#( luna had No Fucking Idea what noct's fate would be or what bahamut was really planning
sylleblosscm · 1 year
The scenes that came next defied everything she believed true of their lives and fates. Deep within the Citadel, Noctis sat upon the throne as the True King, calling forth the power of the Ring of the Lucii, summoning the souls of his ancestors. Thirteen Kings of Yore encircled Noctis, weapons held raised and ready. Each in turn thrust spectral steel into Noctis’s flesh. Tears formed in Lunafreya’s eyes as she watched. “Noctis!” she screamed. “Why?!”
She’d been asked by King Regis to see the Ring of the Lucii safely to his son. Keeping that promise, she believed, would ensure a future for their star. So she’d run desperately to escape Insomnia as the city went up in flames. She slipped in among the throngs of evacuees and quietly made her way toward Altissia. Never had she imagined that the object for which she’d risked so much would ultimately take her beloved’s life. She had sacrificed her life, only for the man she loved to lose his as well. That, it seemed, had been the Oracle’s calling. All strength left her body, and she collapsed to her knees. If only she’d known . . . If only she’d realized the truth of her actions and the end they would bring . . .
“The Draconian would destroy us,” she murmured to herself. It was beyond comprehension. The gods were committed to safeguarding Eos and all its inhabitants. Never once had she doubted that, not even when Gentiana had spoken of Bahamut’s place as being above and distant from all, less attuned to mortal existence. (...) “It is unforgivable,” she whispered to herself, new anger boiling to the surface. But she did not yet know how to proceed. She stared at the ceiling, scouring her mind for ideas.
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chalabrun · 7 years
our own dream (noctis/luna)
Noctis and Luna never liked the idea of an arranged marriage. So, shortly after Noctis arrived in Altissia, they decide to have a wedding on their own terms on a midnight rendezvous. With some help from Weskham, of course.
It was just a little past midnight when Noctis’ smart phone buzzed in his back pocket, having purposefully fallen asleep with it in his pocket. Swiftly, sheets were disturbed as Noctis rushed to silence it and gazed at the screen beneath the covers, vigilant so that the others wouldn’t hear him. Or see the glare of the light, seeing as Ignis was the lightest sleeper of the three of them. Sapphire blues dilated when he saw the text of the notification.
[ Weskham ] She’s here and waiting. Come now, Highness.
He would’ve bolted like a child on Yule were it not for the fact that his slumbering companions occupied their shared room at the Leville, knowing he’d have to be quiet. Sharing a bed with Ignis--while Gladio bunked with Prompto--he had to move carefully. So far just as the weight he applied to the mattress recovered there wasn’t even a whine of springs, he froze when Ignis shifted.
“Noct?” Ignis inquired groggily, blinking owlishly at his friend. “Is everything alright?”
Noctis offered him a placating smile, keeping his voice low as not to wake the others. “Yeah, just—I’m gonna go get some air. I won’t be long, promise.” That was a lie. Even though their eloping wouldn’t take them very far, Noctis still didn’t know how long an informal ceremony would take. Weskham had mentioned that Camelia would be their witness, which was reassuring, and was far better than having anyone in the empire pay witness with the muzzle of a gun trained on the heads of the betrothed.
The whole arranged marriage deal had never sat well with him to begin with.
Once his boots were laced and he looked somewhat presentable, Noctis stole from the hotel on to Altissia’s streets. The city interlocked between buildings and Campos and bridges was a silent excursion until Noctis remembered the meeting grounds: not the docks as he’d been left to believe, but Maagho and then the Altissian Parliamentary building that had loomed over them when they’d first come to the floating city.
The city was remarkably well-lit despite the late hours, Noctis vigilant as he was careful not to draw attention to himself.
Fucking Six, that didn’t mean he wasn’t still nervous. Letters. The notebook. They’d been corresponding for years and the woman on the other end was still taking shape. Bahamut knew he was still uncertain about his feelings for her, but when he saw pictures, heard her voice over the radio, it felt like she was there. Her life under Niflheim’s heel meant she wasn’t able to express herself freely in these letters, and neither was he for fear of what it would incur on her.
But, maybe it wouldn’t have to be like that anymore.
It was a complex system, what they’d come up with over the years. They sent letters, careful to avoid incriminating information, whilst the notebooks had almost been like a low-tech version of Twitter. Maybe it struck the others as odd, but he enjoyed it. It was like getting to know someone from all sides. And Luna really was that person for him.
It’s why it took him back when he finally stumbled into the open-air anterior of the restaurant where only a few candles were lit, seeing as the rest of the city was fast asleep. There, by the back of her head was Lunafreya engaged in pleasant conversation with Weskham, even the though the former steward lifted his eyes meaningfully to Noctis, a flush creeping down his neck when Luna finally met eyes with his. It was like sparks flew when they did, Noctis unable to help but stride quickly and engulf the woman in an embrace, the Oracle returning it just as strongly if not more so.
They couldn’t help but smile giddily as they withdrew, Noctis having to keep himself from wanting to kiss her all over rather comically. “It’s really you. And—this. It’s really happening, isn’t it?” he said with a smile while taking them back to the counter before Weskham. The man was busily polishing a tumbler, likely to give the lovers some semblance of privacy.
“The wedding never sat quite right with either of you, did it?” Weskham interjected, deep brown eyes on them both.
Lunafreya smiled sadly at this, taking one of Noctis’ hands in her own. “Chancellor Izunia arranged it, Sir Armaugh. It was not of our own choice, or our parents. As Oracle, as the Chosen—it simply isn’t within our futures. Yet, perhaps...through this, we might make our own.”
“Yeah. We do it our own way, then we’ll rise up to meet our fates for ourselves.” His fingers closed around Luna’s, holding tight. “But, y’know, I think the world can wait for a night.”
Their love had always been complicated, to say the least. Luna felt it, too, when she remembered what a disconnect the announcement of the engagement had extolled. It felt..wrong. That it wasn’t the time when the fate of the world loomed taller than personal feelings. They were there, yes, but a wedding such as this? Neither could afford the distractions. Even Noctis was aware by now of a higher purpose, that a wedding didn’t fit into it. At least, not the pomp and ceremony the empire planned.
“Weskham, mind if we talk alone for a minute?” Noctis asked suddenly, the older man seeming surprised.
“Of course. I have to finalize some things with Camelia, anyhow.”
“Noctis, what’s wrong?” Luna questioned when Noctis relinquished hold of her hand.
The younger man bit his lip, sighing. “Luna, this...whole deal with the prophecy, the Astrals, us—I don’t think you’ve been entirely honest with me. What do you know that you aren’t telling me?”
She was capable of it. She was perfectly capable of lying and twisting Noctis around her little finger. Dearest Noctis… She loved him, truly, but nothing could stand between her and leading Noctis to his fate. Not even this. Lunafreya could manipulate him as she had countless Niflheim men before him, of higher ranks and lower cunning she’d learned to think like.
But, he trusted her not to. Not as the Oracle, but as his friend. She couldn’t bring herself to.
Bringing her hands to clutch at her bosom, Lunafreya sighed heavily. “The prophecy, by what we know, will lead to our deaths. For the greater good.”
“No,” he rebuffed automatically, face becoming intense. “We’re not dying. How do you know it’s the only way?”
“It is the will of the gods. And their will is absolute.”
“Is that what your brother thinks, Luna? Would he just roll over and accept that?” Noctis challenged, the pair of them equally intense.
“No,” Luna conceded quietly, blue eyes lowering but not quite in shame. She grew quiet for a long moment, but Noctis searched here and found a glimmer of hope. “Since I was a girl, this is what I’ve been told. To listen absolutely to the gods. To never question their will.” It was all she knew, truly. That Lunafreya would always live beneath another’s heel. But seeing Noctis, he was unlike the Chosen King ready to throw his life away for the greater good.
No, this was a boy who didn’t want to die.
Noctis’ face softened, suddenly apologetic. “’m sorry, Luna,” he murmured, bringing their brows to rest against one another. “Kings and Oracles are always meant to be by each other’s side, right? Why can’t we find another way together?”
This was so like him. As a boy, Noctis had wanted nothing less than to defy the fate handed to him. When many had said he’d never walk again, that his coma would last much longer, he’d bounced back full of piss and vinegar. Luna’s hands pressed on his chest, just curling over his shoulders. She didn’t know why, but despite living on borrowed time, this felt as though it’d be a happy time for them. “We’ll fight, then. We’ll find another way. I swear it, Noct.”
Noctis couldn’t help but smile radiantly, and she could swear it was brighter than the sun.
With less people, there simply wasn’t as much to prepare for. Luna’s wedding gown was simply the satin gown she had planned to wear for the summoning of Leviathan, forgoing the Vivienne Westwood number simply because it was bought on the empire’s budget, not the Fleuret’s.
Quite honestly, Luna was glad for it. This felt simpler, like it was them and not the mannequins that empire wanted them to be. A spectacle to detract away from reality, if for but a little while. Before the full-body mirror, she felt confident. And a little giddy and even betrayed. That they would defy fate together, even though it would enormously contradict everything she knew. Perhaps it’s why it made her nervous. Would the Lord of the Skies smite her where she stood if he knew?
Snapped from her rapture, a soft rapping on the dressing room door was indication enough that they were ready.
The small, nondenominational chapel it was set within was barely larger than half a classroom, only able to fit a dozen people at most. But, for them, it was perfect. Camelia stood in her trademark turquoise pantsuit and was to serve as the minister of their impromptu wedding.
Noctis, too, was waiting in his designer Armani suit that was likely on a temporary loan. Luna blushed at how handsomely it befit him, a maidenly dusting of pink that caused Noctis to smile boyishly. Weskham stood at the pulpit, both certain they saw a glimpse of Gentiana.
“Neither of you might remember, but I’ve known you for quite some time. Your Highness, I still remember when Regis was over the moon at your birth. In spite of the tragic loss of Her Majesty, the late Queen Aulea, your still possessed her strength. Her eyes, her face, her hopes. And she hoped to see her son grow happily. Which I am certain she is and is proud of the man you are today.” To Lunafreya, he let Camelia speak in his stead.
“Lady Lunafreya, I will confess I don’t bear the closeness Weskham has with his highness. I didn’t even know the late Queen Sylva as well I would’ve liked, however—I’ve heard and seen your strength and I’ve followed it for quite some time. Your actions for the benefit of the people of Eos has not gone unsung, even in Altissia. It is why, in Leviathan’s name, I believe it best to wed you here and now with your betrothed.”
Noctis and Lunafreya clasped hands together, both nervous smiles despite the solemnity of this. Camelia glanced at Noctis expectantly, indication for him to say his vows. The young man cleared his throat, hands understandably clammy that Luna gave no polite indication of noticing. “Luna, we’ve...known each other for over twelve years now. That’s pretty incredible, right? Even after everything we’ve endured, I think its made us stronger, not weaker. And that’s a big point of marriage. Like, you told me about all this in those letters we sent awhile back. About love, how it’s supposed to be,” Noctis rambled, swallowing thickly. “But—I just want us to be us. Only, as husband and wife. In sickness, in health, through prophecies—I want to be with you through it all.”
Luna inhaled excitedly, giddily. “When I was girl, I had an idea as how this was supposed to be. Us, before an enormous alter with crowds abounding. Applauding, with the gods looking on to usher us towards our happy ending.” She sighed, growing more serious. “I see now ours was not happy, and that we must write it for ourselves. That we must take the future into our own hands, for our sake, and that of the world. Will you take me, then, Prince Noctis, as your wife? As someone to fight by your side for the future?”
The grip on each others’ hands became resolute, boiling with conviction and resolve.
“Yes, I do,” Noctis and Luna said emphatically, in unison.
Weskham rounded to Camelia’s side, smiling widely at the pair.
“You may now kiss the bride.”
And he did, twelve years lost almost made up between them in the breadth of a moment.
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peachaidee · 7 years
Ep Ignis ramblings- mostly figured out how a happy ending could work with all the info presented to us vs the edgy sad end theory. Don’t read. spoilers, etc. just trying to make sense of it...
look i love angst and edgy stuff a lot but i dont know why some people automatically went for it in V2. to me, the story and directing was very obvious it was supposed to be a happy ending even though it was very confusing and it was difficult to figure out how it could work. i dont read reddit threads so idk if this has all been said before... just my thoughts.
after going thru V2 carefully a second time im more sure that the happy end could work out from the information given to us. Who is the "mysterious voice"? Most like the Crystal/Eos since it was the only thing around. It also could have been Luna. same VA in credits?? (Ravus did say her job wasn’t done...also great opportunity to slip future story in there for a possible ep luna, the poor girl needs it). 
Anyway, lets just say the mysterious voice was Luna since she is the Oracle. Her powers would allow her to talk about the prophecy spoken by the Crystal/Eos. In V2 when it was being explained to Ignis, she never said Noct had to die. She said as long as the ring was powered up he would ascend, and have enough power to end the scourge, kill Ardyn, and could restore the dawn. This matches with the prophecy Luna tells Noct when they were kids. 
I think some people think V2 can’t be real because we can’t forget as it was drilled into us for the entire game that it was Bahamut’s prophecy that we listened to and some people could not get over the requirement that a blood price needed to be made to fulfill the prophecy. Compare Luna’s prophecy to what Bahamut said in order for the Chosen King to ascend. He needed to have the ring full powered, and he needed the powers of the old kings and it can only be achieved by dying alone. This is a lot of requirements for ascension compared to the basic one told by Luna/Crystal. Now Bahamut...this fucker says as far back in the Omens trailer that a blood price must be paid and shows Regis the entire timeline of Omens playing out. I assume the endgame is the same where Noct destroys the scourge but just in a really terrible way. Terrible enough where Regis was like FUCK THAT and presumably does something to change Noct’s fate and asks the gods to forgive him. We don’t really know exactly what Regis did except for the very obvious action of sending Noct off WITH HIS BROS so he wouldn’t be ALONE.
I think that was the important part. Bahamut’s prophecy had everything from Luna’s/Crystals prophecy. The added parts were, BLOOD SACRIFICE and that it was the chosen king who would make his sacrifice ALONE. We hear this in the main game and it was repeated in Ep Ignis when he was shown the visions in the main route. So, by adding the bros into Noct’s journey, Noct’s fate was dramatically changed but tragically even Regis had to fulfill the prophecy in the end. Maybe everybody thought they had no other choice, the outcome was the same, Noct had to die. Bahamut is the war god that belongs to the Lucians so I guess Lucians have no reason to not listen to him and accept everything he says except for Regis who didn’t want Omens to happen.
So basically...what I think the whole story is about....is that fate changes if you have people to share your burden. Did Ignis have an idea how to change Noct’s fate when he suggested that to him? Maybe, maybe not. He tried by suggesting Noct they stop their journey. But later in Ch. 10 Ignis was 100% committed to Noct’s decision because he repeats Regis’ words and only wishes to stay with Noct. Maybe he knew there was no way to change it and he accepted that all the things shown to him were inevitably going to happen. Noct even cuts Ignis off in the last scene like Noct didn’t want the bros by his side (but he’ll have them in his heart), because Noct accepted Bahamut’s prophecy word for word. That he had to do it alone.
V2 looks like a timeline created by the power of love and friendship even though it hilariously hinges on 1 decision Ignis could have made differently but lets say he made the decision to go with Ardyn because he took 1 second to think things through and not be so recklessly gay to save Noct. Lets say he actually processed his future visions, he would choose the option that he doesn’t do in his visions. He would know that Ardyn couldn’t actually kill Noct right then and there. If he could have a chance to change fate he would go with Ardyn. So he does and this is a great timeline because Ignis actually tries to change fate when nobody did in the main game.
The question then becomes why do the Lucian kings know fate can be changed if Ignis sacrifices himself? Wild speculation here but it could be Regis' doing convincing the council to let Ignis sacrifice himself for the ring’s power knowing that fate can be changed that way because he did it himself earlier. Or Bahamut and the Lucian kings are assholes which we know already from Kingsglaive and the like... So did they already know about Luna’s/crystals prophecy? Maybe Bahamut added blood sacrifice and the requirement to do it alone to his prophecy because he's an edgy fuck and has no friends. Bahamut could have told Noct that he could sacrifice any one of his pure-hearted friends in his place but obviously Noct would never ever do that and would die for them all so Bahamut probably thought to make it efficient, only the Chosen King has to die it will be easy.  OR, it is also entirely possible that through the events of Kingsglaive, Regis was sacrificing himself to change Noct’s fate.
By the magic power and love and friendship, Noct is able to heal Ignis using the Crystal. He was very determined in this timeline to fulfil his duty compared to the main game where he struggled and was confused in front of the crystal. He only puts on the ring kind of reluctantly in the main game but manages to do it to save Prompto. In V2 he puts it on immediately to save Ignis since he was actively dying. So sweet how in one timeline, Noct buckles up to save Prompto and in the other, to save Ignis. 
During V2′s 10 year gap I was very happy to see the bros sticking together more. In the main game and in Comrades it was mentioned that they don’t spend a lot of time together but this timeline had a kind of uplifting feel and the bros felt like they had a better sense of purpose and a better plan with how to deal with the long night. At then at the last battle Noctis had all the bros +1 at his side. He had them walk tall TOGETHER, sharing the burden. I believe that was the message. If you have good friends, if you love deeply and let them share your burdens you can change fate. Of course sacrifices need to be made but you don’t have to do it alone. This is why I think at the end everyone lives. Additional detail is that Noct was still wearing the ring when it was destroyed in the main game.
Some people think V2 retcons all of Ep Prompto which I get...Ardyn uses Ignis as bait instead of Prompto but you can use your imagination to try and keep Prompto’s character development. Like, if Prompto never got into the facility, maybe Verstael would still be alive and he would have sent out all his weapons anyway? Like chase Ravus’ airship down with machines. Or maybe Ardyn wanted to fuck with Ravus and gang anyway and let Verstael do his Ghost in the Shell thing. As far as Ardyn knew, Noct still had the ring so maybe he wanted to stir up shit so Noct would finally wear it. Ravus probably could have told Prompto about his origins if they ever ran into Verstael. I feel like Ravus would know about it.
This ending did feel a bit rushed but overall it felt more like the general theme of FF games where friendship is the best and you say fuck you to fate/religion and it seems right that ffxv showed us that thru different timelines. of course this is how i rationalize everything ignoring that this was supposed to be an entirely different game 10 years, even 3 years ago and even playing Comrades I could tell they couldn’t keep the game and Kingsglaive consistent. Episode Ignis was supposed to be the last of the DLCs until they confirmed they were making more by popular demand. And to me Ep Ignis did feel like it was the end by showing V2. Because of the game’s disastrous release schedule the game ended up so messy but i think the ffxv team tried their best to tie in everything. From Omens which people speculated were story elements from vs XIII, to the main game and them confirming AU exists or that Noct’s dreams are actually real in a way. I felt like V2 was a possibility of a happy ending so I don’t see it as some dark twisted bittersweet ending. Nothing against people who do, its all good fun. I was left feeling so satisfied I actually don’t mind if they stop DLCs. But since they’re making more I feel like they can do a good job because they said they’re taking their time with these future DLCs to make sure they’re good. I hope they can explore another timeline where this time they can save Luna or something. She honestly has it the worst.
tl;dr: fuck Bahamut honestly. Also what he does in Comrades is fucked up
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