#( n. scatorccio v: trade my joy for my protection | canon adult )
darkconsumed · 1 year
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meme || accepting.
@healiotrope asked: ❝ i appreciate the determination to prove me wrong. really. ❞
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Head lulled to the side as eyes narrowed just slightly in the others direction while lips pulled up into a smirk. "If this is your attempt to do some bullshit reverse psychology...it ain't gonna work," she replied, eyes squinting before face relaxed and she looked away from Lottie. She'd been there for a few days now and though it wasn't like she had expected ( constantly chained to her bed, kept away from sharp objects, that whole thing ) she still didn't want to be there. But that was something that Nat was sure the other woman was acutely aware of. Her overall lack of participation in anything to do with this place spoke volumes. Then there was the fact that she had already been adamant about wanting to leave.
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"So...what's your plan with me...exactly?" the brunette asked after a moment, eyes returning to the taller woman. "'Cause if you think that woo woo shit you used to do is gonna help...you might as well save your breath, Lot'."
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darkconsumed · 1 year
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@fscatorccio gets a plotted thing!!
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Making adjustments to her life was always a pain. At least it used to be when it was done in a way to run away from whatever mess she had created. This time around, it was different, a bit refreshing even so it was easier, for the most part. Moving across the country was fine, she had thought about doing that for a long while and had even talked about doing it when her and Travis were still together. Had talked about going to California and living near the beach, soak up the sunshine and just wilt away together.
For many reasons that never happened, but she was glad that it had finally. And though she wasn't in sunny bright California with the guy she had complicated feelings for, being in Washington with her brother was just fine. It might have helped that she was technically dead in the eyes of New Jersey and no one save for Frankie knew who she was here. She got to be Lucy or Lu to everyone she met and got a fresh start to get things right for a change. But there was still something eating her up inside and it was the very thing that had led to her almost death. Or at least the reason for why she was at the compound to begin with.
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Natalie was seated on the couch in the living room of the comfortable home they'd made together. Something neither of them really had growing up was a stable and safe home, but they had it now. She's been staring off into space, chewing on her thumb nail and she can feel Frankie looking at her every so often, probably wondering what's on her mind. But he won't ask her what's up, he never does because he knows he'll get a short answer though tonight that changed. She just needs to find the strength to finally talk about it. About everything.
"Franks?" she murmurs, eyes still staring at the wall behind the television. "I wanna tell you...thank you for...everything." Her voice was soft, small and almost too quiet to be heard over whatever was on the television. "I know I've never been...the easiest person to be around...but last year has been good. Really good," she continues, head slowly turning to look in his direction. "But there's still somethin' eating at me and I can't...I can't ignore it any longer..."
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darkconsumed · 1 year
What happened was a complete accident on Misty's part. But it was an accident that could have been fatal if she hadn't been fast enough. If she had reacted just a second too late, what was written down on the official record would have actually happened. However, a good knight was careful with the weapon they wielded, especially when in the presence of their queen.
In the events of the season two finale, the following is what will be considered canon moving forward in relation to Natalie Scatorccio. TLDR; Nat fakes her death, takes on the identity of another woman who did die that night, she leaves with Frankie Scatorccio ( @fscatorccio ) and them along side Misty are the only one's who know that there's a different body in Nat's grave.
Misty did in fact stab her in the shoulder, injecting her with the small amount of fentanyl ( still not sure what was actually in the syringe, but will be defaulting with this ) and due to the fact that Nat had been sober for a bit after a long while, it was a shock to her system. So much so that she appeared to have died as she became somewhat unresponsive in Misty's arms. At first, Misty didn't realize that was the case as she was simply in panic/shock and was certain she killed her best friend.
However, it's after she leaves the compound and goes to the hospital that she discovers that Nat survived. That she was simply unconscious and it was during that time alone, of what she assumed was the big sleep, she realized how tired she truly was. So when Misty shows up and begins this long winded apology, all is forgiven on one condition; she uses her "weird nerd super-powers" to make Nat legally dead without actually dying. It takes convincing, but because she feels and knows she owes it to her best friend, Misty agrees to do it, to make it happen.
It's during a shift change that she sneaks into the nurses station and accesses the computers. She finds someone who did die that evening and that fit Nat's description and simply switched their names around. It was unfortunate that Lucy Svenson died that night, but the brunette would try her best not to ruin her name. Once it was all said and done with the hopes that no one would notice, it was long before Lucy was leaving the hospital and going home with Misty Quigley to recover. And to plan, to figure out what she would do next, however there was really only one thought on her mind.
Before going and speaking with Lisa, she had called her sibling, Frankie. He hadn't answered so she left a message for him with every intention of calling him back later in the evening. And she still could have done that that same night or the next day, but she couldn't risk exposing her plan and someone catching on ( not so soon anyways. ) So as the funeral was planned for Natalie Scatorccio, of course with the help from the very much alive woman herself, she decided that she would finally do right by Frankie.
The week leading up to the funeral, she was nervous that this wouldn't work. That it would fall through and she'd be stuck here and with It. However, she held her ground and when the day of the funeral came, she attended it of course because when else would she get the chance to attend her own funeral? She did so out of morbid curiosity to see if her own mother would show, see who in town would come weep over her grave, and she was surprised to see a small crowd stans her mother of course. That was no surprise to her and she ignored it as eyes scanned the crowd and she saw Frankie.
Seeing him distraught and mourning her helped Natalie with knowing that this was the only way. That she couldn't stay dead, not in his eyes. She just hoped that he would forgive her for putting him through the wringer when all was said and done.
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darkconsumed · 1 year
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@healiotrope asked: because i'm in love with you.
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For some reason the only thing she could think about was the time she fell flat on her back. The wind knocked out of her and the sky above her looking fuzzy while the others rushed to her side to see if she was alive. Yea she's good, she's glaring at me, one of them had said, most likely Taissa, before she was being pulled up to her feet by the tallest of them. She looked at Lottie with hazy eyes, hands gripping onto forearms while she sucked in a deep shaky breath in an attempt to reinflate her lungs. And that's how she felt now, how she looked at the other woman as if she had just used all the strength she had to run right into her, trying to run through her.
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Lips, that became suddenly dry, part and she's sure to resemble a gapping fish as soft pants of breath leave her. Somewhere in the depths of her mind, she knew this wasn't the appropriate way to react to hearing those words. She isn't appropriate though, never had been and probably never would. Bottom lip is sucked in and caught between teeth once she realizes all she's done is open and close her mouth several times. Teeth sink harshly into flesh and begin to gnaw at the tender area while eyes rapidly look from each of Lottie's own.
There was so much she wanted to say, none of it what the other woman would be expecting to hear ( unless she truly did understand the brunette ) and yet she can't speak. Not at first and not for several beats, but her head is shaking as eyes fall to the ground because it's too much to look her in the eyes. To know she's only going to hurt her because it doesn't matter how much good being here at the compound has done; she's poison. All she'll do is drag Charlotte down into an early grave right along with her.
"Lottie..." she whispered, as if it was the first time saying the others name, trying it out like a new food. Tasting all the flavors, mulling it around in her mouth like she hasn't had the same meal for years. "Y-...no. You don't...d-...don't want me an' you sure as hell don't want to lo-..." but she can't spit that word out because it's a bitter taste in her mouth. One that she's tried several times over and each time it stings her mouth, burns tastebuds away, and leaves a harsh acidic taste in the back of her throat. But she wanted to like it this time, wanted to enjoy and savor it, thinking that finally it wouldn't be like the other times.
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darkconsumed · 1 year
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meme || accepting.
@wereveaux asked: “ you are what’s important right now. "
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Try as she might to refrain doing it, eyes roll at the others words. There wasn't a single thing important about her, never had been and the sooner Alcide realized that, the sooner he'd avoid getting hurt. Because that's all that ever happened to anyone that got close to her; she was poison. It was something she would never admit aloud because it'd be too real, but she felt it and knew it to be true. It's why Travis and her never worked out, no matter how many times they tried to push pass all the toxicity. All they wound up feeling was hurt and that's all Alcide would feel in the end of this. Whatever this was.
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"You should be as smart as you are hot, Al'," Nat murmurs, head shaking as she looked down to the floor before head rose and hair was shaken from face. "Look...we've had our fun an' you're...a good guy...but I'm not some pet project for you to fix up."
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darkconsumed · 1 year
tag dump!! pt. 5
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darkconsumed · 1 year
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regarding verses; as to keep from giving myself too much work and making a million pages, all verses will be as follows.
canon / young verses will be place holders for pre series and wilderness / 1996 timeline. all muses ( except paul and adam ) will be between the ages of sixteen and eighteen.
canon / adult verses will be place holders for pre series ( 2000 to 2021 ) and present day timeline. all muses ( except paul and adam ) will be between the ages of twenty-two and forty-four.
canon verses for paul and adam will be a place holder for pre series ( 2019 to 2021 ), the 1996 timeline ( paul only ), and present day timeline. this verse will be more suited for any interactions with the yellowjackets team ( which is doubtful but plotting can happen ) and will follow paul navigating life without ben ( this is simply an assumption until proven otherwise. ) as for adam, the verse will follow his canon up until his death in season one.
original character(s) verses will fall into the canon timeline with slight adjustments to make said original character(s) fit into canon. plotting will always be encouraged.
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regarding the canon events of season two with natalie and kevyn; their deaths do not happen. i will at a later date go into further explanation as to how they both survive but the general premise for nat is that she was able to stop misty from attacking lisa or herself thus preventing her death from happening. more information will be added as the show goes on but she will be heavily canon divergent and head canon based. kevyn will be a bit more trickier and will need plotting.
**edit** more information regarding natalie's canon as far as i'm concerned can be found HERE. will still fall under her ( n. scatorccio v: trade my joy for my protection | canon adult ) verse tag.
regarding the canon events for season one with travis; his death does serve a purpose as it brings the fellow survivors back together. so for his character, i will be following canon including his death. however there will be a major focus on his life post rescue and pre series.
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