#( ho NESTLY THO )
tiredchaoss · 1 year
ine if we could have infinite options?? Do you love the colors of the sky but it's just a poll. You know I probably should ahve been able to tell how many options there r from all the polls I've seen but nope couldn't remember at all.
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jadipose · 10 months
She wanted to carry you!
Ho+nestly, I think she wanted me to+ eat myself into+ to+tal reliance o+n her. Tho+se are my suspicio+ns, at least. She wanted me big and ro+und and relaxed and immo+bile and co+nstantly stuffed, usually high eno+ugh to+ eat myself into+ a ridiculo+us stupo+r.... iro+nic, co+nsidering we met at the gym
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mothinked · 4 years
Ellie: [ain't about that hetero shit]
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goth-advancements · 3 years
So why DID you break up with her? Is she really an abusive bitch? Can't trust violets lol
Even tho+ugh we are o+n a break please do+ no+t speak abo+ut her like that. It's ho+nestly disgusting.
We bro+ke up because we fo+ught a lo+t and we needed to+ wo+rk o+n o+urselves first.
Yo+u can no+t truley lo+ve so+meo+ne until yo+u lo+ve yo+urself and, at least speaking fo+r myself, I need to+ learn to+ fully lo+ve myself first.
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justdrinkerthings · 5 years
Beatruce, Bianca
BEATRICE: What is the achievement you’re most proud of?
This is slightly co+ntradicto+ry, as I’m no+t pro+ud o+f the jo+b itself, but my co+lumn entries were so+ valued that when I was able to+ cut back a little due to+ my supplemented inco+me fro+m clo+thing ro+yalties (which is also+ a nice little pat o+n the back), we go+t co+ncerned messages fro+m readers.
BIANCA: What do you want most in life?
Lo+o+ks into+ the camera, but then the angle changes and it turns o+ut I’m lo+o+king at Ro+se, who+ is being smug. I’m go+ing to+ disqualify gay answers fo+r this o+ne, I can say tho+se in perso+n.
I mean, ho+nestly, I want to+ impro+ve peo+ple’s perspectives and be the reaso+n peo+ple understand o+thers and are mo+re to+lerant.
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maidmaryam · 6 years
I never tho+ught that yo+u and I wo+uld beco+me so+... clo+se. So+ fast. Ho+nestly, that's no+t a jab o+n yo+ur part! I’m really enjo+ying whatever this friendship is, even if it’s mainly just bad puns and me nagging yo+u into+ self care. I appreciate yo+ur presence mo+re than wo+rds can describe. I get so+ embarrassingly excited to+ see yo+u’ve initiated a co+nversatio+n. Despite that ro+ugh and tumble exterio+r,  I’ve seen the capacity yo+u have underneath it all to+ beco+me *gasp* co+mpassio+nate and sweet as caramelized sugar. 
I’m co+ntent to+ say, that yo+u make me very happy. Thanks fo+r sticking aro+und with this bo+ring o+ld maternal, faux-go+th fussypants. 
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draculas-husband · 4 years
For the d&d ask thing: 5-10!
5. a fun fact about your character?
Hmmm I recently made my first tabaxi character (his name is Winston) and I have a fun fact about him! His ears always twitch when he drinks something! x3
6. best DM you’ve ever had? Honestly this one is really hard because most of my DMs are great at different things. Just like all people my DMs have their strengths and weaknesses so I can’t say that one of them is better than the rest because they are all extra good at different things! I think all the DMs I’ve had (except the one mentioned in the next question's answer) and DMs I do have are all good but also have room for improvement especially in certain areas; just like I do as both a player and a DM. I know the DMs I have right now at least are working hard and are constantly improving and I support you all very much! I know how hard it is to DM so...Thank you for putting up with our shenanigans and for being open minded and trying to give us the best experience possible! <3
7. worst DM you’ve ever had? It was years ago now but an ex friend of mine was an absolute asshole and a terrible DM with the goal to just make the party as miserable as possible. He would also misgender characters constantly which was frustrating, actively try to trigger any trauma our characters had and was just an overall shitty person. 0/10 experience! Said DM has been yeeted out of my life so that’s something at least!
8. combat, roleplay, exploration. rank them in order of your favorite Hmmmm… it would have to be roleplay, exploration and lastly combat for me. Tho if combat is done well with much flavour and with lots of mixed in roleplay in form of character interactions it ranks above exploration. I love banter and supportive comments during fights between both pcs and npcs. :3
9. do you keep any dnd superstitions? (e.g., dice jail, “charging” dice on the lowest side, etc) Hmmm I don’t think I do? I might but it’s not something I think about actively.. 10. what got you into dnd? Oh man that was so long ago I can barely remember..I do believe it was my friend @sothe-ryuka  who first got me into it. We went over the character sheet at least and he helped me understand the (3.5E) rules and such and I remember us playing a game at his place that only lasted like a session or two. I played a Wizard. (It would be fun to recreate him sometime, I think I still have his OG art somewhere) I think we talked about it bc we were both into fantasy and warhammer and such. Over the years I have come to love dnd like an artform. It involves so much creativity, love, passion and much much more that it’s hard not to love it! <3
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carbootsoul · 4 years
37, 41, 45, for the lesbian asks
favorite comfort food?
probably cheesy poatoes! i really only get them when i’m at my grandma’s on like, easter or if i ask for some, but they’re so yummy. otherwise probably just bread and butter. 
early-riser or night-owl?
honestly neither! i’m inclined to go to bed 10-ish but also to wake up 10-ish but i generally can’t sleep that long. i’d def say night-owl between the two though because i like being awake at night and i hate being awake in the morning, unless it’s early-early morning and i’m for some reason not tired. 
at what age did you know you were a lesbian?
i figured i liked girls the summer before middle school (6th grade) when i had a bigger reaction to a friend starting to date than i thought was probably reasonable. i started to figure out i didn’t like guys summer before 8th grade and actually was sure about it about 3/4ths of the way through that year, although i did end up dating a guy afterward because i hadn’t known he had transitioned and thought he was nonbinary and it was a whole mess. we’re still pretty good friends tho. he’s so sweet
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ask-the-jade-cronus · 7 years
Rank everyone in your session by attractiveness​and likability
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@ask-candy-capricorns is a go->o->d and chill dude, pretty handso->me to->o->.
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@askporrimmegido ho->nestly do-> i evwen need to-> say anything?
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@ask-meenah-nitram sho->uld seek help o->n her chips addictio->n, and pay fo->r the damage do->ne to-> my brain in the chip incident.
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@askmeulincaptor is…. kind o->f unpredictable, but vwery cute tho->ugh.
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@asktheghostlycats is a huge, but ho->t bitch. go->t no-> ass tho->ugh.
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im rather handso->me, myself
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@ask-tealaranea is a radical chic, go-> check her o->ut.
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rufio->h is such a chill dude, really.
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@ask-latula-zahhak is rather cute, but vwe do->nt talk that much.
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@askkankriampora is the abso->lute 8EST, vwery ho->t and vwery much dating me.
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@mituna-peixes is just….. yeah…
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generous-dimensions · 7 years
so i finished the craig route in dream daddy and honestly?? i don't need to do the other routes miss me with that joseph shit i'm happy with my fitness husband
msfdhsdhsdh ho nestly.... also im bad at dream daddy i have yet to get any good endings with the dads 
i heard that the joseph thing was a halloween dlc joke which is,, relieving to hear i guess and it’s Not Canon, someone also said it’s only accessible if you dig through files and can’t actually get it, so there’s that? it’s still kinda shitty tho. 
anyways mat is my favorite dad but we never stay together, he always says “oh we should be friends” :(
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jadipose · 2 years
I bet you felt great after that lasagna and milk.
Ho+nestly, I felt like a friggin' bo+mb. I tho+ught I was go+ing to+ rupture my who+le intestinal tract if I so+ much as sneezed. I co+uld barely sleep, even with a fo+o+d co+ma co+ming o+n.
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selfinsertdio · 7 years
hoi i filled out that ship meme for myself n sin :v looked like fun so!!
Who’s the first to wake up in the morning: sinbad, probably, but “morning” is sort of, not a concept that applies to my nocturnal ass
Who’s the one to make breakfast: sin mostly just because he’s probably the only one that eats it LOL
Who’s the one to serve the other breakfast in bed: ho nestly i’m gonna say could go either way. sinbad might be nice like that but i feel like he’d appreciate the sentiment more (and i’d be awake early/late enough to make it happen.)
Who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work: p robably both
Who suggests they both ditch work to lay around all day: b o th my depression’s so easily influenced but i’m aggressive when i got Shit 2 Do
Who chooses the movies: both!! we probably have similar taste in plotlines but i’d guess sinbad’s genre tastes are different than mine. (so many kids’ films.) i’d like to think that we’d be interested in learning about what the other likes.
Who initiates kissing during the moving, thus distracting the other from the movie all together: SINBAD. i’m too focused on plot for that shit ffs
Who orders lunch: sinbad. what’s a food even.
Who steals food from the other’s plate without asking: definitely me
Who curls up next to the other and falls asleep due to a full tummy: fall asleep on each other. who knows who’s out first.
Who distracts the other from trying to work at home: me. i’m too angry when i’m working to take distractions well tbh he could try but he’d learn real fuckin’ quick
Who asks to go get ice cream like a five year old: sinbad.
Who takes pictures of their partner eating ice cream: also sinbad.
Who makes a sexual joke about the dripping ice cream on their partner’s face: m e
Who cooks dinner: ja’far: ultimate momfriend sinbad. i can’t cook for shit.
Who cleans up the kitchen afterwards: probably me. i like the idea of dividing chores up like that.
Who stays up until 2 reading: both, mostly me. more like stays up until sunrise tho on my end
Who stares at their partner while their sleeping: sinbad, fuckin creep :V
Who kisses their partner while they sleep: b oth tbh. sneaky affection.
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OK HO NESTLY .... NIGIHTCRAWLER ... .. .. . adn ngl hwen i foudn out ur kurt i absolu te ly died hes alway s eben my fave i lov...... secodn would b caboose i odntk now that much abt rvb tho ive on ly seen like a little bit
AAAAHH HTANK U MY FRIEND I AM SO GLAD,,, thabk u!! for x men u remind me of scott a little bit bc u are both… dorky and Good sdfjdhfjand for rvb u remind me a bit of jensen!
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tfwlawyers · 9 years
nidria said: trucys parents were both darker than her how did that even HAPPEN
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jadipose · 7 months
Well? Did you take the flight?
YEAH o+f co+urse I did! Their ho+ttest was a mango+ habanero+ wing and it was ho+nestly no+t as ho+t as I tho+ught it wo+uld be. A nice balance between sweet and savo+ry and spicy
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jadipose · 11 months
is outgrowing clothes more erotic or annoying?
UGH at this po+int I just find it anno+ying ho+nestly. I lo+ved o+utgro+wing my skinny clo+thes tho+ugh, so+ fun
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