#( jodiexgraves. )
kitaylcr · 3 years
In the first 24 hours of Kit’s hospital admittance, he had seen such a whirlwind of faces that he wasn’t sure if half of them had been real or figments of his imagination. For the briefest of seconds he had been awake, he knew at least that Sawyer had been sitting beside his bed, although the only other times he had woken up was when a nurse or doctor had snuck inside to check his stats. This time though the beeping of the machines had lulled Kit awake like waves lapping up onto the shore, and for the first time since his arrival, he could actually feel the sunlight stark upon his eyelids.
He blinked awake, confusion slapping him each time he stared blankly around the room as he pieced together where he was and why. Each time the crushing reminder that he could’ve been left for dead in that alleyway thanks to his addiction, if Andy hadn’t been there. “Do I look as bad as I feel? ‘Cause I feel like a hot sack of shit.” Kit wondered as he dared to move his face an inch to the right, a weak smile twitching the corners of his mouth.
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remicastillo · 3 years
WHERE: Remi’s house WITH: @jodiexgraves​
It had been a while since Jodie and Remi had really hung out, mostly because their jobs didn’t often offer them time off together, and partly because Remi had been spending a lot of time with Jodie’s brother. They had known each other whilst growing up but had grown a lot closer during the time of Sawyer’s imprisonment, the two women leaning on each other for support. It had been comforting, almost, to know that Remi wasn’t suffering alone, but she had discovered a way to push aside her own feelings of the situation so she could help Jodie process it and move forwards.
“So,” Remi began as she carried in bowls of chips and popcorn for them to snack on with their wine. She had made her living room nice and cosy with candles and background music to hopefully help the two of them relax a little. “How’s your week been? I hope those kids haven’t been running you ragged.” she joked teasingly as she tossed a piece of popcorn into her mouth.
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sawyergraves · 3 years
MAY 2016
Location: Primordial MC Clubhouse
With: @jodiexgraves
Nervous excitement unfurled in Sawyer's chest like wildfire as he paced through the clubhouse with an extra spring in his usual bowlegged gait. It crackled and popped a little more with each heartbeat, shoving shuddering waves into his every exhale. But the smile he’d woken up with that morning had yet to fade, even hours after the sun had dipped below the horizon. Despite the nerves crawling around in the pit of his stomach, he felt lighter— weightless, even— as he paraded around in makeshift circles and jagged figure eights, impatiently counting down the minutes until Remi got off work and he could see her again. After waking up beside her that morning, the thought of how effortlessly they’d fallen together still lingering at the forefront of his mind, Sawyer had finally gotten his heart around her. Between all the back and forth and the will they, won’t they, Sawyer was ready to leap without looking and make a commitment to someone for the first time in his life. He was ready for her. Finally.
Now, he just needed to tell her.
Hearing the telltale squeak of the clubhouse door opening and shutting, Sawyer stopped his aimless pacing and pivoted around, the endless cycle of his thoughts temporarily waylaid by the sight of his sister, “Hey, sis,” he called out, his grin stretching wider as he turned it on her. Glancing over at the clock on the wall then back at Jodie, Sawyer frowned slightly, “Damn— ya just gettin’ off work?” It wasn’t the first time one of her parent-teacher conferences had held her over and so it was a fairly reasonable assumption for him to make, but as he drew closer to her, something felt...off. Whatever it was, he couldn’t put a name to it, but the tension in the air was so thick, Sawyer felt certain he could slice it with a knife if he tried. Too tense for just a parent-teacher conference. “Prospect— turn that shit off,” he ordered, gesturing at the speakers currently blasting an old, classic rock tune. Dipping his head to better see her, Sawyer shook his head, noting the way she appeared to be intentionally avoiding his gaze, “Jo, look at me. Ya alright?”
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scthcartcr · 3 years
Seth spends most mornings at the Diner, eating breakfast and drinking coffee. Sometimes he has Harley along with him and sometimes he convinces Emme to come on the weekends with the kids. It’s mostly greasy food and decent coffee but it’s a tradition he’s far from getting rid of. He sips on his coffee and reads the paper at the counter, keeping a watchful eye on the news. It’d been almost a week since the Rogues came into his home and never left. His hands still shake with anger at the thought of what happened— and what could’ve happened. Seth had to stare into the eyes of the woman that he loves as she panicked in fear of what would happen to them. He gulps down the hot rage that courses through his body, washing it down with coffee as the waitress places his breakfast in front of him, although he’s suddenly not hungry. Rubbing his tongue over his teeth for a moment, he notices Jodie out of the corner of his eye in the busy restaurant. “Seat over here if you want it,” he mentions to her with a shrug.
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kitaylcr · 3 years
WHERE: Outside Kit’s apartment WITH: @jodiexgraves​
Living on his own again had left Kit realising just how much he had been depending on other people keeping him grounded and occupied. Now that Sawyer was gone thanks to his tantrum, Kit had found himself inviting over people he hardly even knew just so he didn’t have to spend another moment alone with his thoughts. His bed was often kept warm every night, and even when it wasn’t, he was too high to even realise. 
His days had become somewhat disorganised now though, and Kit was finding more and more often that he had very little interest or motivation in doing anything until he’d had his fix. He had fallen into quicksand, and everywhere he looked there was no one in sight. That was until now though, when he had been helplessly trying to shove what was clearly the wrong key into his door. “Come on, you fuckin’ piece of shit.” Kit groaned as he rested his forehead against the cool metal door. He heard footsteps trudging up the staircase leading to his apartment, and he didn’t turn to look at them until they’d reached him. “Uh-” he closed his eyes momentarily, swallowing hard. “If you’re lookin’ for your brother, he ain’t here. And when you find him, can you tell him I need his spare key ‘cause I can’t get this fucker to open.”
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sawyergraves · 3 years
Location: Olympus Community Center
With: @jodiexgraves​
It was amazing how thirty minutes could feel more like a lifetime whenever they were spent under a microscope, with his moods and motivations being examined like they were some sort of science experiment. Sawyer remained mute for most of it, which only served to make the time drag on even slower than it already was. But in his mind, there was nothing to talk about, nothing left to explore. The biker already knew why he'd gone after Travis like a rabid dog five years ago— he'd thought that part of the story was glaringly obvious— so why the woman across from him felt the need to keep hammering him about it week after week was lost on him. Sawyer was reclined back in his seat, lounging like a lazy housecat, with a slight smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. It seemed to bother her, the way the leatherclad man in front of her appeared to have no remorse over what he'd done, but the bottom line was that Sawyer couldn’t pretend to be something he wasn’t. He didn’t regret what’d done to Travis, he only regretted what happened afterwards, and there was no amount of talking to anyone that would fix any of that.
"You're going to have to say something at some point, Mr. Graves," the therapist sighed, slowly closing his file and setting it aside on her desk. Glancing up from his hands, the biker met her gaze, brow raising slightly, "Ain’t nothin’ to say,” Sawyer supplied, his shoulders raising in a slight shrug as he sat up in his seat. "Sometimes it really is as simple as it looks, Doc." Clearing his throat, he rose from his seat and pulled his attendance slip from the inside pocket of his cut. Unfolding it, he smoothed out the wrinkles and unceremoniously dropped it onto her desk for her to sign, "We done here?"
Swiping his signed slip and tucking it back into his pocket, Sawyer abruptly turned on his heel and shouldered his way out of the small office, eager to be rid of all the awkward staring and the deafening silence exchanged between the two of them. The therapist was only doing her job and Sawyer didn’t fault her for trying to crack him open, but both of them knew that the only reason he was even sitting in front of her was because the court had required it. He was halfway out of the main office when he nearly collided with someone else, but it was only once he looked down that he realized it was none other than his sister. "Jo? Hey," he murmured, glancing around a little uncomfortably as he shoved his hands into his pockets. Shifting his weight between his feet, he didn’t know whether to blame the awkward air on the setting, or just accept it as their new normal ever since he’d been released, "What're ya doin' here?"
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sawyergraves · 3 years
How is your relationship with your sister?
“Not where I’d like for it to be, that’s for damn sure. But...we’re workin’ on it. We’re a ‘work-in-progress,’ I guess. I dunno. Shit changed five years ago and I don’t pretend not to know why. Just focused on fixin’ it now.”
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