#( against | blaine )
daltonblaine · 2 years
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Gleeful Paintbox Project: I Do ↳ Queer (not quite) couples in 4x14 — Quinntana & Klaine
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butterscotchx98 · 5 months
Rewatching glee
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cryscendo · 5 months
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tagged by @kurtsascot and @daisyishedwig !! thank you both!!
it’s been some time since i’ve done this, and as some of you may know, chapter 4 of the prohibition fic was posted on my birthday. i’ve actually been cooking with that story recently while i’m waiting on something to fall into place for the royalty au. so please be patient with me!!
anyways, here’s some 1920’s car guy kurt!!!
“Nice car,” Kurt commented softly, obviously speaking more to himself than to Blaine. When Blaine looked at Kurt, he could see that the young man was scanning over the build of the car, silently admiring it in a way that someone with a less keen eye for this type of thing never would. This, as it turns out, intrigued Blaine greatly.
“You know a thing about cars?” He asked.
Kurt gave a shrug that alluded to him trying to appear dismissive. Humble. “Or two.”
“The nance says he knows cars?” Puckerman’s voice cut in, and it was truly the worst possible time for Noah to decide to size someone up like this. “What kind of car is it then? Gimme make and model.” The question was obviously a pointed jab at Kurt. Blaine had to admit, he could understand Puckerman’s skepticism. Kurt certainly didn’t come off as the type.
Puckerman’s remark, however, seemed to have lit a fire inside Kurt. He cut his eyes at Puckerman and before Blaine had so much as a moment to intervene, Kurt spoke up with a suddenly newfound confidence.
“It’s a Rolls-Royce. A Silver Ghost, actually, which makes it a luxury car,” stated Kurt matter-of-factly, and he was correct.
Well, color Blaine impressed.
tagging for both fic and art!!
@warblercore @porcelainvino @unholy-fabray @twinkkurt @backslashdelta @hevanderson and anyone else who’d like to do this!!
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blaine didnt even tell their family they were going out they just booked it out of the house and down thes treet
spader, not having a great night: it’s not FAIR-- why aren’t you HERE...
blaine: five minutes. spader: w- what? blaine: it takes me five minutes to run to your house. five minutes.
spader: yeah im calm now you didnt have to do that
spader, building up a fire for them cuz they ran here in the middle of the night and are covered in mud: don’t you live like. ten minutes away blaine: I Ran
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
no but the way Rumor Has It/Someone Like You swept every other fucking round with no competition and then the second it goes up against one of if not THEE most popular Blaine solo in the show and starts to lag behind by a whopping 1% my inbox gets filled with anons claiming that the whole thing is rigged and me and all my followers hate women alskjflkdsfjs PLEASE even the Sebastian stans let go of Smooth Criminal more gracefully than this!!!!
also i appreciate all the asks i woke up to that were talking about this just to laugh at the ridiculousness, but i cannot talk about it anymore after this lol im not strong enough </3
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I genuinely think that one of the ironies of Blaine's character is that his self-hatred manifests in such a way that he has a distinct distaste for people who actually like him. He wants to be accepted - but he also has this...giant disrespect and even dislike for anyone who does accept him the way he is. He doesn't want to be with a person who would be with someone like him.
It's not like there weren't people who accepted him - including the parts of him that would commonly be seen as the nastiest aspects of him as a person. Aka the murders. (I say "commonly" bc it's not Blaine’s issue with himself)
Jackie from season 1 was strongly implied to genuinely have cared about Blaine (she even ratted out the guys who offered her a better brain deal) and he treated her like crap and then ended up killing her.
Candy cared a lot about Blaine (in season 3, Blaine getting shot by Stacey Boss literally sends her into rage mode. She stays with him after everyone else left him and went to work for Angus because she cares about him. She only leaves after he tells her that he doesn't care about her and never did). In turn, he keeps exploiting her and disrespecting her (and the more miserable he is, the more he disrespects her) until he drives her away.
If you look at the people he did genuinely like (more like became obsessed with) - it's people he had to lie to. Peyton only accepted him because of the whole fake amnesia "oh I regret everything so much, how could I be such a monster!" thing. And then you have Al Bronson who he thought he had bamboozled into liking him with a fake party, fake story, fake persona etc.
You even see this in his non-romantic tendencies: People who do put up with him he mistreats and uses until he breaking point, which leads people to betray him over and over. Meanwhile, David Anders is on record saying he genuinely wanted to be part of the morgue-squad (which yeah, also a fundamental aspect of the whole amnesia thing) and to somehow connect with these people (who he simultaneously keeps making fun of for being morally self-rightous etc)
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deldeldel90 · 8 months
could word vomit about Religious Blaine for DAYS;;
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samissobsessed · 10 months
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Yes mother🛐.
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Hold on, edit of the century coming through
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I needed something for a one shot banner and this came out so well
Like holy shit, that's Cori!!!!
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spaceorphan18 · 8 months
I agree Teenage Dream acoustic is brilliantly acted.
I have another one that should be given credit, for the same reasons really - Against all odds .
And I’m not getting into whether it’s for Sam or Kurt, I’m just crediting Darren where credit is due.
I think Against All Odds is fine. I don't know if I personally would put it in my top ten Blaine solos (or performances or acting Darren moments) but you do you nonny <3
I will say, that performance is for Sam. I have no idea why that's a controversial thing, or why people got so weird about it, because I think the scene is clear. I will say, it might have been a song that Blaine used in his head about Kurt, but in that moment, its about Sam.
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hotcinnamonsunset · 10 months
hate crimed at dinner (restaurant played glee cast version of baby it’s cold outside)
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alexandersimpleton · 10 months
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I guaran-fucking-tee you, if any of the plaid princes looked "terrifying" or "ugly" like Gwen, these princesses would have done the exact same thing Frederick did, and it's kinda pissing me off.
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mynonah · 2 years
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Something's Coming
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daltonblaine · 2 years
blaine the kind of boyfriend who nobly offers his jacket when they're out in the cold saying he'll "be fine" and then starts shivering when kurt reluctantly (and skeptically) takes the jacket
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
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Blaine + common c-ptsd patterns
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