before i call them. If they don't cover it i'd rather just get it fixed without having my insurance rate go up. So... since it was not my fault (there were witnesses who saw i did everything possible to get the car safely off the road) would it cover at least part of the expenses?""
Where can I get affordable health insurance?
I am a full time college student, and my school offers insurance, but it is expensive. I need basic health care to cover doctors visits, specialist visits, and x rays. The main reason I need coverage is that my back is messed up from a car accident about a year and a half ago and I can't take the pain anymore. I went to my states website and the insurance they offer is currently not accepting applications. I have looked at tons of sites online, but so far am having no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.""
Car insurance for 18/19 yr old?
im 18/19 yr old and just passed my test. how much will it cost for insurance to drive a 1.6 and im a girl? and how much will it cost if i did a passplus?
How much homeowner insurance should I buy?
In other words, how much does it really cost to rebuild this house? My homeowner insurance company insures the dwelling for X, and another company suggests I insure it for 76% of X. So who is right and how do I find out? Another important question -- do most people try to get 100% coverage in case the house is vaporized, or do smart people go for, say, 75% coverage because the entire house probably won't be destroyed? Advice, please.""
What is a car under 1000 for young drivers with cheap insurance ? ?
What is a car under 1000 for young drivers with cheap insurance ? ?
Do you think if I worked at McDonalds I could be able to afford a mustang GT and pay for car insurance?
I want to buy a mustang GT. I prefer a 99-01 year. Which would probably cost me about 400-500 a month paying car payments and car insurance. I'm only 16 years old. But I plan on getting a job when i'm 18 and buying a car. I also need to get my GED, which I start taking classes for that next fall.. because I dropped out of school for specific reasons I wont talk about here. If I work 6 hours a day and earn 7.40 an hour for 5 days a week, thats about 880 bucks a month. Plus my parents could help me out a little. I would use all the money I get from work for the car payment, insurance and gas. Would I have enough money?""
Which minivan has the cheapest insurance for a NEW driver?
looking at second hand minivans - been doing some rough online insurance calculations but so far all above 1000. any body know any minivans which will have a low insurance for a NEW driver
Just passed driving test. 18 years old. What is the cheapest insurance company for me?
Just recently passed 17, turning 18 in a few days. What is the best insurance company in terms of price? also what car would i need to purchase to get the cheapest possible quote? Advice needed!""
Where can I get the lowest priced auto insurance in orange county California ?
I'm a single dad choking on Title IV-D child support enforcement and I want to get my car registered so I can get a job, pay the support be a good dad and jump through all these government circus hoops. I need the lowest priced auto insurance I can get. Perfect driving record and I just want the minimum coverage because I drive a cheap car. Thank You!""
Can You get Insured for a car thats not yours?
My girlfriends car is un insurenced and she got her L's suspended can i get insurence if im driving her car now?
Everything auto insurance will ask you?
I had a car accident, the other driver's insurance company called me, and I need to know all the questions they would ask me personal or not. I know they will ask about the facts of the accident, but I want to know what personal questions(like age, health insurance, education, etc.)""
How much do you think the cheapest insurance would be for my classic car?
My car is a 68' . Yes It is very old. I have been trying to get a quote but most websites do not have the option for cars older then the early 90's late 80's. Anyone with a classic car help? I thought about antique tags but I will use It as a daily driver and in the state of VA that's illegal so.. it's chevy impala 4 doors. btw. all I want is a liability.
""My car insurance quote is 5,000?""
This is the cheapest quote given by the companies. I am 19 years old and working in a minimum wage job. How can they expect me to be able to afford 5,000 in insurance when I'm only driving a 250 car? How can this price come down? Will waiting until I'm older reduce the price?""
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
Im a girl with good grades that would be added on to my parents insurance policy, can anyone give me a dollar estimate?""
rsa car insurance quote
rsa car insurance quote
0 notes
What is the cheapest car insurance you can buy?
"What is the cheapest car insurance you can buy?
Age 20's, I want to buy cheapest insurance possible. I don't care about coverage for myself, I just want it legal to drive.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
NJ private health insurance.Which health insurance company is best?
My spouse has health insurance.To add me on would cost over $900 monthly.Which health insurance company gives the lowest cost coverage in new jersey? I am self-employed .We have no children.We are in our 50's.
Can young adults get free medical insurance?
A bill was passed and my 2 older kids can not get insurance, so I remember a bill was signed to give up all free insurance and I'm a single parent still see a doctor nor can my two older kids. When I lost my job in 2009 I lost everything and nothing has been right since. I still have no job no coverage and my kids can't finish their education or get medical coverage. What happens to us?""
""Searching for car insurance, suggestions?""
I'm currently searching for a decent car insurance company. What do the great people of Yahoo Answers recommend? Do you possibly have any examples of how this car insurance company has helped you in the past? I don't know if it matters, but I live in Southern Illinois (in case region matters.) If you could throw out car insurance companies that you recommend, I'd greatly appreciate it. Please do not throw out an insurance company based on their jingle, slogan, or catchy phrase. For example, Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there! What exactly makes this company so much better than the others is what I'd like to know. Please and thank you. I appreciate all help in the great quest for insurance.""
Whats the insurance price for an accord?
Whats the insurance price for an accord?
Car insurance?
I have only liability insurance. If I rented a car will liability only insurance cover the car if I got in an accident or do I need to have full coverage?
On average what does a automotive insurance adjuster/or a body shop estimator make annually?
On average what does a automotive insurance adjuster/or a body shop estimator make annually?
Can I own a car without insurance in NY?
I recently moved to New York from Illinois due to family issue. I am overwhelmed by the heavy traffic and how difficult it is to drive in NY. Fortunately the public transportation is convenient enough so I don't bother driving my car at all and about to sell it. However, my insurance is about to expire in days and I won't be driving this car until someone buys it. The car is registered in Illinois. Can I still keep my car in NY without insurance? What do I have to do with my license plate? What procedures do I have to follow if I sells my car in NY? I've been working very hard try to earn enough money to put my family together, any pennies less to spend is very helpful to my current situtation. Please if anyone can answer it! Much appreciated.""
What is the cost of Ciprofloxacin without health insurance in the States?
I think the usual dose of Cipro is 250 to 500 mgm every 12 hours for approx 10 days for UTI from what I have read online. So assuming its 20 tablets what is the cost of Ciprofloxacin without health insurance at Walmart. Just getting an idea of what the cost might be before visit to Doctor round the corner. Any experiences with buying antibiotics without health insurance? What are your thoughts on this in general and any idea of approximate cost of Ciproflaxin without insurance at Walmart. Walmart seem to be the most affordable place. CVS are expensive. Walgreens are very expensive in my opinion.
What is the estimated price of being added onto a parents car insurance?
i am 16 sorting out the finances of my future car and have noticed the unreal car insurance price for a little car such as a nissan almera and am thinking of going onto my parents car insurance.
Insurance for young adults?
I can't seem to get all of my questions answered from my own research, so I've resorted to yahoo answers. My family lost my dad a few years ago, and with him we lost our insurance coverage. We currently receive social security. This stops once I graduate. Would I be able to receive any sort benefits (any sort of welfare, food stamps, etc) as a result of this? What about college grants? Also, my mom, sister and I don't have any health insurance. I want to apply for affordable insurance, but I really don't know much about it. How much would it cost, and what are my options? Thank you so much for anyone who takes the time to answer this, I really appreciate it.""
What is the best type of renters insurance available in California?
I want to get renters insurance in California, any good affordable ones available? I noticed nationwide and statefarm are not available here. I am using Geico for car insurance. TIA!""
What happens if to my insurance if i get married?
My parents pay for my insurance and ill have it till I'm 19 if I get married would I no longer have insurance?
How much money difference between full coverage and liability?
I'm 24. I have full coverage on my car now, and I pay $106 a month. I am getting rid of my car, and getting a new one that I will not have a loan on. So I plan on getting liability insurance. Around what price difference can I expect after switching from full coverage to liability? Thanks.""
How much will gas and insurance cost for me?
I will be driving at least 30 miles per day on week days and about 12 miles per day on the weekend. I am 18 and in college. I haven't gotten my driver's license but plan to take the test in a month or two. I don't know what the MPG of my car will be as I have not purchase it yet but I can almost guarantee it will be fairly old so that may help determine it somewhat. An estimate on a cheap car would be nice too.
Should I have my own insurance while using someone else's car?
The other person owns the car and has it insured in his name but is allowing me to use it until I can get another car. Should I or even can I have my own insurance policy on his car? I live in Michigan and my previous car was hit and totaled. Trying to buy/finance another car after only working full time again since Feb. is near impossible.
Insurance rates for 2004 Pontiac GTO?
I am almost 18 and looking for a new vehicle. Currently I am driving a Mitsubishi Eclipse Gt (5 speed) and am paying $200 a month! They messed it up so I need to call them back it should only be $120 a month. Anyhow, I am looking to upgrade. I have been looking at Srt-4's which are quite high on insurance, Ion Redline's aka Cobalt SS which is cheaper than the Srt-4, and have currently spotted a 2004 Pontiac GTO (6 speed) , sticker price $12,000 I will try to talk them down to 9 or 10k which might be pushing it even though the car is almost 8 years old. Anyway for the minimum amount for full coverage I only want to be paying no more than $250 a month. Do you think this can be achieved? I have the good student discount and have taken driver's ed. Thanks Guys""
How much is insurance?
how much is insurance for a 1978 corvette stingray?(i want to know how much it is and also if that price is low or not also if i got a older corvette would the insurance go down?) i am 16 but i have a 3.5 gpa im also a guy if that changes anything also my parents insurance is really low.
A good place 2 get cheap car insurance?
A good place 2 get cheap car insurance?
How does an Insurance Claim work?
How does an insurance claim work. Let's say I get up one morning walk outside and my car has been stolen? The police come out and take a report, then they leave. How long would it take insurance cover this and how much would they cover? For example, if I have a car that I'm financing that is worth $24,500.00 dollars that had full insurance coverage. Basically, how does it work? Since it's being financed, I'm sure the insurance company would pay out the remaining balanced owed on the car to satisfy the loan with the finance company but what happens to me afterwards? Lets say I have $100,000 dollars in coverage that covers me in case of theft or something like that. Being that the car was fully covered and insurance was able to pay back the loan, would they give me the money to buy a new car at equal or face value of the car that was stolen? Insurance is so friggin complicated...if someone could explain the process to me I'd appreciate it.""
Which is more expensive to maintain. BMW or Acura? Is insurance price higher?
Which is more expensive to maintain. BMW or Acura? Is insurance price higher?
What should the governments role be in healthcare?
What are you ok with the government touching, concerning your personal health care.""
Where to a find good site Affordable Family Health Insurance?
Hello, please suggest me a website for affordable family health insurance.There are many sites that offer you discount, but i think most of them are scams.I need cheap price for my health insurance.Please let me know.""
Car bill of sale/insurance?
Im 18 with no licence Im actually in the process of trying to get my licence well my question Is can a family member Put me under there car insurance so i can Register my car since the Bill of sale Is under my name? Im not planning on driving the car until i have my licence
Car insurance - first time driver?
First time driver :) I'm 19 & female. I'm hopefully getting a car by the end of the year. So I was just checking the general insurance prices (I know they change regularly, but I just wanted to see) Anyway, I typed all my information, I was the main driver (I didn't put my parents down as additional drivers either) and the cheapest price was 694.94 - would that have been for the year? It was full comp too. It also had a total excess price, what does that mean? I'm really confused; I though first time drivers had high insurance?? Thanks! Also, I have a job so I will be paying for everything. Not my parents. I put in the quote that I had a full driving license, not provisional which I have. Just that I hadn't bought the car. I clicked on one of the quotes & it showed 11 monthly payments of 66.27 and the full total as 798.49 BQ: If I got my car within the next month; then asked my dad to teach me, would I then be able to take a couple lessons with an instructor before I took my test? Or would I need to have all my lessons with an instructor?""
Insurance industry Q&A - what entry level insurance job ...?
what entry level insurance job would be good for someone looking to break into the industry?chicago i have 0 years experience but i have a BA degree undeclared. im fimilar with ms office software.
What is the cheapest car insurance you can buy?
Age 20's, I want to buy cheapest insurance possible. I don't care about coverage for myself, I just want it legal to drive.
Are there any whole life insurance / Roth IRA options similar to Colorado Banking?
I recently spoke to an investment broker about an option offered by Colorado Banking that offers an IRA with a guaranteed interest rate where the amount you put in ($150 per month) goes toward a 80,000 whole life insurance plan and also into an IRA that would return 319,000 at the end of 45 years. I've done the math and it does work itself out, but I'm curious if there are any companies that compete with the same type of plan.""
Blue Cross/Shield health insurance?
Is this Insurance corporation a good one or a bad one to have as a health care plan?
Does my dad lose his no claims if I'm added to his car insurance?
I have a query about car insurance. When I passed my test last May, I was told that if I was to have my dad as the main driver, and me as the named driver, and my dad has 9 years or more no claims, then they would have to be reset to 0 years when i am added to the insurance, is this true? if it is, then i'm going to have to stick with the ridiculous insurance quotes... if not, then i've just realised that i could be saving myself 1000! Any opinions appreciated! :)""
How much does Health Insurance cost?
Say your a 25 year old female and need health insurance how much would that cost a month..and also..do most jobs come with health insurance
What the youngest age someone can get auto insurance?
What the youngest age someone can get auto insurance?
Around how much do you think I will need to pay for car insurance?
I'm moving out on my own. I'm 18, female, have had my license for 2 years, no tickets, no suspensions, no accidents. I'm going to be living in Los Angeles, driving a car probably from 1990-95. I know you can't give me an EXACT number, but around how much monthly do you think?""
About how much does insurance cost for BudgetTruck Rental?
Can someone give me a ballpark on how much insurance would cost for Plan 2  Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) on budgettruck.com I need a 16' moving truck in a Columbus, Ohio suburb up to Toledo area""
I have a a term life insurance calculator?
I have a term life insurance calculator, i want to place the link in to other sites which are relevant to term life insurance. Can any one please suggest me list of those sites which are relevant to term life insurance or any article or blogs site which belongs to an individual person and is relevant to life insurance. Please provide me only US site. thanks""
Renewal of car insurance after accident?
I was in a car accident in Oct 2006, I was injured in the accident and still under medical treatment but insurance is now refusing to pay any medical bills and my 6 month renewal is up and I am wondering if I need to renew this because of being in a accident or not. If anyone has been through anything similar like this could you please advise. I was not at fault in this accident and I am waiting to hear from a lawyer. Any Advice? Serious answers only PLEASE!!""
Which website is best to get best auto/car insurance quotes?
Is there a genuine website which compares all the available auto insurances and provides you the best results. I tried www.insurancehotline.com but this was a really bad website and showed me very high quotes.
How much more a month is car insurance for a sports car than for something like a coupe or sedan?
How much more a month is car insurance for a sports car than for something like a coupe or sedan?
Is anybody looking for affordable health care insurance?
I work with ASSURANT HEALTH, I can get you a free quote just let me know.""
About how much would my USAA auto insurance cost?
I am 16 and I will be getting my license... I passed drivers ed and get good grades I wanted to get a quote but the USAA website wanted me to give info such as social security and etc, and I do not feel comfortable giving that info. Can anyone tell me a rough estimate of what my auto insurance might cost per month?""
How to convince parents to let me have auto insurance?
I've had my license for a little over three months now. However, I have no insurance, and therefore cannot drive (in California). Their reasoning is that I am an unsafe driver which I disagree with because I quite easily passed my driving test at the DMV and always think before I do anything when I drive. However, they seem firm on their decision... It's a bit frustrating having my license for so long but still being unable to drive. I'm tired of having to always ask friends for a ride or my parents; I just want a taste of independence. Of course, I'm not trying to be too arrogant or stubborn, I've respected my parent's decision, it's just bugging me a bit now haha. I offered to do a six-month plan instead of a year plan since I'm heading off to college in Septemberish. I'm about to turn 18 in a couple weeks also. Does anyone have any advice?""
""Wat types of car insurances are there for a 18 year old in Canada, how much do they cost?""
Wat types of car insurances are there for a 18 year old in Canada, how much do they cost?""
Insuring a VW Beetle?
i really want a red VW Beetle, the newer version, but not really new so it costs tons. I would be a 1st time buyer at 17/18 years old. what is the average price for that car and what does the insurance cost nowadays?""
Why won't my insurance company let me transfer our No Claims Discount to a different car/policy?
We have been insuring our Audi with the Co-op, who I've generally found to be reasonable. However, now we have a problem. A couple of months ago we bought a van with the intention of replacing the Audi with the van. But the van needed some work doing on it, so we took out a second insurance on the van with the Co-op, so we could still drive the Audi. At the time, I was disappointed to be told that we could not have a No Claims Bonus on the van, as they said it could only be applied to one policy at a time. But they gave the clear impression that when we cancel the Audi insurance, we could then transfer the NCB to the van. The Audi has now broken down, so we want to cancel its insurance. However, yesterday when I called them, they now said they cannot transfer the NCB to the van as it would be being transferred 'mid-season' to a different car policy. They said they could only have applied it to the van if we had changed the original Audi's policy to cover the van, instead of taking out a different insurance policy for the van. This seems ridiculous. Surely, we are entitled to our NCB?! Why should it matter that it is mid-season or not? I explained that if I cancelled our insurances with them and went to another company, I would be given a NCB on the van so why won't they give it to me. They agreed! I really don't want to change, as I don't trust other companies and the Co-op seem more ethical than others. But this seems so stupid. To get round this silly rule without changing company, I'm thinking of cancelling the van insurance and changing the Audi insurance to the van, ie. do what they said I should have done in the beginning. What do you think?! (Also, is it ok to keep the Audi uninsured, given that it cannot be driven, but is parked on a public road?)""
Basic features of insurance?
features of insurance
Does vehicle modifications raise insurance?
Things like new Wheels, body kits, engine swaps and etc. Would modifications raise insurance?""
Advice regarding car insurance....I am new to it all?
Could someone please explain to me how the costs are decided, im aware the younger you are the more it will be (im 18 :/) but which cars fall into which category ? Any sites which will show me ? Also any advice on what is a good 1st car ? can anyone suggest a site where i can do comparisions regarding the car/insurance cost/insurance group etc because when i search nothing useful is coming up""
What is the least expensive general liability insurance you can get in Connecticut?
My father-in-law is a handyman who needs to renew or purchase general liability insurance, but he doesn't have the money. I'm just trying to help him out so he doesn't screw himself if god forbid something should happen on the jobsite. Thanks.""
Insurance for a Kit Car?
I am sixteen. I have just got my licence (around a week ago). I have a kit car. It is a lamborghini kit car. What type of insurance would i have to get. Do i have to pay a lamborghini kit car insurance, or do i have to pay a kit car insurance. My kit car was made to be as close to the real lamborghini as possible (just in case that makes a difference). BTW, I am in USA... I noticed that some people were in UK, and that doesn't help me much :(. My main questions - What type of insurance would i have to get? What would be the best company for that insurance? What would the pricing be like? Thanks Anyways""
Applying Health Insurance with High Blood Pressure?
I have a question. If I have high blood pressure, will insurance company reject my application instantly? I am 24, male. I am just worry about this HBP, so I am trying to figure out how to apply for a health insurance. Also, my income is kind of low, is there any benefit I can count on in California(Alameda)? Thank you for answering my question""
""What is the average cost of home owner insurance in Houston, Texas?
I know this varies and are based on different factors. I am just seeking an average - thanks!
Car insurance...?
I am thinking about buying a 1999 ford fiesta sometime. I have opted for a 5 door car rather than a 3 door car. I have heard of some people paying up to 3k per year for insurance. How much difference roughly in terms of  would having 5 doors make in stead of 3? And what would be the difference rouughly between insuring a car with a 1.8 diesel engine than something like a 1.4 diesel engine? I want to get a car when I have passed my driving test.
What is the cheapest car insurance you can buy?
Age 20's, I want to buy cheapest insurance possible. I don't care about coverage for myself, I just want it legal to drive.
Does filing a police report increase car insurance?
I filed a police report for a hit and run minor fender bender that I can fix myself. Did I make a mistake filing a police report?
How much do you pay a month for your health insurance?
Is it a PPO? What company are you with? I haven't had health insurance for most of my life and am now shopping around. I have a very bad attitide about doctors and insurance... :) Oh, well. I just got a quote from Aetna-basic $187 a month-you have to spend 5K before the hospitalization kicks in and I can't remember the copay. And plan to get a quote from Anthem Blue Cross and, also, Blue Shield of California (2 separate companies here.) Ugghh! Any advice would be appreciated. If I'm going to go the effort to get insurance I don't want some fly by night whatever, but I am really so ignorant of this stuff. Thanks for any input.""
Homeowners insurance in California????
I am thinking of purchasing my first home, and I was wondering about how much homeowners insurance would cost me. The home costs 200,000. Does anyone have any idea about how much that would be? I don't want to get into something I can't afford.....""
Motorcyce Insurance (Temp) Cost? Possible?
I own a 2001 Ford Ka. I'm 18 in a month, and I pay 400 a month for car insurance. I'm looking to purchase a motorcycle in the summer, to cut the cost of petrol for going to work, and as a hobbie. I've been interested in taking up riding for a year now. I'm looking to buy a Honda CBF 125. Maybe a CBR 125. Although, I'm only wanting temp insurance. For, Say, The summer. Pay each month and stop when you want, start when you want. As sometimes some months im away, and i wont need it. I was just wondering, Could I get insurance for under 60 a month? I'm still on provisional bike licence. I just really don't want to be looking at another 400 a month for something i'm only using for sunny days/fun. Thanks!""
Where can i find individual health insurance?
Looking out for individual health insurance plans in India
Insurance for a ten+ year old car?
I am looking to get a 2000ish LS1 Fbody (camaro or trans am for those who dont know) and I was talking to my dad about the insurance rates. Since I am a male under 25 my rates would go up a lot with a sports car like those. However he told me that since the cars are over ten years old, the insurance company probably wouldn't rate it very high just because of the age of the car, even though its a sports car. Does anyone know if thats the way it works? or is he mistaken? Please answer the question without getting into lecturing about young men having sports cars and how its a bad idea. the question could pertain to any older car, I'm not even sure if thats the car that i want. I'm just doing my research. Thanks!!!""
How much does Insurance cost for g37s 08?
How much does Insurance cost for g37s 08?
""Im 17 i hve a 1.4 citroen saxo west coast, nd te lowst insurance ive found is 2300! cn an1 suggest a company?""
ive tried all the compairson sites and they are really expensive, can anyone suggest a cheaper insurance company? i love my car and dont want to sell it!""
Which car insurance company is best with a teenage driver?
i am 16 and i am considering buying a 1999-2004 mustang or maybe a firebird or camaro from about the same time and i know the insurance is going to be high. 1) how much of a difference will it make if its listed as my parents' car and im just a driver rather than it being my car and 2) which auto insurance company is best for discounts from drivers ed, my gpa(4.0 thank you very much),and maybe a defense driving course or something like that. thanks in advance everyone!!!""
Why do insurance companies charge first and last?
I had a nice Allstate agent call me and discuss my insurance with me, give me a lower rate and then come pay time, tell me that they require first and last. When I asked her why the last, she could not provide a good answer. I know not all insurance companies do this, but what is the point? When asked when I would get the last back, she said when I cancel my policy some day!! What if I don't want to cancel..ever? This does not make sense to me at all. Why keep my money there for nothing? When one does cancel the policy, do they get the money back with interest on that? Once confronted with these questions, the agent was not so nice any more. Can someone please answer the above?""
Caught without car insurance.?
I was caught failing to stop completely at a red light right turn. The cop stopped me and asked for everything. I gave my driver's license, and my dad's insurance. the cop wrote me a ticket afterward and that's that. however, the thing is that i don't have insurance myself. is anything going to happen? note: this just happened 3 days ago and it apparently takes the count 2 months to enter the citation into the database""
What are Insurance groups all about?
And... 1. Is a 1.4 engine car okay for a 17 year old? Or does it HAVE to be 1.2 2. Honda Civic or Volkswagen Polo? 3. A rough idea on the insurance cost per year for third party fire and theft?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old boy.?
i am international student from china. i really want to have my own car, but my guardian told me the insurance for teens is very expensive. i want to know how much is it per year or per month. i live in mn""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old driver?
I am about to turn 16 in August. And I'm wondering if you can tell me a estimated guess on how much car insurance will be. My family is insured with State Farm. If there is another company that may be cheaper please tell me. My family has several cars under Sate Farm if that makes a difference. I will be driving a 2007-8 Ford F-150 Lariat 2 wheel drive. I have all A's and have over 60 community service hours. If any of this makes a difference. How much will I start off spending and how fast does it get lowered and what will it get lowered to about?
What probably are the causes for increasing health insurance rates?
Is it due to inflation, lowering standards of medical care, insufficient government control, deteriorating human health, environmental degradation or other factors?""
How much would the insurance be?
I found a 1998 ford mustang for sale. The car is perfect. It has 50,000 miles. Its in great shape. The engine and body is incredibly clean. Just a few scratches. I'm 18 years old and just wanted to figure out what the insurance would be. I keep trying web sites, but all of the quotes are $100 different than the other ones. So does anyone know?""
Getting my baby on insurance?
I'm 20, unmarried, and a full-time nursing student, so I still have insurance through my parents. I live with my boyfriend, my baby's dad, and he has insurance through the hospital where he works. His insurance isn't too expensive for him, but if he were to add the baby onto his policy, the price would nealy double, taking almost half his paycheck every month. I work as much as I can parttime, but with taking fulltime classes, along with clinicals, there's no way I can work fulltime right now. We would be considered low-income, and I know my baby would be eligible for medicaid. I'm only 26 weeks along, but I really want to have everything arranged by the time he gets here. Who would I contact for more details about getting on it? We've never used any kind of supplemental assistance like this, so I really don't even know where to go. It's probably too early right now, but when would I need to start filling out the paperwork?? Thanks for your help!!!""
400 dollars a month for car insurance that is CRAZY?!?
I went on a website that gives you a free estimated quote for how much insurance would cost, I completed drivers ED and it is still about 400 monthly or 5000 yearly for an old crappy car! My dad called his insurance company to add me on to his truck and that is 80 monthly or 1000 yearly but he is never home so it would be pointless to get added on to him. I need a car to get to a from work since I live 20 minutes out of town. How do they expect young drivers to afford that? What did you pay when you first got your license? I'm female & 17""
What can you do if an insurance company breaks the policy terms?
My dad's insurance company has changed his policy and made a new one after he's already made 2 payments on the old one.no terms were violated by my father and he did not add anything new. they raised his price by $126.88. i looked over at the statement current and old one. they're making no sense. what can we do? and also last question can they add interest rates to payments that aren't even due yet to each month? i thought interest payments were only a requirement if the bill wasn't paid on time??
How much would a 1.1 litre car cost me a month?
Im 18 and starting my driving lessons, im also a stay at home mum. Cant afford a nice car so a 1.1 litre car is only in my range. Id like to know roughly how much my insurance would be a month? Thank you""
Do you need car insurance to put a car under your name?
I have an used car, to switch the car to your name, and register it, do you need to have insurance?""
Hi anyone know a cheap insurance company for a smart pulse (600/700cc) as the ones ive tried are a bit pricey?
i realise that its all down to your postcode-age-driving record, but im 50 clean licence, however live in a poor postcode, however ive been qouted 256 pounds (nearly the same as a motorcaravan i also have) i was going to get a fiat 126 (also 600cc) this was only 80 pounds fully comp.....strange the insurance game do you think? thanks all simon.""
Can you cancel a car insurance policy and take a new one with a different company the next day?
My girlfriend is currently paying 197 a month for her car insurance, but we did a quote with another company will all legit details and they have quoted her 880 for the year. Can i ring up and cancel her current policy and take out a new with with this other company? or are there issues With doing this""
How much would this car insurance cost?
say... a 17 year old with a V8 mustang.. how much per month/year do you think it'd be? assuming i got the cheapest deal i could
Typical renters insurance in springfield MA?
what is the typical amount of money you pay for renters insurance in springfield Massachusetts?
What is the cheapest car insurance you can buy?
Age 20's, I want to buy cheapest insurance possible. I don't care about coverage for myself, I just want it legal to drive.
How much (roughly) does car insurance cost for a first time driver?
I'm 17, and I can get my licsence in a couple months and im looking into getting a car. Specifically, a chevy spark 1lt, the biweekly payment is 136 and I'm just curious what te estimated insurance would cost?""
How much would car insurance cost for me?
I'm 21 years old and I have had my driver's license for 2 years. however i still have not been able to drive since i am a poor college student and cannot afford anything. however i will be graduating soon as a registered nurse and will get a job. So i would like to know the price range for car insurance just to have an idea. thanks.
How can a teen get lowered insurance rates on a sports car?
How can a teen get lowered insurance rates on a sports car?
Driving Someone Else's Car...Do I need Insurance?
Okay lets say that I have my license but I don't have car. If I have a friend or a family that lets me drive their car and I get into accident...who's fault would it be? Mines or the owner's? And If I do drive someone else's car..do I need insurance to pay for the owner's car if I accidentally damage their car? Or no?
Insurance for a motor bike or scooter?
Hey there, Im 19 years old and currently a student. I am looking to purchase a motorbike, but will probably buy a scooter instead since its cheaper and easier to get used to and ride. But the problem is, im not sure how insurance works on scooters as well as the legalities of actually riding them. So where could I get my scooter insured, on average how much would it cost, do I need any licences or lessons, etc...? Help!""
Is there a way to borrow someone else's address for car insurance?
My friend lives in Los Angeles county and she is being charged $500 for a piece of paper that will be sent to her house address in Los Angeles. Can she use another address to receive that paper? Or does it have to be the house she lives at?
Auto insurance debt reported on credit reports?
I changed my auto insurance from progressive to some other company.yesterday i got a call from collections that i owe progressive money.Is this reported on credit. Also do i have to pay them? I had insurance quote from them for 6 months but i found cheaper one so i moved. I live in california. Thank you
What does total excess mean with car insurance ?
hi on my car insurance it says 450 total excess what does that mean ? thanks
Car insurance from abroad?
It might be a simple question, but I can't figure it out. Is it possible to have and drive a car in the UK and have a car insurance from a foreign insurance company (e.g. German or French) on a permanent basis? If not, what is the reason? If yes, do you know any foreign insurers who do it?""
Is an acura integra cheap on insurance?
my son is thinking of buying one
Do I need car insurance in Florida?
I passed my 4 our class on drugs and alcohol. I'm waiting for my certificate to come in the mail so I can go to the DMV and get my learners permit. Do I need insurance even though I'm not going to be driving my own car? I'll be driving my friends car. Sources? What's the cheapest insurance for a 16 year old male? Name of insurance and cost? Why would I need it if I don't even have a car and I'm driving my friends car?
What would my car insurance be?
i am a boy about to turn 16 and i wanted a nice car i really want a standard sports car. any ideas on how much i would have to pay a month?
Anyone know of cheap health insurance for college athletes?
My university requires over $1800 for health insurance (the plan that provides enough coverage for athletes) and I don't have that much money right now. Any one know of any cheap alternatives? I've looked at some healthcare plans but they seem to cost much more than 1800 dollars and that's for only around 7-8 months of coverage. Thanks!
Is car insurance more expensive in Florida or Oklahoma?
I moved from Ohio to Oklahoma and my car insurance rates went way up. Now I'm moving to Florida. I was just curious how Florida rates and if my insurance will be more or less expensive there? Thank you!
Is $600/year normal price for insurance if the car is 10 years old?
My BMW Z3 is 1999 and I'm paying $600 a year for insurance in MD. Does anybody know why is it so high for such an old car? The car is now worth approximately $5000. Our other car is 2006 SUV and the insurance is cheaper. Why is that?
Insurance: Get car fixed?
On Friday, I was rear-ended by a 2000 Mitsubishi Montero Sport. I got some minor damage done to my 2004 Mazda 3s. My bumper has scratches and a dimple-- which really isn't noticeable. The car has 100,000 and I'm debating whether or not to get it fixed. I am thinking of taking the insurance money to pay off debt. Should I or should I get the car fixed? Will I get into trouble if I use the money to pay off debt?""
Cheap insurance for 22 year old male?
Hello, my insurance is really expensive because of some DMV points and accidents. I am currently with farmers insurance but I need to look for a cheaper insurance. I am a 22 year old male driving a sports car. Which insurance company will I be most likely be able to get as close to $350 per month?""
My car insurance rate is ridicules. why?
Im currently insured with Geico. I got my plan back last year when i had a beater car (2001 nissan maxima). My premium was only 260 or so for the whole year, whiche came out to 40 bucks or so a month. ive since bought a new car (2013 nissan versa) and switched it with my old car. my monthly payment only went up 4 or 5 bucks as a result. This rate is fricking great and i have no problems. however, when i go to refinance (for lack of a better word) my insurance or simply shop around, for some reason the quotes they give me skyrockets my payments to 260+ a month!! the same is for other insurance providers aswell, even the insurance offered by my bank! what gives? why the huge leap? i have a clean record (no accidents ever, last speeding ticket was 4+ years ago), what was at the time, a brand new car, aswell as a better job (was working in a restaurant, now at a lawfirm). Sure, ive moved since i first got the policy, into a poorer neighboor hood, but does it really warrant a 200 dollar increase? Someone please help me wrap my head around this. im 21 and am still pretty clueless when it comes to this sort of thing""
I have a scrap on my car what can my insurance pay?
i have insurance from progressive in Michigan a 2009 Chevy Malibu when i went on the site to pick my price i went for the cheapest one i pay 50 a month i backed up into a basketball hoop in my driveway will the insurance company pay for anything i got a claim number just too impatient to find out from the adjuster my estimate was $500 for some tiny scrapes they said they melt it and use a filler the same stuff the car is made out of making it look like it never happened
Wats the cheapest insurance in oklahoma?
Wats the cheapest insurance in oklahoma?
Why is my car insurance so high?
I have full coverage insurance on my 2005 Honda civic and I am paying a little over $850 every six months. Every quote I get isn't much better. Why is it so expensive? My insurance lady says that it's because I am a young driver with a newer car. But my YOUNGER sister has a car 2 years newer than mine and she pays about $350 less every six months. I have no tickets on my record. I did have my license suspended about 5 years ago. Why is it so expensive and how can I get it down? I can't afford this sh* t. Thank you!
Does anyone know exactly what Car Insurance Quote is?
I just can't find the right answer on Google. Please help me if u know...This is really urgent...Thanks a lot.
Does car insurance cost more for old people?
I'm doing a topic in my GCSE's and i have to gather information on weather old people should be allowed to drive... so i would apreciate it if you would comment on that as well. But what i wanted to know was weather car insurance costs more for people over 65 (because thats the age you can retire and get a pension) or for people under 65.
What is the cost of average home owners insurance?
I bought a new home, (foreclosure from the bank). I bought it quickly, and didnt have time to shop around for home owners insurance so I went with the first company who I called. I just wanted to see if this average, or too high, because if it is, I can start shopping around now. I bought a 227K foreclosure. The appraised value is 280K. I put 75K down on the house. my mortgage insurance per year is 1030 dollars. 6 bedroom/4 bathroom 3 acre home, 2400 sq feet. Is this high/average? Should I bother shopping around?""
Insurance premium after an accident?
So I was in an accident last week. It was a minor fender bender and was my first accident in the 9 years of driving I've had. I got a ticket for careless driving from the cop and I only did a small dent in the other car's bumper. My car however took a decent amount of damage and is currently being fixed. They said it is going to cost $2050 to repair my car and $440 for the others persons but I just have to pay my $500 deductible. What I'm wondering is how much should I expect my insurance to go up from this? I currently pay around $900 a year and use progressive insurance.
What is the cheapest car insurance you can buy?
Age 20's, I want to buy cheapest insurance possible. I don't care about coverage for myself, I just want it legal to drive.
0 notes
joisapig · 8 years ago
Looking Back and Moving Forward
With the new year resolution made, my life was back on track. So much freedom and happiness in me and I feel like the luckiest woman on earth to have so many close and loved ones supporting me.
¾ of 2016 had been rough from the beginning till after the break up. However, it was also a relief that I got myself out of that shit hole which I kept falling back in the last quarter. It wasn’t easy, and I wouldn’t say I was proud of myself either but I managed to get out of it.
And was I glad I did.
I become the person I am and do things I want to. The experiences were amazing and they filled me to the fullest.
Right after the rough stint, I went to Malacca with my brother and his family in mid Aug. They welcomed me with open arms and the “self-pitiful” me went along and was pulling a long face the whole three days because I was supposedly heart-broken. However, having family around is the best thing ever. They left you alone to your moods but still tried to be there at the same time. For that, I’m grateful.
Estelle invited me to try pole dance with her. At first I was skeptical, I ain’t got no dancing bones in me! Been there, done that! 4 years in modern dance in secondary school. And I still feel stiff as fuck. I suspect it could be my shoulders know. Like cmon, relax man~ But, I still went for it. I joined kfit. What’s there to lose? Nothing. I needed to keep fit anyway. Tried many studios, tbh it was fucking fun. I’ve always love doing new things, more of like challenging myself. Imagine hanging on the pole and doing some awesome tricks but still looking graceful. Well, I can try that, cant I? But, I was err “shy” or should I say lazy? And this is what Estelle told me, “I’m going US the next month and you should really go for classes yourself instead of only when with me. Because this will then prove that you genuinely like it and you aren’t going because I am.” Woah. What?! That was a given challenge. Hey woman, I love it so I’m gonna show you that I really do. And that’s when I did. Went for pole classes myself, made new friends and brought friends in. Fun as fuck. And Estelle returned from US amused and proud of my improvements.
Phuket in Sept was next with liyuan for 5D4N. It was amazing. I said I want to surf and she went right along with me. That was fun and I absolutely enjoyed myself that we went again! It was liberating to do things for myself. I had time. Time for myself which was lost when I didn’t know how to manage.
Then Bangkok in Oct was next with lovely Huiyi and Zhimin. Huiyi’s mentor tagged along and I must say I was a little sad that they didn’t have anything going on. I really wish for her to have someone who’s not him in her life instead. Then there will be future ahead. But Bangkok was fun. I shopped so much! Bought stuff for myself too! I was happpppy!
And in the very same month, I got a surprise from my manager that I’ve got a salary adjustment for my work. It was great news because I felt at least now I’m earning the “right” amount in comparison to others in the society. I love my job. I love IT. And to be recognized for my effort was encouraging because this is a company which values its people. I’m blessed.
In Nov, I’ve decided to join an all girls’ darts league. It was a great decision made. Tiring as it was, I got to meet many people and gained league experiences. It was challenging and for the first few games, I was nervous. I always wish that I can focus. It’s like I am a 3 minutes person. Ooo, I love this, I’m gonna do this and excel in it. Then, I lose focus and it’s gone. But this league, it keeps me going. I didn’t have a choice. It was a commitment. And because I have teammates which I don’t want to “let down”, I practice. And when you practice, you improve. And it is still fun to me. When you hit the bulls and triples, the sounds coming from the dart board exhilarate me.
Yixuan broke up in Dec. She said I seem so happy and doing things that I like which made her see why her relationship wasn’t working out. I don’t know how her relationship was. But I have always felt that relationships starting out since secondary schools or junior colleges lasting till now seems to be like couples only having each other. This is what I see from social media which I could be wrong but the couples are usually hanging out with only each other. And that isn’t healthy I suppose. Sometimes, we need friends around us too. But of course, always set your priorities right. I’m really glad for her though. Super glad. Not the break up but her changes. She is so much happier now and amazing. She was the matured one in our clique. Now there’s this wild side of her appearing and full of life. Spontaneous but hopefully, still able to keep herself safe.
So past 2016 after the break up, I told myself that I would stay single for a year but I have friends telling me there’s no such thing. When love comes, it comes.
Even though I said I would be single, I did go dating around. I was just thinking like hey you know what, I have to meet people. Meeting people is interesting. You get to read them, find out what you like or dislike. I know I don’t have to meet guys and I don’t need any more new friends, but I would wanna know what’s good for me too. I’ve always wanted to settle down but I find out that hey, it doesn’t work that way. You don’t want to settle down then you meet anyone and that could be the person for you. No. Because you don’t settle. I want to meet the person who makes me want to settle down with. The idea is different now.
Truth be told, I’ve probably met about 7 new persons from tinder. None matters of course. But sometimes, the funny thing in life comes least expected. Met up with Chelsea and the rest as usual to have meal in HV and we were just talking about life when she teased me about liking Indians and wanting to intro her friend to me. I was like nah, not interested luh. I don’t like Indians specifically but I like nice people. And liking nice people don’t mean I have a thing for anyone. So after the meal here and there, apparently there was a plan to go clubbing and her Indian friend was going along. And that’s when I met him.
Okay, cute. Okay, tall. Hello beer belly. Hello smokes. Eek. Nopes! Haha! So I formed these in my head. But he suddenly became fucking cute to me that night in the wee morning which must be due to the alcohol. Entwined his fingers around mine to lead me in the club was interesting as I dont usually do that with strangers. But then again, my clubbing experiences could be counted with two hands back then. Haha.
Whatever it is, somehow, he texted me the following evening and we began texting everyday. I would say our texts were purely friends. Just talking and I didn’t read much in them which of course I shouldn’t. He seemed nice but I didn’t feel that we had a lot to talk about because we were only getting to know each other. But when we started to self disclose in our meetings, it felt different like in a nice way.
And in someway, he slowly grew on me like a constant. I can tell him anything and I don’t have to worry what fucks he thinks about me. I can be me and I am me. I feel comfortable around him and it was nice yet scary at the same time. I don’t know what the fuck I was getting myself into. I really don’t want history to repeat itself and so I really have to protect myself. I am cool headed. I have to be. I was a diver. Not literally. But someone who falls head over heels over a human quickly and stays devoted when there is supposedly chemistry or sparks. I can’t be that person anymore. This time, I need to be in control of myself.
He told me he likes me and asked me to go The Canopi with him but I was afraid. I don’t want to get hurt again in any way know. And somehow, when he mentioned Taiwan (I love Taiwan), I thought hey that seems fine.
Side track (so me!), I went to Bangkok with my family and friends in early Jan. Months filled with travels make me happy. All the exciting line ups. I feel like a free bird. Oh and I joined a new mixed darts league too as the previous one ended. This bunch of new people is just as fun and lovely!
Anyway back to Taiwan, I went there with him this Feb. It kinda changed things. We grew even closer and I would say we had fun together. Good fun. And I really enjoyed his company. He’s respectful and have amazing self-control there. Thumbs up gentleman. And Kenting was fucking amazing. Especially that one full day we had where we e-scootered the area and ended the night off with the perfect suggestion from him to look at stars together on the beach in the night. I’ve always wanted to do stuff like that and I get to with him. Seems like our travel plans just worked out and flowed when we are together. For now I would say as it is just the beginning. I daren’t look into the future just as yet.
A week plus after Taiwan, we had our first fight kinda too and he just bolted. It felt like when things got bad, the supposedly close person to you would leave. It felt like people only stay when time is good. That feeling sucks big time but we did get to know one another a little more than before. I could have just fucked it and moved on with life initially but me being me, I needed answers and clear cut ones too so I messaged him first. Felt like a loser but as usual I wanted closure. What was the point of closure though when someone doesn’t want me already and yet I kept questioning why. No means no, simple as that. But if he bolts again, I don’t think I want to deal with it because it hurts I hope I am firmer and stronger now than before.
Anyway we had our first staycation together on 25 March. It was the best stay I ever had. I felt so at ease with him just being me. Saying shit and doing silly things with him knowing that he will not view me indifferently after. It was liberating and exciting much. Lovely meal at TheLab. He picks good meal choices yet he doesn’t know. Heh. And all he talks about was McSpicy, no lettuce add cheese only. Teehee. And jacuzzi was awesome. There were lights and he filled the jacuzzi up with bath salts and shower gel. So many bubbles and so foamy! We drank and danced a little. His dance moves are so frigging adorable. Haha!! I love it when he seems so carefree and happy. Okay fine, he drank a lot more than me. Ha!
Oh and when he winks with one side of his lips inching upwards, that is fucking hot and cute. There’s this cheeky kid in him that makes me smiles and I just want to squish him so bad. Those big eyes staring into mine. I can lose myself in his eyes all day and night.
Mid March was Hongkong trip with my JC clique. So blessed to be able to hang with them the 9 years of friendship and still counting. That aside, all I can say was boy am I glad someone didn’t show up due to work. Because by then, I only want to be seeing him and none other.
Oh and I’m rubbing my feet now too. So smoooth.
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