#( might dick around on here before hand uwu )
sophiethewitch1 · 7 months
congrats on the milestone sophie! i'm so excited to read what you have to share with us! For your 1k celbration, if it's not too much, I'd like to ask for ABXS for Jason and Dick uwu And if ur feeling particularly sharing I'd also love an L from all of them owo
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Strei!!! Thank you for the kind words, here's what you asked for. I even did the L's as well for my dearest most beloved mutual <3
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, gen yandere behaviour, murder, stalking, worshipping/weirdly religious undertones for Dick, um pet play sort of?? Jason would bark if you asked him to is all I'm saying.
A = Affection (Is Their Love All-consuming, Expressed Through Possessive Gestures and Overwhelming Intensity With No Bounds?):
Jason: Spreading my Jason Todd Loyal Dog Agenda here but he’s so unbelievably loyal. Way, way too loyal. It doesn’t matter if he personally agrees with whatever your decisions are, he’s listening like the loyal hound he is. Will push and prod at you, but at the end of the day, he’s devoted. While he’d always prefer to be as close to you as possible, he’s willing to stay away if that’s what you really want. Simple guy, aware of himself, and mostly in control of his more fervent tendencies. He refuses to lose control of you, to take too much, so he doesn’t take any. Just giving, giving, giving. He only hopes you’ll take him.
Dick: Dick is probably one of the most clingy yanderes out there. While others might stalk you, or protect you from afar, that’s not Dick’s methodology. He wants to be with you all the time, and make you happy all the time, and he spends his afternoons daydreaming about sitting between your thighs for hours at a time. All the time, if it was possible. While he’s trying not to overwhelm you, he’ll stay as calm and charming as possible. But eventually, he’s going to have to start confessing his love to you because he feels like he’ll explode with it. Along with acts of service, physical affection, and verbal affection, he also really likes buying you things. He’s an all-rounder. Still, he prefers buying you experiences rather than items, like holidays or trips to the fair. He decides against buying you a private island to visit for the summer, but only after staring at the property page online for three hours straight. Like I said, he really is trying!
B = Blood (How Messy Are They Willing to Get in Pursuit of Their Darling? Would They Embrace Chaos and Revel in the Crimson Tableau Painted by Their Actions?):
Dick: I’ve mentioned before that he’s pretty hesitant to kill. He’s gotten over his wild younger years, and is now more mature and in control of emotions. Now, all of that is one huge lie he tells himself that only lasts as long nobody ever tries to hurt you. Dick wears his heart on his sleeve, and then it gets even worse when you come around because his heart is just walking around outside his chest, with no aknowledgement for the dangers of the world. He does try, he really does, but when he snaps, he snaps hard. He’s not too bad of a sadist (also a lie) but when he easily catches whoever has been bothering you, he… well, he might play with them. Just a little bit. He doesn’t kill, he’s very careful of that, but honestly if I was that poor soul, I’d rather be dead. And then the next day, he goes back to being the cheerful sweetheart we all know and love!
Jason: I’ve also mentioned that Jason, unlike Dick, is very, very eager to get bloody. In canon, he enjoys punishing sinners and whatnot, and when he’s fallen for you, uh… So, basically, Jason would rather die than admit it, but he thinks of himself as your protector, your knight in shining leather armour. And along with that previously mentioned possessiveness, he totally lets it get out of hand. He’s aware you probably don’t want him slaughtering everyone who has ever harmed a single hair on your head, but unless you specifically tell him not to, he’s not going to stop. But if you do, he will. He’s loyal, he’s fervent in that loyalty. He wants to destroy anything that could ever hurt you. But he’d never go against your ruling, your will. He might complain about it, though. Loudly, very loudly. However, if you do want everyone who has ever annoyed you dead, he’s totally up for it no questions asked. Would probably consider it a date night of sorts.
S = Stigma (Can the Roots of Their Obsession Be Traced to a Dark Past, a Blend of Childhood Trauma, Twisted Curiosity, and a Skewed Perception of Love?):
Dick: Oh boy, this guy… He’s the poster child for childhood trauma affecting your perception of love. When his parents were murdered, he latched onto Bruce. And when Bruce kicked him out, he latched onto Bludhaven. And now when even Bludhaven can’t bring him any semblance of comfort, of home, you’re fucking heaven-sent. He latches onto you like a benign growth, and god help anyone who tries to tear the two of you apart.
Jason: Oh boy times two. Not the best childhood, raised on the streets. Taken in by Bruce, things are looking better and then- Well, we all know what happens then. After the trauma of literally digging himself out of his own grave, he feels a bit… disconnected from the world? He feels like a ghost, like he’s still dead, like his death never even mattered and the world kept going after he’d been gone. And that’d fuck up anybody, but someone personally trained by the Batman? Woof. We see in Under The Red Hood that Jason really does think vengeance is proof of love, at least in his case. To him, love is bloody and ruthless. It’s cannibalistic. A give and take. But since he doesn’t want to take from you, he’ll just give himself over wholly.
X = Xoanon (Does Their Reverence for Their Darling Border on Worship, Reaching Extreme Lengths to Prove Their Devotion and Ensure Unwavering Loyalty?):
Dick: He sees you like the sun. Powerful, brilliant, beautiful. And you’ll probably burn him to cinders as he loves you, but he doesn’t care. He probably enjoys the idea a little. Wouldn’t it be nice, to die in your arms? To close his eyes and disappear into you, where he’d never be apart from you again? He realises that sort of thinking is a bit creepy, but it’s one of the few things he simply can’t fight against. Not even the littlest bit. He’s self-aware to know he’s putting you on a pedestal, that you’re not some god or something, you’re just like him. Human. Maybe that makes him worship you even more. He can’t tell, it’s too blurry these days. He just knows you’re important, more so than he is. More so than anything is, really. Also, gotta mention body worship kink. Like, he’s really way too into it honestly. He’ll service you for however long you can last, and then place a hundred kisses against your exhausted body telling you how good you did, how perfect you are. When you look at him after a session like that, you can always see something a little too intense, too crazed to be called love. He knows he’s trying to hide it. He’ll do better next time, okay?
Jason: You’re his master. The hand around the leash. He’s angry at the world, so fucking angry. He wants to destroy it all. Assuming here, you probably don’t want the entire world blown to smithereens, so you’re his… conscience. Whatever you say goes. If you say Joker dies today, then he dies. If you say he can never kill another soul, then he won’t. He’s sassy about all of it, but it’s painfully obvious to literally everyone that he will follow every single order you give. And of course, he wants it that way. Maybe he really should get a collar for himself. He thinks it’d be cute, with your name on it in brilliant gold letters. He certainly thinks that the reaction his goons would give would be worth the effort, never mind your own reaction. Call him your good boy and you will get railed so hard you break the bed, lmfao
L = Love Letters (Is Courting an Intricate Dance Marked by Obsessive Letters and Gestures That Blur the Line Between Devotion and Insanity?):
Dick: I can’t see Dick ever actually sending you the letters he writes, but my god, he writes them. At first, it’s just little doodles in the corners of his very important paperwork, and then he’s scribbling on sticky notes, and eventually, he just gives in and buys a fucking notebook. They’re long winded and silly and he’d absolutely rather die than share them with you. But they make it just the slightest bit easier to choke down his devotion to you, so it doesn’t strangle him right then and there. He almost finds it as addicting as you are, almost being the keyword here. It’s genuinely pretty embarrassing, from an outsider’s standpoint. It’s like what a middle schooler would write in their diary, just lots of your name and hearts and very ridiculous poetry. He’d be good at it if it wasn’t about you, okay?
Jason: Jason, in direct contrast to Dick, writes very good poetry. Especially when it’s about you. It’s the sort of stuff they’ll put in museums, that future historians will write about. Of course they won’t know half of his more demented metaphors are just… straight up things he’s done for you. It’s flowing and beautiful and it’d make you tear up if you ever read it. You probably won’t just because Jason doesn’t really care if you read it, so he won’t share it with you on purpose. However if you find him one day in the library, and you ask to see whatever it is he’s made, you’ll be so very, very lucky. And Jason will turn tomato red, so that’s another plus.
Tim: Everybody knows that when Tim starts a list again, his mental health is on the decline. The list about you is concerningly long. And I’m really not saying that lightly, for Mr ‘I stalk literally everyone at least a little bit’. It’s something at four hundred thousand words by now, he’s not sure exactly. The little note app on his phone has had to suffer through hundreds or even thousands of hours of Tim writing down the most minute details of you and your life. How do you like to sit best? Is your posture okay, or should he worry about it? When you’re hungry, what food do you go for first? What about when you’re sick? If he’s ever around, tapping away on his phone, and you think he’s not paying you any attention, you’d be very, very wrong. Would probably share it with you just to laugh at your horrified face.
Damian: Damian was raised to perfect every form of art, from martial to dance, to even the more traditional ones. He’s always had a fondness for painting, and you’re most certainly his muse. Instead of letters, he paints you. For every memory he has of you, he has at least a sketch. He doesn’t care for almost all of them, as he doesn’t think they capture your beauty properly, so he doesn’t really care what happens with said drawings. Your first meeting has been drawn at least twenty times, and your sleeping face probably double that. Yes, he does draw you in more passionate poses as well. Your face all fucked out, drool leaking from your lips, is a personal favourite of his. He’ll probably share those ones with you, enjoying seeing you squirm. Asking if you want to help him find some extra inspiration because he’s all irritatingly smooth like that. Will laugh if you crush the lewd drawing up, agreeing it doesn’t do you justice. He’ll just have to try again.
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riotlain · 2 years
Can I have a Tim Drake x Autistic Male reader?
Like stimming Jazz hands, only using one cup for each drink (example: tall clear tequila Rose glass for Dr. Pepper, a mug that says 'Im a fucking Ray of sunshine' with sunflowers for coffee and tea.). Having crow love language, like finding a pretty rock and just giving it him. Type shit. The I refuse to wash my favorite fluffy blanket because it might change it's texture, autism. GIVE ME THE BAD HABITS!
Just Autistic, Autistic.
Bonus points: Reader confuses the shit out of Batman, because he can mask very well during Combat. But while explaining evidence he found, Reader rambles like he was in Arkham for 2 years. (If your confused on that last part, look up clips of 'Abby telling Gibbs what she found NCIS' on YouTube to get an idea.)
Thank you in advance,
-- Ever Autistic person tried of the ' UWU I'm shy and cute' autistic reader.
ok evil autism time.
cracks my knuckles. time to unleash this
He got you a tablet for when you need to communicate when youre nonverbal and now all he hears is "Shark attack in the aquarium" or some shit
He doesnt question you drinking out of certain cups. It isnt his mug youre drinking from so he doesnt care
You almost killed Dick tho bc he used the cup but anyways🙄🙄
Has all your rocks in a box on his desk. Appreciates them very much
Was a bit confused the first time though
"Here." *Hands Tim a pink rock* "I- Uh thanks??" "😊"
Has your stuff washed when you arent around. Last time he tried to do it infront of you yall literally brawled (You won bc of autistic rage)
Youre the only person who can clean your own room. Not even Alfred can. YOU KNOW WHEN HE DOES YOU CAN SENSE IT
He loves listening to your interests (gets mildly concerned when you say youre gonna blow a character up in an affectionate way)
Youve probably said the same to him but anyways
Ngl you probably knew he was Robin before he told you
"Are you ok??" *Glares* "I know who you are!"
Its his voice, hair, overall vibes (that people just dont pick up on i guess)
Youre a great hero if you are one. You are masking tho so the minute you arent heroing anymore you become the worst thing alive (joke)
"Tim... The suit feels like crumbs again. Im gonna claw my skin away" "No need for that?!?"
And you help him and Batman with detective work yahoo🎉🎉
"He should be here, Batman" "How you do know that?" "Common sense???"
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lovelywingsart · 1 year
*explodes into your inbox* HI I know this will probably be answered later on when you reach that part of the plot, but in the Metalworks AU: what's the Heisenberg's relationship like with Chris/the BSAA like? Do they have to check in on a regular basis to make sure Karl isn't attempting world domination one weaponised Roomba at a time?
I might, though that also depends JUST how deep ill want to go with the written stories, or when i get to sketching them more- But anyway! Smol bitty 'spoilers' for the story, but not enough to ruin it. uwu This will also be long. You know my rambles.
Karl and Chris/BSAA have an... interesting relationship.
Karl was, of course, incredibly hesitant when Emelia and Chris made the deal that granted them freedom. He didn't trust Chris for a single fucking moment, and you can bet he wasn't too happy when part of the deal was that they would absolutely be under some sort of *mild* supervision via the Hound Wolf Squad specifically, and partially the BSAA as a whole. Not so much that they'd be up their asses, but just enough to make sure things don't go out of hand. (Meaning no, no weaponized roombas. Sorry to disappoint. 😂 He kinda fell off the whole 'creating murderous robots to take over the world' thing when he suddenly had no real reason to after Mirandas death- it was alot to take in. He had MANY feelings after that.)
They amazingly don't really check on them much, maybe a random helicopter from a distance- because what really helps the 'survailance' is Ethan and Emelia writing back and forth. Once again, Karl was adamant in demanding not to put too much personal shit in there because he KNEW Chris would see them too. It took him a little bit to get comfortable with the idea that someone on the outside might know more about their life, as he discovered that he would definitely prefer living in solitude with his family now that he actually had the choice to.
The only times Karl and Chris really came face to face was when Ethan and Rose would visit and vice versa, and honestly they just... avoided eachother mostly. An untrusting glance here, a defensive growl from Karl there, but they more or less left eachother alone save for Karl sometimes being a smartass, as he does. Really their slight animosity came to both a head and a surprising end when Emelia had the twins, which is where the one image of Karl getting in his face comes in- and honestly it was partially because of Adalwulf. Had he not stepped in and calmed Karl down, Chris wouldn't have had the respect for him that he does, and he wouldn't have joined the Hound Wolf Squad as a 'Bioweapon Defense' with Rose who joined shortly after. Karl kinda came around to the idea after being incredibly against it, and his own trust in Chris genuinely didn't start GROWING until after Emelia talked to him about Ada joining them. So it took... about 12-13 years for both Karl and Chris to not completely have sticks up their asses about it despite Emelia calling him for help once before (to find her birth family), if I'm doing my timeline math right.
After that they ended up having enough mild respect to at least talk without Karl being a complete dick and Chris being a military hardass, and eventually it was enough to share a few beers and for Chris to actually offer THEM a small spot in the crew due to the fact that they're considered 'first generation bioweapons'. While they don't take the spot fully (again, they prefer staying with their *growing* family), they do sometimes go out for things that might be of their concern, mostly to assess things or at least provide support somehow. Mostly Emelia, but Karl will join too, which leads to Chris finding out just how much of an actual fucking tank the old man is with his defense without needing to mutate at all.
I can't really say Karl ever FULLY trusts Chris and vice versa even after a few years, but it's enough to occasionally be drinking buddies and work together after the twins are born and just kinda stays on that point until Redfield kicks the damn bucket (who knows if he ever will tho, Capcom likes to squeeze as much as they can out of him specifically so I mean 🤷)
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
"Wait, you're leaving now?" 17 asks, quick to stand with Trunks. There's uneasiness in his eyes, his expression uncomfortable. He swallows thickly, gaze shifting off to the side for a moment. "Can't you stay for the night?" He hoped his voice didn't break asking that line.
"If you really have to go, I won't stop you. It's just - " Head shakes, frowning slightly. "N-never mind. Forget it." ( future boy you know you wanna stay uwu )
| Muse Interaction "Ya know when those stupid poachers ain't being a pain, this place is real peaceful." Trunks went on to point out to 17, he had wind up helping them with a few of them that day. Which is why he felt drained now laying out on the grass, it was nice and soft actually.Just taking time to rest. And he had to admit he didn’t hate the company of 17.Okay if he was admitting things then well he liked the company okay? it was, calming. When 17 wasn’t being the most annoying bitches being to exist of course. Trunks couldn’t place it why that was some content to it all there shouldn’t be but. Enough has happened between them to at least make him see 17 in a different light. Eyes trailing over to them now, for once they looked out for and protected the animals on this island. Trunks found that something to admire in them, a slight tint of red hit his face well he was in thought over that. Looking over 17, just taking them in was enough to make his heart stir. NO! wait no no none of that fuck no not this again! Ugh this all because this dumb fool kissed him isn’t it! Clearly thats it it was all because of that stupid kiss! nothing else clearly nothing else! Moving to get up on his feet now. “I better take off,” Trunks was quick to say so to excuse himself, being around the android was messing with him clearly.
"Wait, you're leaving now?" 
“That’s what I just said ain’t it?” He questions looking as 17 went to stand up suddenly. Hmm what was with that expression? He never seen them look like that before? Trunks hummed  a bit turning to face them better now as he set a hand to his hid and tilted his head to the side some. Well arching up an eye brow. Studying the android for a moment he’s never seen the act like this either it seemed so off, different than the more confident stance and air they held uh? Noting how they took their eyes off of Trunks was what stood out the most here. 
"Can't you stay for the night?"
“Stay the night?” he questioned back. Okay yeah this was. This was new and weird mostly weird 17 wanted him to stick around? “Well I mean.”
"If you really have to go, I won't stop you. It's just - "
Well then, this was a turn of events that’s for sure. Trunks had grown so used to them well just doi9ng as they wanted and now they were asking? He smirked  a bit oh this was to good to be true. Part of him wanted to tease and poke fun at their state even as they shook their head suddenly, maybe catching on to what they were putting themself into now as well.
"N-never mind. Forget it."
“I mean be easier to just stick around.” Trunks starts shrugging his shoulders a littler and looking up to the sky line. “it’s getting dark anyway and I don’t like flying at night much, never know when a play might be in the way and ya know flying people aren’t all that common here.” Trunks went on to excuse his choice here. Smirk back on his face now clearly amused in the moment “besides someone just made a special request of me, be kind of a dick move not to at least fulfill it don’t cha think?” oh he was eating this up and he wasn’t going to wast a second of doing so.
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How to Plant Snapdragons (pt. 3)
Task Force 141 + König + Keegan x Female Criminal!Reader (except Captain Price, because he'll be like a father to the bunch and König and Keegan won't appear until later on in the story)
CHAPTER SUMMARY: You tell Ghost, Gaz, and Soap why you were in prison.
You are currently reading Chapter 3. Here is Chapter 2 and the Masterlist!
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A hand slammed on the table across you, and Kyle's booming voice echoed in the dining hall. "I've heard of the news!"
You sat with Johnny, while the Lieutenant was on the other side, where Gaz had also pulled himself a seat. You had your usual bright and smiley face that could rival the sun. You seemed as though you had just successfully run away from the base, skipping on some puddles.
You faced Gaz and smirked, knowing that your glorious feat had traveled the speed of light across this realm of gunpowder and tanks.
There weren't many people in the place, considering it was late afternoon, but it already seemed night because of the dark sky. You had changed clothes and eaten a portion of food before your superiors got to find you after you managed to slip away from them again. There were only a handful of soldiers scattered in the hall—considering it was a couple of hours past lunch—chatting their free time away and keeping their ears and eyes sharp for gossip. Gossip meant you.
You kept your legs crossed the entire time, in an attempt to hide the monitor. Every time it beeped and lighted up, you couldn't help but cringe. You hated being the center of attention and this thing that technically screams, 'Hey, keep your eyes on me, I might drive a tank into the base, uwu! Or I’m going to steal a bird and go HASTA LA VISTA BITCHES AND BROS AND NON-BINARY HOES IMMA GO HELICOPTER HELICOPTER!’ made it worse.
Except you didn’t know shit how to drive those things.
(That can’t stop you)
"Heard you got four combos," Kyle said, leaning over the table. "Two critical hits on each ball, eh?"
Ghost made a face under his mask, rolling his eyes. "Fuckin' hell."
"Aye, and a knock-out for his dignity," Soap shook his head with a couple of clicks of his tongue. "Poor guy vomited in the gym after the bloody massacre of his future children."
You giggled at his comment and shifted your gaze back down to the sheets of paper you had finally stolen. If it can be called that because the Lt. and Soap were staring at you the entire time you snatched them, along with a pen for fuck's sake in Price's office, before bouncing.
"I was planning on teaching the kid a lesson but . . . what the fuck are you—" Johnny glanced over his shoulder, wide eyes darting around the canteen before setting them back on the papers you focused on. You were drawing a bunch of nude dudes, not even hesitating to add nipples and balls and dicks—why were they so big, though? "Why are ya drawing that?!" He yelled in a whisper, his large hands covering your paper.
Both Ghost and Gaz peered over the gaps between his fingers and looked away the moment they saw someone else's balls. Then, Gaz quickly put his hand over the rest of your drawings his fellow Sergeant couldn't cover as a soldier passed by your table.
"Anatomy?" You waved a hand, raised a brow, and shook your head as though he didn't get something so obvious. "Renaissance art?"
Soap frowned at you. "I'm pretty sure Renaissance paintings don't have this much nudity, and they surely weren't holdin’ one another's cocks and lookin’ like they’re enjoying it!”
"Well, yes and no, sir." You tried to push their hands away but fuck those muscles staying like fucking statues. "Wanna know why nudity was common during that era? It is to revive Roman and Greek art, which focuses on the human body and nature. And they believe that without any clothing, they can see the purest form of the human body."
"That still doesn't explain that they're fucking holding—"
"Shush!" You put a hand over Kyle's face. "They're feeling each other's pureness, Gaz. They're feeling each other."
"The fuck—"
You slapped your other hand over Soap's mouth, gazing intently at him. "It's called an art style, Soap. An art style. A preference.”
"Well, other than ya have a peculiar preference, your drawings are well mint," Ghost claimed as he carefully took one of your drawings under Kyle’s hand and closely took in the details of the person you drew. The shadows and shades on the man’s visage made it seem like it was a photograph of a marble statue, which made him feel as though he was standing before it. You flawlessly captured the feelings and emotions—a life that he didn’t know would be possible with a pen.
He put it down and slid it back to you. “What did ya take in college?”
You brought your hands down from the sergeants’ faces and picked up the pen. “I majored in Civil Engineering." You spun the pen between your fingers and looked down at your drawing with a small smile.
You had traveled around, jumping from one country to another after you graduated. Met several interesting people, learned unforgettable and valuable things, and got into trouble with them. But that was what made your life colorful, painting over sceneries you had witnessed, covered in red. That, until you caught a bald eagle’s eye while he was on the hunt.
Also, what the fuck is ‘well mint’?
"And what got a bloody engineering student in prison?” Kyle questioned in a low voice. “Can’t be the one I heard around.”
Ghost glanced at him with a frown, while Soap glared at him, shaking his head as a warning, and Gaz in response, made an ‘o’ with his mouth, nodding.
“I blew up the university because the Dean said if the campus caught fire, she would let everyone pass,” You said, which made their heads whip in your direction in an instant, while you started to sketch on a clean sheet. “I was desperate for a good grade, but I didn’t know the Dean would be in her office as the fire spread.”
Johnny gaped at you in disbelief. “Bloody hell, for a grade?”
Gaz raised a brow. “Seriously?”
You snorted. “No.”
Both the sergeants made a face, whereas Ghost let out a low scoff.
“But I have truly always cared for grades,” you started again, “even though they say high grades aren’t everything and they are just numbers, I used to think they were everything. Then, whenever I see people partying around in clubs, I begin to get jealous of them because they seem free like they don’t have anything to worry about.” You glanced at them and found they were listening attentively, so you continued. “One night, I said screw this shit and went in a club.”
“Well, sometimes, ya just have to let loose, you know?” Soap said, leaning back against the chair. “We also go to the pub once in a while to drink.”
“And all hell breaks loose,” Ghost claimed, eyeing Soap knowingly.
Your brows raised. Oh?
“Shut up, Lt.” He glared at him, pouting a bit, which Ghost ignored. Then, Soap put his elbow on the table and propped his chin on his palm, then turned his head to you. “So, ya went to the club?”
“Yeah, met a couple of guys,” you copied his actions, “seduced those couple of guys.”
“Had a sloppy make-out in the bathroom.”
“Damn, aren’t ya fast?” Gaz asked, smiling.
You turned to him. “Went to the hotel . . . and drunk their blood.”
Soap straightened up in a blink. “Awa' an’ bile yer heid. I thought it was real this time!”
“Oh, damn it.” Gaz slapped the table.
You laughed, throwing your head back in amusement.
Ghost crossed his arms, tilting his head a bit. “You have your way with stories, don’t you?”
“I’m an avid fan of fiction. Either I write it or read it. It’s a way for me to escape reality.” You tapped on one of your sketches. “And if I can’t read or write it, I draw it. Although, sometimes, it also stresses me out when I can’t get things right.” You sighed, furrowing your brows lightly.
They stared at you for a moment, then shared glances, silently deciding it was believable enough, considering your request for books to Laswell and your eagerness to draw.
“Alright, what’s next?” Gaz spoke, motioning a hand. “You found a doll that turned out to be alive and a killing machine.”
You grinned, placing your pen down and riding along his joke. “Preyed on a bunch of children, led them in a sewer with candies and balloons.”
“Isn’t that Chucky and It?” Johnny asked, raising a brow.
“Didn’t expect you famous gentlemen would know those movies.” You nodded in acknowledgment and pointed at him. “Well, your turn.”
“A doll ya found in the basement of yer new house turned out to be possessed,” Soap fired, pointing back at me. “Why is it always dolls, though?”
You shrugged.
“Scared of dolls, Soap?” Gaz wiggled his brows with a teasing smile.
His fellow sergeant rolled his eyes. “The fuck I would be.”
Then, the three of you faced Ghost, who had remained silent and still on his chair. His eyes went back and forth between you three before he sighed. “Ya killed people with a chainsaw.”
You three nodded at him and you commented, “Classic.” Before you could say another word, you noticed Simon finishing something out of his pockets, a phone that you oh-so wanted to still just so you could read some fanfictions on the net. Soap and Gaz followed his actions.
At this rate, you were just going to make your own fanfiction to keep your sanity.
“Come on.” Soap nudged at you and stood up, making the chair creak.
The fun finally lasted and seemed something that you dreaded to do came sooner than expected.
You gathered and rolled your drawings carefully, and stuck the ballpen onto your bun, before following them out of the chow hall.
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Laswell’s voice echoed from the laptop on Captain Price’s table, and you and the 141 stood in front of it, listening to the intel she had gathered. The map of Brazil appeared on the screen, making you raise a brow as it zoomed onto the mountains, which were covered in houses instead of nature.
“Supposedly our target, Fabrício, is in his base in Rio de Janeiro, we’ll finally be able to know his deals with Hassan.” Price crossed his arms and glanced at the rest of the group. “However, there’ll be mostly likely civilians around the area, so we have to watch our fire.”
“Rio de Janeiro . . .” You mumbled and put your fingers under your chin, which caught their attention. You faced the Captain, who had a questioning look at you. “Uh,” you raised a hand as though you were going to answer a teacher’s question, “may I say a humble suggestion?”
He nodded. “Speak.”
You gulped. “I may know some things about Rio that could bring us advantages."
Ghost fully turned his body at you. “What’re ya getting at?”
“During this time of the year, Rio holds their famous Carnival for a week every night until dawn. Millions of people go there, so their streets will be mostly empty or people will be in their houses. Yet at the same time, if you wander around at night in their streets, you’ll get targeted by criminals.” You pointed at the image of your target, a man with short curly hair and dark skin. “If that guy deals with international transactions, he’ll be most likely a boss of the local outlaws and militia or protected by them. So, at times of major events like this, eyes will be off them and they’ll be able to move freely.” You brought your hand down. “But so can we.”
Price’s brows furrowed a bit and he looked at the map on the screen. “That’s . . . good thinking.” He tapped on the pad of the laptop and said, “Laswell, I’d like to—”
“Damn, lassie, how’d you know that?” Johnny questioned, a grin appearing on his lips as he put his arm around your shoulders again.
Meanwhile, Price proceeded to discuss the changes in the mission with Kate.
“I’m pretty interested in Rio because of the Carnival, yeah, and the statue of Christ the Redeemer and their beaches.” You crossed your arms to stop yourself from wrapping your arms around him as well and take the chance to squeeze his chest, biceps, and cakes. “Also, they are famous for being good at football and beach volleyball. I used to play some sports during my school days and they’re one of those.”
“Well,” Gaz also dropped his arm around you, but on your lower back, making you gulp, “aren’t you talented, miss? Wouldn’t be surprised if you're pretty famous on your campus.”
You sighed. “Don’t call me ‘miss’, and no, I’m not famous. I like solitude to be honest."
Soap pulled you a bit closer. “Ah, like the Lieutenant until he shows off his skills, aye?”
“I am not a show-off.” Ghost glared at you three. “Also, there are several disadvantages to your strategy.”
“Yessir.” You nodded and the sergeants let go of you. You raised three of your fingers. “The target is in their home ground, they know the place like the back of their hand and the difference between our numbers."
"And that's exactly why we have a backup,” Price declared in a serious voice, followed by beeps coming from the laptop which caught your attention, and General Shepherd’s profile popped out, meaning he was listening to the discussion or might be watching you without seeing him.
You pursed your lips, running your tongue through the light cracks, but kept your eyes strained on the screen. You put your hands behind you, squeezing them as hard as you could. You couldn’t miss any detail about the mission that might endanger the 141.
“We will have two teams to corner Fabrício in his base, front and back,” Laswell began once again, bright lines lighting up alleyways on the map, leading up to the mountains of houses. The first profiles to appear in bright boxes were Ghost and Soap. “Bravo team will go through this street.” Then, the Captain, Gaz, and finally, yours, appeared on the screen following a green line. “And the Alpha team will go this way.”
You let out a silent sigh in relief, yet at the same time in disappointment. You’d like to enjoy the calmness of the Captain and Gaz, and their light jokes, but you also wanted to go ape shit with Soap and make dad jokes along the way with Ghost. But what irked you more was the picture of you they used—with the eyebags and pimples. Couldn’t they put a better one for fuck’s sake?
Then, a familiar American’s profile came into view, along with several men in one box, making you frown and yell thousands of curses in your head. “Once we have Fabricio, the Shadow Company will help subdue the militia, and Nikolai will go around in helo for exfil.” As soon as Kate finished explaining, she and the General popped out in a split screen.
“Most importantly, we want Fabrício alive for interrogation,” Shepherd concluded, serious eyes darting at the 141, then settled on you. “And how are you?”
It was hard to put on pants with the monitor on. The food wasn’t any better than in prison. People thought you were a threat to be burned alive if you did something wrong before them. People thought you were a piece of meat. A dog to tame. A whore for trying to become close with the 141. A woman who knew nothing but play around.
Yet you smiled at him, despite all the thoughts that rushed to your mind. Curses that you wanted to scream at him. “Still trying to get used to things around here, sir.” You squeezed your hands, nails digging into your skin.
Gaz glanced at you and noticed your stiffness. He kept his face expressionless, seeing how you looked, and slowly, his eyes made their way to your hands.
Meanwhile, Ghost walked and sauntered behind Price's desk, keeping his eyes on the back of the laptop.
“Really?” He leaned back in his chair, head tilting to the side. “I thought you easily adapt to different environments. Has Laswell spoiled you?”
Fuck him.
“I did not do such a thing, General,” Laswell was quick to retort, a sigh escaping her lips.
She, in fact, did. But that was a story for other times.
You forced out a laugh, flowing along her lie. “If she had, she would have given me a phone, sir.”
Shepherd nodded in acknowledgment. “Very well. I hope 141 is treating you well?”
You opened your mouth to answer, but Soap was faster to speak. “Of course, sir. Now we know one of the reasons why ye pulled her out of prison.” He put a hand on your shoulder, a bright grin appearing on his handsome face, yet you kept your eyes on the bald eagle. “She’s a fun one.”
You clenched your hands harder and planted your nails deeper. Motherfucking hell, Soap, don’t call me fun.
As though spiders crawled down your skin, you shivered.
With Soap's hand still on your shoulder, he felt you shudder.
Shepherd smiled, something that you didn't expect to see. "I see. But I did not put her in the 141 so you could have some fun."
"Ah, yes sir," Soap removed his hand from you and felt a twitch under his eye, "I'm just saying that—"
"She's a criminal, Sergeant Mactavish. The only reason she's out is because she'll be able to help 141. She's a tool you can use, and she knows that herself. So, make sure she continues being good and obedient." With that, his voice went static and soon faded, his picture disappearing from the laptop's screen.
"We will discuss the mission again later on," Laswell quickly filled the silence. "Take care, all of you."
"Thank you, Kate," Price said, turning the laptop in his direction.
The Captain shut the laptop closed.
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Chapter 4 is here!
You can also read the series on AO3 here!
Taglist: @yyiikes, @the-faceless-bride, @sae1kie
Note: Hope you guys like this Chap and don't forget to comment because I eat them when I have a bad day! Also, I've been thinking about this, would you guys like the one and only Keegan P. Russ as one of our men here?
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theysaidhush · 1 year
heyy i happened to see you asking for threesome related hard thoughts and i suddenly thought about brat taming with poly woosan uwu like imagine how teasing and mean they would beee <333
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➝ Wooyoung x Reader x San, Woosan x Reader
➝ You have done something to upset your boy, thankfully the other is here to make sure you're also pampered.
➝ rough smut
➝ 380w
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"What a naughty girl, thinking she could get away with this."
San roamed his hands through your hair, gently massaging your skull before making sure the tie around your head was covering your vision.
"Hey, stop being so nice to her." Wooyoung tsked, grabbing your hair and pulling them roughly, the sweet touch of San long forgotten and replaced by a sting you were very much familiar with.
"I-I didn’t do anything…"
"Good girls don’t lie." Wooyoung sing songed before getting on top of you, straddling your thighs as you were laying flat on your stomach. "What should we do with this thing, huh ?"
He shook your head mindlessly, making you whimper at the sensation, before slowly starting to grind his clothed dick on your ass. He took a moment to admire the red stripes on your skin, grinning at the memory of San spanking you again and again as soon as you all came home. He might act nice, but his lover wasn’t merciful.
"Ah, I’m not your thing, fuck you." You loved teasing them. Seeing this dangerous glint in their eyes, feeling their hands roughly manhandling you.
But as soon as those words came out of your mouth, you gagged on the dick that was pushed inside of it, tears swelling in your eyes and broke whimpers bubbling in your throat. "Ah~. Now, kitten, good girls don’t say b-bad words. Ah fuck your mouth feels so good around my dick..." San groaned, stroking your cheek before grabbing your jaw, making you open your mouth wider.
As Wooyoung got his dick out of his boxers, adjusting your body so your ass was at the perfect height for him to fuck, he smirked before entering your tight and leaking hole in one push. While you were still wet enough for it not to hurt you too much, the feeling of his tip hitting your cervix in one go still made you moan and wiggle under him, choking and spitting around your boyfriend’s cock at the delicious pain he was inflicting to your body. "This mouth is only good at sucking dick, isn’t it? You’re so fucked."
San grabbed a fistful of your hair and pushed your head down his length, giggling at the sight in front of him. Your hands were roaming around the bed, trying to get a grip on something as Wooyoung was being relentless on you, slamming his dick in you in an almost painful way. You were so pretty. "Yeah, let’s fuck some sense into you."
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641 notes · View notes
tteokdoroki · 3 years
bestie bestie bestie pup boy bakugou in rut adn fucking his bunny girl gf n' he breeds her and- yeah
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— “bitch bunny.” + katsuki bakugou.
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bestie,,, bestie dont get me started on this!!! i made this gender neutral 🥺 so i hope you don’t mind uwu!!
pairing: german shepard!bakugou x bunny + gender neutral!reader
cw: smut, MDNI 18+, hybrid!pairing, slight!dub-con, oral sex, some degradation and dirty talk. reader is gender neutral and has no pronouns but i think i used slit once aaa!!
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can you imagine being a hybrid!bunny adopted by deku, shy and timid— a shaky darling thing with a twitching nose and floppy bunny ears that fall over your face when you get nervous or flustered. izuku is nice, he takes care of you and brings you home from that god awful shelter. his place is warm and safe and oh, he’s got a little puppy friend for you to play with.
he’s mean, an awful german shepard!hybrid who snarls at you when izuku isn’t looking— steals your food, nips at your ankles and tears up your clothes. you hate him, you hate that you let him make you cry but don’t dare to snitch because you fear what he might do to you. katsuki had lived with deku longer, been loved longer and you were just a stupid bunny who was lucky to even be here. or so the blonde had told you over and over, backing you into a corner when your owner wasn’t looking.
he doesn’t mean it. is what izuku tells you when he gets you both ready for bed at night, hybrids need special care and izuku likes to bathe you together— bakugou stares at your body hungrily like you’re a piece of meat. kacchan can play nice, he’s just a little rough sometimes. another excuse.
a little rough doesn’t even begin to cover it.
not when katsuki has you pinned to the bed by a strong arms, cruel smirk spread widely across his cherry lined lips while your precious, meaty thighs shake either side of his head. “look at’cha bunny, shakin’ like a fuckin’ leaf ‘n i ain’t even touched’ya yet,” bakugou growls with a yank of your fluffy rabbit tail. your sex spasms, arousal staining the surrounding areas and dripping heavily onto the cotton sheets of deku’s bed. “poor lil bunbun trapped in heat, ‘n i’m the only one left’ta deal with ya....”
lust is heavy in his tone, blood red eyes dilating while he watches your hips jump up in desperation for some kind of friction and touch. “kat...katsuki, please...it hurts,” and it does, more than any of the mean words he’d thrown at you before. there’s heat burning in your lower tummy, spreading through the blood in your veins as your hole clenches around nothing and leaks pathetically under bakugou’s watchful gaze.
the blonde makes a feral noise in the back of his throat, pointed puppy ears twitching at your needy sounds— the broken moans that bubble from chapped lips. “yeah bunny?” he says breathless, voice lowering deep and husky. “it hurts not ta ‘ave a cock in ya huh? reaching deep in that tight, dirty fuckin’, scratchin’ that itch that you’re fingers can’t reach...” katsuki mutters filthy words into the plains of your skin, tongue dragging along your thighs as he approaches your sex— marking and biting a pathway towards it. his sharp canines sink harshly into the flesh that he moulds between large hands.
your chest rises and falls with your rapid, beating bunny heart— fear consuming you as your innermost instincts have been switched on. katsuki is a dog and you’re merely his prey for the evening, a darling little toy for him to take advantage of in your time of need. “katsu—“ you beg him, twisting and writing against the bed once more.
“what?” he snaps, fangs and gums bared in an impatient growl. he’d waited too long to have you spread out beneath him like this, smelt the slick from your heat dripping down your thighs— tasted the want in the air as you tried to fuck that itch away from yourself with stupid toys and your useless hands. “can’t eat yer stupid lil hole out if y’keep makin’ me waste my breath talkin’ to ya, bunny. don’cha want me to make it go away? take away the pain with my fat cock?”
“katsuki please, make it go away, make it stop hurting,”
katsuki’s head dips lower and lower until his nose is pressed right up against your slit, breathing in your sweet scent until his eyes roll back in his skull and his brain becomes cloudy with ideas of how you might fuckin’ taste, how tight you must really fuckin’ be. god, he’d thought about taking your puckered hole for far too long, taking you on his dick until your bunny ears droop and you’re reduced to a puddle of tears. but now that he’s got you, nothing but sex on your mind while you ooze sweet honey from his proximity to your core, all bakugou can think about is lapping you up like the fuckin’ dog he is and slobbering all over the sweetness between your meaty thighs.
“like it when you beg like a little bunny bitch in heat fer my fuckin’ dick babe, but s’too fuckin’ bad. wanna eat ya instead.” bakugou snarls, tail thumping on the bed as he finally latches onto your sex with teeth and tongue and the taste of you on his fucking brain. when he glances up at you between your shaky legs and give another tug to the fluff of your tail, your cute nose twitches and your watery eyes cross— the pain in your belly ignites into a bright flame of pleasure as you finally get what you need for your heat to subside.
katsuki’s tongue runs laps across every inch of your sex, sucking on you, drinking up the evidence of your arousal before it has time to further dirty your thighs— your fingers push through his mass of blonde locks and tug at his puppy dog ears until he whimpers into your hole that he plunges his pink muscle in and out of. “look at’cha bunny, makin’ a mess in that damn deku’s bed. what’s he gonna say when he finds you cummin’ on this tongue of mine, his sweet little bun ain’t so innocent are they?” he teases, fingers coming up to prod and pull and pinch at your slick and intimate parts he also greedily feasts on.
“he—he wouldn’t, katsuki please don’t— oh fuck— i don’t want izu to see me like this,” you blubber with crossed eyes and skittering breath. the dog between your legs slots bites gently at your core, teeth grazing your intimate parts causing you to jump up and tug his hair closer to your needy, trembling body.
“bullshit, needy bitch.”
lewd sounds of your own sloppiness make your ears droop and cover your humiliated face, shame burning at the tips of your ears even worse than the hotness flashing through your body. you’re embarrassed, by your own dirtiness, by your desperation to be fucked by your owners awful companion. would izuku be disappointed in you? see you different from your usually shy and innocent self? you feel so much shame and yet you can’t feel yourself to pull away from the german shepard hybrid between your legs, sucking on you like you’re his last meal.
but you can’t bring yourself to feel shame, the thought of your precious owner walking in on you stretched over katsuki’s tongue and thick fingers— marked up and tainted, makes you gush and squirm. what would you do if his bright green eyes saw the sin his two darling hybrids were committing on his own bed? you’re naughty, bakugou’s made you naughty and that’s exactly what he wanted. to ruin you during your heat.
“you wanna cum, slutty bunny?” his tail thumps harder against the mattress, his hips grinding circles into the bed like his stuck in a rut, his own cock hard and heavy in his shorts while he makes you see stars and feel as if you’re on cloud nine. you nod and a dark chuckle reverberates through your body. “‘s too bad...” katsuki pulls away from you before you can tumble over the edge, sheen of your arousal painted across his chin— shining under dim light.
like a dirty dog, he wipes his mouth on his arm and smiles, mischief glinting in his eye. your heart rate spikes, nose and precious bunny earth twitching with nervousness and excitement.
“too bad, y’cum while ‘m breeding you on this cock, sort this heat out right.”
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bratdesire · 4 years
Your Dad, My Daddy
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Pairing: Ukai Keishin x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut, age gap, older man/younger woman, barely legal, squirting, rough sex, daddy kink, alcohol mention, questionable ethics, d/s dynamics, overstimulation, degrading language, touch of subspace, unprotected sex, breeding kink, slight dubcon if you squint but it’s all consensual, Ukai’s dick is pierced, exhibitionism(?)
Genre: Smut, just so much smut
Word count: 9.4k
Author’s note: Here is my contribution to the new HQHQ collab!! You can find the masterlist right here! Big big thank you to @sempiternal-amour and @inaflashimagine​ for beta-ing this monster fic, ilysm <3 This is so incredibly self-indulgent, I even inserted my nickname ~for spice~. Anyways, enjoy my incoherent screaming uwu
Summary: When you go over to your friend’s house for a study session you don’t anticipate meeting her very attractive father, and you surely don’t anticipate the very same man fucking you over their couch.
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“Hey, I apologize in advance for anything weird my dad says or does. You know how dads are,” Hitomi explains as she pulls into the driveway of her house. 
It’s small but nice and well-manicured, situated in the cul de sac of a middle-class suburb.
“Dad, we’re here,” she shouts up the stairs, setting her keys on the small table next to the front door. Hitomi’s gaze drifts to the tall, dark haired man sitting at the kitchen table and your own gaze soon follows. “Oh, there you are.”
She quickly pecks the man on his cheek before walking over to the shiny silver fridge, pulling out a couple bottles of water. “Dad, this is Bunny, Bunny this is Dad,” she gestures between the two of you. 
When her father glances up from his phone to give you a nod of acknowledgement, you’re taken aback by how handsome he is. 
You can tell from the slight wrinkles around his lips and the crinkles by his eyes that he’s definitely a much older man, but other than that he’s flawless. The angle of his jaw is sharp but soft, lower face darkened by his five o’clock shadow. His chocolate brown eyes are complemented by plump, pink lips that would look even better swollen and shiny with saliva. Dark, shiny locks are gathered into a low ponytail and you wonder how they would feel fisted in your fingers. He’s gorgeous in a rugged, mature way that boys your age aren’t and could never hope to be. 
Hitomi never told you her dad was hot but then again, why would she? 
“Mr. Ukai, it’s nice to meet you,” you greet him.
He waves his hand in the air dismissively, “Ah, you can just call me Keishin. No need to be so formal.”
Hitomi mutters a frustrated “shit” under her breath and it takes you a few moments to tear your eyes away from the man in front of you. 
“I left my textbook in the car, I have to go grab it,” she sighs then turns to her dad. “You, don’t scare off my friend, please.” 
Keishin puts a hand on his heart, a falsely serious expression on his face. “I won’t, scout’s honor.”
She just rolls her eyes, exiting the kitchen the same way you entered. The front door slams shut, leaving you alone with your friend’s very hot dad.
Keishin looks up at you then quickly looks away, unsure how to interact with his daughter’s friends. “So is, uh, Bunny your real name?” he asks, nervously rubbing the back of his head.
Leaning against the table he’s seated at, you fold your arms across your chest, fully aware of how low cut your top is. You don’t miss the way his eyes briefly flicker down to your cleavage then back up to your face. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” you challenge, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I… I’m just trying to make conversation,” he laughs nervously.
“Hm, well, the short answer is no. You’ll have to get to know me a bit better before I give you the long answer.” 
He snorts, pushing his chair back and rising to his full height. “What gave you the confidence to speak like this to your elders?”
Taking a step towards him, you twirl a piece of hair around your finger and shyly peer up at him through your lashes. “I don’t know, but maybe you can teach me how to behave.”
A light blush colors his cheeks and his eyes widen with surprise. “I-I don’t know what you’re implying, but it’s not... appropriate,” he stutters, taking a step backwards to try to put some distance between you.
You sidle up to him, reaching out a hand to caress his well-muscled arm. When he makes no move to stop your petting, you bite your lip and get on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear. “Who said we had to be appropriate?” 
His mouth is slightly agape, lips moving every so often, as if he wants to say something but doesn’t. “I—” he starts.
The sound of the front door slamming open makes you both jump apart, trying to appear as casual as possible. 
“I got it! We can go study now,” Hitomi proclaims, waving the book around in her hands. She glances at you, then at her father and notices the way you’re completely turned away from each other. “Oh my God, Dad, what did you do?” she groans.
He holds up both hands in surrender, shaking his head emphatically. “I didn’t do anything! Why do you always think I did something?”
Your friend strides over to lightly punch his shoulder, a disapproving but loving expression on her face. “Because you’re weird and lame. Besides, between you and Bunny, I���m always going to assume that you’re the guilty party.”
You find yourself chuckling at their banter, touched by how close they are. It’s evident that Hitomi and Keishin care a lot about each other, regardless of how much they tease each other and guilt twists in your gut when you remind yourself that you were flirting with him. She likely wouldn’t forgive you for trying to sleep with her dad and it would cause a great deal of damage to their relationship, possibly beyond repair if she knew he was into girls her age. To make matters worse, you’re two years her junior. What man would sleep with a girl younger than his daughter?
But your morals are tossed right out the window when you take in the sight of Keishin’s radiant smile—all straight, white teeth and eyes that shine like pools of dark honey. It’s in that moment that you decide you’re going to seduce that man if it’s the last thing you do.
Sorry, Hitomi. Kind of.
“Okay, so L-Tyrosine is one of the twenty amino acids used by the body to synthesize proteins. It is also an aromatic amino acid derived from phenylalanine by hydroxylation in the para position—oof!” Hitomi’s droning is cut off by the pillow you send hurtling towards her head.
You sit up on her bed, squealing obnoxiously as you stretch. “Hitomi, I love you, but please shut up. My brain is melting. We’ve been at this for three hours now, can we take a break?”
She closes the textbook in her lap and pushes it to the edge of her desk. “Fine, fine. We can take a twenty minute break, but we have to go right back to studying because finals are this week and I cannot afford to fail,” your friend warns, despite how she whips out her phone at lightning speed.
Picking at a stray thread on the comforter, you gently try to get her attention, “Hey, Tomi?”
“Hm?” she responds, barely glancing up from the video she’s watching.
You’re not sure how to broach the subject, but you’ve never been one to beat around the bush so you just come right out and say it. “Has anyone told you your dad’s kinda hot?”
That makes her stop, her head jerking up from her phone at lightning speed. “What!? That old geezer?” She sounds dumbfounded, incredulous at the prospect that someone would be interested in her father.
“Yeah girl, he’s a total DILF,” you confess, making a little fanning motion with your hand like you’re burning up inside just thinking about him, and it’s not that far from the truth.
Hitomi makes no effort to hide her feelings, disgust clearly evident in her delicate features. “Ew! You have to be joking. Please tell me you’re joking.”
“I’m not joking! He’s really sexy,” you muse dreamily.
She claps both hands over her ears, yelling at the top of her lungs to drown you out. “I never want to hear you say that my old man is ‘sexy’ ever again!”
You childishly stick your tongue out at her. “Hey! I’m just speaking the truth. You have to have had friends say the same thing.”
Removing her hands from her ears, she brings one up to stroke her chin, seemingly deep in thought. “Now that I think about it, back in high school my friends were a lot more enthusiastic about coming over once they met my father.”
You feel vindicated by her personal testimony, even if she thinks you’re gross. “See? I’m not the only one who finds your dad ridiculously attractive.”
Hitomi gags dramatically as if she’s going to puke and judging by the look on her face, she just might. “Please, no more, I’m begging you.” 
“Fine, fine I’ll stop, but don’t act surprised when I become your new stepmom,” you tease, wiggling your eyebrows at her.
“You’re younger than me, don’t even joke about that,” she shudders in horror. “Okay, with that we need to get back to studying amino acids and proteins.”
“Whatever you say, future stepdaughter.” You muster your best motherly voice, sickeningly sweet and a touch passive aggressive.
This time, it’s Hitomi’s turn to throw a pillow at you.
Since the day you met Keishin, you haven’t been able to get him off your mind. Even when you’re in class trying to learn about the sodium-potassium pump, you find your thoughts drifting to his hands, his lips, him. He’s simply become too distracting to ignore.
More times than you care to admit, you’ve fucked yourself with your fingers to thoughts of how his fingers would feel pumping inside you. You fantasize about how his hand would feel around your neck, squeezing with just enough pressure to make your vision hazy. His name is always on the tip of your tongue when you orgasm and when you finally let yourself moan out ‘Keishin,’ you know enough is enough. A man his age has to know exactly how to make a woman scream and writhe in pleasure, but you need to experience it for yourself or you’ll die trying.
You’re not oblivious to the way he looks at you with hunger and longing in his eyes, you know he wants you too and you’re not above using dirty tricks to show him just how much you want him. 
If he’s too proud, too noble to give in to his urges, you’ll just have to break him. His resolve may be strong, but yours is stronger.
Your efforts begin innocently enough, gently probing him for more information about himself so you can get to know him better.
“I’ve noticed you don’t wear a ring. Is there a Mrs. Ukai in the picture?” you ask innocently.
Keishin clears his throat a bit too loudly, refusing to meet your questioning gaze. “Nah. It’s just me and Tomi, always has been.”
“Any… future Mrs. Ukai in the picture?”
The corners of his lips twitch slightly, the barest of smiles tugging at his handsome features. “Can’t say there is. Between the store and coaching volleyball, I don’t really have the time to date.”
You nod and make a noise of acknowledgement, relieved by the confirmation that he is in fact very, very single. You’re a lot of things, but you’re not a homewrecker.
On another occasion, you’re seated on their plush leather couch and Keishin’s in the well-worn La-Z-Boy recliner to your left. You’re watching some Adam Sandler movie on Netflix, but it’s paused while Hitomi is in the bathroom.
You take your alone time together as an opportunity to question him more, toeing the line of what would be considered proper. “So, Keishin, how old are you? I know Tomi’s twenty-one so you must be…” you trail off, hoping he’ll humor you.
He takes a swig of the beer in his hand and your eyes instinctively flicker down to watch the way his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. “Old.”
You roll your eyes and prop your chin up on your hand, readjusting your position on the couch so you’re leaning closer to him. “Obviously, but just how old?”
“Why do you want to know so badly?” he asks, head tilted and a well-groomed eyebrow lifted questioningly.
“I was just wondering if you’re older than my dad,” you tease. 
His shoulders shake slightly as he chuckles, amusement dancing in his eyes. “I’m forty-four. Do I have him beat?”
“He’s forty-two, so just barely.” Your steady, unwavering eyes lock onto his own, which are glassy and unfocused from the alcohol. When he brings the bottle to his lips once more, you nonchalantly add, “Maybe I should call you Daddy instead.”
Keishin coughs and sputters in surprise, causing him to choke on his beverage and a spray of sticky beer splatters across your face. 
Apologies tumble out of his mouth as soon as he realizes that your cheeks and hair are dripping with the craft IPA he was drinking. “I-I’m so sorry! I’ll get you a towel,” he blurts, shooting up from his chair. 
In his panic and embarrassment, he rushes toward the linen closet and you can’t help the giggles that escape your mouth at how uncoordinated he is, now several drinks in. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s not that big of a deal,” you reassure him, wiping your face with the back of your hand for emphasis.
He returns from the rummaging around the hall closet, a dark blue towel in his hand, which he offers to you with a nod of his head.
No matter your protests and assurances that you’re fine, Keishin is even more insistent in offering you the towel to clean yourself up. When you refuse to take the towel from him, he kneels down next to you and leans in to dab at the foamy liquid that has soaked into your hair. 
Your breath hitches in your throat when you feel his fingers on your jaw and you almost squeak at his close proximity. He hasn’t let you near him since your first encounter and now he’s right in front of you, so close that his breath curls around your cheeks, smelling of malted hops and the slightest hint of peppermint. You can map out the slight freckles on the bridge of his nose and each long, curled eyelash that brushes his cheeks each time he blinks.
He’s truly a beautiful man, all sharp angles and rough stubble and you can feel your cheeks warm when you realize that he’s right there. If you leaned forward just a little bit more, your noses would brush against each other. 
A deep, rumbling voice interrupts your daydreaming. “Kid, are you even listening to me?”
You blink a couple times, coming to the realization that he’s been trying to talk to you for the last few minutes, but you were too busy admiring his beauty.
Keishin shakes his head as he leans back on his heels, using one hand to rub his face wearily. “As I was saying, you can’t just… say things like that. I know young girls sometimes have fantasies about older men like me, but I’m telling you now that it’ll only end badly,” he sighs. “I’m not a righteous man, I have my vices. God, do I have lots of them, and I don’t need another one.”
He mumbles the last sentence, barely loud enough for you to hear, despite how close you are.
Another one? Is he admitting that the attraction is mutual? You have to know, you just have to. Your body practically aches from how badly you want him.
“Keishin, I—” you start, reaching out to touch his arm, but he stands abruptly and quickly turns to shuffle away from the couch.
“This just isn’t a good idea, kid. Just forget about me, alright?” he says, his back to you. A tinge of regret and hesitation seeps into his words, as if he wants to take back everything he’s said.
After the beer incident, the man is even less receptive than he was before, making every effort to avoid being alone with you.
Even still, you’re not discouraged because he never outright rejected you. If he had, you would’ve stopped your pursuit weeks ago, but he only seems to be trying to maintain his composure as a righteous man.
Righteous men are wolves in sheep’s clothing, always putting on a facade so they can claim plausible deniability when they’re caught with their pants around their ankles. But no matter how honorable or virtuous a man tries to be, none of them can resist a wet, willing pussy laid out in front of them and Keishin is no exception.
That’s why you’ve shown up to their house the last few weeks in skirts far too short to be considered decent, flashing little peeks of your underwear each time you move too much or bend over too far. Each time you bend over to grab a pencil or a piece of paper off the floor, Keishin is always conveniently positioned behind you so he gets an eyeful of your pretty lace panties and the little dark spot where your wetness has soaked through the fabric. 
After you retrieve your item from the ground, you look over your shoulder to make direct eye contact with him and say ‘oops,’ without a hint of regret in your voice. You revel in the clenching of his jaw and the way he exhales loud and heavy through his nose, frustration mounting each time you try to provoke him.
When your ass and clothed pussy are on display for him, you make sure to wiggle your hips a bit, an open invitation to fuck you the way you both want to. It never fails to elicit some sort of reaction from the older man, ranging from a few groans and a choked cough, to making a very hasty exit, a book or some other object held over the front of his jeans. 
Without fail, Hitomi expresses her concern each time her father storms out of the room, red-faced and breathing heavily. He just waves her off, telling her he’s not feeling well, but you know the truth. He’s painfully hard, painfully hard from you, even if he doesn’t admit it.
Truthfully, if you weren’t trying to get him to fuck you so hard you can’t walk you would applaud his self-control and restraint. Even after weeks of teasing and provocation, the man refuses to give in to his desires.
That’s okay. If he’s not going to come to you, you’ll just have to take matters into your own hands.
It all reaches a tipping point when you’re unable to go home for winter break and Hitomi offers you their guest room to stay in for a few weeks. 
Apparently she never asked her father for permission, if Keishin’s shocked, slightly panicked face when you walked through the door with your suitcase was any indication. When he tried to question Hitomi about whether or not it’s such a good idea for you to stay, she wasn’t having any of it and told him that you’re a friend in need. 
Hitomi’s so sweet and caring that you feel a twinge of guilt for plotting to seduce her father in her house when she’s none the wiser. She just wanted to lend a helping hand by letting you stay with them, oblivious to your true plans, but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.
Now that you’re under the same roof, all you really want to do is ambush Keishin as soon as possible, but you have to plan around Hitomi’s schedule so you have bide your time. What’s the saying? Good things come to those who wait?
And wait you do. You wait for two whole weeks, in fact. But then the stars align so perfectly that some otherworldly force must be looking out for you.
Hitomi is gone to work and won’t be back until the middle of the night when her shift is over, while Keishin is home reviewing footage from his team’s latest game. 
He told you he does this right before a big game so he can tell his players what they need to improve on and get in that last bit of refinement before the day of. When he clued you in on his strategy you just nodded and hummed, not really listening, mostly focused on ogling his muscles through his thin t-shirt.
Your nerves have been buzzing since you woke up this morning, sensing the heaviness in the air. You’re wearing your prettiest lace panties and its matching bra and frankly, you’re feeling pretty damn confident. You look good and you know you look good. If you were trying to seduce any guy your age, they’d drop their pants as soon as they got a little glimpse of your underwear, but Keishin’s not any guy your age. He needs a little convincing, a little push in the right direction, and you’ll be the one to help him.
You’ve flitted around the house all day, just trying to find the right moment to pounce. 
Currently, Keishin is sitting in the living room watching the recording on the big flat screen in the living room. He looks preoccupied with taking notes on the notepad in his lap, but it’s now or never, you suppose.
Before you try to talk yourself out of it, you stride over to where he’s sitting and put your hand on his shoulder to get his attention.
“Hey. Did you need something? I’m kind of busy analyzing my team’s last game.”
Not wanting to lose your nerve, you wordlessly swing one leg over his, then the other, planting yourself firmly in his lap. His entire body goes ramrod stiff, hands jerking away from your body as if you’ve burned him.
“W-what do you think you’re doing?” he stutters, alarm evident in his voice.
When he makes no move to throw you off his lap, you wrap your arms around his neck and lean into him, pressing your chest to his. 
“What we both have been wanting to do since the day I met you,” you purr, lips barely brushing against the shell of his ear. He shivers when you gently nibble on his earlobe and your confidence only grows as you discover that he wants this just as much as you do.
“I d-don’t know what you’re talking about. This isn't right. I’m your friend’s father and I’m... old enough to be y-yours,” he mutters, running a hand through his already messy hair, conflicted with how to proceed.
You can’t tell whether he’s trying to convince you or himself, so you decide to give him a little encouragement.
Leaning back slightly, you run your hands down his chest and bite your lip. “Are we going to keep playing games or are you gonna fuck me? Because if not, I’ve got several guys back at college who—”
You’re cut off when Keishin’s hand wraps around your throat, the other braced against your back to pull you flush against him. 
“You think your little stunts are cute, don’t you?” he growls, his minty breath washing over your face.
“What, you don’t think so, Daddy?” you pout, batting your eyelashes at him innocently.
His eyes flash with something hot and primal and you can feel the gush of wetness between your thighs. “I’m getting a little tired of them,” he growls.
“This,” you palm at the bulge straining against his pants, “Tells me otherwise, you know.”
The hand around your throat tightens, cutting off whatever bratty remark you were about to make. “I’ve had enough of you prancing around my home in tiny skirts and flashing me your panties when my daughter is around. It’s unbecoming.”
“Then t-teach me a lesson,” you gasp, struggling to speak with Keishin’s fingers so firmly wrapped around your throat.
The way he grins is downright sinful and it stokes the fire already raging inside you. “Careful what you wish for, little girl.”
With some manhandling on Keishin’s part, you’re shoved toward the couch then pulled back onto his lap, but this time you’re on your stomach and both your wrists are pinned behind your back.
“Before we go any further,” he starts, trailing his fingers down your spine and leaving goosebumps in their wake. “I have to ask… How old are you?”
You twist around to look him in the eyes, a defiant smirk on your face. “Old enough.” Your mischievous giggle is cut off by a swift, firm slap to your ass.
“Watch the lip, brat. I need a little more reassurance than that.”
“Since you’re just so concerned, I’m nineteen. Perfectly legal and more importantly, legally fuckable,” you say, punctuated by an enticing wiggle of your hips.
“Jesus, you’re two years younger than Tomi. What am I doing?” He seems lost in thought as the honorable side of him fights a losing battle against his baser, carnal instincts. Whatever reservations he has are thrown aside when you start to wiggle in his grasp, maneuvering yourself over his crotch to grind yourself against his hardness.
Keishin gathers your hair around his fist, harshly jerking your head so far backwards that your spine aches from the unnatural angle.
“Stop fucking squirming. You just don’t know how to behave, do you?” It’s phrased like a question, but he shoves two of his fingers in your mouth so you can’t respond. 
You knew Keishin would be the perfect dom, but the ease with which he settles into the role makes your head spin and your insides throb. Latching onto his digits, you lick and suck like the good girl you are, coating them in saliva as he hums in appreciation.
“Foo wans tuh behav wen thith is wutt I ge fo bein ba?” you ask, garbled and muffled by the fingers massaging the back of your tongue. 
A series of harder, heavier spanks make you squeal and squirm even more in his lap. He gently rubs his hand over your warm, stinging flesh as he speaks. “Such a troublemaker. Just what am I going to do with you, hm?” He tries to sound admonishing, but you can tell he’s smiling behind his words.
His hand leaves your ass, no doubt raised to spank you again, but before he can, you bite down on his fingers. Not too hard, just enough for him to jerk them out of your mouth. “You can do whatever you want to me, Daddy.” 
You jolt when his thumb rubs against your pussy through your panties. They’re soaked with your slick, the material clinging to your skin uncomfortably. The barest touch has you gasping and pushing your hips back for more. You’re so sensitive from the teasing and you’re so turned on you just might pass out if you’re not filled up soon.
Keishin just laughs darkly at the pathetic humping of your hips and you can feel the rumbling in his chest. “This is what I love about girls your age. So sensitive…” He pulls your panties aside and gently eases a finger inside you, then another as you moan and shake in his lap. “And so reactive. I bet you’d cum just from me putting my cock inside this tight, wet cunt, wouldn’t you?”
He speaks with a hint of condescension that has you clenching around his digits, coating them in sticky, syrupy strands of your arousal as they pump in and out of you. You’d almost be embarrassed at how worked up you are if you had more self respect, but you don’t. All you can focus on is the way his fingertips curl into the little spongy spot inside you that makes you whine.
“Why don’t you try it and find out?” The challenge in your voice is severely dampened by how breathless and wrecked you are even though you haven’t really even done anything.
His fingers pull out of you with a lewd squelching sound and you can hear him suck them into his mouth. “You taste even better than I imagined, but I want to taste that sweet pussy of yours. Up, little girl.” He coaxes you from his lap and onto the couch so your back is nestled into the cushions.
Sweat is making hair stick to your forehead and you’re breathing so heavily you’d think you just ran a marathon, but Keishin is looking down at you like you’re the most beautiful thing in the world and it nearly steals what little breath you have left in your lungs.
Oxygen is the last thing on your mind when his lips slot themselves between yours, soft yet demanding as they suck and lick. The movement of his lips doesn’t falter when he pulls your shirt over your head to reveal your light pink bra. Keishin pulls back to kiss along your collarbones, neck, and chest, his teeth occasionally nipping your sensitive flesh and leaving goosebumps in their wake. He expertly removes your panties with one hand so you’re left in just your plaid skirt, exposing your heated flesh to the coolness of the living room. 
You’re nearly naked but he’s wearing far too many clothes for your liking, so you blindly grab at his shirt, but your fingers are shaking too much for you to get a good grip. Once he realizes what you’re trying to do, he puts his hands over yours and helps you take off his shirt. You nearly start drooling when all of his hard, rippling muscles and smooth, tan skin are finally revealed to your greedy eyes that can’t seem to settle one thing. You don’t know if you’ll get this opportunity again and you want to remember everything in painstaking detail, especially Keishin’s gorgeous body.
He momentarily disentangles himself from you to remove his jeans, leaving him in just his Calvin Klein boxer briefs. The outline of his cock is evident as it strains against the blue material and you reach out to stroke it, but he just takes your hand in his.
He brings it to his lips, then kisses up your arm until he reaches your lips. “All in due time, sweet girl. I want to taste you first.” Your mouth is claimed in another hungry, bruising kiss and you squeal when Keishin takes your lip between his teeth and bites, blood rushing to the surface of your skin. 
His head dips down to leave featherlight kisses and teasing licks down your chest and stomach before he’s resting between your thighs. You whimper pitifully as he spreads your legs, awaiting the feeling of a wet tongue or his fingers against your folds. When he doesn’t move for several beats, you come to the realization that he’s just watching the way your cunt twitches and clenches around nothing and the wetness that drips onto the couch each time your muscles contract. You quickly bring your legs together to hide yourself from his scrutinizing gaze, but he simply pries them open with little effort.
Keishin grabs your chin so you’ll look right at him, squirming from the intensity of his gaze. “Don’t you dare hide this pretty pussy from me, do you understand? I am going to devour you until I’ve had my fill and you’re going to just lie back and take it.”
You nod obediently, your impudence quickly dying, giving way to the burning ache between your legs that can only be sated by a long, hard fuck.
With a satisfied hum, he settles at the apex of your thighs and licks a long stripe from your quivering pussy to your swollen clit and your hips jerk from the contact. Strong hands pin your hips to the couch as you writhe in his firm grip. He gives your clit a soft, quick kiss before he takes it into his mouth and sucks. You grab fitfully at his hair, back arching and hips pressing into his mouth as you gasp and groan from the incredible feeling of his tongue on your sensitive flesh.
His tongue teases your entrance and your cunt twitches, anticipating the first thrust of his warm, wet muscle inside you. He occasionally dips into your hole, but never breaches your entrance and you think you might go mad if he doesn’t give you more.
“I-I need more, give me more,” you manage to gasp, grabbing a fistful of the pillow underneath you as the tightening in your belly gets stronger.
Keishin removes his mouth from your cunt just long enough to admonish you for your lack of respect. “You need to have more manners if you’re going to demand things of me,” he says, before latching back onto your swollen, twitching clit.
“Daddy, pleeease I need more. Ah! I want to cum!” Your voice is so high-pitched and whiny you almost don’t recognize yourself, but you’re nearly delirious from pleasure and your impending climax that’s been dangled over your head for what feels like hours.
“Now who am I to deny you when you ask so sweetly?”
He thrusts two of his digits inside you, reaching deep inside you and rubbing against your g-spot as he sucks your clit back into his mouth. You’re almost screaming at this point, clawing at his hair and humping your cunt against his face. The familiar tightening in your belly signals that you’re about to cum and your moans and cries get faster, louder as the promise of white hot pleasure is just within reach—
It’s almost embarrassing how fast you’re teetering on the edge of climax, as if you’re a virgin school girl that’s never touched herself before. But maybe that’s the difference that years of experience can make. 
Not that you care. You just want to cum.
“Fuck, Daddy, I—I’m close!”
Sensing your impending orgasm, the man uses his free hand to slap your cheek then grabs your throat. “Uh-uh-uh,” he tuts, “Ask Daddy for permission to cum.” You’re clamping down on his fingers impossibly tighter as he fingers you even deeper, and the way he sucks on your clit renders you incapable of speech. Each time you open your mouth to try to speak, more desperate, wanton noises escape your lips.
You’re about to fucking burst at the seams and you feel like you’re on fire, but you want to be a good girl for your daddy, so you use the last bit of brain power you have left to ask for permission.
“P-pleaaase Daddy may I ahhh! May I cum!” you ask, but you can’t even hear Keishin give his approval from how loud the blood rushing in your ears is as you finally cum.
You try to muffle your cries with the back of your hand, but he grabs your wrist and wrenches it away from your mouth.
“Don’t do that. I want to hear you scream.” His tone is clipped and short, not caring how rough he is with your delicate flesh.
If you weren’t already cumming, you would have from the pleasure that’s so intense, it’s almost painful as your body is wracked with tremors. Your legs snap around Keishin’s head and you grip his hair even tighter as wave upon wave of your orgasm washes over you. You hear someone screaming and wonder what’s happening, when you realize it’s you, you’re the one screaming as you ride out your climax.
He greedily slurps and sucks up every single drop of your release that you can give him, as if he was stranded in the desert for a thousand years and your juices are the first sip of water to hit his dry, parched tongue. Your cunt is already so sensitive, painfully clenching around his fingers, but he just. Doesn’t. Stop.
“Fuck, K-Kei, wait ‘s too much,” you weakly protest, but your body is too spent to resist so you just lie there, twitching and gasping as he keeps sucking on your overstimulated clit.
His lips detach from your poor, abused bud and you almost sigh in relief before the fingers inside your cunt pump faster, stimulating every inch of your gummy walls.
Keishin leans over your sweaty, exhausted form, one hand braced on the couch, the other buried inside you. His fingers are hitting a spot inside you that makes you feel the urge to pee, so you try to push his hand away but it’s futile with how much stronger he is than you. 
“Hold onnn, I’m g-gonna—” you slur, panicked, but it’s as if he didn’t hear you.
His digits are relentless, rubbing and stroking and you’re a fucked out mess. You don’t know what he wants until an uncomfortable tightness shoots through your cunt. You cry out as clear liquid gushes out of you, splashing all over you, the couch, and Keishin. If you were more coherent, you might be mortified because you just… pissed on him—
To your surprise, he’s laughing as he removes his hand from inside you, ignoring your halfhearted groans. “I was hoping you’d do that,” he says, holding up his hand, shiny and dripping with your juices. 
“D-Do what?” you pant, unsure of what just happened and why Keishin seems so smug.
He uses his discarded t-shirt to wipe his hand off, then dabs at your stomach where a sizable puddle accumulated. “Squirt,” he responds. When he sees your confused expression, he follows up with, “It’s not piss, if you’re worried about that.”
“Ooookay.” You’re too dazed and exhausted to argue with him or question him further, so you just flop into the sofa and close your eyes.
“C’mon, little girl, don't tell me that’s all you’ve got. You were talking so much shit earlier and I have so much more to give you.” Despite how tired you are, his words spark new arousal in your belly and defiance revitalizes you, movement returning to your limbs.
You slide a hand down your stomach and spread the puffy lips of your cunt, sliding a finger through your wetness. “Of course it’s not. I’m ready to take that hard cock of yours, Daddy.”
“Attagirl, that’s what I like to see,” he praises, dropping his underwear and sliding them somewhere you can’t see. 
His cock is gorgeous, but that doesn’t come as a surprise, considering the man it belongs to. It’s thick and curved in a way that you know will reach the deepest parts of you.
What you weren’t expecting is the many piercings adorning the shaft and the one that goes through the head. A long curved barbell enters through the tip and exits through the underside of his glans. Three evenly spaced rings are embedded in the skin where his shaft meets his balls. You’ve never seen so many piercings on one man, let alone in such a sensitive place, so you gawk at the smooth metal rings that shine in the overhead lights.
“You’re… You have…”
He grins widely and it’s so devilish you think he might swallow you whole and honestly? You’d let him. You’d let him do whatever he wants to you. “Haha, yeah I get that reaction a lot. Never seen a pierced cock before, huh?”
“No, but there’s a first time for everything. I’m dying to see how those,” you point to his piercings, “Feel inside me.”
Keishin wordlessly climbs on top of you and rubs the head against your wetness, spreading it along his shaft to ease his entry. “They’ll feel fucking incredible, but you’ll have to beg for it.”
You scoff, reaching to grab his hips so he’ll fuck you already, but he scoots backwards so you can’t touch him.
“Naughty girls that misbehave don’t get fucked, so you’d better smarten up quickly,” he warns, making you gasp as he thrusts his cock against your clit.
He lazily nudges the head over your flesh, occasionally letting it catch on the tight ring of muscle around your hole. When he slots between your pussy lips, you try to wiggle and hump your hips in his direction, in hopes that he’ll slide right in.
But he doesn’t, and you’re about to go mad with his cock so close, but so far away.
“Please fuck me Daddy. I need your cock so bad!” You’re on the verge of tears, the buildup of the last few weeks overwhelming your senses.
Making a noise of sympathy, Keishin pets your hair affectionately and kisses your cheek. “All you had to do was ask.”
His hips pull back, then he’s thrusting inside you, sheathing himself to the hilt in your tight heat. You whimper and whine at the sudden intrusion, but any pain you feel is overshadowed by the way that his cock is filling you so full. The burn and stretch hurts so fucking good that your orgasm hits you like a freight train, fast and hard and blinding. Keishin fucks you through it, his cock touching all of the sensitive spots inside you and the pleasure is so strong you have to screw your eyes shut as you cry out and fall apart around him.
When you open them again, the man is staring down at you with the most shit-eating grin you’ve ever seen. “See? I said you’d cum as soon as I put my cock inside you.”
Using all the strength you can muster, you slap his arm. “Shut up and just fuck me.”
“You still haven’t learned your manners, but I just can’t wait to shoot my cum deep inside this cute cunt of yours,” Keishin groans, pulling almost all the way out before burying himself back inside the hot, welcoming clutch of your pussy. 
You can feel each of the metal rings on his cock, foreign and strange, but the odd feeling soon fades to little shocks of ecstasy each time they brush against your insides.
The lewd slapping sounds of skin on skin are all you can hear besides the occasional moan or hiss from the man fucking you within an inch of your life, not that you can focus on anything else right now.
You nudge at Keishin’s shoulder and he stops the rapid pistoning of his hips, an almost annoyed look on his face.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, but you just smile and push him backwards onto the couch, just like you were. He grunts in surprise as he falls backward, but he quickly quiets down when you climb on top of him and sink yourself back down on his length.
You both moan in unison as he fills you once more, the tip of his cock pressing against your cervix each time you force your cunt back down on him. His hands wander to your tits, grabbing, squeezing, and pinching the sensitive buds of your nipples. 
Ever the troublemaker, you can’t resist making a jab at him now that you’re on top. “I wonder what she’d do if she knew you were with me right now. What would your daughter say about you taking advantage of a young, helpless girl?”
Keishin takes that moment to pull you against him, thrusting hard and rough into your gummy walls that never stop pulsing around him. You’re shaking and gasping, your tongue lolling out of your mouth in your pleasured delirium. “With the way your greedy, sloppy cunt is clenching around me, I wouldn’t say I’m taking advantage of you,” he points out, only slightly out of breath. “But you get off on this, don’t you? Letting an old man like me fuck you. I’m old enough to be your father.”
“Like you’re any b-better,” you bite back.
You cry out when Keishin starts rubbing your swollen clit in tight little circles, your third orgasm fast approaching. 
“Fuck! I can—urgh, I can feel your pussy pulsing around me. I’m g-gonna cum,” he grits out, thrusting impossibly deeper inside you. He's pressed so far into you, he’s just thumping the head of his cock against your cervix. You scream and write in his arms, seeking to relieve the sharp burning in your womb just a little bit, but he has you firmly locked in his clutches. “Be a good little girl and cum for Daddy.”
Almost on command, you shake and moan, loud and long, as you cream all over his cock and coat the base in milky white. “Oh fuck, oh god! D-Daddy I’m cu-mming!” you wail with the last of your energy.
You’re so exhausted you go limp against him and let him use your body as a fuck toy until he reaches his climax. Keishin follows soon behind you, his thrusts growing sloppier and less coordinated as he mumbles obscenities under his breath. “Shit shit shit, fuck I’m cumming! I’m gonna—fuck!”
With one last thrust into your fluttering, over stimulated cunt he orgasms, his legs shaking as he shoots rope after rope of cum into your quivering womb.
You both lay there for several minutes to catch your breaths. You’re so sore and boneless you can barely move, but you manage to extricate yourself from Keishin’s long limbs. Leaning into the arm of the couch, you let your eyes flutter closed and allow sleep to take you.
You’re awoken by a warm, wet washcloth rubbing against your sensitive folds and you whine, sleepily wiggling your hips to get away from the discomfort. “Kid, I know it doesn’t feel good but, uh, it’s kind of a mess down there. You can go back to sleep, just let me clean you up.” Keishin’s familiar timbre comforts you so you settle back down, still half asleep.
“Mmm, Keishin?” you mumble, making grabby hands at the man.
He takes one of your hands in his. “Yeah?” he responds as he wipes the washcloth between your legs with his other hand.
You rub your face against his hand before placing a sloppy kiss on top of it. “Thank youuuu,” you slur.
Keishin just chuckles and rubs his fingers over your knuckles. “Yeah kid, you’re welcome. Just get some rest, alright?”
You’re asleep before he even finishes the sentence.
When you awaken it’s dark, most likely the middle of the night. There’s a blanket thrown over your unexpectedly clothed body, which is now covered in a worn, oversized shirt. It smells like fabric softener and musk, so you figure it must be Keishin’s.
Looking around, you bolt upright when you realize you’re not on the living room couch anymore, you’re now in a large, comfortable bed.
The sound of a deep, rumbling voice draws your attention to the bathroom connected to the room you’re currently in. “Oh, you’re finally awake,” Keishin says sheepishly as he emerges from the bathroom, then points to the nightstand next to you. “There’s some water and ibuprofen, you should take it. Even if you’re not sore now, you will be later.”
You chuckle tiredly as you stretch your overworked muscles. “I’m already sore, so I’ll definitely be taking these.”
He sits awkwardly on the side of the bed, unsure how to treat you after your little encounter. His brows are furrowed, a deep frown on he’s seemingly deep in thought.
“Whatever you’re thinking, just spit it out.” His head immediately snaps to you, eyes guarded and unreadable.
“What we did downstairs, it’s… not right. I’m supposed to protect young, impressionable girls like you. I’m a father—I would die if Tomi was after a man more than twice her age.”
You pull the blanket off of you and climb over to where the older man is seated on the mattress. “Keishin, let me ask you something.” He lifts his head, expectant. “Did you enjoy what we did? Because I did.” He nods slowly, still unsure what you’re getting at.
Taking his face in your hands, you tell him what you’ve been thinking for weeks. “At the end of the day, we’re two consenting adults who partook in consensual activities. Even if someone wants to clutch their pearls because you’re older than me, who cares?”
“Yeah, I get that, but… It has to be some sort of ethics violation on my part. You’re younger than my daughter, Bunny.”
“Even if it is, you have to allow yourself to live a little. Life is too short to deny yourself pleasures the world has to offer, and I don’t know about you, but I was very pleased by our… tryst.”
A cute blush spreads across Keishin’s cheeks as he remembers everything he said and did to you. “Aha, I was too. So, um… Would you want to do that again, sometime?” he asks, running a hand through his hair like he always does when he’s nervous.
You giggle and tackle him on the bed, wrapping your arms around him and squeezing. “Of course I do. We can even do it now, if you’d like…”
A couple hours later, just before Hitomi comes back, you limp across the hallway to your room and pass out, falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.
And that is how your little arrangement begins.
Most of your time is spent with Hitomi, mostly shopping and going out to eat when she has the day off, or just watching Netflix in her room when you’re both too tired to go anywhere.
However, in the wee hours of the morning when you’re sure that she’s asleep, you sneak up to her father’s bedroom and get fucked so hard and so good you can barely make it back to your bedroom before the sun rises.
It’s a good arrangement, you think, you both get what you want and your friend is none the wiser. You figure no harm, no foul. At the end of the winter break, Keishin will likely want to cut things off with you and you’ll go back to your college dorm as if nothing happened.
But the winter break isn’t over yet, and you plan on making the most of it.
Keishin has been fucking you into the mattress for so long, time no longer even makes sense anymore. 
You’re sweaty and exhausted, muscles so sore and shaky, but the thrusting between your legs shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. The harsh grip on your hips will likely bruise, but luckily you can hide them, unlike the few close calls you’ve had with poorly-placed marks on your neck.
Despite your exhaustion, you continue to meet Keishin’s thrusts by humping your hips back at him.
He gives your ass a harsh spank and fucks into you harder, making you whine and clench around him. “You’re an insatiable little thing, aren’t you? So fucked out and dripping with my cum, yet you still want more,” he says, but all you can do is gasp in response. You’re too far gone to produce any meaningful response. “What am I going to do with you?” If you had the energy, you’d tell him whatever he wants, but you don’t and the familiar tug of an orgasm is too hard to ignore.
“Fuck Daddy, I-I’m—”  
Suddenly, his phone comes to life, Hitomi’s face lighting up the screen as it vibrates. The pistoning of his hips slows, then stops completely as he reaches over and grabs it off the nightstand.
He suddenly pulls out of your sore, abused cunt and you almost whine at the loss before he buries himself back inside you. The way your face is pressed into the mattress makes it difficult, but you manage to turn your head to see what Keishin is doing behind you.
Your eyes widen and you try to wriggle out of his grip when you figure out that he’s going to answer his phone as he keeps fucking you.
A hand wraps around your neck, lifting you up from your position on the bed and you have to follow its movement to prevent your windpipe from getting crushed. You’re pressed against Keishin’s hard chest, and his cock is nestled right against your cervix. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll just stay still and take it like a good little girl.”
The harsh grip on your neck releases and you’re shoved back into the bed, falling onto the comforter.
Keishin sounds completely normal when he answers his phone and it almost pisses you off—how can he be so unaffected when you’re at your wit’s end? 
He chirps into the phone, “Hey sweetheart, what’s up?” The only indication that anything is amiss is the slight breathlessness in his voice and the occasional curse under his breath.
He forces himself even deeper inside you so forcefully that you’re afraid he’ll punch straight through to your womb. You know it’s not possible, but with Keishin, it just might be. He’s always full of surprises, especially when it comes to your body.
“Oh yeah, sure I can drop it off to you later. I’m just a little… preoccupied at the moment,” he says with a sharp thrust of his hips and you can’t help the moan that escapes your lips. Keishin stiffens above you, waiting to see if Hitomi heard you through the phone.
“No, Hitomi, I’m not watching porn! But hold on a second, I think someone is at the door.” He sets the phone on the bed, muting the call as his cock hits your g-spot and you’re shaking, practically shivering in his arms. A couple of hard, coordinated rubs of your engorged clit and you’re cumming, gushing around him and keening as your muscles clench uncomfortably. You scream silently and fall limp onto the bed, unable to hold yourself up any longer. 
You’ve lost count of how many times you’ve cum, but it’s to the point that each successive orgasm borders on the edge of pleasure and pain.
“Better keep quiet, wouldn’t want my daughter to hear you getting your pretty little cunt stuffed full of my cock,” Keishin snarls into your ear and you feel yourself clench painfully around him. Your body is just so worn out, but you know he won’t stop until he’s satisfied. “Or do you want her to know what a slut you are for her father?”
You shake your head vehemently, but the man inside you just chuckles as he keeps fucking you.
“Oh my god, oh fuck I-I…” You’re babbling nonsense to no one in particular.
“Ahh it was just-fuck, it was just some dude trying to sell me security cameras. Anyways, I’ll see you later honey, I love you.” His last few sentences sound rushed, urgent and you can tell from the twitching of his length that he’s close. The moment the phone is hung up, Keishin cages you between his body and the mattress. “Your cunt feels so fucking good, I’m gonna fill you up with my cum. Would you like that?”
You try to nod and make a noise akin to ‘mhm,’ but you’re not sure what it sounds like. You’re not really sure of anything right now, but what you are sure of is you want him to cum inside you.
“I could never deny you anything, sweet girl,” he groans.
Keishin fucks into you harder, faster, and it feels as if he’s quite literally rearranging your guts, he’s so deep inside you. He reaches down between your legs and pinches your sensitive bud between his fingers. “Think you have one more in you, hm?” he asks, but he doesn’t wait for your answer. Of course you do.” He rubs your sore clit the way he knows will have you shaking and coming apart around him.
“Fuck Daddy, fuck I’m cumming!” you squeal, writhing and squirming from the painful, aching tightness of your orgasm as it builds once more. 
“Ergh, fuck yeah, cum on Daddy’s cock as he fills you up. You’re such a good fucking girl for me, I love this sweet pussy.”
You shriek as you cum, your climax so strong that your vision blurs at the edges and you convulse, sore muscles twitching with overuse. 
“Daddy’s gonna breed his sweet little girl, fuck, feels so fucking good!” Keishin groans, burying himself as deeply as he can inside you and shooting his cum into your quivering hole. You sigh in relief at the feeling of his warm cum flooding your womb, thankful he finally came because you couldn’t have lasted much longer in your state.
He flops next to you on the bed, sweaty and exhausted from your hours-long fuck marathon. Throwing an arm over your waist, he pulls you to his chest and buries his nose in your neck. 
Hitomi’s not supposed to come back for several hours, so you both deem it safe to fall asleep as you are. Just when you’re about to drift off, your phone buzzes from the bedside table.
You reach for your phone, expecting it to be some spam email.
Your heart stops, the whole world seems to freeze when you open the text message.
From: Tomie <3
So when were you going to tell me you’re fucking my dad?
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wh6res · 3 years
feat. the ‘00 line : tw suggestive
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✰ — RENJUN is mortified. wtf his screen turned black right as he was cropping off his face from the video of himself masturbating in the car, where he does most of his onlyfans content bc duh he can’t do it in the apartment. you were always straight home after classes. a homebody. he cant just splay himself on the bed and moan and whine loudly to his heart’s content or else you’ll hear him and god no he’d rather die than you finding out he has an onlyfans. but just as he was furiously pressing the space button of his laptop to get it work somehow, your head pokes inside the door. “uhm, renjun i think you accidentally casted your screen on the tv” “ha ha what? no i did not” and right on cue, he hears the very distinct “ugh baby bet you want this cock in your mouth don’t you? i do too” coming from the living room and his cheeks were tinged red when he fell to his knees. “yn please let me explain!”
✰ — JENO is proud. you and him are quite close, he wouldn’t call it being bestfriends but still, he’s comfortable in your presence and so are you with him. its not that he’s keeping his onlyfans a secret, it’s just you never really asked anyway so he didn’t tell you anything. you and him were chilling in the living room like always. just you getting some readings done on the coffee table while he edits his pictures on the sofa. he had his earphones on and everything and was just doing quick last touchups for this latest nude pic he’s going to post tonight. just when his laptop screen turned black, the smart tv opened on its own, you and jeno’s eyes widened questioningly until there it was. his nude pic; standing before the gym’s locker room mirror, holding his hard dick on one hand, phone on the other, with his tongue teasingly peaking out. “okay but can i see the real thing right now?” jeno doesn’t let the shock paint his features. simply, he smirks.“fine but no drooling”
✰ — HAECHAN is shameless. he’d be kinda confused as to why his laptop’s screen suddenly turned black on him while he’s editing the audio for a new video he’ll be uploading in the weekend. he’d be plugging up his laptop charger bc he thought the device was drained, until he heard slick sounds and his moans coming from the living room. where you were. holy shit. when he bolts out his room, he finds you choking on your chips, sat upright on the couch as you can’t even take your eyes off the screen. he was going to apologize but when he saw the pink tinge on your cheeks and the way your legs clenched as you watched the video of him jerking himself off, he didn’t feel sorry. “are you that fascinated that you can’t take your eyes off my cock, baby? there’s more where that came from” and when you shyly waddled inside his room well... “hey wanna make a sex video with me? we can split the money”
✰ — JAEMIN is clueless. so like jeno, jaem over here isn’t going crazy trying to keep his onlyfans a secret. he wanted to tell you initially about it but the topic was never breached in everyday conversation until eventually he forgot to tell you about it completely. he had been streaming live that night until his toe might’ve accidentally pressed the button that said screencast just as he was about to cum all over his hands. meanwhile you in the living room, raised an eyebrow when the movie cuts and you see him on screen, right when he says “i wish you were here with me. your pussy would feel amazing choking my cock” when his stream was over, he hears a knock on his bedroom door and he immediately put his pjs back on before opening it. “hey jaem thanks for free content, thats some good stuff you have there. maybe i can join in sometime, okay thats all i have to say! bye~” “uh wait hold tf up what do you mean”
✰ — YANGYANG is relieved. okay so yeah he’s keeping it a secret but only because from what he remembers, you were always more on the conservative side. bb is scared you might kick him out if you find out he’s a content creator at onlyfans. okay definitely, his secret keeping needs a little bit of work because he literally left the tab open, right on his profile. you and him were working on a project together and you had insisted he casts his laptop screen on the tv for the presentation file and boiiiii he accidentally casted the wrong tab omfg im dying. his fingers trembled trying to find the uncast button as the most recent video he posted autoplayed “hey babe, you back? daddy’s been waiting for such a long time i missed your sweet pussy” but he pauses when he hears you laughing. “omg yangyang! i cant believe you have a daddy kink wtf!” well at the end of the day, he’s just relieved he doesn’t have to hide it from you anymore and he can still live here.
✰ — SHOTARO is cheeky. okay if yalls think he’s going to be all innocent and embarrassed and soft uwu about the whole thing lmao hell no. i dont think he is. i bet he’s hiding all that sexayyy charisma under that cute face and it’s also probably why he’d have a hoard of people on his onlyfans. addicted to the contrast of that cute, soft voice of his going deep and domineering when the led lights in his room turn red. okay so you were running around the room almost late to your appointment when he “accidentally” hits screencast on his laptop. and suddenly the smart tv opened and he tried gulping down his laughter when you literally stopped in your tracks and watched the video of him unfold. “i bet baby’s laying down right now with her fingers shoved inside her cunny, getting off at the sight of my cock, hm slut?” your eyes widened like saucers and shit your pussy just clenched. “taro wtf is that-that you?” “i don’t know, why don’t you come here and find out, baby?”
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headcanon reqs are open bitches !! had so much fun making this lmao idk alot abt onlyfans so im sorry if some of the details are wrong :'>
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ppersonna · 4 years
make me - myg | m
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strawberries on a summer evenin'. baby, you're the end of June. i want your belly and that summer feelin', getting washed away in you - watermelon sugar, harry styles
↳ summary- an ordinary sleepover with your best friend turns into anything but ordinary, thanks to your ridiculously loud neighbors above you.
↳ rating- explicit / 18+ / nc17
↳ word count- 4.4k
↳ pairing- yoongi x reader
↳ genre-  pwp lol, smut, fluff, somehow the dirtiest fluff i have ever written bc there’s some depraved shit in here
↳ warnings- penetrative sex, oral sex (m/f receiving), unprotected sex (dont...pls), dirty talk, rough sex, degrading talk, dom/sub undertones, bratty backtalk
↳ a/n- yooooo dawg this... was fun.  i hope you enjoy!!  ive been in my yoongi feels lately uwu. feel free to comment, message, dm, whatever u want babes.  i love you!
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Yoongi thinks if he has to hear your upstairs neighbors fuck for another minute longer he might actually go crazy.
It’s been hours now.  The girl is screaming like a feral cat and the man is doing a terrible impression of a porn star, trying his best to talk dirty but really just calling the howling banshee awful names.  
If only his dick would be as annoyed as his brain.
He knows you’re awake next to him too.  The steady rise and fall of your breathing changed when the bad porn above you began—now it’s faint and too quick to indicate anything but your wakefulness.
“Ohhhhh oppa!” The girl above you screams.
It’s finally what breaks down the silence in your bedroom.  At her wanton sound, you and Yoongi are unable to stop yourselves from bursting into laughter.
Yoongi’s stomach hurts from laughing so hard.  Tears form at the corners of his eyes as you make the bed rumble from the force of your combined laughter.
“God, do they think that sounds hot?” You finally ask after settling down to mere giggles.
Yoongi shrugs and wipes away his tears. “Apparently.  He must like the way she sounds like a dying cat.”
His comment sends you into a spiral of laughter again, and you’re clinging to your chest as it heaves with exertion.
Yoongi is your best friend for a reason.  No one makes you laugh as hard as he does.  No one understands you the way he seems to be able to—it’s almost intuitive the way he can understand your feelings.  
You live for your weekly sleepovers.  You drink wine, watch terrible horror films, gossip about your other friend’s love lives, and fall asleep in your bed together.  It’s never been anything but blissful.
Until recently…
When your heart decided it would beat too fast around him.  When your brain decided to spin and weave stories of romance with your best friend.
Now, you can’t hardly think about anything else around the dirty blonde haired boy.  It’s overwhelming to all of your senses when you see him, feel him near you.  You want to kiss him, to love him, to tear his clothing off.
Which makes lying in your full size bed while the neighbors above you fuck and attempt to act out their wildest fantasies—badly—so much harder than usual.
“God,” Yoongi sighs and tugs the blanket up to his chin. “Does she even like it or do you think she’s faking it?”
You wrinkle your nose in disgust. “Ugh, I know I wouldn’t be into it.”
“You don’t like dirty talk?” He teases with a poke to your stomach.  It makes an eruption of nerves go off in your chest.
“Oh, no I do. But that’s not dirty talk,” you shrug. “He’s just being mean. There’s no sensuality underneath it.”
He hums and lays back down to stare at the ceiling.
“Give me an example,” he asks of you. It makes your cheeks flush red and you’re thankful for the darkness in your room to provide you cover.
“Um, well,” you cough awkwardly. “He’s saying shit like ‘you fuck anything don’t you?’ which, maybe she’s into degradation, but I’m not. Not that extreme.”  Your explanation sounds lame, but you continue anyway. “I prefer to hear things like ‘this slutty little pussy belongs to me’.  Possessive and hot at the same time without being too...uhh...hurtful.”
Yoongi feels his cock rise with piquing interest. There’s a nagging guilt about thinking of his best friend this way, and a tinge of jealousy thinking someone who isn’t him has said that to you.
He feels his throat dry up, and you wring your hands nervously on the blanket. The moaning above you doesn’t stop, and you can hear the telltale sound of flesh slapping on flesh, indicating they’ve commenced into penetration and it makes your body throb with annoyance, and with want.
There’s moments when a louder slap echoes through the room—it’s clear the man is slapping her somewhere—and she whines desperately.  Your core starts building that familiar heat, a slickness gathering you can’t stop. You press your thighs together tight and squirm as subtly as you can. You pray Yoongi doesn’t notice.  
Yoongi, however, does notice.  He breathes a sigh of relief internally knowing he’s not the only being affected by the commotion above. But he doesn’t understand the meaning behind it. For all he knows, you’re just turned on because—well, because it’s sex and it’s loud and who wouldn’t be a little turned on? You’re likely not at all aroused by him, or the thought of him. Right?
Another slap echoes through the room and you can tell by the way the girl gasps that her partner slapped her in the face.
“Damn,” you shiver.  Yoongi turns to peek at you through the darkness.
“You into that?” He asks curiously. “Face slapping?”
It’s hard to swallow for a moment—it feels like you’re trying to down a boulder.
“Uh, yeah,” you whisper. “Yeah, I like pain.”
Yoongi doesn’t reply and it makes you fear you’ve overstepped the line. You’ve gone too far off the ‘best friend’ track and the whole train is about to de-rail.
You’re opening your mouth to apologize for taking it too far when Yoongi finally speaks.
“Fuck it,” he sighs. “You want to fuck louder and establish dominance?”
The world stops turning.  You’re sure that gravity doesn’t exist anymore and the theory of relativity has been proven wrong.
Did Min mother fucking Yoongi, your best friend of over twenty years, just offer to have sex with you to...establish dominance over the neighbors above you attempting to make a cheap porn?
He’s looking at you normally, but there’s a glimmer in his eye that says more.  It says he wants you.  Your stomach twists in on itself.  There’s no way, there is no actual plausible way that the man beside you feels the same way about you as you do.
“You want to have sex with me?”
Yoongi’s cheeks turn pink and he looks away for a minute.
“I also want to date you,” he murmurs.  
If you thought the world ended before, you’re sure this is the fiery explosion that brings a new earth into life with a bang.
The noises from upstairs interrupt the romantic moment with a scream, a guttural howl from the man, and then muffled whispers and sighs.
“What do you say we keep them up all night too?” His mouth turns to a smirk as he awaits your reply.
“Yeah,” you nod as you throw the blankets off you.  “Fuck those guys, lets show them what real kinky sex looks like.”
Yoongi’s eyes turn feral as he works his eyesight down your body.  Your normal sleepwear outfit of a tank top and shorts looks like lingerie to him now and he’s salivating at the way he can see the curve of your breasts, and the press of your hard nipples against the fabric.
You’re throwing yourself onto Yoongi’s body in an instant, pinning him down to the bed and pressing your lips to his.  You waste no time in waiting for him now that you know—now that you’ve heard with your two ears that Min Yoongi not only wants to fuck you, but date you as well.   No use wasting any more time—the time for action is now.
The kiss is hot and Yoongi’s hands falter for a moment in surprise before he’s coming to his senses and tugging at your tank top quickly to pull it off your body.  His hands feel hot on the bare skin of your back, rubbing at your spine and up to your shoulders.  It makes you shiver, and you slide your tongue into his mouth to explore the heat inside.  
His hands navigate forward to cup your breasts, fingers toying with your nipples—pinching and pulling and rolling between the pads of his fingers.  It has you keening into his touch and grinding down on his basketball-shorts-covered cock. 
Yoongi pulls away from you and pulls at a nipple harshly, which makes you gasp out loud.
“It’s real cute how you think you’re in charge right now,” he points out.  “Real fucking cute.  It’s gonna make me almost feel bad for punishing you.”
You’re sure your soul is going to leave your body at hearing your best friend’s sexy baritone voice verbalize your dirtiest fantasies.  If this is how you react now…, may God have mercy on your poor little pussy.
Yoongi thinks he’s possibly never been harder than he is right now.  His best friend, best girl, is sitting atop his boner and he’s twisting your pretty nipples so hard they’ll surely turn purple soon.  You sound so sweet when you whine, and you’re starting to whine louder as he continues the pressure on your tits.
“You thought you could take control, didn’t you?” He asks, slipping further and further into the dominant act.  He loves this, thrives off it.  He didn’t think you’d ever be into it—none of the girls he’s dated before have—and he’s thrilled he doesn’t have to hide this depraved part of himself.
You nod and bite your lip, wincing as he tugs once more on a nipple before letting go.
“Cute,” he sighs.  “But wrong.”
In an instant, he flips you two over and he feels his heart and cock swell at the sight of your sweet eyes widening at the quick change.  
“This feels better, don’t you think?” He asks.  You nod and he shakes his head.  “Answer me, baby doll.  You’re already about to get punished.  You wouldn’t want to make me not let you cum, would you?”
The fear in your eyes increases and you clear your throat to talk.
“No sir, I don’t want that.”  
Yoongi nearly moans.  Hearing you call him sir, being underneath him—it’s his wet dreams come to life.
“Then tell me,” he instructs. “Tell me you need me in charge.”
You’re dying to be a brat, really wanting to pull Yoongi completely out of his shell, show him the full extent of what he can do to you.  Plus, you really wanna give your neighbors a show—a taste of their own medicine, don’t you?
“What if I don’t want to?” You tease.
Yoongi’s grin turns wider and his eyes sparkle with knowing. He’s a through and through brat-tamer, and by the end of the night you’ll be crying for forgiveness.
“Little tease,” he growls as he leans down to latch his mouth on your abused nipple.  
You gasp out loud, and it turns into desperate mewling as his teeth nibble and pull.  You’ll be bruised up for days, surely.  He sucks hard, pulls on it roughly and bites with meaning. You just know your panties are completely soaked.
“Talking back to me, huh? You think that’s going to get you where you want to go tonight, little girl?”
He turns his attention to your other nipple, eyes peering into yours as you struggle to answer with the sizzle of pain in your breast.
“What are you gonna do about it?” You send back with a shake of your hips under him.
The growl he delivers around your nipple and the quick bite makes you yelp.
“I think I should shut that loud mouth of yours up.”
You smile in response and his fingers tug down your shorts.  You lift your hips and allow him to pull the clothing off and you’re left in your slicked up panties.
“Oh yeah?” You retort.  “You gonna shut me up with that fat cock?”
Yoongi visibly shivers. His spine tingles deliciously for minutes after the hair on his neck settles.  He’s dreamed of you like this, under him and begging to be put in your place.  And now, here you are.  And he can’t wait to make it a reality.  He’s even forgotten about the loud neighbors.  It’s now just all about you.
“I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Dirty little slut so horny to get her mouth on my cock.”
Yoongi allows a finger to trail down your clothed slit, and he outwardly groans at how wet you are.  You’re unable to hold back your whimpers of need—he’s so close to where you need him most and where you’ve dreamed of having him.
“You talk a big game for someone who’s drenched before I’ve even done anything,” Yoongi says with a smirk.
Your legs tremble as he pulls your panties to the side to expose your drenched folds. He dips a finger in and touches your clit. You moan in unison—he’s captivated by the heat and slick, you’re feeling air escape your lungs with every swirl of his finger.
“Y-Yoongi,” you whine.  He tsks and pulls his finger out.
“That’s not my name right now.” His hands start to slide your panties down and your stomach leaps with excitement.
“Sir, please.”
“Now you want to be my good girl?” He asks with a chuckle. “Where’s my mouthy little brat who wants my cock to shut her up?”
He leans back on his heels and watches you eye him. You’re nearly bursting at the seams. You’re naked while he remains completely clothed and while you’d normally feel exposed and vulnerable, all you feel is white hot heat. You’re burning for Yoongi, for him to do what you’ve dreamt he could do.
“Why don’t you show me what that sweet mouth can do?”  
He maneuvers to stand at the side of the bed, dick straining against the mesh of his shorts. He waits for you to sit up, which you wordlessly obey.  His cock is now eye level with you, and your mouth feels dry. You’ve dreamt about this dick, about what it looks like and how it would feel in your hand, inside you. The fact that you’re here now, about to find out all your secret fantasies is heady.
Your hand rubs at the straining material, over the thickness of his cock. He feels big, and you give it a squeeze which makes him hiss.
“Still being a tease,” he sighs with faux disappointment. “You’re in a precarious position to be such a little cocktease.  Might need to fuck that right out of you.”
It makes you whimper—his direct threats sounding like smooth promises going straight to your core.
“I’d like to see you try.”
Yoongi growls and grabs a bit of your hair, tugging your head back to look at him in the eyes.
“I think you should shut this fucking mouth up.”  His voice is dark, and his eyes glow with lust.
A grin pulls over your face as you gaze sweetly up at him—his hand still gripped tight in your hair.
“Make me.”
Yoongi is silent for a moment as he stares at you in wonder—his beautiful girl, so rebellious and yet so willing to comply.
“I fucking love you, you little fucking slut.”
Yoongi forces his shorts down and grips your chin, holding it hard in his hand.
“Now choke on my fucking cock.”
You open your mouth complacently and he wastes no time in shoving his entire length down your throat mercilessly.  
It’s hot. It feels like fucking heaven.  Your lips wrap around him and suction and he can feel your gag reflex straining against his tip at the back of your throat.  Yoongi thinks his entire spine is tingling with desire for you and the way you take his cock so well has his toes curling.
You didn’t even get to have a good look at Yoongi’s cock before it was shoved into your throat, but now that it’s there you don’t even need to see it to knows he is fucking thick and long. It stretches your mouth and you know your pussy will be taken to its limit when he finally buries himself inside you where he rightfully belongs.
“Can’t talk back now, can you?” He teases as he begins to fuck your throat. “Mmmm shit—, you suck my cock so fucking good.”
His words are nothing but encouragement for you and you fight back the growing discomfort in your throat and allow him to use it as he pleases.  Tears form in your eyes and slip down your face at the exertion and you soon feel his balls slap at your chin.  You’ve only fantasized of being used like this by Yoongi, and now it’s actually fucking happening.  You’ll be damned if you don’t give him the suck of a lifetime.
Yoongi thinks he’s staring into heaven as he fucks your tight mouth and watches as your eyes fill with tears.  They leak out and he knows you’re loving this just as much as he is by the palpable enthusiasm you accept his cock with.
“Look at my little brat,” he coos mockingly. “Not so big and brave now, are you?  Not with daddy’s cock wrecking your hot mouth.”
He picks up the pace and the sounds turn disgustingly lewd.  It’s a wet, slurping sound as Yoongi forces his cock in and out of your drooling mouth.  Saliva drips onto the bed below you as you take him all, never given a chance to breathe or swallow.  Yoongi takes and you selflessly give. You’d allow the man to split you in half—and you’re actively hoping he does just that tonight.
Suddenly, Yoongi is pulling out of your mouth and leaving you panting and keening for more. He grips his cock with a fist.  He strokes himself roughly and looks down at you.
“Gonna cum, baby girl. Fucking beg for it.”
Your hands grip at his thighs and you’re breathing hard to catch up on the oxygen you were denied.  But it doesn’t stop you from doing exactly as he orders.
“Please, daddy. Please cum on my face.  Let me taste your cum, I want to know what you taste like.  Cum on me.  Mark me, daddy.”
Yoongi whines and increases the speed of his pumps. His mouth falls open as he watches you pout so sweetly and wait so eagerly for his seed on your face. He wants to see your entire body covered in his cum and he plans on ensuring that happens sooner rather than later.
“My eager little bitch. Wants her daddy to mark his territory.”
You nod, tongue sticking out and wagging like a dog for his cum.
“Please, daddy.  Make me messy.”
It seems to be the secret password to Yoongi’s climax. Your desperation, your eager position, the way you beg so sweetly.  It sends him right over the edge and he cries out as his cock pulses white stripes over your pretty face.  
He wishes he could take a picture of the way his cum covers your face.  He’d make it his background photo so he could see it every day, show everyone around him the gorgeous little whore he gets to cum on every night.
“Shit, babygirl,” he groans as he attempts to catch his breath.  “Look at you.”
You smile as your tongue retreats into your mouth and you savor the drops that landed on your tongue.  Your eyes close in bliss as you enjoy the flavor, noting it tastes salty and sweet and you can’t wait to reacquaint yourself with the taste over and over again.
“Lay back,” he orders as he pushes his shorts all the way off.  
In his haste to fuck your throat, he only pushed them halfway.  He slips out of them and pulls his shirt off before he joins you on the bed.
“Let me drink this cunt.”
You whimper in agreement as you press your back in to the pillows and spread open your legs.
“Please, daddy.”
He grins as he lowers himself to lie between your legs.  He blows on it, cool air pushing over your folds chilling you.
“Fuck,” he sighs.  “Greedy little cunt wants it all, hm?”
“Yes, daddy.”
“So compliant for me now,” he whispers as he kisses your thighs. “I like it when you behave.”
He kisses in further, and soon he’s using his fingers to spread apart the folds and pressing the flat of his tongue to your clit and laving it over the aching nub.
“Holy shit,” he groans as he comes up and sucks his tongue back into his mouth.  “Sweetest little pussy.”
You can’t reply, the capability to speak has left you now.  He buries his face back into your cunt and gets to work.  His tongue starts flicking against the bundle of nerves and then dips down to fuck into your channel.  He works his tongue around you and your back arches off the bed and your heels dig into the mattress.  You seek purchase in his hair with your hands, digits gripping at the blonde locks between your thighs.  
Yoongi groans and moans into your cunt, and soon he slips two fingers in to fuck you roughly.
He pulls his lips away and licks his tongue over them to collect the slick that lingers.  His fingers maintain a quick pace and he drinks in the sight of you gasping at the stretch.
“Yeah, look at you take my fucking fingers.  Such a wanton little whore for me.”
He slides another finger in to join, then another, and it makes your cries echo loudly around the room.  He suddenly remembers the neighbors above you and smirks.  He pulls his hands from you, making you keen with desire and desperately beg for more.
“Daddy! Please, I need..” you gasp. “Need you!”
He pulls himself up to join your hips together and rolls his them against each other.  His cock rubs against your soaked pussy and he bites his lip at the feel of it getting slicked up.
“I want you to be nice and loud for me, baby girl,” he demands sweetly in your ear as he licks the shell.  He notes your shiver and smirks, before kissing your ear lightly.  “Tell those mother fuckers upstairs who’s going to take you to Hong Kong.”
“Yes, daddy,” you agree.  
It only takes the consent to leave your lips for Yoongi to spear his cock into you.  He’s not slow or gentle, he pushes it into the hilt immediately.
Yoongi meant to start a pace, to begin fucking into you mercilessly, but he’s frozen inside your tight heat.  You feel so good, so fucking tight and warm and wet for him.  It’s better than heaven, and surely better than any pussy he’s been inside before.  Maybe it’s because it’s you, and no one else.
“Fuck!” He gasps. “Holy shit I could cum right now.”
You whine and move your hips desperately.
“Fuck me daddy! Fuck me hard, please!  Use me like your little cock sleeve.”
Yoongi bites his lip and feels his cock pulse.
“Shit, you’ve got a dirty fucking mouth,” he grits. “Let’s see if you’ve got a dirty little pussy too.”
He sets a pace, desperately wills his cock not to cum yet.  He wants to fuck you senseless, until your eyes roll back in your head.  He’s gonna make sure you get off on his cock before he comes close to his end.
Yoongi grips your chin again, like he did at the beginning as he fucks into you roughly.
“Look at you take my fucking cock so deep,” he bites out.  “Your cunt is so fucking desperate for my fat cock, isn’t it? You need me to fuck some discipline into you.”
You’re nearly screaming now at the force of his thrusts.  He’s pushing all the way into you with each push and his balls smack against your ass deliciously.  You’re babbling, words unable to make sense as he fucks all the brain cells out of you.
“Dumb little cock slut,” he whispers as he leans down to suck a nipple into his mouth and bite at it before releasing it  “Little brat turns into a perfect little fuck hole for me, so fucking good for me.”
“Yes, y-y-yes baby! S-so close!”  
Yoongi’s had you near the verge since his oral, and now with his punishing pace and power in his driving hips, you’re hovering over the edge.
His hand drops down to rub at your clit, a circular motion that has you gasping and screaming his name.
“That’s fucking right,” he breathes. “Tell them, baby.  Tell them who’s got the best fucking cock.  Tell them who fills this pussy up so well.”
You’re eager to comply.
“You, daddy!  Fuck!  You feel so fucking thick in me.  I need your cum, please, please.  Cum on me.”
Yoongi feels his balls tighten impossibly--he knows he’s seconds away from an explosive orgasm.
“Cum on my cock, baby girl.  Let me feel you cream my fucking cock.  Wanna see you all over this fat dick.”
His free hand tugs at a nipple and pulls it punishingly, tugging it so far it pulls the skin around it.  Your screams light up the room, echoing and bouncing off the walls and surely traveling up to your neighbors bedroom.
“Yoongi! Fuck! I’m cumming!” You warn, a millisecond before your world crashes around you.  
Your cunt squeezes his cock so tightly that it causes his hips to stutter in their pace.  It grips him tight, angry like a squeezed fist and Yoongi feels the air get sucked out of his lungs as his climax follows directly after yours.  He didn’t even have a chance to pull out--he’s emptying his load into your womb and whining at the feeling of your pulsating walls milking every single drop greedily.
It’s several minutes later that you’re both caught up to normal breathing and resting beside each other on the bed.  The room is silent, save for little pants and breaths, and Yoongi reaches over to lace his fingers into yours and hold your hand tightly.
“You wanna date me?” He asks sweetly, as if his cum isn’t dripping out of your cunt as he speaks.  
It makes you laugh.  It’s so classically Yoongi that you can’t help but to laugh.  
“Yes, daddy, I want to date you.  I want to date you every single day.”
He pulls you into his embrace and kisses at your forehead.
“Maybe we should send your neighbors some flowers for getting us together,” he teases.
As if on cue, the all too familiar sound of skin slapping against skin and screeching moans comes from upstairs and plays through your apartment like an unwanted jukebox.
“God damn it, our plan backfired.” he grumbles. “I think we turned them on.”
You press your sticky, sweaty body against him and kiss at his lips.  Your hand sneaks down to his cock and grips it again, begging it to come back to life.
“Shall we try again, then?”
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coldshrugs · 2 years
it will come back uwu
cece.... i'm so sorry for what i'm about to put under this cut but it is alma/mason TWC nonsense.
reading back over this, i actually really like where it was going and i think it was meant to be a piece for hot wayhaven summer but i had written my ass off for that already 😂
it's spicy-ish. i had a blast with these descriptions and mason's voice. titled after the hozier song of the same name ofc
it will come back
the text came through minutes ago.
"back from the airport in one piece! see you guys tomorrow?"
not a text, really. an announcement, in unit bravo's group chat. it wasn't meant for mason, specifically.
he knocks, two quick thuds, and props himself against the frame of the door in the most fuckable pose he can manage.
it's been two weeks since they've hooked up. two weeks since he's put his dick in more than his own hand. and sure, he could've created opportunities with one of the townies, but he's got a good thing going with alma. his restraint is only going to make this reunion better for both of them.
he hears her milling around the apartment, knows exactly where she is by the familiar rhythm of her heart. she's not making her way to the door.
he knocks again, louder this time. and fuck, this pose is stupid. he doesn't need to impress her. he opts to shove his hands in the pockets of his jacket. a casual slouch will do.
finally, alma's steps shift in his direction. a little too fast.
"the fuck is knocking at—"
if she finishes that sentence, he doesn't catch it.
sight, smell, sound, even taste: Alma envelops his senses as soon as she opens the door.
she's dressed in some god awful sci-fi reference t-shirt, fuzzy socks, and a pair of his black briefs (forgotten in some lonely corner of her apartment, and he's not mad about it). she's fresh out of the shower, smelling like almond oil and sunflower, and her damp hair bleeds into her shirt. his mouth fills with the sweetness of the products she's doused in, but she's there under all of it, on his tongue. at the sight of him, her heart races, and his own seems to match its pace. shit.
her lips seem to form the word in slow motion, and he could live in the space of her vowels. two weeks without her voice (dandelion yellow, honey, sunshine in a sound and especially when she's calling him sunshine) and he wasn't prepared for his name to fall out of her mouth.
"hey," he manages after a beat.
he could say he's just here to make sure her place is safe. a quick perimeter check.
before he can say anything, she tugs him in by his jacket and closes the door.
she stretches up to kiss him and now all the bases are covered. touch, and the low rumble of the tv is drowned out. touch and it makes sense why he doesn't want anyone else to touch him like this anymore. touch and now he understands what it is to miss someone, but it's past tense now. he missed her, but she's here.
they try to make it to the bedroom, undressing on the way. they must bang into every wall in the place. perimeter check.
they settle on the wall just outside her bedroom door. alma even reaches for the doorknob. but his mouth travels down her chest and it's forgotten.
"i missed you," she breathes as he slides his underwear down her legs.
mason tells her the truth on his knees. "you too."
he rests his head against her stomach, breathing her in between the slow southward drag of his lips. his fingers are digging into her hips just a little too tightly. he might leave a bruise or two, but it's been too long since he's felt her skin and Alma never complains about a few marks.
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Prey for You
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: You have a thing for prey hybrids. You admit. The way they tremble under you while simultaneously baring their neck for you gets you off. It's not your fault Chan's friend group has so many pretty little boys that you're constantly running south of him. You see, the wolf hybrid doesn’t very much appreciate you preying on his friends.  Warnings: switch!reader, switch!chan, wolf!hybrid chan, fox!hybrid reader, chan has a big dick, size kink, too much dirty talk, power dynamics, degradation, messy dirty sex so don’t @me 
Edit: I’m so dumb I forgot to mention that Chan’s character in this is inspired by @skzctnightnight​‘s Prowl so go read it because the smut is even hotter in it and there is a complex, intriguing storyline to boot uwu
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Part 5, Part 6
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Credit to the gif that started my chan obsession 
“You’re really pretty.” You drawl, brushing your hand over the flushed face of the squirrel hybrid you have pinned against the door, the party in full swing just outside. “You know that?”
He opens his mouth to say something but all that comes out is a whimper as you press your knee between his legs, rubbing your thigh against his hard length. Poor boy doesn’t know what to do with himself. He is simultaneously terrified and turned on. The predatory way you were looking at him triggering his flight response, but the seductive purr to your voice and his precarious position make it hard to think of anything other than you.  
And that’s exactly how you like them--scared, pretty boys who are so horny they ignore their instincts. They like it too, if the fact that they always come back for more is anything to go by. Danger just tastes so sweet.
You’re so high off the delicious smell of Jisung that you don’t realize he is there until he’s banging on the bedroom door. “Open the fuck up, fox.”
You pounce on Jisung, ignoring the banging on the door and kissing him. You’ll be damned if you let that meddling wolf ruin yet another hookup for you. But the low growl rumbling deep in your throat tips the scales too much, and the squirrel hybrid cowers back, his fear overtaking his hunger now, and you know you’ve lost him.
“If you don’t open up, I’ll break this fucking door.”
Huffing through your nose, you step away and yank the door open to face the infuriating newcomer. “What do you want?”
He quickly pulls Jisung to his side. “I thought I told you to stay away from my friends.”
“And I thought I told you to lighten up and stop cockblocking me.” You spit, turning to smirk at Jisung. “I just wanted a little taste.”
Chan pushes him further behind him, and growls at you, the sound much deeper and more menacing than your own and you have to stop yourself from taking a step back. “You will not come near my friends again or I’ll make you regret it.”
You roll your eyes at that. “What will you do to me, give me a stern talking to? You’re all bark and no bite.”
The glare he pins you with makes goosebumps erupt all over your body, his lips drawn back to bare his sharp canines threateningly, and for a second, you think he might actually attack you. But then he closes his eyes and lets the anger blow out of him in a forceful sigh. He turns his back to you and shuffles Jisung out of the room.
“Typical.” You mutter sourly. Of course he’d back down, that’s what he always does, and it pisses you off more than it had any right to. “You’re a disgrace to predator hybrids everywhere.”
That gets a reaction out of him.
Chan slams the door behind Jisung and whips around towards you, eyes glowing red. “I’ve had just about enough of your shit, little fox.”
You pause for a second, frozen with fear as his figure looms above you, all his anger returning with full force. But as you’ve been told before, your curiosity will be the death of you, and you can’t help but want to see if you push him a little more, will he let you or will he finally retaliate?
So you go against every survival instinct you hold in your body and wrap your arms around the neck of the wolf who was regarding you with fury, and the action is so unexpected that it makes him falter.
“You should make it up to me, you know?” You purr, pulling him closer to you, even though your heart is beating like crazy in your chest. It takes him by surprise too, and his eyes widen from their glare. "What are you doing?"
"You keep taking away all my boy toys so I think it’s only fair that you be a good pup and fill up the void you’ve created." You lean up, kissing his lips. He goes rigid against you, and you wonder if the moment has finally come when someone puts you in your place. Well, it was worth a shot.
But just as you’re about to let your panic overwhelm you, Chan returns the kiss, his hand wrapping around your waist and pulling you to his body as he deeps the kiss. The hard muscles you feel against you steal your breath. He could snap you in half if he wanted to, but that only makes you want to test him more.
You pull at his shirt pointedly and he steps back and lifts his arms up, letting you slip the shirt off him. He was as ripped as he felt, and the knowledge fills you up to the brim with the urge to subjugate him, to make this powerful wolf kneel for you.
You push him to the bed and climb over him, sitting down over his growing erection and rocking your hips over it, making him groan lowly. “Are you going to be a good puppy for me, Channie?”
He frowns at your words, but gets easily distracted when you take your top off, his gaze getting glued to your chest.
“You like this, baby?” You smirk, cupping your bra-covered breasts. “Want to see more?”
He nods eagerly, his hands coming up towards your chest, but you slap them down. “No, bad dog!”
He reels back like a kicked puppy, confused on what he did wrong, so you elaborate. “That’s not how we ask for something, baby.”
Annoyance covers his face again and in a split second he flips the both of you over so he’s now on top. "I'm not a fucking pet."
You cup his cheek gently, "No? From the way you act, one would think that you’re practically begging for someone to collar you up and make you their obedient little puppy."
He starts growling again, baring his teeth at you, but you don’t back down, wrapping both your hands around his thick neck, mimicking a collar. “I can be your master, Channie. You just need to be good for me.”
You can feel the raw power coiled in the muscles under your fingertips, just ready to spring and tear you apart. He could overpower you if he wanted, but this isn’t a battle of physical strength. You know it. He knows it. And he stays.
"Good boy."
He shudders at the praise, liking it a bit too much for someone who just threw a fuss about being treated like a pet. "Of course you like that. You're just an oversized lap dog, aren’t you?"
“You’re pushing it.” He snarls, pulling back to yank your bra off, not even bothering to unhook it first. He doesn’t stop for a second as your pants go next, followed by your panties. You can feel his strength as he tears your clothes off your body but you just find his frustration amusing. He hates this but he can’t stop. It’s different from your normal dynamic with boys, he’s motivated by anger rather than fear, but the end result is the same. 
When he goes to bury his face in your pussy, you grab him by the hair and pull him back. "No."
He stops resisting at once, looking absolutely dejected at the denial. You fake a sympathetic look. "What's wrong, pup? You want it?” You spread your legs and move a hand over your pussy, playing with it a little, teasing him. You’re so turned on that you don’t have to fake the gasp that slips out of you when your fingers touch your clit, and he responds with a low whine coming from the back of his throat. "Use your words, puppy."
"I want it."
"Then strip for me, baby."
He obeys, quickly kicking his pants and boxers down and confidently displaying himself to you, making you scoff. "Of course you're big."
That takes him aback. "That's bad?" He unconsciously pouts, obviously not anticipating the disdain in your voice. He was probably always praised for being so well-endowed.
"It's like everything else on you, just for show. I bet you don't know how to use it and you'll just impale me with it. No thanks." You try to push him away, but pushes you back down.
"Scared of my cock, little fox?" He mocks, hands nudging your knees apart. "I thought you were gonna own me."
"I'm not fucking scared." You seethe, “I just don’t want you to waste my time more than you already have.”
"You play too much, foxy.” He drawls, and you watch warily as he brings two of his fingers to his mouth to wet them before he slips them between your legs. “You wanted me. Now you're going to get me." He says before unceremoniously pushing his fingers inside you.
"Shit, so tight." He pumps his fingers in and out of you, moaning at the feeling of your walls hugging his fingers tightly.  "Gonna fuck this sweet little pussy wide open, baby."
You couldn’t bear hearing him talking so condescendingly to you. You were supposed to be the one in control here, not the spineless wolf who seemed to grow enough balls to fight back all of a sudden.
"If you're going to be so vulgar, I know a better use for your dirty tongue." You sneer, pushing his head down your body. He goes along easily, his plush lips caressing your skin on the way down, his kisses getting wetter along the way until his mouth meets your pussy in a messy, open-mouthed kiss.
You can't even fight back the moans he elicits from you. He is really good with his mouth and his fingers fill you up just right that you feel yourself slipping. You need to turn this in your favor.
“Good boy.” You breathe, attempting to make it seem like you were still in control of yourself and not falling apart on his fingers and mouth. "Finally something you can do right."
Seeing through your weak attempt--and perhaps in retaliation-- he bites down on the inside of your thigh, his sharp canines almost breaking the skin. But an even sharper sensation quickly diverts your attention as he pushes a third finger inside you. You cry out, nails digging into his scalp as you pull on his hair in pain, but it doesn't phase him. He's determined to work you open with his fingers, his mouth going back on you to take some of the edge away, having the time of his life if his wet, muffled moans against your pussy are anything to go by.
And when the slide of his fingers gets a little dry, he pulls his fingers out and puts them in his mouth, getting them wet again, his eyes meeting your half-lidded ones as he makes a show of lathering his fingers with his saliva, moaning hungrily at the taste of you, before he plunges his fingers back inside you. He does this a few times, each time making you feel both relief and frustration--relief that his fingers are giving your poor pussy a break and frustration that he’s taking his sinful mouth away from you. But with every time, it gets easier and easier to take his fingers again. Until, the fourth time he does it, your hand clasps around his wrist, keeping it in place as you whine and fuck yourself on his fingers.
"Fuck." He breathes out, climbing back up your body to latch his mouth on your neck, and growling lowly. "Getting needy, little fox?"
You groan, yanking on his hair harshly and ripping his mouth away from your neck. "I wouldn't be like this if you weren't sabotaging every chance I get at a fuck."
"Oh, it's gonna get much worse for you, baby. I'm going to stretch this pretty pussy out with my big, fat cock, until I ruin you for all your pretty boys." The audacity of this guy.
“You’re so fucking full of yourself. If you think that you can dom me with your dumb cock then you’re--” You cut yourself off, face paling as he pulls his fingers out and presses the blunt head of his cock against your opening. He looks at you expectantly, eye-brow raised as he waits for you to continue your rant, but you bite down on your tongue, refusing to give him what he wants.
“What’s wrong, foxy? Got nothing more to say about me and my dumb cock?” He grins, easing his dick inside you, stretching you even more than his fingers did. “Don’t you wanna tell me more about how unaffected you are by all of this?”
You glare at him, your fingers digging into his shoulder blades, drawing blood, yet the grin on his face never falters. When he’s halfway inside you, you can’t keep quiet anymore. “Fuck… you’re going to split me open.” You grit out and his hips jerk a little, pushing more of him inside you suddenly. A scream escapes you before you bite down on your lips. “Fucking mutt! Can’t you control yourself?”
“How can I when you’re so sweet to me?” He bites at you, voice getting rougher and breath getting heavier. He’s starting to lose control too. You realize that this is your chance to reclaim the upper hand. So you wrap your legs around his hips and, through gritted teeth, you steel your breath and pull him closer, pushing him the rest of the way inside you.
“Ah fuck!” Chan groans, face falling in the crook of your neck as you hold him up to the hilt inside of you, your walls clamping down on his dick, trying to push him outside. He tries to rock his hips into you but you hold him in place with your legs, making him quickly grow impatient. "Baby, let me move." He whines, mouthing at your breasts, sucking stinging kisses all over them as he lets out his frustration on your poor tits.
"No. You don't deserve it." You grit out, "You've been a bad dog."
To your surprise, he moans out at your words, bucking against you once again, the force of it allowing him to move inside you just a bit and you yelp, scratching at his back and biting onto his shoulders in response, but that only seems to make his hips rut against you more.
"You like that, don't you?” You hiss mockingly, “Are you getting off on me being mean to you, Channie?"
“You're such a fucking bitch." He barks, grabbing your thighs and splitting your legs open harshly, pinning them down on the bed so he could finally start fucking you.
“Shit---shit!” You squeak, the drag of his cock against your walls burning, and you find yourself clinging to him as tears prickle at your eyes. You try to hide your face in his chest, but he hears your little sniffles anyway, and his reaction isn’t what you expected--not the concerned tone of his voice as he cups your face and asks you if you’re okay, and not the hunger in his eyes that only seems to get darker at the sight of your tears.
It’s with a start that you finally realize the situation, and you can’t help but laugh despite your tears. "You dirty fucking dog. You’re loving this, aren’t you?”
It's your turn to grab his face and make him face you as he tries to look away. "Does hurting me turn you on, Channie? And here you were trying to act like a fucking savior."
"It's n-not like that." He shakes his head, yet his hips never stop moving.
"No? Dumb mutt can't even still his hips long enough to lie. Is this what secretly gets saint Chan's rocks off? Are you like this with your bitches or is this just for me, baby?"
He sucks in a sharp breath, eyes squeezed shut as he mumbles something that you don’t quite catch.
"Speak up dog." You slap him lightly, and his eyes gain back a little of their sharpness as he looks down at you.
"No. They can handle it. It's only you that is breaking on my cock." He grits, hips driving into you faster as he fucks you with his eyes as much as he fucks you with his dick that you weren't made to be on the receiving end of.
"So that's it then, you like knowing you're the biggest I've ever had?” You ask breathlessly, trying to hold onto your sanity as he takes you roughly. “You enjoy watching me struggle to even take you in?"
He stays quiet, but the sharp snap of his hips against yours gives you all the answer you need.
"Dirty mutt." You croon, tugging at his sweaty bangs so you can keep them away from his face so you can see his reaction to your words. "I bet you cum a lot too, would be absolutely dripping from my tight cunt."
"Oh, god, have mercy." He cries out, pace getting erratic as the combination of your filthy words and your tight pussy start getting to him.
"Who knew I didn't even have to fight you? All I had to do was let your filthy brain and your dirty cock work you up to this state. You really are just an animal after all." You bring his lips to yours, swallowing down his pathetic protests, the frantic grind of his member in and out of you suddenly feeling erotic now that the big wolf was a whimpering mess in your arms. Pulling back, your wet mouths still stringed together with saliva, you prompt, "Aren't you, baby?"
The breath hitches in his throat as you clench down on him, your sore pussy finally feeling the pleasure he's forcing on you, and it manifests with a vengeance, intense and dizzying. "Y-yeah."
"Tell me." You demand, kissing along his clenched jaw.
"I'm just an animal." He pants as you suck a bruise under his ear. "I love fucking your little pussy with my big cock. I love making you cry. I love you being mean to me. I love you treating me like a dog. I love it all."
"That's a good boy." You praise, kissing him again and he can barely breathe from the heat of it all. "Cum for me, puppy. Stuff me full with your seed like I know you wanna."
Almost as if on command, he cums, chanting a mantra of "thank you, thank you, thank you" in your ear.
"Yeah, let it all out, pup." You massage his ass as his hips stutter against you. "Want you dripping out of me for days."
"Fuck...you're gonna kill me." He heaves as his cock spurts out the last of his cum, and you smile in victory. You did it. You've subjugated him.
He sits up as he pulls out of you, watching darkly as his cums trickles out of you. Cursing, he quickly scoops it up and pushes it back in, the slide of his fingers so much easier now that you've taken his cock, and the copious amount of his cum making it way too easy.
His fingers are a blur as he pumps them in and out of you and it hardly takes any time before you're grabbing his wrist to stop him as you cum. But he doesn't. He fucks you through your orgasm, not even slowing down as he pins your thighs to the bed and continues railing his fingers into you, tearing a second orgasm out of you before the first one even has a chance to fade.
"Chan, stop." You cry out, body convulsing on the mattress, and he looks up from your cunt to see your pained face, and he finally stops, quickly taking his fingers out and wiping them on the bed before climbing up your body and catching your mouth in a kiss.
He murmurs little praises against your mouth like “you took me so well, baby” and “you did so good”, and it makes you grimace even more. You attempt to push him off of you, but you have no strength left to fight him off. Not that you ever did in the first place.
"Stop that!" You snap at him, and he stops.
"What’s wrong, baby? Was I too rough?"
You snort, "What do you think?" You gesture to your body that was now sore all over and probably developing bruises.
"Shit, I'm sorry. You just got in my head." He breathes out a flustered laugh.
“I know.” You apparently still have enough energy in you to gloat. 
He frowns but ignores your comment, just watching as you wince whenever you try to move. "I can take you back to my place if you're too tired to go back to yours."
"Yeah, no shit you will." You confirm, having already decided that in your head. He did this to you. It's only right that he should take care of you after.
"Oh, okay ummm… let's get you dressed then." He quickly stands up to get you your clothes, only to realize that he tore most of it apart. "Ah, shit."
You roll your eyes, "Give me that." You say, pointing to his oversized shirt. He rushes to bring it to you and helps you put it on, the process a little tricky as the events of the night catch up with your body.
He smoothes your hair down once you're done and carasses your cheek, giving you a look that you don't like one bit so you smack his hand away and point a finger at him, "Hey! There will be none of that. You hear me?"
His face quickly straightens out and he snorts, "Excuse me for trying to treat you like a lady."
"Oh, fuck off." You stand up on shaky legs, and you can already tell that this will take a few days to wear off. "Let's go." ____________________________________ A/N: so came out as the victor after all? it’s really up for debate lol
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savnofilter · 4 years
Kinktober Day 9
Natsuo ➷ Midoriya ➷ Kirishima ➷ Fatgum ➷ Shinso  ➷ Tamaki ➷ Todoroki ➷ Bakugo ➷ Shindo ➷ Giran ➷  Dabi ➷ Shigaraki ➷ All For One 
☠️ warning(s): ⚠️ everything between both parties is consensual. ⚠️ 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕒, con/dubcon.
☠️ genre: smut, holiday special.
☠️ words: 260+ [about one minute each].
☠️ read more: kinktober(uary)
☠️ summary: instead of the original fic idea, i swapped it out with somnophilia hcs,,, enjoy.
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Natsuo (x)
wellllll since i dont know much about him i dont feel like he’s really into it. Up to your choices tbh.
feel like once on a blue moon he’ll wake up and decide he wants his dick in you like a thermometer or just finger you until you wake up.
isnt really something you guys discussed, he kinda just admired how beautiful you are.
if hes ever feeling freaky-deaky mayhaps he’ll eat you out,,,
he fucking loves it when you reciprocate his touches, it urges him to continue and tease you more. 
honestly just being able to pleasure you himself is what gets him rock hard, he doesnt even want anything in return he just wants to hear your sighs and moans.
natsuo's first just cause ion feel like it's something he does every day, more like once in a while just to tease you~
to dooont talk about receiving --, hes a sucker for waking up with his pp in your mouth. 🤭
he likes to flex it when it's in, pushing you just a little lower just to hear you gag a bit. 
"Sorry babe, couldn't help myself~"
…. well thats aight with me-
isnt big on full-on making you choke on him but if you wake him with the glawk glawk 3000 he’ll have a brighter day. 
hes a Todoroki so just know he has the gene being a sadistic teaser. 
if you wake him up with cock warming he will literally marry you while he destroys your guts.
he likes somnophilia 11/10. 
Midoriya (x, x)
Midoriya is mostly timid, already having the consent talk between you two but hes still nervous.
oftentimes he just grinds up against you and keeps you close, but sometimes his hands do wander in other places.
when he first starts to experiment, he likes to soft kiss your neck and rubs his hips against you softly.
he might squeeze your breasts here and there to tease you, hands snaking under your shirt to feel your warm skin against his calloused and strong hands.
like headcanon before, Midoriya doesnt like to do penetration until he knows he has your full-on consent.
hes sweet but dont expect him to go full on soft with you lol. 
forbiddddddd Midoriya chooses oral because this boi will go for how long it takes his tongue to get tired. 
and thats not very easy. 
he loves to admire your body so most often he does it out of the,,, love he has. 🥴
and hes a closet perv too. 
if you give it to him -- instant NUT. no cap. 
he'll be like "H-Honey" and then tense up and just nut.
but ofc being the good s/o you are, you still continue because youre a good s/o like that. 
bonus points if you treat him like hes a dirty perv for liking it, also gets on his subside if you really wanna degrade him too. 
some times when hes awake enough he can have the dom energy but most times her cant help but be a pillow prince for you~~
and he doesnt mind either. he enjoys it. there's something down inside him that just helps him sleep at night that you use him for your pleasure and his. 
there's just a whole lot to unwrap here. ;)
Kirishima (x)
to place Kirishima in third being hes the type to stay up like an hour after youve fallen asleep and stick his cock in you so he can feel you grind up against every few times throughout the night. 
gives you a few encouraging thrusts before he does fall asleep just to give your body a bit of a head start. 
wraps his arms around your waist to ensure you cant escape him. 😳
of course since he is like this, somnophilia has been discussed between you two so he's not on full on creep mode. 
sometimes he'll wake you up by just pounding into you at full send. 
likes to tease sensitive parts of your body just to get you to wake up,,, bites marks littered on your skin as well. 
hes careless and the only thing he is really focused on is? hes not sure. he just know he fucking loves doing it with you too. 
best part is when he records and then faps to the footage later-
but what can he do, he likes to cherish every moment you two share ~
oh please wake him up like that. 
he has no qualms if its him in your mouth or you taking him inside you he just wants it. 
when you wake up him like that he honestly feels like maybe there is someone up there. 
is such a moaner. 
he likes it when youre a little rough too, cant help but be a masochist when he wakes up smh. 
if you ride him please let him choke on your fingers -- better yet have your ass face his direction so he can do whatever he wants with your lower parts as well. 
even when you are giving he still wants to reciprocate as well, he loves to have your pleasured whenever you two get busy.
most times when you engage in somnophilia it has to be days when he has off. why? he might just go all day. 
pleasure him, but do it wisely. 🤧
Fat gum (x)
taishiro is the type of guy to like put his dick in your mouth lol. 
not even like get you slicked up or anything, just cock in mouth. 
probably gets you semi undressed before he gropes you like a creep, getting his cock hard before opening your sleeping mouth and slipping his dick into your mouth.
makes you choke on his cock to wake you up, enjoying it when you dont have time to hide your gag reflex and watch as you try and get use to his tip pressing at the back of your throat. 
half of the time, taishiro doesnt even wake you up. he plays with you just to get you wet and stinky.
sometimes he diddles himself and cums on you just to have you confused when you wake up. 
honestly beats Midoriya at being a closet pervert, but does he really try to hide it?
he doesnt really care to receive it. 
sure it's a very nice surprise to wake up to but he prefers it when hes the one playing with you. 
likes it better if youre taking him with one of your lower holes just because he already has enough experience with your mouth wrapped around his cock. 
if riding him manages to wake him up, teasing him wont go on for any longer. he has no choice but to take over and just ran your brains out. 
when hes done flipping the script and you both are satisfied you more out of shape than him, he'll be like,
"Welp, crepe for breakfast?"
Shinso (x)
oral central
i cant think of shinso having his ding-ding be the first thing to tease you when you wake up with fingers and oral. no and's, no but's. 
he doesnt like to rush you up on waking up, more with the smooth process and it isnt really doing it for a reaction.
he just wants to toy with you.
honestly, like fat gum he does it so youre usually in a confused state when you wake up. horny but not knowing why and knowing full-well you didnt have a wet dream either. 
its not until a few more times of him doing it is when you realize it's his doing and that in itself has you in a blushing mess. 
not expecting that from him at all but not complaining. 😳
sometimes you dress just a little provocatively just to inspire him~
if you dont wake him up with his cock in your mouth hes gonna have a bad day. >:(
jk, he respecs wamen. 
deadass do it once and he might just marry you. 
if youre doing a little under par from what you usually do, he'll just have to nudge yah a lil, push you on, use his quirk. 
"Fuck -- just like that kitten~"
he doesnt really care if you wake him up like that, much appreciated but he doesnt really care. 
i mean if you do, just get ready for an early morning of face fucking… just saying. 
Tamaki (x)
yall aint ready for this one. 
some people may say, 'aw tamaki would wake up s/o and just cuddle her to death uwu<3", while yes he will, dont underestimate him.
to think of him in somnophilia is where we break the closet pervert ends. 
hes more of like, i really like my dick and i really like you so i’ll just go on and fuck you awake.
theres on lead up or anything, he’ll full on give you brain or just fuck you as if you are awake, apologising profusely once you do wake up.
“I-I’m s-sorry to wake you like this… I couldn’t help myself…”
he’ll never fully use quirk on you while you sleep though. thats a big nope from him.
when he sexs you up he wants it to be fully him… and only him.
(i mean its his quirk from him -- but you get the point!)
CEO of going till ya numb.
his favorite his sticking his dick into you and rutting into you like a dog in a rut. 
definitely is a groper. cannot and will not convince me otherwise.
he just really loves it when you moan out for him and make cute noises~ its all he needs to start off for a good day.
well, it definitely is a pleasant surprise.
doesnt affect him like he does when he wakes you up but he appreciates your efforts.
most times when hes conscience enough he’ll just take over as if you werent trying to surprise him before.
honestly if youre looking for an early pounding thats the best time and way to get him into action.
since he sees it as teasing he cant help but have to pay you back.
he’ll be straight up clapping dem cheeks and he’ll just be like “you feel so fucking good” with the nicest sounding moan anyone can mumble into your ear.
yeah…. I encourage doing it to him. 
gets him nice and possessive giving you both a good time while he can live out his lil dom fantasies for the day.
//win win.
Todoroki (x, x)
hes like a blushing mess.
if you couldnt see him as a sub before, well get ready for this.
catch him off guard and guarantee youll get a completely different Shouto.
he turns into a full on pillow prince, with no shame. As long as you focus on getting him off he’ll let you do what he wants.
if you especially focus on his soft spots that dont have to do with his nipples or the third leg between his legs that when youll get him puddy under your hands.
well shit, say your name like that and he might make you revert submissive behaviour too.
you treat him like a perfect lil’ prince whenever he does, wanting to pamper him anyways.
on a rare chance could you spark him into flipping the tables but thats more on a random occurrence more than anything.
note to self: sub Sho? surprise him.. ✍️
Bakugo (x, x)
this one is kindaaaa tricky.
now, Katsuki wont do it often. but when he does it, he does it with uhh,,,, passion. if you would like to call it that.
he mimics all the spots you loved to be touched when youre awake just to see how long it takes for your body to wake up and realize that hes playing with you.
calculated in his actions, obviously. hes not some idiot who rushes, everything he does is precise whether or not you know it.
because of this, being able to please you is easy so his clear motive? not very sure….
maybe it's to see you squirm and wake up? mayhaps to see what pure pleasure looks like written over your face. who knows, all you knew is that he always had a smug look on his face when he was able to make you cum by the end of it. 
thats if…. he let you that is.
sort of like Todoroki, you may just get him to be the whole bottom in the term, "power bottom". 
tries to hold in moans and groans but usually fails which makes him sooooo frustrated. 
if he gets too flustered he'll make you stop and give whatever you have him by tenfold. 
brace yourself for a long and bumpy ride, you may have to do it on days he isnt going to work that day because he'll sure rock you out of this world. 
best if done on holidays as well, itll leave you walking a lil awkward for a few days. 
and of course, that isnt okay for being on the job is it?
Shindo (x)
hes this high on the list for a reason.
ongggggggg he’ll tease the ever living shit out of you until he gets bored or decides youve earned it.
damn snarky wont even prep your body or anything, just straight out the cut uses his quirk just to get your senses all riled up. 
does everything on the scale of full on senses to just barely touching you. 
his teasing always wakes you up into a confused state that is wanting to more, shamelessly begging for him to continue.
he carries great pride in taking responsibility in getting you like this. but dont be mistakened! he will not go easier on you just because you woke up. 
you had only just felt the pre-course to the real action~
buckle up, kitten. 
nope. if youre going to take advantage of him, he wants to fully aware. 
… for sadistic reasons more than consensual. 
Giran (x)
this old fucking man. 
likes to sneak in and just feel you up good. 
of course he doesnt want through his back out so yknow- im just kidding. 
giran will go to town if he has to. 
but most times, the old fart just loves to, "make love" to his darling. 
calls you sweet petnames in your ear as you sleep, just so you can dream about you too. 
he knows how to tease and play with you. he can finish the job without even so much as stirring you awake. 
hes studied you long enough and has played with you enough to make you finish as well. 
it's magic honestly, and his best part is leaving you with the mess between your legs and nothing but confusion written all over your face. 
how could he know that's your reaction although he leaves before you can wake up? 
simple. hes always has his ways~
the few rare times he let's you into his humble abode is when you decide to treat him. 
really adament of sucking him off to wake him up just to see his early morning smile. 
him rewarding you with giving you the same treatment or dirty praise is all you need before you leave and act as if you werent sleeping around with a villain recruiter and his #1 sugar baby for that matter. 
when you surprise him in his study is the real kicker. 
youve been under his desk many times to be familiar with the spot and assume the position. 
you usually bring up breakfast or dinner (whichever time you arrive) and wake him up in the good way that motivates him to continue on with his stressful job.
surely, he can never thank you enough. if it wasnt for your efforts, he wouldnt know how to deal with himself~
Dabi (x, x)
✨ rise n shine, dabi's fat cock is here to wake you up. ✨
this asshole -- this asshole. 
has no shame at all. he knows full well what hes doing. 
likes to feel you up and just feel at you sometimes. hes so touch starved that he cant even help it. 
he ranges from teasing you till you wake up to full-on fucking your brains out. 
of course he enjoys it when youre confused but wanting more, your body more than ready to receive his hands. 
at some point, you just like to tease him for it too. usually he catches onto your game and plays accordingly. 
he cant help but feel blessed that someone he loves so very much could enjoy the same interests he does as well. 
just let him know you like it when he feels you up and he'll give it to you anytime you ask~
would not recommend unless you want early-morning-face fucking.
like you wouldnt catch someone wake up from something like that faster than Dabi. 
you may wonder why, it's just his touch starved nature. im telling you, it responds to anything. 
no matter what position, how you do it you will get a positive reaction from him. 
tell me you cant imagine him moaning, "that's it, doll~ swallow my cock like the slut you are~"
this man is just a walking breathing example of what the word simp feels like. 
youre supposed to turn away because hes not the type of guy to fall in love with but most times like this is when you cant help it..
Shigaraki (x, x)
master diddler, yes he is. 
hes the type to not even stick his cock in, just like hump at you like a needy animal and just mark up your neck as if he hasnt had sex in years. 
is the type to use other parts of your body to get off just to avoid pleasuring you as he gets off.
youll wake up to his cum in various spots. between your legs, on your chest and even your armpits. if it has a place where his cock can fit its going there.
he doesnt give a shit if you fuss about it later, “why didn’t you cum inside” headass.
youll have to earn him using you like cocksleeve the proper way.
youre either a heavy sleeper or light because you can wake up as soon as he starts or wake up after hes done.
Either way, as long as he can see the pureness on your expression is all he needs to help his perverse needs.
Shigaraki isnt the person to use you during your sleep without having at least talked it with you.
yeah hes a creep but hes not that weird.
likes to whisper degrading stuff into your ear when you sleep just so you can dream about what hes doing to you, his hands not stopping a moment as he gets off to feeling you up.
just dont expect anything less then degenerate from him 
you have to be a special type of breed to even think about touching him without him being in control.
the thought of you possibly being able to one-up him is a no-no.
he wont allow it.
if he even senses you thinking about it he’ll stir awake and glare at you as if there is no tomorrow.
but say you do manage to catch him off guard, this may be the only times you can really edge a moan out of him of.
so use your time wisely.
All for one (x)
ive said it once, i'll say it again. 
you just have no rights bro. im sorry. 
he wakes him sometimes and just goes, "this bitch deserves a rude awakening today". 
like okay mr fuckface. 
is the one that is always on x games mode, no softness for him at all.  
probably has you wear those kitten/mitten collar things like*cough cough* kakegurui *cough cough* even when youre carrying out errands for him. 
the point is honestly to keep you in place, and you cant help but like it anyways. 
some may dislike being viewed as a pet or anything less but you love it hence why you stay. 
plus, if you could runaway, would you be able to?
nevermind that, you didnt want someone else to replace you so youll stay his obedient bitch for now.. 😌
you wouldnt. you just wouldnt.
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andieperrie18 · 3 years
Your Endgame
So this is requested by@raginghellfire. I haven’t written in a while due Uni and busy classes but I hope I did a good job on this. UwU Dami might be a bit OOC but I really think he is a passionate lover when he falls in love.
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Bruce Wayne was one tough cookie. Unlike Tony, he held shackled himself with the responsibility of protecting Gotham city from its baddies that he barely let himself enjoy his life. He too cares for children very much but he wasn't as hands-on being there for them. He wasn't always there in those best events in their life to congratulate them that greatly hurt them. It would seem that he just adopted these children as soldiers for his endless war with crime, that they were nothing but expendable assets. But he does love them and had just recently been trying to reconnect with all of them.
Tony Stark had always let his child have free reign over their life but he never leaves the passenger seat. He will always be by their side no matter what choice they make. He was never strict as he was a free soul but he grows and understands responsibility everyday after returning from Afghanistan after being held captive. He wasn't a perfect father but he did try for Y/n, good thing for him is that she understands responsibility earlier made it easy for him to be there for him.
Bruce Wayne was notorious for being a play boy, same goes to Tony Stark. Both men has had another of flings that the paparazzi didn't miss to see. It took quite a while before two of them finally found out the true meaning of true love. The one decided to settle down while the other chose his job over attaining a lifelong happiness and peace.
Some of the Wayne kids also had their own flings through out their lives. Some had more the two and some, just one. Just one cause when the second came, they were their endgame.
The bright city lights of Paris slightly seeped in the glass panes of the balcony doors of the room. Across it was a king sized bed with undone sheets and two people underneath the high quality comforter. Damian and Y/n sat with backs against the head board, the latter former resting his against the latter's figure. His head slightly buried on her neck as her fingers combed through his bed hair her other hand around his bare chest.
"I'm pretty sure that photo reached them already," her voice echoed around the slightly dim room.
Damian hummed, "It did, which earned me quite a number of miss calls from my family,"
Y/n giggled that he found contagious making him do the same.
"I'm going back to Gotham in two days but I don't think I'm ready to leave your side yet," he snuggled his face on her neck, placing butterflies kisses on them. Her eyes close, a flutter vibrates within her chest as she pulled his head closer. Placing her lips on his head. Damian pulled her seated figure closer to his own, his face snuggling closer to her skin.
"Can I just postpone the flight for another month?" he mumbled, sending tickles on her skin making her giggle.
"Dami, you said that 2 months ago and you already bought a ticket home,"
Damian never whines but after almost two years of being in a relationship, there are certain childishness he had suddenly unlock being with her. Y/n laughed at his childish wiles as it send tingles in his stomach, he loves it when she laughs because of him.
"Besides, I already scheduled mine and my seat is next to yours, you can't expect me to have an empty seat beside me?"
Damian's head shot up from her neck, his eyes staring at her. Y/n bit her lip containing a fit of giggles after seeing his eyes sparkle like a child getting a new toy. He slumped his faced between breast.
"I really love you."
"And I really love you too, Dami,"
And probably the biggest public figures is youngest Wayne child and the eldest Stark Child. The most controversial couple that reached ears all over the world. No one knew of their relationship as until the paparazzi caught a picture of them kissing at Champ de Mars near the Eiffel tower. The news made use of the quote, "Pictures speaks a thousand words" rather well. Some are heartbroken by the news but the biggest people taken surprise by the news were the Wayne's.
Clicks and flashes surrounded the long trail of red carpet that lead to entrance of the Wayne manor that held another gala. This time it was a celebratory occasion for the youngest Wayne's return from a long vacation that he took a almost 2 years ago. A break he took after a rather peaceful yet melancholic break up with titan's member. Damian suddenly decided to toss the towel and told his Father that he doesn't want to be like Bruce, alone and brooding. He needs to breath for a while to which his father did not hesitate to agree. Bruce loves his children, he may not show it but he does.
A Grey matte Porsche 911 parked its way at the end of the carpet making some of the photographers to  it, awaiting the celebrities that will emerge.
"Do you think they'll like me? I mean Dad isn't really in good terms with Bruce Wayne you know," Y/n  eyed the silhouette of the Wayne manor and the crowding paps at the cat walk. This wasn't the first time she came to a Wayne gala, its just that this time she was going to be introduced as Damian Wayne's girlfriend.
The emerald eyed Wayne gently took her chin to meet his eyes. A gentle smiles grew from his lips.
"They will, beloved. I know they will because I love you," his voice said laced a such a tender tone that no one ever thought he could have.
A love sick grin emerged from her once doubting expression before she pressed leaned for a quick peck to which he returned in an instant. They pulled away with both of them sharing the same cheek tinted grins.
Damian emerged from the driver's seat followed by the loud camera clicks and calling reporters. He simply gave his signature Wayne smile before turning to the other side of the car to where Y/n emerges with the same celebrity like smile that she inherited from her father. From the moment they set foot on the carpet, the paparazzi just got louder and rather pushy that made the guards push them out a little harder.
"Mr. Wayne how'd you meet Ms. Stark?!"
"Miss Stark, how long have you two been together?!"
"Miss Stark look here!!"
"Mister Wayne! Look here!!"
To say that the paparazzi were going crazy would be an understatement, as they were going mad-crazy as the couple walking the catwalk is the biggest confirmation to the news that a union between the Wayne and the Stark has occurred. If they could only get to the couple to ask some, more like a bunch of questions would be the cherry on top of the new news for next day.
Upon entry within the Manor, their arrival turn heads and silenced chatters.
Y/n M/n Stark, the matriarch of the Stark Industries inheriting the nickname, 'Merchant of Death' in Manhattan. She was a much smarter tinker as she assured no such case like her father's long captivity ever happened again and all Stark weapons are heavily protected and can only be handled by the military hands.
Damian Wayne was no CEO but is a COO of the Wayne Enterprises. Helping his brother Tim in managing the affairs in the company. It's bad enough that the male is overdosing himself with caffeine while handling their nightly hero affairs, he was still his brother no matter how much they quarrel. Damian was willing to shoulder long painstaking meetings for him just to let him have a day off.
To see the two of them together would expresses a union.
Their matching outfit theme elevated the curiosity of all the attendants of the gala. Damian's slick three piece burgundy check suit made Damian look sophisticated but neat. Every young lady around the room were welcome to gawk at his figure as he glides with his partner. Y/n's own green gown greatly complimented his with its shade of green, its shape hugging her figure naturally that she loved. Every young man had their eyes on an emerald.
It didn't take long before the couple reached the group of people they are meant to meet. They didn't miss their wide eyes and dropped jaws. Y/n may be a stranger but they could agree that she is a beautiful stranger.It was only when Damian spoke that they have gained awareness of their surroundings.
"Good evening father, everyone. It's nice to see you all again," Damian began with Y/n holding on to his shoulder.
"I gotta say demon spawn you grew quite a lot for just two years," Jason earned a slightly hard nudge from Dick. Damian may have grown but he still has a tick with Jason's nicknames for him.
"Don't mind him Damian, why don't you introduce your company," the eldest said as he slightly push the white streaked hair male behind him that earned a look from his father.
Damian didn't say anything on the nickname thing and proceeded to introduce her which earned quite an awkward atmosphere on his family's side while the couple remained at ease in their presence.
"Stark its nice to finally see you again," Tim entered as he brought his hand out to which the woman took generously.
"Good to see you too Drake, and good evening to you too Mister Wayne,"
Bruce went forward to shake her hand, "How is your father by the way?" he asked.
"He is doing well, he's living by the countryside with my sister and mom," she replied with a smile.
"So he's settling down?" Bruce asked, quite surprised.
"Yes, he said life is short and he intends to spend it living it with us," She continued to which earned a bit of awkwardness with Damian's siblings. It was a rather sensitive topic but they didn't speak of it any further.
Damian had to separate himself from Y/n to help Tim a bit on the company. Seated by the bar, with his two brothers and his father, it was quite a company.
"How long have you two been going out?" Dick opened as you turned to him.
"We've been together for almost 1 year and half years, but we didn't started dating until six months later after we met,"
"We're you aware he just got out of a break up?" Jason raised.
Y/n took a sip of her drink, "I did, that's why I didn't let him to be with me until I totally confirmed that I was not a rebound,"
"And how do you know you aren't just a rebound for Rachel Roth?" Dick asked this time.
Bruce didn't say anything as he wasn't very much in touch with his son's relationship, but he did know that he loved her, Damian wouldn't risk his life for anyone if he did. As much as he wanted to stop Dick from pulling a rather sensitive topic on a person he just met especially when that person is someone close to his brother, he wants to know if the girl was just a fling. Y/n was known to have a number of flings before Damian came in to the picture.
"Damian is not mine to claim, whether I am a rebound or not, I still love him, you can try to make me say what we are having is just a fling but I know one thing," her tone was authoritative but calm.
They were doubting Damian's judgement with her relationship with her. Its not like she wasn't aware that he dated a co-worker of his. He was his first love and Y/n knew she might not be his last but she sure prays to whatever ethereal being that they last.
"I love him. Whether you believe me or not, I will always do even if he chooses her over me,"
Damian was her everything.
By midnight, Damian said his good byes with his family. He didn’t miss the slight look of sadness in her eyes so he took her away from his brothers' company. Damian was sure that they said something but she chose to protect them by not telling him anything.
When they got to the parking lot as they got to their car, Damian stopped and had Y/n face him. Before she could ask, he had already latched his lips on her. Giving her an ever so passionate kiss they always share. One that he always felt like he was having his first kiss the first time.
Y/n circled her arms around his neck before they broke off, forehead resting against each other.
"I may not know what went on between you and my family by the bar, but I want you to know that I love you. You may not be my first but I am deathly sure that you are my last…" he whispered to her.
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djhedy · 3 years
what is canon and should we respect it (a not-essay on aftg fandom)
i want to write an *entire* essay on this but i am between meds right now so exhausted and suffering a HEAT WAVE (uk?? why! we are normally so temperate) and also there's always a risk of sounding patronising when trying to put your opinions/experience across, so i'll try to write briefly and wotnot
what is canon:
"the material accepted as officially part of the story in an individual universe of that story" or, as we'd probably all put it "wot the author wrote"
why this matters, and why the author matters - our characters wouldn't exist without them
beyond a basic respect for the author, which i would define as like not being a bitch to them (because every human being has feelings, and this is something easily forgotten on the internet), we land on the question "should we respect canon"
well... maybe?
it sort of depends why you're here. the experience of literature/art can be defined a few ways: what the author intended, what the reader experiences, the impact on society.
what nora intended: if you care, she's written a lot of extra content on tumblr. but given that the majority of people who read the books probably won't care enough to find the extra content, this isn't canon. it isn't canon because it isn't in the books of the story. calling it canon is gatekeeping. but it's SUPER FUN and i enjoy seeing what nora's interpretation of her own characters are. thanks nora we luv u.
the impact on society: people get SO UPSET about this question. and it's a reasonable question for sure. art does impact society and vice versa. i just kind of don't think this is the big deal you think it is. people are always hunting for signs of homophobia, sexism, transphobia etc in fandom works. and like... sure, you can do that if you'll enjoy it. this essay isn't really about this, and i don't want to ramble. but aftg is an indie publication. its impact is so insubstantial. maybe chill out. the people who are like AARON IS HOMOPHOBIC BUT ANDREW THE MURDERER IS UWU or, opposite, SETH DESERVED REDEMPTION AND MATT IS ABLEIST - my guys it's a book. these characters are flawed. literature isn't meant to be a pinnacle of morals (unless... it is) and we're supposed to love these characters because they work through their flaws and settle into who they are. are they still dicks at the end? sure! it's fun. not everything has to be light and perfect. and you'll have more fun with art if you stop hunting for homophobes in the fandom of an independent publication with a few thousand readers. that's not how to succeed at the gay agenda. we're on it, i promise.
WHAT THE READER EXPERIENCES: this is the big one! you know when you read a book or watch a film and say "oh wow so it was about THIS, THIS was the important bit!" and someone disagrees? well, they're not wrong and you're not wrong. experience is a whole thing. what someone has experienced in life before they come to the art, what they experience during the art itself. art is a communication from the creator to the audience and that communication is subtle and will be different for *every* single person.
this will upset a lot of people, but it isn't canon that neil is demisexual. the label isn't mentioned once in the books. can it be inferred? ABSOLUTELY. he's demi in all of my fanfics because i personally love it. but nora mentioning it in extra content does not make it canon, in the same way that jkr telling everyone she saw dumbledore as gay after the books, does not make it canon. #theauthorisdead (but let's still be nice to them. ...unless you're jkr. fuck jkr.)
my point is just that canon doesn’t always matter. collectively most of us have decided neil is demi, which is important rep to a lot of people without rep. how sexy of us.
and experience matters. there will be people to whom it's important to write neil as not-very-demi. there will be people to whom it's important to write neil as super ace. be kind to each other.
i've decided i need to add another heading.
to preserve canon? no, because... nora already did that. there's a huge amount of fun to be had trying to write neil and andrew as *accurately* as possible - but this *accuracy* will be different from person to person. because a work of literature is complicated and writing is hard and - individual experience. we've already gone through that. but like, have you ever tried to write andrew's dialogue accurately, the way he speaks like he's half-high half-shakespearean?? it's DIFFICULT. i have tried.
you know what's also fun? experimenting. what would their relationship be like if neil was an alcoholic. what if andrew liked wearing dresses. what if one of them cheated. what if matt died of a drug overdose.
in my head the point of fanfiction is EXPLORATION.
sometimes you're exploring the characters as accurately to your experience of them as possible, sometimes you're adding a new element in to see how they would react. let's be honest, that new element is usually something you're obsessed with in your own life. gender presentation? why people cheat? why people relapse? why relationships break down?
anyway, back to the list.
to dick around and have a nice time? yes.
to work through your own identities/traumas/what have you? probably if you're anything like me and basically everyone i know in the fandom lol.
i think this is everything i want to say.
no wait i lied! final point.
if you've ever studied literature or philosophy the first things they teach you is to question *everything*. for example: what is fanfiction, what is canon, "we have to respect canon" do we??
if you've heard someone using the word "feminisation" to mean "make neil soft uwu", rather than repeating the word, question why it's being used here. what does feminise mean, what does soft mean. maybe you love the dark side to neil, maybe other people like the side of him that can heal.
there's nothing wrong with playing with sexual dynamics and relationship dynamics. sometimes you might be writing something cliched, homophobic, sexist - if you work out you are doing that, maybe stop it. on the other hand lots of couples *do* play out the dynamics of - trousers on in the bedroom, trousers on in the relationship. it's not homophobic to depict a homosexual relationship where one is subby and one is dommy. it exists. so like, chill a little.
and remember you are not always right and everyone is different?
man did i accidentally make this patronising?
lots of love hedy x
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kaebedom-me · 3 years
I cant handle my horny atm, since you so kindly said that we can request on the alphabet... K, H, O, U for the lovely boys we all love, maybe throw in reader if youre up to it. :)))
Hope you have a wonderful day :)
-Cloud anon
horny is good uwu thank you for requesting!!! you have a wonderful day toO!!!! <3 <3 <3
NSFW alphabet requests open!
H = Hot Spots - A place that drives them crazy when stimulated (EX: neck).
i know kaeya sees fucking red when you touch his neck
if you just graze your fingers down his neck, when he's talking, or when he's not doing anything at all! before you can do anything else mans has you slammed into the nearest surface
he gets turned on and incredibly horny but he's not going to give you the satisfaction of just fucking you then and there
kaeya's not going to look affected by it either if you do it while he's out in public, or when he's talking to someone. he'd just chuckle and shoot you the sultriest look ooo, you're gonna be in trouble
also, it's not as potent(?) as his neck, but his hands are pretty sensitive too. especially if you're into his hands, it's more the thought of his hands driving you crazy that makes him horny uwu
for childe, it's his waist and back
all you really have to do is scratch it, like drag your fingernails hard enough across him that it leaves a trail and you'll have a hard dick in your hands in no time
of course, if you're in a more teasing mood you could just trace one finger lightly up or down his back/ waist and he'll know you're looking for trouble
can't control his reaction as well as kaeya, so if you tease him enough he starts getting real red in the face
you don't have time to laugh at him though, he excuses himself then drags you off somewhere to fuck your brains to mush
K = Kinks - I’ll list a few of their kinks, be they the normalized ones or kinkier kinks.
i mentioned a few over here! but mmm daddy kink braincell is active today so
kaeya's really into the whole dom/sub dynamic, and enjoys getting called daddy because lbr it's a bit embarrassing to say lmao
he loves the humiliation that ties with it and it's also a great excuse for him to go into kinks like infantilisation, bimbofication
kaeya's also kind of into the roleplay aspect of it. but my headcanon for this crosses to darker thresholds, i'd love to write more if you lot are interested
childe's daddy kink comes from wanting to be a father in the future
that doesn't necessarily mean he wants to have children right now, it's just a cool horny thought that gets him going in the heat of the moment
definitely also an enjoyer of the dom/sub dynamic, he loves ordering you around and having so much power over you
he's also borderline sugar daddy? but we've been knew
O = On’s - Their top turn on’s that they have (things that’ll get them super horny super quickly).
apart from touching their erogenous zones what really gets them horny is you and of course the other
I think they're very sexual people when they want to be, and it's often the thought of the last time you guys had sex that turns them on
if you happen to look good or feel good that day, they'd be pretty turned on too. so if you're just feeling yourself, or dressed up for the boys or to go anywhere, when you give the green light they will pounce you
if one or the other are looking extra fine that day too, they'd get horny too uwu you guys love each other very very much
if anyone in the relationship expresses that their horny, that gets them horny rather quickly too
when someone's purposefully doing something scandalous? like say if you're in public and kaeya leans over to tell you and childe he isn't wearing underwear, or if you bend over and show them you have something in you? uwu instant horny
U = Unfair - How much they tease you, how they tease you, etc.
kaeya and childe are the fucking worst
separately their teasing can be torturous, but together? it's even worse
little shits too because they'd be like "oh, I don't know, 4 orgasms denials doesn't seem like a lot" and the other would be like "you're right, delayed gratification is extra sweet" and you might pass out before getting to the main act
just like you know their erogenous zones, they know yours too, they know exactly how to touch you to get you so horny you think of nothing else but their dicks
and they definitely know when to stop touching you so you don't get the satisfaction of enjoying them
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