#( mikayla lockwood rolland ; )
museswithinx · 11 months
“Do you get these nightmares a lot?” ((Will for Mikayla))
Nightmare Starters!
Showing up late to her sibling movie night, Mikayla felt like she was full of excuses lately. Either she overslept or she was so exhausted that her schedule just kept slipping her mind. She wasn't really sure why these vivid nightmares kept occurring but it was getting harder to convince herself that it was only the stress of being so far from home. Surely she would have adjusted by now.
Still, she shrugged it off because she didn't want to burden anyone with such a stupid little thing. Nightmares couldn't hurt you, not really. Fortunately for her, Sam wasn't here so there'd be no horror movies on the board for their viewings tonight. The Amazing Spider-Man won out so she was happy with that selection. As Peter finally reveals his identity to Gwen though, the movie drifts off as she does.
Suddenly she's at a lake with a secluded cabin surrounded by miles and miles of forest. It's very dark out with an unnerving fog settling over the area and the night is eerily silent. All she could hear were the sounds of the lake, which began to pick up as the water seemingly became restless.
"It's not real," she tells herself quietly, trying to keep calm as she allowed herself to look out toward the shoreline. "Just a dream."
A figure began to emerge from the water causing her breathing to pick up in pace. It was just a shadow of a person, she couldn't make out any features, but they were slowly making their way toward shore. Toward her.
"It's not real," she repeats, "It's just a dream."
They had fully emerged from the water. She couldn't see too well through the fog but they were tall.
"It's not real." She closed her eyes willing the figure to disappear.
They drew closer.
"It's just a dream."
The world grew quiet. She opened her eyes and gasped. The figure was close enough now that he was no longer a shadow hidden within the fog. This was a corpse, bloated and decayed with an overpowering stench of death surrounding him. But even through all that she could make out who he was.
"Milo." She whispered, feeling her pulse spike as the corpse of her biological father inched closer to her. "This isn't real," she said, voice shaking before shouting at him as she slowly started backing away, "You're not real!"
Taking a few more steps back, she tripped backwards over a large branch and fell into the dirt with a thud. When she looked back, the figure was gone without a trace. Her breathing began to pick up as she pushed herself back up to her feet, looking around frantically for him.
Mikayla started to run in a random direction, wanting to put as much distance between herself and this lake as possible. Before she even makes it to the tree line though, she runs smack into the zombie-Milo.
"Are you sure about that?" He echoes an answer from earlier, voice sounding unhuman, "Daughter."
He grabs her arm and she screams, suddenly jolting awake with sweat beading her forehead. Her breath came in pants and both her siblings were looking at her wide-eyed and startled.
"Bad dream," she breathes out in explanation, "I'm gonna use the bathroom." She scurries out the room as fast as her legs could carry her and into the bathroom. She splashes some water on her face and tries to calm herself before coming back out. When she finally does, however, both Will and Sawyer are there waiting.
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"I'm fine..." She lies even knowing she couldn't fool her siblings. The look she received from both confirmed as much. "It was just a nightmare, okay? Just... I keep dreaming about Milo. It's not a big deal."
“Do you get these nightmares a lot?”
She pauses before shrugging. She wasn't sure why she kept having these nightmares but that's all they were. Right?
"Since coming the college, I guess." She murmurs, "It's not always Milo. Sometimes it's Todd or Hades..." Taking a breath, she knew she probably sounded ridiculous. "When I see them, they're barely recognizable. They're all, like, decayed and gross, but they're scary as hell."
She takes another breath. "I don't know, maybe... Maybe it's just unresolved trauma manifesting in my dreams. Maybe I should've started seeing Olive after all that stuff happened."
Or maybe you're going crazy like your biological mother.
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museswithinx · 1 year
❝ slow down, start from the beginning. ❞ (Alice for Mikayla)
A meme forever lost to the hoard
in response to this.
There were a lot of emotions running high in the Lockwood-Rolland household as Mikayla and Sawyer were getting ready to leave for college. It was the start of a new chapter in their lives and while that was a great thing, that didn't mean it wasn't also a little heartbreaking that they would be so far from home. Mom in particular was taking it pretty hard as she helped both girls pack.
While Mikayla herself was a little emotional about the long distance, it wasn't the main reason she'd been so off lately. Overall she was still excited to experience college life and explore a new city. Her worries were more rooted in this blooming relationship she had with Tanner and how it was ever supposed to work out if he was kept in the dark about this other world she was apart of.
She didn't want to bother Mom with all that though. Mom was emotional enough without Mikayla giving her one more reason to be upset. However, in the mysterious all-knowing ways of a mother she picked up on it anyway.
“Talk to me, Mikayla. What’s wrong?”
Sighing as she packed away a few of her art supplies, she tried to downplay it a bit. "It's really not a big deal," she mumbles, "I'm just massively screwing up everything with Tanner is all."
❝ slow down, start from the beginning. ❞
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Abandoning her packing for the time being, Mikayla cast her gaze downward as she nervously fiddled with her fingers. "I'm a liar." She said. "There's this huge part of my life that he doesn't know about and I don't know how to tell him or if I even should because telling about me leads to telling him about everything and everyone else. The beast stuff, Hades, Will going miss, Sam and Marlene..."
Shaking her head, she bit her lower lip to keep her emotions in check. The last thing she wanted was to start crying. "It's not like it is with Sawyer and Sam or even Will and Becker. Sam was born into the same world and Becker had at least some idea before he learned all the specifics... Tanner has no idea about any of it. If I don't tell him, then I'm lying and I'll never be fully known with him. If I do, I'm just gonna scare the hell out of him and he might never wanna see or talk to me ever again."
Shrugging sadly, she tried to downplay it again as she returned to her packing. "Whatever. It's stupid."
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museswithinx · 1 year
“Being a freak is the best. I’m a freak.” (Will for Mikayla)
In the blink of an eye, summer was nearly gone and fall was fast approaching. Soon Mikayla would be up at MassArts in Boston living in the freshmen dorms a very long way from home. It all felt so surreal and slightly terrifying but at least she wouldn't be truly on her own.
Even as she began packing for this new chapter though, there was something else bothering her more. In fact, it had been bothering her for over a year now and that feeling only appeared to get worse as the relationship dynamic began to change between her and Tanner. Because he was one of her best friends and she had been keeping this huge secret from him.
As that horrible feeling stirred and festered within her, she must have been showing some sort of outward signs of distress because Will picked up on it as he helped her pack.
"It's nothing." She said folding another shirt and setting it in one of her open suitcases.
Will wasn't convinced though. They'd only officially been family for about 2 years now but he'd been her unofficial big brother for much longer than that. He knew her just as well as Sawyer did.
Sighing, she decides there was no use burying her concerns about the blossoming relationship with Tanner. Especially not with her brother. "I'm fine," she starts first and foremost so that he wouldn't shift into brother bear mode, "It's just... Do you ever wish you could just be... Normal? Like an average person... Sometimes I just wish I wasn't such a freak."
“Being a freak is the best. I’m a freak.”
That earned a little smile. Will was such a natural when it came to cheering someone up that she was almost certain he didn't even have to try. "I've always known that," she lightly teases him before shaking her head amused.
Just as quickly as the silly mood appeared though, it became more serious again.
"I'm serious though," she said a little sadly as she dropped a pair of pants she'd been folding. "I've been friends with Tanner a long time and I was so over-the-moon when he reciprocated how I felt about him because it's the first time anyone's really cared about me in that way."
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Mikayla had never lacked in any love. Her best friends had always had her back and her family would literally kill for her. However, romantic love was something she'd never seen for herself. She'd admired it in all the people around her but never really thought of it for herself.
"But he doesn't really know all of me. He doesn't know the parts that make me a freak and I don't know how I'm supposed to tell him about them without scaring him away..." Taking a breath, she felt an ache throb in her chest. "I want to be honest. I want him to know me but what if he just ends up... Fearing me? Or hating me. Or both..."
She didn't even want to entertain the thought.
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museswithinx · 1 year
“Your hair keeps falling into your eyes, do you know that? Here, lemme just—” (Tanner for Mikayla)
Meeting up with Tanner after work to get ice cream together, they decided to take a walk through the park with their cones and watch the fireworks. It was like a mini-date of sorts. Not quite on the grand scale of prom or even the roller rink but it was still nice as they took things slow.
"Who's your favorite comic book hero?" Mikayla asks him as she takes a lick of her mint flavored ice cream. "Or just your favorite superhero in general? Mine's Wonder Woman." Subconsciously sweeping her hair aside as it blows into her face, she continues. "She was such an icon for me growing up. Like the literal embodiment of strength and female empowerment. One time I remember jumping off the swings with Sawyer and trying to fly like her... It didn't go over well."
Laughing a bit as she pushes her hair back again, she walks on the grass with him to find a good spot to watch the fireworks. "Plus her design is awesome. I've drawn a few of my own for her... You know, to like reinvent the look? Comic book illustration was another career I had considered."
The breeze was a little stronger by water but Mikayla barely noticed it as she decided that this was a good spot and settled onto the grass with Tanner. Continuing to talk all the while. "I'll have to show you them sometime. They're decent re-designs and I even colorized a few of them..."
Some of her hair had blown into her face again but as she went to sweep it back once more, Tanner was quicker.
“Your hair keeps falling into your eyes, do you know that? Here, lemme just—” He said before reaching out to sweep it away from her eyes and tuck it back behind her ear.
It was such a small gesture yet it caused her heart to nearly leap out of her chest at the contact. She had been the one to ask him out, she had held his hand roller skating, she had danced with him at prom and she still went completely stupid anytime he did anything. Maybe it was just the newness of it all and the fact that she really really liked him but the smallest of gestures always seemed to make her swoon all over herself.
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"Oh. I, uh..." She said as the color rose in her cheeks and she wished the wind would blow her hair back in her face to conceal it (Or possibly so he would tuck it back again). Great response as usual, Mikayla, she scolded herself. Trying again, she managed to lift her gaze back to Tanner and smile at him. "Thanks." Better.
Holding his gaze there a moment longer, she clears her throat after a moment. "So, um... What are you doing for the fair this year?"
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museswithinx · 1 year
[ text; mikayla ]: I want to make sure your corsage won't clash.
[ text; mikayla ]: My suit is pretty standard. I could look for a green tie if you wanted match, though?
( txt ; Tanner ) : Oh okay. Shouldn't be a problem then :) ( txt ; Tanner ) : I'm sure it looks great. Oh, well we could do the matching thing. If you want to...
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museswithinx · 1 year
“  need a hand?  ” (Tanner for Mikayla)
a meme forever lost to the hoard
As the shop's busy hour finally let up, Mikayla stepped away from the counter to tidy up some tables before the lunchtime haul began. It was usually Sam's job but since he was still up in Cambridge, her and Sawyer had picked up a few more responsibilities around here. Neither minded as they rather enjoyed their job. The shop was like a little family now. Even if they were currently missing a few of their members.
Grabbing a wet washcloth from one of the sinks, she started at the front of the shop. First piling the empty disposable cups and bunched up napkins on a tray to be thrown away, she starts to quickly wipe the rest of the table down; Accidentally knocking the tray off in the process.
"Damnit." She muttered quietly to herself before sighing. However before she can even lean down to start re-picking up the mess, it was being piled back onto the tray and the tray was being handed back to her. By Tanner.
“  need a hand?  ” He asks.
Just be cool, she tells herself. They were friends but even so she couldn't ever seem to talk to him without turning 50 different shades of red in the process.
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"Thanks. I think I can handle it though," she said as she takes the tray from him with a smile. "Unless you're applying for a job here. Then you can totally clean the rest of these tables."
That was real smooth, she scolds herself. Trying to laugh her stupid teasing off, she sets the tray aside to give him her full attention. "So, um, you home from college?" She asks, feeling the blush already creep into her face. Especially as she considered her next ask, which had been something she'd been trying to build up the courage for for awhile now.
"Will and Sam still have about another week, I think. But, um, if you're not busy, Senior prom is at the end of the month. Do you maybe want to go?"
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museswithinx · 2 years
As she agreed, Ian felt a rush of excitement. It finally felt real. He wasn’t as rich as everyone else, so he had to save up for this moment. Though there was a journey ahead, he felt a little bit closer. And now he was going to have something special for all the waiting and to show her he was the guy she used to dream of. “A couple thousand,” he answered, “but I’ve got a few ideas that may cost some costs elsewhere so I’ll pay you what your worth, whatever you thinks fair. A donation to your jewelry school education or wherever you go for that.” As far as timeframe, that was harder to pin down because he didn’t want Erin’s excitement to be crushed by her family’s disappointment. “A few months maybe? A year? I don’t know. I’ve still got some work to do.”
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This was all pretty exciting. If anyone deserved a really nice one-of-a-kind engagement ring it was definitely Erin. Mikayla hadn't even fully decided on her future yet but it seemed to finally be falling into place. "Okay. Let me do some math and figure out an exact price tag and I'll get back to you on it." She said, making a note to talk to a few people with a knowledge of business. They could help her figure it out. "Okay well I'll work on it in my free-free time then and if anything changes, you can let me know if I have a deadline to meet."
Grinning, she made a few notes on a blank sheet before looking back to him. "Hopefully sooner than later though," she said knowing how difficult Sam and Mr. McKay could be when it came to forgiveness. "If it's any consolation, you've definitely got Mrs. McKay on your side. Emmett, Adrianna, and Sid too, I think. Deep down, I think Sam and Mr. McKay know you've changed too."
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museswithinx · 2 years
He’d been saving for a while now because it had to be perfect. And her family needed to like him, and that was a major work in progress, so he had time for something truly special. Something custom designed for her. “Yeah, I—“ Looking around to check for nearby super ears, he lowered his voice anyway just in case. “—I’d like you to design Erin’s engagement ring. If you’re up for it. I don’t want you to do this for free, so you tell me what’s fair. $1000? Obviously, I understand the moon rings and all your high school stuff comes first. I’ve still got a ways to go with Sam and Eric anyway, but your sister is eventually going to marry her brother. I think she’d really love it if she could say she had the first Mikayla Lockwood-Rolland engagement ring. Family and pack means a lot to her. What do you think? You can say no, no pressure. If you want to think about it, I’ve got time.”
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Mikayla waited for an answer and as he seemed to do a quick scan of the area, she thought she had an idea what he was about to confide in her. "Wow. That's like, a really big deal..." She said, stunned and a little flattered he liked her work enough to trust her with something that huge. "I'd be really happy to design an engagement ring for you," she said after a moment, grinning. "How much were you looking to spend on one? We can go from there with the pricing." A few ideas were already starting to form as she thought about it. Erin had nice taste so this would be fun. "We've got time but is there a date or like a window of time that you're hoping to aim for as far it being done?"
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museswithinx · 2 years
Doing a double take on Mikayla’s drawing/doodle/whatever, Ian stopped and slid down on the nearest seat. “Are you designing jewelry?”
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Listening to some Taylor Swift, Mikayla continued working on a few of the designs she had in mind for each person. When Ian stepped over, she took out the ear buds and smiled as he took interest in her work. "Yep! You know how my dad gave my mom a moon ring to stop the turns? I'm designing the rest of them so it's unique to each person. I think it's what I might go to school for, actually."
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museswithinx · 2 years
“Sweet,” Ian mused, pausing for a second to wonder if he should. But he was never much for thinking long about something. “How much would one cost? If someone commissioned a ring design from you?”
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Sketching a little detail on the current design in front of her, she looked up once more as he questioned her. "Hm... I'm not sure. These ones I'm doing for free because people need them so I haven't really thought about pricing..." She said, wondering how people even figured that kind of stuff out. "Why? Do you want to commission me for something?"
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museswithinx · 2 years
👤+ Mikayla’s opinions about Kol
Send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character
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“It’s sort of complicated. I hate him and I don’t,” she starts. “I’m not really close with him or anything but I have these memories of my biological mother just leaving me on Kol’s door step. It was my job to win him over, she’d tell me before pulling away. I was her ticket to ‘true love’ except that Kol and I pretty much immediately agreed he wasn’t my father. It only took seeing him with his son to know the truth. The Mikaelson’s are all about family and if there had even been a slight chance that I was his, this wouldn’t have even been a recurring thing throughout my life.”
“Anyway, so she’d leave me on their door step and Rebekah or Elijah or whoever would answer the door and they would bring me inside. No one was ever cruel to me, not even Kol. I think him and Anikaia just kind of pitied me because they knew I was just caught up in her delusional game. They’d feed me and let me hang out with Deniz or Gina or whoever else was home until they could track down my bio mom. I never felt unsafe or unwelcome when I was there. I never felt like I was with monsters.”
“On the other hand, I know that he’s done some really horrible things. Him and Anikaia tortured Dad and Aunt Gray from sun down to sun rise and just the thought of that having ever happened nauseates me. I look at Dad and can’t wrap my head around it because he’s.... He’s my dad. Him and Mom took me in when they really didn’t have to and they made me their own. It’s hard to imagine something so horrible happening to someone who’s only ever shown me love.”
“I don’t know. It’s complicated like I said. I’ve seen the good but I know the bad is really bad too. And the bad here tends to be personal. Maybe having Deniz inspired some changes for the better. I think it did. It’s been quiet on the Mikaelson front for a long time, I know that much.”
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museswithinx · 2 years
“I feel like there’s more frosting on you than on the gingerbread.” ((Will for Mikayla))
Winter/Christmas Writing Prompts
Even though her adoption into the Lockwood-Rolland family was still fairly recent, Mikayla had always been included in their Christmas traditions. One of her favorites was making and building gingerbread houses.
After rolling, cutting, and baking all her pieces, she began the process of constructing her house. However, like most things that required any level of creativity, her creation swiftly took a turn into the going overboard territory. It wasn’t just a house of gingerbread but a castle and a really grand castle at that. 
The main door was framed with red and green gumdrops and was given a little gummy wreath with red jimmies pasted on to look like holly. Then she spent a good amount of time making intricate little designs along all the windows and sides with white icing before adding some color with different candies. Melting some white chocolate in the microwave, she went about dipping and coating a few pointed ice cream cones before decorating them with sugar pearls and edible glitter.
Once those had cooled, she posted them along a colorful path of M&M’s she’d created to give the illusion that they were snowy Christmas trees. She wasn’t done there either as she made more gingerbread dough to create a King and a Queen gingerbread people. While those were in the oven, she began to stir up more icing since she had used up all hers after detailing the castle and making the snow.
While she was doing that, Will came over to her little work station to see how hers was coming along. She couldn’t tell if he was impressed or astounded that her gingerbread house had turned into a whole gingerbread castle. Maybe both. After a few moments, he looked over at her with an amused smile tugging his tips.
“I feel like there’s more frosting on you than on the gingerbread.” He commented upon seeing the mess she made of herself.
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Mikayla laughed in response as she took a look at her hands and arms, which did have smears of icing on it. She didn’t have a mirror but she guessed it was probably on her face too as her brother wetted a rag and wiped at some icing on her cheek. “It’s an artist thing. Better the mess on me than my gingerbread kingdom.” She said as he finished cleaning her face. “Good looking out, big bro. Thanks.”
Stopping the look at her creation for a moment, she laughed again as she looked back to Will. “I guess I did get a bit carried away, huh?”
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museswithinx · 2 years
As he ran toward her and caught her, kissed her, Sawyer felt home again. It had been only a few weeks, but they felt like lifetimes. “Surprise!” She said, beaming as she held onto him. “There’s some rules: we’ll stay with Will and Becker, 10:30 is still curfew, we have to check in before bed. But yes, they let us come.”
Stealing another quick kiss, she murmured, “I missed you too. So much.” Then glancing back to the other surprise guests she’d left behind, she added, “and there’s a couple more surprises walking this way.”
If this was the only gift he got for his birthday, he was perfectly happy with that. Sam couldn't imagine a better surprise than her showing up here. Still beaming as he held onto her, he fully expected there to be rules as she then brought it up. "There's always rules," he said as she went on to list them. "I can live with those. I'm just so fucking happy you're here!"
Kissing her again as she stole another, Sam smiled contently down at her. He only looked away from her and noticed the others when Sawyer mentioned there was more to the surprise than just her arrival. "Oh shit. There are. Hey guys!" He said as another smile broke when he spotted Mikayla and Gina with-- Ugh, Ryder-- walking up. Almost unwillingly, he released Sawyer to greet them.
"Happy almost birthday!" Mikayla said as she pulled him into a hug before stepping aside for Gina.
Sam greeted Gina with another hug. "Shit, I can't believe you're all here right now. It's almost like I never left." For the weekend, anyway.
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museswithinx · 2 years
"In my defense, the tiny Creature from the Black Lagoon's little snorkel was too much," Alice agreed. "If you two wouldn't mind and they've still got some. I've got one more bag to hold us over 'til you two get back."
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"There were a lot of good ones this year." Mikayla agreed with a laugh before standing to go inside and get Sawyer. "I'm sure we can find some. That one shop on Fillmore always has a ton left over from Halloween. Might even have the jumbo bags on sale already."
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museswithinx · 2 years
“It’s better to have it and not need it,” Alice agreed. She opened her arms for a hug. “Please text me when you land and call me before bed.”
“—And if Will tries to get you out on a ghost tour, feel free to remind him that the most interesting historical tours of Boston happen during the day, okay?”
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With a smile, Mikayla stepped forward into her arms and wrapped her own her mother. "Will do, Mom."
Laughing as she pulled back, she thought it'd be just like Will (and Sam) to get them out on some ghost tour. "I'll be sure to let him know."
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museswithinx · 2 years
“Do you have everything?” Alice asked Mikayla, checking in before school to make sure the girls had everything packed. “Chargers and a warm sweater? It gets cold in Cambridge.”
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"I think so," Mikayla answered as she looked up from her sketchbook before closing it and walking over to her duffel bag for the weekend. "I've got clothes, pajamas, toothbrush, hair brush..." She lists off as she quickly sifts through her bag. "Check for charger..." Sweater! Running over to her dresser, she pulls out her cheer sweater with her name stitched on it and holds it up for Mom's approval. "And check for sweater. Anything else?"
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