#( magda luxiere : replies )
vctlan · 2 years
ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜɪɴɢ... ᴍᴀɢᴅᴀ ʟᴜxɪᴇʀᴇ
If she was trying to be any shade of sympathetic, she was doing a terrible job at it -- the very way she approached the man she'd once swore to idolize and "follow to the ends of the earth" was more fitting of a wild animal than an old friend, a dangerous creature to be contained and left in the past.
"You're making this so much harder on yourself than it has to be, Fair. I'm giving you the easy way out, just turn yourself in and stop running -- if I call this in, they won't be stopping to talk to you."
And yet, even as she speaks on the what ifs, her voice a shade of faux placidity, Luxiere draws her sword as well, a precaution. "Look at you, you're not well -- weren't you in my place once? Wouldn't your life been easier if Angeal or Genesis just listened to you and gave up? I just want to help you." And herself to a promotion.
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