#( musings ; asher vasile )
crimsongodss · 4 years
💦😳👮 (Amelia, Asher)
💦 At what age did my muse lose their virginity?
“It’s pretty straight forward. I was 15, I lost it to my boyfriend at the time, Boone. We managed to slip away upstairs during the annual Christmas party. It was fine.”
😳 What was my muse’s worst romantic/sexual relationship?
“While my instinct is to say that it’s the one where I pretended to be in love for 5 years, my son is a product of that - so it’s far from my worst. I actually might not have an answer for this question. I don’t tend to engage in relationships that are mistakes for very long.” 
👮 Has my muse ever had sex in public?
“No.” Kind of - she’s rolled around in the hay once or twice. 
💦 At what age did my muse lose their virginity?
“18. I was a late bloomer. I met someone at a college party, and, at 18, had the audacity to think: ‘I’m not getting any younger.’ Afterwards, he asked me how it was. I shrugged.”
😳 What was my muse’s worst romantic/sexual relationship?
"I was in a relationship a few years ago where I thought... well. I was very scared of him leaving me for good. And when I say leaving me, I mean, he literally wanted to fly off into space. He wanted to be an astronaut. It’s a long story. Anyway, that fear made me do some things I’m not very proud of - which, of course, only ended up making things worse. I can safely say that my worst relationship was ‘the worst’ because of me. I wouldn’t wish that kind of fate on my worst enemy.” 
👮 Has my muse ever had sex in public?
“No.” Kind of - he’s a big fan of camping. 
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duskfloret · 6 years
8 FOR EVERYONE!!! >:33
♔「 @wholehcartedly & @conoscenze ; accepting 」kiki and vera are the real mvps ❞
8: How did you choose the name for your muse?(This is a little more of why I named them what I did, but oh well.)
Katsuo Mizushima–his given name means “victorious man,” which is a little ironic because of the fact that he’s so anxious and timid; regardless, he is still a prodigy in his own right, so it suits him too. His father named him! His surname is composed of characters that mean “water” and “island,” a reference to the fact that his family lives on an island. (On a slightly related note, his younger brother’s name, Shinji, means “truthful (second son)” and a) he’s an honest guy, and b) he’s not the product of an affair like Katsuo is.)
Ryoko Mizushima–her given name means “bright child,” which definitely suits her due to her intellect and how she seems so talented at everything she tries. Her mother named her, and it’s possibly a jab at how the woman prefers her daughter over her son, as Ryoko’s birth was a bright spot after, well, Katsuo’s existence.
Jonah–his name wasn’t picked for any particular reason aside from sounding nice. His master just liked the name and needed something to call his cat. It means “dove,” a fact his master did not take into consideration.
Noire–she was named for her hair colour, since noir is “black” in French! It also fits into the morality/ideas her mentor drilled into her growing up, where “black” means bad and “red” is good, and since she doesn’t consider herself as good… (This thought process has slowly faded and she doesn’t pay it much mind anymore, though; it does still influence the fact that her clothes are mostly red and black.) As for her real name, Cerise Bellerose, Cerise means “cherry,” which is her favourite fruit, and Bellerose means “lovely rose,” because she’s cute and often incorporates rose accessories into her outfits.
Kotone Furuya–her given name means “harp sound” and her surname means “old valley.” These weren’t picked for any specific reason. Her real name, Chinami Agano, also wasn’t picked for any specific reason aside from Chinami sounding cute.
Tzaphkiel–this is a given, based on the fact that she’s an existing archangel. But the nickname Tzan comes from the fact that I’m too lazy to write out her name every time I refer to her.
Kaeto Easton–Kaeto is pretty much just a different way of writing Cato, which is an old Roman name meaning “wise,” and Easton was picked largely just because it sounds kind of similar to the name of a city in the state where I grew up. As for his real name, Aspen Banks–aspen is a tree, one that has been symbolically (and maybe literally) cut down after his mother passed away, and Banks (though the name itself refers to hillsides) may or may not be related to the fact that his father sold him to pay off gambling debts, because banks and money and all.
Fane Vasile–his given name is the Romanian diminutive of one that means “crown,” and his surname is the Romanian form of one that means “king.” It’s ironic because he grew up poor and is still very frugal, and he’d never consider himself the least bit royal. Also, since Vasile is a form of Basil, which is the name of a plant, it reflects the fact that he likes plants a whole lot.
Takara Nakahara–her given name means “treasure,” which is both fitting and not; on one hand, her ability is rare and valuable, but on the other hand, she’s often looked down on and cast aside due to being an illegitimate child. Her surname is just meant to be a generic common one (as her mother was a commoner), and I like the way it sounds together. The name of her father’s family, Oshiro, means “castle,” which represents the fact that they’re important.
Inari–another given.
Sanae Agano–her given name means “rice seedlings,” and I didn’t pick it for a particular reason aside from it sounding pretty. Agano was the surname for a character that I’d since scrapped the idea for and wanted to reuse (I don’t remember the meaning and looking it up isn’t helping, but apparently there was a Japanese cruiser named Agano). Maiko means “dancing girl,” which I picked for obvious reasons.
Silvia Asenov–her given name actually means “forest,” but I picked it because it sounds like silver. Her surname doesn’t have much of a meaning and just sounds nice.
Nona Blanc–her given name just sounded nice (it means “ninth”), and her surname means “white;” this represents her purity, along with the fact that it can be used to refer to someone with blond hair.
Aris Sanna–his given name (a modern form of Ares) was picked for a few reasons: its relation to Greek myth, the fact that it sounds similar to Icarus, and because all the letters in it are also in Icarus. Sanna was just a name from a list of Greek surnames, though the site is now saying that it’s Italian… huh.
Kyros Iakovou–his given name was picked for the K sound in it, to match the K (ch) sound in Achilles. It’s also the variant of a name that can mean “farsighted,” which is ironic because he severely lacking in the department of foresight and good judgement. Iakovou was picked to create alliteration.
Maia Petrou–her given name can mean “mother” or “great,” and she’s both of those things; it was picked to reflect the fact that Andromache was the epitome of the ideal wife and mother, and to somewhat mimic the -mache part of the name. Petrou just sounded nice with Maia. Maia is also a star in the Taurus constellation.
Pyrrha Braun–her given name was initially picked because it’s pretty (and also P for Perseus), but the fact that Pyrrha is a figure in Greek myth sealed the deal. It means “red”! Then, I picked Braun because it refers to a person who’s brown-skinned or brown-haired, and put together with her first name, you get reddish-brown hair–or auburn, in other words.
Theon Marlowe–his given name… stands for Theseus the CEO, and the -n makes it an Ancient Greek name. It’s a reference to the fact that before he developed into an actual muse, Cae and I referred to a potential reincarnation of him as Theseus the CEO. Marlowe wasn’t picked for any specific reason.
Caesar Antinori–he’s named after an anime character because I was watching the second part of JJBA at the time and Joseph yelling, “CAESAR!!!” and saying, “Caesarino,” reminded me of how Pyrrha would talk to Theon’s younger brother, so… (Pyrrha also breaks the fourth wall by insisting he’s named after an anime character.) Also, there’s a vineyard in Italy owned by an Antinori family (I’ve heard), and the idea of, “No, not those Antinoris,” was funny to me.
Lena Antinori–her given name can mean “sunlight” or “moonlight” in Greek, and it has the same vowel arrangement as the -meda part of Andromeda.
Gino de la Fontaine–for the most part, I picked his name because it sounds kind of pretentious, which is ironic for someone like him. His first name means “ever-living,” which is a reference to him being a reincarnation, and his surname means “of the fountain,” which is just pretty neat.
Asher Gray–his given name means “happy; blessed”! It used to be an ironic name, but now that he’s worked through many of his issues, it’s true and suits him perfectly. Gray is because someone who once went by that name said to me, “Hi, I’m Gray without the R,” and that suits the fact that he’s pansexual. (The in-story reason is that Pyrrha went on some rant about names where both the first and last mean the same thing, and used “if Asher’s name was Ash Gray” as an example. Since he didn’t like his father’s surname, he picked up Asher Gray as a stage-name of sorts.) His actual surname, Barnett, doesn’t have any spectacular story behind it.
Anelie Vossen–her given name is a short version of a name meaning “grace” or “favour,” and she especially lacks the latter, as she’s the black sheep of her family. She’s not particularly graceful either. And then Vossen creates alliteration.
Akari Shiraga–her given name is written as “red village,” the red part being a reference to the ribbon in her hair. Shiraga is the surname of her guardian, who is the Big Bad in Ryoko and Katsuo’s canon storyline.
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crimsongodss · 5 years
Fuck, marry, kill - anyone in Chicago here (all your muses)
Fuck: “Anyone who’s not incompetent. You’d be surprised how many people that little rule disqualifies.”
Marry: “You do realize I’m missing my wedding finger because I have no interest in getting married? Besides, been there, done that. I don’t have any intention of returning to a state of matrimony unless I find someone worthy of it.” 
Kill: “Theodore Cohen. Haven’t you heard?”
Fuck: “Ha! You sure this is a private line? No! I’m trying to get out of answering this! Alright - I mean have you seen the new Marshal?” 
Marry: “Marriage feels like a lot right now. Let me think…. Maybe Nathan. We have a good friendship and he feels dependable. Isn’t that what successful marriages are built off of? I wouldn’t fucking know!”  
Kill: “That’s easy. Head of the Mob, the Mafia, and the Bratva. There you go, three answers for the price of one.”
Fuck: “Yeah. I’m not answering that.”
Marry: “Ah… that would be my fiance. That was the intent behind proposing.”
Kill: “I don’t do that anymore.”
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crimsongodss · 4 years
🌟💯😳 ~ all
🌟 What is my muse’s sexual/romantic orientation?
"I believe the kids are calling it demisexual. Seems they’ve got a term for everything these days.” 
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date?
“Nothing too crazy. Horseback riding and picnic somewhere with a view... and a good jigsaw puzzle.” 
😳 What was my muse’s worst romantic/sexual relationship?
🌟 What is my muse’s sexual/romantic orientation?
“I’m a boring ol’ straight.” 
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date?
“Huh. I don’t think I’ve ever had to answer this one. You know, I haven’t gone swimming in a while. The beach? Or I’d like to dive to the bottom of a lake. Would be cool to have someone to do that with.” 
😳 What was my muse’s worst romantic/sexual relationship?
“I’ll be real, they’ve all been pretty shitty. So that part of my life is on the back-burner for now.” 
🌟 What is my muse’s sexual/romantic orientation?
"Once, when I was very drunk, I said I was about 99% gay. I stand by it.” 
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date?
“Camping and fishing - and then maybe setting up a tent and spending the night under the stars.”
😳 What was my muse’s worst romantic/sexual relationship?
🌟 What is my muse’s sexual/romantic orientation?
“Not boring.” 
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date?
“Any date where they’re paying.”
😳 What was my muse’s worst romantic/sexual relationship?
That constant smile, stills on is face for a second, before he spits pure lies. “I had a client fall asleep on me once, does that count? No? Well then, they’ve all been peachy.” 
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