#( camp administrator ) // mun.
butane-muses · 3 months
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me hearing @monmuses legit break up into hysterics in front of me three times in a row ( I'm also cackling with her )
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asisinternational · 2 months
The Power of Student-Led Initiatives and Clubs in Chennai's International Schools
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Chennai, known for its rich cultural heritage and burgeoning educational landscape, is home to several international schools that offer a diverse range of student-led initiatives and clubs. These extracurricular activities play a crucial role in the holistic development of students, fostering leadership skills, creativity, and a sense of community. Here’s an in-depth look at how student-led initiatives and clubs are making a significant impact in international schools in chennai.
Fostering Leadership and Responsibility
Model United Nations (MUN) Clubs:
Many international schools in Chennai have active MUN clubs. These clubs allow students to simulate UN conferences, where they discuss global issues, draft resolutions, and learn the intricacies of diplomacy. Students take on leadership roles such as Chairperson or Secretary-General, which helps them develop organizational and public speaking skills.
Student Councils:
Student councils are the backbone of student governance in these schools. Elected by their peers, council members represent student interests, organize events, and collaborate with school administration. This experience is invaluable in teaching responsibility, leadership, and teamwork.
Encouraging Creativity and Innovation
Robotics and STEM Clubs:
With the increasing emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, international schools in Chennai offer robotics and STEM clubs. Students engage in hands-on projects, participate in national and international competitions, and develop innovative solutions to real-world problems. These clubs not only enhance technical skills but also encourage creative problem-solving and critical thinking.
Art and Drama Clubs:
Art and drama clubs provide a platform for students to express their creativity. Through theatre productions, art exhibitions, and creative writing workshops, students explore various forms of artistic expression. These activities help in building confidence, improving communication skills, and nurturing a lifelong appreciation for the arts.
Promoting Social Responsibility and Community Service
Eco Clubs:
Environmental awareness and sustainability are key focus areas in many international schools. Eco clubs spearhead initiatives such as tree planting drives, waste management programs, and energy conservation projects. Students learn the importance of environmental stewardship and the impact of their actions on the planet.
Community Service Clubs:
Community service clubs engage students in various social initiatives, such as visiting old age homes, organizing charity drives, and tutoring underprivileged children. These activities instill a sense of empathy, social responsibility, and the joy of giving back to the community.
Cultivating a Global Perspective
Cultural Exchange Programs:
International schools often facilitate cultural exchange programs where students host peers from different countries or participate in exchange visits abroad. These programs expose students to diverse cultures, traditions, and perspectives, fostering a global outlook and cultural sensitivity.
Language Clubs:
Language clubs offer students the opportunity to learn and practice new languages. By engaging in language-based activities, students not only enhance their linguistic skills but also gain insights into the associated cultures. This multilingual ability is a significant asset in today’s globalized world.
Enhancing Physical Fitness and Team Spirit
Sports Clubs:
Sports clubs are an integral part of the extracurricular landscape in international schools. From football and basketball to swimming and tennis, students participate in a wide range of sports activities. These clubs promote physical fitness, teamwork, and a healthy competitive spirit.
Adventure and Outdoor Clubs:
These clubs organize activities like trekking, camping, and rock climbing. Such experiences teach students resilience, teamwork, and survival skills while fostering a deep connection with nature.
Student-led initiatives and clubs in Chennai’s international schools are pivotal in shaping well-rounded individuals. By providing opportunities for leadership, creativity, social responsibility, and global awareness, these activities complement academic learning and prepare students for future challenges. As these schools continue to evolve, the role of student-led initiatives and clubs will remain integral in nurturing the leaders and innovators of tomorrow.
Anand Singapore International School is  a one of the best international schools in chennai.
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pleasedontgethurt · 6 years
TAGGED BY: @elitaxne
TAGGING: anyone else who wants to do it! 
1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME?   “Doctor of Cybermedicine Ratchet of Piston and Cylinder of Protihex.”
2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME?   “Just... Ratchet?”
3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT? “I was appointed the designation of Rachet by the functionist system upon emerging from the Well with my brother. It stuck.”
4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? “Widowed. Unhappily single.”
5. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES? “Aim, Intellect, and Healing. In that order.” // *loud mun cackling*
6. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? “They are a shade of cyan blue, like with most mecha.”
7. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR? “I did change my paint-job upon becoming a medic. For ceremonial and professional purposes, but I wouldn’t go back.”
8. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? "I had a bonded, a son, a twin brother, and adoptive guardians. They have all passed on, however.”
9. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? "None, currently. I just wouldn’t have the time to care for one.”
10. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. “Idiocy. That should be pretty self-explanatory.”
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? “...Well, I guess... when I have the time... I read.” (he conveniently leaves out the more unhealthy “hobbies” he has in addition....)
12. HAVE YOU EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE? "My oath as a medic included not inflicting harm upon my patients. ....Unfortunate for them, they were not my patients.”
13. HAVE YOU EVER… KILLED ANYONE? "In self-defense, yes. That’s kind of how war works.”
14. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? “Raphael once told me I reminded him of the avian called owl. I don’t have the faintest of idea, why.”
15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. “Where to start? I’ve been told I worry too much and don’t care enough for myself, but that I’m also temperamental and controlling. I’m sure that’s not even half of it.”
16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE? “...Yes.” He won’t name names. There are too many names to list, and to be fair, he has a reputation to keep.
17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? "I have no idea what any of those terms mean.”
18. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? "I'm a guest-professor at the University, if that counts?”
19. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY? “...........................”
20. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS? “Do I have many... what?”
21. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? “Losing control, losing loved ones, never being good enough, never fulfilling my purpose.”
22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? "...I don’t understand the question?”
23. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? “...........................”
24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? “Originally I was of the Administrative Class, in Politics and Public Administration. Once I switched to Medicinal Science, in the optics of some mecha, I stepped a step lower--despite them being approximately of the same higher ranking in a larger sense, simply at the opposite ends of said ranking.”
25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? “I have a few carefully chosen friends.”
26. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? "....π...? It’s a mathematical constant, and highly useful in calculating the volume, area and circulation of a round object. What is there to think about?”
27. FAVORITE DRINK? "Fine high-grade.”
30. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE? ".....................”
31. WHAT’S YOUR DICK SIZE? “The size of my.... what?”
32. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? "I don’t have the kind of alt-mode that could float on top of liquidized H2O.”
33. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’? ".........Large. Strong. Intelligent. Charming......” 
34. ANY FETISHES? ”…...........................................................................................” 
35. TOP OR BOTTOM? DOMINANT OR SUBMISSIVE? “I don’t really care.” you won’t hear him admit it but he prefers being submissive
36. CAMPING, OR INDOORS? “Indoors. Cleaner and way less dangerous.”
37. ARE YOU WAITING FOR THIS INTERVIEW TO BE OVER? “Quite. Thank you very much.”
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rzuberi · 7 years
Term 1 CAS Reflections
Extreme Math - This term of Extreme Math was extremely entertaining. Extreme doesn’t do the activity service, it was beyond extreme. Not only were we consistently learning to do problems I’d never seen before, taking on some problems that took some mathematicians years to solve. With a mix of A-Level and IB students in the group I got to see a very diverse skill set. The way the two courses cover material is very different which made Extreme Maths even better. The A-Level students were able to bolster our weaknesses and we were able to bolster theirs. A good example that I often refer to is when we were doing a very complex problem involving the multiples of numbers. The IB students made a large grid and were working their way through tally charts and were steadily making their way towards the problem (as we were all math students.) Whereas, all the A-Level students in our group were also taking computer science. And thus with a few lines in Python, a fellow A-Level student solved in second what probably would have taken us the whole 2 hours.
I also participated in the UK Senior Maths Challenge, an enormous worldwide event. This was my first time participating in an examination ‘challenge’ and it was very interesting. My colleagues and I spent hours doing past papers preparing and our administrator gave us many different questions to help us build the mental flexibility to deal with the various problems that could be given to us. We were made to prepare for anything that came our way, and we were. Practicing with new formats and new questions was probably the biggest benefit to me, as it helped me build my problem solving skills which is essential to my core as well as my daily life.
As of late, we are working towards preparing for RITANGLE challenge. Once again, we're working with a whole different set of problems. However, RITANGLE is a team sport, which is really nice as once again we have that integration which we’ll have when we compete. By working together to solve problems, we can complete much more than we could as an individual part. It also has assisted some of us in making our work more clear so everyone is able to understand it and build on it.
Senior Model United Nations - MUN is something that I feel is essential in my day to day life. MUN gives me the opportunity to go out and debate on real world issues and explore different perspectives. I’m from Canada, and I have travelled and lived all over the world and have met people from every corner of the planet, but the nice thing with MUN is that when you receive a placard with a new nation, you truly have to try and become those people and try to share their points of view. It’s been really eye opening for me and its taught me a lot about the world, and you can really further understand why people feel a certain way about a topic just by immersing yourself into a nation.
In MUN we’ve also explored a wide variety of topics in the perspective of the United Nations, which is very interesting for me. Most people don’t realize how formal debating works or how large organizations like this come to compromise. I believe it’s essential for people to know how their government and how their bodies of authority work, so they can make informed decisions and be part of an ever growing world. Going through formal debating and learning first hand is an experience that will live with me for the rest of my life.
Also, MUN is extremely fulfilling. Going up on the pedestal and giving a strong speech, followed by formal debate is always really fulfilling as you drive the direction of debate and you are truly contributing. Even more fulfilling is seeing the nervous individuals going up, cheering them on, and seeing their eyes light up after they hear the applause at the end of their speeches. At the end of every session, as a group, we all grow a little bit closer and everyone gets a little bit more skillful in debating.
Making a Difference: Cambodia - This one was mostly in the title. Every single time I walk into Cambodia Project I’m always happy to know I’m driving some change and making a difference. Usually, every day goes pretty formulaically. I walk in, we have a short discussion about progress, and we all go immediately to our projects and diligently move forward. Everyone has their piece of the puzzle and we all come together at the end to complete our final product. One of the best things I believe we have with Cambodia Project is the diversity of year groups of students. In my other extracurricular activities we’re mostly a group of Year 12s, but with Cambodia Project we also have quite a few Middle Years students. Thus, we have the opportunity to teach them new skills and act as role models.
For International Week, after working hard for weeks in planning, getting supplies, and advertising (we helped the Middle Years create some very professional looking posters using digital software and made it even more effective using a data we found on effective advertising), we finally were ready to go out and start fundraising. International Week is a week to celebrate all the different cultures all around the world as we here at JIS are a very diverse school. We found this to be the perfect week to sell ice-cream to raise money to  aid the Cambodian people and help to raise a bit of awareness of the situation in Cambodia as many people really have no idea.
Currently we’re working on another brilliant idea. An international cookbook. We hope this will help to engage the school community to celebrate cultures all around the world and assist us in raising money for children in Cambodia. It’s extremely fulfilling work and I’m excited to continue it in the future.
Personal Fitness - Balance. I feel like this activity is essential for me keeping a good balance in my life. Going to the gym is something I like to enjoy on a regular basis. It’s been rigorous but looking at my BMI I’ve definitely made results. Generally I like to start with a 10 minute warm up on the treadmill. Warming your muscles up and getting prepared to keep a constant heart rate is essentially for a good work out. Afterwards I usually circuit train, starting with my arms as I’ve just worked my legs. I like to finish with a good superset on 1 or 2 muscle groups as it really puts pressure on those muscles and leads to faster, better results. 
These days I feel the hardest thing is probably learning form. Working out, especially with free weights, does have potential for injury if you don’t do it properly. I’ve been re-evaluating a lot of my form as I’ve noticed sometimes my soreness lasts longer than it should, and I fear that might be due to bad form in some of my exercises. Of course, I’ve developed a lot and learned a lot of new types of exercises, but I really have a need to practice the form on some of the newer ones.
Combination of Activity and Service:
Temberong Trip - Brunei has been an adventure for me since I arrived here. But never have I been able to have an experience like this one. 
Temberong is an area in Brunei famous for its indigenous tribe, the Iban. It’s also very well known for its lush jungle and wildlife, and the unique lifestyle therein. I had the amazing opportunity to visit, see all of the above, participate in the Iban lifestyle, and even help them out.
The trip to Temberong was long and difficult as a result of its location. To get to the village, first I went on a long bus ride to a nearby dock. Then I travelled by boat for a few hours, marvelling at the crocodiles and other animals that can be found in the river. Then we arrived at another dock nearer our location only to get on another bus before our final destination, an Iban campsite. We stopped at a local farmers market on the way for a break, giving me a chance to try local Brunei dishes and Bruneian mango.
After arriving at the campsite we took a long, difficult climb through a jungle where our guide told us all about the wildlife, traps the Iban tribe used to catch animals, and uses of wild plants. It took quite a bit of teamwork and perseverance as the Bruneian jungle is very muddy and riddled with plant life that you can get tangled up in. Very often you would be catching someone about to slip or giving words of encouragement as some people were not as used to the strenuous levels of activity we went through. Nearing the end, I realized that our group had broken into two and a significant portion of our original team was left behind, so I volunteered to run back through the jungle path and find the remainder of our group. Then I aided them and did everything I could to help them get back to the front after checking to see if all were present and whether any were injured. Fortunately I had no worries in that department and I was able to get them all out of the jungle safely.
I was astonished to see how much diversity there was from vines that could be used as a water source to bits of poisonous leaves that were used to kill fish in bulk for consumption. We heard from the Iban that there were a lot of scientific efforts to map out all the plant life in the jungle as it had major medical implications. In an anecdote we heard of somebody who got sick in the jungle and hospitals failed to treat him for months, but after a simple tea type remedy, that person was cured and no longer suffered from disease. As someone who wants to be a doctor, it had me thinking about research projects I could undertake to better humanity and possibly even discover new/easily accessible pharmaceutical compounds to treat illnesses that humanity has so far been unable to resolve.
At night I took a shower under the stars and ate a typical Iban dinner, before proceeding to sleep in a tent in the wilderness, the way the Iban may have camped after a long trek through the jungle.
The next day I had the amazing opportunity to participate in traditional Iban activities. Our first job was to catch something for us to eat that night. I spent hours enjoying myself fishing, using live bait on bamboo rods. Unfortunately, the currents were particularly strong on this day and it wasn’t possible to catch any fish. However a good friend of mine was lucky enough to catch an eel, which even the Iban thought was quite odd.
I did target practice with blowdarts as well, practicing my accuracy. In my group, I never missed and almost was always on target, except for one unfortunate time where the wind deflected my shot entirely. Traditionally the Iban would use blowdarts which are poison tipped in order to attack rival tribes or to hunt.
I also went to the Iban fields to help them harvest their crops and spent quite a while going from spot to spot looking for the indications of a ripe plant and struggling to pull out particularly deeply rooted fruits. In the end it was quite rewarding as all that natural produce went to the people of the Iban. Then we watched as they showed us how to produce bamboo chicken, a recipe of welcome borrowed from the Iban and used in many prominent Malaysian hotels and restaurants.
The Iban told us stories about headhunting, an ancient warrior practice or theirs and after a visit to the oldest lady of Brunei, she told us all about how she used to live as an Iban woman decades ago, along with her various traditions.
On the final day, I planted cuttings of plants and helped the Iban move their boats from one side of their campsite to another. This took a lot of teamwork was well as we had to coordinate our movements accordingly and bolster those who didn’t have a lot of strength.
Then we went to visit the salted egg farm that belongs to an Iban business woman. Salted eggs are a highly valuable part of Malay culture and are a traditional food I have never seen anywhere else. In the farm we saw the animals that produced the eggs and had to opportunity to discuss how it was for an indigenous lady to develop a business in a rapidly developing nation.
Then with teary goodbyes, I retreated back the way I came. I was very happy to have had the opportunity I did to help out the Iban and develop as an individual by participating in various activities. I learned quite a bit and all in all it makes me excited for my return to Canada where we are blessed to have an amazing Indigenous Community as well. I hope to learn much more about plants and their uses for modern medicine in the future as well so I can contribute to saving as many lives as I possibly can as I grow older.
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butane-muses · 3 months
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[ // ] ...because I'm finally, totally finished with all of my finals and remaining homework for the year!
I've still got some time left before I properly head back home, but I've got a few days to myself before I properly graduate from university! Alas, I'm still settling down, but you guys can finally expect my activity to pick back up as things go on. Happy to be back, for real this time :D
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butane-muses · 6 months
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[ // ] Hello, again...
[ // ] So, uh... I wanted to go ahead and excuse my lessening activity as of late, for about... a couple weeks now, at least?
I did tackle my finals, as previously mentioned— they were finished with excellent scores and such, but it was during and after that week that I felt my brain starting to turn itself off. Also, I'm not sure if it has too much to do with my writing motivation, but it seems my vitamin-D levels have been on the lower end, too.
[ // ] As such, I've mostly gone into my Spring Break feeling rather Head Empty™ and a bit tired... and with little writing done, unfortunately.
However, this does not mean my ideas have been lacking! I've a fresh muse on the roster, that being Morrigan, and I'm also considering even more as well. I've also still got my drafts in my sights (...yes, even if some might be a while coming now). Don't worry, I've still got them saved regardless.
As I take measures to get my energy back, I want to go ahead and eventually act upon those plans. In the meantime, I thank you all for your continuing patience, and for sticking with me.
The Currently Scatterbrained Mun (he's working on it), - Pownan
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butane-muses · 25 days
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[ // ] Hello...! Aye, it's been a good while and some. For that matter, I've been busy with putting together submission stuff for grad school, on top of looking around for jobs. Through that hullabaloo, I've indeed notice my activity's taken a heck of a dip— on both my blogs, too.
[ // ] However, as slow as it is, my muse has been ebbing back to me! I want to put more of my energy back into writing and answering asks again. Aside from that, I'm also intent on updating the lore of @slicing-clovers to abide more by the setting I've established!
[ // ] Still, I want to seriously thank you guys for your patience with me over these past many weeks. Though correspondence from me has been quiet, I want to change that, slowly and steadily. Again, thank you all very much for reading and writing with me— it means a lot. I look forward to interacting with y'all soon, however I can!
Oogh, — Pownan
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butane-muses · 3 months
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[ // ] It's as they say— job hunting takes a lot of time and a lot of patience...
[ // ] I'm not one to drop exact details here, but I at least have a course of action that I'll be taking as the summer goes, on top of applying to grad school. It's a lot of work, but I'll have to have at it, one step at a time.
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butane-muses · 7 months
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[ // ] Alright, happy to say that I've finally put an interest tracker together! Between the increasing amount of people following me and my slowly-growing roster, I thought it was about time I made one of these. It also has a couple tabs for both my canon and OC muses!
Go ahead and access the tracker here! I'll be sure to put a link for it on the top bar of the blog-site soon.
[ // ] In the meantime, I also thank you all for your ongoing patience with me and the threads I have due. Spring break is on its way, but between that, I have a full week of classwork and another full week of finals to tackle. I'll see where I can work on my threads when I'm able!
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butane-muses · 4 months
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[ // ] Hey, all! I'm here for a bit of a check-in— indeed, my activity's been on the slower end lately, as my projects in university are on the way to wrapping up. However, I think I'll be able to take a decent amount of time this weekend to tackle some asks and threads I've had on the backburner.
[ // ] In the same line, summer is indeed on the horizon! I've got a few weeks left to my final quarter here, and I'll have to make sure I've got everything in a good spot before I do head back home for my gap year later this June.
[ // ] Also, to those of you who've followed me recently, I bid you welcome! Unfortunately, things might still be a bit slow over these next few weeks, but I'll be sure to inevitably find time to write with you guys. Thank you all, oldies and newbies, for your continuing patience.
Studiously keeping on, - Pownan
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butane-muses · 6 months
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[ // ] A small reminder that I've also got an interest tracker ready for viewing and input! Go ahead and access it here!
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butane-muses · 9 months
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[ // ] Eyyo! Just wanted to drop by and say that my break is over, and I start my next quarter of uni tomorrow. At this point, I'm feeling... rather refreshed. I gotta say, I'm rather pleasantly surprised by that! I'll be able to feel out my routine in the coming weeks, so I'm sure I'll be able to gather a rather similar amount of time for writing and such.
[ // ] Things have also been looking up besides– just got some decent exercise in and got all my responsibilities done for the day! Expect me to be rather active on Tumblr for the rest of today :D
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butane-muses · 10 months
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[ // ] Hello again! Coming by with a bit of an update! About a week and some from now lie between me and a good ol' Winter Break– in other terms, my first university quarter for this year is almost over!
[ // ] Of course, that means finals season is quite underway. Thankfully, my work on that's rather cut and dry. I only have to finish up two small papers this weekend, before studying for an exam set for this coming Tuesday. Once all that is over early into next week, between then and that Saturday, I'll be able to reblog memes and such between both of my blogs, while also finishing off leftover drafts!
[ // ] So... yeah! I'm looking forward to meeting this holiday season with good tidings and fun times for all, muses included. Be seeing you guys when my activity bumps up next week!
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butane-muses · 8 months
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[ // ] Heyya! I wanted to pass by and give thanks for your patience with me, with the low activity as of late. Midterm season has arrived at my university, and I've been working on assignments for the past week and some.
[ // ] As things are for the next few days, though, I'm thinking I'll be able to tackle more of those drafts that I've had sitting back here. It's about time I did, now that I have just a bit more time to get that writing done...!
[ // ] Oh, also, for those of you who just came by and followed me recently, I bid you all welcome! Looking forward to writing with you guys soon, and thanks for the warm reception of the promo, still really liking how it turned out :D
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butane-muses · 1 year
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[ // ] Hmm... my activity's also been seeming a bit low lately, so I think it'd be good if y'all can throw some memes at me. I have a meme tag located in the tags here– feel free to browse it and chuck stuff to any of my muses you guys are interested in! Be sure to specify who you want a meme for, though!
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butane-muses · 1 year
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[ // ] I'm happy to finally say that I've recovered from my bout of COVID! With two more months of summer ahead of me, I think it's about time I pick up my slack and get to more writing and interacting with you guys!
I also want to extend a warm welcome to those who recently followed me! I'll try my best to reblog some memes and set up my other character bio sheet in the coming days. Not all of the characters on them have established bio pages, but I'll still be down to play them regardless!
In the meantime, thanks for your continuing patience! Looking forward to having more fun writing and vibing with y'all~!
Happy to be back, Pownan
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