#( geraniumplant // sanzo )
cpirits · 8 months
(( @geraniumplant said: [ "I care about them. You hurt them, you answer to me." -- Sanzo to Seiten Taisei ]
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★ ━━━━━━ A golden eye looked at Sanzo from beneath long brown hair, and lips turned into a snarl, hackles risen as knuckles popped as they flexed. He was Human, how could he care about Yokai? Seiten was a killing machine, and felt he couldn't be stopped, a force of more than nature.
A growl rose in his chest, and though he was small, he was fast. Darting away unable to be seen, the God appeared behind Sanzo deftly leaping to the Monk's back, almost hovering as a clawed hand slipped into blonde hair. The Yokai's lips smirked near Sanzo's ear, and he purred. "Then I guess you'll have to stop me..."
In the next instant he was gone in a soft rush of wind, ruffling the Monk's robes, as screams could be heard as Seiten Taisei began to massacre the nearby Yokai that had been deemed as "good" by Sanzo. If he was a true monk, he'd not care about the enemy weather good or bad, all other Yokai should die, that's how the God thought.
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shouga-nai · 8 months
@geraniumplant said:
Sanzo opens the kitchen cabinet. You'd think there would be some food inside to eat before class, but there's only a jar of salt & a half-eaten tub mayonnaise. "Huh. Guess you'll have to get some groceries, Hakkai."
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"I've already written the shopping list." One step ahead as always, diligent scholarship student Cho Hakkai had the day's tasks all planned out.
"I've also taken the liberty of checking both our schedules to ascertain when we're both done with classes for the day, so we could meet up and drive to the store." He'd trust his roommate would get the hint~
After all, considering how much foodstuff they'd be purchasing, he could really use an extra pair of arms to help carry them all.
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geraniumplant · 22 days
𝑺𝒑𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒚 𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝑨𝑼 ~ by geraniumplant
General AU ideas for my most active characters. Taking requests for threads during the spooky season. Or ♡ for a starter. Specify muse in the comments or I choose.
Please do not reblog!!!
Vash (vampire) - A vampiric plant that would rather attach himself to humans. Not for feeding, because human food is by far better. He's on the run from a vampire clan ruled by his brother, but Vash can't ignore their calls forever.
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (werewolf) - An escaped experiment, Nicholas & his brother are on the run from the Eye of Micheal. But the Eye isn't willing to give up its most successful experiment to date.
Genjo Sanzo (light mage) - The Sanzos are mages, Genjo following in his father's footsteps as a sacred demon hunter. So, why does he take on a demon as his charge? It's unconventional, but Sanzo was never one to follow the norm.
Tseng (witch) - The Turks are a special coven of witches serving Shinra. They cast spells involving different elements. Tseng is the only Turk to master all of the elements, painting a target on his back by the demons of Hell.
Rufus Shinra (white mage) - The first white mage to be born from a long line of dark mages. He's juggling running the Shinra clan with the pressure to produce an heir as well as a dark shadow specter stalking his every move.
D (dhampir prince) - The Son of Dracula, only known as D, would rather hunt his kind than rule them. Daddy Drac isn't so happy about that.
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ofdraiocht · 10 months
@geraniumplant liked for a thing // Goku for Sanzo
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"Sanzo!" He announces his arrival loudly as he let himself into the room, arms full of food in various packaging. "I lost Hakkai and Gojyo but I found all this food! Well it was given to me but look at it all! I brought it to share--"
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shouga-nai · 5 months
@geraniumplant liked for a Mirrorwatch starter ~
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"I don't believe I've seen a man of faith wielding firearms until now-" Said the machine built for war dressed in a monk's robe. But that's behind him now ⎯ war, that is. His tone was inquisitive, curious, having observed the blonde priest he so happened to come across in his travels.
Cigarettes as well... Quite the character, this one. Why do some humans seem to indulge in activities clearly detrimental to their health? More to learn.
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shouga-nai · 6 months
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@geraniumplant said:
"could you at least "guard" me from over there? why do you have to stand so close?" -- fem Sanzo to Hakkai if you want
Forced Proximity Trope || Accepting!
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"My apologies-" He promptly took a couple of steps backwards from the high priestess. There was almost the slightest tinge of discomposure in his tone, brushed aside with the smile still plastered on his face.
"If I may, and I mean no disrespect, but I believe it fair to point out that I'd be able to fulfill my duties most efficiently at your side, Lady Sanzo." The title was emphasized to further highlight the thick formality of his statement.
"Besides, might I remind you that this part of the woods is infamous for ambushes?"
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shouga-nai · 19 days
@geraniumplant || Continued ~
Hakkai knew something was off, initially suspecting the blonde of hiding it in his habitual display of stoic bravado. But it seemed even Sanzo was oblivious - until now, as deep crimson stained white robes. The evidence clear as day.
"And I'm sure there's an engaging story behind this one. But while you're at it, I'll have to ask you to disrobe..."
Calm and casual was his tone, as though this was a regular occurrence. It really was. But his hands moved, gathering essentials and making space before gesturing for the other to sit, or lie down, whichever works.
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"I can only most efficiently heal you that way after all ~"
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shouga-nai · 9 months
@geraniumplant || Continued ~
There was a blast of intense light and heat. His attempt at conjuring a barrier with his chi in the last second was for naught.
And for a moment, everything went blank.
The first thing Hakkai felt when he came to his senses was a sharp pain at the back of his head. He must've been thrown back and had a nasty landing. Sitting up only worsened the pain. He ached all over, most prominently... his vision was fading.
Helplessly he sat there as black shade began to fill his field of vision, like a dark curtain slowly covering his good eye.
Panicking and fretting would do nothing. So he looked around frantically for a familiar form and made his way over with haste. By the time he reached Sanzo, the darkness had fully enveloped his vision. Even with his prosthetic right eye still intact, this made him nearly blind at the moment.
He hated that he couldn't quite see how bad Sanzo's injuries were, carefully lifting him while still being on high alert in case their assailant was still around - only to grunt, nearly losing his balance as Sanzo gripped at his qipao.
"I'm going to need you to stay calm and focus, Sanzo." While his voice was rather hoarse, his tone was stern and words clear. Hakkai felt for his friend's arm, slinging it over his shoulders before getting to his feet while supporting Sanzo to the best of his ability. Slow and steady.
"Can you walk?"
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geraniumplant · 1 month
𝑺𝒑𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒚 𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝑨𝑼 ~ by geraniumplant
General AU ideas for my most active characters. Taking requests for threads during the spooky season. Please do not reblog!!!
Vash (vampire) - A vampiric plant that would rather attach himself to humans. Not for feeding, because human food is by far better. He's on the run from a vampire clan ruled by his brother, but Vash can't ignore their calls forever.
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (werewolf) - An escaped experiment, Nicholas & his brother are on the run from the Eye of Micheal. But the Eye isn't willing to give up its most successful experiment to date.
Genjo Sanzo (mage) - The Sanzos are mages, Genjo following in his father's footsteps as a sacred demon hunter. So, why does he take on a demon as his charge? It's unconventional, but Sanzo was never one to follow the norm.
Tseng (witch) - The Turks are a special coven of witches serving Shinra. They cast spells involving different elements. Tseng is the only Turk to master all of the elements, painting a target on his back by the demons of Hell.
D (dhampir prince) - The Son of Dracula, only known as D, would rather hunt his kind than rule them. Daddy Drac isn't so happy about that.
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shouga-nai · 10 months
@geraniumplant || Continued ~
Among the crowd was one cloaked figure. Probably not the most inconspicuous, but every guest present was eccentric in their own right. And he had one word in mind to describe this whole soiree...
His eyes searched the sea of lecherous party-goers until they spotted one familiar blond in the middle of the room, surrounded by eager hands. While it would be ideal to put a stop to this right away, he had to consider the risks of getting too hasty, and how unpredictable the situation could get. But then—
"He bit me!"
Well, if this wasn't the opening he's looking for...
Sanzo fell, but just as that same demon reached for him, his arm was grabbed and swiftly twisted with a sickening snap, before he too fell to the ground writhing in pain.
The cloaked figure stood between them, hood pulled back with a smile plastered on his face.
"Ah, so sorry..." Hakkai began. "But since you're busy kissing the floor at the moment, I'm sure you won't mind my cutting in."
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shouga-nai · 6 months
@geraniumplant || Continued ~
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"Don't you think it's about time you give your lungs a break? You have been smoking more than usual the past few days, in case you haven't realized." Which was typically a sign that something was amiss. Did Sanzo really think he wouldn't notice?
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shouga-nai · 6 months
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@geraniumplant said:
“ Be still, don't move. ” -- Lady Sanzo to Hakkai
4-Word Sentence Prompts || Accepting!
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"..?" And Hakkai did as instructed, pausing what he was doing to stay completely still. Did she sense a threat he failed to pick up on? Was there something important she wanted to say that required his whole attention? ...Or was there something on his face?
"...Lady Sanzo," he began. It was not requested of him to be silent, after all. "May I inquire - why?"
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shouga-nai · 6 months
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@geraniumplant said:
“Hey there" (little one) -- baby Sanzo to baby Hakkai
Interact with my muse as a child || Accepting!
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Hakkai Gonou gave no sign of acknowledgement towards the new voice at first, or even the fact that he was now with company, appearing completely engrossed in the book he's reading - until he spared a glance at the other boy, coming up with a quick assumption based on the blonde's clothing.
Must be from one of those Buddhist temples.
"The Sisters are in the church hall," was all he said in a dismissive tone. Clear, concise and to the point.
So you can stop with the forced formalities and be on your way now.
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