#( i woke up in the middle of the night after crashing out at like 6pm to see THIS. )
mielmoto · 1 month
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( inspired by this post, if i were a betting man )
@dcviated / Diluc said:
"There are however, some things about Mondstadt... that I hope never change." That's a loaded glance Diluc is casually passing over at you, Honey.
She rather likes a lot about this land: from the generally jovial mood of its people and the at-times sleepy pace of life, centered around simple trades and shared celebrations; to the wind which sweeps down from the mountains to caress the valley, carrying dandelion seeds and whispers of songs from afar.
That doesn't mean she struggles to listen to his counterpoints and criticism of his homeland; rather the opposite, the sweetmaker lends her ear eagerly as Mr. Ragnvindr reminisces on how the nation, and the city itself—rising in fachwerk facades around them on any given side, pale bricks and dark, saturated timber—have changed over the years, and levies some stern words against those things which he saw needed more adjustment... it is proof, in its way, that he cares very deeply for his homeland, on some level—that he should expect better from it, and its people.
As he goes on, her gaze wanders from him to the sights around, taking inventory of the windmills which turned, stirred by the warm summer breeze, and the merchants who milled about the lower quarter of the city, going about their daily business; occasionally flitting down to a little sketchbook she has under one hand, taking inspiration from their surroundings, and their conversation, to scheme some new showpiece for the store window.
It's in one such moment where he quiets, then makes his contrary remark, and the meaningful pause which comes after draws her attention back up to look at him before long—obligingly curious, at first, to seek his meaning.
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Only, of course, to find that meaning laid out quite clearly in his gaze.
Loaded, indeed; with quite enough force to see an uncharacteristically nervous laugh bubble over candy lips, and a flushed color claim the tips of pointed ears... but she's only shy for half a beat, before her expression slips somewhere gentler, soft cheeks rising to make crescents of lavender eyes—taking him in, in turn.
❝ ...yeah. Me too. ❞
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imbumkyung · 5 years
I Saw It In A Movie One Time (ch.2) - reincarnation
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
“She’ll be okay,” the man said
Kaileia lay on a towel that CJ and Miko set up. A man that was out surfing saw Kai getting washed up by the ocean and quickly pulled her out
“She probably just took in some water and passed out from shock but she’ll be good,” He finished, offering a nod to her friends.
“Oh, okay. Thank you so much,” Miko smiled before he went on his way, his wetsuit and board leaving a wet trail behind him. She was thankful they didn’t need 911 because to be real honest here, they were all broke as heck.
Not too long later Kai coughed a few times before waking up.
“Dude are you okay?” CJ asked
“Yeah I’m fine I just have a headache right now,” Kai replied, her voice filled with fatigue.
“Oh my god I thought you died,” Melissa said, half joking.
Kaileia didn’t remember what happened the rest of that night, only that Miko let her sleep over at her place. So when she awoke the next morning in a room that wasn’t hers, it wasn’t alarming at all.
What was alarming though was that she was asleep way longer than she thought she’d be. Usually she slept in until it was about ten to eleven a.m. Now, it was already two p.m. She stayed in bed for a little nonetheless, her inner monologue explaining the tasks of the day: walk the dogs, go to the gym, get that TB test and fingerprint scan done so you can start working soon. Mustering up as much leg strength as she could, she got up to go get ready for the day. She searched for her backpack with her change of clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste and all her other things, the only thing missing was her phone for her morning music. Puzzled, she couldn’t find it anywhere in her bag and come to think of it, she’d never seen this room in Miko’s house before. And the day looked a lot more glum than the usual Kauai sun.
“Miko? Have you seen my phone?” She questioned aloud enough for her to hear if she was downstairs. To no avail, she tried again, “Miko?”
Did Miko have somewhere to be this morning? She couldn’t call her without a phone so she figured she’d find a house phone and made her way downstairs. As soon as she openned the door of the bedroom, she froze
I have no idea who’s house this is.
A white hallway with a room straight across, a bathroom to the right and a staircase to the left. Carefully going down the staircase she was even more shocked and afraid— I really don’t know who’s house this is.
She found a smaller sized kitchen and a living room next to it, big enough to fit two couches and a TV, the front door on the upper right corner.
She picked up the house phone hanging right by the kitchen, only to realize she didn’t even know Miko’s number— it was saved to the cell phone she couldn’t find. Was I kidnapped? Am I in a murderer’s home?
Call mom, you idiot
Her hands scrambled in panic as she dialed her moms number,
“You have reached the voicemail box of pause Susie May, please leave a message! At the to—”
Who the fuck is Susie May? Spotting a pair of car keys on the table, Kaileia didn’t know where she was going, or what she would do, but she needed to get out of this murderer’s house as fast as she could. She ran up the stairs, her knees quivering from fear she paid as least mind to as she possibly could, grabbed her backpack, took the keys and ran outside. Walking as fast as she could, she smashed the lock button until she heard a beeping from one of the cars. Discovering which car the key belonged to, she put it in ignition and drove.
Nothing was familiar. Absolutely nothing. The island she lived on was small enough for her to have explored it all as she lived there for a whole 19 years, so it made no sense she’d never seen this place before. Her conclusion: the kidnapper took her to a land unknown. And she couldn’t go back to that house. Ever.
She made a right, and a left, and another right, trying to find something familiar. It took one wrong right at a stop light she didn’t realize— and a cop was right there. He signaled for her to pull over, most likely to ticket her for this minor mistake. Kai sighed— this is the last thing right now. I’m literally fleeing my kidnapper.
She rolled down her window, “Is there a reason you didn’t stop at the stop sign, ma’am?” The officer in black sunglasses asked. There was no reason for the sunglasses, really.
She shook her head, still in shock from everything that’s happened, especially from being questioned by a cop— the last time something like this happened, she had to pay so much money to fix her own car, and still needed to pay because the lady she crashed into went to physical therapy— taking the advice of her claims assistant, even tho Kai had left nothing more than a crack of paint on said lady’s car. In short, Kai wasn’t ready to be broke all over again.
“License, registration and insurance, please,” He requested.
She nodded, and scrambled the compartment to look for the information she knew she didn’t have. It surprised her though, she did find the registration and insurance. She left that into her lap to find her license in her backpack. She froze. It had her name and her picture but it was missing the rainbow and the blue letters reading “Hawaii”. It was instead a normal creme colored background and read “Washington” across the top. She scrambled back to the registration and insurance in her lap— both under her very own name. She couldn’t think. Shakily and obviously very nervous, she handed all three documents to the officer.
He received them with a nod, then took them to the police car, most likely to run her records. But how is this car under her name? How did she end up in Washington, and why Washington? What the fuck was here, that brought her here? Theres literally no reason to be here. It’s cloudy, it’s cold, it’s depressing.
He brought all three back to her, “Well there’s nothing on your record, and I’ve decided I’ll let you off with a warning,” he concluded.
Kai sighed gratefully, “Thank you so much Officer”
“You be careful now,” he advised, and his radio went off
“Chief Swan, do you copy?” A man said over the system
He nodded to her before dismissing her. She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
Washington. I’m in Washington. What am I doing in the mainland? How is this car mine? Everyone here dresses weird. Could it be, that the house is also mine? Don’t be stupid. You might fall into the murderer’s trap. You should have told the officer while you had the chance. I mean you still do, technically. They haven’t moved and neither have you.
Maybe we could just check? You’re seriously gonna take a chance on death? Maybe.
Without thinking, she circled around the town before going back to the house she woke up in. It was now 6pm. If the murderer was to return, they’d have surely been home by now, right? But the sight she saw in front of her house was anything but a murderous aura. It was a father and his son riding on his little tikes bicycle in front of the drive way, just passing through. Warily but quickly, she walked to the front door, the umbrella she found in the back seat now in her right hand, ready to stab whoever it was that was gonna grab her as soon as she opened the door— only there was no one. All she saw was the house with everything in the exact position it was left.
I should call 911
She quickly searched for any cabinets until she found one filled with documents, proving ownership of the house, so she’d have an address and hopefully a name to provide whoever would assist her on the other line. Only for her heart to stop after reading the name of the homeowner: Kaileia Mahelona
Brows furrowed and eyes wide, she read the name over and over again, searching for any documents to prove otherwise but— nothing. Did this house belong to her? She stood frozen in that spot, no reaction, no other thoughts, just her trying to grasp onto the concept that this is either all some sick joke, a dream, or she is actually in another reality. Maybe I was reincarnated early?
Kaileia stalked across the kitchen and grabbed the remote, turning on the TV. None of the news was out of the ordinary— well at least for someone who didn’t pay too much attention to the news regularly. Immigration protests, some world cup final, tainted spinach and the shocking news on the Crocodile Hunter’s death. Surely they meant his death anniversary.
No. It was his actual death. With a photo of him and the words underneath reading “Steve Irwin, 1962-2006”
Two-thousand what now?
“This ain’t it, sis” she whispered, hands of stress running through her hair. She shook her head in disbelief.
Definitely not real. Wake up Kai, come on wake up. If it’s 2006, you’re literally six years old right now.
Her peripherals caught a computer she hadn’t seen there before. From there, she discovered that she was actually in Forks, Washington, it was definitely 2006, and that the Marvel universe exists here. So talking about Spiderman wouldn’t make her look like a mad man. Which is great, because she loves Spiderman. Also Deadpool. Okay that’s besides the point.
“What am I to do? I don’t think I have a job and I’m definitely not in school,” she thought to herself. Without a second thought, she left the house yet again and drove.
“Another hiker presumed dead, searches still going on for the killer animal—” a voice on the radio spoke. Killer animals? What the hell is going on, Forks? Distracted by her thoughts while driving along the never ending path along the mountain, a wolf suddenly ran across about 50 feet from her, still close enough for her to register that this was in fact NOT a normal sized wolf. It was about five times the size of what she’d expected.
She rounded a corner and caught sight of a party. “Forks High School Prom” a giant banner read across the entrance of the venue. She decided to park here, the lights were a pretty sight as she tried to pay no mind the awkward couple dancing in the middle of the lawn. The girl wore a purple dress with a boot and the boy with a suit on, skin paler than the Korean pop stars her friend Miko was obsessed with. It looked like that scene from Twilight. She was unknowingly staring— he dipped her low and placed a soft kiss on her neck. Another action that reminded her of the twilight movie. Kaileia hadn’t seen it since Elementary school.
The couple were about to exit the canopy when Kai thought, “careful girl, he’s probably a vampire”. It was only a joke, alluding to the Twilight movie that happened in Forks with this exact ending scene when the boy froze. He turned in the direction of Kaileia’s car and— ah shit.
“Can he hear me? How did he know to look exactly where I’m at?” She panicked
There’s no way this is happening. Hurriedly, she started the car and drove off.
Was that Edward Cullen? Was that really them? It has to be a real coincidence. Twilight is fiction. It’s literally cringe culture. But it could also explain that big ass wolf that jumped out of nowhere. It would explain why that girl looked so much like Bella.
Kai decided she couldn’t say or think anything about what she knows anymore. Edward can definitely hear her thoughts.
I can’t change the storyline. Everyone made it out alive at the end of Breaking Dawn. Don’t change that. I could die here. But if I died here would I go back to my old life? Possibly. It happened to that girl in Scarlet Heart: Ryeo.
Kai, that was a kdrama.
Twilight was a movie series!
All I have to do is survive. Don’t change the story lines. Try not to get involved.
She parked the car in the driveway this time instead of across the street, rounding the corner to the door but froze as she saw the same boy who was just dancing at the prom.
“Can I help you, sir?” She asked him, trying her best to project her voice and mask her timidness
He turned, his eyes going first then the rest of his body behind him, “Hi, I’m Edward Cullen”
She nodded, “Hi. What are you doing here?” She asked, wanting to get straight to the point
He paused, realizing he didn’t prepare a lie to tell her and having no real justification besides “I heard your thoughts. How do you know what I am?” Of course, he didn’t say this out loud, he can’t jump to conclusions and expose his kind. Instead, he excused, “I must have gotten the wrong house.”
Kai nodded, keeping her thoughts silent and slipping past him, rushing to get inside and lock the door. She let out an exhale of relief after being inside.
He’s onto me.
Tags: @sunflowerspectre
Thank you for reading!
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yourpharma360 · 5 years
How Ambien Works ?
The Ambien defense was also utilized in the event of Julie Ann Bronson, a flight attendant from Texas.  Bronson took a few Ambien to help her sleep.  She went to bed early, and was drinking wine earlier in the afternoon.  She awakened in jail, still in her pajamas, barefoot and terrified.  She was horrified when she had been told that she had run such as an 18-month-old woman who suffered severe brain damage as a result of the mess.  "It was surreal.  It was just like a bad dream."  In May of 2012, Bronson pleaded guilty to the felonies of intoxication assault and failure to stop and render aid.  "I did the crime but I never planned to do it," she testified.  "I wouldn't hurt a flea.  And if I would have hit on somebody, I'd have stopped and helped.   Ten decades bronson faced, but as a result of this Ambien defense, she will serve six months in prison and have ten years of probation.
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It was only in Patrick Kennedy's 2006 middle-of-the-night vehicle accident and explanation to arriving officers that he had been running late to get a vote the eccentric side effects of Ambien began to receive national attention.  Kennedy claimed the sleeping aid had been obtained by him and had no recollection of those events and Buy Ambien Online Overnight .
On March 29, 2009, 45, Robert Stewart, stormed to the Pinelake Health and Rehab nursing home in Carthage, North Carolina and opened fire, killing eight people and wounding two.  Stewart target was his estranged wife, who was employed as a nurse.  She hid in a bathroom and was unharmed.   Though there was evidence that Stewart's actions were premeditated (he allegedly had a target), Stewart's defense team successfully argued that since he was under the effect of Ambien, a sleep aid, at the time of the shooting, he was not in control of his activities.  Instead of the fees Stewart was convicted on eight counts of second-degree murder.  142 -- 179 years was received by him.
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As a result of this Schweigert verdict, an attorney used the Ambien defense by asserting his client's arrest had been shifted six months following by the drug's labeling to overturn a 2006 DWI conviction for a New Jersey woman.  The court agreed, stating it would be an"injustice to hold her accountable for the side effects of a popular and readily available medication that she was lawfully prescribed and properly handled." Not many prosecutors will consider the Ambien defense, and its position within criminal rules that are established is tenuous.  It doesn't actually fall under"voluntary intoxication," in which somebody is responsible for their intoxication and some other events that happen as a consequence of that intoxication.  The Ambien defendants took the medication, but they weren't aware they were drugging themselves in a means that could produce anything other.   The defendants knowingly took the medicine, because they're recorded as potential side effects in the information, and also the responses weren't unpredictable.  In the end, there's the"unconsciousness/sleepwalking" defense, where the individual is not responsible for the crime if he did not intentionally cause the sleepwalking or unconsciousness.  So that this defense does not really apply the whole motivation for taking Ambien at the first area is to create unconsciousness.
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After its approval, Ambien Dose rose to dominance in the sleep aid industry.  Travelers declared by it to fight jet lag, and girls, who suffer more insomnia purchased it.  Sanofi, the French manufacturer of Ambien, made $2 billion in earnings in its summit.  In 2007 Ambien's generic version was published, Zolpidem, and in less than $2 a tablet, it remains among the most prescribed medications in the usa, outselling painkillers such as prescription and Percocet strength ibuprofen. Not everyone who engages in bizarre behavior of accepting Ambien as a result ends up in trouble.  And a few people today enjoy the large they get from the drug so much they are willing to miss the blackouts and effects that result.  Recreational users started out taking the drug to treat insomnia, but discovered that if they fought the sleep-inducing effect of the drug, they could get really high.  "It's like having that drink in the pub when you realize you need to go home -- I would combat the pill's effects and stay up, often telling my friends mad things like how to turn the light inside the room in energy, or the way that paintings of forest scenes in their walls were actually drawings of mermaids bathing themselves into blood," writes one young woman whose dependence on Ambien caused increasingly bizarre and alienating behavior.  She continued staying awake regularly until one morning she awakened with a cut and two black eyes across her nose and taking the pill.  Her cushions were bloody, and a stranger was, wrapped in a rug, on her floor and naked.   This situation jarring, was not sufficient to get her to give Ambien up; the high was too good.   It wasn't until she was discovered wandering the Brooklyn streets in the middle of the night, almost nude, that she managed to give it up.
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Ironically, you are likely to succeed with the Ambien defense should you injure or kill someone than if you crash into a car or a tree.  DWI laws just need the prosecution to show that the defendant got and was loaded into a vehicle to drive.  There's no requirement.  When someone is hurt, nevertheless, it is up to the prosecutor to demonstrate that the suspect was conscious enough to become guilty of the crime.  It's hard to claim that they have knowledge of their actions, if people on Ambien are behaving in an automatic, or unconscious state.  That's why people prefer Lindsey Schweigert get permits while Donna Neely, that was sleep-driving on Ambien and murdered a mother of 11, was acquitted of vehicular manslaughter. Tiger Woods was also famously associated with Ambien when one of his mistresses claimed that she and the golfer could have"crazy Ambien sex"  Ambien reduces inhibitions and erases memories, an perfect combination for someone who's cheating on his spouse.  The buzz created by the drug seems to boost sex.  One girl described feeling"quite relaxed and sensuous" when she had sex on Ambien.  "I suddenly have floaty energy.  .  I am tired, but lively.  It's almost like I'm at a state.  I could compare it somewhat to weed, but nothing I've done really contrasts, in all honesty."
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Lindsey Schweigert took one Ambien Sleeping Pills  prior to getting into bed at 6pm.  She woke up with no idea how she'd gotten there.  In the following weeks, Schweigert pieced together the events of the night.  She'd gotten out of bed, drawn a tub, and left the house.  After leaving her house she began driving to a local restaurant but crashed shortly.  She was explained by police as glassy-eyed and swaying.   The flipside to Ambien's supposed attributes is the fact that it's becoming increasingly used as a date rape drug.  Actually, the single case of"sleep-sex" that appeared at an 2008 medical journal review of case reports on Ambien-related sleep behaviors involved the Ambien taker being raped.  The identical absence of inhibition together with amnesia which makes it possible for people indulge in behavior that is dishonest, to commit offenses, and also have sex on Ambien is an ideal formulation for a sexual predator.  Ambien is also readily accessible and more widely accessible than rohypnol, the drug related to date rape.
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Schweigert had.  She had never been in trouble with the law and was scared of losing her job and having a criminal record.  Prosecutors initially wanted to inflict a six month jail sentence as well as other punishments, but Schweigert's lawyer contended that Lindsey's bizarre behaviour on the night in question was a result of a drug which cautioned right on the tag that"After taking AMBIEN, you may get up from bed whilst not being completely awake and perform an activity that you do not understand you are doing.   In fact, the attorney argued, Schweigert must have been taken to jail, not to a hospital.  Prosecutors dropped the charges and enabled Lindsey to plead to the lesser charge.  
Shortly Ambien users resisted Sanofi because of eccentric behaviours while.  Based on attorney for the class action suit, Susan Chana Lask, folks were eating things like buttered eggs and cigarettes, complete with all the shells, while under the sway of Ambien.   He blames Ambien, but for lapses in his memory within five decades and an extended period of writer's block.  "...a great deal of my memory is gone.  If you've ever taken Ambien, I don't know, but it's kind of a memory-eraser.  This shit wiped out five decades of my life.  People might tell me stories, and it's like,"I did that?"   Eminem has maintained a few of his writing from this period, confessing to Rolling Stone that"It fucking out me...Letters all down the page -- it was like my hands weighed 400 pounds.  I have that shit.  As a reminder that I don't ever wish to go back."
Final Words
A part of the category of drugs known as hypnotics, ambien, was accepted by the FDA in 1992.  It was designed for short-term use to fight insomnia and was a welcome change in the prevailing sleep aid at the moment, Halcion, which had been implicated in psychosis, suicide, and addiction and had been banned in half a dozen countries.  Ambien works by activating the neurotransmitter GABA and binding it at precisely the exact same place as the benzodiazepines such as Xanax and Valium.  The extra GABA action triggered by the drug inhibits.  To put it differently, the brain is slowed down by it.  Ambien is effective at initiating sleep working within 20 minutes.  Unless it's taken in the release type, it does not, however, have an impact on sustaining sleep.
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I’ve been tagged by @whump-i-did-it-again, thanks a lot! I’m gonna have fun :)
a. Age: 21
b. Birthplace: Agen, France
c. Current time: 9:10AM 
d. Drink you last had: ... water. I’m pretty bland like that. 
e. Easiest person to talk to: my girlfriend, my mother and my grandmother. I can’t choose, I feel equally as calm when I’m talking with them. 
f. Favorite song: ... Am I supposed to pick just one? What is this??? This is really hard... I’m gonna have to mention at least two. The Islander by Nightwish, and Just a Car Crash Away by Marilyn Manson. 
g. Grossest memory: one time I came home after class and there was a bug so big on the wall, it didn’t fit inside a glass, so I had to crush it... Twice, because it was like really big... it then fell on the floor, and it was so gross I couldn’t pick it up for an hour. (Also that time when my nose bled for what felt like hours. It wasn’t especially gross, I don’t mind blood, but dear god, it was everywhere in my bathroom, and I hate cleaning.)
h. Horror yes or horror no: hm, horror why not. but mostly horror no, unless it’s with friends and we’re watching to make fun of the characters. 
i. In love?: Oh yes. Very much so. 
j. Jealous of people: all the time. Everyone has something I’m jealous of. 
k. Kids?: probably not. I mean, no one knows what the future is made of. But it’s a big no at the moment. 
l. Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: I don’t believe in love at first sight. 
m. Middle name: Edmée. Don’t laugh. 
n. Number of siblings: two! A younger brother, and an older half sister. 
o. One wish: to publish a whole fantasy cycle in book form. 
p. Person you last called: I don’t know, because I never answer the phone and I don’t feel comfortable calling people. Probably my mom, like, two weeks ago. 
q. Question you are often asked: “On se voit ?” (”how about we spend some time together?”), because I’m a socially anxious idiot and I always want to see my friends but never manage to actually do so. So everyone pretty much harasses me. 
r. Reason to smile: my girlfriend. I don’t think I could be any prouder. 
s. Song you last sang: I’ve been on a nostalgia trip lately, so last time was like 15min ago and it was Garçon, by Koxie. It came out when I was 11. I loved it. 
t. Time you woke up: I actually didn’t sleep, but I napped between 6PM and 9PM last night. So I guess you could say I woke up at 9PM. 
u. Underwear color: black, and pink. 
v. Vacation destination: I wish I could go to Denmark at the moment... for some reason... 
w. Worst habit: Picking my own skin, and playing with my piercings. 
x. X-rays?: of my spine, once. 
y. Your favorite food: pizza. I’m gay, of course it’s pizza. (sorry. The lesbian association has now claimed pizza. Pizza is gay now. Bye)
z. Zodiac sign: virgo!
Let’s tag @tenderalec, @cocythe, @justwhumpythings, @fyeahvulnerablemen, @whumpadoodle, and basically everyone who feels like it. Go wild, guys. 
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sad0nion · 3 years
so i'm gonna write down the events of june 2nd/3rd 2021 so i never forget how hellish it was if i ever think i want to move again
so we stayed at my aunt's in her trailer for a night, and are now staying there for a few days. but anyway, start of the 2nd, woke up in the trailer at about 5:45, got up at 6. left from here to got back down to the city so we can get all our shit in the truck.
first stop: gas station. mom's debit card goes missing, we can't find it. i should've realized that was a bad omen for the day. we get to the city in about an hour and a half.
we still have boxes open so we can put odd and ends in there. we pack the last bits, and i start throwing just so many expired condiments in the trash. why did we have them? who knows.
mom leaves to get the truck, and gets more boxes on her way back. so far, pretty chill, just tiring. we're just cleaning stuff out and getting stuff ready for movers. i spend a few minutes cleaning my bathroom. i'm very hot and sweaty already, and it's probably almost 100F outside already.
guy comes by to pick up our washer and dryer, which we sold him. he's very nice but mom thinks he was high. talks about his pregnant wife and how they thought about naming their son after the lake he was conceived at. idk why he told us this.
then, the guy who would take care of our yard every now and then comes by to take all our old mattresses. he's very nice and talks to us about keeping family close for about 15 minutes.
then the movers show up. they're three young guys and they get right to work. they're pretty efficient and start loading the truck. i start putting some stuff in our car. then i notice that my mom's two boxes of important things with a note that says "do not put in truck" on them are gone. they packed them in truck. we can see it but the boxes are already way back there. it would add another hour of work to get them. so we don't. it had my mom's clothes and medications. luckily, she uses a weekly pill box so she's not totally without meds, but her inhalers were in there and they're for sure ruined by the heat by now.
then it starts to look like we're not going to get everything in the truck. mom has a little meltdown. we have to get another truck. and we have to get someone to drive it. my aunt mary is already driving the big one. SO we call my aunt and uncle, and they start heading down. it's past 6pm at this point.
we order another truck, and while mom and aunt mary are going to get it, i vacuum and mop pretty much the entire house. we get the truck back, aunt mary takes off, and my aunt and uncle start loading it while my mom and i get everyone food and pick up my prescriptions. we get back to the house, i notice my mom has started limping.
i also realize that my aunt and uncle had to bring my grandma too. so my poor little grandma is sitting on a chair in the middle of this big empty living room. my aunt uses her phone to put on the music for her to listen to. it's too loud and it kinda pisses me off but i stuff it. it's dark outside
my aunt and uncle load the truck while mom and i clean and get odds and ends and i put the last little bit of our food in the cooler. we get a call from aunt mary, saying that someone crashed on the road up to where we're moving and started a small forest fire. mary is going to have to turn around, and there's no quick way up to the mountains now.
we finished up at the house at about 10pm. i stand in an empty and dark house that is no longer my home and say goodbye. i lock up.
my aunt and uncle take off for an alternate route back to their house that's maybe 3+ hours. my mom can't do the drive, we're too tired and it's too much. mary's mom offers her guest room to us, which is very nice and we appreciate very much.
we don't have any clothes or toiletries because we weren't planning on staying down here in the city, so we go to walmart and buy shirts, pajama pants, underwear, and socks. it comes out to like $70 because we didn't care about prices while choosing stuff. we pay and go to mary's mom's house.
mary's mom is wonderful and is staying up hours after her normal bedtime to help us. she washes our walmart clothes for us, and we sit and drink water while they wash. mary was finally able to turn the truck around and gets to her mom's house, too, at almost midnight. my mom takes a shower while i stand right outside to make sure she doesn't pass out. i take a shower, and then we go to bed about around 1am. my whole body aches, i have just so many bruises, and i'm sweating even in the cool house after a shower.
neither my mom and i can sleep for a while. when i sleep, it's dreamless. we get up a little before 6am. mary is already gone with the truck, so mom and i take off too. we get back to my aunt and uncle's place and we don't have the key to open the gate so that takes a while and i have to walk around the property to get to the front door.
we finally get back into the trailer and feed our poor cats. then we nap until after noon.
through this whole thing there were multiple crying fits by both me and my mom. i'm sure i missed some stuff and idk if i can ever properly describe how physically and emotionally tired i was and still kinda am.
future me, if you're reading this, it was worse than you remember. it was that bad, don't sugar coat it in your memory.
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You’re My Wonderwall 2 || D.H.
A/N: Here’s the second part, I actually like this one more than the first one!
Word Count: 1.8K
POV: Reader
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“Did you put him in his place?” Liane asked as soon as I re-entered the room that I shared with my two best friends.
They had been curiously waiting for me to come back. It was actually a very unlike me thing to do, you know, to just storm outside ready to yell at people. I’m glad Dan, the wonderwall singer, managed to drive me that crazy today.
“Uhmm” I stuttered sheepishly. “Not quite”
“How did you get him to stop then?” Frankie wanted to know with a puzzled look on her face.
I scratched the back of my head.
“I just told him his singing is awful.” I said, shrugging my shoulders.
I got into bed and slipped under my blanket again.
“And that drunk guy didn’t punch you in the face for that?” Liane half-joked.
“Nah, Dan is actually very nice.”
“Woah woah hold up. ‘Dan’?”
Liane and Frankie both sat up straight in their beds. Suddenly they weren’t tired anymore and the fact that we had to get up early tomorrow was forgotten.
I felt myself blush a little bit under the eager eyes of my friends. They were like two hungry wolves and gossip or stories about boys were their prey.
“I am actually going on a date with him tomorrow.” I smiled as Liane started squealing.
I shortly told them what happened and they couldn’t believe that this was how I met my summer love.
“So this Dan guy, what’s the deal with him? Is he attractive, cute, handsome, funny?” Frankie asked just for the record.
“Very” I heard myself swoon.  
“Wait, which one is it now?” Liane wondered.
“All of them.”
 When I woke up the next morning after roughly 4 hours of sleep I didn’t feel like a zombie at all. I knew that I was going to see Dan again today and the thought got me so excited that there was no room for tiredness.
I sat down at the breakfast table and I was practically glowing. My face was as bright as the sun or something.
Frankie and Liane knowingly grinned at each other and I was too happy to even roll my eyes at them.
An hour later we arrived in Cannes by train. The thing about Cannes is that everybody thinks it’s super pretty and glamorous but when we arrived there we didn’t see much of that glamour.
There was not much to do besides going shopping.
“Let’s get Y/N an outfit for her date!” one of my friends exclaimed and the rest of the girls cheered.
They were literally as hyped as me although it was just a little date, right? Oh god who am I even kidding.
“But nothing too extra!” I laughed as we walked into the first store together.
After we had spent a few hours shopping we took the train back to our little town. We arrived at our apartment right in time so that I had nearly an hour to get ready for my first date with Dan.
He said he’d meet me in front of our bedroom window at 6pm. At 5:55 I was dressed up in my new outfit and ready to go. I sat on my bed and constantly stared at the clock, waiting for it to be six.
Suddenly I heard the first few guitar strums of a very familiar song. I jumped up from my spot. The music came from outside the window just like yesterday night.
When it was time for the first verse somebody started singing, but it was a new voice, one I had never heard before.
Today is gonna be the day That they're gonna throw it back to you
It sounded skilful and beautiful.
I quickly crossed the room with three fast steps and pulled away the curtain.
As I looked outside I saw Dan, he was looking up to my window and as my face appeared in the frame his whole face lit up. Even from here I could see his dimples.
By now you should've somehow Realized what you gotta do
“Hi there, Y/N!” he shouted over the music.
Dan wasn’t on his own, a guy I had never seen before stood right behind him. He was playing the chords to ‘Wonderwall’ on his guitar and sang along. He was wearing a straw hat and I quickly figured that he must be a street musician.
Eventually a few people actually gathered around the two and started to clap along.
Meanwhile my friends had also noticed what was going on and couldn’t stop swooning and squealing.
“How cute is that?!” Frankie nearly shouted at me, making me smile wider than I had ever smiled before.
Even the French granny who shouted at Dan to shut up yesterday opened her window to listen.  
I don't believe that anybody Feels the way I do about you now
I quickly threw my purse over my shoulder as I headed out the door to finally meet Dan. A few people awed as I ran over to him and took him in my arms.  
He immediately slung his arms around me and held me tight for a few heavenly seconds.
“Hi Dan.” I whispered as I breathed in his scent.
“You didn’t have to do this” I gestured towards the busker, who just sang the chorus again, and the people surrounding him. “But honestly it’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me.”
“I promised you today’s date wouldn’t involve me singing and just getting you flowers sounded boring.” Dan grinned at me as I stared at him in awe.
And after all You're my wonderwall I said maybe You're gonna be the one that saves me You're gonna be the one that saves me
As the song ended everyone started clapping and I thanked the street musician with a little bow in his directed.
My friends were by now all crammed behind our little window and watched our every move like they were watching a romcom. They had all checked out Dan and were by now giving me the thumbs ups. Well at least I now knew that I had their approval.
“Thank you for this.” I breathed, moved by his grand gesture, and gave Dan a little peck on his very soft cheek.
 After his amazingly cute greeting Dan took me out for dinner. We ate at a little French restaurant called ‘le chaudron’. The food was just utterly delicious.
It was close to being 10pm when we finished our meals and Dan paid for us both although I insisted that he didn’t have to.
During our dinner we talked a lot and mainly got to know each other a lot better. He was a very interesting guy and we instantly hit it off. We even shared quite a few interests. It was just perfect.
We both agreed that we didn’t want our date to be over just yet so we decided to go on a little stroll through the old town. The streets were still busy and the air was warm.
Dan took my hand in his as we walked down the path that lead to the beach. Salty air filled my nostrils as I stared at the reflection of the moon in the deep blue water of the ocean.
“Beautiful.” I mumbled in awe.
“Damn yes, you are.” Dan smoothly agreed with a sly grin on his face.
“Stop it!” I groaned, blushing. I playfully hit his shoulder.
We just stood in front of the ocean for a while. I leaned my head against Dan’s chest as he had wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on top of my head.
We watched the waves break and then darken the sand in front of us while we just enjoyed the other’s presence.
I had high expectations for this trip. I thought my friends and I were going to have the time of our lives here. Not once did I imagine myself finding love here. But I did.
I could feel Dan’s chest rise and fall when he breathed in and out against my back.
“Y/N?” Dan asked me silently.
“Do you want to go for a swim?” Dan whispered into my ear, a hint of mischief and adventurousness in his voice.  
“You know that I didn’t bring a swim suit.” I teased him, biting my lip.
“You won’t need one.” Dan murmured and I could feel his hot breath on my neck.
I started blushing like crazy.
“We can go in with our underwear on. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He added quickly, afraid that he might have scared me. After all it was our first date.
“Okay, Howell. I’m in.” I uttered. I didn’t know if I would have minded going skinny dipping but I didn’t have much time to think about it because Dan loosened his grip and started taking off his shirt.
I swallowed hard at the sight of his bare and broad chest. Barely being able to keep my eyes off him I pulled down the zipper of my new summer dress.
I slipped out of the spaghetti straps with Dan watching my every move. As I let the thin fabric fall into the sand he exhaled shakily.
I had decided to keep it simple and just put on white underwear, but it still had quite an effect on Dan. I was glad that I made sure that my bra and pants matched for once in my life.
His eyes were glued onto my body, his mouth hung slightly open.
I started running towards the water, gasping at the sudden coldness as the first wave hit my feet.
“C’mon Dan!” I shouted, gesturing him to come in.
He quickly unbuttoned his shorts and slipped out of them, I caught myself staring at him as he did it.
Left in his boxers he headed towards me.
“Oh shit it’s freezing.” He moaned as soon as he had reached me. “Good thing that you are so damn hot.” He then quickly added as he put his arms around me again.
I was pressed against his naked chest and put my arms around his neck. I dreamily ran my hands through his brown hair.
Suddenly Dan lifted me up so our faces were now at the same height. I gasped and quickly wrapped my legs around his torso as he started to walk deeper into the water with me.
When the water was as high as our shoulders he stopped walking.
“I never thought that drunk singing would get me the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Dan admitted.
“I didn’t think either that your singing could ever lead to anything good.” I added, laughing.
“So you’re enjoying tonight?” he asked me as he pushed a strand of my hair out of my face and gently secured it behind my ear.
“I actually don’t know how this could be any more perfect.” I told him in all honesty.
“I do.”
“Huh?” I uttered in surprise.
He didn’t answer or explain himself. Instead he just kissed me, in the middle of the ocean. With the moon above of and waves crashing against our bodies.  
He kissed me and our kiss was as deep as the sea.
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Day #23
Day #23 was yesterday, and boy howdy was it hectic. I woke up thirty minutes before a History of Philosophy lecture I live twenty minutes away from. By some absolute miracle, I got there within ten minutes and was early to the lecture (that the instructor was then late to). I was so early, in fact, there was another student outside the room uncertain if the class was going to meet there. We both panicked and double-checked our schedules, and the lecture was in fact taking place in that room, so we went in and had a seat. After that, Ryan (a classmate of mine from said lecture) and I went to go get Subway since the rest of their group (Becca, Jack and Johnny) had classes to be heading to. Ryan and I bantered for an hour before he had to head off to Phonetics. I walked him there, then decided I wanted to hit the charity shops to see if I couldn’t find some more choice items (recall I found Vincent the Velociraptor, an 18 pound Ulster Museum souvenir, for a whopping 2 pounds). I found one vintage jacket (it’s black with embroidered floral sleeves) and a Gap jacket (that was all black with a fur lining on the inside, I wasn’t going to buy it, but then I touched the fur lining and it was really, really soft). I ended up leaving with both, because it was a pretty brisk day outside, and buying two jackets didn’t sound like a bad idea. For both it was a whopping 14 pounds, so I don’t feel too terrible about it. After that, I had my Moral Theories lecture, which went just fine. Becca, Jack and Johnny had class there, but I got in a little too late to sit with them. After lecture, Becca, Jack and I went to the Starbucks and got drinks. The Pink Donut frappe was buy one get one and Jack wanted to try it, so Becca gave me the free one (which was super sweet of her). We then proceeded to banter for an hour until the tutorial (small group) for Moral Theories, which we all headed to together. The tutorial was kind of strained and awkward, not many people wanted to talk, so I did a lot of commenting which is pretty rare for me. It just bugged me that nobody was saying stuff. (Ryan says it’s the same for him, and he’d rather everyone tell him he’s a fool than listen to the AC go for the entire hour of tutorial, because we’re there whether people talk or not and participation is in fact graded). Afterwards, we loitered a little before everyone tapered off and I decided I’d check out one more charity shop before heading home (Save the Children has a 1 pound rack that I got some pretty nice things from last time, so I figured what the heck, it’s in this area I’ll go check and see if it has any new stuff). When I emerged I realized the area was incredibly familiar to me-- I’d walked into the vicinity of Victoria Square. I’ve had to be there back-and-forth for about a week on account of my phone breaking, and I did get an email it’d come in for pick-up, so I figured... sure, why not, I’ll just walk the rest of the way there and get it today, there’s time to. I hit up Comic Book Guys on the way, to see if maybe there were any fun knick knacks, and alas it was mostly comics. The guys working there were super nice though and I felt a bit bad leaving without buying anything, but I’m more into trinkets than comics. I walked the rest of the way to Victoria Square, but only after getting lost-- I took what I thought was a short-cut through Queen’s Arcade and found Little Hearts, a cute little stationary and gift shop, and ended up leaving with a very cute stuffed dragon made by Jelly Cat, a London toy company. (Finally! Toys made somewhere other than the US or China! Recall in Smyth’s I found only American or Chinese brands, nothing I hadn’t seen before, so this was very cool for me! I intend to go back and get more later, when I have the budget to do so. They’re a little expensive, but very well sewn and very soft). Then, finally, I arrived at the Apple Store, where I drew on one of their tablets until they had my phone ready to go, and I was ready to leave and call it a day! However, when I stepped out into Victoria Square (it’s basically a big, indoor, four-story mall), I noticed it was absolutely packed with people. I thought the place was closing up soon, but there were lines outside stores and people crowded up around kiosks set up in the middle walk ways. I had no clue what was going on, but decided to join a line at random. It was a spinner wheel which gave me some pretty nice hot sauce (Nando’s mild with garlic) and whilst standing in this line I figured out that it was Student’s Night (October 1st) and that the mall would be open until 9PM (rather than the usual 6PM). It looked like everywhere was running specials, so I checked a couple places out and got myself some fun stuff to celebrate the occasion I’d stumbled into. I also remembered, due to the Nando’s wheel, that I had a coupon for free Nando’s in my backpack-- so I went up to the fourth level to see about that. It turns out, Nando’s is actually a nice, sit-down establishment that sells not only spicy chicken, but burgers, pittas and wraps. I got myself some spicy chicken and had a nice meal, then headed home in the middle of the night. Finally, I arrived back in the dorm and crashed, and that’s how that all went down. It was an exceptionally busy day, as you can read, but I have to admit it was really fun. I guess getting lost is a skill, because I end up in the right place at the right time more often than not.
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Wednesday, March 21, 2018
post #72
main points:
- crypto lecture
- prog lang lab
- prog lang finish lab
- CSDS reading
- fortnite
today i:
- woke up at like 10am ish. lazed around in bed and made a strawberry banana smoothie. i was checking some stuff on my computer and was headed to prog lang lab when i realized that i wouldn’t be able to make it in time. so i decided to go to a later section (the one right after crypto lecture)
- i took care of some logistical things instead. i bought my cap and gown for graduation and booked tickets to NYC!
- went to crypto. we covered the first topic on sharing keys. something about Needham-Schroeder and the various constructions. i kind of zoned out halfway through and started working very briefly on CSDS lab 3a. 
- went to prog lang lab. we were doing lab 6, on parsing stuff again. except this time with assembly like language/logic. brian and i got through the first problem before the class ended
- we decided to go to the GSU to eat lunch (it was around like 2:30pm). we bumped into tyrone, ryan, and mark who were still hanging out there and chatting. they went right after crypto ended so they’d already been there for like an hour. we chatted some more, mostly about random stuff like the fb thing, signal messenger, etc
- took the bus home around 3:45pm. started my laundry and finished the rest of prog lang lab with brian over discord
- we finished around 6pm. and then i switched gears to work on CSDS reading. this upcoming lecture was about pnuts from Yahoo!. it was an okay read. i left more comments about it in my assessment but basically i just felt like it was lacking a lot of the “why?” aspect to it
- finished around 8:15pm. went to go to west dining hall to eat lunch. apparently there was a 90s themed party going on. they had a DJ and they were playing music/karaoke-ing in the middle of the dining hall. it was kind of weird but i didn’t mind too much. i watched another episode of the office “micahel’s last dundies” S7EP21. it hit me right in the feels at the end when everyone started singing 9,986,000 minutes for michael. such an emotional show. 
the dining hall was also on point. they had like chocolate lava cake for dessert. the fish was pretty good, smiley fries reminiscent of the 90s and some turkey/mashed potatoes (this was probably my least favorite). i just really enjoyed the dessert
- walked home and decided to play fortnite around 9:20pm. dimitri and brian were busy. bryan chris trevor and josh were also queued up. so i just played by myself for a bit. i felt like it wasn’t nearly as fun without playing with other people. around 10:40pm dimitri decided to hop in cause he finished his work. and we played until like 12:45am. brian hopped on for the last few games. the gameplay was meh, we were all playing pretty horribly but still fun to pass the time
that’s about it. i’m gonna go take a long shower and crash
good night
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smoothshift · 7 years
Got rear-ended last night... Need some help figuring out where to go from here. via /r/cars
Got rear-ended last night... Need some help figuring out where to go from here.
So first off, some background: The car is a 2016 FR-S that I've had for about 10 months. It's still basically brand new, which is why I have some concerns that I go into later in the post.
As for the situation, I've had some bad allergies recently and fell asleep at like 6PM the night before last. I woke up at 4AM and decided I needed something to eat, so I drove to the 24hr grocery and got some groceries. I was feeling alright when I left, but I was sitting at a light on the way home and right before the light turned green I got hit by someone from behind.
We both pulled over to the side of the road and I got out to look at the damage and was really surprised. This was the only damage that the car seemed to have sustained, some minor scratches and scuffs from the other guy's bumper. Just to be safe (and because the other driver was insured) I took the car to the body shop affiliated with the dealer where I bought the car. They removed the tow hook cover (something I stupidly didn't think to do) and it was revealed that the body panel had simply 'popped' back out after the guy hit me and that my gut feeling when I got hit that it was a pretty decent impact after all wasn't mistaken. The internal crash bar/bumper had been pretty badly deformed, but they couldn't estimate/quote us anything beyond that without either putting the car on a lift or taking the body panels off, which we didn't want to do at that point. They said it would be about ~$1200 to replace and repaint everything, but that it could increase if they get the car on a lift or disassemble it and find that there's more damage underneath.
Right now I'm waiting for probably about the middle of next week so that I can request a copy of the police report to have on hand when I call the other party's insurance company before taking it back to the body shop and handing it over to them, especially since they said it would take 2-3 days to get my car back.
My biggest question is, is this the correct choice of action? Should I just go ahead and call their insurance now (or Monday morning) and report it ASAP? Should I get a few other quotes, or should I just stick with the dealer body shop/collision center (they seem to know what they're doing and are a 'certified Toyota collision center' for all that's worth. I have heard some horror stories about body shops, so that's why I'm wondering) or should I shop around for better options?
My last question is, I always hear that you should file for a diminished value check, but when I was talking to the agent at the body shop, he said that insurance companies will fight it incredibly hard unless the car is basically nearly totaled. But given that this is now a reported accident on my car's VIN and requires over 1k in repairs, surely this is going to affect the resale price of the car, especially since it's basically brand new? Do I have any case for diminished value? If I did, how much could I expect to be reimbursed, and what does that process look like? Most websites I read up on said that it requires a third-party inspection before you can file the claim, which doesn't make sense to me seeing as how the diminished value would come from the fact that it's been hit, not necessarily the fact that the repairs are shoddy or fantastic.
tl;dr Got rear-ended by someone on their phone. Can I get diminished value even though my car wasn't brutally destroyed?
Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit for a post like this, and if anyone has any advice for a better place to post it, just let me know, thanks!
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jessflewitt · 8 years
ROAD TRIP ( 3rd Jan-29th Jan)
Since we brought the van it's a struggle to keep the phones charged never mind find wifi! I've been keeping little notes on my phone if what we've been up too so that we don't forget in a few years time... BLOG 3rd January- Abbie gone :( we brought a van! Battered and bruised with a cracked window screen but we had a little test drive and all seemed fine so we took the risk - spent the next couple of days after that doing admin! We had to get the van kitted out and open a bank account to be able to get the car registered Bla Bla .... few hiccups along the way including a little scare at the registration office where we were led to believe we had actually brought a stolen car.... But turned out the paper work was just wrong and it was all fine. We had our last night at the hostel on the 4th - and in the 5th morning went to move into our new home - only to find the battery was dead - great start. Some lovely guy jumped us and we spent the rest of the day cleaning the van and buying a few more bits - drove back to the blue mountains. Parked up in a free campsite and crashed! Slept like babies too - Blow up mattress worked a treat :) 6th Jan = Worst day ever Battery was dead again in the morning- got jumped again. Went to a garage to get it checked out and they couldn't work it out and sent us to another garage. He couldn't work it out ether ... Said there was nothing wrong with the battery. Next thing the engine overheated - there was no water in the radiator ( life lesson ) managed to get it filled up which was really messy with the engine so hot! ... Drove a few miles down the road back to the electrical mechanic who fixed the cigarette lighter and a few miles down the road after that the engine is over heating again. It's nearly half 5pm on a Friday at this point ... So we rang the garage again ... And he was about to tell us he couldn't see us till next Wednesday until he must have recognised our accents ..and asked if we were the English couple from this morning with the van. Told us he thought the battery dying in the morning and the engine over heating were linked and to bring the car down straight away. Another scare ..... Told us he thought it was the engine that had gone! But turned out it was just the hose that had disintegrated and he fixed it all for free. Said he wasn't going to charge two young people on their holidays... Amazed by the people out here once again <3 that night we brought a bottle of wine and met some fab Irish people travelling the opposite way down the coast . Had a right giggle with them and got some great tips so great end to a horrific day! 7th- Jan Got the van started without Jump leads woop! Did an amazing walk through wentworth falls. Really tough walk which we loved and I got to swim in my first waterfall pool :) we climbed up the rocks and stood right beneath it - started a trend and everyone started copying so funny. Parked up by a lake that night in a massive field - hot showers and everything for free:) I got behind the wheel for the first time in 3 years and had my first driving lesson round the sites- went well ! 8th - Jan- drove an hour down a steep clifftop to a place called nunes where we had planned to see some glow worms in a cave. Turned out you had to park up and do an hour and a half traverse to get there and it was just far to too hot so we had a swim in he river down there and I drove back. Oli took over when we hit the main road and we went to dunns swap national park camp site. Beautiful campsite it reminded me off the one in America at the end of parent trap. We had about 2 litres of water left which is nothing and asked someone where the water tap was and they laughed and pointed at the river! Rationed the water enough so we could stay the night and do a walk in the morning ( amazing ) and we had a swim in the river to cool down before we drive back. I had another practice but couldn't get quick enough to do the main roads so we swapped again! So nervy on the road after the crash. This was just a really HOT day in the van - lots of miles and 38degrees so just too hot to even function. We ended up in a town called Bulga poured water over ourselves to try and cool down , and had our first sweaty horrible night in the van we just couldn't cool it down. Everytime we trying to open it up for breeze we got swarmed my mozzies! 11th HOT day again - but we learnt from our mistakes the day before - got up early and drive to Newcastle and hid out in an air conned shopping centre all day getting some shopping bits done. Went to the tuck wells for dinner - the couple that we met in Bali and had a lovely evening with them. Met their kids and their bfs/ gfs- they had food ready and we ended up getting quite tipsy! Tania kept feeding me champagne and rum! 12th- has a great night sleep in the lovely cool house because they refused to let us sleep in the van . They gave us towels and a key and even had two bikes left out for us on the drive. Amazing people treated us like family. We took the bikes and got the ferry over to Newcastle. Cycles the 10k coastline ( which was really hilly) jumped in the Bogey Hole which is an ocean pool on the side of a cliff - awesome and freezing! We thought Newcastle reminded us of a British coast - maybe even Newcastle at home. We had some chips on the beach and realised that we'd both been fried! So went back for a swim. We made home made burgers on the bbq and ended up having more drinks with tania and Paul that night. Next day we got up and went to a nature reserve - wasn't what we expected ( more like a zoo) so we didn't stay very long but got to see our first koala. Went back to the house for lunch and another swim and then packed up and got on the road again. We couldn't believe how generous they were they gave us a cooler , packed it with ice, beers, washing powder, sun shields , coolant- they just couldn't do enough for us so sweet. We only managed an hour up the road because it was so hot again - still 38 degrees at 6pm at night! Our air con doesn't work at that temperature feels like a hair dryer is blowing in your face! Found a really cute campsite and went for a swim in the bay to cool down before dinner. 14th HOT SWEATY night again- impossible to sleep. Ol got up for sunrise ( I just opened the van up and watched from bed too early for me) another long day driving - I did my first proper stint which felt good. Had a quick swim in the sea half way (seal rocks) and it starred to pour just before we got to port Macquarie but we're glad to have a break from the heat - the van had finally cooled down woohoo. Amazing sunset after it rained all day at Lake Campsie. Camped on the side of a lake - brought some chocolate and watched a film. Next day we walked the 10k walk along the coast of Port Mac - gorgeous walk and not too hot. Got the bus back went to the shop and brought some chicken to bbq and some beers- camped in the same spot. Next day - we did the national park - sea acres board walk. Had a lovely guide (graham, leave a review?) telling us all about the rainforest was great. Drove half way to Coffs Harbour and camped out early - gorgeous campsite near a river. Rice and eggs for tea. Dorrigo National park - wonga walk the next day . Amazing - followed by wine tasting and pasta for tea. Same campsite. Next morning we got up and drive to Coffs Harbour - had a swim in the sea when we got here -went to the big bananas - lunch on the beach - mutton bird island walk at sunset - coffee and then drove half way to Byron bay. drove late because it was cooler - nightmare getting there in the dark though. Boiling hot , loads of mozzies - neither of us could sleep! Ended jog erring our the van and pouring water over ourselves in the middle of the night! 19th - got up and drove to balina- half way to Bryron bay - had a coffee - drove into the centre had a pootle around ( cool place ) brought a bikini- parked up in a car park about 25 mins out for free ( faffy day) 20th Hired boards went surfing- chilled on the beach- back to the free car park - I made pasta in a thunderstorm 21st- rain - miserable day - Oli got his hair cut 22nd- booked all our trips for the eat coast with travel bug - Frazer island -Whitt Sunday's - skydive and Everglade canoe and sea kayak with dolphins! Walked to the most easterly point of aus and did the national park walk alone the rainforest beach - tallow beach - found a little surf paradise spot at the far end of byron bay beach - beans and eggs and avo for tea 23rd gorgeous day - got up at 4.50 pm for sunrise - amazing - drive out of town to have brekfast and camd back in for our sea kayak with dolphins at 9 but missed it because our travel agent gave us the wrong time! They booked us into the afternoon one instead so we just chilled in the beach and went to a nice restaurant called dip for lunch. Sea kayak in the afternoon was cool - saw lots of turtles but no dolphins so they Said we could go again for free u till we did . Popped to the library to seal some charge and had a early night. 24th - surfing fail - too windy - then walked tallow beach - gorgeous - met some car park friends 25th - went sea kayaking again- didn't sea anything - went swimming at Brunswick in the afternoon - then we picked up a long board - had a lovely dinner by the river and the camped - illegally in the national park ready to get up at 3 am to hike to the top of the volcano for sunrise. 26th - woke up 3 am - hiked to the top of a volcano - awesome. - went swimming in a river - changed time zones and long boarded the surfers paradise board walk - shopping - found an awesome little camp site just outside the city - paid 25 dollars between us but so worth it. Hot shower / power / kitchen - lush 27th - rained all day but went to the library and sorted loads of jobs out - admin day - booked a couple of trips/ fixed the car - low on transmission fluid / sent a load of postcard / sorted out money - student loan ect - went to springbrook national park in the evening to see the glow worms - cool . Amazing drive- went past a vast river with loads of dead trees in it - so cool - hairy drive back nearly ran out of petrol / car skidded in the rain and there were tons of dead frogs all over the road. 28th Washing day ! Sorted pictures - drove to Brisbane. 29th Day drip into Brisbane city centre. Nice enough city but we weren't blown away. Thank god it was Sunday because parking would have been $80 a day otherwise. Luckily it was only $17 for us. We did the south bank walk which was cool - very sexy skyline. They have a man made pool and beach looking at the skyline too - cool to see but moved on swiftly. Found a really gorgeous campground and met a lovely German lad that night.
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