#( he's the preciousest <3 )
archivestarlyht · 7 months
saying lex has a +0 dex modifier not because i had no idea what was happening in character creation but because he's dyspraxic
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sylleblosscm · 2 years
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"Mommy! Mommy!" the three-year-old could barely contain his excitement as he ran towards the queen with a broad smile. "I drawed a..a picture for Unca Ravus and... And he said he wants to put it on the wall!" Not the fridge. The wall. "It's at his house. It's on the wall at his house!"
Unprompted [always accepting]
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Though caught off-guard, Luna finds her footing easily. Her child’s sweet, happy voice is always a welcome sound, whatever else she might have to occupy her. She picks him up as he reaches her, setting him upon her hip with a smile bright enough to match his. ❝Goodness, that is exciting! You must be very proud. You know your Uncle Ravus allows only the most special, wonderful pictures by the very best artists to be hung on his walls.❞
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fairyhaos · 10 months
yena u should see this
one of my very lovely moots sent it bc im a huge joshushushu
and knowing u are one too and ur still in missing shua hrs i think u deserve this ml <3
cradles this thread very gently in my hands...... he is so so precious to me goodness who allowed him to be so adorable
the entire thing is sooo so cute but oml:
[joshu link 1] "table!!! :0" what if i cry
[joshu link 2] NO THE WAY I LITERALLY STARTED TEARING UP,,,,, preciousest little person ever. him n his little munchy scrunchy cheeks
[joshu link 3] tiny sitting joshu. he's so smol <//3
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feijoacrumble · 1 year
ohhh noooo I'm reading She Who Became The Sun, I'm only like ~150 pages in but it's already a category 5 Blorbo alert for Ouyang. he's my specialest most preciousest war criminal <3 :')
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eolewyn1010 · 1 year
Dragging Frankenstein - Chapter 4
Onward and downward, but before we get down to brass tacks: I know Shelley talks her way around the actual process of making the Creature, but. The Creature needs to sleep, needs to eat, needs to recover from wounds - everything we know about this guy indicates that he's made of organic, "living" matter. So I will go with the traditional reading that all the corpses weren't just delivering reference material, but also building material to Frankenstein. Which means, yeah, I'm gonna mention the rotting issue, and no, I'm not talking of Victor's decaying morals.
“found even in M. Krempe a great deal of sound sense and real information, combined, it is true, with a repulsive physiognomy and manners” – ooookaaay, this is making me mildly sick. Although with the way Mary Shelley writes it, she strongly implies that Victor’s attitude is wrong, so I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt. (And kick the little shit against the shin.) DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR: 3
“two years during which I paid no visit to Geneva” – okay, WHAT. You don’t even go home for Christmas?? Your siblings, your father, your preciousest Elizabeth??? Egotist.
Ok, fine, he makes a lot of progress. Only serves to blow up his ego tho.
Not to be morbid here, but Victor studying the dead and decay is the first point where the story really had me in its grip and I fully bought into his dedication to science itself, not to the glory in it. Good shit.
“like the Arabian who had been buried with the dead and found a passage to light, only aided by one glimmering and seemingly ineffectual light” – ???? Is this something one should know? I’m kind of afraid to research it; I suspect some gross cultural misrep. Or is it Biblical?
How very practical that Victor has a morally sound reason not to share the secret of creating life, so nobody can ever confirm or deny his singular-in-history brilliance. DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR: 4
“how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world” – how does Victor manage to criticize himself and his own attitudes and still come across as belittling?
“give life to an animal as complex and wonderful as a man” – sorry, I have to. DAS GAY: 13
Hey, he’s not building a woman there.
Incidentally, a woman would get him to the way more obvious process of creating life; why is he studying corpses but not pregnancies? Is that icky to get his hands on or what?
“I resolved to make the being of a gigantic stature” – not to be gross here, but I think Victor fantasizes about getting absolutely ravished by a tall, strong man.
“having spent some months in successfully collecting and arranging my materials” – aw, what a sweet phrasing for defiling corpses.
“A new species would bless me as its creator and source" – DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR: 5
God-Adam-Lucifer delusion, go!
Also, a man. He’s trying to build a human man. From human materials. This is not a new species. It’s not an act of creating something that wasn’t there before. The original idea is the process of creation, not the resulting creature.
“No father could claim the gratitude of his child so completely as I should deserve theirs” – there’s so many things wrong with that. First of all, manipulative as all shit. Second, do you make a child to have them indebted to you? Third, with the homoerotic undertones of Victor desiring to create a beautiful man, this gets a very unhealthy one on the INCEST VIBES: 4
“renew life where death had apparently devoted the body to corruption” – uhm. Isn’t that what he needs to do now, too? How do the parts for his man-in-the-making not decay further during the process? Especially since it’s in a tower room during the summer. The stench must be hell. How is nobody noticing him sneaking around carrying body parts and his room smelling absolutely horrible? Huh. People get up to some weird shit in college, I guess.
“tortured the living animal to animate the lifeless clay” – aw, he’s such a sweetheart. How comes he’s not missed at university? He’s probably not attending lessons anymore; how can he stay around?
“It was a most beautiful season” etc. – ok, how would he know? He says he’s not paying attention to anything. Shelley, that’s a POV error. And he doesn’t even reply to his father’s concerns. IT’S ALL ABOUT ME: 3
The attitude tho. “I then thought that my father would be unjust if he ascribed my neglect to vice, or faultiness on my part, but I am now convinced that he was justified in conceiving that I should not be altogether free from blame.” – okay, WHAT. 1st, robbing graveyards is very much a vice, Victor. 2nd, you are absolutely to blame entirely. 3rd, he’s right, you are neglecting university. Where does Victor get off painting himself in such a saintly light?
“if no man allowed any pursuit whatsoever to interfere with the tranquility of his domestic affections, Greece had not been enslaved, Caesar would have spared his country, America would have been discovered more gradually, and the empires of Mexico and Peru would not have been destroyed.”
…I choose to be a highly offended historian about this, and move on. Also, because he thinks it’s so very simple to just apply his personal faults to all of human history and therefore solve all problems, this gets a glaring IT’S ALL ABOUT ME: 4
“But I forget that I am moralizing” – HA! I’m in incredulous giggles here.
“I shunned my fellow-creatures as if I had been guilty of a crime” …honey, you are. Multiple crimes, actually. And counting. Self-awareness whomst?
Whew, this chapter was dense. And so is Victor.
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kissagii · 1 year
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awwwww littol guy :3
he's the preciousest babie
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chrisbangs · 5 years
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Yes! And he is so cute talking about "his treasures" - he captured that photo "a little piece of football [soccer, if you will] history"
dawwww okay see he’s just a class act dude which further supports my whole “he would totes be a gentleman and take me out to dinner” idea :D
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meizworld · 7 years
I got tagged by @rezeren, thank you! 
Marvel or DC? Marvel. I actually don’t really follow DC much, I just saw some series like Gotham and Supergirl and a movie like Wonder Woman, but I don’t follow stuff in chronological order like with Marvel. 
Favourite of the silver trio (Neville, Luna, Ginny)? Luna, she was the first character who I felt was just so awesome and able to accept herself and all her weirdness and didn’t give a damn about what anyone thinks of her. 
Favourite of the fantastic quartet? Newt Scamander, he’s the preciousest. 
OTP?  This is a difficult one, I’m gonna go for FitzSimmons, others may pop up along the rest of this list xD
NOTP? I’m gonna stick to Harry Potter here, because otherwise it would be too broad xD I usually kind of go with canon, unless I really don’t like it. But for example I don’t like HarryXHermione, I think they are wonderful as they are as friends, and one of the reasons I love HermioneXRon is because I am a fan of pairings consisting of people who are the complete opposite of each other and, to quote a classic boxing movie, ‘fill each other’s gaps’. 
BROTP? Oh I feel like I should have one here, but I can’t think of anything xD Recently in Game of Thrones I’ve gotten fond of the bromance between Bronn and Jaime xD I’m usually not okay with incest stuff, in anime for example I really can’t stand siscon (brother who fancies his little sister or the other way around)  Hinny or Linny? Oh god I’m bad with these xD I don’t ship Ginny and Luna romantically, just as really good friends xD and I don’t really ship Harry and Ginny either, but I guess more in the books than in the movies... xD
Patil or Weasley twins? Weasley twins all the way, you can’t really compare these twins man xD
Favourite HP book? The Order of the Phoenix, I loved how suddenly everything became more serious and darker, also emotionally. And there are so many thrilling scenes in the book which they cut out completely in the movie... I was kind of disappointed with the movie ><
Favourite HP movie? The Chamber of Secrets. Unlike a lot of people, I enjoyed the two first movies and kind of didn’t like it when from movie 3 suddenly everything changed and they didn’t wear their robes anymore and the whole Hogwarts grounds suddenly changed xD and Richard Harris will always be my favorite Dumbledore, he was exactly what I’d imagined Dumbledore to be like, Michael Gambon never really did it for me D:
Favourite musicals? Into the Woods, Funny Girl, recently got into Hamilton (as did everyone I suppose xD)
Favourite band/artist? Mizuki Nana, a Japanese singer and voice actress, she my queen
Favourite book series?  The A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin, Harry Potter series by JK Rowling, the Inkheart series by Cornelia Funke (she was my favorite childhood fantasy author)
Favourite stand alone book? Aaah so difficult xD I really liked Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
Favourite YouTuber? I’m really not familiar with YouTubers, but I guess Thomas Sanders? 
Celebrity Crush? A certain Korean rapper
Fictional death you’re not over? So many, ohmygosh xD Neal from Once Upon a Time, Tripp from AoS, Fred, Dobby, Hedwig, too many to count and to think of right now xD
Favourite TV show? I’m watching a lot at the moment, but I really love Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Book you loved as a child? ‘Thomas en de Laatste Draken’ (’Thomas and the Last Dragons’) by Cornelia Funke
Cats or dogs? Not a big fan of this question, to be honest xD But I’m gonna go for cats. I love dogs too, but I still have bad memories because when I was little I was scared of dogs, especially when they would jump up at me and start barking loudly and I also was bitten by a dog once as a child, so yeah, cats for me :P
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