#( i love that it keeps warning that there will be sanji x anita mentions but )
Arc Headcanons // PRE-SKIP PT.4
It’s been two weeks since I did one of these ‘cause I was on vacation, but here we go again! Sorry for being repetitive, but there will most likely be mentions of Sanji x Anita.
— After almost watching Sanji’s upper half disappear on Thriller Bark, it’s going to become a habit for her to touch a bit more. Not that she was why about it before because she’s just a physical person, but she’ll touch his arm, chest and anything from the neck up as a weird way of making sure he’s there. Totally brushes it off as just making sure he’s still mostly intact.
— She doesn’t know him, but Anita is worried about Ace too. She doesn’t like that his Vivre Card is burning. Still, she trusts Luffy’s judgement and doesn’t insist that he go after his brother. By the sounds of it, Ace is perfectly capable of defending himself.
— While Chopper and Usopp are relaxing and the rest of the crew is dealing with the submarine, Anita is in the kitchen pouting because she wanted to go underwater. With her Devil Fruit, she can’t. Oh, well, it’s sort of given her the chance to indulge in her stupid crush and watch Sanji work.
— Him getting decked by Keimi’s whole body when she lands on him cracks her up, though. She really needs to stop laughing at other peoples suffering. Not really sure why she does, but I feel like she just would.
— Having not been there during the Arlong Park chaos, she isn’t sure who Hachi is. Learning about it infuriates her, and so does learning that mermaids are sold.
— A thing I am realizing; when her island was taken over, her and her troupe were basically turned into slaves. They were a little cleaner and happier looking, but it was part of the act to lure pirates in. If they disobeyed, they were beaten or even put to death. They were scared of the man that had put himself in the position of master. So the entirety of this arc, Anita will likely be pissed and slightly afraid in a ‘ does he realize I’m gone and has he told other Marines so they recognize me’ way. She doesn’t want to be dragged back home yet when she can’t help. Didn’t have the smarts to think that it might happen until now. Whoops~
— Anita goes with the flow, so she doesn’t care who they’re saving as long as Luffy’s the one that ordered it. Although a large part of her wants to meet a talking octopus-man.
— Duval’s existence almost kills Anita. She will be doubled over despite being attacked with poisonous harpoons, holding her stomach and wheezing for breath.
— Because she’s stupid and obvious, I feel like the ones that know she has a crush on Sanji would be Nami, Robin and Usopp. At least one of them is going to be a shit and make a joke about her liking Duval because what’s the difference between him and Sanji? Rude as fuck, but it only makes her start laughing again.
— Flips her shit when they trap him in the water and announce they’re going to drown him. God, sometimes she hates that she has a Devil Fruit. When he does get rescued and has his dumb little nosebleed, Anita will poke him with her foot. Moron.
— Luffy and Anita have a contest to see who can put the most takoyaki in their mouth at once. Anita loses, obviously, and ends up almost choking. Sanji goes to help but Luffy smacks her hard on the back and ends up coughing it up. Ew.
— I’m wondering if Anita would know who the Celestial Dragons are. What I’m thinking is that their conditions at the circus were a lot worse than I first made them out to be. That they were treated like slaves, and that because the corrupt part of the government turns a blind eye ( and sometimes encourages ) the buying and selling of people. So if they were treated and seen as slaves, then I wonder if Celestial Dragons visited the island to be entertained and buy some of the troupe members. 
One day she will have noticed that a certain member has gone missing and not come back. Would destroy her to see them being treated poorly years later while visiting Sabaody. Not sure if that’s giving her too much personal involvement in the arc, though. But, honestly, I’m liking this idea because she’s not going to get a major arc of her own like the canon Straw Hats to. This is the only personal things I can think of to make up for her lack of an arc and a slight foreshadowing that she won’t have a home to come back to.
— Anita debates being a love-struck idiot and staying on the ship with Sanji while it’s getting repaired by Franky and Usopp. Decides against it because she knows she’s being stupid and doesn’t want to look at his dumb, handsome face. Stupid cook.
— Like Zoro, she wasn’t there for the briefing about not dealing with Celestial Dragons. She’s off on her own thing, probably notices someone that used to be in her troupe but sees they have a collar and are being treated like an animal rather than a person. Follows after them, tries to call their name and get their attention. Might get a small, frantic look as the only warning not to say anything else! Gets confused and ends up losing them before she realizes that she’s where the rest of the Straw Hats are. Is yanked down onto her knees by one of them and doesn’t get why. Learns real quick and decides just as swiftly that she doesn’t like this place.
— Doesn’t care about Law’s crew, except for Bepo. Bear! Walking, talking bear! If they weren’t trying so hard to get Keimi back, she would have scrambled over to talk to Bepo. Wants so badly to be his bear-buddy.
— Adds a kick of her own when Sanji asks if they can buy the dancing girl. Come on, Sanji.  .  . Really? You’re my most beloved muse and I wanna kick your ass for that.
— Anita doesn’t get why people are reacting so badly to Hatchi. She isn’t the least bit against other races because there were too many different kinds of people that worked for the circus, so she only sees them all as people.
— She’s secretly enjoying learning about all these old pirates because she never met Crocus, and she doesn’t hear about Roger much. Always a sucker for good stories.
— The idea of splitting up doesn’t appeal to her. She has a bad feeling in her gut that she blames her animal-like instinct on. Assume Chopper can feel it too even though they’ve got got human in them too. Doesn’t mention it and almost approaches Sanji to ask if she can tag along with him wherever he plans on going.
— Anita can be incredibly dumb sometimes, but I feel like she would quickly notice that it wasn’t Kuma they were fighting. Or, at least, notice that he doesn’t have the paw-pads. Kind of hard for her to forget those when she’s so closely associated with bears.
— Probably tried to bite at the Pacifista’s and only managed to get through the ‘skin.’ I know Brook couldn’t get through it, but she’s a gigantic bear, come on. They’re supposed to be able to bite through iron, so she’s going to get her jaw into PX-4 and shed some of that outside layer.
— Running would be so easy for her in her bear form, but she doesn’t flee like she’s told. She’s taking on too much responsibility as a tank and trying to protect the groups that look like they’re under attack the most. 
— Because of that, I feel like she would end up being the first one ‘erased’ because she would make every attempt to lunge in front of Zoro when the real Kuma comes. I know Zoro disappearing first was important, but she’s the one that jumps out first to do her job. She won’t get to see what happens to Chopper while he’s rampaging again, and doesn’t get to see what happens to everyone else. I wanted to be more despair inducing for her, but she would be one of the first gone and won’t have time to see them vanish.
— Anita crash-lands on an island inhabited entirely by large, beastly bears. They’re all larger and stronger than she is, and they aren’t the least bit welcoming to find a human on their island. Unlike actual wild bears, these ones are barely smart enough to have a system of roles, the most important being tribe leader.
— The tribe leader, Anita dubbed King. He was a large, black, monstrous bear with nasty scars and gnarly teeth. He looks like a cruel leader, but he’s actually as kind as they come. He only wants to frighten her away because they can’t stand humans. He seeks only to protect his people. That’s what she’s come to understand, at least.
— There’s only one place that’s safe on the island, and it’s the largest tree in the entire place. They can’t climb to the top, and she can in her human form. Discovers, however, that she’s not the only human stuck on that island. A young girl is also trapped there. She doesn’t know herself very well and is nameless. She lives in the trees to avoid the bears and has lived there so long that she smells like them. Eventually, they agree that she will be called Ylde. Pronounced like ‘wild’ but Anita can’t spell and just went based on the sound.
— Ylde: Isn’t it spelled w-i-l-d?     Anita: ...How the fuck does a two-year-old stuck on a bear island know how to spell better than me?     Ylde: I’m thirteen.     Anita: Silence, small baby.
— Ylde attempts to convince Anita that there’s no point in trying to integrate herself into the tribe. Even as a bear, they’ll know she doesn’t belong from her scent and size. Anita corrects her and says she only wants to get off the damned island so she can get back to her friends.
— Because it will be a while before she gets the paper and she’s determined to leave, she gets into her bear form and readies herself to fight through the swarm of bears just to get to shore and find one of the many boats Ylde says have washed up over the years.
— End up coming back to Ylde’s tree because she gets her ass kicked. Tries this every single day until the moment the News Coo comes with the paper saying. She understands the hint given by Luffy and is immediately relieved to see he’s still alive. Doesn’t know if the rest are, but she’s hoping so. Didn’t even occur to her that they might be dead because she managed to survive the crash.
— Spends the next to years fighting and learning on her own. Ylde doesn’t stick around when, during the first year and a half, an intact ship is discovered. She insists Anita come with her, but she refuses. Ylde, having gotten attached to her, promises to come back to that exact spot in two years to pick her up and take her where she wants to go.
— Anita’s goal, like everyone else, is to get stronger. She realizes after being beaten again and again that she’s too weak in her bear form. Seeing as how that’s the part she wants to strengthen most, she dedicates herself to staying a bear as long as she possibly can. Day in and day out, from sunrise to sunset, she wants to stay a bear. She does this and does get stronger, but doesn’t realize that in the process she was inching closer to becoming the tribe leader herself.
— Over the two year separation, the following happens; she learns armament haki that she uses only on her teeth and claws, gets even larger than before, earns more devastating-looking scars, gets even greedier with food because of how unfair the tribe was to her before she became leader, eventually becomes the leader and earns the respect of the entire island.
— But because the rest of the tribe refuses to fight her, she becomes lazy and antsy. She will absolutely crave a fight whenever it feels like one is brewing now.
— New moves:           Mighty Roar: Can either a. instill fear in an enemy and send them fleeing or b. temporarily disable them because the intensity of the sound is mind-numbing. Not to be confused with Conqueror's Haki ;;
          Bear Trap: Bites through any part of an enemy that she can and fuses her jaws together with her Armament Haki as long as the teeth are touching, leaving it nearly impossible to shake her off.
          Bearrel Roll: Yes, it’s a pun to barrel roll. Doesn’t actually suit the move because she’s not doing a barrel roll, but she does curl up and roll into her target to catch them off guard. Is a good move to use with people she trusts to throw / kick her.
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Arc Headcanons // PRE-SKIP PT.1
I’ve been encourages to make headcanons for each of the arcs Anita would be part of starting from Jaya, and I intend to! They’ll be under a readmore because long ;; Will also have mention of Anita x Sanji ship because I’m trash.
— After becoming a Straw Hat, Anita is immediately met with stories about Vivi. She’s told everything, and she’s fascinated because she’s a sucker for stories. That, and they knew a real princess! She’s given descriptions and was told how Vivi was as a person, but the images in her head probably don’t compare.
— It takes days for them all to tell her what’s happened before she joined. Along with Vivi, she’s eager to meet Laboon and wants to eat at the Baratie. Big whale and good food!
— Anita, like Nami, is skeptical about there being an island in the sky, but she’s hopeful. She likes being up high and can’t even imagine how thrilling it might be to be high above the ocean.
— Anita knows about the story of Nolan because her ringleader, Gerald Spectacle, was born and raised in the North Blue. He had no problem sharing stories about his life there, so she recognized the title immediately and is giddy.
— She totally snorts at the name ‘Knock Up Stream’ like the mature person she is.
— When the group splits to search for the South Bird, Anita goes with Chopper and Luffy. Unafraid of bugs, she too gets sucked into the intrigue of finding rare beetles.
— Anita’s already familiar with Luffy’s off-brand kindness but is surprised that he will go through the trouble of recovering the gold Bellamy stole from Cricket. Being the selfish person she can be, she doesn’t get it.
— As much as Anita wants a bounty of her own, she isn’t surprised or offended that she doesn’t have one. She only just became a pirate not long ago. But, boy, is she eager to get one. Sort of snickers at Sanji being disappointed about not having one. He’s kind of adorable when he’s not being swoony.
— Being sucked into the whirlpool before the Knock Up Stream is both thrilling and terrifying for her. She thinks it’s cool, but not being able to swim plus still being new to the whole constantly sailing thing means she’s not used to all of the awful weather yet.
— Part of what she loved about being an acrobat is the rush you get when you’re flying through the air. Traveling up the Knock Up Stream is no different. It’s one of the best sensations she gets and she wishes it hadn’t ended when it did.
— Anita’s outfit during the arc
— She’ll never be part of the Monster Trio or even up to par with those three, but she still attempts to fight Wiper with them and fails just as hard. SHE ALWAYS TRIES TO GET TO THE ENEMY FIRST! I know that probably sounds OP, but it doesn’t mean she’s super strong. The point of her role is to be the tank, to distract and take the brunt of the damage while the ones that deal actual damage do what they do best.
— Anita joins Luffy, Usopp and Chopper in screwing around on the clouds. She takes first to tackling them into the clouds in her bear form knowing the clouds are plenty soft and she won’t crush them because of it. And because a bear’s jaws are extremely powerful, Luffy asks her to try to bite open. She fails cause it’s even too hard for her, but she does leave small dents in it.
— She’d eventually get bored and want a little peace, so she’d lay out on the clouds on her own for a little bit. If Sanji gave her a flower like he did with Nami, she will be genuinely surprised and confused because no one’s given her a flower before. He’d likely run off after to find more flowers to give, but she’ll just sit there with it between her fingers and gets this weird, familiar feeling in her chest. Nope, gonna knock that shit off right now. Last person she felt that for was an asshole. This isn’t going to turn out any different. Keeps the flower. Hides it later in a little box she has in the girls’ room.
— Su ( Conis’ pet ) sniffing at Anita because she smells weird. Anita changing into a bear and scaring the poor thing. Laughs about it.
— When the White Berets start accusing them of crimes, can we please throw one in where they’re accused of not having leashes for Chopper and Anita? PLEASE? And both of them being indigent!
— To make it even, Anita joins Luffy, Sanji and Usopp in the trials.
— I realize the impressions Luffy does is likely only in the anime, but I need Anita laughing about it and being the only one not beat up for it. So when Luffy and Usopp are banged up, she’s laughing even harder.
— Laughs again when Sanji kicks the orb and it explodes even though she was hit by the sooty blast too.
— Anita attempts to fight Satori are fruitless. She can’t pull his attention away like she’s meant to. Once they’re back on their little ship, she’s oddly quiet in a fit of feeling useless.
— Only thing that breaks her silence is the fact that the plains surrounding the milky road have skulls. “Oh, I want one.”
— Side note, sort of: Anita isn’t religious. Her parents were. They were the One Piece’s equivalent of Christian, and attempted to force Anita into sharing their beliefs. So any mention of Gods irritates her greatly. She needs proof, and even then she can’t be sure that it isn’t just someone with powerful devil fruit powers.
— Thanks to her fear of fire, Anita doesn’t join in on their little campfire party and sits quite a ways off from the rest of the crew. Part of her worries that joining might have been a bad idea. She didn’t realize that they would be getting mixed up with powerful people like Satori that can predict movements. Keeps it to herself because she doesn’t like to talk about it. Not sure if anyone would notice her sitting on her own.
— Nami says Anita will join her, Usopp and Sanji when they sail Merry around to the nearest shore so they have two people to protect them. Anita doesn’t argue.
— Usopp’s request for Sanji to be his bodyguard while they sail is denied, and I bet he’d ask Anita after. She denies him too, saying she only works for food.
— Anita is highly amused when Sanji can’t break the shell when told to by Gan Fall. Is just as surprised as the rest when Sanji uses it. Immediately wonders if having some attached to her paws would make for a good attack.
— Sanji becoming incapacitated by Enel almost causes Anita to panic. Losing someone has only happened once to her and she didn’t respond well to it. Usopp getting zapped afterward enrages her, her temper flaring and causing her to attack in bear form. She is fried as well despite Gan Falls warning for her not to attack Enel.
— Nami, be glad you didn’t have to drag Anita’s bear form around. I think she’ll become mostly human when she’s severely injured or knocked into deep unconsciousness.
— Anita climbs Ark Maxim with Sanji and Usopp. She was probably told to stay and protect Conis, but she is stubborn and doesn’t want to be a babysitter. Sanji’s insistence they they save Nami is annoying. Very, very annoying. She doesn’t like being so annoyed over it, but?? It’s alright, her and Usopp can rag on him while they’re running through the ship.
— Regrets insulting Sanji when he takes another blow from Enel to help them escape.
— Feels pride for her captain for the first time when he rings the bell. She isn’t sure why, but.  .  . she feels like it might still be a good idea that she joined him of all people.
— I really want Usopp to at least attempt to make her some sort of gauntlet that Anita can wear in her bear form that uses impact dials. Doesn’t matter if he can’t actually succeed in creating them, but I want her to have asked.
— Anita’s arc outfit, except with Taurus
— Anita is excited about the games despite learning that some of their crew may be picked off and made to follow Foxy.
— She loves sports of any kind, so she’s entirely too loud and cheers enthusiastically for her crew. She’s also enraged at the amount of cheating and is probably one of the ones made to calm down before she gets them in trouble. But, like Luffy, she gets distracted by food when it’s offered.
— Is upset when Chopper is taken. Is too distracted by losing their doctor to really cheer for Zoro or Sanji during the Groggy Ring game. But laughs when Sanji is made to be the ball. What a cute dork.
— Two things Anita severely hates; bullies and cheaters. Her, Sanji and Luffy lash out the most when bogus cards are thrown out. Threatens to eat the referee.
— You bet your bippy she’s into that afro. OH, YEAH. Wishes she had one.
— Is overpowered by Aokiji but is relieved he uses ice and not fire. She has her maw frozen shut and has to soak in the water like Sanji and Zoro. Sanji’s the first to offer to support her in her human form, since being in the water weakens her. Sanji has to touch her face and rub at her cheeks / lips quite a bit to get the ice to melt and blood to flow and SHE IS REGRETTING SO MUCH. Please stop looking so concerned, it’s making her hurt inside.
— She’s far too flustered after being helped to help Zoro and Sanji find Luffy, so she says behind to help thaw Robin out. Side note; Anita’s not as close with Robin. Robin is extremely smart and experienced, and Anita knows she’s probably the dumbest crew member. She can’t even read properly, so Robin intimidated her. But she’s part of the crew and helps as best as she can.
— Robin and Luffy will get plenty of bear snuggles to keep them warm if they want.
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