#( all i do is try try try | interacciones. )
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cxbauer · 4 days ago
'Está lleno, parece que todo Lautersee vino a refugiarse del frío aquí'' @xandcv
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"No los puedo culpar, yo vengo a exactamente lo mismo” admitió mirando al contrario con una sonrisa en su rostro antes de ver a su alrededor rápidamente. “Esta una mesa disponible en la esquina” le comento. “¿No te molesta compartirla?” pregunto mirándolo nuevamente. 
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cxbauer · 16 days ago
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Una sonrisa apareció en su rostro ante las palabras del contrario. “La verdad es que tampoco podemos imaginarnos mucho el que sea ante tanto misterio del premio, pero aun así no importa, ahí dentro será un baño de sangre para muchos” miro a su alrededor por unos segundos ya que muchos habían cambiado su actitud en el momento en el que juego fue anunciado, demostrando que había demasiados egos en un mismo lugar y un solo premio, iba a ser intenso. Pudo sentir como su rostro se ponía un poco más rojo ante el claro cumplido el contrario por lo que le dio un gran sorbo a su copa hasta terminarse su contenido. “Siendo honesta no, no suelo ser la hermana que llama la atención” le confeso,, aunque sin mirarlo a la cara y no porque sintiera envidia de la atención de sus hermanas, simplemente era la que solía estar en el fondo. “Así que me cuesta un poco creer que lo dices enserio” se encogió de hombros para después posar la mirada en el contrario rápidamente ante sus palabras, un tanto sorprendida por estas. “¿Por qué condición te dejarías ganar?” pregunto con gran curiosidad, ya que tal vez era la primera persona que realmente parecía no tener tanto interés en esto. 
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“ Por lo que, podemos concluir que se trata de algo serio para ellos y algo misterioso para nosotros. Tampoco puedo usar mi imaginación porque puede ser decepcionante ”, hace algunos años se enteró de la posibilidad de ser quién heredará el legado familiar junto a sus hermanos pero no le tomó importancia y vivió su vida con naturalidad. No fue hasta este momento dónde las palabras de Caldwell sonaron mucho más serias de lo que le hubiese gustado. Archie decidió hacer una pausa antes de esbozar una sonrisa, dio una pitada al cigarro observando las facciones de la mujer, notando un suave tono rojizo en sus mejillas. “ Que va, no le creo nada ” siguió “ Desde que la vi a lo lejos, llamó mi atención. No me diga que no se da cuenta lo mucho que atrae las miradas ” se percató que no fue el único que se distrajo por su presencia. Pero bien, dejaría esos comentarios incómodos para después y aprovechó que apareció un camarero con una bandeja para tomar una de las copas. Exhaló el humo a un costado y luego apoyó su codo sobre la mesa. “ Comprendo ” relamió sus labios “ Somos muchos y solo hay un premio, ¿no cree que eso eleva tanto las expectativas? Así que creo tampoco tengo remedio ” al final, su tío observaba sus pasos. “ Pero, quizás podría dejarme ganar con una condición ”
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cxbauer · 4 days ago
#TIENDA: para un starter donde nuestros personajes se encuentren en una de las tiendas del CENTRO COMERCIAL. @hyann1e
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“¿Alguna vez habías visto un centro comercial tan elegante?” le pregunto a la chica a su lado con una pequeña sonrisa en sus labios tras mirar una de las tiendas de lujo. “No es que no este acostumbrada a esto, pero es muy diferente a las tiendas de la quinta avenida sabes” le fue imposible no reír por lo bajo. 
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cxbauer · 4 days ago
''Yo invito, ¿quieres algo?''. @elizabcthx
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"La única forma en la que voy a aceptar es que el próximo almuerzo” miro a la contraria con seriedad en los ojos, aunque una sonrisa en rostro mientras tomaba asiento en la mesa del restaurante. “Y la verdad es que a lo que alcance a ver en lo que veníamos a la mesa todo se ve delicioso, no se como voy a escoger” 
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sgiandubh · 4 months ago
Anon rebelde.
Detecto un nerviosismo muy revelador en Mordor. La finalización del rodaje abre un escenario nuevo acerca de las posibles interacciones de Sam y Cait fuera de esa burbuja de trabajo, ya sabes, solo es fan service por lo tanto nuevo tablero de juego con unas fichas que se pueden mover, hasta cierto punto porque no olvidemos que queda todo lo relacionado con la 8 y última temporada, libremente. Y hay una cosa que me intriga acerca de los planes futuros de Cait. Mordor da por hecho que va a permanecer en UK ya que esa casa que compró va a ser su residencia habitual pero las ultimas noticias de hace ya tiempo era que esa residencia estaba inhabitable y me pregunto si ese factor ya está resuelto. Por supuesto dejo en tus manos actualizar esta duda.
Dear (returning) Anon Rebelde,
Lamento mucho la respuesta tardía a tu mensaje. Como siempre, el otoño parece ser esa época del año en la que las cosas se aceleran, por algún motivo aún oscuro, hasta ese agradable paroxismo navideño. Pero, sin más dilación, traduzcamos primero lo que me enviaste:
'I'm sensing a very revealing nervousness in Mordor. The end of filming opens a new scenario regarding the possible interactions between Sam and Cait outside of that work bubble (you know, it's just fan service), and so we've got a new game board with pieces that can be moved, to a certain point, because let's not forget that everything related to the 8th and final season still remains open. And there is one thing that intrigues me about Cait's future plans. Mordor assumes that she will remain in the UK since that house she bought will be her habitual residence, but the latest news from some time ago was that that residence was uninhabitable and I wonder if that factor has already been resolved. Of course, I leave it up to you to update this doubt.'
I don't think we need to comment more on the nervousness (you're elegant, I would rather call it hysteria) across the street. If these people are so damn RIGHT about everything, how come they seem to have completely blown a fuse, five minutes after their well-oiled, mean routine came to a brutal stop? Smooth operators (remember? LOL for an entire geological age) they are not, and never were; still, it's a thing to behold, just seeing the amount of clones trying to step into my backyard. You'd never make me believe that an entire battalion of newbies suddenly follow me, with empty pages and a whole list of shipper contacts to boot. And then we have those Anons, whose dull, morose perseverance is only matched by their obsessive cruelty. Anons who, mind you, are pretty much transparent in their style, punctuation and stylistic mannerisms - all of these always betray them, and yet they keep going on and on and on. Pretty mental, if you ask me.
The dubious advantage of answering late is that now we know C was eventually (and predictably) spotted in London, at an intimate dinner hosted by Jessica McCormack, a jewelry creator and Zoë Kravitz, Lenny's daughter and an actress in her own right. No family vacay in the sun with McGill and as soon out of Scotland as S - their pundits are worthless. We could logically assume a hefty part of her life will be spent in London, where all the glitz and the glam and the networking are, rather than in rainy and industrious Glasgow. And I cannot help but wonder what do all these people make of their own relationships, and the immediate vision I have is one of a very monotonous life, eons away from all that glamorous gypsiness. Which is quite alright, if you ask me. What is ridiculous, however, is to naively assume that everyone makes the same choices as them.
But you asked me about that house and I think it's time to share with you what I can share at the moment. For obvious reasons, I have obliterated the address and kept from the single document I am about to quote (there are several more in my possession) only the essential parts. The researcher I was, once upon a time, cringes at the thought. But it's better to be safe than sorry: encouraging stalking is certainly not a responsibility I am willing to take, even if the new address is known by all the factions of this fandom and even if the documents are public, therefore usable.
For context purposes, let's just remind that C's new "residence" is a high profile carriage house built in 1841 (featuring a wine cellar!), that one can see even on Wikipedia and in all the architectural guides of the city.
As such, it is protected by the national legislation and local regulation on heritage - the Scottish competent authority being Historic Environment Scotland (https://www.historicenvironment.scot/). They have a three-tiered listing system, with more or less flexible protection criteria and regulations. C's house is an A listed property ('outstanding example of a particular period, style or building type'):
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It is a criminal offence to make any alterations to an A listed building without prior proper consent, on top of all the other planning permissions applications:
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Any update or repair must, therefore, be vetted by the local city council, after a rather lengthy procedure of public consultation, where anyone (NGOs, but also private persons) can send comments. Quick aside, here: why would someone as private as C buy such a prominent property, situated on top of an elevation, nonetheless? I have my own idea about it, which is easy to guess, I suppose.
The house was bought in December 2022, for a hefty amount exceeding 2 millions GBP, way above its asking price of 1.6 million GBP:
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Permission for further alterations was duly sought, several times. I will just mention one of those applications, which I could almost find comical (but no, I don't, really). Let's see where this takes us.
It took the new owners almost four months to submit the first application to the City Council. You'd say the architect's office was probably busy: fair enough. But then, this lackadaisical rhythm carried on, almost as if no prior strategy to address existing problems of the property and/or maximize the profit of a very expensive acquisition had ever existed. Almost as if one of the owners, or both of them didn't really GAF about the whole affair - and it is true and readily available online, that all the applications have been managed by ahem... The Manager himself or his appointed agents. C seemingly had nothing to do with the entire process: a bit curious, don't you think?
The second application (and the one I am going to talk about, here and now) was sent for consideration in July 2023, almost seven months after the sale was concluded. Curiously still, it aimed to widen the driveway entrance and make substantial changes to the entrance of the property. Discretion be damned, of course - how odd, huh?
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It was flatly refused in September 2023 by the City Council, pending three objections from a neighbor and two national and local heritage protection charities/NGOs (Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland and Friends of Glasgow West):
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With a bit of patience, you can read all the documents - they are not that hard to find, after all. I will not comment further upon them, as I find the above clear and enlightening enough. There is, however, one detail that definitely made me smile, remembering what brought me here first:
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This, to be exact: 'the paving of the driveway (...) could lead to potential surface water/rainfall discharge onto the public footway and carriageway'.
As compared to this (remember? LOL):
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[Remember: https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/720483288334090240/it-all-starts-with-a-smoke-alarm]
There seems to be something odd going on between McGill and water damage. Carelessness, perhaps? I wouldn't dare presume.
Anyways. The entire permission tango with the City Council ended early March 2024. Since then, radio silence. The Taj Mahal stands empty, with not a sign of busy kerfuffle, as far as we know. I am well aware that the owners have three more years to go until the permission would be useless and they'd have to reapply again, but given the nature of the other planned updates (vacuum glazing, anyone?), I would doubt it is okay to wait until March 2027.
I hope this answered your question and I am once more grateful for your patience, Anon Rebelde.
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cxbauer · 16 days ago
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Pudo reconocer con rapidez el tono con el que la chica estaba hablando, era uno que escuchaba constantemente con sus hermanas por lo que le regalo una sonrisa. “No tienes por qué disculparte, fue un accidente y voy a ayudarte” le aseguro con voz tranquila y un tanto maternal, ya era instintivo en ella. “Solo no te muevas y pido disculpas de ante mano en caso de que jale de más” suspiro suavemente antes de concentrarse en quitar los mechones de cabello de las ramas con toda la delicadeza que le era posible. 
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"Esto es tan vergonzoso, lo siento tanto". Se disculpa con un hilo de voz, haciendo su mejor esfuerzo para permanecer tan inmóvil como la incomodidad de la postura se lo permite. Es una estatua, una estatua, repite en la mente, aferrándose a cualquier pensamiento que nada tenga que ver con las punzadas de dolor que siente en el cuero cabelludo.
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itsblasttothepast · 5 months ago
Why do you like Max? He was horrible to Checo, the way his family spoke about him was so awful, I can't understand how Checo fans can like this guy
Oh anon, this is a very complicated question, because like many Checo fans in 2022, I also hated Max back then.
But it will be a long, long, LONG rant, so click under if you want to enter this particular rabbit hole:
Before they were teammates, Max was just another driver in my radar (as you are asking for my PoV, which is clouded as a Checo fan), nothing to notice there except a few interaccions with Checo; I was very surprised in Turkish 2020 because I thought Max would go for blood when Checo made him spin around twice (minute 1:20 of this video). But nope, at the end they even chatted and everything (a small Chestappen seed was planted since Monza 2017 and it had been growing with these interactions).
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Anyway, when Checo became Max teammate, the contract was clear: He was there to succeed in what other teammates failed: helping Max winning the championship and take the heat of the team.
And he did, during 2021 they were working hard for that championship, and bonded really well, they seemed to get along great, share some sort of weird sense of humor and they were really nice to each other.
But in 2022, Checo thought that since he already fulfilled the requirement for 2021, he could fight for the championship in 2022. That led to straining the relationship with Max, and all that tension boiled over in Brazil. It was messy, and yes, Max was an asshole back then because they weren't fighting for the podium, and Checo needed the points. But what came after was the worst part because the declarations from both Checo and Max, and the Max's mom getting involved with the cheating thing... honestly I don't know how they managed to finish the season without killing each other.
Most Checo fans said that Max tried to make up with Checo in the 2022 Honda Racing Thanks day thing; all I noticed was Checo with the fakest smile he could put for the cameras. PR to the bone. I mean, they had Marc Márquez there to be a buffer, along with Yuki and Pierre, you could see it in the pictures:
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They had Marc there to keep Max chatty:
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You could see how far apart they were in the group picture (far apart for what they have us accustomed to):
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(they left space for Jesus)
Also Max said he would help Checo in the last race of the season, but that was just adding salt to the wound.
Checo had just renewed contract, so we thought he would get the boot because obviously RBR was keeping Max, the one expendable was (and is) Checo. For some reason, they decided instead of doing that, to try and smooth over the situation. Checo apologized for his statements to the press and said it was all good with Max, and they had couples therapy.
No, really, they hired a 'mediator' or something like that, to help them regain the camaraderie of 2021. But instead, they fell in love and got really close. However, RBR had their plan B, bringing Ricciardo as the third driver in case things didn't work out (in fact, this is why we thought Checo was out of the team for 2023, we were looking options, seeing which teams needed drivers... wild times).
So, when Max did the Brazil thing, obviously Checo fans hated him and wanted his head, I remember people not even in the F1 fandom hating him (still butthurt about the world cup and the 'no era penal' thing). I particularly thought it was a dick move, but also kind of understood where Max was coming from. He was raised for glory, totally different to Checo who practically raised himself since he was 15. Checo and Max families are also vastly different, and the culture as well. So I hated him but not really?
So during 2023 I saw Max changing and being more mature, calmer, softer sometimes. He wasn't a bad person, he just made mistakes like any human does, and the pressure people put on him was insane! To me, Checo and Max balance each other really well, which is why they could work things out. If Checo could move on and be friendly with Max, I'm sure that we, as his fans, can do the same.
I like Max because he's genuine, and he learns from his mistakes. He is a little crass when provoked, but in general he is a nice guy; I don't know if you believe the whole 'Max is faking caring' that most haters say (they imply Max hates Checo and just tolerates him because he's forced), but I do believe Max can't fake this much this long.
Anyway, as usual, I went overboard with this, sorry anon, I wanted to give you context about why I like Max, and then filled this with my ramblings.
You can dislike Max anon, that's fine, just don't be hateful or claim to know better than them. Only Checo and Max know how is their relationship, but if Checo seems okay with him, that's all good in my book.
I think I haven't rambled this long in a while 😅
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cxbauer · 4 days ago
''Te invito un trago''. @erenozkurt
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"Solo si tu me dejas invitarte la siguiente ronda” lo miro con una sonrisa mientras se acomodaban en la barra, hacia mucho que no salía a un lugar como este y después de todo lo que había pasado en los últimos días lo necesitaba. “Solo que no sea vodka por favor, la cabeza me duele demasiado rápido con eso” 
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alas9 · 6 months ago
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Completamos dos semanas de 100 días de productividad, nada mal!
Hoy me compre un cuaderno, el de las fotos, para escribir sobre el componente social del juego. Los origines de los personajes y como se relacionan entre si.
Voy a tratar de tenerlo a mano siempre que tenga ideas para la novelización. Quiero enfocarme en pensar ideas para las interacciones dentro del apartamento de los aprendices.
También codee un poco y me hice otros perfiles relacionados entre si para crear una plataforma donde publicar el juego. Lo triste es que me tuve que crear nicknames nuevos porque todos los que uso estaban tomados en algunas redes, y no podía tenerlos siempre iguales.
Fue un día divertido y productivo.
Just completed two weeks of 100 days of productivity, not bad!
Today I bought a notebook, the one with the photos, to write about the social component of the game. The origins of the characters and how they relate to each other.
I'll try to keep it on hand whenever I have ideas for the novelization. I want to focus on coming up with ideas for interactions within the trainees' apartment.
I also code a little and created other related profiles to create a platform to publish the game. The sad thing is that I had to create new nicknames because all the ones I use were taken from some networks, and I couldn't always have them the same.
It was a fun and productive day.
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cxbauer · 16 days ago
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Le fue imposible no reir ante las palabras del contrario al tiempo que asentia suavemente. “Ahí adentro vamos a conocer a personas muy diferentes a las que hemos visto aquí afuera, la competitividad suele sacar lo peor de las personas y creo que aún más ante tantos posibles herederos” le da otro sorbo a su copa al tiempo que sonríe contra esta. “Es lo que pasa cuando tu padre no tiene varones, creces siendo competitiva” le explica al contrario para después reír un poco. “Al menos si no ganas la competencia como tal, le ganarías a tus hermanos, respeto eso” asintió antes de alzar la mano hacia el con la sonrisa en su rostro. “Caroline Bauer” se presentó. 
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' ah, los horrores que pueden descubrirse ahí dentro... ' suelta con tinte dramático, aguantando una risita. quizá se burlaba de ello, pero él mismo ha llegado a convertirse en un espanto durante momentos de crisis. ' dependerá de qué tanto quieran ganar, o de qué tanto quieran impresionar a la alta sociedad ' después de todo, el ganador iba a ser reconocido frente a la multitud. respuesta a interrogante levanta interés. ' ¿en serio? entonces estoy frente a una fuerte contrincante ' expresa con sinceridad, tomando nota de aquellos que parecían más comprometidos con el concurso. ' si te soy honesto, creo que mi familia apostaría por mis hermanos mayores... pero tampoco sería su última opción. por eso, me bastaría con salir primero que alguno de ellos. '
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bnavmo · 9 months ago
another day, making it through
feeling so disconnected from all of you
and i shouldn't like it, but maybe i do
i really wish it were a lie, but it's true
here we go again
everything is okay
it's time to pretend
today's a good day
life was so much easier
without social media or the internet
and life was so much simpler
when i was the vhs to your cassette
we're all doing our best
trying to excel at this test
sometimes cursed, sometimes blessed
going from uninterested to obsessed
one day happy and the next depressed
but we don't give up, we're doing our best
a veces me siento tan fuera de lugar
como un huérfano de la vida, como un niño sin hogar
y cuando miro hacia atrás, solo pienso en llorar
todos los momentos que vivo nuevamente al recordar
te pido que por favor me saques de esta tierra
extraño los colores de appleton en media primavera
llévame lejos, aquí la gente es pedante y grosera
sólo quiero volver a ver la luz de alguna manera
me hace falta volver a ver los cambios de las estaciones
e ir caminando por las calles disfrutando de las interacciones
y extraño que las personas no me busquen por otras intenciones
quisiera sólo poder salir de aquí y no volver aunque tenga razones
y no quiero que todo sea perfecto
sólo quiero estar a gusto y sentirme contento
i know there's a place for people like me
deep in my heart, that's where i wanna be
a place where all the outcasts can be free
a place that only in my dreams i can see
(...i know you want it
baby, you can have it
oh, just think about it
and make it cinematic...)
closing seasons, i'm a mutable sign
adapting to change is how i realign
i'm cosmic dust, my energy is sublime
the purpose of my existence i redesign
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shemainn · 3 years ago
I was thinking about the end of X/1999...
I was thinking since last week around Kamui's wish and the whole concept of the final battle, but Fuuma like an identity itself, like a different being as Kamui's other self, I don't know how to say, it doesn't really exist. Like Fuuma ended as a vessel of the other part of Kamui right? Like Syaoran the clon in Tsubasa but in reverse, the memories and heart are in pause. It didn't developed feelings at all after the awakening, Fuuma's powers are the representation of Kamui's wish, in a very twisted way, that's why (Don't remember the character's name now) someone told Kamui to stop wishing. Fuuma is indeed accomplishing Kamui's wish that is maybe, to make others happy, he's worried about others, he wants the good for them, but his wish is making him feel horrible, why? Because the wishes of others ended up in the tragedy of others and that's something that Kamui doesn't want to know or realize, Fuuma is trying to make others happy while making their wishes come true, that's why "stop wishing is indeed stop killing people/or stop trying to make others happy" because you don't know what is their wish, and we have a hint of what Subaru said before, our happiness maybe is the disgrace of others, that's why we have a lot of interaccions between Subaru and Kamui, Subaru is the one who can make Kamui realize this. Kamui doesn't see Fuuma as his other self, he sees Fuuma as Fuuma and not as Kamui, and the only way to stop this madness is in fact accepting that Kamui itself is destroying the world, that Kamui is Kamui, is when you're drunk and you are doing things that you didn't wanted to show while conscious. If he wants to safe Fuuma he has to protect himself, so he has to make a barrier for himself but if he does that maybe Fuuma will develop the power to destroy barriers easily, the only way to stop this, is not k... the other Kamui, maybe is to k.. himself. 😢😢😢 because remember the how Seiichiro died, his wish, and why characters keep telling how Kamui and Subaru look alike, and the reflections of the almost same situations with their relationships but different endings.
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rovgefonce · 3 years ago
Last updated October 1st, 2021.
Desplazarse hacia abajo para español.
no godmodding
oc & canon friendly
para & semi-para. i don’t care for script style.
don’t involve me in ooc drama
let me know if ANYTHING on my blog is hard to see. i’m all about accessibility.
my muse fluctuates. there may be long periods of time where i don’t respond to certain threads. it makes me feel bad. if i take longer than 2-3 weeks to reply, feel free to message me!
i work full-tieme & will mostly be online after 5pm EST on weekdays.
might drop threads without warning - i try not to do this most of the time, but if it’s not fun / isn’t going anywhere, it’s difficult to make myself write. don’t take it personally!! you’re totally welcome to start a new thread with me if i drop one
please don’t reblog my RPs if you’re not involved with them. clicking the Like button is fine.
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i don’t mind sideblogs. i have some of my own.
won’t follow or interact with personal blogs, unless the above applies ( your RP blog is a sideblog ).
i will not follow if you roleplay explicit rape, incest, or pedophilia, and won’t interact with you either.
accepts anons (no m!As)
accepts starter posts
accepts AUs — as for canon verses, i prefer to be familiar with that fandom
tumblr IM is open!
plotting is cool too
please don’t use tiny text ( small + sup/sub or any combination of those ). my eyesight is shit. i personally use small by itself so it’s cool if you use that too. i will use regular-size text on request.
pre-established relationships (friendship, rivalry, past acquaintances) are fine with me as long as we chat a lil bit about it ooc first!
you can respond to any of my starters even if they already have notes
starters are open to anyone, even non-mutuals, unless stated otherwise
turn asks into threads in a new post
i reserve the right to decline interactions for any reason, as do you. no hard feelings.
i basically just require chemistry for any ships.
extremely selective smut
because i’m actually really frickin nervous about writing it i’m so bad at it. it’s hard having a lusty muse when you never wanna write his favorite scenes.
most of the time i’ll ask for a fade to black. i’m cool with all the foreplay & aftercare shit though.
will not smut with anyone under 18. we can fade it to black.
BLOGS MAY CONTAIN VIOLENCE & GORE as well as other difficult subjects. i don’t tag much on here. given the nature of some of my muses i assume everyone who follows is okay with seeing that stuff. if something’s really nasty, i’ll tag it plainly (#gore, #blood, etc).
no controlas mis personajes (godmod)
musas originales o canon tienen que tener una biografía
me gusta escribir párrafos.
mi musa fluctúa. si no respuesto en 2-3 semanas, me puedes enviar un mensaje.
tengo un trabajo a tiempo completo. estaré in línea después de 5pm EST.
mi Discord está disponsible si lo solicita.
no reblog mis RPs si no estás involucrado con ellos.
no pido contraseñas y no los enviaré adentro. yo leo las reglas de todos.
hablo mucho in los etiquetas.
sigo si estoy interesado en escribir contigo o si tenemos un thread.
voy a seguir sideblogs.
no seguiré si escribes sobre violación, incesto, o pedofilia. no voy a interactuar contigo tampoco.
semi-selectivo. escribiré con personas que no sean mutuas.
acepto mensajes anónimos
acepto publicaciones iniciales.
acepto AUs.
¡Tumblr IM está abierta!
me gusta trazar.
no escribiré con musas que representan personajes reales (i.e. actores o youtubers). las reclamaciones de cara están bien.
me gusta relaciones preestablecidas. (amigos, enemigos, etc.)
por favor conteste preguntas en un publicación nuevo.
tú puedes responder a mis publicaciones iniciales incluso si tiene notas.
mi reservo el derecho de rechazar interacciones por cualquier motivo, como lo haces.
shipping selectivo
requiero química
smut selectivo
no escribiré con nadie menor de 18 años.
lo pondré debajo de un corte.
este blog puede contener temas violentos, sangriento u oscuros. voy a etiquitar estos temas como #gore, #abuse, etc.
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cxbauer · 16 days ago
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Se atraganto un poco con el contenido de la copa ante las palabras de su hermana ya que la habían tomado con tanta sorpresa y diversión, que tosió un poco al tiempo que negaba con la cabeza, intentando no reírse mucho. “Se que parece sacado de una película Poppy pero eso no pasara, no nos eliminaran de esa forma” le respondió con mucha seguridad mientras la abrazaba un poco más contra ella, preguntándose realmente de donde había sacado esa imaginación tan fascinante y distinta a ellos. Sus siguientes palabras pusieron una gran sonrisa en su rostro por lo que apretó a su hermana más contra sí. “A mí también me alegra que estemos juntas, hacia mucho que no pasaba así que tenemos que agradecer en eso a esta competencia” la miro fijamente a los ojos. “Y solo para que lo sepas, si quedaras atrapada ahí adentro no dudaría ni un segundo en ir a buscarte, aunque me tome toda la noche y tenga que cortar las paredes que te atrapen” lo dijo con toda la seguridad que pudo, por sus hermanas era capaz de cualquier cosa y sobre todo por su seguridad. 
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' ¿qué? ¡oh, no! ' deja escapar un suspiro dramático a medida que se acerca a su hermana y solo entonces se aferra un poco más a ella, evitando que vaya a perderse en cualquier momento. ' ¿te imaginas que, justo cuando entre al laberinto, las paredes se cierren y quede atrapada para siempre? ' su voz adopta un matiz exageradamente afligido, aunque resulta evidente que es tan solo una actuación guiada por las alocadas ideas en su mente, las cuales nunca se detienen. ' jamás volvería a verlas, sería tan horrible… ' niega con la cabeza, realmente puede dejarse llevar por ese mal sentimiento que, aunque no exista, se siente real de tal solo imaginarlo. su familia es importante, lo más importante. mientras sigan unidas nada de lo que suceda importa demasiado, pueden superarlo juntas. ' me alegra muchísimo que estén conmigo ahora, pase lo que pase dentro del laberinto sé que tenerlas cerca hace que todo sea menos aterrador. ' se separa un poco del abrazo, sin soltarte del todo, y levanta la mirada con una sonrisa cómplice, es claro que aquella actividad le genera dudas y nervios.
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brokenbloodlinesrp · 5 years ago
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                                          “ —  s e i e r  — “
                        Los cambios, en muchas ocasiones, se dan en un parpadeo. Planes que se pactan por días y se convierten en realidad en segundos. Eso sucedió en la última semana de agosto. 
Los seres que habitaban los bosques con antiguas ropas salieron al mundo, dispuestos a gobernarlo. Vikingos directo a los pilares, atacaron a dos de los grupos que dirigen la ciudad: The Strix y The Antaeus. Derrocando a los líderes actuales para hacerse con el poder. Harald Ostberg para Strix y Farrokh Doetsch para Antaeus. 
Los cambios están por llegar. Pero antes de ellos, se celebra la victoria.
Las calles han sido cerradas una vez más, pero en esta ocasión con una combinación moderna y las celebraciones nórdicas. 
Las costumbres vikingas y el modernismo pintando las calles de Nueva Orleans. 
¿De qué se trata este evento? 
Es la celebración de victoria de parte de los vikingos por su nueva toma de poder: Harald Ostberg como líder de The Strix y Farrokh Doestch como líder de The Anteaus, uniéndose así a The Gorgon. 
¿Dónde puedo rolear?
En cualquier parte de Nueva Orleans. Las principales atracciones se encuentran en Jackson Square, pero se extiende por toda la ciudad.
                       NUEVA FORMA DE INTERACCIÓN.
Pequeños, nos complace informales que, después de pensar y deliberar, hemos decidido eliminar los starters como método de interacción. 
A partir de este evento probaremos métodos que nos permitan medir la actividad y al mismo tiempo, seguir siendo un grupal. 
Método Uno. Envío de starters meme. 
¿Cómo funciona? 
Cada usuario enviará 3 starters por evento a personajes con los que el suyo no suele rolear. 
¿Quién proporcionará los starters meme?
La administración publicará una lista con los starters que pueden enviar. 
¿Sólo tendré 3 interacciones?
No. Consideren los 3 que enviará su personaje y los que puede recibir. 
¿Puedo abrir con otros personajes convos privados?
Efectivamente, los convos privados no tienen límite alguno. Son decisión de cada personaje. Sin embargo, estos no serán contados como actividad. 
¿Cómo van a identificar los starters meme de los convos privados?
Todos los starters meme respondidos deben publicarse en un nuevo post, que tendrá el título del evento: SEIER.
¿Debo ponerle algún tag en especial?
Sí, estos deben de ir con el siguiente tag: #brokenclosestarter
                           evento realizado el 06 de septiembre 
listado de starters meme: 
Crédito ( x )
“ You seem to have a vampire infestation, my friend.”
“ Look here. I brought a bag of blood.” 
“ Look here. I brought a knife, so we can drink some blood ” 
“Happy to see the stink of Bayou hasn’t followed you!”
“You’ll find you can eat anything, if you’re hungry enough.”
“Is this going to take very long?”
“That’s not a real thing.”
“You know, you could be really pretty if you just did your hair differently, maybe wore a different outfit, and just kinda… tried something else up here.”
“Seems you have me confused with some sort of damsel. I understand, I have very soft skin.”
“I brought vodka.”
“ The party is vikings-themed, so everyone come dressed as your favorite viking! Mine’s [______]. ”
“When will someone be murdered, hm?”
“I know who did it.”
“Parties aren’t the place for jokes, [______].”
“Now, time for everyone’s favorite part- the rules!”
“Once everyone’s done with their soup, the lights will go out and someone will die.”
“Look here. Before this night goes on, I have something to say.”
“Who touched my leg?”
“Oh, that was your leg? Oh.”
Crédito ( x )
“What are you doing out this late?”
“This part of town isn’t a good place to be at this time of night.”
“Now what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?” 
“You do realize what time it is, right?” 
“Where are you going at this hour?” 
“The sun isn’t rising anytime soon, you know.” 
“Do you know where I am?” 
“The city looks different at night.” 
“This street is very dark…” 
“Why don’t you come stand in the light?” 
“Are you lost?” 
“I got turned around in the dark…” 
“This isn’t the time to go wandering around.”
“Only fools and trouble come out to these parts at this hour.” 
“Looking for trouble, are we?” 
“A little late to be shopping.” 
“Just coming back from the bar?” 
“Think any of the pubs are still going to be open?” 
“Trouble lurks around every shadowed corner.” 
“Woah! I didn’t see you there!”
“Where did you come from?” 
“What are you doing here?” 
“A bold move to show your face here in the shadows of night.” 
“Go home.” 
“It isn’t safe here at this time of night.” 
“You’re being watched.” 
“What are you doing still up?” 
“Looking for something?” 
“I like walking when the streets are empty.”
“It’s dangerous to walk at night alone.” 
“I know where I’m going.” 
“The vikings are kind of spooky…”
“Did you hear that howl?” 
“Was…was that an owl…?” 
“This path is scary at night…” 
“The woods is no place a __ after dusk.” 
“Oh you poor soul, wandering lost in the forest under the new moon…” 
“You can’t see the stars from here…” 
“This is the witching hour.” 
“Dark beasts lurk here. Be cautious.” 
“Stay on the road!” 
“Talking a midnight stroll along the beach?” 
“The ocean is so mysterious at night…” 
“What brings you to the pier at this hour?” 
“What dangers lurk in these dark waters, I wonder.” 
“You’re going to get yourself lost one of these days.” 
Crédito ( x )
“Is that the best you can do?”
“I won’t go easy on you.” / “I’ll go easy on you.” / “Quit going easy on me.”
“Hit me with your best shot.”
“You need to do better if you want to meet your goal.”
“I’ve been wanting to kick your ass all week.”
“Is this necessary?”
“Try again.”
“You’re pissing me off.” / “If you’re mad, why don’t you use your anger? Beat me at least once.”
“Here, let me show you how.”
“Woah! [falls on top of __]”
“Nice moves.”
“You’re…really close right now.”
“G–get off of me.”
“You’re heavy.” / “You’re crushing me.”
“Sorry–are you okay?”
“You’re really red right now.”
“…Do we always end up on top of each other?”
“Are you still panting?”
“I told you, it was an accident.”
“…Why don’t you just kiss me?”
“I’ll consider kissing you if you can beat me.”
Crédito ( x ) 
"Mister? Mister!? Bitch I'm a [vampire/wolf/hybrid/witch/human]!!!"
"I cannot believe [_____] is transgender."
"Just call me Boss ."
"Can I murder _____ just a little?"
"You can't buy a teenage girl underwear for her birthday!"
"I just wanna kiss your face."
"What kinda fucked up party has cheesecake and not REAL cake!"
"I am going to purge that dog with fire."
"Why do candles hate me?"
"Who brought a creepy doll into my existence?"
"I won't be satisfied until someone lights themself on fire."
"I cannot believe we are surrounded by stupidity...."
" Holy FUCK Puppy, the Wolfie is trying to kill me! "
Crédito ( x )
“You wanted space even though we’re a million miles apart.”
��It’s time to pull the plug.”“There’s nothing left, I gave it all to you.”
“We’re not supposed to be meeting like this.”
“How do you do what you do to me, babe?”
“What’s got to happen to get you undressed?”
“You know it’s our time cause we’re here and in love.”
“So we’re young and we got some dirty minds.”
“You’ll never have to be alone.”
“Live it up and blame our age.”
“You know, I saw you looking like you wanna fuck me on the table backstage.”
“You thought you’d got the best of me but there was so much more to me.”
“I’m never gonna stop.”
“It’s 2 AM.”
“It’s my party and I’ll fuck who I want.”
“Pull my hair, I’ll tie your arms around my favorite chair, I’ll kiss your neck and then I’ll kiss you there.”
“Here’s to a long, hot summer with the top down and here’s to taking over every beach town.”
“I want an ice cream.”
“Love is such a sweet thing.”
“After midnight, we’ll go skinny dipping.”
“If you wanna light my cigarette, I might let you have a hit.”
“I’m not into playing hard to get.”
“Come in, don’t turn off the lights.”“You’re my toy, just for the night.”
“So wrong, but it feels so right.”
“All I want is you.”
“You’re a work of art.”
“You know you’ve got me losing sleep.”
“I can’t love you.”
“I love the way you touch my lips.”
“Some people search all their lives for what we’ve got.”
“You know our last goodbye keeps playing through my mind.”
“When you think about me, do you remember when you were all about me or am I just a myth?”
“It’s the weekend, anything can happen.”
“It’s 4AM and I’m staring vampiries everywhere.”
“I guess I don’t need my family.”
“I guess I don’t need my friends.”
“All that’s left to do is cry.”
“This smile on my face doesn’t always come easy.”
Crédito ( x )
"I was stunned at the price of decorations."   
 "Where have you been? We have a party to get ready for."   
 "Do you think this is enough punch?"   
 "Have some witch fingers."    
"I got a viking costume." 
"I love what you did with the society."    
"Did we need that much blood?"    
"Is the party child friendly?"    
"Think we have enough candy?"    
"You should see the pile of tombstones I have."    
"This party was a fantastic idea."    
"Have you seen my knife?"   
""I guess you don't have anything with blood on it..."      
"You look phenomenal."    
"I can't figure out who you are. Sorry."    
"Care to dance?"    
"The sparkling lights are a nice touch."    
 "Wine. Perfect."
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manolito77-blog · 2 years ago
Primera entrada - La paranoia y su presencia en el álbum
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Entre los temas principales ilustrados tanto por las letras de Thom Yorke, como por las composiciones de la banda en general y en su arte visual acompañante, la paranoia es uno especialmente recurrente a lo largo del álbum; recién salidos de varios años de tour después del éxito de su segundo álbum, The Bends, la banda, y especialmente Yorke, experimentarían con la idea de una condición humana en constante evolución, permanentemente alterada por un consumismo desencadenado, una creciente dependencia en la tecnología y una mayor brecha en las conexiones humanas. Una ilustración de un mundo frío y solitario, completamente distinto al contexto musical de sus primeros dos álbumes.
“I was basically catatonic... the claustrophobia - just having no sense of reality at all.” - Thom Yorke, (Rolling Stone, 2017)
Este contexto frío y desconocido inspiró una profunda sensasión de aislamiento, ansiedad y temor a los demás en la musica de la banda, apoyado por imagenes visuales y sonoras de experiencias paranoícas vividas por Yorke en el mundo real; en Paranoid Android, seguimos la perspectiva de un narrador desconocido, claramente en tumulto, desajenado de la realidad que lo rodea y en constante conflicto consigo mismo y con sus pensamientos, suplicando por un descanso, un escape del materialismo y de las falsas interacciones con los demás:
“Please could you stop the noise, I’m trying to get some rest - from the unborn chicken voices in my head”
A pesar de esto, la banda no se niega de hacer una declaración personal al respecto; a pesar de vivir en este mundo de constante paranoia frente a los demás, el futuro y Gucci little piggies, Thom deja claro que la sensación de ansiedad no lo define como persona, y que a pesar de sentirse enajenado del statu quo del mundo y de sus costumbres, se niega a convertirse parte del modelo de consumo aislado, competitivo y automatizado que busca lograr el neoliberalismo moderno; se niega a convertirse en un Android.
“(I may be paranoid - but I’m not an Android)”
Las últimas dos transiciones de la canción reflejan la ira y el sentimiento puro de la banda en rebeldía a esta paranoia, finalizando de forma poca característica de la banda, con una plegaria a Dios, actuando por un lado como una oración cínica al fin del mundo, y por otro, como un llanto de resignación al orden de las cosas. (Doemel, 2020)
La temática de paranoia continúa viéndose presente en otras canciones del álbum; en el hit sardónico Karma Police, Thom y la banda demuestran cínicamente no solo su temor al constante juzgamiento y superficialidad de la sociedad moderna, sino también el hecho de que, viviendo en ella, incluso los más conscientes pueden caer en ese peligroso juego de intolerancia y rechazo a lo diferente, por medio de la personificación del concepto hindú y budista del karma. Desde la perspectiva de otro narrador desconocido, observamos como acusa, denigra y exige la captura - la caída de la ley del “Karma Police” sobre personas que el considera son indeseables o irritantes. Más horrorizante aún es el hecho de que estas acusaciones no vengan de un lugar de virtud; vienen de un sitio de verdadero desprecio.
“This is what you’ll get - when you mess with us”
No obstante, al final de la canción, el narrador se baja de su sueño, de su nube  de superioridad moral, y, por medio de un hermoso outro que comprueba la genialidad detrás de la composición de Radiohead, la banda te invita a reflexionar al respecto; mientras cantas a grito herido y repites las líneas cuatro veces seguido, te preguntas: ¿me he perdido en este personaje? Y si la respuesta es si, ¿que tan egoista he sido en mi juzgamiento moral de los demás? De ahí nace la paranoia de la canción; de notar que igual que nosotros caemos en juzgar a la gente injustamente, lo mismo ha de pasar con nosotros. (Forbes & Reisch, 2013, pg. 50 y 80.)
“For a minute there - I lost myself (x4)”
Finalmente, cuando hablamos de paranoia, no hay mejor canción para ilustrar su sentimiento y significado que lo que puede ser la canción más terrorífica del álbum: Climbing up the Walls. Con el uso de un tono percusivo sucio, casi primal, sintetizadores distorsionados que tiemblan a lo largo del coro, complementados por el ominoso silbido de la guitarra de Johnny Greenwood y el casi psicótico y frío tono de voz de Yorke crean un ambiente sonoro de puro temor y paranoia, dando la sensación de ser asechado desde la oscuridad por alguien - o por algo, hasta el climax de la canción donde la cacofonía de la composición se junta al grito de desespero - o furia, emitido por Yorke.
La letra de la canción refleja este mismo tema; es una personificación en sí del temor y la paranoia, que en primera vista, parece hacer referencia la figura de un asesino, un silencioso cazador, y de su monólogo interno mientras sigue sigilósamente a su potencial víctima. De aquí es donde viene el terror de la canción; la ambiguedad de este asesino silencioso, y del temor inherente a las sombras y lo que estas pueden esconder. (Footman, 2007 cap. 11)
“I am the key to the lock of your house, that keeps your toys in the basement - and if you get too far inside, you’ll only see my reflection”
No obstante, a pesar de su aparente ambiguedad, el coro de la canción nos illustra la verdadera identidad de este silencioso asesino:
“And either way you turn, I’ll be there - Open up your skull, I’ll be there - Climbing up the walls”
Yorke y la banda establecen un ambiente sonoro ominoso que ofrece una perspectiva completamente opuesta a aquella de Paranoid Android; en vez de basarse en el temor y la paranoia causada por los demás y por su actitud, la banda nos incita a ir a dentro, a la verdadera fuente de nuestros temores y nuestra paranoia: nuestra propia mente. En este punto, la banda está estableciendo una reflexión sobre la misma naturaleza de la paranoia, afirmando que no solo es dependiente de los males de la sociedad, o de las actitudes o prejuicios de los demás. La banda establece que la paranoia es un ente independiente, natural, que es parte de ellos, que siempre es y siempre será - parte de nosotros también.
Fuentes bibliográficas:
- Footman, T. (2007). Radiohead: Welcome to the machine: Ok computer and the death of the Classic album. Chrome Dreams. 
- Forbes, B. W., & Reisch, G. A. (Eds.). (2013). Radiohead and Philosophy: Fitter happier more deductive. Open Court. 
- Greene, A. (2021, May 8). Inside 'OK computer': Radiohead look back on their paranoid masterpiece. Rolling Stone. Retrieved November 16, 2022, from https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/radioheads-rhapsody-in-gloom-ok-computer-20-years-later-121093/  
- Doemel, B. (2020, October 9). 'OK computer': The album that predicted the future. The Arizona State Press. Retrieved November 16, 2022, from https://www.statepress.com/article/2020/10/specho-ok-computer-the-album-that-predicted-the-future# 
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