#( bc they appeared on national tv and got given a jar of vegemite )
dk-s · 4 years
yepp!! i'm indian :) and i can relate :/ i am very guilty of not having run/work out that much since track got cancelled 😔 but i'm trying to get back into it !!
yeahh i'm american (🤢) summer starts in june and ends in september! but for uni we get a longer break for summer & longer winter/spring breaks as well so i'm def looking forward to that haha.. uni apps are very stressful, but once i submitted the first few, momentum just.pushed me thru submitting the rest!! you can do it!! i'm rooting for you <33
ohh 🥺 that seems so fun!! ancient history is so fascinating to me, but i never got to study it much in school so i wanna see if i can try and take like a basic class in uni as a history credit!! +my parents want me to go into medicine too, but i think even if they didn't want me to, that's what i would choose anyway yk?? before pandemic, i was volunteering at the hospital near my house in the pediatric wing and 🥺 kids are so cute 🥺 it was so fun i miss it :(( but i'm sorry about your parents :(( you have time to figure out what you wanna do tho, so i'm sure you will figure it out and be ok!!
yeah!! when i first got my license i would just drive around randomly to get used to being by myself, and now i just have to keep practicing to get more comfortable !!
ohhh yeah i have heard that abt his writing before! and 💔 it makes me sad thinking about all of the characters that will die 💔 i'm looking forward to it though !!! hopefully school will stop being hard for a second for me to read it! i am in grade 12!!! everyone says grade 12 is supposed to easy but i'm suffering why 😔
ohhh relate,,, plenty of times we'll be driving home from parties and my parents are just spilling all of the drama between our extended family thinking my brother and i are asleep in the back
oh i definitely have a vitamin d deficiency even if i go outside in the summer, i always wear long sleeves/pants so now i take supplements.. :/
and omg ur australian??? that's so cool!! idk why i didn't figure that when you said school was nearly over for you lol it took me a second. + for some reason, whenever i see that someone is australian, i always think of felix and chan from skz bc i love them 🥺
this ask is so so so long im so sorry pls forgive 🥺 but please have a wonderful rest of your day!! i love talking to you too 🥰 -age twin anon
omg that’s fine!! idm its long!! i love talking to u <3 and yess im so proud of u getting back into track woo!!! get fit!!! i might do some exercise indoors during the holidays 😳
and wow!! u get longer winter breaks?! lucky because ours are so short but our summer one is heaps longer! esp this year because the rest of the school ends near the end of december but as year elevens we end next week so i get an extra three weeks!! hopefully that’ll give the holidays for me to think about universities n figure how i can make myself sound good on an application 🤠
fr tho! history is so so interesting n i have an option at the start of y12 to take a small university course for a few weeks n i chose this topic called legacies of an empire where we study the effect of imperialism n it focuses on india/pakistan so its like *clenches fist* white people!!
and yes!! children are so cute n i would wanna work w them like in my city we have a new state of the art children’s hospital and its so massive n clean and its so organised and i love the different departments n i’d love to work in genetics or endocrinology!!
and about driving! i’d love to just drive around n listen to music but i also know i dont trust myself that much because a song would come on n i’d prob drop the wheel to do the choreo!!
and yea i would warn against getting attached to a tolkien character but its so worth the read!! our teachers do warn us that y12 is hard!! n i’ve gotten my textbooks already so i plan to get a bit ahead in the holidays so im not utterly confused in physics next year 😶
and like!! when my parents are on the phone w relatives im listening so i can learn the tea 😌 same!! i dont really wear shorter things so im not getting that sweet sweet sunshine!! and yep!! im australian and ngl i feel more national pride in bangchan n felix than i do from any other australian mascot or politician on the world stage, because like our pm? nah. bangchan n felix? kings!! 
i hope u have an amazing day bb!!!
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