#( it wasn't /so/ cutting but it did get harsh in places dskfhsdk )
resolutepath · 2 months
*puts on ninja cloak* ✵ Iruka for Kakashi (I'm preparing myself for this to be lowkey unimpressive and borderline insulting to his abilities 🤭)
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Their first impression of your muse: Weak. Not suitable to be a shinobi because his heart is too prominent on his sleeve. There was little regard towards Iruka as an individual because at this point in his life, Kakashi was fully immersed in the nature of the shinobi, scorning any who did not fit into the view of them that he'd internalised. To him, Iruka was essentially deadweight, likely to bring any team down, and someone who did not follow the rules that he held so important. In the end there was little regard towards Iruka and he considered him one of those shinobi who would end up on the memorial stone within a year of making chunin.
Current impression: More than he appears. Kakashi, who is now on the path to healing, is willing to acknowledge that Iruka is both a capable shinobi and an emotive person. He can be both. He recognises the ferocity in Iruka, that the man can use his passion and feelings to an advantage to defend (the fact that Iruka stood up to him does resonate, even if he was cutting at the time). Does he think its a sensible choice? Absolutely not, he still finds Iruka baffling, but he suits the role he plays in the village. Just as Kakashi is a weapon, Iruka is a protector and educator.    
Are they attracted to your muse?: He does not know it for reasons I've mentioned before, aka Kakashi and connections. They went to the grave with his teammates and sensei and father*. Is Iruka someone who has forced themself into his realm of awareness and has Kakashi acknowledged him, however? Yes. Definitely. He's recognised Iruka as an individual rather than one of the many chunin who pass through the village, he's given time to learn his name, his identity, things that matter to him. He'll spend time with him, and the most telling, he'll turn up on his doorstep when he's injured or chakra depleted but avoiding the hospital. So is he attracted? No. But Iruka is something to Kakashi. *There are some connections that Kakashi has but through sheer belligerence of the other side aka Gai & Tenzo.  
Something they find frightening about your muse: How obviously he wears his heart on his sleeve. It's a target waiting to be stabbed, a weakness ready to be exploited, an easy way to get hurt and he's doing nothing to protect it.
Something they find adorable about your muse: The moment before Iruka yells when his expression changes. It's one of the few things that spark his more impish nature and encourage him to anatagonise more. He also thinks Iruka is adorable with Naruto in all the ways the boy needs.  
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: Initially no, simply because Kakashi knows his value to the village. Who is worth more - the sensei or The CopyNin / Sharingan Kakashi who has more missions under his belt than everybody except the three sanin, has anbu experience and can manage Naruto if things go wrong with his seal to an extent. There's no contest. Later, however, we know that changes because Kakashi steps in between Iruka and Pein. I think by then Kakashi has acknowledged that the future does not need weapons, the future needs those willing to nurture it. And if he dies fighting his best to protect the future, then that's the end he can ask for.
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  Not knowingly. Again, Kakashi and connections. That being said, he is not averse to spending some time at Ichiraku's or an izakaya and update Iruka on Naruto's progression either directly or by sharing updates he's received from who Naruto is training with. Does laying on Iruka's floor bleeding count as a date? Again as time goes on and Kakashi comes to acknowledge there is something there, he's curious to prod at it so more willing to explore with Iruka.
One word my muse would use to describe yours: Hurricane. Because while Kakashi is a leaf (shinobi) following the direction of the wind, Iruka is the hurricane that throws off the course he's known and shows possibility. It also describes his personality.  
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: No he prefers to offer cutting remarks in a cold tone with no emotion.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: Kiss eventually, hug he's more reluctant. Kissing is fleeting and he can back away if necessary (when he's ready to acknowledge all that is brewing). Before, the answer is no, why would he? But a hug is a lingering gesture and it makes him feel antsy, it takes him some time to get used to them.
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↪ Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following. // @uminosensei
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