#( bakugou internally: oh fuck she's got a point )
eris-snow · 1 month
Deku's birthday series Q n A!
This will most likely be my last post pertaining to the Deku's birthday series for awhile. I'm sorry it came out late! 😭
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There are some behind-the-scenes screenshots over on my Instagram if anyone wants to see, so go visit my post after you’re done reading this! https://www.instagram.com/eris.snow/
Katsuki, slamming the door open: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?
Now, I have no idea what you’re—
Come on, it can’t be that bad—
Katsuki: I will kill you and make it look like an accident, come here you—
Hey I’ve always wanted to do one of these.
Question: Is there going to be a part 3? Deku birthday series
Ans: Yes, there’s going to be a part 3, and it will be the last part of this Izuku trilogy of Deku’s birthday series! (Because I’m unwilling to milk this more than necessary)
Question: Why the ending? (Aka, why did you write another cliffhanger ending that’s so unsatisfactory) -Revelation
The answer to that is that I felt it was a little unfair to have Izuku have Starlight handed to him on a silver platter. Frankly, I want to see him work for Starlight, because she’s worth it, and we haven’t really seen that. Also, angst.
Question: What can we expect in the next part?
Definitely more flashbacks from Izuku’s point of view. Also, it will be a happy ending, confirmed. I think it’ll be a little irritating to see things go nowhere if I make a part 4. I really don’t like dragging things out longer than necessary, but the next part should be more Izuku-centric. Plus, there are a bunch of scenes I wanna write that are now unlocked because Izuku remembers, so stay tuned for that!
Question: How did you come up with the story’s narrative? -Secret
Honestly, I have no idea. As I was writing the first two chapters, I was bouncing ideas off with one of my loved ones, and it just clicked. I did a little reshuffling, and then ironed out a cohesive storyline. Secret came at like a odd spot of, should I write a birthday series for him, because I did it for bakugou. On Tumblr, it was a lot more popular than I thought it would ever be, and Secret struck a gold mine with my AO3 audience.
Question: Do you relate to Starlight (Y/n)?
Answer: In some ways, yes. Sometimes, you’re afraid to let go of pain when that’s all you’ve ever known, and I wanted to show that. After all, Izuku and Y/n are teenagers. They have no idea what they’re doing, just working with bits and pieces. Kinda like how sometimes, we have no idea what we’re doing at whatever age we’re at. Also Starlight’s internal debate of whether to accept the offer of removing one of her feelings, and dissociating herself. Sometimes, cutting of feelings seem better, especially when you need to steel yourself. But no one should ever cut their feelings of entirely.
Question: What’s next in terms of your content?
Er, a lot. First, I need to finish Anachronism and Juxtaposition, because I’ve been delaying doing that. And request, oh, gosh I’m so sorry to anybody who put in a request recently. But, I’ve still got lots of ideas I want to put out! Thank you for supporting me, and I hope that you’ll enjoy my other series! If you have any suggestions on what my long fic should be about, you can ask me on Tumblr or Dm me on Instagram at eris.snow!
Question: What’s next for Deku’s birthday series?
Err, I really want to do an audio adaptation of this (Something like a CD drama), because I’ve had offers from really nice people to turn my story into something like an audiobook. I don’t think that’ll be really good for my work, so I kinda want to turn my story into a script and pull strings together to make it into a CD drama, ASMR roleplay, honestly idk what to call it.
Still working it out though! If you want updates or to ask for more questions about that, you can find me at eris.snow on Instagram and tumblr (I post more on Tumblr, like the freak I am). Looking for VAs interested to voice these people, so if anyone wants look forward to a post coming out somewhere in November ish that will release more details!
It’s going to be my first time doing something like that, so if anyone has any pointers, please tell me, I need all the help I can get 😭
PS: This is only tentative. I’ve expressed interest in doing it, but nothing is set in stone yet! However, if there are people interested in this idea, then I’ll definitely take it into consideration whether or not this will, or will not happen!
That’s all I want to address. Hope this clears things up for everyone!
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sugiwa · 3 months
ume decking Bakugou was so unexpected and funny. bro will probably never fuck with her again 😂😂😂
also her trying to hold onto midnight after she chose monoma made me lol. i really hope we get to see more of their entrance exam!
also the moment with denki was so touching. it felt like ume was trying to reassure him that she wasn't angry about the glasses incident. oh and the obstacle course was hilarious too. Ume's thoughts are so different from the person she is when she speaks. she's like the worlds biggest hater in her head 🤣
Ume's mind automatically jumps to the worst whenever something goes wrong. She's actually pretty dramatic and if we ever have a flashback to the entrance exam, you're going to see that the cool, subtle person Aizawa and Nedzu clocked her as, is far from reality. She was 100% freaking out internally.
Also, to the Bakugou point (though he's my favorite character), early Bakugou had a lot of work to do to get to where he is now. Ume and him are going to be ice-cold for a long time, but guaranteed if Bakugou ever looks at her wrong again, he's getting KO-ed.
As for Monoma, I'm really glad you enjoyed that bit. Ume doesn't actually mind him all that much, but the turn of events just stunned her. She finds his loyalty to his class incredibly admirable. Monoma would probably also say she's the only tolerable one of her class. He's a bit biased because Ume went full-bow when thanking him for saving her and it got to his head. If there's a chance to add a flashback to that, I certainly will.
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blastzoned · 4 years
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          ❝  the fuck, earlobes?  ❞
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bonbonthedragon · 3 years
Wait For It
A soulmate AU
Note: just a small thank you for the followers! Enjoy!
Summary: when connecting with a soulmate, the body will slowly wither the longer you are apart. You ache and hurt when not with them. Their touch to you is like a safe place made of honey and violets. It’s soft and fluffy and makes you want to melt into them forever. The thought of leaving them alone is enough to make your whole body hurt and your heart pound. It’s a connection only the two of you will understand, nothing can cross it. Not even the great bakugou Katsuki can over come this. He finds himself caving in, craving for that person on the other side of his string.
Warnings: tad angst if you squint, flufffff galorrrrrrr, cursing/ language
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Katsuki’s birthday would be tomorrow. Tomorrow would be the day he turned 18 and he would not only be an adult, but his string would appear. The red string of fate that lead you to the very soul you would spend he rest of your days with. Someone who was supposed to understand you and love you unconditionally no matter what because the connection was so strong. His soulmate tie.
“What time we’re you born?” Uraraka asked, lifting her head from the blonds chest
Bakugou rose a brow at her “hah?”
“Ya know, you’ll get your string at the time you were born, your real birthday.”
“Don’t know, I’ll have to ask the hag-OW!”
“Don’t call her that. It’s mean”
Bakugou grumbled, rubbing the spot she pinched. It didn’t hurt that much, but Uraraka was the type to pinch or “lightly” hit you if you said something like that. It annoyed him and he’s gotten onto his girlfriend multiple times about it, at this point he gave up. Though it was a good question, he’d be the second person in his class to find his string. He hated coming second but the truth was that (y/n) was older, and she got her string already.
“I wonder who (y/n)s soulmate is” she asked, as if she read his mind.
He tched. Apparently (y/n)s supposed fated lover was no where near her, as she said her string went on and on and she couldn’t get close. Most people who have soulmates like that wait to travel to find them if the other doesn’t find them first. He was way to fucking curious about it with how much he hated her, she never brought it up and avoided it as much as possible in conversation. Made him angry. Why he cared so much was beyond him.
“I hope I’m yours”
He froze at that. This is what he was afraid of, dating someone while in this moment of his life. It wasn’t that he didn’t want it to be with her, he really did, he loved Uraraka, but tomorrow could not only be the day she might be his, but the day he looses her. His stomach twisted. So messed up.
“Me too”
“If I’m not?”
She sat up, looking into his eyes, “if I’m not your soulmate. What will happen?”
His breath hitched. Fuck if he knew. “Nothing. I guess my soulmate will have to fuck off.”
She gave him a wry smile, “you know that can’t happen. They are someone who is destined to you. I wouldn’t keep you away from that.”
He stared at her, brows furrowing as he read her uneasy expression. Too fucking easy to read. Her emotions were an open book, like fucking deku. “They don’t always end up together”
“Yeah, and that’s only a 2% chance.” She laid her head back down, clutching his shirt “you know that. We do the course every year for Soul Ties history since grade school.”
“Just shut up and watch the movie-OW”
Her hand slipped from his as they walked, she always did this when his hands got too sweaty. He didn’t mind, he knew it was gross, but at least the weather was getting colder and it wouldn’t be so much of a problem, except when it came to training and interning.
“Ah! Deku!” His girlfriend then branched off just as she saw the boy “I’ll see you in class” she reassured, skipping over to Midoriya
He wasn’t too upset about it today, she did make the act of wishing him a Happy birthday and breakfast. It still bugged him though. Damn Deku.
“Oh. Happy birthday Bakugou.”
He whipped around just to see (y/n) carrying some boxes with Shinsou, who eyed him oddly to long.
Her rolled his eyes at her “Fuck off”
The girl sighed, leaving all too soon as she hurried her steps to the classroom just as she passed him. Though Shinsou didn’t, he held the door open with his foot to let her in, his eyes boring into the blonds until he went in after her. Fuckin purple weirdo. He walked in after, setting his things down as he watched the two empty the box of text books.
“Bakugou, why don’t you make yourself useful and help.” Aizawa said as he walked in, mug in hand “oh, and happy birthday.”
“Ya got your string yet, kid?!” Mic suddenly popped in
He shook his head and grunted, going toward the box and taking out a few. He stood only to see (y/n) just by him, holding out her hands and seeming a lot more calm, yet her hands shaking a bit. He reluctantly began to stack to books onto her open arms with a heavy frown, about to grab more when she told him not to worry about it after seeing his face. She looked at the stack and they began to float, red surrounding them in a swirl with the help of her quirk. One by one they soared throughout the class as she went about and set her own down onto each desk. From the corner of his eye he could see Shinsou still staring at him. What the hell was his deal? Scoffing, bakugou went to sit at his seat and unload his bag for the day.
“Don’t go unpacking now,” Mic popped back in, “you all are going to Gym Gamma later today to train.”
“Can we choose partners?” Shinsou asked
“If your saying that you want to fight (L/n), then no. You need variety.” Aizawa turned to his husband, “Actually that wouldn’t be a bad idea, we should choose their partners based one what they need to work on. We’ve been doing too much independent insurance training and not enough one on one.”
“Bakugou! Anything yet?”
“No shitty hair, now fuck off”
“He’s been moody today, I wouldn’t budge.” (Y/n) popped in, patting the reds back. Kirishima smiled in understanding, going to walk with her to the chalk bed. Bakugou followed behind, sneering.
“I’m not fucking moody”
She looked up, meeting his eyes for a second “no, your moody. More than normal.” She said nonchalantly.
kirishima laughed as bakugou growled, looking back at (y/n) “wanna train with me today? I want to see how long I can stay hard while you continuously throw rocks at me”
The girl broke out giggling, “oh? I never knew that kind of stuff turned you on” she joked, making kirishima blush furiously
“I-I-I- don’t- I d- didn’t mean it like that!” He stuttered “(L/nnnn)” he whined
“So who is it? Mina? Kamanari?” She gasped “bakugou” she whispered
He stumbled back “stop it!”
The group broke into a fit of laughter, the rest of the squad beginning to tease their un breakable friend as he groaned.
“I’m just messing with you.” (Y/n) snorted “sensei said he’s choosing partners, sorry. But if you want to after school sometime this week we can.”
Kirishima nodded, still getting teased even after Aizawa came to post the names on the board. Bakugou found himself quickly leaving the situation, not able to stand it. He didn’t feel like dealing with the drama right now and instead went to look at the board.
Partners: Bakugou and Koda
“Aw, looks like we don’t get to be together birthday boy” Uraraka popped up
He grunted, “don’t know what the fuck they want me to do with someone who can’t even get a word out” he turned, looking at koda, only for the shy boy to startle and hide his face. His phone pinged.
Mom: 2:02pm exactly
That’s the time he was born, just some hours from now. His brows furrowed, feeling eyes on him as he quickly looked up, his eyes meeting with familiar (e/c) ones. (Y/n) startled, quickly looking back over to her friend and hiding behind him. Shinsou looked back down at her then at bakugou, humming and turning to face her.
“2:02 huh?” Uraraka commented
Bakugous eyes darted to hers, eyeing as she watched his phone carefully. He turned it off, hating when she did that. It’s not that he was hiding anything, he just wished she’d trust him more, they had been dating almost a year after all. They made sure not to grow too attached, knowing this day would come for the both of them.
“Will you tell me?”
“If I’m it or not.”
He stared at her for a moment before looking away “there would be no reason to lie.”
She didn’t respond, instead nodding and looking at the board to see her fighting partner. He didn’t bother holding the conversation, instead going to the mat to stretch and warm up. Class began and each student was given their own space to work and fight. The whole day was spent training by like normal, waiting out the time as stolen glances were taken by Uraraka. As if a magnet, lots of the class stopped to watch two of some of the most powerful students of the grade battle.
(Y/n) and deku went at each other, throwing punch after punch and red and green flying through the air like a light show. He didn’t blame the others getting entranced because it was indeed an interesting fight. Truthfully both could kill each other but they clearly backed off since it was just training…and the wrath of Aizawa if they did cross that mark. It truly was a sight to watch. Remembering, he pulled his phone out from his pocket.
Really now? Two minutes until his life changed. He looked up only to see Uraraka already looking at him, jaw clenching. He looked down, sighing as the clock clicked again, a minute left.
Suddenly he felt as though air was knocked out of his lungs, having to take a step back as red embers enflamed him. He looked around, seeming to be the only one able to see this as most still had their attention drawled to the fight. Bakugou clutched at his chest, feeling a tightness wrap around his ring finger, glancing down just to see a thin red thread form into a neat bow around it. He watched as it began to grow in length, following it around him and head on into the fight. Color flew, clashing with the red and green on the mat as it began to tangle with the two- no, not with the two- with (y/n). She fought as if nothing was happening, eyes still with Dekus as she dodged his attacks, sending her own kick. As she landed, a bright light encased her, settling as the other side of his string, which he could only see, tied around her finger.
No one noticed a thing, nothing changed but for him as he felt his body wanting to pull toward hers. It was like a magnet. It was nearly physically and emotionally impossible to be so far. His soul and heart tugged, screaming at him to be closer to the girl out of no where. The embers faded, although the feeling wouldn’t stop and it was getting more difficult to just stand there and not run to her. (Y/n) was his soulmate. (Y/n) who he’s known since first year but never truly talked too. (Y/n) who rivaled in anything and everything he did. (Y/n) who has made him so angry with her success, he’s done more than threaten her. It hurt thinking the last part, she was victim to his bullying. Hell, he treated her with the same kindness he did deku in grade school just because he had found someone he couldn’t beat, yet was tied with. Apparently he tired with her in more ways than one.
Aizawa called for the two students to stop, both Deku and (y/n) panting from the match. They called good game, the girl stopping and raising a brow as her eyes briefly met with his own. She again startled, and for the first time he knew why. This whole time (y/n) knew. Her soulmate wasn’t some random person across Japan or the world, it was him, and she fucking knew it. She knew all this time. It was her classmate, her classmate who had been nothing but rude and deceiving to her. Who ignored her because of his own ego. No wonder she didn’t say anything, she probably hated the result.
(Y/n) quickly looked away, stepping down from the mat as she scurried off to her best friend. Shinsou. The violet looked at him just as she was down, glancing away. Bakugou had no doubt in his mind the purple idiot had known this whole time too. No fucking wonder he was so goddamn protective. He could visibly see her body begin to shake, holding her hands out as to show Shinsou all the while she glanced back at the blond, every time jumping a bit more. She looked anxious as fuck and his chest fell at the sight. God damn it, what was happening to him? Before this stupid tie thing he wouldn’t have even bothered giving her a second glance unless it meant paying attention to pass her up, now it burned to even think about not looking at her every second. What. The. Hell.
Shinsou planted a hand on her shoulder as he lead her out, stopping to talk to Aizawa while he nodded, letting the two leave early.
Bakugou jumped, literally jumped as he averted his gaze and whipped around to see Uraraka. She stared at him cursorily, but worry filled her eyes. He was at a loss for words, blinking until she sighed and shook her head.
“I’m not it am I?”
He blinked again, clenching his jaw and shaking his head too “tch... no”
She nodded, giving him a small smile before coming closer to kiss his cheek “I’m not going to force anything. Are they close though?”
Be stayed silent, averting his eyes and nodding. There was no use in lying, but he wasn’t going to speak either. He felt bad, it was his girlfriend after all-well, I guess now ex-girlfriend. But if she wasn’t it then she too was going to find her other half, and that made him feel less guilty. She nodded again, turning and going to her group of friends.
“Yo Bakubro! Wanna get early dinner to celebrate? Aizawa called class off early and we have time to go into town before curfew!” Kirishima chirped, following mina, Kamanari and Sero. They came to a stop after seeing their friends expression.
“Bakugou?” Mina asked cautiously
“Yo man…your looking really pale” Sero added
The blond stared at the ground for a moment “yeah that sounds fine.” He took a deep breath, looking at his friends who stared at him curiously. He frowned, rolling his eyes “are we going or not? I want spicy Raman.” They perked, nodding and beginning to sing happy birthday as they walked. He yelled at them to shut up but it didn’t make a ding, after all he didn’t actually mind, she wouldn’t leave his head.
Bakugou had been silent the whole time, only speaking to order his food and yell when they got it wrong. He even ignored all the questions about his string from the group, shrugging them off and telling them it was non of their business. After a while he found himself lost, staring his his empty Raman bowl. His heart hadn’t stopped tugging, trying to get him to turn around and go back to (y/n).
Is this what she is feeling, has been feeling? For all this time she’s had to keep herself from him, no wonder she kept her distance the past few months. She’d reject fighting with him when it came to training and even stopped hanging out with the gang so often. He wondered how much it hurt when he still insulted her so hatefully, or ignored her when she asked him a question. Cause right now, right her just trying to be away from him was like a stab to the heart.
“I got my string” he mumbled, making the table settle to silence
“Is it someone in class?”
“That’s amazing!”
The table again went quiet, all gaping at him as he averted his eyes. He shut them tightly, sighing loudly.
“Yeah yeah I know I know.” He continued “I don’t know how the hell this is going to work either”
“Bro!” Kirishima stood
“Your kidding?!” Mina sang “(L/n)?! That so cute!”
“Damn you got (L/n)? One less girl to ask on a date” Kamanari sighed, earring a slap from Sero
“Dude she wouldn’t anyway- she already got her’s remember-“ Sero stopped, the table realizing too and looking at bakugou “mi amigo…”
Bakugou stood abruptly too, fuming “yeah she knew this whole time! Well guess what? I wouldn’t want me either so no wonder she didn’t say anything! Who the fuck wants to be with someone who treats you like shit and only does things with you so they can prove better?! I fucking wouldn’t! But now my god damn finger has this fucking thing around it and-” he grabbed the invisible string only he could see, just raising more confusion to the people around him as he grabbed it with both hands and tried to break it “And it-“ he grunted as he kept trying to break the magical string “I just- it won’t-agh!” His chest rose and fell, giving up as the whole restaurant fell silent and began staring at the table. He scoffed, grabbing his jacket and storming out of the place with the group running behind.
“Just fuck off” he hissed, quickening his steps but to no avail.
“Just wait a second!” Mina went to stand in front of him “did you stop to think that maybe she didn’t want to freak you out? Maybe it’s better she kept it to herself and let you have your time until then.”
“Yeah man- I doubt it’s because your attitude. (L/n) has never talked bad about you so I don’t think that’s it.” Kirishima added
Bakugou felt something lift off his chest, chewing on his gums and his fist balled.
“She might have thought you wouldn’t believe her” Sero suggested
“What about Uraraka?” Kamanari bumped in, getting another slap from Sero
Bakugou hummed “broke up. Nothing serious, we knew this might happen. I just- it’s weird to just leave her and be expected to love (L/n)”
“You don’t love (L/n)?” Mina questioned
“I do! Well- I think? I do now! This stupid soulmate shit messed with my head. It’s like a fuckin switch clicked and fuck- I went from hating her guts to wanting to die right now just because she’s not next to me.”
They all cooed, just making the blond more upset “we aren’t making fun of you man it’s just- I think you need to calm down.”
“Yeah…” Mina trailed “What’s it like?”
“Ya know- finally finding your partner! (y/n) of course never said anything and your the first beside her out of our class!”
A blush found his cheeks “I don’t know…nice I guess. Not right now though, my fucking heart won’t stop hurting.
“Awwww” Mina swooned
“Well that’s what happens when your too far away, at least that’s what we learned.” Sero went on “we should bring you back to the dorms, at least you be in the same building.
Bakugou nodded, giving in and letting the group walk him back, refusing to talk about it more. Fuck.
“You should stop shaking”
“Thanks shinsou, really helping”
He shrugged “just calm down, maybe he still hasn’t gotten it yet”
“No I felt it, it was faint but it was there. He knows”
The violet tutted, taking a sip of his drink “well…at least it’s the weekend tomorrow.”
(Y/n) groaned, setting down her milkshake and letting her head fall in her hands “he hates me. He’s probably already told Uraraka too and she’s probably upset. I think I’m going to die, I’ll just make a burrow in my pillows and never leave.” She turned to her friend “will you bring me snacks if I text you?”
Shinsou laughed, nodding “your going to have to face him eventually”
She groaned again “never mind I choose death. It’s too weird, we never talk anyway and I don’t expect him to want me back.”
“Doesn’t it hurt?”
“Bad” she admitted “my body hasn’t stopped throbbing since then and the headaches are worse, the neediness is terrible, but I wasn’t just going to randomly touch him. That’s weird and only a reason for him to dislike me more.”
“Jeez, I thought finding your soulmate was supposed to be magical.” Shinsou sighed “sounds like misery.”
“Trust me, it was great in the moment. But if you can’t talk, be near, or touch them at all it sucks.”
“Stop avoiding him then. Then you’ll feel better.”
“If I did that I think it would have just broken me more to know that he was still choosing Uraraka. I know you haven’t gotten yours yet, but apparently when you love someone a lot it hurts like a bitch when they don’t love you back.” She gave him a sad smile
He returned it “I know the feeling” her smiled tugged down again as she remembered and he rose a hand quickly “no I- I don’t mean it like that. Well I did but-“ he sighed “I know you don’t return my feelings, and I’m okay with it. Knowing that in just a few months I’ll find mine is better. But I’m more worried about you, I love you and I don’t want to see you get hurt. I’d rather see you happy because I know I’ll feel the same when I meet my person. So don’t worry about me, it’s nothing you can control at the end of the day.”
“This whole thing is so messed up” she grumbled, hopping off the kitchen counter and putting her dirty cup in the sink, she squeezed his hand “I think I’m going to try and sleep”
“Hey (Y/n)”
“Don’t go running away from it, I hate seeing you do this to yourself just because you think it will protect the fucker. Your my friend and I won’t hesitate to do something about it, even if I don’t like him”
She snorted, lightening the mood “I still think yours going to be Kamanari” she guessed
He rolled his eyes, smirking but blushing a bit “he’s straight.”
“He thinks and says that that, but he talks about you an awful lot~”
He chuckled, shanking his head “night”
“Night” and she was off, heading up the stairs to her room.
Just then the front doors to the commons opened, Shinsou turning to see the squad. He made contact with bakugou, raising his brows and taking a sip from his shake.
Bakugou growled “you fuckin knew the whole time didn’t you?”
Shinsou shrugged “yeah, but at least (y/n) will stop having to wait. That’s all i care about” and he put his cup in the sink, shoving his hands in his pockets and going into the elevator.
“Oh fuck this shit” the blond hurried his steps, leaving the group and stopping the elevator doors from opening, selecting her floor while watching Shinsou smirk. As the levels passed, it stopped at the second floor to the girls side and he walked out, grumbling under his breath until the doors shut and he was alone in the hall. Outside of her dorm, he took a deep breath before knocking.
“Shinsou” he heard her muffled on the other side as the door opened “I told you I’m fine- eek!” Suddenly the door was being slammed in his face
He blinked, glaring at said door and yelled “Oi! Don’t go shutting me up! Open the damn door!”
“Id rather not!”
He was definitely about to explode but he stopped himself, knocking lighter “come out so I can see you, dumbass. I’m not mad”
There was a hesitation before the knob jiggled, the door slowly opening again but to a crack as he looked down to see her. (Y/n)s eyes were glued to her feet, gripping the door at a vice grip as she spoke “look, y-you- I know your upset- I wouldn’t want me either-“ she gasped as the door was pushed back and she stumbled, caught by strong arms which quickly pulled her in and held her tight.
“Fuckin finally” bakugou sighed, letting his head fall to her shoulder as he held her close to him “thought I was going to fucking explode.” Felt nice finally touching her
Her hands trembled just above him, slowly falling to hug him back. Just as she did she felt her body melt into his, groaning at the touch.
“Oi, don’t make it weird.” She stiffened, retreating her hands and pulling away. He caught her again, tightening his hold so she couldn’t leave “I didn’t mean- shit- just- fucking hell don’t let go”
Her hands stayed afloat, he didn’t mean to make her jumpy again “s-sorry I just-“ his hand led up from the small of her back to her head, gently scratching her scalp. She nearly purred, groaning again and clinging to him just mer seconds later. He felt his shirt dampen, her hands clutching the material on his back hard “sorry- sorry I- it’s just been hurting so bad and- this- you make it stop”
He chest began to ache. He thought it was unbearable to be away from her when he found out, the string making him long for her as it had began to physically and mentally take a toll on him. If that’s how she felt too then he couldn’t imagine what pain she was feeling, the utter agony of having to hide this for months. God why the hell was he feeling so…fluffy? Ew.
He pulled back, her hands flying to the front of his shirt so quickly it made his heart break. She thought he was going to let go. He took hold of her hands, placing them gently in his own and the on his waist. He moved his to her cheeks, looking at her. Truly looking at her. The bags under her eyes were indeniable, knowing they hadn’t been there before.
“Should have fuckin said something”
She shook her head, tears brimming again “I didn’t want to make you mad” she mumbled, looking away
“Don’t give a shit”
She scoffed a bit “you say that now. But your already with Uraraka-“
She froze, hiccuping “I’m sorry- I didn’t mean too make you two-“
He flexed his thumbs against her cheeks, making her look up at him as he gave her a serious look “Oi- it ain’t your fault. It was going to happen”
He squished her cheeks between his palms “stop it. Stop thinking about it. Its stupid” (Y/n)s lip wobbled and she gripped his wrist as she cried. Bakugou felt himself begin to panic, eyes frantically searching until he just pulled her in again. “I mean- it’s not stupid-“
“N-no I- I know you don’t like me-“
“Who the hell said that” he blushed
he sighed “I wouldn’t be your soulmate if I didn’t like you. Hell (L/n) I fucking love you. Don’t know when it fucking happened but I do and yeah I dated Uraraka-“ he pulled back to look into her eyes “but she doesn’t fucking compare- fuck, this whole time it was you and I think that’s why I was drawn to you so much since 1st year. The cussing and bullying be damned because it meant I was next to you. I know I shouldn’t expect you to forgive me for being such an ass and I’m going to work on it but- god damn it- I’m here. Ya don’t have to like me either but I’m fuckin here.”
“Heh…I always liked…you” she refused to meet his red eyes at that
He stared at her for a second, just feeling the guilt bubble in him more “I was a fucking jerk” he grumbled, fiddling with her fingers in his hands. She was about to open her mouth but he cut her off “don’t go sayin it’s fine cause it’s not.” He went to let go just for a second, but she grabbed his hands again, her jaw clenching as she held tight like he was her life line
“Just a little longer…please”
Shit, he was definitely not letting go. He didn’t want to. It felt to good, his body stopped aching and he felt whole again with her hands in his. Knowing she had been that way for so long- Biting his gums again, he caught her wrist, opening her door and leading her back in her room, shutting it behind. She stammered, blushing uncontrollably as he set her on the bed “this fine?” He asked before sitting down. She got ahold of herself, nodding as he got in and she immediately wrapped her arms around him, he did too.
“We’ll figure this the fuck out” he mumbled reassuringly “just- don’t go feeling that way. If you start hurting again just tell me.”
@bakucumsackslut @speedmetalqueen @kysagegreen @derpy-typewriter
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drakenology · 4 years
How about when your working as a hotel concierge and one of the famous pro heroes (can be anyone u like, maybe Bakugou? 😉) comes in for a relaxin vacation from doing so many hero work. He doesn’t know us, but he will. 🥴
you are a genius, muah!
thank you anon for inspiring this piece.
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Room Service! - Bakugo Katsuki
warnings: smut! (minors gtfo), oral (male receiving & female receiving), mentions of cum, size kink, mirror sex (cause it slaps), just a raunchy hook up between two consenting adults (so pro hero katsukiii)
Tonight was making your job really fucking annoying. You sat at your desk answering phone calls about which pro hero would be staying at your hotel (the only bane of your existence).
Of course you can’t disclose that information because of privacy but you didn’t even know that yourself. You sigh as you hang up the phone on yet another greedy fangirl trying to get closer to whomever would be staying here.
You start to wonder who it might be; that 7 foot tall red head or maybe the sexy blonde who could make you blow whenever he wanted.
It was no secret you’d been a fan of Mr. Dynamight since his earlier days of hero work; your coworkers often caught you doodling your name and his last name on a piece of paper like a high school girl with a monster crush. Your mind wandered, thinking of what you’d do-what you’d say if Dynamight walked into your lobby right-
“Yo. I’ve got a reservation under Katsuki Bakugo.” A raspy voice rang in your ears to snap you out of your daydream, making you jump in surprise. Holy shit, it’s him! Fuck. Stay calm.
“Oh! U-uh.. Welcome Mr. Dynamigh- I mean Bakugo.” You stutter, palms clammy and shaking as you look his name up in the computer.
“You new or somethin’?” Bakugo asked, red eyes peering over the counter and straight down at your body.
Even though this isn’t his first time staying here for vacations he’s never seen a hot little thing like you working the desk. All dressed up in an orange button up blouse and a black pencil skirt he could just lift up and have his way with you in. Damn you look good in orange.
You notice his gaze and turn your attention back to the computer, internally screaming as you realize Katsuki Bakugo is fucking staring at you.
“No. Actually this is my third month here. I usually work mornings but we’re unfortunately incredibly shortstaffed tonight so.. here I am.” You nervously laugh, spelling his name wrong about fifty times out of anxiousness before finally finding his name and room number.
“Room 202, sir. Would you like for me to escort you?” You question, standing from your seat and stretching your limbs since you’ve been sitting in that damned chair all night.
Bakugo drank the shape of your body in, following your curves with his eyes and licking his lips enough for you to see.
“Nah, I got it. You just sit your pretty ass down. I might call you for somethin’ later.” Katsuki says with a wink, hauling his luggage in those big strong arms of his off to the elevator, fuck.
Is he being hot on purpose?
You’re left at your desk hot and bothered. You couldn’t help it but your mind was just filled with all the filthy things you’d do to Katsuki. Thank god no one else came through the lobby for most of the night because with the way you felt right now, how could a girl focus on anything?
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Almost an hour goes by quickly, your daydreams and fantasies haulting when you hear the phone ring. Sigh. You reluctantly pick it up, rolling your eyes as you brace to hear yet another fan girl’s screaming.
“Hello, This is Y/N. How can I help you?” You say monotonously, looking down at your nails.
“Hey, sexy desk lady. This you?” The same raspy voice that ached your pussy sang to you.
“Th-this is she.” You gasp, so entranced that you actually answered to the nickname.
“What’s on the menu? I hope all meals include sexy concierges.” He says, his smirk audible. “‘M hungry.”
“Oh. Well we do have a steak dinner I could bring up to you. How does that sound?” You stutter, hardly able to seem professional with his blatant flirting.
“Perfect. Oh and tell your boss or whoever the fuck you answer to that your shift is over. I want you in my room.” Katsuki declared, confidence dripping over every word.
“B-But sir, I can’t just-“ You try to speak, interrupted.
“Customer’s always right.” He teased before hanging up, making sure you got the point.
You take in a breathe, taken aback by how swiftly he can turn you on just by speaking to you. You stand from your chair, almost falling back down from the shakiness of your legs. Fuck it if Bakugo wanted you so badly, here you come. Stumbling into the kitchen you put in Bakugo’s order and tell your manager that the Pro-Hero wants you to deliver his food and keep him company.
“Shit! Hopefully he leaves a good tip. He’s gonna put in such a good rating for us and....” She rambled, the rest of her quarrel falling on deaf ears. You were too busy creaming in your panties at the thought of Bakugo grabbing you by the fucking hair and just-
“Order up!” The chef yells snapping you out of your mindless filth. He’s wheeling over the room service cart for you to take upstairs and shouting something about giving it to him hot.
“Smile, Y/N. Make a good first impression.” Your manager said, leading you to the elevator with one hand on your back.
The ride up felt like the longest elevator ride in history. The walk down the hallway seemed even longer as you look for his room.
You stand at his door, heart threatning to leap out of your chest as you knock softly.
“Who is it?” Katsuki shouted through the door and some loud rock music.
“Room Service!” You manage, hoping you hid your nervousness well. You hear the music die down and the lock of the door click unlocked.
As the door swung open your eyes beheld the image of Bakugo’s toned and muscular torso without a shirt. His sweatpants hung lazily on his hips, the waistband of his boxers showing proudly. As your eyes unknowingly travel further down you get an eyeful of what he’s packing. And baby it is heat.
His dick-print was so prominent it was almost astounding . Is this him soft? You quickly look back upwards at the tall God in front of you and look at his handsome face. Gruff and just manly looking. His hair was tossed all over his head, eyes low and intense as he smirked at you. How on earth can one man be this attractive?
“Ah. Right on time. Get yer ass in here.” Bakugo rasped, groaning at the sight of you. You push yourself and the cart inside, swallowing the lump in your throat. Bakugo walks in front of you and puts out the joint he smoked just fresh out of the shower.
The employee in you told you to scold him for smoking in the building. But for now, hell, let him do whatever he wants. You push the cart into the small living area of his suite, Bakugo sitting on the loveseat in front of you.
“Damn. You look good behind that cart, ya know that?” He says, looking you up and down with those plush lips between his teeth.
You feel your body get hot, not a single thought behind your eyes.
“I-I u-uhm.” You choke. Katsuki stands from the couch and walks towards you like a lion who had just cornered a gazelle. His hands pull you towards him, face so close to yours he could kiss you if he wanted.
“Speak up, sexy. It’s no fun if you don’t talk back. Don’t tell me you’re nervous.” He purred, leaning into your neck and leaving a chaste kiss.
Your eyes flutter, moaning softly as his kisses become deeper. The trail he left led all the way up to your ear, gasping as he nibbles lightly on your earlobe.
“I-I’m sorry. I am a little ner- ah- vous.” You mewl, feeling like you might drop to the floor as his hands snuck down from your waist and onto your ass.
“Mhm. Just relax. I don’t bite. Well, from the looks of it you like a little biting don’t you?” He teased, letting his hands do more talking for him.
His hands knead and caress your body as he leaned down to kiss you. It was the hottest kiss you’ve ever experienced; his big hands exploring your body while nibbling your bottom lip as he pulled away for air only to dive right back into your mouth. He picked you up and led you to the loveseat; hands planted what seemed like permanently into your ass as he sat you on his lap.
He starts undoing the buttons of your shirt, eventually getting annoyed with the stupid blouse and just ripping it open. You gasp as all the buttons pop and fall on the floor, your bra on full display for Katsuki as he hissed.
“Fuck. ‘So sexy.” He huffs, pulling your tits out of your bra and taking one into his mouth. You’re turning into jelly in his hands, mindlessly grinding your aching pussy against his groin and moaning into the room.
“Shit. You’re an eager one, aren’t you?��� Katsuki rasped, pressing a thumb onto your covered clit for you to grind on. Your breathing hitched, knowing he can feel how wet you are through your panties as he took your nipple back into his mouth. Suddenly he stops, causing you to whine from the loss if his mouth.
“Wait, baby. I wanna see what that pretty mouth can do.” Katsuki lulled, pressing his fingers in your mouth while you happily suck on them. You climb off his lap and situate yourself on your knees in front of him, pulling his sweats and boxers down without a second thought.
Fuck was he big. He had girth and length with these sickeningly prominent veins, his pretty dick already deliciously leaking pre-cum. You try not to moan at the upward curve in it, imagining all the spots he can hit with it in just the right angle. And it was heavy too, the spring of his dick leaving his briefs causing it to smack right on his abs. You look up at Bakugo’s eyes who haven’t left you since you got on your knees.
“Go on, sexy. Show me what you got.” He coos, sighing as you take him into your wet mouth.
You tease him a little, swiping your tongue over the head to lick up some of that pre cum. You’re staring at him with hazy eyes, sticking your tongue out and sliding your mouth down until you’re taking him into your throat. Gagging and drooling you bob your head, slurping a bit as he grabbed your hair.
“S-Shiit, baby.” He moans, your drool dripping all over the place as he fucked your mouth with a fist full of your hair. As he’s pulling you up and down on his cock you hollow your cheeks in time with his movements, tears streaming down your face and smudging your mascara.
“You look so fucking hot with my dick in your mouth. Fuck.” He hissed, letting go of your hair to let you get up and breathe. You take his cock out of your mouth with a *pop* and stroke him, all your slobber being the perfect lube as you pump and twist up and down with your hand.
Bakugo leans into the loveseat, his head hanging back into the chair as he cussed. You were making him feel so good, shit you were pretty close to making him cum.
“Want me inside you, baby?” He managed, your mouth and hands taking his breath away. You pull away from his dick again, blinking away your tears.
“Uh-huh.” You nod, the fastest thing you could say. Before you know it you’re scooped up and flung onto the bed, your skirt and panties discarded somewhere.
You don’t even ask him to return the favor. To be honest you didn’t need him to. But the way his tongue flicked your clit around was enough to intoxicate anyone. You can’t help the loud moans you let out, legs trembling as he stuck his tongue inside you. He teased your folds with his tongue, sloppily making out with your pussy until you’re completely blank-headed.
“Look at me, baby.” He hummed, immediately wrapping his lips around your clit.
Your eyes roll back, trying hard to look at his face as he devoured you. His fierce eyes caught your hazy gaze, a fucked out expression written all over your face as he quite literally sucked your orgasm out of you. Katsuki’s lips left your pussy, his chin glistening in your slick with a shit eating grin on his face. Maybe he should stay here more often.
“Heh. First time in my life a woman’s left me speechless.” He says sitting up, his dick standing at attention right above your cunt. The bastard starts tapping his cock on your already sensitive clit with a devilish smirk, biting his lip at your reaction.
Every tap made your eyes cross, your puffy clit throbbing at the sensation. Your whines become desperate, causing Katsuki to crave the satisfaction of your begging. With a raised eyebrow he pushed himself only half way inside you, a sharp gasp ripping from your throat.
“You want it? Hm? I’m talkin’ to you.” Katsuki teased, raising your face to look at him by your chin.
God you looked so sexy like this; legs spread, thighs quivering from all the pleasure, a tantalizingly dumb look on your face.
“Y-yes.. Katsuki p-please.” You plead, mewling when he starts moving but way too slow for your liking.
“All of it, yeah?” He further questioned, really enjoying teasing you. The look on your face as he plunged deeper inside you just enough to stretch you was priceless, a little shriek escaping you.
“Yess, god yes.” You bellow, desperate for your itch to finally be scratched. With a dark chuckle Katsuki slams all of his length inside your gummy walls, your head thrown back into the pillows at the brute force. And that dull stretch felt so good, as if Katsuki’s dick was made to fuck you.
“So biig- ngh!” You struggle to say, covering your mouth as you notice you’re screaming for him. Bakugo takes your hand off your mouth and pinned it above your head, smirking down at the dazed face before him.
“I know, baby. So good for me. So fuckin’ tight.” Bakugo rambles, rutting his hips into yours as he lifts your thighs up and throws them over his broad shoulders.
The new position sent shockwaves through your whole body, your cries so audible you swore you heard them echo in his room. His pace was slow but deliberate, that fucking curve hitting that spot over and over again.
“Oh my god! Oh my godd!” You chant, your wet walls clenching down onto his cock threatening to cum all over him.
“Thats it, cum all over my fuckin’ cock.” Bakugo urged, taking one hand and rubbing insane circles into your throbbing clit his thrusts becoming more brutal as you feel him hit your cervix in the most pleasurable way.
You say something about cumming for him or something, the sentence scrambled as you boil over. Your face was too sinful for words to explain, tongue hanging out as you pant and fat tears bubbling in your eyes.
“I’m not finished. Turn around.” Katsuki demands, smacking your thigh to get you to muster whatever strength you have left to turn around.
Next thing you know you’re bent over, Bakugo plunging back inside as if he had already missed the feeling of your sweet walls. His dick was made for this position, the upward curve hitting that sweet spot perfectly.
“God, look at you..” Bakugo says, his gaze meeting the full length mirror in front of his bed. “So fucking sexy.” He muttered, pulling you by your hair to make you behold what he was looking at.
Your eyes meet the glass reflection of you being absolutely railed senselessly by a man you’d desired since you were a teenager. And it all felt so good. You watch his movements, every flex of his muscles, every heave of his chest as he panted. He was so gorgeous. Even when he was pounding your poor pussy into submission; all sweaty and sticky he was really something to marvel at.
“Fuuck you’re gonna make me cum. That’s it baby, just like that.” Bakugo moans, grabbing a fist full of your hair and smacking your ass all while locking eyes with the mirror and back down again to where you both connect.
You’re so fucked out you can hardly speak, chanting filthy words to coax him into cumming while throwing your ass back on him in time with his thrusts. He’s cussing up a storm, his pace speeding up as he hummed nasty words back at you.
“Want me to cum, baby? Yeah? Shiit, you’re pussy’s so fucking good.” He groans, snapping his hips into you and biting a little into your shoulder. Soon you’re cumming for him again; you don’t know how or when but a mixture of his disgusting words and that big fat cock sliding in and out of you just pushed you over the edge yet again.
“Fuck.” Bakugo hissed, pulling out of your gummy walls to cum all over your ass. He’s pumping himself for a while, staring down at your glazed ass and moaning at the sight.
Bakugo nearly shoves himself back inside you when he sees you reach back and swipe some onto your finger and taste his cum.
“Shit.” You both gasp, panting and sharing the same high as Bakugo jumps up to get a towel. You lay limp and damn near lifeless on the bed as he wipes your ass off, smacking it once it was clean.
“That was the best fucking room service I’ve ever ordered.”
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Besties - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader ft. Kirishima
Warnings: Fluff, Crack, Good Times, BESTIE VIBES ONLY
Summary: Being Bakugou’s girlfriend, you had to get used to his jealousy. Even though you got used to it, you still chose to not deal with it and so you became close friends with the one guy he could trust. Eijirou Kirishima. Here’s how it worked out.
A/N: For the sake of the fic, Jirou and Kaminari are dating
So we all know how Bakugou and Kirishima’s friendship works but I headcanon Y/N (or this story’s version of Y/N) and Kirishima to have a friendship very VERY similar to André Harris and Tori Vega from the show, Victorious. Bakugou liked the fact that his best friend and girlfriend got along so well ESPECIALLY since he wouldn’t have to worry about other guys that Y/N would become friends with. He could trust Eijirou to stay just friends with Y/N and the friendship became ridiculously hilarious.
[Y /N] *Ripped Kirishima’s Red Riot poster* Oh Shit! *Runs to common rooms and hides in the crowd, casually talking to other friends*
[Kirishima] *Walks in* You!
[Y/N] *high pitch scream* Katsuki!
[Kirishima and Y/N] *Arguing*
[Katsuki] *Runs in* Woah, woah, woah! What the fuck is happening?!
[Kirishima] Can I talk to Y/N for a sec bro?!
[Y/N] I don’t have to talk to you about anything!
[Kirishima] Oh I think you do! *Picks Y/N up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes*
[Y/N] Let me go! *swinging arms and legs around*
[Kirishima] Don’t make a scene, Don’t make a scene
[Y/N] Suki! Help me!
[Katsuki] *Laughing his ass off*
[Y/N] *Walking up towards Katsuki and Kirishima moving shoulders and smiling* Heyyyy~
[Katsuki] *Pulling in Y/N with one arm and pecking her temple* Hey babe
[Kirishima] What’s the big news?
[Y/N] How’d you know I had big news?
[Kirishima] ‘Cuz whenever you got big news, this is how you approach someone. *Backs up a little and re-enacts Y/N’s walk* “Heyyyy~”
[Y/N] I don’t do that when I have big news
[Katsuki] Do you have big news?
[Y/N] .....yes
[Katsuki and Kirishima] *Laughs*
[Sero] Yo Bakugou! We got extra training with Aizawa! Let’s go!
[Katsuki] Okay! Later Shitty Hair, See ya babe *pecks your lips and runs off*
[Kirishima] So what’s the big news?
[Y/N] *explains*
[Kirishima] Oh my chiz!
[Y/N] I know right! Ouu let’s go tell those guys over there! *points towards group of kids and begins to walk*
[Kirishima] Wait wait wait *pulls Y/N back* We gotta do this the right way *smiles*
[Y/N] *Smiles and Nods head*
[Kirishima and Y/N] *Walks up to group moving shoulders and smiling* Heyyyy~
[Kirishima and Y/N] *Chilling at the Kitchen Island*
[Kirishima] *frustrated with something*
[Y/N] Hey...Hey look at me
[Kirishima] Noooooo
[Y/N] Look at me
[Kirishima] *Sighs* What is it cuz I’m not in the greatest moo- *looks up at Y/N*
[Y/N] *Shoots Kirishima with Nerf Gun as he’s talking and hits him right in the middle of his forehead for the 6th time in a row* WooHooo!! Oh yeaaahhh six fa sixxxxx *does a little dance in her chair*
[Katsuki] *laying on the common room couch* BABBYYYYYYYYY
[Y/N] *Walks to Bakugou* You finally awake babe? What do you need?
[Katsuki] Can you get me some water? *baby pouts at her*
[Y/N] Heh, sure. *gets water and gives it to Katsuki*
[Katsuki] *Drinks water and goes to sleep again*
[Y/N] *Walks back to seat infront of Kirishima and gets hit with Nerf Bullet*
[Kirishima] WOMP! *puts two fist in the air in victory and then does a little dance*
[Y/N] *Softly laughs*
[Kirishima] Like that?
[Y/N] *Laughs and claps hands softly* Moreee
[Kirishima] *Laughs and stops dancing*
[Kirishima] *Busts into Common Rooms during Y/N and Bakugou’s movie night* GUYS I NEED HELP!
[Katsuki] *Pauses movie* Aren’t you supposed to be at Kiyoko’s Birthday Party?
[Kirishima] Yes! I’m supposed to be at her birthday party! I’m supposed to be her date for that party! And I’m supposed to like her! But I don’t like that spoiled girl at all! Not even a little *picks up pillow and hits the couch with it at every upcoming word* And I *hit* don’t know what *hit* to do! *hit*
[Y/N] *Offers out bowl* .....Want some Mashed Potatoes?
[Kirishima] No I don’t want any- .....Gimme da bowl *takes bowl and walks to other side*
[Y/N] Okay, why are you with this girl if you don’t even like her?!
[Kirishima] Because of her daddy *eats*
[Katsuki] Who’s her daddy?
[Kirishima] *Speaks with stuffed mouth* Hawks
[Katsuki and Y/N] What?!?!! Hawks?!?
[Kirishima] Mhm!
[Y/N] Oh my god, he’s the number 2 hero!
[Kirishima] I know that! You don’t think I know that? If that man likes me and thinks I’m good enough he could hook me up with a spot in his agency as an intern. Why else do you think I’m dating his grumped up, crazy faced daughter?!
[Y/N] *stares in shock* that is terrible!
[Kirishima] I know! That’s why I’m upset! *takes spoonful bite of mashed potatoes* ‘Cuz I know, what I’m doing is wrong! 😭 .....are these potatoes hand mashed?
[Y/N] Yeah, why?
[Kirishima] They’re lumpy
[Y/N] *stares in offense*
[Kirishima] If you gon hand mash em, you gotta get up in there! Get out them lumps! *sadly uses fork to mash up potatoes even more*
[Kirishima] *Banging on Y/N’s dorm room door at 4 in the morning*
[Y/N] *Tiredly getting out of Bakugou’s arms and opening the door* Kiri?
[Kirishima] Did you get my texts?!
[Y/N] Yes, why do you think I’m standing here at 4 in the morning?
[Kirishima] I’m tripping out Y/N! I’m tripping out!!😭
[Y/N] *sighs* Alright, just come in
[Katsuki] *Wakes up* Ugh shitty hair, whats your deal?
[Kirishima] *frantically walks through the door* Go make coco!
[Y/N] I’m not making coco! *shuts door*
[Kirishima] ARGHHH-OWWW *rubs his temples as he flops onto Y/N’s bed at Katsuki’s feet*
[Katsuki] Geez man *tiredly rubs face*
[Y/N] What is wrong with you?
[Kirishima] *hesitates* I-...I think I’m in love with Jirou
[Katsuki and Y/N] *Eyes go wide and jaws drop*
[Y/N] *slowly shaking head up and down*...I’ll go make the coco... *stares as Kirishima in shock as she backs up to the door slowly*
[Kirishima] *Mouthing “I don’t know” with distressed look and shrugged shoulders*
[Y/N] *slowly but quickly leaves dorm room*
*Timeskip - Bakugou, Y/N, and Kirishima are all sitting on Y/N’s bed with their backs against the wall holding cups of coco*
[Y/N] You think you’re in love?....With Jirou?
[Kirishima] ....I think so..
[Katsuki] Okay, what happened tonight?
[Kirishima] I don’t know..we were just in gym gamma, working together, all night, and then we took a break and she played music and started singing and I sang with her. Then she showed me a song she’s been working on and I offered to help and then she started singing again and she just looked so...pretty and sweet
[Y/N] Okay but dude, you can’t love Jirou!
[Kirishima] You think I don’t know that?! Kaminari is one of my best friends and I would never try and move in on a friend’s girl. Uh-Uh, I don’t play that way.
[Katsuki] Good! So just..forget about this-
[Kirishima] I CANT! ARGH-OW *distressfully rubs temples*
[Y/N] Well why can’t you?
[Kirishima] Alright, you see. Ever since I was little I could never hold my emotions in. I could never keep my feelings inside, even if I want to, I just can’t. I always had to be honest with myself and let it out. Or else I get wonky in the head! *Rubs temples*
[Y/N] Okay-
[Kirishima] I- *broken sobs*
[Y/N] Okay-
[Kirishima] Argh- *broken sobs*
[Y/N] *Rubbing Kiri’s shoulder* Shhh-
[Kirishima] I don’t even- *broken sobs and shaking head*
[Y/N] Shhh. Listen. I don’t think you’re in love with Jirou.
[Kirishima] You don’t?
[Y/N] No. You guys were just there..together..alone, late. And you were tired.
[Kirishima] Yeah..tired, we were tired. That’s true.
[Y/N] And you guys were listening to music and singing songs..and so you felt emotional.
[Kirishima] Yeah! I did!
[Y/N] But by tomorrow, you’ll be fine again!
[Kirishima] Yeah! I bet I will!
[Katsuki, Y/N, and Kirishima] *Slowly raises coco cups to their mouths to take a sip simultaneously*
[Kirishima] This coco is good!
[Y/N] *Nodding her head* It’s from Belgium.
[Kirishima] Must be why
[Y/N] *Nodding her head* Mhm
[Katsuki, Y/N, and Kirishima] *All simultaneously taking another sip*
[Katsuki] .....Shitty hair..
[Kirishima] ...Yeah bro?
[Katsuki] ....Get out so I can cuddle my girlfriend and go to sleep
[Kirishima] .....Okay bro
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katsukisblackteddy · 4 years
HOT TOMALES! I just got a great idea for a request! Bakugo, Fatgum, Sero, and Hawks hcs of them with a black!fem!s/o but she has a Galaxy quirk. It gives her purple blue eyes with stars and constellation pupils that changes when she blinks, she blushes stardust and mini stars, has sparkly tears, and her quirk allows her to use black holes, comet like projectiles, and she can make mini stars and planets appear from her energy along with spreading stars and constellation like freckles all over her body. (I saw these gorgeous art designs and I couldn’t help myself. I do not own the art, they are just inspiration to me for this request 😭✨)
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“She’s Out of This World” - Headcannons
Pairings: bakugou, fatgum, sero, and hawks x black!fem! reader Pronouns: she/her Warnings: none...besides a few curse words (cough...bakugou...cough)
Thanks for another great request <3
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He definitely was NOT looking forward to the new foreign student joining the class when Aizawa first announced it
But then you stepped through the oversized doorway and he very obviously did a double take
Bakubitch was seeing stars...literally...you were flustered and blushing stardust
Bakugou thought that you were hot and your quirk was cool...though he would NOT admit it
He was definitely overly aggressive towards you when you met each other because bby boi didn’t know how to express his feelings
Hi crush grew when he saw you wouldn’t take his shit and you talked back...(he thought that was hot as fuck)
“Hey (y/n)-chan?” Midoriya asked from his seat, his half burnt journal out as he held a pen in his hand. His green eyes were wide as he looked you over before scribbling things down
Bakugou wasn’t saying anything and was pretending to be on his phone but he would look up every so often to see if you found Deku as annoying as he did
He was kinda bummed when he saw you didn’t
“What’s up Midoriya?” You asked back as Midoriya looked back up at you, loosing his train of thought when he saw the constellations in your eyes change and shooting stars in the purple-blue orbs when you blinked or got excited.
“C-can you make stars and planets and stuff?” He asked after a pause. This caught the explosive blonde’s attention as he watched you smile and nod.
“Yeah...do you want me to do it now?” Everyone nodded in response to your question, their eyes now focusing on you.
A mini galaxy began to appear above your hands, a small smile on your face as you looked at everyone’s excited and impressed faces.
“Woah! You’re really hot!” Mineta said, catching you off guard as your eyes widened and you cheeks became covered in stardust, a shooting star appearing above your head.
“T-thanks.” You grew even more flustered as some of the other boys agreed
Bakugou glared daggers at Mineta for breathing near you, so the fact that he talked to you was pissing him off even more
Mineta’s ass got BEAT after school and the next day Mineta wouldn’t even look at you
You caught the satisfied smirk on Bakugou’s face that he tried to hide when he saw Mineta practically piss his pants
“You know you could just talk to me...” You said from your seat behind Bakugou with a small laugh as Bakugou tried to hide his quickly reddening cheeks
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He LOVES to talk about you and show you off, even if not a lot of people get to see you together because y’all are pro-heros
Will definitely talk everyone’s ears off when given the chance about how cool your galaxy quirk is and how strong and powerful you are to the point where some of his friends are convinced you aren’t real because they haven’t seen you together
No one questions him anymore after you joined him and his two interns on patrol when they spotted you after you had just finished your own patrol
“Excuse me.” You looked down when you felt a small tug at your belt, seeing a little girl with pigtails and warm brown eyes.
“Hi sweetheart.” You smiled widely at the girl as you kneeled to her level, noticing the doll of you in her arms and the small stars that were drawn on her cheeks.
“I wanna be just like you when I grow up! I already told my mommy!” The little girl told you excitedly as a woman who looks like the older version of the little girl in front of you smiles at you with a hand on the girl’s shoulder.
“I think you’ll make a great hero one day.” You told her as her eyes seemed to shine in adoration. Her little hand touched the stars on your cheek as she mumbled about how pretty it was.
“Thank you.” You laughed lightly as the little girl blushed.
“I can make sunlight!” She explained after a moment, excitedly showing you her hands that formed the little ball of light.
“Watch this.” You smiled, putting your hands around hers as you made tiny planets and a mini galaxy around her little ball of light that looked like a sun.
“Woah!” The little girl excitedly jumped up and down before hugging you as her mother thanked you before the pair walked off. You stood turning when you felt eyes on you.
It was your boyfriend, Toyomitsu and his two interns who had been watching the little exchange with small smiles.
“Are these your interns!” You asked him excitedly as you pulled at his large hand, eyeing the two teenagers.
“Mmhmm.” He nodded proudly. “Isn’t she out of this world?” He asked to the boys with a laugh.
You rolled your eyes at his corny joke, but let out a small laugh. 
“Do you want to join us?”
“Of course! Toyomitsu literally doesn’t stop talking about you two! It’s great to finally meet you.”
“Really? He hasn’t stopped talking about you either.” Kirishima said as your starry purple and blue eyes looked from the redhead to your boyfriend with a raised eyebrow. He just smiled at you, a soft pink covering his cheeks as he shrugged.
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Flex tape is super into you from the moment he saw you, but he was too nervous to say anything to you in the beginning
He was convinced you would go for someone like him (which is stupid bc he’s so cute)...he was obviously wrong
Both you and Sero’s quirks have pretty practical applications, especially when you generated small suns and moons as light sources
The first time you generated a black hole kinda scared him tho...even if it was a small one
Once you convinced him that you had complete control over the black hole, he wasn’t so nervous about it anymore.
Definitely takes advantage of the black hole creation ability of your quirk now too
“Hey (y/n) can you come over?” Your boyfriend called you. This made you nervous because you thought something bad could’ve happened...like that one time Sero had accidentally gotten his tape stuck in a fan while it was accidentally stuck in his hair
“What happened? Did you start a fire? Was Denki involved? Is there another fan, because I can go get my scissors again!” You said quickly as you stood at his door in the dorms. 
You had rushed there so it had only taken you a moment to get there after he had hung up.
“Nope...no fire, Kaminari wasn’t involved, and there isn’t another fan incident...but I kinda broke the vacuum cleaner and there’s glitter all over my room.”
“Why is there glitter everywhere?” You looked from the mess all on the floor to your boyfriend who smiled sheepishly at you.
“Well, Kaminari thought it would be fun to do a prank...and the test kinda backfired...”
“I thought you said Kaminari wasn’t involved?”
“Uh-” He stopped when you held your hand up with a sigh.
“What am I supposed to do about this Hanta?”
“I was thinking that maybe you could use a black hole...since it’s kinda like a vacuum?”
“Fine.” You sighed after a pause in conversation, nodding once before you made a small black hole appear in your hand. Pointing it towards the floor you sucked up all of the glitter before making the black hole disappear again.
“I knew it would be faster than a vacuum!” Sero told you as he hugged and thanked you.
“Don’t be so messy next time...and maybe stay away from the glitter.” You laughed.
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Keigo was kind of caught off guard when he first saw you.
He originally thought your quirk had just changed your appearance and that it was only creating stars, well until one day...
You see, the pair of you had moved in together and had also gotten a dog because why the hell not?
Anyways Keigo was supposed to be getting home any moment from patrol and since you had been off that day, you stayed home with your dog
“Did you have to ruin your toys so quickly? We just brought you this ball.” You complained to the small rambunctious animal who simple stared up at you with big brown eyes and a wag of its tail.
“Alright, let’s try this then.” You said after thinking for a moment. You created a small planet before throwing it down the hall. If your dog broke it, you could simply make a new one and it wouldn’t be a waste of money.
The dog happily chased after it before appearing a moment later with the small blue planet in its mouth. It put the sphere down at your feet, looking up at you and waiting for you to throw it again.
The door opened as you threw it down the hall again, Keigo walking into the house after just getting off. 
He set his goggles on the table by the door along with his special headphones, taking his gloves and jacket off at the door.
“I’m home, Birdie.” He called out as your dog ran towards him and dropped the strange new ball that he didn’t remember getting at his feet.
“I’m in here.”
“Weird.” The pro-hero mumbled before tossing the ball again and walking towards where your voice had come from.
“How was patrol?” You asked as your dog appeared again, the broken planet in front of him on the ground at your feet.
“It was fine...nothing major.” He answered simply, watching as you sighed giving a look to your dog before putting your hands together and making another small sphere, this time a purple color.
“Try not to break it so quickly this time.” You told the dog before tossing it.
“What was that?” He questioned as you looked at him confused. “When you put your hands together?” He clarified.
“Oh...did I forget to tell you? He broke his new ball, so I created a planet for him. I just figured it would be easier than buying him another toy that he’ll just end up destroying.” You shrugged.
“You can make planets?”
“Among other things.” You laughed softly at the surprised face he made. “I thought I told you.”
“No...but that’s cool as hell! What else can you do?” He asked, his eyes not leaving yours as he laid his head in your lap as you both sat on the couch with you explaining your quirk in depth.
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Can I have aizawa dating (without knowing) one of his student's (you can chose) older sister? Thank you and stay hydrated! 💗
• It was Bakugous sister.
• He honestly didn't even make the fucking connection. He's just tired.
• You have brown hair, Katsuki has blonde hair. You curse a lot but have a much better control with your temper and youre not as hot headed.
• he didn't connect the resemblance either until he see's you too in the same room
• and he doesn't like bringing work home- especially when he gets to see you
• which isn't as often as he'd like it to be
• so he won't talk about it
• so you wouldn't know that he taught your brother
• he'll say his day was frustrating or it was good and then the subject would be changed
• Your family would know you're seriously dating /someone/
• but they wouldn't know who.
• your dad would know more than your mom would- you're closer with him
• Katsuki would also know youre dating someone, he doesn't know who, and he pretends not to care but he's annoyed he hasn't met them
• he doesn't know what they're like. They could be an asshole- he wouldn't know.
• your relationship with Katsuki is weird.
• some times he's decent- and yall act like normal siblings
• and then sometimes the two of you ignore eachother for months
• which is ridiculous because youre 26 and he's 17.
• you think he has some animosity for leaving the house and leaving him to be the only child there
• now his parents are down his back
• he might also be upset that you disciplined him a lot
• but you also comforted him when he needed it
• regardless he'll still show up at your apartment when he's fought with mom
• or he 'got bored' aka he missed you but he's not gonna say that
• if he didn't feel like spending the night in the dorms, he'd crash at your place.
• Back to the point- they don't know much.
• it's completely unknown to everyone that you're dating your brothers teacher.
• Aizawa is patient. He's so patient.
• you've been hesitant on him meeting your family (though you've been together for what- a year? Year and a half?) Because well...your family is your family.
• you don't want him to dip
• you're utterly in love with this man and you'd be htterly devastated if he left
• and honestly? He's content with how it is now.
• Him occasionally spending the night(s) ((weeks)) at your apartment, leaving work out of conversations and just enjoying company.
• you dont have to go too fast- its fine how it is now.
• he loves you and that's really all that matters to him.
• but one day, you do decide its time for him to meet them.
• it's over winter break- it's December, not long before Christmas, he'd be spending it with you this year and he should meet your family before hand.
• You guys decided breakfast was an appropriate time.
• So there you are, sitting in bed with your greasy gremlin of a man
• he's got a hand in your hair, the other on the bed on the other side of your head to hold him up.
• you were under him, licking the inside of his mouth
• that's as far as you two had gotten before there was a knock on the door.
• you looked towards the clock as he let out a small groan.
• forgive him, it'd been a solid 2 weeks since he'd seen you last and he missed every part of you.
• it was late, around 11:30, none the less you got up, pressing another kiss to his lips "I'll be back in a minute babe,"
• and off you go to answer the door
• and when you do answer you see Katsuki standing there, hands shoved in his pockets, looking very upset.
"I got into a fight with mom. Can I sleep here tonight?"
You nod, "yeah yeah, of course. Just text dad that you're here okay?" You step aside to let him in. "Did you walk? Drive?"
"Hung out with Ei and then drove here."
"Car out front?"
"Mhm, parked next to yours."
"Did Ei do a good job making you feel better?" You glance back at him as you take a cup out if the cupboard.
"Yeah, he did. I'm just not in the mood to go back."
"That's okay. We know how mom gets. What was it about?"
"Responsibility or some shit like that. Not exactly sure anymore."
"Katsu," you mumble, sitting a cup if tea in front of him. "You're doing fine. With everything thats going on, you're dealing with it really well. You're still just a kid, you deserve to have some fun." You kiss his forehead and he nods. "I'm gonna make sure the guest bedroom is ready, kay?"
• So once the room is ready, he brings his cup into the room and plugs in his phone before looking at you.
"Is /he/ here?
"Sho? Yeah, he's probably sleeping now. You'll meet him in the morning. Is Ei and his family still spending Christmas dinner with us?"
"Yeah. He is."
"Does he know how crazy we are?"
Katsuki smiles slightly. "Yeah, one of his moms is like that."
"Good, then you have nothing to worry about. Goodnight Katsuki." You ruffle his hair.
"Let the bedbugs bite, hag."
"You too, little fucker."
• Getting back into bed woke Shouta up, though he was only just drifting off.
"Who was that?"
"Brother, he got into a fight with mom. He's spending the night in the guest bedroom so you'll meet him tomorrow."
He nodded. "Can I go back to kiss you now?" He mumbled.
"Yeah, but we have to be quite now." You smile.
"You know thats one of my favorite games," he got back on top of you, moving your legs so they were on either side of his waist and he had easy access to grind himself onto your heat. You let out a sigh and his lips reconnected.
• The next morning you woke up early than you had really wanted but sometimes shit happens.
• katsuki was already up, if course he was.
• he gave you a small nod, eyes traveling to the hickey peeking out from under your robe before looking away. Gross.
• "Sleep okay?"
"Slept fine, you?"
"Mhm," you smile slightly. "Dad say anything last night?"
"He said to tell you goodnight and he was excited to see you tomorrow, but I was too lazy to get up-" his spoon clattered.
You glance back, "Ah, Katsu this is Shou, Sho this is-"
• Katsuki is 😃
• Why are you fucking here???
• Aizawa is 😌
• I'm gonna use this to destroy you
"Jesus-" Katsuki groans. "No- no no-"
Shouta rubs his face, but he's internally jumping- oh he's going to use this to his advantage.
"You're dating my fucking teacher?"
"Wha- oh." You snicker.
• This is gold
• This is absolutely gold
• You are going to beat Aizawa ass later though, he's totally been overworking his class
• They walk into breakfast and your parents are like ????
• "Hey isn't that-?"
"Yes." Bakugou grumbles. "Yes it is."
• Honestly they'd both use it to their advantage.
• "I'll tell my sister if you ____"
• "I'll tell your sister if you don't _____"
• and when y'all get engaged and class 1a finds out that he's going to become bakugous brother in law, they flip their shit dude.
• Because one, Eiji was the only one who knew he had a sister and that he was dating bakugous sisterb
• mans walked in with his famiky to see his boyfriend and stopped dead in his tracks.
"M-Mr. Aizawa..why are- uhm- why are-?"
Bakugou grabs his hand, nodding at his mother's. "He's dating my sister."
"He's what?" He whispered, eyes widening.
"Tragic, I know."
• One time you had to bring him something bc he forgot it at your apartment that was practically his too at this point
• and you walk in
"Hey sho, you forgot this."
"Mm, thanks."
• Bakugou drops his head to the table
"Bye Katsu," you wave and smile. "By Ei, have a good day,"
"Please leave,"
"You too Bakugou!"
• "who was that?" Mina asks
"Bakugous sister,"
"My fiance,"
They said that the same time
• All hell breaks loose
• "The fact that bakugou has a sister is processed first- "she looks nothing like you how-"
"She has my dads brown hair. I have my moms blonde hair.'
• He's bombarded with questions
• he ignores them
• the fact that Aizawa is ENGAGED to bakugous sister- now that's gold
• and he's bombarded with questions too
• no he did not know you were bakugous sister
• he met you after school started
• at a fruit stand actually
• he proposed before Christmas
• yes, he asked for your parents approval
• yes he asked for bakugous approval, he said yes
• no, he didn't have kids
• but y'all did have a cat and a dog
• No Mina, I'm not showing you a picture of them
• because Ayoma, we're in class right now
• maybe after if you guys shut up
• Anyway Bakugou is the ringbearer for the wedding 🤪🤪
• Class 1A is invited
• Mic is the best man
• Your best friend is your maid of honor
• All might officiated it
• its a good time
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kkusuka · 4 years
So the students decide to do a game of truth or dare and Y/N is dared to pick up her crush (it was said in a joking manner, but no one knew that sis could actually lift so she easily picks him up despite the size and weight difference). Imagine the shook faces of Shoji, Tetsutetsu, Sero, and Bakugo being held bridal style so easily by someone so cute and cheery before realizing the point of the dare. She’s like “I did it :3”
this was so cute!!
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Shoji Mezo
he prides himself on staying calm and collected
and so far this game of truth or dare hadn’t changed that
it wasn’t can that bad, the worst thing that had happened so far was Kirishima being dared to call another intern from Fatgums agency
and even that was humorous  
unfortunately, all of that went down the drain once mina decided that she wanted something spectacular to spice things up
and adding to the misfortune was the fact it was your turn
of all people
and just as he thought, you took the challenge in minas eyes
and her plan was set in action
“ a brave one eh, y/n!  well then, I dare you to go to your crush-“
the girls cooed and his hands were sweating-
“and you have to pick them up bridal style of course, and spin them around!”
and your fate was set
“mina! i-“
“no-no, you chose dare, you have to do it if we’ll out your crush anyway”
you can do it, you can do it
this is shoji
nice and sweet shoji who you were walking towards, did I mention that his hands were starting to sweat
you had to be walking towards the wrong person
“hey sho? could you stand up for a sec? it’ll be quick I promise! and I’d rather do this myself”
On command, or because of shock, he stood
“You don't have to, I'm probably too heavy and-”
You hadn't even let him finish before you were bending down and hooking your arms under his legs he was being lifted into the air and lightly spun
Then all too soon he was put down
He hadn't even thought about the fact that this was you admitting that you had a crush on him until that moment
But for now, he was good with just gaping at you and thinking about what the fuck just happened
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this picture is so cute!!! the little Fe on his costume absolutely sends me!!
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Mans is always up for a good challenge
And truth or dare breeds them like no other
Somehow along the track of the game, the entire class had joined the game in the living space of their dorm
“y/n! You are officially being dared to pick up and twirl your crush!”
That was a very manly dare
Extremely manly, first a confession
Then a show of strength!
(are you moving towards him?)
This is the point of the game!
“Um, tet?”
You didn't say anything, just motions for him to stand, giving a small wave of your hand
But it was enough for his mind to go blank
He still stood
What else was he supposed to do?
“I-i’m gonna pick you up now-!” and that you did
And he was shocked, he thought he was a pretty heavy guy
And you were so frail, it hurt him a bit
You did eventually put him down
He couldn't even wrap his head around it, he had finally found a girl that was worthy of being his-
“You are totally manly y/n! I am honored to be your crush and I will be the best option for you!”
Now the tables were turned, he had you bridal style walking up to his room so he could question you about literally everything and anything
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Sero Hanta
Sero like to think that he's a pretty laid back guy
Truth or dare doesn't rattle him
Sitting next to his crush and he gets to hear you laugh at all the ridiculous things that Denki has been forced to do
Neither of you had been dared to do anything too horrible
But of course, class A does not rest
You could tell before she even said it
You had spoken about this
You were totally regretting telling Mina about your crush, it was coming back attr you faster than you thought it would
“Oh ho, y/n~ dare what an admirable choice! You have to pick up your crush- don't give me that look, you're getting what you're asking for- AND give them a little spin!”
She wanted to kill you, she wanted to kill the both of you
You sighed and grabbed Sero's hand
Red face- shade on unlocked
“Wha-” “let's just do this ok?”
You liked him?
Why? Wait no he liked you too!
As he was having his inner conflict he didn't even get to cherish the feeling of you bending and grabbing his legs
He did tune back in to hear the cheers of his class and feel himself spinning
So he laughed, which made you laugh, which made you lose balance, which sent both of you tumbling into the couch
To continue to the cliche, his nerves have disappeared and he just had to go full send
‘Your crush huh?”
“Shut it, tape boy”
And another round of laughs, but he'll deal with it as long as you keep looking at him like that.
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Bakugo Katsuki
Sir king of the earth would do anything you asked him too
And damn that stupid face of yours
If you didn’t ask there was no way he would be anywhere near this stupid game
He had already been asked who his favorite classmate was, to which he almost killed poor Denki for
And he was just getting more peeved by the minute
“y/n, my love~ you have to pick up whomever you hold affection for and must give them a marvelous spin!”
Fucking Aoyama- shit he wasn't letting you do that-
“Kats……………...katsu?.................Katsuki!, would you stand for me?”
Fucking hell
He wasn't letting you touch anyone
This is a stupid game and he should've talked you out of it-
“Bakugou! You have to get up! Little be a second I promise!”
Of course, he was going to get up, not without a complaint
“I'm going, shitty woman! Don't be annoying!”
That got a laugh out of you
But before he could hell something about that, you were wrapping him in your arms
“You aren't going to be able to do it extra!”
“I haven't even tried yet!”
“Yeah? Well-” and he was up!
No words
No thoughts
Just being spun by a person half his body weight
Even after he was put down
He- and- why? But- no way
He was being laughed at
No no he couldn't have that!
So he grabbed you bridal style and spun you like he would never do it again,
“See I can do it too!”
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katsumiiii · 4 years
When they’re jealous
Katsuki Bakugou x fem! black reader
Eijirou Kirishima x fem! black reader
Denki Kaminari x fem! black reader
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Katsuki Bakugou:
now contrary to popular belief Katsuki isn’t one to get jealous
he has full trust in you and doesn’t doubt your loyalty
it’s OTHER people he doesn’t trust
especially when they blatantly flirt like he isn’t standing right there
he hates being ignored
we all know Katsuki isn’t one for PDA
but when he’s jealous that’s a different story
first he gets silent
glaring at the person who’s dumb enough to flirt with his girl
he watches how you react
seeing if the man is causing you discomfort
so he knows how hard he has to kick his ass
then he listens in on the convo
probably growling at his words like an animal
and finally when he’s had enough he steps up to you, throwing an arm over your shoulder
he definitely barks at the guy
like not on purpose...it’s kinda of a reflex
“who the fuck is this extra? he bothering you?”
“no it’s fine, he was just leaving actually.”
he loves that you’re capable of handling your own shit
finds it really attractive
but still wants to beat this guys ass
“you heard the woman, scram before I beat your fucking ass.”
once he’s gone Katsuki roughly kisses you to let people know to back off
“fuck off.”
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Eijirou Kirishima:
look at this sweetheart
do you really think he’d be the type to get jealous ?
yeah no he actually gets jealous a lot
he has a lot of internal insecurities that he’s yet to work out yet
but knows you would never cheat on him or anything like that
he tends to get a bit aggressive
but like it’s not obvious he’s annoyed or anything
he’d still have that cute smile on his face
but deep down is literally so fucking close to bashing this dudes face into the nearest wall
he’d probably size the dude up while smiling politely
immediately asks you if you’re okay
that’s his main priority
god forbid this man put his hands on you
no nice Kirishima after that
“hey babe, whose your new friend?”
the look in his eye is legit terrifying
“oh no one, he’s unimportant.”
he got butterflies from that statement
fell so much more in love with you in that moment
“yeah dude, I think it’s best if you leave. Don’t you?”
trust me, he’s not coming back
“no way! it’s not manly to not trust your girlfriend in situations like this!”
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Denki Kaminari:
um yeah literally gets jealous on a daily basis
i mean come on, look at you
he has every right to be worried
constantly has his eyes on every male in the building once you enter a public setting
drags you away if he thinks someone might be interested in you
“wait babe I saw this really cool store we should try out instead!”
“what? but I’m hungry!”
“we can come back later!”
thinks you don’t know what he’s doing but you definitely do
you’re not fucking dumb
but anyways, y’all are at the mall and he went to buy you guys ice cream
comes back to this guy leaning against his chair
you look angry as fuck
like you’re about to kick this guys ass angry as fuck
so he decided that it would be best if he stepped in now
“hey babe, got the ice cream!”
“thanks Denki.”
the guy still doesn’t get the memo
“listen dude, I’d leave pronto if I were you. my girl is kinda scary when shes angry.”
points to your seething expression
the asshole finally gets the hint and leaves
Denkis literally crying from laughter
he’s a sucker for strong women
“shit babe that was hilarious!”
“I was this close from rocking his shit.”
guess he doesn’t have to be jealous after all
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bby-bo · 4 years
“Creeps in the Dorms”
i think im going to turn this series into a slice of life series rather than a formal fic, so if you have any Class 1A scenarios you’d like to see lmk :) posting yet another self serving scenario but ive been on such a Katsuki high lately its dangerous 🥰💀🥰
again, this is a Part 3 to “Over Hyped Introductions” and “Girls + Lunch Rush” but you don’t have to read those parts to understand this 
- bo
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader, teensy bit of Class 1A x Reader if you squint
Warnings: None
Summary: In which you move in to the UA student dorms, and “accidentally” cross paths with Bakugou.
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Internally, Katsuki already knew he was fucked.  Not that he would ever allow himself to even acknowledge that fact, nevermind admit it out loud - but something in him was definitely aware of the effect you had on him.  And it only got worse when he discovered you were moving into the student dorms.
“I think that little purple guy might try to kidnap me in my sleep… maybe I should ask for another lock to be installed on the door..?”  Your thoughts trailed off, a little preoccupied with the details of your move.  Boxes in hand, Momo and the girls had committed themselves to helping you get squared away.
“Oh yeah, I think I would prefer to fail every test i’ve ever taken if it meant I never had to be caught alone in a dorm room with Mineta” A tremor raked itself through Hagakure’s clothing as she voiced her fears in agreement with you.
“I didn’t know you were so into plants Y/N, hopefully they get enough sunlight in your room” Tsuyu noted, arms occupied with a box of small succulents and tiny cactuses.  
“Oh, well actually some of the more decorative plants are fake, but it’s true that I like some greenery”  You pointed out, a little embarrassed that your slight obsession had been realized.  
“I hope these people don’t think I want to be a botanist hero or some weird shit like that, I knew I didn’t need to bring all of these with me”
Denki, Kirishima and Sero were chilling on a couch in the lounge chatting as Uraraka held the door for the girls to file through the front entryway. 
“I so wish Y/N had been here when we did the dorm room contest. Im dying to get into her personal space” Kaminari kept his drool at bay but let out a whine as Kirishima shushed him to lower his voice.
“Dude! I bet she wants some space to settle in.  And don’t come on so hard to someone you’ve never even held a conversation with it’s unmanly!”
“Come on Kiri, I bet even you’re a little curious to at least see how she decorates.  Am I right?” Sero slid a sly smile into the flow of conversation, but couldn’t keep a giddy blush from blooming across his cheeks.
“Whatever man, she’ll be here for the next dorm competition and I refuse to butt in on her personal space” Kirishima crossed his arms across his broad chest, and Denki briefly wondered if the red head even caught on to what the possibilities of being in a girls’ room even were.
Bakugou emerged from the opposite side of the dorm building, crossing the entryway where you stood chatting away with the girls waiting for the elevator.  He did his best to keep his gaze forward and focused on his friends on the couch, but he couldn’t help the curious wandering of his eyes.
“A white comforter… seems basic but with the amount of plants sprouting out of some of those boxes, I wonder if she actually has more of a contemporary style?”  Bakugou found himself feeding into his curiosities unintentionally, as his crimson gaze setlled on your casual outift. Jeans deliciously hugged your thighs as your top half was engulfed in a sweatshirt, the band of which sat on your hips, above the curve of your ass. With a silent growl he tore his eyes away from you as you entered the opening elevator and continued on his way toward the guys to distract himself.
Later that afternoon, you sat on your bed cross legged next to Mina, as Momo sat at your desk chair and Uraraka sat in a large grey bean bag seat on the floor.
“He literally remodeled the entire room in a single day.  Todoroki is so amazing it’s really no secret he’s so popular! And he’s at the top of the class!” With the door now closed, Momo let loose about her little crush on the bicolored student, and once she got to talking, she really didn’t stop.  She became so obvious about her admiration, you wondered how she kept it all under wraps so well when he was around her in class and in training exercises all the time.
“Aaaannddd Todoroki’s totally the hottest guy in class!” Mina interrupted to tack on her own opinion, as Momo stuffed her blushing cheeks into her hands, forcing a lighthearted giggle from Uraraka.  Piping up out of her laughing fit, Uraraka turned to you with an excited look.
“Y/N, what do you think? Anyone in class catch your eye?”  She said with a smile, her voice devoid of any teasing undertones as her head tilted slightly with her question. 
“Um, well, I do think that loud blonde boy is pretty talented.  He’s at the top of the class too isn't he?”  You said sheepishly, somehow attempting to be discrete yet honest at the same time.  You had already caught on that Bakugou wasn’t very well liked among the other students, but that didn’t change the fact that he was ridiculously hot. Like, the kind of hot that made you sweat with one look.  And admittedly, you looked at him a lot.
“Oh. My. God.  You like Bakugou??!!”  Mina grabbed your shoulders and looked deep into your eyes, as if searching for some other truth to be hiding in them.
“Shhhhh! What if someone hears you??” Quickly covering her gaping mouth, you silently prayed that the girls didn’t think you only liked him because of his class ranking.
“I totally saw him staring at you on your first day, I just know something is gonna happen now that you’re in the dorms too!!” Mina was definitely over exaggerating, but even still the beat of your heart sped up in anticipation, and you ever so briefly wondered what Bakugou would do if he could hear it right now.
Katsuki had to physically remind himself that a good hero wouldn’t be such a perv towards the new student, but fuck if you didn’t look like a gift from above right now.
Walking from the girls bathroom, the pastel pink towel in your hands was buried in your wet hair.  You wore a tight tank with a pair of baggy sweatpants and slippers to cover your feet.  Bakugou could tell even from 10 feet away that you wore nothing beneath the strappy shirt.
“Ohfuckohfuckohfuck okay just breathe and say hi and do not fucking stare” His mind raced a million miles a minute seeing you in “ready for bed” mode, and he was trying so so hard to be respectful with his gaze.  
Your left hand crossed your body to bring your toweled hair to the opposite side of your body, and Bakugou couldn’t keep his eyes from noticing the way the swell of your breast pressed against your arm.  Or the way your shirt lifted ever so slightly, exposing just a sliver of the creamy skin that lay beneath.  God fucking damnit, why did he have to cross you in the hallway? Like this nonetheless??  He kept his pace steady, but he had to actually focus to bring one foot in front of the other.  His attention snapped to you once more as he got closer and closer to you with each and every step.
“Good night Bakugou”  You nodded in his direction with a small, genuine smile, one he had never seen you display in class before.  His breath caught in his throat and he nearly tripped over his feet at the sound of your voice.  There it was again, that sweet lullaby sound.  He barely even remembered to muster up a response.  
He met your smiling eyes with his own burning gaze, and pushed out “Good night, Y/N”,  the pause between your name and the rest of the sentence just a little too long to be casual.  As you walked by, he could just barely catch the sweet scent of whatever body wash you used, and he longed to know if you used a scented shampoo as well.  
Feeling a problem growing in his own pair of grey sweats, Bakugou cut his thoughts off before he could worsen his situation, and with a deep groan he hurried back to his room, praying to not run into anyone else on the way there.
Yea. Katuski was totally fucked.
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dynyamight · 3 years
“you look a little lonely” + twirls into a dance 🧡💚
send me an interaction ask bonus + action
“You look a little lonely.” + twirls into a dance
“Those dress shoes are meant for dancing with someone, you know.” Sero snickers, “Not just to look fresh.”
Bakugou huffs, “Fuck off.”
Standing in front of him, Kaminari continues to pull at his arms, beckoning him to stand. “C’mon! The teachers are ending the dance in an hour, and you haven’t danced! Not even to one song!”
Seated right beside Bakugou, Kirishima chuckles. “Guys, he’s not budging.”
“Yeah, no kidding.” Sero laughs, shaking his head, “Man, if you were gonna show up, then why sit around all night, Bakugou?”
“That’s none of your fucking business.” Bakugou sneers.
“It is, if you’re going to be such a wet blanket!” Kaminari grits through his teeth, still straining to pull Bakugou up to his feet.
After a few more attempts, all of which Bakugou simply doesn’t budge, Kirishima finally swats at Kaminari, shoo’ing the two boys away. When both friends refuse, he shakes his head.
“Go back to the dance floor, you two! The girls are missing you!” He laughs at them.
As they walk away from the round table, Bakugou finally looks over to Kirishima. “I don’t remember asking you to stay.” He mutters.
Immediately, Kirishima sweats, rubbing an awkward hand on the back of his neck. “Y-Yeah, dances aren’t really my thing, either. Hate them, actually.”
Bakugou raises a brow, wordlessly.
Kirishima sighs in defeat, looking away from him. “Right, well, I do like to dance. But,” He blushes furiously, as red as his tie, “I-I mean, you heard Sero. We’re supposed to be dancing with others. And, I’m not exactly the best.”
“Who the fuck cares?”
“Me.” Kirishima groans, “That’s who cares.”
Staring back at the dancefloor, improvised in Gym Gamma, Bakugou eyes at the several first years bundled in the crowd. From all departments and classes, he barely could recognize anyone, other than his classmates.
Yet, even then, some of his classmates looked completely different; dressed in formal wear and makeup.
But, there’s one thing he can most certainly recognize.
In the middle of the huge crowd, jumping and spinning into impressive moves, was Ashido. She had the dancefloor shouting and yelling in cheers.
Glancing back at Kirishima, Bakugou wants to laugh at how crestfallen his friend looks.
He doesn’t. Instead, he simply slumps into his seat, crossing his arms. “She wouldn’t mind.”
“Dude, I’m not asking her to dance.”
“I never said that shit.” Bakugou rolls his eyes, “But sure, go ahead.”
Fervently, Kirishima shakes his head, his cheeks blooming red. “Not in front of all those people! Maybe, if it were just the two of us, I wouldn’t mind. But, god, with everyone there, that’s-”
“Red Riot would.”
“...He would?”
“Yeah, he fucking would.” Bakugou snorts, keeping a steady, firm gaze at Kirishima. “Ain’t that manliest shit any guy could do? Pick up the girl he wants, and claim her in front of the world. The Red Riot Unbreakable would do that shit in a heartbeat.”
In his thoughts, Bakugou’s mind calls himself a hypocrite. He squishes the thought away.
Regardless, he feels prideful, as he watches his once timid stricken friend visibly grow confident, like a sunflower standing against the sunrays. Getting up from his seat, Kirishima throws a fist in the air.
“That’s right!” Kirishima exclaims above the music, “Red Riot would get the girl! He always gets the girl.”
Bakugou smirks. “Exactly. So, go fucking knock Pinky off her feet, Shitty Hair.”
When Kirishima leaves, Bakugou slumps back in his seat, crossing his arms. There was still another hour of sitting around, so might as well get comfortable.
Internally, he begins to berate himself; Why the fuck did he show up? This was the biggest mistake in all Bakugou history, and he never makes mistakes. He should have stayed back in the dorms, up in his room, alone, and at peace. Why was he here?
Sero’s right. If he was going to show up, then why sit around all night? Bored out of his mind.
And, just like that, his brain reminds him. A memory of the classroom, with Yaoyorozu asking Midoriya if he is going to attend the school dance. And, from where he was seated, Bakugou had heard Midoriya saying he would.
Midoriya was going to the dance. And, suddenly, Bakugou wanted to go.
“You look a little lonely.”
Bakugou blinks, at first thinking his own thoughts had reverbated louder in his head. But, when he looks up to check his surroundings, he’s instantly met with Midoriya, standing in front of him.
Quickly, right when their eyes meet, Midoriya visibly stiffens. “S-Sorry!” He starts, “I mean, if you have been wanting to be alone, I’ll just, um, leave you be.”
Bakugou looks down at Midoriya’s suit; brown striped coat, yellow under dress shirt, black bow tie, and those red, obnoxious sneakers. An ugly sight to see, quite honestly.
But, when he glances back up to see Midoriya’s wild curls, against his soft face, sprinkled freckles, and shining with those green irises, Bakugou feels his breath get caught in his throat.
He coughs, “Nah. you’re good.” He mumbles.
“Th-That’s reassuring.” Midoriya offers a short laugh, despite everything about his body looking nervous. “So, you are alone, right Kacchan?”
“Yeah, and I guess you can stay, if that’s what you’re planning.”
“Um, I-I wasn’t going to stay here, actually.” Midoriya stutters, his hands gripping at his sides.
Bakugou tilts his head. “The fuck? Then, why make your way over here?”
Instantly, Midoriya’s face floods pink. “Uh, funny that you ask that. I-I, uh, I was just, you know, thinking. Yeah, it was just a thought. That, um, you most likely don’t like to dance. But, possibly, you could. It was possible that, uh, you would like to dance. But, maybe not just with anyone. But, I-I’m not anyone. Well, maybe I am. And, I’m just hoping I’m not just anyone to you. So-”
“Izuku, what the fuck are you even saying?!” Bakugou yells.
“Do you want to dance with me?!” Midoriya shouts back.
“What?!” Bakugou blurts.
It gets worse. “I said, ‘Do you want to dance?!!” Midoriya shouts louder, eyes closed shut tight. “With me?!”
“I heard you the first time, idiot!” Bakugou screams.
“Then, why did you ask?!”
“It was a fucking expression!”
Slapping his hands over his flushed face, Midoriya bends over. “Oh my god, this is humiliating. Forget I ever asked, Kacchan. I promise, I will do anything. Just, forget this happened.” He pleads, muffled by his palms.
Quickly, Bakugou stands up, and grabs Midoriya's arm. Pulling him from behind, he shouts from behind, “Follow me, and don’t you fucking dare double take!”
Frantically searching throughout the gym, Bakugou’s terribly realizing that the whole place has groups spread out all over, without an open area in sight. He tries to pull them in between tables, chairs, and other U.A students. But, alas, he couldn’t find a single-
Midoriya taps on his shoulder. When Bakugou turns around, he sees Midoriya pointing over to the far left.
“Why don’t we move to the corner, in that empty space?” Midoriya offers weakly.
By the closed entrance doors, there was graciously a spot, open enough for just them, and away from the entire crowd at the end of the gym. The relief that spread through Bakugou’s chest was long, and well needed.
Slowly, they make their way over to the area, completely quiet as finally Bakugou turns to face Midoriya. Letting go of Midoriya’s arm, Bakugou is left to awkwardly keep his arms at his sides.
“What do you want me to do now, Deku?”
Unable to look directly at him, Midoriya takes a step closer, staring down at their shoes. “We’re supposed to start dancing.” He whispers.
“No shit, I know that.” Bakugou hisses, “So, hurry up and tell me what the fuck you want to do!”
Midoriya’s face blushes a deeper pink; a color that Bakugou can’t seem to stop staring at.
“I want, um, this hand here.” Midoriya nervously grabs onto Bakugou’s left hand, guiding it up to his shoulder. “And, this hand,” He grabs his right hand, “will go over here.”
It takes Bakugou way too long for his pride to notice that his right hand was never going to be placed anywhere. Instead, it was meant to be clasped in Midoriya’s calloused, warm hand.
Midoriya was waiting for his reaction, and all Bakugou had done in the long seconds that passed was stare at their hands. How fucking embarrasing.
“When are you going to move, Deku?” Bakugou grits out, hoping to play off his slow reaction.
Immediately, he feels a jolt in Midoriya, as he quickly places his other hand on Bakugou’s waist. “R-Right, um, sorry! I just got nervous!”
Bakugou internally hopes Midoriya can’t feel how drenched his hands feel.
The first few steps, Midoriya’s face cringes at each stomp on his toes Bakugou ends up making. He hates how fucking dumb dancing is, making him second guess every move, unlike any battle he has ever faced. The confidence that Bakugou once dripped in was dried out, completely nowhere to be found.
Yet, each time he makes a dreadful, painful error, Midoriya always meets his gaze with a soft smile. “D-Don’t mind.” He reassures each time.
And, dammit, that only makes Bakugou’s heart race faster, banging in his chest.
He doesn’t know when it started to get easier, but he finally notices he isn’t stepping on Midoriya as much as he did before. Instead, they were easily swaying, side by side, rocking in their small little space. The music wasn’t that much of a slow song, but they nevertheless took their time together, just the two of them.
“There’s only a few more songs left.” Midoriya says.
Bakugou huffs, looking back up at Midoriya, instead of the floor. “That fucking sucks.” He admits.
Midoriya softly smiles back, “Yeah.. It really does. I wish I had danced with you from the start.”
“..Me too.”
“Let’s try to make the world spin slower, Kacchan.” Midoriya whispers to him, still smiling. “So, the night can last longer.”
And, with ease, Midoriya lifts his arm over Bakugou’s head, and twirls him in dance.
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bonbonthedragon · 4 years
Can you write a oneshot scenario where the reader and Bakugou's friend wonder how they even ended up together because they are POLAR OPPOSITES please 😁🙏🏽. Ex: reader is really quiet, kinda shy and Bakugou's just... Bakugou
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So I put these two together, hope that was alright! @aerin268
Bakugou x shy!reader
Warnings: cursing, fluff
Not my photo
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You were out on a outing with one of your best friend (asami) from middle school who went to a different high school. You both ended up deciding to go back to the dorms, she had been curious what it was like, so...why not?
Thats what led you to now, Asami in the bathroom while you sat in the commons waiting for her. You didn’t know that you would have a few guest join you.
“OI DUNCE FACE, GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE!” The ash-blond came running down the stairs, Kamanari a couple feet ahead of him as he ran for dear life. Asami had just so happen to finish up and walk out right when the two were arguing with each other. She came back to sit with you, you both watching the scenes unfold. Bakugou tackled kami to the ground, pinning him and sending a small explosion to his face, making him let go of the phone. Bakugou huffed, pushing him back down and grabbed the devise, standing up.
You peaked over the couch “hi” you said to him, grabbing his attention. Katsuki’s face softened a bit, coming over to you, about to kiss you until he saw you had company, scowl going back to his features. “Oh!” You pointed to your friend “that’s Asami, Asami - bakugou, bakugou- Asami”
“This is him? Huh.”
Bakugou growled “what the fuck is that’s supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, just...” she cocked a brow “how did you guys even end up together?”
“What do you mean” you asked
“I don’t know...your just...so cute, and quiet and...timid. And...” she didn’t need to finish that sentence to know what she was going to say.
•honestly this boi is just as confuzzled as anyone else it. How did you two become a thing?
•no clue...absolutely none
•you both were complete opposites
•your were shy, didn’t feel comfortable raising your voice, afraid it would just annoy someone. You liked enjoyed quiet places, liking to just find a good place to sit and listen to music or read a good book.
•Baku on the other hand...was not, he was loud, expressed him self through yelling and shouting, his quirk is explosions for fucks sake, his attitude is no different
•But damn it, when he first saw you at the entrance exams, your personality took a complete 180 on the battle field
•like I mean this babe was in a trance, watching you fling yourself into the air and take down a robot...that’s hot
•but also this dude took his own 180 when he saw you first day of class, like, you just went from a bad ass fighting robots to sitting in the back of the classroom voluntarily and shying away from anyone who came up to you, voice only going as loud as a whisper
•and shit, if he didn’t think that was just cute-
•he wouldn’t admit it, but he was hella glad to be apart of the So called ‘Bakusquad’, not just because he kinda liked loved his friends, but you just so happen to be someone Kirishima knew from middle school, so you were automatically apart of it
•and that’s when the true feelings began
•He just couldn’t take his eyes off you
•he would normally watch you from afar, turn his head completely the opposite direction if he caught your eye. Baku wasn’t starting...nope- you can’t prove shit
•he knew he was loud and brash, and seeing as you flinched, slightly startled by the sudden change in volume, he would stop immediately, internally cursing himself for making you uncomfortable even it the slightest
•he got the hang of it though,
If you were near, he was silent. Literally just grumbles his responses now
•and that seemed to help, you talked to him either way, if he was loud or quiet, but he saw you visibly relax a bit when the atmosphere was at peace.
•of course this didn’t got unnoticed by the bakusquad
•I mean, kamanari and Mina were starting to take advantage of being extra annoying when you were around, watching Bakugou holding in everything he could not to just yell and throw them out a window
•they’d still get scolded by him once you left though
•he likes to be next to you, especially when it comes to crowds
•you don’t like them, often feeling uncomfortable and latching too the person next to you to hide behind
•so, Baku never missed the chance to hav you hold his arm or hold onto his jacket
•also, at the lunch table, he refused to sit down unless it was next to you
•Mina decided to sit by you today? Nope, hey you pinky before your blown into oblivion
•any seat next to you his, his names already written all over it, VIP sevion , so scram
•Kirishima already knew of his little crush, he was his bro, how could he not???
•Bakugou still denied his feelings, yelling at the poor red that he was wrong and to shut up, but then you passed them, waving to the boys and saying a small hello to the ash-blond
•boi stopped and looked at you, biting his cheek to not smile and it just like “...hey” also waving
•Kirishima’s just like (¬_¬) (no feelings my ass)
—Asking you out—
•ok, this is Bakugou we’re talking about, just because he had a ego the size of a planet, doesn’t mean he doesn’t have insecurities
•he’s nervous when the thinks about telling you his true feelings
•he knows he’s loud and mean and angry, so he’s scared that you just don’t feel that same because you tend to steer away from those kinda of things
•yet, he still can’t get it through this head that you still spend time with him, laugh at his remarks, don’t shy away as much from him as you do the others
•this boi is not good with words, so he’s gonna need some help
•believe it or not, he asked Kirishima to help him
•Kirishima almost shed a tear, tears are manly
•aaannnddd scenario 👇
“Fuck,” Bakugou cursed under his breath. He looked over, your dorm door just across from him. He ran a hand through his hair, looking back at the red “never mind, I don’t wanna”
“What?!” Kirishima blocked his friends from walking away “come on man! Just knock on the door and ask her! It only the movies! What could go wrong?” Bakugou scoffed at that, rolling his eyes “or...” Kirishima taunted “are you too scared?” He knew if he dared Bakugou, he would do it
“Fuck you! I’m not fucking scared of shit!” Katsuki snapped, snatching the small bouquet of flowers from Kirishima “I’ll show you scared!” He stomped over to your door, violently banging on it. It wasn’t until he heard your voice, telling him you’ll be right there that all the nerves set in. Shit, why did this have to be so hard? He stiffened when he saw the door knob turn, the door opening to see you
“Go out with me!” He yelled, shoving the flowers in front of you, causing to you squeak in surprise. “Shit, I mean,” he took a deep breath, clenching his jaw “movie, you’ve been wanting to see that cheesy ass romance film, right? We don’t even have to talk, just...” he felt his chest tighten, the butterflies in his stomach seeming to be having a fucking party “I like you a lot, so let me be the fucking one to take you, if you...if you’ll let me” he was more quiet with the last part, face growing hot as a light blush tinted his cheeks
You nodded, taking the bundle of flowers. You hesitated a bit, telling your self fuck it and tugged of his dress shirt collar, pulling him to your height. He stammered, but before he could say something, you pecked his cheek, letting go immediately after that. You stepped back into your room, about to close the door when your squeaked a “I like you too!” Then shut it.
“Why did you scream it?!” Asami doubled over, laughing then came back up, imitating the blond, hand out like he did when he used his quirk “ ‘go out with me!’” She roared, giggling right after at her own joke
“Fuck you!” Bakugou shouted, you grabbing him by the arm so he didn’t try to kill your friend.
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
Mentor Day
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Note : In This AU, Hawks is adopted by the todoroki Family, enji is a good dad and dabi is not a villain. And Todoroki's Mom is a Hero.
Pairings : Jealous! Hawks x Reader
Writing style: 3rd Person
Warning : Cussing
Word count : 3623
3rd Person's POV
" I'm so excited for Today! I can't wait to meet your Mentors! " Kirishima yelled with enthusiasm punching the air.
Everyone was gathered around Ground Beta for the sole reason that the Head of Agencies they were currently interning in were coming over to discuss the growth of the students, also because they chose U.A as the meeting Venue knowing that it's one of the places in Japan that is Highly guarded and secured and the School was Near the City so if anything were to happen they could always get there in a jeepy. There was another Reason but it wasn't disclosed to any of the students and nobody questioned it.
" Shut Up shitty Hair! " Bakugou snarled smacking Kirishima who seemed to be unaffected by Bakugou's ' affection ' towards him.
" Hey aren't You and Tokoyami Under Hawks's? The number 2 Pro Hero!? " Mina pointed out and suddenly everyone's attention was now settled on Y/n and Tokoyami.
Tokoyami had an unreadable expression but his face mostly showed that he was awkward and uncomfortable with the Topic. Not because of His Mentor... It's because of His Mentor's Interest.
Y/n on the other hand looked annoyed pissed, it was very obvious that neither of the two wanted to talk about it because of the lack of answer and their current expressions.
" So... What's it Like to be Under Pro Hero Hawks? " Momo began to press deeper onto the subject and was oblivious to her two classmate's look of disapproval. And it seems like she wasn't the only curious one.
" Well? " Jiro raised a brow when they didn't hear an answer. The two were very hesitant until y/n finally spoke up.
" Tokoyami-kun would I be breaking the law if I talk shit about him? "
" Eeehhhh!? " Everyone was confused as to why the sudden change of their classmate's personality took shift at a questionable rate.
" Technically there's no law about that and since he's not here to hear it... It's fine " Tokoyami answered with a straight face and his response got everyone questioning their experience even more.
" What the hell happened to you two while you were there? " Denki asked staring at the two. Tokoyami was hesitant but y/n just looked pissed and angry .
She showed irritation that could match Bakugou's.
" That's not something you should be asking me... You should be asking y/n that... I just had the unfortunate privilege to witness... That.... And I know a very dark secret I wish to unlearn " Tokoyami muttered at Everyone was fidgeting with curiosity while staring at y/n who looked like she was about to explode any minute now.
" Well if you Must know. On the first week I had to endure a bunch of whiny one night stand's Drama and Rage while trying to get them to go fuck themselves and trust me... Persuading a bunch of love struck delusional hoes to go home and keep silent for the rest of their lives isn't a very charming job. I had to suck in every single cheesy pick up lines that'll have anyone gagging, I had to endure being dragged around through the wonderful 'skies' like a ragdoll in the most unfortunate hour and I had to deal with Birdman's constant fuckery every single day so yeah... It wasn't that bad.... It was terrible. " Y/n's tone was forcefully dragged out and polite but her hostile expression got everyone shuddering.
Yes, Hawks was a flirt and he'd flirt with her with every chance he got, much to y/n's dismay. But knowing Hawks's reputation she brushed it off like it was one of his most common habits and got used to ignoring him, he was nice though and she felt like a sheltered child. Hawks never let's her go out to patrol on her own unless it's with Him and only Him. He constantly brings her gifts and snacks to which she is thankful and greatly flattered but she didn't like hearing Rumors about her with the Pro Hero himself. Overall she was thankful that she was being treated well but she didn't appreciate the special treatment.
Tokoyami on the other hand knew of his Mentor's love and affection for his Classmate, if he knew any better he found out that Hawks had imprinted on y/n like a new born chick. The reason Tokoyami knew that was because of the gifts, the flirting, Hawks's constant need to be around y/n, His possessiveness and Don't even get Tokoyami started on How much Hawks talks about y/n during patrol. Hell, Even when Hawks is literally stepping on a Villain's Face he'd still talk about How ' Perfect she was ' . At most of all, his Classmate was very unaware of Hawks's actual feelings and he's afraid he couldn't blame her simply because of Hawks's reputation as a 'playboy'.
" Wow.... I didn't think it would be like that.... Hawks's still pretty cool though " Sero muttered and that left y/n gawking at him because the least they could do was sympathize with her!.
" No shit " She grumbled sarcastically and she felt two hands grab hold of her shoulder behind her and speaking of the Devil, Hawks was already here.
" Hey there chicken nugget, what are you kids talking about? " Hawks asked leaning down , resting his chin on y/n's shoulder while both of his hands clamped down on each side of her shoulder blades protectively.
" Nothing Hawks, we were Talking about Nothing " Y/n who was already immune to the Touchiness of the male behind her was nonchalant on her reply and she sounded bored but her expression clearly showed ' Oh No, Not this Shit Again ' .
" Oh really? Well ok then baby bird but I have to say You look Perfect little dove but that is to be expected by my Epitome of beauty " Hawks grinned rubbing his cheeks against y/n's own in a very affectionate manner.
" Yeah, Yeah. Get off me Birdman you're getting that irritating Chicken stench on me " Y/n grumbled pushing him away from her to which she was successful with.
" Aww~ But you felt so soft " Hawks whined in an almost childish way.
Everyone was witnessing the very thing Tokoyami dreaded and they were choking on their own spit after seeing the interaction between the two.
They and so many questions yet so little answer and they knew they couldn't just bombard y/n with questions, not when Hawks was around.
" Uhh... You two seem.. Close" Denki commented to where he earned a proud grin from Hawks.
" No we're Not. He's just being A flirt, you'll Get used to it " Y/n snickered rolling her eyes at Hawks who was trying to hug her.
" You should have heard How much He talks about her at Home... He's like a broken Radio. Y/n this and that " Todoroki snorted and his comment got everyone gaping.
It didn't look that way to everyone else, it was clear that the Pro Hero liked her if throwing himself around her wasn't enough, the look in his eyes definitely spoke otherwise.
" So this is the little Lassy Hawks have been talking about? " Fatgum along with the rest of the pro Heroes Were slowly gathering towards them.
" This is Her? She's adorable in person . Keigo Never stops talking about her at home" Another voice came from a woman with white hair, and is almost identical to Shoto.
" .... Hah! You should hear what he has to say when he's asleep " Dabi murmured with a laugh.
" .... You Talk about me? " Y/n asked staring at Hawks who was nodding his head, a smirk plastered on his face.
" Ewww, Stop that. It's annoying and creepy " Y/n sighed shoving Hawks away.
" Isn't she lovely? " Rei mumbled a small chuckle escaping her lips as Dabi stared at her in bewilderment .
" So you're not gonna question their age gap?..... Really mom? " Dabi snorted and enji stood behind him, patting his back.
" You know how your mother is " Enji muttered staring down at his son.
" You have a point.... "
By now everyone was gathered around, some of them chatting with their mentors and some were meeting their classmate's other mentors.
Rei, Enji and Dabi were intently observing Keigo who looked so close to snapping, sure his face looked playful and relaxed but they knew him well enough to know that it was Keigo's facade.
On the other side was Y/n and Hawks talking to Fat gum, well it was only y/n showing enthusiasm about their conversation, Hawks had never left her side the whole time. Always trailing behind her like a lost puppy.
" That's really cool! I heard from Kirishima that you have two Forms? " Y/n's eyes gleamed with curiosity.
" Why yes little lady " Fat gum answered as he nervously glanced at Hawks. He could feel the raging intensity of Hawks's Jealousy radiating brighter than the sun's ray. To which y/n was oblivious of.
" Ya know buddy, you really have nothing to worry about when it's me " Fat gum stated his words directed towards Hawks who let out a sigh and gave him a genuine smile for once.
" Sorry, I couldn't help it when it comes to my little dove " Hawks chuckled slinging his arm around her shoulder and y/n immediately reacted by shoving his arm away without even glancing at him.
" Stop talking about me like I'm not here " Y/n muttered to which Hawks replied by doing it again and y/n shoved his arm again.
Fat gum was both entertained and a bit awkward with the situation until he spotted his side kick. Tamaki whom he had kindly asked to pick up something for him
" Anyways! That's enough you two, I'd like you to meet Tamaki Amajiki. He's my sidekick " Fat gum proudly introduced Tamaki who froze in his spot and began trembling nervously.
" Oh wow! I've heard so much about him! Our class was introduced to him before! But I never got to see his face clearly because he had his face on the wall the whole time! Let's start all over again. Hey I'm y/n l/n! Nice to meet you senpai... For the second time " Y/n grinned putting her hand out to shake his.
Tamaki who was nervous and flattered that someone remembered him shakily reached out his hand to shake hers but a look of pure shock flashed through his face when Another hand met his.
" Nice to meet you Buddy " Hawks grinned in an odd and threatening manner squeezing poor Tamaki's hand .
" U-u-uhh" Tamaki stuttered at y/n was annoyed at Hawks's actions.
" Hey! I was the-- you know what? Never mind. Anyway, senpai I heard stories about you from Kirishima-kun! And I think you're really cool! And you're cuter up close! " Y/n tried easing the nervous senior with compliments in order to atone the actions of Hawks. But Hawks took it in a different way.
Tamaki flushed red and Hawks let go of his hand with disdain, his eyes having a deadly glint and his smirk almost looked threatening and sadistic.
Fat gum who witnessed the scene knew he fucked up by calling Tamaki over, the Todoroki family were astonished to see how reactive Hawks could be when y/n was involved. At home he was really hard to read and when they thought they knew him Hawks suddenly surprises everyone by proving them wrong. But now his expression looks so raw and unmasked.
" Tsk, He doesn't Look much to Me " Hawks suddenly spat out in an irritated tone.
Y/n elbowed him after seeing Tamaki's expression.
" He doesn't mean that! He's just really insensitive... Aren't you Hawks? " Y/n glared at the man beside her and he scoffed looking away.
" You're actually really powerful Senpai! Trust me! Kirishima talks about you all the time it's adorable seeing him look up to someone who's equally as cute as Kirishima " Y/n tried covering the damage done by Hawks and Tamaki was conflicted. He didn't know who to believe anymore.
Another scoff was heard from Hawks and before he could make another comment y/n stepped on his feet making him wince.
" Ouch! " He grumbled looking down at y/n who was glaring at him threateningly.
Jealousy bubbled at the very core of Hawks, She called two men cute at the same time and she dared to do it in front of him! He praised men who aren't him. Sure they aren't official but isn't it clear that he was showing how much he could give her? He knows he's enough but it seems like his little dove was very dense. It's starting to irritate him. He didn't feel good inside and he really wanted to punch a bitch. Was she taunting him? Oh she definitely was. Just look at how she looks at them , it really makes him want to rip off someone's throat.
His wings began to bristle and rose intimidatingly the edges becoming sharp and ridged, jealousy was getting the best of him.
With a rough Tug, he dragged her away forcefully even with the harsh protest from the girl.
" Hey! Ok this is getting out of hand! " Y/n pulled her hand away and Hawks looked back at her with a gaze that could kill.
" Stop taunting me Y/n. I'm not handling it well " Hawks muttered but his voice was rough and demanding. Y/n shivered at how her name rolled out of his tongue. He never uses that tone or calls out her name like that unless she's in deep shit.
" Clearly, you're mad about shit I didn't do so go cool off or something " Y/n shot back her expression was out of sheer anger and Hawks responded by spreading his wings and he flew off without another word.
With a sigh y/n went back to her classmates, she was unaware if the stares that were thrown her way.
" A lovers quarrel? " Mt. Lady mumbled.
" Definitely a Lovers Quarrel " Fat gum confirmed.
" Is no one seriously questioning the fact about their age gap? " Dabi stated and Rei gave him a cold glare. Even shoto was seen glaring at him from his group.
" Ok fine jeez " Dabi shrugged shoving his hands into his pockets.
20 minutes had passes and Hawks was still gone, by that time everyone was gathered around, the class was seated on the ground as the Pros started giving out their opinions and deductions on hm their performance.
Rei began to feel worried about her adopted son that had raged out of the area. Enji tried reassuring her that Keigo was old enough to take care of himself.
And on cue Hawks had arrived holding a box in his hand, he looked calmer now and more relaxed.
" Keigo dear, are you ok? " Rei asked approaching the male.
" Yeah I'm fine... Just needed a little breather.... " He muttered, his eyes glued to y/n who was listening intently to the discussion. Rei noticed this and a smile graced her lips.
" Go get her dear " Rei encouraged the male and Hawks flashed her a grin.
" Oh I will. And I'm going to make sure you're going to have a daughter in law soon " Keigo smugly stated and Rei's eyes widened only to have the woman laugh.
Luckily the little lessons the Pro's were conducting had finished and everyone was free. As the students began to stand up. Y/n was pulled away immediately by Hawks. And once she was a few feet away a box was shoves towards her. She was caught off guard but managed to hold it in her hands as she lookes up at Hawks questioningly.
" What's this? " The girl asked suspiciously.
" You like that doughnut shop near our agency yeah? I was flying by and decided to buy some for you as a Sorry present.. I admit that I went overboard... " Hawks explained rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
" What!? I can't accept thi---"
" Eat it or Throw it. I'm giving it to you and that's final so do what you want with it... Although it would be a waste if you throw it away... I did go out of my way to buy that for you with my own money even though I was still angry---"
" Ok fine you don't have to guilt trip me! I'll accept it ok?.... But you did say I could do what I want with it so... I'm sharing this with everyone " Y/n smiled and Hawks snapped his head towards her his eyebrows furrowed.
" What? No. I bought that For YOU not for them " Hawks grumbled and the girl gave him a playful smirk.
" You did say it was mine and I could do whatever I want with it " She replied slyly and Hawks turned away stomping his way towards Rei, Enji and Dabi.
" Ooo... You got it Bad. She's denser than a--"
" Don't finish that Touya I swear " Hawks glared at Dabi who only laughed at his protectiveness.
" Just be patient Keigo, she is young and she probably still doesn't have Love on her mind yet " Rei assured Keigo while rubbing his back.
" Tsk. You better not give up. You're a Todoroki after all , and I already acknowledge her as a daughter in law... No crazy woman would stomp their feet on the number 2 hero like that " Enji nodded and Hawks should be delighted but his eyes were glued to the girl.
She was sharing the doughnuts he bought for her and the last straw came when she had fed Kirishima with a doughnut.
His fathers on his wings bristled and the ends began to sharpen, his eyes darkened at the sight and his teeth were gritted.
The girl took notice of this and approached him. God he was losing it. One wrong move and he might forget the fact that she's still a minor and just go straight up to breeding her if he had to. Fuck everything she does is turning him on . He is smitten.
" Hey what's wrong? "
" You have the guts to ask me ' What's wrong?' Oh why don't ask that to all the other guys you fed doughnuts to? The ones I bought for you! You're so oblivious it's starting to piss me off little dove. Was I not subtle enough? I fucking Like---mphf--" Hawks was cut off when a Doughnut was shoved in his mouth by the girl in front of him.
" Shut your worm Hole You stupid Birdman, I like you too ok? But please stop being so annoying. I'm also protecting your reputation as a Hero here. I can't have you all over the tabloids stating that you like a high schooler. You'd be seen as a pedophile you dumbass " The girl finished and was about to pull her hand away from his mouth when he grabbed hold of her wrist, he kissed her finger gingerly before licking and sucking on that very finger she held the doughnut .
She froze, Dabi Froze, Everyone froze.
" What the fuck? " Katsuki was she first to speak up.
" I second that ' What the fuck ' " Y/n muttered and Hawks gave her a look that could have her melt into a puddle. A smug and triumphant grin plastered on his face as his arms wrapped around her waist possessively.
" Awww~ it warms my heart to know that you're protecting me that way. For a moment there I thought you don't care and all that shitty jealousy was so worth it because you told me you like me in the end.... " Hawks cooed his face nearing hers and she immediately distanced her face away from him.
" Hawks get off me! " She yelled her face was flushed and he had the sudden urge to kiss her right now.
" You'll have to pay for making me jealous though. It was not a very pretty feeling " Hawks grinned before his wings spread open and gave one strong flap and he was already flying her away from the scene.
" Holy shit.... Dude " Denki muttered staring up at the sky.
" Enji! Do you think we should renovate the house? " Rei asked enthusiastically.
" I think we just might have to " Enji replied.
" .... I ship it though " Mina stated and the girls gave an unspoken agreement to her statement.
" So... How many chicks do you think they'll have? " Dabi asked and Rei smacked him.
" Touya! " Rei scolded making Dabi chuckle.
" Nah it's too early... He won't knock her up just yet... Or will he? " Dabi grinned and this time Rei had frozen him in place.
" Touya! Stop that! " Rei fumed.
Dabi shut up immediately fearing Rei's wrath after seeing her angry expression.
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gr0vndz3ro · 4 years
Prove Your Worth
Ceo!Bakugou x Reader(NSFW)
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Warnings: NSFW, 18+, swearing, slight bondage, slight degradation, dirty talk
Word count: 3,968
A/n: My friend gave me this idea because she really wanted to see a ceo bakugou and this is how I imagined it would happen but also im a hoe for some ceo sooooo. I enjoyed this a little to much so it turned out longer than what I expected that's what she said. Also I have had to rewrite this so many times because my computer is stupid. I’m also going to be taking requests for other characters in the BNHA fandom. This was my first smut so I hope y’all like.
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You stood in front of the two daunting glass doors, a lump growing in your throat as you hold onto the intern paperwork. You’re in your third year and at the Sports Festival you were finally able to make it up to 2nd place. For the first time you had more than 50 offers, a LOT more. You knew that in order to become a successful hero you were going to have to try to get in with a Pro. You were surprised to see an offer from one Pro let alone two. Deku . . . and Ground Zero, shuddering at the thought of the intense Hero. 
You take a step forward and pushed open the door, looking around the lobby and spot the receptions desk and walk over. A lady with short pink hair is typing away at the computer.
 “How can I help you there?” She said without looking up or even pausing her ferocious typing. It had honestly caught you off guard as you were just going to wait for her to finish.
“I’m Y/N L/N, the 3rd year from UA, and I was here because of the offer I got for the internship?” you hand over you hero license and show her your school I.D. She takes both cards and looks at them. You glance down at her name tag as she continues typing in the computer looking up the information, noticing that it says Mina. Wasn’t she in the same class as Deku and Ground Zero, as a matter of fact all of Ground Zero’s old high school friend group work at this agency.
“Alright it looks like in here you have a meeting with the big guy for 1:00. He’s in a meeting right now and he should be out soon... hopefully. If you head to the top floor there is going to be a waiting lounge to your right once you get out.” Mina says, interrupting your thoughts. She gestures to the elevator and flashes a quick smile.
“Thank you so much” you smile back to her and head over to the elevator. Once you enter you notice just how many floors there are. I’d expect nothing less from the Number 2 hero. You click on the top floor and make your way up. Once the elevator hits the top floor you spot the waiting area and make your  way over
. ~time skip~
The meeting Ground Zero was in went over schedule to say the least. It was currently 2:30 and you were still sitting in the lounge. Mina had even come up for her lunch break to keep you company once she found out the meeting was going over. Maybe I’ll just go with De- your thought was cut off by a door down the hall being opened.
 You quickly stood up and fixed your skirt and looked at who exited the room. You soon recognized them as the Pro Heroes Deku and Ground Zero themselves. They start to walk down the hall towards where you am standing, still in conversation. Once they make it to where you was the green haired man notices in there and turns to you and smiles.
“You’re Y/N, from the Sports Festival right? I’m sorry I wasn't able to make our meeting this morning, as you can see now, something had come up. I do hope to reschedule and talk to you about joining my agency for your internship. You’re very talented with that quirk of yours.” Deku says to you. He then turns back to Ground Zero and says, “I really hope you change your mind Kacchan.”
“I thought I told you to stop calling me that you damn nerd.” Ground Zero glares back at the him at the nickname. Maybe it’s an inside joke? Deku chuckles and rubs the back of his neck.
“Oh yeah, sorry about that Bakugou. I do hope to hear from you though.” He turns away from him and back to you “And you too.” and with that he headed to the elevator. While watching him walk away you hadn’t even realized that the angry man that was once in front of you was no longer there. You look around to find him when you hear
“Oi are you coming or what?” come from the direction of where the two heroes had originally came from. You scramble to grab your stuff from next to couch and rush over to where he was holding open the door. As you walk in you mumble a thank you to which he only replies with “Tsk-” and then go to stand in the middle of the office. It was very spacious with all black furniture and state of the art technology. The office was surrounded with ceiling to floor windows that covered the three walls that lead to outside. A door was off to the left that lead to his rap-around balcony that you could sort of see due to the half open blinds.
 “Are you just going to stand there or are you going to take a seat?” Bakugou says while seating behind his desk, grabbing a file that was put off to the side. You take a seat in the chair in front of his desk, placing your bag on the floor next to your feet. Looking up you can see him going through what you believe is to be your academic file. You take the moment to look at who you could possibly be interning with. He was quite handsome... and by handsome I mean fucking hot. His blond hair was slightly messing from what you could assume was from his prior meeting and was starting to fall in front of his deep crimson eyes. He slightly bits his lip focusing on the paperwork in front of him, those same intense eye darting back and forth. Your eyes start to travel down his torso to see that his black button up had the top few buttons undone. Then to his arms seeing that the fabric on his sleeve is tightly accentuating the muscles trapped inside of them. Hell the whole shirt was tight on him and you can’ t tell if it was because the shirt was a size to small or he was just that built. His hands start flipping through the file and you catch him lick his finger to help turn the page. You shouldn’t find someone flipping a paper this attractive but seeing the way his long fingers curl around the page sends a chill down your spine. You start thinking about the things those hands could probably do, and you press your legs together so that you can try to ignore the warm feeling that was starting to build. I have to be professional! Behind him you could see a discarded tie and a suit jacket that was probably on him at some point of the day. I wonder how intense his last meeting had to be in order for him to start stripping. What would have happened if it had continued? You’re interrupted by your thoughts once again by him speaking.
“So it looks like here that your first year in the Sports Festival you only had made it into the calvary battle, your second year you had only made it passed the first round in the battle tournament and then this year you finally managed to place 2nd. While I will say you’ve improved a lot, how do I know that what you did this year at the Festival wasn’t just a fluke and that you are actually talented enough to be one of my sidekicks?” He places the file down on the table looking up at you with one brow quirked. You pause in shock but shake out of it, not to sure why you were shocked though, he’s the 2nd best hero so of course he’d only accept the best in as his sidekick. You looked down at your lap but quickly brought it up when you heard him clear his throat.
“Well I-I think t-that it shows just how m-much I have improved over my time at UA and h-how much I more I could improve at your a-agency.” you stutter under his intense stare. Get it together! I press my hands together and hold the edge of your skirt trying to calm yourself.
“Yet I’m not the only company you’re interested in interning with am I?” He questions you while standing up from his desk. As he walked around to front of his desk he continued talking, “Your first choice was with that damn nerd. So tell me, why should I take you in if your showing such interest in him?” He sits in front of you on the edge of his desk. You took a deep breath in so that you could get your next sentence out with some form of confidence, even if you had to fake it.
“I actually was originally only interested in trying to get and internship here, as I think that I would be able to develop my quirk and fighting skills better here. But it wouldn’t have been smart to keep my options so limited so I made sure to check out his agency as well, seeing as he’s the Number One-” you quickly got interrupted by a loud slam causing you to let out a squeal.
“Don’t- Fucking- Say- It. It’s bad enough I gotta hear it all over the news and from the idiot himself. I’m not going to be hearing it again and that gonna be your only warning.” Crimson eyes glare into you. You swallow the lump in you throat and squeeze your thighs harder together, suddenly getting very warm. He takes in a deep breath as to calm himself down. He pauses before going to ask his next question. 
“Can you explain your quirk a little bit” he looks back, running his hand through his hair, waiting for you response.
“Oh yeah. My quirk is called Atmokinesis. I’m able to control weather but after some intense training I’m starting to be able to work on the individual elements that go into each type of weather. So far I’m really good with lightning, water and air but I think I struggle most with the raw power behind fire, which is why I thought it’d be really good for me to intern here seeing how good you are with controlling your explosion quirk.” you explain to him and you see him start to smirk at the indirect complement.
“Well you fucking got that right.” he scoffed “What made you want to become a hero?” he asked. It sounding like these where prewritten questions used on everyone who sat in this chair. You laugh a little and respond
“I feel like my reason is the same as most. When I was little I was obsessed with All Might and I always told my parents that I was going to be just like him. They pushed me toward that dream and helped me along the way. Although I will say when All Might had to retire I think is when I made up my mind for sure. I knew that the world was going to need more heroes out there to replace the symbol of peace.” I smile a little thinking back to the fond memories of my childhood. and continue “but then again I guess he’s sorta been replaced huh? Seeing as how Deku has such a similar power to the great hero-”
“I thought I fucking warned you about talking about him” your eyes snap to his crimson ones as you realized what you had said. The anger on his face prevalent from hearing about the status of his rival.
“I-I’m so sorry I-I didn’t mean to I swear I had just forgot about-” 
“Shut up” His voice cuts you off. You look down at my lap hoping to avoid his gaze. I just blew this interview. He leans up from his desk and walks over to your chair.
“Stand up, I’m going to show you something” his voice much deeper than It was just moments before making your knees week. You look up at him in confusion but realize he was probably kicking you out. You stand up, your head hung low as you go to reach for your bag when you’re stopped by his hand grabbing your wrist. You go to look up but when you do he starts leading you toward the door. As you go to start apologizing again he stops you both at a display case that was next to his door. 
“What do you see” He lets go of your wrist and takes a step behind me so that I can get a proper look at the case. 
You look and see a key to the city that is given to each of the top 10 heroes, A few trophies for various achievements and a lot of medals from his time at UA. On the wall next to the case you could see various newspaper clippings from major accomplishments he achieved. Top ten most successful 20 year old's, his first appearance in the newspaper, his first solo debut, and many more including some of his most difficult wins.
“What you see there is the work of a real hero not some god damn wanna be you got that?” you jump as you feel his hot breath against your ear, you shiver as chills cover your arms. You turn around to face him and start backing up when you notice how close we are.
“I’m really sorry sir, I really didn’t mean to bring Deku back up, I had just gotten carried away and I-” you look back when your back hits the wall next to the display case. But your head quickly whips back around when you feel heat in front of you. You let out a gasp as his hands slam on the wall on either side of your head. His head dipping into the crook of your neck.
“You better listen to me now. The only name that’s going to be coming out of those pretty little lips of yours is mine... you got that princess?” your eyes widen when you hear his request. His lips trail along your neck the warm sensation making you whimper. He continues moving around as if looking for something.
“I don't understa-” a moan slips out as he kisses a certain spot on your neck. You feel him smirk against your neck as he found what he wanted. His hands move front the wall, one finding there way to you hip, the other to the door right next to you and you hear it click. He locked it. He moved back up to you ear and growled
“Don’t think I didn’t see you earlier, checking me out and squeezing your thighs, this is probably exactly what you were thinking of, isn’t that right. I want you to tell me what it was that was going through that dirty little mind of yours.” your body shakes and you’re left there speechless, but you try to pull yourself together.
“I was thinking about your h-hands and how your long fingers curve a-and the things you could do with them.” you stutter as you feel his hands travel further down and start to hike up your skirt as you tell his about your lewd thoughts, his hands assaulting your thighs, sliding his rough hands up them toward your now throbbing core. You let out a moan when his thumb rubs against your clothed clit, damp with your own slick.
“Look at you, soaking wet just thinking about me. dirty little slut. I haven't even done anything to you yet you’re all ready for me.” He pushes aside your underwear and runs his finger up your core, gathering it all on his finger. “so fucking wet” he groans against your neck more to himself.
He digs his finger knuckle deep into you causing you to gasp but it’s quickly cut off by his mouth meeting yours. His tongue entering you mouth to prove to you his dominance. He slowly starts pumping his finger in and out, catching you by surprise when you feel his second finger stretch you out. Every time his finger enters you, you can feel him curl it up too hit your spot. A breathy moan leaves your lips as you feel a knot start to build in your core.
“Fu-uck Bakugou” you let out as you feel the tingling sensation start to take over your body, your hands traveling up to his hair so you could have something to grab onto.
“Call me Katsuki” He smirks at you increasing his speed of his assault on you, knowing how close you are. Just as you felt yourself almost come undone he pulls his fingers out making you let out a whine at the loss of contact. You felt so empty and you knew you needed him to fill you up.
“P-please Katsuki I need you” you mewl moving your head to his jaw, kiss down to his neck stopping right underneath his ear. You pause when you hear him let out a groan. You start to lick and nibble at the spot needing to hear that sound come out of him again. “I want to feel you fill me up”
“Fuck that's it, jump” His hand on the back of your thighs. You do as he says and jump, rapping your legs around his hips, his hard on pressed against you. You shuttered at the size of it, even through his pants you could tell just how big it was. You brought your mouth back to meet his as your tongues battle for dominance, this kiss so much more passionate than before.
He walks the two of you over to his desk placing you down on it. Your hands make their way from his hair to his shirt to undo the rest of the buttons on his shirt. You place your hand on his chest feeling his muscles while his hands move up from you thighs to the edge of your shirt. You comply with his silent demand by taking of your shirt while he undoes the clip on your bra causing the garments to fall to ground. He pulls you off the desk.
“Turn around for me” You look him in the eyes, confusion all over your face. “Did I fuckin stutter? Now be a good girl and do as your told.” you immediately turn around, feeling his hands go to the zipper of your skirt pulling down, taking his time to squeeze your ass as he passes it. His hands suddenly leave your body as he whispers in your ear “There you go, close your eyes and don't move okay babygirl.” 
You hear his foot steps leave you and you hear rustling from somewhere in his office. It goes quiet and you were about to open your eyes when a pair of hands grab your wrists and pull them behind your back. You open your eyes as you feel a soft fabric get tied around them. You turn around to see Katsuki wrapping his discarded tie that you saw earlier. Him biting his lip focusing on knotting it tight. You feel him put his hand on your back and push you against his desk. Pressed against your back his breath hits your ear.
“I want to hear you beg for me, I’m going to have you screaming for me to stop. When I’m finished with you, you’re not even going to remember that damn nerd’s name, I can promise you that.”
He roughly pulls down your underwear and goes to remove his own pants and boxers. You hear ruffling of plastic and look back to watch him slide on a condom, slick running down your legs as you get a view for how massive he was. He aligns his tip with your entrance rubbing it up your folds gathering your juice.
“So wet, just for me”  he groans as he pushes himself inside of you. You let out a loud moan as he fills you up, your eyes tearing up as he stretching you out. “F-fuck you’re so tight Y/N”
“P-please Kat-suki move, I-I need more” That aching feeling returning to your core. 
“Ask and you shall receive” He pulls out of you and then slams back into you, only slowly moving at first before picking up his speed. His hips hitting your ass as he fill you out, every thrust making your knees week. All you wanted to do was run his hands through his hair, run them down his back, hold his arms, touch every inch of him, but his tie restricted you adding to your neediness. You whimper as his hand comes down on your ass, a warm sting traveling across your cheek.
“I-I’m getting cl-close, can I please t-touch you?” Barely able to form your sentence due to the pure pleasure overwhelming your body.
“I don’t know if a dirty slut like you deserves it” He lets out an almost animalist growl.
“I promise I’ll behave j-just P-PLEASE” the last part of your sentence coming out louder from him slamming into you hard and stopping.
“Well when you say it like that..” His hand moves to your wrists untying them while still giving you shallow thrusts. You aren’t even able to wrap your head around how he’s still able to keep up such a pace. You’re taken out of your trusts when he flips you over so you can now see his flushed face, hair sticking to his forehead as he stares into your eyes. You are quick to throw your hands into his hair and connect your lips. Tongues fighting for dominance as you pull on his hair at the nape of his neck making him let out a deep moan. He presses you back down against his desk and slams himself back into you. Now it was your turn to let out a moan. You wrap your legs around his waist, allowing his to get deeper in you.
“F-FUCK” He slams into your G-spot hard and you know that at this rate you wont last long. And by the way you clench around him, Katsuki knew that too.
“Oh you like it like that? Fuck- filling you up like this? You take me so well princess, it’s like your pussy is made just for me” He’s kissing your neck desperately wanting to hear you scream out his name.
“Ooh Katsuki I’m-” the intense heat building up in your core becoming almost to much.
“Cum for me baby girl” he purrs into your ear, his hot breath fanning over your sensitive neck. Hearing his deep voice say that sent you over board, Lightning shooting up from your toes to your core, spreading out from there. A loud moan leaves your mouth as euphoria rushes over your body. His trusts start to get sloppy watching you fall apart beneath him.
“F-fuck Y/N” He groans out your name as he comes undone as well, his seed spilling out into the condom, feeling the warmth through the thin plastic.
He pulls out of you as you both attempt to catch your breath. He leans down to you mouth giving you a kiss, much different from earlier sending butterflies to your stomach as you feel the passion in this kiss instead of just lust. He breaks the kiss to remove the piece of plastic and put on his clothes and you do the same. You start fixing your hair as you stand infront of where his desk is flustered by what just happened. You look up, your eyes meeting his crimson ones as he smiles at you. You return a shy smile back at him before looking toward the floor. He walks over to you and lifts your chin up with his finger. A smirk on his face as he says
“Your internship starts on Monday. Don’t be late.”
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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Warnings College AU sexual and adult themes. Yall know the drill okay
Chapter 2
Bugzapper⚡💔: i have a proposition to make. 
Jiro flashes Mina her phone as she sips iced coffee in the blessed air conditioning of the cafe.
"That's never a good sign." She comments, moon bright eyes glued to the phone as she thinks. 
"What's not a good sign?" Uraraka asks from across the table, the two girls fill her in. 
"Oh." She racks her brain on what that could be, "Okay well I'm dying to know, now." 
🎵Music to my soul 🎶 : What do you want airhead? 
Jiro's text sent a surge of excitement through Kaminari. It was exactly what he needed after three hours of begging and bribing Bakugou to allow the sorority in or at least invite them. His fingers fly across the screen setting up a date and time for a "meeting over lunch" to discuss the proposition in further detail.  
Meanwhile across campus, you huff, eyes narrowed as a rare emotion is pulled from your fingertips in the form of deadly ice. Pulling the moisture from the air to freeze it or pulling any water towards you to keep your flank safe as your opponent rushes you at breakneck speeds. 
You hated this fucking guy, cocky, brash, so God damn arrogant in the way he held himself, in the way he spoke. It made you nauseous just thinking of him.Had you known he was the male star of this university you wouldn't have transferred, yet you still needed to transfer didn't you? Anything to get out from under the shadow of a certain Todoroki. 
No one cared to admit or to notice, that your quirk was different from Shoto's. You could manipulate water towards you to freeze, and manipulate whatever was already frozen. Your ice was denser and more durable than his and dare you say it colder than his too. Yet no one gave a shit, his was ice AND fire. You were just a one trick pony and a trick they already saw. Your opponent's taunting doesn't help matters much.
"I've already seen this before Ice Brat. Did ya forget where I fucking went to high school?" His hand heats the ice as he activates his quirk before three deafening blasts ring out. 
As you allow him to break down the ice you act on pure rage, securing some revenge from the first time he signed your hair. Pointed icicles lie in wait and once the wall is fully down you give him a nasty smirk before sending the straight his way. 
You're supposed to melt your weapons before they hit your opponent, neither of you are supposed to go all out per the professor's and college's strict rules in the athletics department but Bakugou always does. Somehow his big stupid mouth spews something that eggs you on. As if someone were shoving bamboo skewers beneath your skin, under your nails, sending you into an unheard of rage. 
Normally you were as your quirk, icy, unbothered by the world but Bakugou, God you could wring his neck. Freeze his hot blood as you watch him turn into slush beneath your feet. 
He expects you to abide by the rules, to splash him with glacier water but he realizes it too late. That you won't he let's off a quick blast, shattering two of the four deadly points. One grazes his cheek as he just barely dodges while the other lodges itself into his arm. 
You have half a mind to twist it. You pull at his blood bringing it into your arsenal. Blood red needles and bullets surround Bakugou. 
"I don't think you've seen this before.." You say darkly ready to release your hold and shred him into, give him a taste of his own medicine. Maybe he would see how bitter and nauseating he was. He smirks, opening his mouth to retort but you send your ice his way aiming for non vital spots although the ice creeps closer to your heart begging it to hit something vital. The inside of your ice palace begins to reek of burning sugar and spice, he plans to let out an explosion to bring this whole place down from the inside out. 
Just as he is about to detonate and just as the blood and ice are about to pierce skin the professor bursts into the gym.  
"I step out for five minutes and this is what happens?!"
The ice and blood return to liquid splashing across Bakugou as his skin pops. The professor takes in the damage from your ice and his explosions, still better controlled than most of his other students quirks. 
"I gotta stop pairing these two together." He murmurs to himself before dismissing class. With a flick of your wrist the ice fortress melts, returning to the reservoir below the gym floor, ignoring the molten glare that is sent your way.
"You're such a bitch." Bakugou growls as you pass, flinging blood from his fingers as he wipes at his face. You offer him a fake pitying smile before heading into the women's locker room. 
"Fucking asshole." You hiss, forcing the sight of his garnet gaze out of your mind. Instead turning your attention to your buzzing phone in your locker. It's a few missed calls and some texts in the girl's group chat. Briefly you wonder if you ever should have joined that stupid sorority, it was small, non toxic, and would look good should you need to transfer again. 
Not only did you somehow get elected the president but you also became friends with the three other ladies despite your best efforts not too. 
Mins: Prez we might have a way to save the sorority...lunch after you're done with training? 
IceQueen ❄: Hope it's good, the Dean already put the house up for sale. Let me get ready and I'll be there shortly. 
Mina presents her phone to the crowd around her, Kirishima, Denki, Sero, Jiro and Uraraka do a small celebration. Denki more so than anyone else, he knows the combined car washes will be more than enough to fix up the house, he also recently learned that you had the power of negotiation on your side. Having just listened to Mina retell the story of how you got free food for a month from a bar for yourself and your friends. And not from some sleaze who wanted to sleep with you either, no it was from the owner himself. 
Denki is hopeful and so are the ladies indicating that this may be his best idea yet. 
You arrive at the small bistro early, spying your party on the front patio. The three men had seen you in person before, they knew you were easy on the eyes but up close you were breathtaking. Manicured nails but nothing gaudy, normally nude or soft shades, light makeup, mascara at most as far as they could tell and your outfit was well put together. You were what the world called plus size but everyone else called thiccc. Your confidence oozing in your light blouse tucked into your black skinny jeans, uncaring that you had a pouch. 
You needed that extra fat to keep from freezing by your own quirk. The only thing you needed society to worry about was your intelligence and your power. 
Both were SSR ranked so what did you fucking care that your body was ranked lower. They were stupid in thinking you'd skimp power in the name of vanity. 
You recognize everyone at the table and internalize the dread you're feeling. Scheming is afoot and you're the last to arrive. You can tell by their half finished drinks and picked over appetizer, still you sit and act unaware. Denki goes to hold out his hand first for a formal introduction causing a sly cat smile to settle over your glossy lips. 
"No need, I'm aware of who the three of you are. Sero we share our lingual class, Denki, our chemistry class, and Kirishima we share two classes, world studies and villain hero theory. Truly a pleasure." You tell then your name before ordering something to drink from the lingering waitress. Sitting stick straight with your shoulders backs has the men mirroring you. 
"Well ladies I take it the plan to save the sorority involves these fine gentlemen." You ask coolly and they nod. After a moment of silence Mina and Denki go to speak. Awkwardly encouraging the other to speak until Minai clears her throat. 
"As you know they are a newly formed frat with Sero as their president. They moved into their house about a month ago and they say it is quite large. So they have invited us to move in." 
"How do you propose we ask the college to have a co-ed house? What does this fraternity home even look like?" They knew you would be quick to ask questions Mina answers the first while Denki provides the answer to the second. 
"Union and Diversity. Forming close relationships now to carry over into our hero careers." 
"The house needs some work but looks a lot better than what it did." Denki shows you before and after pictures as you gesture for his phone. He passes you his electric yellow case with nervous hope tingling beneath his skin. You swipe through the photos. 
"You boys did a great job on the outside. Inside needs a lot of work. Hardwoods will be easy to fix, they are original but don't seen to be damaged, a good scrub will spruce them up. Wait, are those?" You zoom in on the photo of the living room, "Are those foldable camping chairs and a VHS tv?" 
They gulp loudly as they nod, your purse your lips in disapproval. 
"I can fix that." You pass Denki back his phone, assuming that all the roommates will be present, "I see the main focus was the kitchen but some of the appliances seem to be on their last legs. I can fix that as well." 
"Soooo….So it's a yes?" Jiro asks, feeling relief for the first time in months since they received the letter of eviction. 
"Gotta get the college to agree first." You think on it a moment, "But I'm sure we can arrange that. Uraraka can you draft an email to the Dean requesting an official meeting regarding our sorority? Be sure to explain in detail our situation, how we are being forced to disband by their account and the solution we have. Make sure it's an afternoon meeting too. The dean hates to miss golf with our rival university's dean." 
With the plan set in motion all of you return to your evening classes. Jiro nudges Denki in the ribs, listening to his heart race from their closeness. 
"When are we going to tell her about Bakugou?" She throws her almost lover a look that he seems to wither beneath. His jaw tics before he retorts. 
"I think we should wait to see if this even works first." 
After a week the important meeting arrives and as you thought the Dean is already exhibiting signs of impatience. He is more than ready to wrap this up and you already know his answer is going to be no. Already trying to get it out before the four of you can even have a seat. 
Still you weren't the Ice Queen on campus for nothing. You saunter into the room, mineola folder filled with your copies of counterpoints pressed firmly to your chest, you can already see he doesn't have the copies you sent him. You place the folder down and open it, leafing through the pages as you speak. 
"This request is going to be approved and here are the reasons why. An example of sexism could be made that a new fraternity was approved housing, new housing, after a decades old sorority was deemed "too small" both parties are similar in count. Second funding and donations are easily influenced with letters to alumni and especially by attendees to this university. My transfer from YAU has brought in revenue of roughly 2.6 million dollars, increasing your diversity for women when this is normally a male dominated school. I am aware that my transfer had even encouraged other students from YAU to transfer here. Which I'm sure is one of your favorite bragging points to tell Dean Fraunk during your weekly golf trips isn't it? So it would truly be a shame if these points would come to light in the investigation of my return to YUA just months before the university sports festival. I do look amazing in Ice Blue you know. Matches my quirk a lot better than Maroon." You put the ball in his court, he is visibly upset, eyes flying to the facts that you've presented. All important, viable facts. You were right MMU was known to be a male dominated school and the media would have a field day if they uncovered a mistake he happened to look over. Not to mention you were his main bragging point, Dean Yuzi always talked about how he had stolen you, the female star of rising heroes, from YUA.  The silence in the room is amplified by the ticking of the clock, seconds accumulating into minutes as it counts down his T time with his old college buddy and rival. He gulps nervously, knowing what he has to do in order to keep both his bragging rights and a law suit under wraps. He looks up to you as you wear your stone cold face, making him think of a loan shark who hasn't been getting their payments on time. He is fearful for your future boss.  
"I believe I have no choice but to approve." 
"Correct." You respond, "Now we have a bit more to discuss. I noticed that classrooms 456 and 215 are being remodeled. Those gently used flat screens will be given to our house since it is technically college property. Common space 3 and 1 are being renovated in dorms A and B. We will accept the leather arm chairs as they are in good shape but we demand a new couch. I know it is in the budget as I help plan the budget. I also believe it is time for an allowance for our hybrid house." The Dean shrinks away from your tenacity, nodding as that is all he can do.  
"Well this is a generous offer and should cover most of the basic necessities such as a new fridge and mattress. The aesthetic we will be raising funds for. Kindly spread the word, we don't want to take up more of your time and be late with your 'meeting' with Dean Fraunk." You place a flyer on his desk as you turn on your heel. The rest of the sorority, mouth agape following suit. Yuzi looks down at the flyer, head hung in a mixture of disbelief and shame as he reads over the neon paper advertising a co-ed car wash. 
He just hopes you and Bakugou are worth the trouble. 
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