#( idk if the normal yakuza wear bird masks but I just drew them bc they look cool tbh )
blessedquirk · 5 years
Kiku’s Parents
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akari ;;
name: akari deguchi
gender: female
birthday: 29th april
age: 38
quirk: telekinesis- she is able to manipulate and move up to five objects at any given time
occupation: villain, member of the yakuza
appearance: around 5′6, short salmon hair with long bangs, yellow eyes, a scar across her left eye
family: osamu deguchi (father), rin deguchi (mother)
 kenzou ;;
name: kenzou bushida, ren aihara (former)
gender: male
birthday: 5th january
age: 37
quirk: speed- he is able to move at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour.
occupation: member of the yakuza (former), taekwondo teacher (former), freelance writer (current)
appearance: 5′11, long purple hair, blue eyes, glasses
family: kazuki aihara (mother), takumi aihara (father), yuu aihara (younger sister)
 history ;;
akari and ren met in their first year of high school in saitama, japan. they became friends quite quickly, which came as a surprise to many of their peers, considering how different they were. ren was rather studious when they first met, very polite and softly spoken, but withdrawn from his classmates. akari, on the other hand, was considered to be quite a troublemaker, and was extremely stubborn and somewhat aggressive at times, and didn’t care much about her studies. she also often committed petty crimes like vandalism and theft. despite their odd dynamic, they grew very close, and ren soon fell head over heels for akari.
they started dating just before they went back to school at the start of second year, and ren began acting differently. his grades were steadily dropping, and he became more and more outspoken and disruptive. soon akari had dragged him into her lifestyle, the two of them going out and getting into trouble with the police every other week. eventually akari told ren about her parents’ links with the yakuza, and he promised to join with her once they left high school. he followed through on his word, and as soon as they could they became members, and also get engaged shortly after they graduated school, although they never ended up being married.
after a few years, akari fell pregnant, and she gave birth to a baby girl, who they named kiku. ren began to pull back a bit from the organisation in order to take care of her, though he still ran his own taekwondo dojo, which doubled as a meeting place for yakuza members. violence began to frequent the city a lot more, and ren began growing more and more concerned for his daughter’s safety. eventually akari declared that they were moving to another province in order to be a part of a bigger branch of the yakuza, where the jobs would be a lot more dangerous. akari headed off to their new home, but ren never followed. as soon as she was out of town, he packed up what he could, got a new identity for both him and kiku, and took her to masutafu, where he knew all might was most active and where the crime rates were lowest. he set up a freelance writing business under his new name- kenzou bushida- and began to teach kiku self defence as soon as he could, but he’s never told her anything about her mother or his previous position as a member of the yakuza.
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