#( kuma's getting a restraining order if I do )
sundoes · 9 months
& if I wrote the cunty panda from t.ekken then what ??
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pxmun · 3 years
Belo Betty had enough of sitting around and doing nothing. It had been a week or so after the Levely incident and the Revolutionaries still had not heard from Sabo and the others. Everyone was in a rut trying to find out what had happened to their comrades, investigations were in place but so far nothing had come up. Bunny Joe had just returned from the West Blue after trying to gather information from a few kingdoms on what had happened at Reverie. He spotted Betty on the docks. “Any news”? Betty asked. “Hardly, the best I got was a speculation that the others were last seen at an island called Radio.” Bunny Joe replied. “Radio? I’ve never heard of that island before.” Betty said. “I haven’t either, but the West Blue inhabitants said it has been closed off from the rest of the world after an incident that left them without a ruler.” Bunny Joe said. Bunny Joe looked over Betty and watched as Koala walked by. “How’s she holding up”? Bunny Joe asked. “Koala’s been a real trooper, but I can tell this has been greatly affecting her.” Betty sadly admitted. “Her and Sabo are really close, I’m sure the news hit her hard.” Bunny Joe responded. With a possible lead Belo Betty headed out for Radio Island later that night. As her ship neared the island, Betty brought the vessel to a stop as she noticed the large metal towers surrounding the island. Betty didn’t know why but her instincts were telling her that she shouldn’t continue on the large ship. Instead Betty boarded a smaller lifeboat and rowed toward the island. With the help of the lights on the radio towers Betty was able to safely row closer towards Radio. Suddenly a shadow in the water rocketed towards Betty. In a split second Betty was able to come to the horrifying conclusion that the shadow was a torpedo. Betty had no choice but to jump into the sea, the water immediately paralyzed the devil fruit user. By this point the torpedo had made contact with the little boat and engulfed it in a massive fiery explosion. Betty tried to move but the sea water had left her weak, somehow she was able to manage to lift her hand out of the water. Betty knew there probably wouldn’t be anyone there to save her, but she had to try. As Betty felt herself begin to sink further under the waves she suddenly felt herself being yanked upwards. Betty breached the surface of the sea and began spitting up water, gasping for air not long after. Betty looked up at her rescuer. “Lind”? Betty asked. Sure enough Betty saw the wide grin of the Southern commander. The two were currently hovering over the water thanks to Lindbergh’s jetpack. “Hey, Betty! Looks like I made it just in time.” Lindbergh said. The Mink quickly flew his companion and him to land where Lindbergh gently placed Betty on the soft sand of the beach. The Eastern commander was drenched in cold sea water and shaking like an earthquake. Lindbergh took off his orange overcoat and placed it over Betty to help warm her up for the time being until the Mink was able to get a fire going. Lindbergh rushed to gather the materials needed for the fire. He quickly set a fire pit up and got it lit. Once the flames were going Lindbergh helped move Betty next to the fire.  After being warmed up for a bit Betty spoke up. “What the heck is going on”? Betty asked weakly. “We were fighting against the Admirals when an incident happened between Cipher Pol and one of the attending royal families. Sabo had us go and investigate, when we got there we discovered the body of the Alabasta king Cobra and princess Vivi, who was about to be assassinated by Cipher Pol. We managed to stop the assassination and decided to bring Vivi back to Sabo for further instructions.” Lindbergh explained as he prepared a pot of tea. He placed the pot over the fire before continuing. “However when we returned, we were shocked to find Kuma had joined the battle. He hadn’t joined as an alley though, nor an enemy. Instead Kuma had gone off on a full blown rampage. He was charging at everyone, friend and foe alike. Sabo was worried about Kuma hurting himself more then he already was from his enslavement to the Celestial Dragons, so Sabo used himself as bait to distract Kuma until we returned. We had made it back in time to see Kuma use his paw paw powers to send Sabo flying. Kuma then set his sights on us. Karasu managed to distract Kuma long enough for Morley to sneak up and grab Kuma from behind.” Lindbergh said.
“So how did you end up here then and what happened to Sabo”? Betty asked.
“Well it turned out Kuma wasn’t as secure as we had thought. Karasu and I were trying to remove the slave collar around Kuma’s when Vivi approached us. Apparently the key had fallen off of Saint Charlos during the confrontation in Pangea’s court yard. She helped me with removing the device, but once we got it off Kuma was able to move his hand just enough to send Morley flying. With Morley now gone it was easy for Kuma to toss the rest of us off. Karasu quickly gathered Vivi and I up right as Kuma tagged him, so we all got teleported together.” Lindbergh continued. “And Kuma sent you guys here”? Betty asked. “Yeah, I have no idea why but he sent all of us here. When we landed Sabo and Morley were waiting for us.” Lindbergh said. Betty looked around her surroundings. “So, where is everyone then”? Betty asked. “That’s the bad news, apparently the locals don’t take to kindly to the Revolutionary Army. We walked to a nearby town and the residents immediately recognized us as Revolutionaries. The whole town began chasing after us and these towns folk are on a whole different level compared to those we have interacted in the past.” Lindbergh explained. “Different how”? Betty asked puzzled. “For one they aren’t as fragile and scared as other town folk, they knew where we stood on the Revolution ladder, yet they still confronted us. The next, well I don’t know how to describe it except for vocal haki.” Lindbergh said. “Wait, they know about us? How? And what is Vocal..Haki”? Betty questioned. “I don’t know, my best guess is that they somehow found out by word of mouth or worse...We have a spy in our ranks. As for the Vocal Haki, they appear to build up energy through humming, then they either release it physically or vocally. Unfortunately for Sabo he got exposed to this vocalization. If it was anyone lower than Sabo’s level this haki would have knocked them out. Sabo was left very disoriented after exposure. Morley tried to provide back up but by this time the island’s law enforcement arrived.” Lindbergh said. “They call themselves Radio Rangers. They wear cowboy hats and tan dusters, if you see them avoid them at all cost.” Lindbergh warned. “Just the citizens alone sound tough enough, how much worse are these Rangers”? Betty asked in morbid curiosity. “Way worse, best I can scale them at is Marine captain level.” Lindbergh said. “We found out the hard way as four of them went after Morley. You remember how I said vocal haki can also be released physically? Well that’s what happened. The crazy thing is that these Rangers didn’t even use their fist, all they did was touch Morley with an open palm and they fell right over.” Lindbergh said. “Sounds like the vocal haki did damage to Morley internally. What about Karasu”? Betty asked worried. “ He was putting up a good fight, Karasu was giving those Rangers a run for their money. His devil fruit was making it really difficult for the enemy to target him. Karasu had managed to knock two Rangers into the mud before more Rangers showed up with better equipment.” Lindbergh recalled. Betty continued to listen, her heart beat increasing from the anxiety and worry about what happened to Karasu. Betty nearly jumped when the tea kettle began to whistle. Lindbergh removed the kettle from the fire and poured tea into two cups. He handed one of the cups to Betty. She took a sip, eager to warm up. “Thank you.” Betty told Lindbergh. Lindbergh acknowledged Betty’s gratitude with a nod before focusing his attention toward a large glowing radio tower within the island. His tone changing to that of dire concern. “These guys must have a spy infiltrating our group, when their science unit arrived they brought with them a special gun. Karasu was in the air when they fired it. This thing was specifically designed to work against Karasu’s devil fruit. It launched a gum like substance and it stuck to Karasu and all of his crows. Luckily Karasu wasn’t that far up in the air when he came crashing down.” Lindbergh said, his back facing Betty. There was no response.
“ I warned Sabo to try not to get caught. Don’t get me wrong the kid has a good heart, its just.... its just that he needs to look before he leaps, he’s not a pirate, he’s a Revolutionary, the second in command. He doesn’t have the luxury to be reckless. If Sabo had just paid more attention, then he would’ve known this place didn’t like Revolutionaries. If he had just looked into it....Sabo would’ve been weary of me.” Lindbergh finished. There came a soft “thud”. Lindbergh turned around to find Betty collapsed on the sand. Lindbergh walked up to Betty and knelt down, observing Betty’s breathing. “Good, it looks like the sleeping drug did its job.” Lindbergh said to himself. Lindbergh stood back up. “Clear”! Lindbergh shouted. From behind the trees and rocks Rangers came running out, surrounding Lindbergh and Betty. The group drew their rifles and pointed them at Betty. “ Its okay, she’s out cold.” Lindbergh stated. “Sorry sir, but we don’t want to take any chances.” One Ranger replied. “ Stand down, that’s an order.” Lindbergh said. The Rangers seemed caught off guard by the cat Mink’s response. After some hesitation the group lowered their weapons. Lindbergh gave a sincere smile. “I appreciate everyone’s concern. If it’ll make the group feel any better, I’ll place Betty in sea stone leg and handcuffs to restrain her and prevent her from using her devil fruit.” Lindbergh said. The Rangers looked at each other before giving a nod to Lindbergh. Lindbergh then gently scooped up Betty into his arms, removing her sunglasses and hat. “Its still dark out so there shouldn’t be anyone out, but I don’t want to take any chances of one of he residents seeing another Revolutionary, so lets take the backroads.” Lindbergh said. “Do we have an update on the ship Betty came on” ? Lindbergh asked. “Omega squad is chasing the Revolutionary ship away from our borders as we speak sir.” A Ranger spoke up. “Alright, let’s head back to the palace then.” Lindbergh said. And with that the group headed off onto the dark road.
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