#( hashtag becca logic. )
liliisms · 5 years
What has been some of your best rp ships? (you should get some too ;))
Trying to remember all of my ships in the..ten plus years I’ve been doing this is hard. Definitely Treegan with @theflashgrant as well as Gustario. Lucian with @diannahq. Beliza with @elizajanetc. My Sprousehart with @hqcolem that has existed in several mediums before finally finding its home here. And I think that’s it? They’re the ones that stick out the most in my mind. Thank you again!
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hqtbells-blog · 6 years
It bums me out how slow activity has been lately. I’m guessing it’s because it’s exam time? I haven’t been in school for a few years, too busy being a caretaker for my mom and trying to do part-time work but I feel like every day I log on, I have literally maybe..3-4 replies in my activity feed even after combing through the starter tag and making starters of my own? It feels like replies are done once a day and then it’s just memes (which only a select few know how to play) or reblogging pictures. 
I just miss when this group was full of plots and not even dramatic plots, just like..cute lil’ plots I could follow along, or gossip sent in that got everyone talking, or even just watching all these great brotps spot up. All these ships develop organically. I miss paras and f2fs and the excitement of something new. I miss the feeling of having a super long day at work or something going on in my personal life that’s bumming me out and then coming online to escape. I miss well thought out paras that didn’t take me three weeks to complete or conversations that weren’t just “Oh, how are you doing? What’s new?” every three replies because we’ve just slowly run out of things to talk about.
I miss this group feeling like a family. :( And even if we don’t all get along, we all respected each other enough to keep up with activity or not drop a character after one week because we’re too impatient to see if plots can naturally develop rather than pushing people into plots or ships. I’ve had Troian for four years and I still have plenty of muse for her but it seems stupid to even get attached to characters or plots because it’s like after one week of people not automatically jumping on your character, you drop. (Side note: It took me MONTHS to develop connections. And not because people here are rude but because like in real life, you’ve gotta show people you’re sticking around and willing to put in effort.)
I don’t need a ship to make me stay. (Though, they’re real nice.) I don’t even need a dramatic plot every month. But something’s got to be more rather than everyone needing a hiatus every week or waiting to do para replies/replies until the 3rd day after you start something. I just miss the hectic buzz. I miss the excitement. I miss the development, the writing, the pride I feel watching everyone’s character develop. 
Sigh. I don’t know. It just feels like things have changed and I don’t like change and I wanna try my hardest to bring things back to a better way. We’re the longest running RP in the Hollywood RP community and that’s for a reason, no matter what the naysayers say. We’re doing something right and I just want us to last as long as possible because this truly is my safe place to land after bad days.
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lxlipetals · 6 years
My favorite muse(s) of theirs and why: She’s only got Melissa so as of right now, she’s obviously my favorite!
My favorite interaction/thread of theirs: Melissa/Lili’s text threads are usually just big gush fests but early Melissa/Lili talking about Chris was fun and adorable.
My thoughts on their unique characterization/interpretation of their muse(s): I think Brandy is the perfect Melissa because she pretty much IS Melissa. She’s just as cute, just as sweet, and just as much of a pure and smol bean. She was born for it.
My thoughts on their writing style as a whole: I think she’s very talented and I enjoy reading her stuff!
Situation(s)/Plot(s) I’d love to see their muse(s) in: I wanna see angry Melissa one day. ;) Melissa taking care of biz-ness.
Someone else I love seeing them interact with: Benwood. And Danielle/Melissa is sweet too!
Anything else I want to say about their roleplaying: Just so pure and sweet.
If We Know Each Other
What I Think Are Their Best Qualities: Her sweet and gentle self, her goofiness, and her ability to always make me smile.
What I Think Are Their Strengths: Kindness. Sweetness. Empathy.
A Memorable OOC Interaction Of Ours: Anytime she messages me BECAW, I die a little on the inside from how happy it makes me.
Why Others Should RP With Them: Because she’s so damn cute.
How Others Should Approach Them: Just approach her with all caps and gush over Benwood like I do 90 percent of the time.
Other Roleplayers I’d Recommend To Them: Anyone who hasn’t already interacted with her!
Anything else I want to say about them: You’re the cutest.
If We Have/Plan To Interact Together
A plot I’d like to write with them: Melissa and Lili doing all the fun maid of honor/fellow bride stuff together. And maybe talking about their shared mental health issues.A muse I want to introduce to them: She’s met most of my muses.A ship/broship I’d like to propose to them: More Melissa/Troian! And Bob/Troian since Bob is Chris’s boyfriend.A thread with them I’m excited about: Any cute ones we can think up.Anything else I want to say: Thanks for being so great. :)
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sobobmorley · 7 years
another co-star ship how creative
// My ships are one hundred percent chemistry based. All of my ships on Troian, Lili, Ian and now Bob were never plotted before hand or the reason I picked up a face claim. I just go with the flow and whoever meshes with me. I’m sorry if it’s a tried and true cliche for you but at the end of the day, you don’t gotta read it. You know? It’s really about what makes me happy on my character accounts. 
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liliisms · 5 years
What was the most surprising rp moment for you?
// KJ telling me she wanted Eliza to settle down with Bob. @elizajanetc
But really, a big surprise for me has been Rose @hqcolem continously staying with me and supporting me on my Lili. Apart from Sam and Katie, nobody’s ever shipped with me for so long and I’ve had such rotten luck on my Lilis. It means a lot she loves them as much as I do.
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liliisms · 5 years
What's been your proudest moment as a writer?
// You know, I don’t think I’ve had one. I’m super critical of myself. Of my words, my choices, even the little things like picking a gif or an icon. I’m always second guessing. I don’t think I’ve ever looked at something I wrote and went, ‘Huh. That was pretty good.’ So this is tough to answer and I’m realizing a lot of my ‘proud’ moments extend to the people I’m creating with. I’m certainly proud of my writing partners, that’s for sure. 
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liliisms · 5 years
happy birthday to @elizajanetc who also plays @kjapayo and @hqnessa. what can i say about this girl that i haven’t already gushed over a thousand times before? meeting you was one of the best things to ever happen to me. you’ve brought such light to my life in more ways than one. you inspire me. you never back away from a challenge and are stronger than you know. you’ve got the most giving and sweetest heart, always there for a friend. no matter what, you’re gonna be there and you’re gonna show up and that’s such a good quality to have and just one of the many reasons i love you so much. you’re courageous, never letting fear stop you from doing something and stepping up to do what you know is right. your mom, christopher, family, friends, me..we’re so lucky to have you in our lives. i know i am for sure. thank you for always being there no matter what, making me laugh, going on and on about people like i know them, your passion for justice, your love for beautiful people, and never giving up. on anyone or anything. i love you so much, kj. 
also your episode to watch is girl meets world “girl meets pluto”
“hi sweetie” “peaches”
riley’s love for pluto ‘the smallest planet with the biggest heart. i love pluto so much i would kiss it on the face’
the riley committee
“look at the bird!”
‘you knew that?’ ‘ah, it would have been anything i said’
the shovel scene + the shovel shirt
how can you still believe in me?’ ‘i have hope for something four billion miles away, you have always been right here’
‘i made one for maya’s head’
‘dream dreams maya, you’re going to get everything you want in life’
riley telling maya how much she believes in her and then maya resting her head on riley’s shoulder
‘hey whatever it is, i hope it works out the way you want it’
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i love you. happy birthday.
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liliisms · 5 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// thank you sadie!! ily 💕
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liliisms · 6 years
👸 2 k 1 8 review 👸
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001. What is your proudest accomplishment of this year? - Getting to make a speech about the power of body image at the Glamour Women of the Year Summit. As proud as I am of Riverdale (and I’m extremely proud), I have always wanted to use my voice for something useful. I’ve struggled with body acceptance my whole life, always self-conscious about my skin or thighs or boobs and it was only with the support from my family and friends that I finally learned how to become comfortable in my own body. Society and the media can be very damaging to young women and men’s self-esteem as they grow throughout the years and I wanted to use my platform to promote loving yourself for exactly who you are, imperfections and all. I’ve always tried to be genuine and true to myself and to get to be able to speak to so many people..well, it was truly a honor and I try to set an example everyday of what it means to love your body and your soul.
002. What is the biggest life lesson you learned this year? - I have the power to take control of how people make me feel. I don’t have to read the hateful comments. I don’t have to watch the videos insulting me and my friends just for them to get views. I can block people and turn away from spiteful people who think they have the right to talk about my life. I don’t owe anything anybody and the only person I should be trying to impress is myself. The minute I stopped caring about what people thought of me and started to live for myself, to make myself happy, is the minute a million of worries flitted away and I felt myself relaxing. I only get one life and I intend to live it the way I see fit.
003. What is one relationship (can be friendship) that has helped you survive this year? - I’m going to be predictable with this answer, but how can I say anybody but Cole @coleffs ? He’s truly been my rock. Not only in the sense of being there from day one of stepping into this crazy industry to learn how to handle the pressures that come with fame, but he’s also always been one hundred percent genuine with me. I’ve never had to be anyone but myself with him and to feel that love from him, to see how much he cared about me with no frills, no glitter, no pretending really helped me to also love myself even more. He’s taught me a lot - how to appreciate life a little deeper, how to take not take myself so seriously when I can get caught up in the little things, how to be patient and breathe when I feel myself trembling in fear of not living up to my potential. He sees the best in me, always and for that, he’s helped me to open myself up so many experiences. Falling in love is the scariest thing you can ever do and yet with him, he made is so easy and effortless. Cole’s been there through late nights, early mornings, crazy outings, quiet walks, and wild chaos and I’ve never seen him as anything other than imperfectly perfect. He’s truly my soul mate and the love of my life and I’d be lost without him.
004. Who or what do you need to let go of in order to make next year even better than this year? - I’m definitely going to focus less on social media and getting caught up in the drama that comes with comments and unwanted opinions, and focus more on the support that comes from the people I love. I also think I need to be more reckless - not in a bad way, but stop thinking about so much what will happen if I don’t make a certain decision and start thinking about what I could gain if I do.
005. What did you do this year that you’ve never done before? - Where do I start? Gone to Hawaii. Rode in a hot air balloon. Flew in a helicopter over mountains and had a picnic a thousand feet in the air. Was on a television soundtrack. I’m a very lucky girl.
006. What are three resolutions or goals you want to make happen next year? - 1) Bring Addy out to LA more, 2) Do more little things for Cole to surprise him, and 3) Try to get more product and business deals about ideas I support and care about.
007. Where did most of your money go this year? - Without a doubt, junk food and skin care products.
008. What song will always remind you of this year? - Can’t Help Falling in Love by Kina Grannis.
009. How will you be spending the last day of this year? - I think my friend Austyn and I are going on a little trip, but I’m not sure yet! I’ve yet to really set anything in stone.
010. Who is the best new person you’ve met this year? - Haley and Kiernan! They’ve really become two of my newest sisters. @hqhaleyluhoo & @keekshipka
001. What relationship (can be friendship) has been the most fun to write for your muse/s this year? - For Lili, writing SH with Vic has been incredibly sweet and I’m grateful she was willing to keep their relationship and that she’s stuck with me this long. I’m always waiting with bated breath for really amazing ship partners to drop me but she’s never made me feel anything less than wanted and appreciated, so it just makes the ship that much more precious to me. As for friendships, I always get a kick out of Lili/Saoirse. @irishxseahorse has such a great sense of humor and never fails to make me laugh.
For Keegan, the Treegan relationship wasn’t really a surprise but I was happy with how naturally it developed. You don’t always have chemistry even if your fc’s do in real life but Emily has been such a perfect Troian. Seeing as how I’ve played Troian for the majority of my RP years, I’m very picky with how people play her and Em fits the bill. ;) I love that it’s not rushed, it’s going at a very easy and natural pace, and how willing Emily always is to talk to me and to keep my muse high with cute muse inspo. And for friendships, Keegan/Lizzie! @ohlizzo Be prepared for 2019, Sadie. Keegan’s gonna worm his way into Lizzie’s heart.
And on Munro, I’ve been lucky enough to sort of ship with Vic again with Munro/Cristine. We decided to give them a shot and I love the messy friends with benefits plot. I can’t wait to focus on them more and hopefully do more with them next year. I also really love Munro and Natalia’s friendship. @itsnataliadyr Eena is the actual sweetest and I adore how immediately playful their interactions became. I always look forward to replying to her and love her Natalia.
002. In what ways do you connect to your muse/s? - Out of all of them, I think I connect to Lili the most not only because she’s the only female muse, but also because we’re both fellow Virgos. I’m a big astrology nerd and I believe your sign impacts your personality so I feel like she’s a kindred spirit to me in a way. She’s definitely as impulsive with her words as I am and we both share the same sense of humor. With Keegan, I relate deeply to his sensitivity and his love for cats because I am the biggest cat lady and would have a million cats if I could. He also wears his heart on his sleeve and I do too. And with Munro..he’s probably the muse I have the least in common with but we do share a love for geekdom so that’s fun!
003. What’s your favorite category to write for your muse/s? (angst, fluff, smut, etc.) - I haven’t been able to write much smut here because not everybody is comfortable writing it (which is totally cool) but smut & angst is probably my favorite to write because I feel like that’s where I shine. I don’t know what that says about me but..Those are my top two categories where I get the most compliments on my writing. Obviously fluff is great and we all know I can wax on forever with mushy and sappy stuff..
004. If you could give your muse/s one gift, what would you give them? - I can’t afford anything for them, but if I could, I’d give her the Chipotle black card because she seems to really want it. Or a sponsorship by Dominos. I’d also love to give her a big hug and tell her how much I admire her, and how much her words mean to me. It’s so nice to be a fan of a woman who isn’t afraid to speak her mind and who promotes loving yourself and not being ashamed if you’re a little different from everyone else.
For Keegan, I’d give him notebooks and demand he write more songs and scripts and cast Troian in all of them. I’d also give him another kitten friend because who doesn’t want more kittens?
And for Munro, I’d beg him to get Instagram just so I can know what he’s up to! Seriously though, Munro seems like a simple guy but I’d give him Lion King tickets and then make him go with me so I can hide in his arms when Mufasa dies. NOT READY, NEVER READY.
005. What was your favorite event/moment/memory in HollywoodlandHQ this year? - Is it cheesy if I say when we opened? I was really excited and so proud and I felt like I finally crossed something off my bucket list. I wanted a safe place for the people I loved to create and write. I also loved the Halloween event! Anything a little spooky, I love. 
006. What muse/s have you enjoyed most seeing on this dash this year? - Lizzie is one of my favorites simply because I think Sadie writes her perfectly, and I always love seeing my ship partners on the dash because my stomach gets all fuzzy and I know good things are gonna happen.
007. What is your favorite thing your muse/s have done this year in the group? (can be in the real world or what you made up) - For Lili, it’s been the gift of all the pictures she’s released. She’s gorgeous, she’s real, and I love all the content she blesses us with. I’m also so proud of her work on Riverdale this year. She stepped up her game.
Keegan hasn’t done much but Million Miles Away was a jam and his podcast was great! In the group, I obviously was happy when he finally kissed Troian. ;) @itstbellisario
And Munro seems to have booked a lot of new projects so I’m excited for them to come out. His performance in Knuckleball is INCREDIBLE and just proves how good of an actor he is.
008. What would you like to see in HollywoodlandHQ in 2019? - Apart from events that pair up people who don’t interact much (which seems to be the biggest want), I’d love more themed events. I’d love supernatural!week, AU!week, holiday events, even more events like the earthquake that affects the whole group and not a select group of people. I also love when memes are done, even if we still need to improve on everyone playing them fairly. Memes that set up plots and help further IC drama will be worked on too. And obviously, I really want the group to keep growing! 
009. What is a plot you would love to do with your muse/s? - I’d love to do something dramatic with Lili - she’s clearly got a steady head on her shoulders and I don’t want to make her too OOC, but writing her struggle with something whether that be a relationship with somebody or with herself would be great with character development. 
With Keegan, I’m excited to work out his growing relationship with Troian. I can’t wait to write out all the beginnings of a ship and see what comes from it.
And with Munro, I’d really just like him to have more connections. I’d love to see more Degrassi fc’s in the group but also get him involved with more people. He’s a really goofy guy and he’s also loyal af, so he’d be great for friendship plots. Also, him developing something with Cristine and maybe fucking it up a little would be good drama!
010. Tag somebody in the RP and say something nice about them. It’s the season of giving. - To my fellow admins @diannahq, @elizajanetc, @itsgenevievegnt, @ohlizzo, @sebffs and @hcurly - I love you. I appreciate you SO much. You guys do tireless (and sometimes thankless) work to make this place running and an accepting place for everybody. Thanks for the Discord chats, the support for real life and roleplay, and always willing to step up and make this the greatest damn group in the game.
Katie - Even when I’m married, you’ll have my Netflix and Hulu password. Thanks for being the Lucy to my Troian, the Goose to my Shmian, and the Manny to my Emma. I love you. You’re always there for me, and you’re always keeping me honest and inspire me to be a better person.
KJ - I love you too and thank you for always believing in me and loving me more than I do myself. I can’t wait for another year of friendship with you.
Eena - You’re the best advice giver and the best ear to talk to. You always make me smile and nobody’s softer or kinder than you. I love you, you gentle soul.
Sadie - You’re a woman of mystery but we love you anyways. You’re probably our group mama and you keep us in line. You’re also incredibly supportive and talented.
Laura - I hope to get to know you even better in 2019! You’re always a sweetheart.
Nikki - I love your big heart and your willingness to do whatever to make everyone feel comfortable. You’re too pure for us.
Sam @theflashgrant @yochriswood - I’ve known you for so long and each year, my love for you grows stronger. I love the person you are and the person you’re becoming. You truly inspire me with your strength and if there’s anyone worthy of good things happening to them, it’s you. Thanks for always making me laugh and being there for me. I’m ride or die for you, lady.
My ship partners @coleffs @crisprosperi @itstbellisario - you two keep me inspired to log on here every day and I thank you for putting up with me. I love the relationships we’ve created and I love that you love them as much as I do. Thank you for the muse posts, the songs, the memes, and the IMs. Thank you for also being my friends. I’d be lost without you two. I love our babies and I can’t wait to see what we do in 2019.
Ally @hqmaia - <333333333333 is really all I can say. We may not ship here but 2019 is gonna be great for our ships too. I’m so happy you’re in this group as well!
My fellow Riverdale-ians @hqcami @kjapayo @hqmads @coleffs @hqnessa @ulrichisms - You guys are the greatest pretend co-workers ever. Riverdale forever. <3 Thank you for letting me live out the friendships I love and being so amazing at all of your roles.
And to all of the members, who I consider my family - without you, this group wouldn’t work. You all belong here. You all are safe here. And you all are loved here. Thank you for doing this meme and giving us feedback and spreading positivity. I couldn’t be prouder to be your admin and to write with you. I’m the luckiest RPer ever.
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liliisms · 6 years
// Since we’re still figuring out the new main page, I wanted to post here and give credit to Ina aka @itsgenevievegnt - You guys, she has been working like CRAZY to make our new main just as amazing as our old one including graphics and trying to put all the lists and pages back in order. Ina, you’re a goddess and I bow down to you. I want to also thank my other fellow admins @diannahq, @ohlizzo, @kjapayo, @sebffs and @hcurly for stepping up and making this place continue to be a safe haven for our members. We’ve got the best team of admins out there so please, if you haven’t, let them know you appreciate them today because I’m certainly feeling blessed. Thank you for your patience and we can’t wait to get back in the normal swing of things!
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liliisms · 6 years
I’m going to be doing a much longer appreciation post by the end of this week (and I apologize if I don’t do moodboards/IC appreciation posts - having three characters and being an admin takes up a lot of time) but right now, a very special call out needs to be directed towards my admins.
So without getting into too much detail, I started talking to KJ @kjapayo one night about how frustrated I currently felt in the group we were in. I really loved the players there, I loved the members, I loved the plots but I just wanted to leave because the environment was so damn toxic. Yet, I couldn’t. I couldn’t say goodbye to everybody and just..abandon characters and friendships and plots I had worked close to five years on. I couldn’t just start over. I started saying how amazing it would be to start my own Hollywood group where the basic motto was “this is the place where everything’s safe”.
Thus, @hollywoodlandhq was born. We both agreed to start setting it up and start looking for people to help us put it together since we definitely needed a helping hand in graphics. We talked for a few weeks about it but it seemed a project destined further for the future because we were still very much dedicated to the group we were in now and didn’t think that in one night, one player would just make an entire roleplay group collapse. And yet they did. I had had enough. I posted goodbye and one by one, the dominoes fell and I am so grateful everybody recognized how much better they deserved in the roleplaying community.
That night was madness. KJ and I were screaming, “THIS IS IT!” and in (slight) manic, I started messaging my friends and asking them if they wanted to come on board to make a new Hollywood group. We didn’t want to part. We didn’t want to start over. We wanted a new place to call home and we wanted our friends to follow us there and take shelter. So the original Hollywoodlandhq team - KJ @kjapayo, Sadie @gigihqs, Katie @diannahq, Sam @theflashgrant, Bonnie @hyfdanielle, and Sam’s cousin Aly got to work. We stayed up for nights thinking up rules, thinking up events, making a theme, brainstorming and conspiring and putting together in fruition a place where..everything was better and everything was safe. Thank you so much to those girls who dedicated themselves tirelessly to helping me bring my child to life. 
It’s not smooth sailing. Admins clash from time to time about how we want things to run. We don’t always agree on certain points..but our shared goal has always been to make this place a safe, happy, and fun home for you to express yourself and grow creatively. We want you to make friendships here. We want you to write. We want you to de-stress and let yourself be somebody else. Nobody should be ignored and nobody should feel unwanted. If you’re here, you’re home and we love you. Welcome. 
To the current admin team we have now - KJ, Sadie, Katie, Ina @itsnataliadyr, Nikki @hcurly, and Laura @sebffs, I love you guys. I can’t even believe how much hard work you put into this group and I hope you know from the bottom of my heart how much I appreciate you. I hope I show that every day but alas, I am human and sometimes don’t remember to see what’s right in front of my eyes and realize how blessed I am. We’re almost at our six month mark and I can’t wait until we’re at our year. You are what keeps this place going.
I won’t single out who does what but just know - these people create the graphics. These people come up with the events. These people do activity checks to make sure everybody is being treated equally and held to the same standards. These people deal with bullies who sneak in and try to undermine our hard work. These people work every day to make this place somewhere you want to be.
I’ll be doing a separate post for members but the admin team needed my love today and I needed to give it. To past, current, and future admins - thank you. For everything.
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liliisms · 6 years
Send 💖 and my muse will say something nice about you, the mun
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liliisms · 6 years
4, 5, 7, 12
4: A faceclaim you want to see more in Roleplays
Honestly, there’s gifs of almost everybody it seems..but maybe actors from more Canadian shows? Take Degrassi, for example. Unless you were in the latest generations - you can’t find anything. Much of the cast is older now but a lot of them have gifs that seem timeless. I’d love to play more Degrassi characters, it’s just gifs of them seem non-existent.
5: A character you want to play
Sometimes I miss my Becca Tobin. She was great - also my Ian, but I’d only want to play against @diannahq‘s Lucy. I also really, really miss my Troian even though we have a great one here! And fandom wise, I wouldn’t mind a Wynonna Earp 1x1 or even a Degrassi 1x1 with the right characters. Hell, even PLL 1x1s. 
7: A brotp you adored
Gustario is forever going to have a special place in my heart. I couldn’t play them with anybody but @theflashgrant. It just wouldn’t seem right. I love all versions of them - canon in which they are best friends, AU in which we can expand that relationship. Sam introduced me to Grant and I fell in love with her version of him, and I fell in love with her writing (which I had already been doing) and I fell in love with their friendship. They weren’t perfect, they had their faults, they were sometimes messy but they felt like a legitimate friendship. It was a friendship that went beyond friendship, like to the next level where a word hasn’t been invented for that level and I just loved writing that kind of trust and love between two people.
12: Someone you love roleplaying with (or someones)
I’ve roleplayed with a lot of people and I’ve made friends with a lot of them - and gotten burned by a lot of them. Sam, KJ, Katie, Ally, Vic, Sadie, JJ, Minnie, Ina and Bonnie are the ones who have stayed by my side and who I can trust. I started a group with them because I knew I could trust them. They all (hopefully) know what they mean to me and if you don’t, send me an IM so I can remind you with a love letter.
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liliisms · 6 years
1, 7, 18
7: A brotp you adored
Troian/Lucy, for suuuuure. @diannahq, as I keep saying, was such a perfect Lucy. I had a great Trucy with @coleffs as well but they didn’t get to develop as much as the one Katie and I had. Troian and Lucy were basically Katie and I as well, except I was the smol one in real life and she was the tol one. The Manny to my Emma, the Lucy to my Troian, the Aria to my Spencer. Lucy was there for Troian through so much and Katie/Lucy really were a great sounding board when I felt lost on Troian. I have a lot of great memories with Katie’s Lucy, most importantly the cake frosting headcanon and the fact that Troian was constantly pressuring Lucy to choose her above Ian. It was amazing to have my ship partner be that and also my character’s best friend, it just made me feel that much more connected to her and I’ll always love our Trucy.
Another great Trucy memory is with @coleffs - never forget Troian getting stuck under Lucy’s bed. 
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liliisms · 6 years
Send 💘 and the mun will say something nice about your muse
Your Harry has always been my favorite and will always be my favorite. Ever since I first met him in the roleplay group we were in together, I’ve loved him and I’ve loved watching you explore different versions of him. Sometimes he’s a little tough to crack and I feel like you write him that way intentionally, just to keep us curious! Harry’s one of those characters I really want to see succeed and I think any plot you could do on him, you’d pull off because he’s such a complex character. I’m so happy he’s in this group. My Lili will forever be a fangirl.
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liliisms · 6 years
3 & 13 & 18
3: A faceclaim you can’t stand anymore
Lea Michele, which is a damn shame because I was a Rachel Berry stan for a really long time. It has nothing to do with Lea either because apart from finding her a little self-centered, I just have negative connotations with her face and it takes a really great player to separate me from those memories.
13: A trope that you are tired of
Getting your characters pregnant within months of them dating. I’m well aware surprise pregnancies exist but it’s clear when characters just want a pregnancy plot for the excuse to use cute baby photos. Obviously it’s roleplay, it’s just for fun, but I’m a realistic roleplayer and I hate seeing characters completely gloss over the fact that in real life, most 20 something year olds are not excited and ready for a baby with their partner of two months, combined with being a working actress/actor/singer, whatever? I also think from a roleplayer’s perspective, you’re just limiting yourself because you have to consider the baby plot in every single thing you do on your character.
18: Pet Peeve when it comes to roleplaying
People stealing original plots and then acting like they have no clue why you’re so upset. Better yet, when they quickly erase evidence before you can screen shot and then try to approach you to apologize and say they won’t do it again - only to do it weeks later.
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