#( also sorry no icon. i havent got any for cereza in her training uniform! )
wiitchtime · 3 years
♛ for my muse to teach yours something new - jeanne
    BLACK SHEEP, FILTHY CHILD, IMPURE BLOOD. just as a child born with no promise or powers would be forced into a secular life, a normal human life despite their heritage. they would never known of their ancestory links to witchcraft and the dark arts. yet, she had powers, and showed promise with just her fingertips since she was small... what should of been joyous discovery to fellow brethren and elder. it only deepened their disdain, so much so, rather than surrounded by a kinship of lionesses, she was looked at with cobra eyes and venomous spits. despite her mother's imprisonment and her ban from the practice of the dark arts... she could only wonder why they didn't kill her, or exile her... perhaps due to her potential she was too dangerous to lead a mortal life because of her powers, endangering the witches society; or was it something else entirely?        but there was someone who didn't ignore her talent. whose eyes now watched intently, expectingly as the young witch attempted to steady her breathing, her eyes shut and the world around her came alive with sounds from the wind causing a stir amongst the grass and the trees to whisper to one another as though also watching the pair and her performance. then she heard it, jeanne's step clicked on the cobblestone grounds and a sudden rush of her weapon cause a high pitched sound to ring and tickle her eardrums that made her snap her head around, a few times before she had simply dodged out the way using her body to lean and her built flexibility to dodge her weapon and come out unscathed; a good effort, but not the desired result jeanne was hoping for. for as much vigour as a witch had there would be moments where their physical form was not enough, the human body can endure and avoid so much. that's where other forms would come into play.                       'focus cereza. or would you prefer i slice you to ribbons.'                               'well, us witches do have a lot of hair to upkeep.'       in this instance. her eyes open and meet the blade inches from her face, in this moment a witch would thrive in their power as mere swings were a game of tag that they had no intention of ever being it, in some cases... this was where a witch's training ended, and in combat this was the kindest way for a witch to meet with their infernal partners compared to most trials... and here, she thrived.    the slice never makes contact as her body disintergrates leaving but mist of her form behind and a flurry of BATS suddenly fulminate where her body once was and scatter only to regather within a second behind jeanne, the flurry of little creatures a mere blur and reform cereza's body where she staggers a step forward but catches herself with her hands out to reblance herself and her chest now lifting and falling as she attempted to catch her breath. the sensation that rushed through her body consisted that of adrenaline and god only knew what else for the rush that left her lightheaded which could excuse her fawn-like steps when she transformed back. wide steel eyes stare ahead and then lock onto her hands which turn over and back, as if expecting to find one of the little beasties to be clinging on to one of her hands or her thumb to still be a wing and four fingers, something AMISS but no, she was normal.         so caught up in the high that left her hot and almost trembling in her hands, she doesn't sense the satisfied smirk from her teacher, and when the young witch finally speaks. it's breathy, excitement laces her voices as though she just bungee jumped right into inferno's jaws and returned unscathed.   ❝ –   ... oh my.    that was... that was bloody amazing! ❞
softer prompts.
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