#( closed ; ) ᶰᵒᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉ ᵖᵘᵇˡᶤᶜˑ
adateur · 1 year
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no matter how long he may be gone, it is an unspoken rule that moreau must seek out his PINK CATASTROPHE of night city before doing anything else. there's plenty of other tasks he should be handling upon returning such as paperwork and meetings to attend at arasaka tower, but detours are made because this time is different. new rumors has sent the man into a quiet panic, tensions rising more when it takes several days to track her down. even so, a secluded balcony eventually awaits REUNION and dimitri find himself standing beside her familiar form in silence, words failing him in the moment. "i thought you were dead." a whispered murmur, barely rising over cars honking down on the streets below.
@valheri | starter.
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fierlis · 3 years
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he   wasn’t   a   professional   when   it   came   to   medication,   but   from   the   moment   becca   leads   him   into   the   drugstore   and   begins   rummaging   for   proper   headache   relief   medicine,   nick   knows   she’s   not   going   to   reach   for   the   hardcore   shit.   his   thought   comes   to   fruition   when   she   returns   to   his   side   with   a   bottle   of   advil   and   a   successful   smile   on   her   face.   meanwhile,   the   young   clark   is   shaking   a   prescription   bottle   of   naproxen   at   her.   ❝   advil   is   okay   if   you’re   unable   to   contact   your   doctor,   but   everyone’s   dead.   now,   you   skip   all   the   over-the-counter   bullshit   and   go   straight   for   the   real   shit.❞   
starter | @outxofxashes​
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ysurpr · 5 years
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   fishing was not his favorite hobby and the longer he sits perched on the pier at galdin quay, the more it dawns on him why. the ocean waves crashing so soothingly against white sands, seagulls squawking overhead and the blasted sun cursing its rays upon what flesh lays bare-- uncomfortable boredom. he should have denied noctis’ offer to join him, but if it meant not having to follow him and his companions across eos for a little longer, he thought why not ?  now he wishes to drown himself.  ❝  i see the admiration for a knowledgeable hobby such as chess didn’t get passed down through the bloodline.  ❞
@calamitousheir | starter.
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preteurs-blog · 5 years
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   the second she places the brooch on his counter, dorian is already plucking it up and turning it over for a full inspection. it’s a fine piece, no doubt stolen from one of the wealthy women flaunting all their riches down the street, until he holds it up into the light and notice the lack of rainbow dazzle all real diamonds seem to have. this one lacked even the promise of gold not chipping and peeling, causing the frenchman to chuckle as he glances back to the woman.  ❛  who did you steal this from ?  a mere beggar on the street ?  or perhaps a woman with a cheap lover ? ❜
@paddyfuck  | starter
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loielic · 5 years
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   it’s only been a few months since javier joined the van der linde gang and started to settle into their lifestyle. he was still struggling to understand english, an insecurity which had more than often ended up with the young mexican sitting off to himself while the rest of the gang partied and danced until they got dizzy. dutch had no issues with javier’s silence, noting that as long as he knew how to shoot a gun and where to pledge his loyalty, he would come around in due time. said due time was often never a given since majority of the gang wanted to include him in a lot of their activities-- they were more of a family than a bunch of rowdy misfits ganged together.
   a train robbery had been well tonight and thanks to arthur morgan, the score went according to plan. being partnered up with such an intimidating outlaw for the first time made escuella nervous, but somehow he made his english work enough for him to be a good partner for the older man. now they were all celebrating; nothing but hoots and hollers over dutch’s beloved phonograph playing a suddenly beautiful tune. javier vaguely looks up to see why the song changed and goes back to sharpening his knife, foot tapping subconsciously to the sweet melody.
   the moonlight bathing his skin in colors of the exotic sands from his native home was blocked by a looming figure whom he assumed was perhaps one of the men looking to get him drunk and involved, but to his surprise, it was annabelle. he blinks a few times as she kneels, the moon once again illuminating scars and dusky flesh he so often was judged for and he sets aside his knife in the grass. he understands her, but the sudden widening of his eyes could seem as if he didn’t. a dance-- perhaps javier was a lot more shy and awkward than he had previously been back home with his lover. he was a charmer, a tease and such a flirt with her, yet stripped away from all he knows and within new territory, that bold casanova is missing. when she takes his hands and pulls him to his feet, he doesn’t stop her, assuming the dancing role with ease. fingers laced with one hand, while his arm snaked around her waist respectfully.
    ❛  ah, i suppose that’s mostly my fault. ❜  they rarely had the time to meet one another because of javier’s distance he’s put between himself and his newfound companions. a timid smile finds his lips as he begins to lead her into a waltz, quite skillful in the art of dancing now that he’s participating. annabelle is polite and kind, much like dutch who’s saved him from starvation and death. the least he can do is try to warm up and make some friends.  ❛  i apologize if i uh..mess up my words or don’t understand what you’re saying, i’m still learning. ❜  he admits bashfully, twirling the young woman before sweeping back into a slow, graceful step.
@lindekillr | starter
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t-archived · 6 years
        @hhemeraa gets a boi to cook for him !
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❝ Hey, Myles. Are you impartial to spicy foods? Or would rather have them mild? ❞ Itachi is used to cooking for himself and most of meals were mild, only because spicy foods were a delicacy when he was not working. Knife chopped through scallions, dark eyes moving to the soup that was simmering. Mm, had he made too much? Vegetables, soup, rice, pan fried dumplings, and some catfish  tempura. The fish would need to be taken out the oil soon.
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devivtes-blog · 6 years
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               ❛ PL600. ❜ underlying memories rundown past events, some that he could even say HAUNTS HIM THE LONGER he stares at the blonde android. this time, the meeting is casual, simple even, as connor steps closer to the other. does he even remember him? was this even the same model he had once BROKEN HIS PROMISE TOO? no matter how many models he came across, there was always something about his time on the rooftop that leaves his LED swirling yellow. he fixes his gaze back on PL600 or perhaps, daniel before EASING FORWARD. only time would tell if remembrance lies on the other side.
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oulcmrt · 6 years
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               the king’s head should be put on the pike and waved around as the newest symbol of peace! the newest symbol of freedom! paris shall have the unity she rightfully deserves!
                THE CAFE THEATRE WAS always filled with the short-lived plays and also the occasional freedom cries of the city’s people who fought against the unfair treatment they were subjected to. on one hand, this sounded like a dreadful place for anyone to find themselves in, but on the other, the owner never allowed the cafe to become a mess of politics and death. no, he ran it as if turmoil, sickness and poverty didn’t lie right outside each various exits.
              look too quickly and you missed the frenchman in the corner with a broom or at one of the service counters with a cup of coffee in his clutches. no one assumed he as the owner but a mere servant with his constant scowl and distant persona. today wasn’t any different-- if you take into account that he was seated next to a girl who seemed rather interested in the ongoing speech happening on stage.
              ‘don’t go getting any ideas, mademoiselle.’ arno murmurs, gaze shifted in her direction. these people sparked riots that only ended with more bodies placed on blood-soaked carts and burning heaps of flesh. one small ignite in the heart of those who wished to changed paris and her rotten inhabitants, ended with an extinguished flame and hope loss.
// @scythereaping
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bcingqcd-blog · 6 years
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          he had never been a predictable individual. this was noted by his own comrades of alpha team whenever they would do something that involved a scolding and yet what came out of wesker’s mouth was nothing CLOSE to what they had imagined. it could be said the same for his friendship with birkin, no one could quite place their finger on what the blonde felt towards the fellow scientist. hell, he wasn’t sure birkin knew what to feel either since each meeting brought a look of surprise.
        like tonight for instance. it’s way past two in the morning and while the captain should be sleeping before an early shift lingering like a dark cloud over his head, he makes his way down the facility halls, to where he knows birkin is still working on the g-virus. the doors part, setting the scene of steel walls, scattered papers, dimmed lights and the familiar HUNCH of a man at a desk. ah, there’s the man of the hour. wesker makes careful note to step over the documents strewn about as he sets down a cup of coffee next to the sleeping scientist. should he wake him? the captain stays silent as he can, gloved fingers easing over a file that showed the previous results-- ones that bear GOOD news.
        “if your coffee cool off, i will not be sharing mine.” the flat and cold tone is bound to awaken the man next to him as he rests casually against the desk and brings the styrofoam cup up to his lips, sipping the hot beverage before staring at birkin and eventually letting out a sigh. “i didn’t come here in hopes to talk with a desk, birkin, so wake up.”
// @viralobsession
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adateur · 1 year
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please save the iguanas ! an explosion of applause finally cuts through the brief moments of silence whenever the presenter pauses to take a breath. it was an interesting speech, one that the agent hadn't expected about nearly extinct lizards and the combination of all the eddies poured into their cause. "are you sure every 'ennie goes towards actually helping these poor animals ? it feels like we attend these same events EVERY YEAR and they say the same thing," he drawls out, arms now folding tightly across his chest. "...at least SHOW the people progress." will he ever admit he's a huge animal lover ? not aloud, but each event has one grumpy moreau displeased in the lack of proof. "i-- we still don't know if narnar ever found a good home from that nations narwhal charity. and WE donated a lot."
@prvtocol | starter
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fierlis · 3 years
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 ❝   for   the   six-thousandth   time,   i’m   not   infected.   if   you   put   the   gun   down,   i’ll   explain   everything.❞      well,   not   everything   but   the   important   bits   and   pieces   of   how   he   was   having   a   serious   adrenaline   rush   and   that   was   what   caused   his   shaking.   it   wouldn’t   be   the   truth   because   nick   was   certain   this   woman   wasn’t   about   to   lower   her   gun   on   some   druggie   going   through   extreme   withdrawals   and   losing   the   mind   he   couldn’t   wrap   around   killing   his   best   friend   ---   twice.   his   best   friend   thought   getting   up   after   a   bullet   to   the   chest   was   social   norms.   tiktok   would   have   eaten   that   trend   the   fuck   up   on   a   silver   platter.      ❝   if   i   was   bitten,   i   wouldn’t   be   asking   you   to   not   shoot   me.   ❞
starter | @snowinabottle​
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ysurpr · 5 years
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    ❝  we don’t have all day, noct, do try to keep up.  ❞ because lestallum has UNFORGIVING crowds of hungry people during the annual cooking festival. one of which ( although not sure why ) ardyn tends to dabble in for what it’s worth, all while making sure to keep the chosen heir under his watchful eye, except when he seems to lose him in the sea of people here and there.
@lunarbranded | starter.
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preteurs-blog · 5 years
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   bottle of wine is almost bare, save for the few drops that dorian has yet to throw down his throat, a husky rumble of laughter filling the humid night at the tease cassandra has given him, ponytail tugged lightheartedly and a lazy hand swatting hers away.  ❛  it’s the truth, i swear !  a troublemaker in my teen days and still somewhat now. although i was quick to learn how to mask it around the pompous bastards my father deals with. ❜  his nose wrinkles at the thought of his tight-knit childhood and he makes a disgruntled noise.  ❛  shall i steal more wine from his cellar ?  i’m certain bronte will supply it all as gifts soon enough. ❜
@culthcnt | starter
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loielic · 6 years
   the wrong chord is struck and apparently marston’s tolerance is starting to grow thin with each failure to get it correct despite how many times javier keeps showing him. it’s really not bothersome for the mexican, even if it seems to be due to how he lets out faint cusses and sighs when a note sounds off. but learning how to play the guitar is way more complicated for a GUNSLINGER to learn than others, fingers only knowing how to pull a trigger, grip reins and make a fist. john is no different and his lack of faith in what he’s capable of is more bothersome than missed notes.  ❝ paciencia, mi hermano. you ain’t gonna make progress by constantly doubting your skills. now.. ❞
   fingers come to find john’s hands, positioning his thumb on the sixth string and his other hand along the neck of the acoustic.  ❝ this string here? it’s gonna be the e string-- not only is it the thickest but it’s the DEEPEST and lowest note you can play, alright? so.. ❞ he moves john’s thumb over the string, plucking it so the sound can vibrate against skin and tingle the bone.  ❝ hear that? when you want to change the melody to something low and haunting, this is the one you tune. always tune this chord to e-- elephant string. thickest and biggest of the bunch. ❞
(` @gunbless )
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ofdesolations · 6 years
   She had been practicing and gradually moving up from one experience after another. Sometimes it took her hours, sometimes it took just a few tries and this time it was going to take a lot more tries because when she aimed for the barrel down the alley way she found herself blowing up a set of wood doors -- probably some delivery thing, and one of the people Chris had asked to help her as she tried to get her powers under control.
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ofvvitches · 6 years
   She couldn’t remember the last time she had walked into the coffee shop and the line wasn’t from the counter to the door. The influx of new faces meant a whole lot more waiting and seeing as she was seventeen years old and impatient, she was pretty screwed. “Would it be a crime to pull the fire alarm and clear the place out?” Kira grumbled to herself mostly. Laughter leaving her lips, Kira sighed. 
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